Pattaya here we come

Culture shock

Wheein had never seen cheeks so fluffy. Is it normal that they look like little balls of cotton candy! Oh so fluffy! Wheein’s knuckles twitched and her knees tingled with the need to touch the babies cloud like cheeks. Aaron looked over to the little girl hopping around in her orange jumpsuit. Aaron chuckled as the four year old began to make an odd sound from the base of , it slowly became higher pitched before she grunted and threw herself at her father. 


“Fluffy!” Wheein yelled into her father’s pant leg. With a great big smile Aaron lifted his eldest up and into his arms where Wheein’s bright red face stared back at him. “Baby Fluffy”, Wheein whimpered, torso bowing back to see the infant in the plastic encased baby bed. Aaron grunted trying to catch his eldest as she bowed back and nearly did a backflip out of his arms.


“Wheein no, you can't do that. You’re going to get hurt.”


“But fluffy”, Wheein whined, voice guttural as she stayed  upside down to watch her new baby sister sleep. 


Finally righting his daughter Aaron grinned at Wheein, “Do you want to look at the baby?”


“Yes please”, Aaron looked around the room for a chair to stand Wheein on, he pressed a kiss to his sleeping wife’s forehead and quietly picked up the chair beside her bed. Wheein mushed her face up against the plastic walls and stayed like then until Aaron turned around.  Aaron tsked at his daughter and chuckled.


“Alright little lady, here you go”, Aaron grinned as he lifted Wheein up and onto the chair to stand and peer into the bed. “Eh, eh. You can't touch her head baby.”


“Oh sorry daddy.”


“It’s okay honey. Little Wendy’s head is really soft so we have to be very careful with her okay?”


“Okay!” Wheein chirped, before biting her lip nervously, “Um daddy. Can I touch baby Wenny’s face?”


“Hold on, let me get an alcohol pad and lotion for your hands before you touch the baby’s cheeks.” Wheein bounced in her spot waiting, what felt like an eternity passed before Wheein was finally allowed to touch the baby, she grunted as Aaron wiped her hands with alcohol and then applied the lotion. Nearly shoving her father away, Wheein finally feasted her eyes on the chubby cheeked baby, she held her hands out in front of her and clenched them as if to make sure they still worked.


“I touch now”, Wheein whispered. Slowly, she brought her hands down. Wheein’s eyes flitted to her fathers, seeking confirmation that she hadn't messed up. With a shaky breath, Wheein pressed a tiny hand to Wendy’s tiny chubby cheek. Oh my god. Wheein snatched her hand back and grinned wide, “i did it!” she yelled. Aaron chuckled before attempting to shush Wheein before she woke both her mother and baby sister.


Wendy sighed, little eyes fluttering open before seemingly locking onto her sister's own brown eyes. Wheein gasped, “Oh no. baby up.” Aaron watched as Wendy continued to stare up at her sister, quietly he wondered if Wendy could see. Wheein, once again reached a hand out. With the utmost care she picked up Wendy’s right hand and giggled in pure delight when Wendy clenched a tiny hand around her own. “I love you Wenny”. Wheein whispered, she didn't have the words yet, but she’d always be there for her little sister. Wendy may fall in the future, but she would always have someone in her corner. She would always have someone to cheer her on and wipe the tears, that's what a big sister was for anyway.




What if the baby shoots out like a football and I don't catch them in time? What if the donor has three eyes and thirteen fingers and the baby has that too? I mean, that's fine I’ll still love them. But we’ll have to homeschool them, children can be so mean these days. I mean, just yesterday someone went up to Irene and was like ma’am you’re fat. What an kid! It’s not like Irene is even showing that much! Ugh! I am so stressed out. 


“Amor”, oh my god what if Joy needs a C-section and then loses too much blood and needs a blood transfusion? ! I don't know Joy’s blood type. “Oye bebe!” oh god, does Joy even know her own blood type? “Oooh mi amor!’


“Joy!” I yell, oh jeez when did she get so close?


“Whoa!” Joy stumbled back and onto her side. Oh my god the baby!


“Oh my god! I'm calling 911! Where is the phone! Joy how many times have I told you to put the phone back on the receiver!”


“What? Wait! Wendy! Why are you calling the police?”


I whip to Joy, is she insane? “Uh, you fell! The baby!” Joy chuckles and stands in that way where the world stops, and I can’t tell if the hair flip is in slow motion or I've just had a . 


“Baby, I’m fine. And besides I fell onto my side, and I wasn't even standing when I fell, I just fell back. 


“But you could be hurt.”


Joy shakes her head, “No I’m fine. And the baby isn't even a baby yet, if it even took in the first place.”


“It did. I know it did.”




“Yep, I can feel it. Like in the air.” Joy nods and plops down on the sofa, she pats the space next to her. I follow wordlessly, good lord I’m whipped. “Can I tell you something?” 


“Of course”, Joy says propping her feet on the ottoman and pulling my head to rest on her shoulder. 


“I’m really nervous.”


“Yeah? About what? The vacation, the wedding or the baby?”


“Honestly once I start panicking over one the other just burst into my head and I start panicking all over again. I’m really anxious. We’re leaving next week, and we won’t know the results if it took or not until we get back and that makes me even more nervous. Because what if we make a mistake? Or what if I’m so hyper focused on the possible results that I mess up on picking the venue with you and we end up getting married in a pop up carnival. Or!” Joy presses a kiss to my lips and I’m pretty sure I just had a system shut down. Oh this is sinful, girl where are those hands going? 


“Don’t worry about a thing.” Joy mumbles, where is she looking?


“My eyes are up here” I joke weakly. 


“Oh I know. But I prefer to look down here”.


“Oh”, that’s dirty. 




Seulgi isn’t wearing the utility belt, granted we are in the airport so it’s not like she could really bring her gun with her. But thankfully she isn’t hovering all over Irene, she’s just hawkeye staring at her. Which you know. Baby steps. Irene looks like she’s ready to murder Katy, which at this point is just the normal flow of things. Joy is off grabbing every snack from every store she can find, something about Irene being pregnant and needing to constantly eat. I don’t know. She was talking too fast. Eric looks excited, he cut his hair. Which is a shame, it was so nice before. We’re still waiting for Summer and Sunny to show up, don’t they know you’re supposed to arrive at the airport two hours before your flight? 


Tsk, rookie mistake. I made sure we got here three hours early, I will not be missing this flight! “Hey guys!” Irene jumps and Seulgi is there in what feels like an instant. Irene grabs at her chest and sighs, “really Sooyoung? Must you be so loud?” Summer shrugs. 


“Sorry dearest cousin. I forgot you’re faint of heart. Where’s Joy?” I point to the tall woman making her to us with more bags than body. “Oh cool!” Summer takes off to Joy. Sunny grins at us, “this is so exciting. I’ve never been to Thailand.”


“It’s really beautiful”, Seulgi says before hugging Irene to her body. 


“I told Eric we should aim for the mile high club”, oh my god, she did not just say that! Everyone stares at Katy like she’s grown thirty heads and suddenly grew a pair of D cups. As per usual, Katy is smiling like she didn’t just say something horrible. 


“Um babe. You’re not supposed to say that out loud.”


“I had to! To warn them, it’s the Christian way.” Disgusting. Joy’s grinning when she catches up to us with Summer. She’s so cute. “Hey guys! Did you see Summer wipe out half way here?” Summer glares at Joy, which looks really familiar to the way Katy is glaring at Summer. Ahh full circle violence. 


“I didn’t wipe out. I tripped and caught myself.”


“No. It was more like. You tripped, flailed, and then slid on your knees for a couple inches.”


“I looked cool.”


“You look like a flamingo on roller skates” eventually we find ourselves seated and I’m then accosted by the very people I call family for getting them to the airport on time. By the time it’s boarding time Katy is sporting a bruised arm for upsetting Irene. Seulgi has begun twitching with the effort to not suddenly attack anyone getting anywhere near Irene. Joy and Summer are absolutely ripping everyone’s ear drums a new one by screaming the lyrics of lipgloss. Eric somehow is asleep. Sunny is reading, she must be made of iron and carved by steel and sprinkled in Adderall to still be focused on what she’s reading. 


“Amor, I’m gonna run to the bathroom real quick. Okay?” Umm. No. 


“What? Joy we’re boarding in fifteen minutes. Just go in the plane. They have a bathroom there”


“But princesa, I really gotta go.”


“Then why didn’t you go an hour ago.”


“Because an hour ago I didn’t have to go.”


“Are you serious? You sound like a kid.”


Joy glares at me, I bite my tongue to not fall weakly under those y eyes. I glare back. “You weren’t saying that last night. Or this morning.” I gasp. Oh that dirty scoundrel.


“Yeah? Well you weren’t being mean when I made you my special double chocolate chip cookies.” 


With narrowed eyes Joy stands, looks around, sighs and plops back down. “Ugh!” I pat her hand, that’s my baby. 


A flight attendant comes into the lobby and begins calling in people by seat order. And because I’m a walking genius, I ordered our seats a long time ago and we’re the second wave to enter. I sit against the window, leaving Joy to put our carry on luggage into the overhead compartment. Have you ever looked outside the window of a plane? They must really clean these windows because they’re always so clean I can’t see my reflection. It’s almost like the window isn’t even there. I wonder what they use to clean the windows. You know what’s a weird phrase? Spit shine. 


Wouldn’t that just make it dirty? No sense. “What are you doin?” I smile at Joy. 


“Just thinking how weird it is to say spit shine”.


“That’s not weird. You clean your glasses with spit.”


“Ew what? No I do not, what in the world. That is so unsanitary.”


“Is not. When you breathe on them to clean them that’s spit.”


“Joy! No it is not, it's hot breath. To create moisture. Like condensation.” 


“The moisture is spit.”


“No it is not! Woman are you on drugs?”


Joy grins and shakes her head, “wanna join the mile high club?”


What the hell is going on? “What? In what world is talking about spit shine a good Segway into on a plane?” Joy shrugs. 


“Pregnancy makes me .”


I narrowed my eyes at her and pressed my 30 dollar manicured finger into her shoulder, “you said you didn’t even know if it took.” She shrugs and does that y thing with her hair before winking and promptly shutting down all my synapses. 


“It’s my body I can sense these things. So mile high?”


With my jaw firmly on the floor I stare at her, “are you serious?”


“As a pregnancy.”


I continue to stare. “It doesn’t count if we haven’t taken off yet”. Speaking of taking off. Why haven’t we taken off yet? “Putting your hormones on hold, why haven’t we taken off yet?” Joy sits up straight and glances around, she unbuckles and stands for a second before sitting back down. Did she figure something out? That was a whole lot of inspection she was doing there. Joy buckles her seatbelt again, I watch her. Why isn't she saying anything? Did she see something? 


“Joy”, she smiles at me.




I blink, she blinks, I look at her, she looks back. I stick a hand out in a, well hello? She nods, “what?”


“Are you serious! What did you see?”




“So why did you get up?”


“Well you asked me about the plane, so I looked around for my pilot's uniform because you must have thought I knew how the plane worked. But when I didn't see my uniform and checked my bank account I decided you must be mistaken and sat back down.” I take a deep breath because Jesus lord ground me before I bite this woman. I cleared my throat and sat back in my seat, Joy in her lips in what im assuming is an attempt to not laugh. 


It's fine, it's fine. Don't get mad, just tell her no when she asks if I wanna have ten thousand miles in the sky. Mile high club? I’ve been in enough clubs, I don't need that. Hmpf! I’ll have you know, I graduated with a 4.0 in all my classes and was voted most likely to succeed three times in a row. I was club director in the Korean heritage and culture club, and student council president! Captain of the varsity soccer team and captain of the chess club! 


Joy snorts beside me, gets comfy in her chair and grins at literally nothing. There is nothing to smile at! The TVs are off, the attendant isn’t in the aisle. WHAT ARE YOU SMILING AT! “Hey guys!” A voice yells, I look up. 


“Wheein?” Standing in front of me, hazelnut hair awry and chubby cheeks puffed in the greatest smile is my big sister. “What are you doing here!” I jump up, holy crap my sister is here!


Wheein laughs and hugs me, I catch the now blonde Moonbyul behind her pulling luggage and huffing and per usual yelling “weenah!” 


“We literally just got off our flight from Canada, so that’s why we’re late. We had to sprint here and Byul kept saying her legs hurt but I literally don’t understand because we’ve been sitting the whole time.” I laugh as Byul finally gets close and huffs beside Wheein. 


“You ”.


“But I got here first didn’t I?”


“Because you made me hold everything!”


“You’re older, you’re supposed to be taking care of me. Right unnie?” Byul cheeks instantly redden and I pull my sister’s best friend into a tight hug. 


“While I am so happy to see you guys. What are you doing here?”


“You thought I wasn’t going to go with you for venue shopping? How many sisters do you think I have? Spoiler alert, it’s only one. I can’t miss this!”


“Hey! What is this a lifetime movie! were waitin here!” Wheein and Byul look over to the man and blush, “Sorry sir”. We all echo. 


“Hey! Shut your ing mouth!” Joy and Katy yell, hurling their neck pillows and insults at the man. 


Oh dear lord, my Canadian morals. “What did you say to me!” The middle aged man yells. 


“Oh god”, Wheein mumbles, rushing to shove Joy back into her seat, I catch Eric trying to pull Katy into her seat. She still manages to eviscerate the man though. 


“That’s why the only hair left on your bald dumb head is in your ear! you! And your third chin and flappy !”


“Oh my god”.




Two hours into the flight I have to use the bathroom, pushing Joy’s head over to Wheein’s shoulder causes my sister to groan in pain. “Goodness! Head made of stone aye?” I walk past the man with flappy as Katy described and past a cute little girl with braids. She shakes her head at the TV screen on the back of the chair, beads on the end of her braids rattle and shake. I hope my baby is as cute as she is in the future. 


I knock on the door, it only takes a couple seconds for the door to open and all my horrors to hit me in the face. Eric opens the door, hair in disarray. Katy shows up seconds later, tucking in her white shirt. “Oh hey Wannie!” And as if I’m a second thought the demon woman and her humble walk by me as if they didn’t just desecrate the bathroom. It’s so narrow! How did they even have in here!




When Joy wakes up later, she leaves to go to the bathroom only to return with a pale face and wide eyes. “I went to use the bathroom, I found your sister and Moonbyul instead.”  


“When I went earlier I found Katy and Eric”, I sob into Joy’s neck. 


“Oh god, that’s like indirect . Oh my god, what if your sister's is where Katy’s was? Ew this is disgusting!” 


When Wheein comes back she’s flushed and smiling. She’s a sinner. 


We do not join the mile high club. But we do leave thoroughly ashamed of the hooligans we’ve brought on board. 




Irene is pacing when we get to the lot where we’re picking up our rental. “Babe, calm down.”


“Do not. Tell me to calm down.”


“Sorry. Sorry. But you’re stressing out, there isn’t a reason to stress.”


“Yes there is! Wheein and Moonbyul are here! The minivan was only meant to carry you, me. Joy, Wendy,Summer, Sunny. Katy and Eric! There isn’t space for two more! Maybe it’s not too late to upgrade? We could rent a bus.”


“Uh. What? Like a tour bus?”


“Yeah! Just like that!” Irene says, face lighting up to the possible solution. 


“What are we George Bush and his team? We are not renting a bus”, I say. Irene immediately deflates until my sister pipes up. 


“Guys, you don’t have to worry. We rented a car”. 




“Yeah”, Byulyi nods behind my sister, cheeks puffed. “We’re just waiting for the valet to bring it with your van.” As if on cue, two horns honk and I look up to see the grey Toyota Hiace we’ll be traveling in and what the hell is that! “Is that a Bentley!” Eric shrieks. Good lord he can hit high notes. 


“You betcha! We’re gonna roll like dignitaries, right Byul?” I scoff at the high five my sister and Byul share.


“You’re gonna get robbed.” Joy says. 


“Nope! We got that covered”, once again. As if from thin air a very large man appears from behind a row of cars. “Meet Channarong, he’s our body guard. Apparently his name means experienced warrior. Sup Rong”, the large man grunts as some form of a greeting. 


“He’s a man of few words”, Moon Byul says leaning against the man with Wheein. They look like stuffed bears next to this beast of a man. 


“In fear that I may need support, we will be assisted by my work mate. Ahn Hyejin. You wrote on your paperwork that you are Canadian Korean, Miss Ahn is also Korean. We hope you’ll get along well.”


A woman with curves blessed by the gods and a face kissed by herself walks up alongside Channarong. I’m pretty sure all our hearts skipped a couple beats. Holy crap. “Whoa. She’s hot.”


“She’s kinda short”,  It falls silent as we all stare at Moonbyul. “What? She is! Ma’am how tall are you?”


The walking goddess simply stares at Moon Byul. “5’4 even.”


“Ahh you see!” Byul cheers and points at herself. “I thought so. I’m 5’4 three quarters”. 




The accommodation is beautiful. A two story six bedroom, two and a half, indoor pool glass house. Two steps in and Katy is already talking about pool , honestly I don’t know how she’ll accomplish that. It gets reallllll dry down there when water is involved, hope she brought baby oil. The three rooms down stairs we all deem too small and not enough of a view for the adults and leave Summer and Sunny to decide what room they want. 


But upstairs. Oh yeah. That’s where the magic is. A room sits to the far left. Boasting a skyline view, something to gaze up at when the sunsets. A beautiful balcony, littered with bright plants. Joy starts rattling off names and gushing about growing them in Puerto Rico. As cute as she is, I tune her out. I haven’t the slightest clue what the heck she’s talking about. 


The downside to this magical room is the huge window. I am in no way and morning person, the sun can stay where it belongs. Away from me. Irene wants the room immediately, with her claustrophobia and morning person self. Seulgi pouts as we leave her behind. The middle room does not boast a sunset view, but it shows the wide expanse of Pattaya and it’s beaches, it’s open window to the right of the room. And guess what, no sun baby! Just as I’m about to call dibs Katy come sprinting in. 


“Called it!” She yells, running and jumping into the well made bed that I had fully intended on ruining my own damn self! 


“What? You can’t call dibs I was here first.”


“I called it first.”


“That literally makes no sense. That’s like saying oh I called it! When someone is already in the front seat. I was here first.”


“Well I didn’t see you.”


“So? I was here. You can’t call dibs.”


“It’s too late. Finders keepers losers weepers.”


“You didn’t find it! I was already here!”


“You leave it you lose it.”


“Now you’re just speaking nonsense!”


“What in the world is going on here?” Eric asks, they cut his hair.


“She’s trying to take my room! I was already here!”


Eric grins, “babe. Joy told you that Wendy would probably want this room.” Groaning Katy throws herself at Eric. Much like a child she wails into his chest, jumps up and wraps herself around him. Together they waddle out of the room. 


“What in the seven seas is wrong with everyone today?” I plop onto the bed that has lost some of its appeal now that Katy got into it first. 


“Wepa! Que linda, viste el patio?” (Whoa. So beautiful/how beautiful. Did you see the patio?)


Joy looks like some kind of Amazonian warrior, all tall tan legs and muscled arms. I’ve never seen someone make a pair of jeans and a t shirt look so regal. “What did you say?”


“I said it’s really pretty. Did you see the patio?”


“We don’t have a patio”, I point out eyes trained squarely on Joy’s shapely . 


“I meant Irene and Seulgi’s” 


“Oh. I didn’t stay in there too long. The window wall scared me enough to run right away”. Joy chuckles, and turns from the window to plop down on the sofa next to it. “Did the children find their room?” I laugh. 


“Yes”, my future wife grins. “I do believe Summer and Sunny found a room they like. Something about being closer to the pool to watch Katy and Eric.”


“That’s disgusting.”


“And somehow. So on brand for Summer and Katy.”


“Maybe in the future they’ll end up together.” 


“And what about Eric and Sunny?”


I shrug, “a horrible natural disaster will take them out. Flying meat balls will come down and clobber Eric who will fly into Sunny and knock them both off a cliff.”


Joy stares at me. “Did you smoke something on the way here?”




Summer is the first one to jump in the pool, not one to be one upped though. Katy is the first to jump in . “She’s so wild”, Eric says, big oh grin on his face. 


“It never makes you uncomfortable?” Wheein asks from beside me. Eric shrugs. 


“I love her for her. Not a part of her, not some, not most. I love her for all of her. Her farts when she’s asleep, her talking to herself when she showers, her driving 90 on her motorcycle in between cars, her weird obsession with French bread. Everything. You know, when she wants to focus. She puts two hands over her face, and just repeats. Focus. Focus. Focus. I mean, how can you not just absolutely love her and all her crackhead behavior.” Now that is true love. That’s beautiful. 


“Hey babe! Look! They float!” Katy yells, pointing at her chest. Eric only grins wider. I take it back. They’re both weird and Eric is suffering from some form of Stockholm syndrome. Eric jumps in. 


“Honey. I know I’ve asked this before, but what is wrong with your Katy friend? What is she taking? Smoking? Drinking?” 


“That’s just how she is. My question is, what are you really doing here?” 


“I already told you, I wanted to be here for this. I was there when you were born, when you spoke your first muddled words, took your first steps, I stood outside your classroom door during your first test. I watched you from outside as you took your permit test, I dropped you off at driving school. And followed you on my bike during your on road test. I cried when you got into that American college but was there for all your first days. I’m just sad I wasn’t there for your first day at work. Or your engagement. Or that hospital visit for the baby with Joy. I’ve always been there and I don’t want it to stop. I want to always be here.” Smiling fondly, I rest my head on my big sister's shoulder. 


“You’re the best. You know that?”


“For you baby girl. I’ll be anything.” Together with my big sisters we watched our friends act like full on crack heads. They’re a bit much but I wouldn’t ask for better friends. 


Or more. Definitely not more. Too much crackhead. 




Cristobal watches, inches forward and no! Don’t touch. He inches forward again and just like the last hour he backtracks and doesn’t touch the baby girl. 


Ay Dios. How can something so small and beautiful make my heart do this? Cristobal turnes to his grinning wife who leans against the door sill. “Amor. Mira al bebè. Es bella. Mi niña querida.”  (Love. Look at the baby. She’s beautiful. My dear girl.) Maya’s response is to continue watching, to giggle when Cristobal gushes and grin when he starts jumping in place. 


“You’ll wake her.”


Cristobal frowns, “she’s been asleep all day”.


“She’s an infant amor. It’s normal.”


“But she slept all day yesterday too.”


“And that is normal.”


“Are you sure? Maybe she’s sick and sleeping a lot because of it. She came from another country Maya her immune system might not be ready for this. Oh no. Maybe it’s the hole?” Sensing her husband’s spiral maya cooes, pinches cristobals cheeks and wraps an arm around him. 


“Mi amor. Cálmate. No te preocupe. She’s a strong girl. You know how I know?” (My love. Calm down. Don’t worry.)




“Because she’s your daughter.”


In that moment, as if at the call of god himself. Joy stirs, cracks open an eye and focuses solely on her father. 


“She’s watching me”.


“I don’t think so honey. She’s too young to be able to focus.”


“But look!” Cristobal grins, “you’re special. Si?” Cristobal picks up his special daughter. “Let’s go on the boat Joy. You’ll see water.”




There are not many perfect things in this world. But the few that exist always bring smiles and happiness to everyone. Like my fiancé. Tiny and beautiful. A mother Teresa I would say. She enters a room voila! Happiness. 


My legs. Have you seen them? I won’t go into it, Wendy would get upset. Last but not least. Breakfast for dinner. Ever had a waffle with strawberries and whip cream at ten at night? If not. You should. Life got you teary eyed? Eggs and bacon baby. 


Breakfast for dinner is awesome, unless you’re wendy and watching Katy mix milk into pancake mix. Because then you’re a broken woman. “What the hell are you doing! I gave you a measuring cup! Do you even know how much you’re putting in?”


My best friends hold up a hand, my bull meter is off the charts. “Cooking is all about following your senses and your heart Wendy.” Wendy shoots me a look. Oh my poor baby. 


“Wait a minute. No. No, no I can’t do this. JOY!”


“Yes my queen?”


“Take her. Please. Now. Before I add her into the mix.”


“Ohh! miss shon”. Before my Wonderful Woman can kill my best friend. I drag her away. “C’mon before I need to testify against my future wife”


“You’d testify against her?” I shrug. 


“Let’s not think about it.” Summer ends up helping Wendy cook while I lay poolside with my bestie. 


“Here, I got this for you.”


I look down, “a pregnancy test?”


“Yeah. It takes about three weeks to find out, it’s been four. Have you had your period yet?”


“I was supposed to start it Wednesday of last week actually.”


“And did anything happen?” I grinned. 


“I still haven’t gotten it. But it’s only a couples day. It’s been a couple days late before.”


“Lies. It’s never been late. And we’re synced up! And I got mine last Thursday.”


“Oh that so bad. I hate getting my period on vacation. Wait. You know my period dates?”


This disgusting creature in front of me presses a finger to my untainted lips. “Shh. Go take the test.”


“You had in the plane on your period?!”


“Eric has low iron levels.”  I gag. That is so disgusting. 


“You are a monster!”


“Hush and go take your test!”


“And if it’s not positive?”


“Then you take another one next week. That’s why I only gave you the test and I didn’t do it in front of Wendy. I want you to decide what happens next.” I look down at the white box, do I want it to say yes? I mean, obviously I do. But. Will I be able to focus on the wedding knowing I have this in me? What if it says no? It’s rare it takes on the first try anyway. Should I do it?


“Want me to go with you?”


Oh man I love this girl. “Yes please.”


“Well then come on baby mama.”




This place is so fancy even the floor feels comfy. “What does it say?”


“The box says I need to wait five minutes.”


“How long has it been?”


“Ten seconds. You literally just barged in here.”


“This is so exciting”, Katy gushes. Oh I’m so nervous. Why am I so nervous? Katy’s grins at me, I pull her into a bone crushing hug. Oh god. Why am I crying? “Oh sweetie no. Why are you crying?”


“I don’t know. I’m just so. Just so ahh! I just. I love you so much and you’re so dumb sometimes but I just. I just love you Katy. I love you. And Wendy. And our life and that no matter what or who you’ve always been right here and you never leave me.”


Katy cups my tear stained cheeks, I’ll ignore the pancake mix all over her hands. “Hey you’re my soulmate. In every lifetime we've been together, from the day I met you I knew it. I knew you’d always be my constant. You’re my best friend, my sister. There was a time where I hated hearing you call me your sister, but I never took a risk because I need you. And I’d never risk that. Because I don’t care how I have you but that you’re here. I will always be here, but like you have always been here. 


When I’m sad or mad or happy or nervous you have always been right there on the sidelines cheering me on. I will always be here, and this baby. Will always have a piece of my heart. You’re my sister and I’m that baby’s aunt.”


Oh god stop crying! I hug Katy again. I love this woman. “Wanna check the test?” 


“You want me to check?” I nod. 


“Okay”, Katy stands and bends over my legs to see the test on the counter top. I squeeze my eyes shut. "Ready?"




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Chapter 61: Asvafsfdhk!!! Omg !!!i thought i was free from this Fic but now i need to know what happened to erik
Shhhh I'm not complaining I really love your Work
Chapter 1: I love how latin this is, it makes me feel at home 🥺
Chapter 11: I appreciate the exposure to the Puerto Rican culture here. Makes me want a Joy Maribel Ruiz Garcia for myself. <3

-your loyal supporter
Chapter 4: I'm enjoying this story so much. What a delight. The style of writing is absolute perfection.

-your loyal supporter
Chapter 62: Ohh this is such a treat!! Idk why I only just find it now but my gosh author nim! I gobbled up everything and I just can’t stop xD everyone’s a crackhead here I’m starting to turn into one hahaha I’m sooooo excited to jump to blended now!!! Hnghhh seasonn 2 here we comeeee ohh and thankyou so much for sharing your amazing workk!!💕💕💕
StDekki #6
Chapter 1: JAJAJAJAJA No puedo dejar de reírme.
Chapter 62: Lol!!!!
Chapter 62: The chaos they would bring... Wendy 💚💚💚💙💙💙
1198 streak #9
Chapter 62: Oh your such a tease for this!
Outtie11 #10
Chapter 62: Lol!