Say you’re sorry

Culture shock

Junito pulled Saeron along with him, “where are you taking me?”


“Just a little further.”


Saeron sighed but allowed herself to be pulled by the shorter man. “Here we are” Junito said, a bright smile on his face. 


Saeron looked around, “dude were in a-“ her breath caught as Junito bent down and pointed at her. 


“Saeron, meet my mom. Mom meet Saeron, she’s my best friend. I found her”, Saeron swallows harshly as Junito hugs the gravestone. It’s now that Saeron reads the writing etched on it. 


Maria Ruiz 




A mother. A sister. But importantly: a lover. 


Tears burn at Saeron’s eyes as she watches Junito dust off the stone and speak to it. “Estàs bien mommy? Estas comiendo con los ángeles?” (Are you well mommy? Are you eating with the angels?)


Junito looks up at Saeron and smiles, “come sit. I wanna tell you a story. Whether it’s a Latin stereotype. Or just an inner city kid thing I don’t know. But I didn’t have a father. Never met him. He left me and moms when I was 3 months old. Went to get some bread and just ain’t never come back. Must be a long line.” Junito jokes, he smiles at the stone. “But you see my mom, she was strong man. She said god made Adam without a man, imma raise this boy without one too. 


And my mom did. She worked three jobs to keep me in school and taken care of. It’s why I never let temptation get me bro, I didn’t let myself fall into a gang or into hard drugs. Because my mom worked too damn hard for me to be just another inner city stereotype. But one day, my mom just couldn’t get up. Every morning she got up at four to have me dressed and take me to my aunts house, then she was off to the diner. Then, to the supermarket to bag and hear people call her a worthless immigrant like she wasn’t an American like them. Then, to the college to clean. She would get home every night at 1. Make my breakfast and lunch for school, sleep till four and do it all over again bro.” Junito shook his head and began to pat down the dirt around him. 


“My mom was a superhero bro. She ain’t wear a cape, she wore heart and soul. Dedication and determination. But one day, when I was 12. I walked into my moms room, she hadn’t woken me for school. And there she was, crying and aching in pain because her feet just would not ing move anymore. She tired herself out and she could not get back up. I tried pulling her up, I even called my uncle and aunt to help. They did their best but couldn’t keep her standing.”


“What happened?” Saeron asks, now looking at the stone in awe and sadness. 


“My mom wasn’t taking care of herself. She had what’s called peripheral artery disease. Her arteries were too small, couldn’t push enough blood to her limbs. So she couldn’t use em. Doctor told my mom to rest, and when I asked if she would ever be able to walk. He said he didn’t know because it was so severe. And then, we became a statistic. Another inner city family on welfare. Another woman that needed a nurse. My mom fought so hard just to end up bed ridden. I used to hear my mom cry herself to sleep. 


But then something beautiful happened. A gift from god, my little cousin comes waltzing into my house one morning. Makes my mother breakfast, and sits down in front of my mom. And she held my moms hand and said, Titi si tu prometeme que vas a aguantar mis manos Te prometo que nunca dejaré tu lado”


“What does that mean?” Saeron asked. 


“She basically said, if my mom promised to hold her hand, that she would never leave my moms side. And she kept her promise. She was there every morning and every night. Made breakfast and dinner for my mom. Never left her side. And in one year my little cousin got my mom walking again. 


It started out with just standing for a couple seconds. And then, they would walk to the edge of the bed. And then to the tv. And then they would walk to the kitchen and back. And then to the front door and back. And they just kept going and in only 365 days my mom had full mobility again. She had to take pain meds to help with pain and she quit her jobs and started as a receptionist for a hotel so she could sit”. 


Saeron grinned, “dudes that freaking awesome”. 


“Yeah it was”, Junito laughed but then the stone seemed to catch his eyes again and Saeron realized. The story didn’t end here.  “My mom walked great for another four years. One night on Super Bowl Sunday she was cooking empenadillas with Joy when I heard a bunch of laughter in the kitchen. I go in. My mom has her head tipped back, her nose was bleeding and she was giggling with Joy. 


I didn’t think anything of it, actually I had joked and asked Joy if she punched mom in the face. The next day, my moms nose is bleeding again. I tell her that doesn’t seem healthy, it wasn’t hot or anything for it to be bleeding. And after Joy begged her, my mom goes to the ER. We wait at Lincoln hospital for like 4 hours for them to tell us my mom has cancer.”


Saeron’s mouth sags open and she looks at the stone, hoping this story doesn’t end this way. Because that isn’t fair. That’s not how a happy story ends. “No. Junito, what?”


“My mom didn’t cry once. She spoke about treatment options. Spoke about how she was going to bounce back because I’m telling you Ron. My mom was a ing super hero. We went home, and everyone came to the house. Because In times like this you want to be with family. At night, my mom says she’ll be right back and she's gonna go to her room. A couple minutes later, Joy goes too. 20 minutes pass and I’m like where are they? I went to my mom's room, and there they were. Just cuddling. Asleep. I was gonna leave them be, but my mom just wakes up suddenly. Says mijo come here. Lay with me. 


So I did. I got in that bed and laid with my mom and I felt so safe and happy. The worst news was given to me but here my mom was so everything had to be okay right? My mom tells me, listen. You take care of Mari okay? She’s a little angel and you need to protect her. And I’m thinking why are you telling me this mom? I’ll always protect Joy. She's my cousin. Of course. But my mom keeps going. Keeps telling me that I need to be there when she falls. That I need to lift her up when she can’t walk on her own. 


I said okay mom. But I guess I had an attitude because my mom started tickling me, she said let’s pray. So we prayed. Somewhere in that prayer. I fell asleep. A couple hours later I wake up to Joy’s tall trying to shimmy out the bed. She says she's gonna make breakfast for us. I fall back asleep holding my mom close. Joy comes back, calls my mom's name. Mommy doesn’t wake up. She calls again. Mommy doesn’t move. 


I sit up. Joy shakes my mom and mommy doesn’t move. And I know, I see it in my moms smile. That my mom was gone. Joy starts shaking my mom and yelling and begging her to wake up. And then it all made sense, take care of Mari because there will come a day where I’m not here anymore. I just didn’t expect it to be so soon. My mom was a hero man. My hero and Joy’s hero and she died the way she deserved. Smothered in love with her niece and her baby boy. 


But man. I was so angry. They said everything happens for a reason and I said what the was the reason to take my mom after she fought so hard to be here. Said god needed another angel and I said him. She’s my mom not your ing angel.”


Saeron bites her lip as a sob fights it’s way out, Junito doesn’t look at her but he does throw an arm around her and hug her close. 


“I’m so sorry Juni.”


“Sh. Sh. Don’t be. You need to hear the rest of the story. A couple years pass, the day before college. I spent the night at Katy’s house with her family and Joy. They’re all crackheads bro. Wait till you meet em. But, we get ready for bed. I’m asleep in the guest room, and I feel a dip in the bed. Katy is afraid of animals so I know it ain’t a dog. I think maybe Joy is just too excited and can’t sleep so she came to my room. I turn around, nobody is there. But the dip in the bed starts to move and I think to myself, oh I should be scared. But I wasn’t, and then suddenly. 


I was just warm. Just nice and cozy, and I felt so safe and happy. I felt like I was a little boy again, and my mom was holding me while I slept. I had a dream that night. That I was at Pelham bay park. Playing around, and mom takes my hand and says mijo come with me. I want you to meet someone. And there’s a woman, older. Very beautiful but I was more focused on the little girl with her. She had a Sonic the Hedgehog Plush toy. And I wanted it.”


“I had a sonic toy”, Saeron’s whispers. 


“I play with this little girl in my dream for a long time, and then my mom says it’s time to go. And I was so sad because I didn’t want to leave. I didn’t want to leave my new friend. But the woman, who was holding her hand bent down, takes the sonic from the little girl and gives it to me and says. This will bring you safety and security and a friend forever. And all I’m

Thinking is ma’am it’s a toy. 


Then I wake up. And we’re running late for school on our first damn day! On our way to school a girl bumps into me, and her father is like hey! I said no running and in his mind a proper punishment was to give me the toy the little girl had dropped when she ran into me. It’s a sonic plush toy. I’m like this is weird but okay. 


We make it to school on time and I go the whole day at school and when I’m about to leave I see this really tall girl sitting on a bench crying. Tell me what happens next.”


Saeron nuzzles her head closer into Junitos neck as she cries, “I was crying because I accidently lost the tiny sonic keychain my mom had given me before she died. And then you showed up and smiled at me like everything was going to be okay. And you joked about my height and then you gave me a sonic plush toy.”  


“And with you Sae, I always feel safe, secure, and loved.”




My bestfriends in love with me. Oh Jesus, my best friend is-Nope. No. I can’t. In love with me? What do I do? Do I do anything? Do I just pretend I didn’t hear it? No that’s not right, this Katy. My Katy. My best friend. One of the most important women in my life. Almost like a sister. 


Should I talk to her about it? Should we take a trip to the park? Will it change our partnership at the station? Should I not talk to her about Wendy and I? Does that hurt her feelings when I do? Last night, when Seulgi became the Asian Kill bill and just murdered everyone’s good night and Katy did a runaway bride and attacked my cousins s and then chased Saeron to the airport I realized. Holy my best friend is in love with me. 


Am I a bad person for never noticing? Oh Jesus. I think I might be a bad person. My good people rep just dropped to sub zero levels and I’m rising high on the you’re a ty person pole. Damn it! I need help. 




“Baby I’m right next to you, you don’t need to yell.” Ah sí. My sweet, sweet lover from Canada. 


“Sorry amor.” I roll over, Wendy grunts. She’s so cute. The cutest. “Amorsita, am I a bad person?” Wendy grunts again, not the feedback I was looking for but I’ll take it. “You think I’m a bad person don’t you? I feel like I’m a ty person. Pero nunca pensé que esto pasaría (I never thought that this would happen).” Wendy grunts one more time and juts her hips into mine, I roll off her beautiful backside. 


“Baby”, Wendy heaves a deep breath. Hair all up in her face in all types of disarray. Cheeks red. My goodness, she is beautiful even when she’s a hot mess. Mí reina (my queen). “Honey, okay. Phew. I couldn’t breathe, let me just get a good lungful. First things first, how many times do I have to tell you not to lay on top of my back.”


“We were cuddling”. 


“No. You were cuddling, I was suffocating. I don’t mind you laying on me baby, but if I’m face down laying your entire body on my back is not it. I will gladly turn over and hold you babe. But you’re like two heads taller than me so there’s that.” I pout, I just wanted to cuddle her! “Now, to your question. No Joy you aren’t a band person, oblivious? Absolutely. But you’re not bad.”


“She really never said anything Wendy!”


Wendy nods at me, lays back down and holds her arms out, I rest against her chest. “Exactly babe. You’re not a mind reader and she never said anything.”


“I feel like I should have noticed something.”


“Maybe, but it’s not like she had it tattooed on her face. Katy chose to never say anything, so it’s not your fault for never noticing anything. But, I will say this. You can’t change how you treat her.”


Change? “What do you mean? Change?”


Wendy nods and kisses the top of my head, she smells nice. “It might be a bit awkward knowing the truth. She never should have lied about the whole Saeron thing, but keeping her feelings about you to herself was completely her right. Seulgi never should have outed Katy’s feelings, now calling Katy on lying about Saeron I understand. But Katy lying does not take away from the fact that Katy is your best friend. That Katy has always been there for you. That Katy was your first friend stateside and that Katy has always been by your side. Katy is and has always been, a great friend.”


“She slept with my father.” 


“Neither of you knew he was your father.”


“She slept with my cousin and her girlfriend.”


“Irene and Seulgi chose to do that, so if you’re going to get mad at Katy you need to get mad at them to.”


I sigh and lift myself up to stare at Wendy. “I don't know what to do.”


“You don’t do anything baby. Katy is not suddenly a different person. You need to continue to remember who she is. You need to talk to her, but don’t change. That’s how you lose friends baby.”


“I just, I get not telling me. But I don’t understand lying about Saeron. I especially don’t understand chasing her to the damn airport to cause a scene. I get it, Katy is extra. It’s her MO. But that was just, I don’t know. It was a bit too much.”


“And I completely agree with you. But you can’t get mad at Katy for something that has nothing to do with you. She and Saeron are going to have to settle their own drama. The only thing you can get upset about, is her lying to you. That’s it.”


I sigh and sit back on my knees, “I should go see her.”


“At two in the morning?”


“I bet she’s awake.”


“Yeah well, you really shouldn’t be out at this hour. Come to bed and we’ll talk to her tomorrow morning.”


I shake my head and climb out the bed, I can’t sleep. I need to talk to her. I need to karate chop Katy in the and then kiss her head and tell her everything is going to be alright. “Babe, babe please lay back down. It’s too late to be out walking around in the Bronx Joy.”


“But she’s my best friend!”


“And she’ll still be your best friend tomorrow. But please, you know. You gotta take care of yourself now.” I lift a brow at Wendy. 


“Take care of myself?”


“Yeah, you gotta be careful. The baby.” Oh she is the cutest oh my god. Okay, fine. I’ll sleep, or try. And then tomorrow, it’s me and Katy. I take my shirt off again, “you’re right. I have to be careful. But you do know that I’m not pregnant right?”


“But we did the thing thing you know?”oh she’s so cute oh my god. I crawl back into the bed and this time decide Wendy can suffocate me a bit and pull her against me. 


“Well if it did take on the first try, then we conceived. But nothing has formed, so there isn’t a baby. I could pee right now and boom no baby at all.”


“We should take a test.”


“It’s been two days bella (beautiful). It takes a couple weeks to know.”


“That’s so long”, Wendy groans. 


“Time will pass quickly if we keep focusing on the wedding planning. So what else is there before the Pattaya trip.”


“Well Pattaya is in two weeks. We’ve already finished dresses for both of us. Passports got here yesterday. We’ve already set up venues to scout in Pattaya. Katy and Irene said they would handle the flowers. So really we need to finish our invitations and send them out. And then cake testing is also in Pattaya. So all that’s left is the carters and waiting the two weeks. Can we do the test on that day?” I giggle and press a kiss to Wendy’s heart shaped lips. 


“Of course we can babe.”



I’m up bright and early, Wendy is still asleep when I start getting dressed. I need my shin pads and elbow pads, I think today’s park visit is going to be especially brutal and I need to be prepared for the asswhooping I’m going to give. “Joy? What are you doing?”


I look up to the beautiful woman in my bed and tighten my elbow pad. “I need to put my armor on.”


“Why?” Is she seriously asking me this? Why? Why? WHY?! “Joy c’mere. I want to talk to you about something before we go and get Katy and you attack her.”




“Remember that one, there is nothing wrong with Katy for having liked you. Two, there is nothing wrong with Katy not telling you. Three, Katy doesn’t still like you so you can’t be mean to her for it.”


“What do you mean she doesn’t like me?”


“Like, Katy had feelings for you. Not has. So there really isn’t a reason for you to beat her up for it.”


“You think she’s over me? For good? Think Eric is her focus now? Because, I don’t want it to be weird for you. Or us.” Wendy shakes her head and smiles before standing up and kissing me. Even in the morning I don’t mind that morning breath, I’ve been blessed by the gods I tell you. 


“I already knew Katy had feelings for you.”


“Wait what?”


Wendy laughs, “follow me. I want to brush my teeth.” I watch Wendy brush her teeth, she knew? “It was pretty obvious. I noticed it when we were getting to know each other, I figured it was why she was so aggressive when we first met, but I figured. If she wasn’t going to make a move when she had all the time in the world, then I would.” Wendy washes her face and turns to me, I think my heart is singing. “The way I saw it, she had nearly 7 years to tell you how she felt. Maybe you guys could have dated. But she didn’t do anything. I had at the time, two months with you as a friend and knew that wasn’t enough for me. Fortune favors the bold babe, I chose to be bold and I got the girl. 


And I don’t feel weird at all. Not to sound like an but, I won. She had her chance, I took mine. And I got the girl. So it doesn’t bother me at all, I have no reason to feel weird. I didn’t take her girl, I just had the balls to take her off the playing field. And if Katy still had feelings for you I still wouldn’t feel weird. one, Katy’s loyal to you as a friend. She only wants your happiness so I know she wouldn’t try to ruin us. Two, not to brag but have you seen me? I may not be perfect, but I’m perfect for you. And third, you’re loyal and I trust you. I mean, I’m wearing your ring and you’re having our baby so I think any chance Katy may have had has long since left.”


I have never heard Wendy speak so boldly, and if I wasn’t a good Christian I would tell you what her talking like this has done to my body but I won’t! “You’re so y. Oh my god! Give me a moment I need to change my underwear.”


Twenty minutes later I’m dialing Katy’s number, she picks up on the third ring. “Hello?”


“Katy. Park. 30 minutes.”


“Wait. The park? I mean, is that really necessary?”


“30 minutes.”


“But this is a serious conversation Joy! We don’t need the park.”


“You’re right, it is very serious. Which is why we need the park.”


“But last time we went to the park you farted in my face!”


“22 minutes now!”


“! Fine. I’m coming!”




Eric smiles at Wendy as she approaches with Joy, Wendy holds up two thermoses. Oh sweet she brought the hot chocolate. Eric grins and holds up the two folding chairs slung over his shoulder. “It’s your favorite,” Wendy says when she’s close enough. She hugs Eric, presses a kiss to his cheek and does the same to Katy who promptly places her hockey helmet back on her head. 


“Irish creme?” Eric asks, when Wendy nods yes he practically dances. Eric opens the chairs and places one for Wendy just in time to hear Joy tell Katy her boxing gloves are for children. 


“I added a bit of cinnamon. I think you’ll like it”.




Eric takes a sip, “SHE WAS MY GIRLFRIEND!”


“Oh wow, you’re right. This is delicious!”




“These are awesome chairs, I’ve never seen them with double holders”, Wendy comments fascinated. 


“Oh it gets even better!” Eric laughs, taking a strap from his and attaching it to Wendy’s. “They turn into a double!”




Wendy looks up shocked at the duality of the chairs, she turns to tell Joy about the chairs just in time to see Katy stuff a handful of mulch into Joy’s shirt. I’ll just tell her later. 


“I’ve seen some that come with umbrellas”, Wendy says sipping from her hot chocolate. 


“Really? Where?”


“K mart”.


“Bull . Really?”




“Yep! why where’d you get these?”


“Friggin Sears! You know Katy told me to try K mart first.”


Wendy laughs, “well- HEY! KATY! THE PRE SCHOOL CALLED THEY SAID THEY WANTED THEIR GLOVES BACK! Don’t tell Katy because she will never let you off.” 


“Don’t I know it”, Eric laughs sipping his chocolate and humming at the heavenly taste as Joy jumps off the slide and onto Katy’s back. “You should open a cafe, your baking is probably just as good as all your drinks.”




“Oh please! I’m not that good”, Wendy says shyly. 




“I bet you are. Don’t sell yourself short Wannie”, Wendy smiles and leans her head on Eric’s shoulder as Joy and Katy wrestle on the floor. “They really went right for it this time huh


Wendy laughs, “mhm.”






And then, with one last burst of energy the duo fell back and into an empty sandpit. “Seems they're done”, Wendy comments. 



Katy’s foot is in my face, mine is over her forehead under her shirt. I believe I won this. “Why didn’t you tell me?”


“I didn’t want to make it weird”, Katy sits up. I sit up and rub my sore ribs. 


“It wouldn’t have made it weird. You’re my best friend, it may have been weird back then for like a week but then it would have been fine. Why didn’t you just tell me the truth when I asked for Saeron’s help that day? That was the perfect time to tell me.”


Katy shrugs, “I don't know. I was embarrassed. Nervous. I thought you might feel bad knowing she blamed you.”


“But you still blamed me, you just made it seem like Saeron was ditching because she thought you had feelings. When in reality, you ditched because you had feelings. Katy just be honest.”


“I am being honest!”


“No, you’re deflecting any and all blame off of you.”


“I said sorry.”


“Yeah you’re saying sorry but you keep adding buts. No sorry should have a but in it. It’s like, if Eric cheated on you and went. I’m sorry, but you were never around. What does that sound like.”


“Like it’s my fault” Katy mumbles. 


“Exactly. I’m not mad anymore. I am hurt though, I wish you’d have just told me.”


“I just didn’t want to get hurt.”


I sigh and scoot closer to Katy, “I love you Katy. You may have been hurt. But we’d have mended your broken heart together.” I take Katy’s hand and shake it. “We’re a team. Family.”


Katy takes a shaky breath and before I’m even ready she breaks down into tears. “I really ed up this time Joy. Now Junito hates me and Seulgi hates me. And worst of all Saeron hates me. And there’s Eric, just being a damn sweetheart. It’s like I can do no evil in his head, and I can just feel it! I’m going to that up to.”


I shake my head, “you’re wrong. You need to be man enough to see your mistakes and not do it again. Junito does not hate you, but just like I’d kill anyone that would hurt you. Junito feels that way about Saeron, you need to apologize to them both.”


“I tried saying sorry to Saeron. She didn’t want to hear it. She told me never to talk to her again, and if I see her don’t even look at her.”, Katy looks up at me, Full on ugly crying now. “Which is so stupid! Because if I see her then I already looked at her!” Katy wails. 


“Hush buddy. It’s gonna be alright. What did you say in your apology?”


“That I was sorry I was ty, but that was why I never wanted to date her! Because I knew I’d be ty but she just kept on and on and I caved!” I stop Katy right there. 


“Jesus Katy you said that?” Katy nods, tears practically draining from her eyes. 


“Yeah why? Was it bad?”


“Well yeah. That’s not an apology. You basically said you had the right to be a because Saeron should have left you be, but because she didn’t you were in your full right to be a raging douche canoe. Which is just wrong, you don’t defend yourself in an apology. And you don’t blame the victim.”


“Well I didn’t mean it that way! I was just trying to explain myself.”


“But did you need to? Was explaining yourself even important at that point?”


“Well I mean, she didn’t ask for an explanation.”


“Exactly. You should have simply said, I hurt you and I lied and that was wrong of me. And I apologize.”


“But then she wouldn’t know why I did what I did!”


“But she didn’t ask, so you didn’t need to tell.” Katy pouts, I pinch her cheeks and chuckle. “Keep going, what else did you say?”


“That I felt bad that she was in love with me back then and I didn’t love her. And that she’s in love with me now and I’m falling for Eric.” I gasp. 


“Jesus Katy! What the !” I laugh incredulously. “Good lord woman.”




“You went over there, said hey. Sorry I hurt you but in my defense I told you I was no good. I’m sorry you’re in love with me but I don’t love you, sorry bout it.”


“. I am a ”, Katy groans. “What do I do?”


I laugh, “I mean. Nothing. She doesn’t want to talk to you. The best thing to do is simply. Do what she’s asked. That’s how you apologize. By doing what Saeron wants, not what you want.” 


Katy sighs, “but”.


“Nope. No buts. Look buddy, in this situation. You’re the bad guy, so bite the bullet, keep to yourself and just try to redeem yourself. Start by buying Junito oil and wipers for the Honda.”




“He needs oil and wipers. Start your apology with a gift. Pattaya in two weeks Katy. I want all this drama settled by then.”


I shifted to stand, “Wait”, Katy held me down. 




“Is this going to change us?” I smile and think back to what Wendy said. But even without I think I can honestly answer. 


“No. Never. You’re my best friend. I love you too much to let something like this ruin us.”


“What about Wendy?”


“She thinks you’re a crackhead, but no. Nothing will change. But no more lies. And for god's sake, learn how to appropriately apologize for something.”




Junito opens his door and at the sight of Katy his begins to ache. “No.”


“Wait. Just hear me out.”


“You twisted my .”


“And I’m here to say sorry. I got you this.” Junito suspiciously eyes the oil and wipers Eric holds out. 


“Um thanks.”


“Look I- where are you going?” Katy asks, when Eric begins to walk away. 


“I thought you might want to do this in private.”


Katy shakes her head, and intertwines her hand with Erics. “No. I want you here for this. Because you both need to hear this.” Katy takes a deep breath. “Look I’m not perfect. I make mistakes I- wait. Joy said no defending. 


Okay look. I’m sorry. I messed up. I hurt a lot of people and I really embarrassed Eric. I’m sorry Junito for hurting you, and I’m sorry that I always hurt Saeron and you always had to pick up the pieces. You’re a great friend and you always have been. I’m sorry I twisted your too. And I’m sorry for always embarrassing you Eric. I know you didn’t get into a relationship with me to be dating the bad guy in everything. But I promise both of you, I’ll do better. If you give me a chance, I’ll show you.” 


Eric beams down at Katy, kisses her head and sticks out his fist. “We’ll do it together,” he says. Junito continues to simply stare at Katy. 




“When you offer an apology, you always have to be prepared for someone to not accept it Katy. And I don’t accept your apology, I want to see you change. I want to see you put the effort in, Saeron is my best friend Katy. She fights for my country. She fights for me. And she fights for you. You’ve really hurt her, and I can’t help her this time because she’s all alone. So I do not accept your apology. But put the effort into the change and be better. And I will. But An apology is just words, actions speak louder. Thanks for the oil though. The wipers are the wrong size.” Junito hands back the wipers and promptly shuts the door on the couples face. 


“All in all, could have been worse.” Eric says. 

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Chapter 61: Asvafsfdhk!!! Omg !!!i thought i was free from this Fic but now i need to know what happened to erik
Shhhh I'm not complaining I really love your Work
Chapter 1: I love how latin this is, it makes me feel at home 🥺
Chapter 11: I appreciate the exposure to the Puerto Rican culture here. Makes me want a Joy Maribel Ruiz Garcia for myself. <3

-your loyal supporter
Chapter 4: I'm enjoying this story so much. What a delight. The style of writing is absolute perfection.

-your loyal supporter
Chapter 62: Ohh this is such a treat!! Idk why I only just find it now but my gosh author nim! I gobbled up everything and I just can’t stop xD everyone’s a crackhead here I’m starting to turn into one hahaha I’m sooooo excited to jump to blended now!!! Hnghhh seasonn 2 here we comeeee ohh and thankyou so much for sharing your amazing workk!!💕💕💕
StDekki #6
Chapter 1: JAJAJAJAJA No puedo dejar de reírme.
Chapter 62: Lol!!!!
Chapter 62: The chaos they would bring... Wendy 💚💚💚💙💙💙
1198 streak #9
Chapter 62: Oh your such a tease for this!
Outtie11 #10
Chapter 62: Lol!