S’cuse me miss! Needa Ride? Introducing Lalisa Manoban

Culture shock

Lisa grinned and pulled into the driveway where she was certain the most beautiful women to ever live was, she stepped out and waved. “Hey beautiful”, she called as Jennie threw her arms around Lisa neck. 


“Hey there speed racer.” 


“Ready for our date?” 


“NO! I hate you! EAT SPICY SAUSAGE AND WALK INTO A WALL JISOO KANG!” Lisa and Jennie jumped at the voice and turned to find Rosie storming from the front door.  


“Rose? What’s wrong?” Jennie asked, as her little sister stormed by her and to her own Toyota Celica. 


“Getting away from Jisoo and her stupid face.” Rosie climbed into her car, turned it on and tore out of the driveway. 


“I don’t think I've ever seen your sister so upset.” Moments later Jisoo came jogging down the driveway. “What did you do?” 


“She thinks I'm sleeping with Sana.” Jisoo said, “Hey can I look at your keys?” 


“My keys?” 




“Um sure?” LIsa handed over the keys and yelped in surprise when Jisoo shoved she and Jennie out the way, climbed into her Pontiac and similarly to Rosie, tore out of the driveway. Now on the grass, in a nice button up with her girlfriend on top of her in a beautiful black satin dress Lisa stared at the place her car once sat. “did Jisoo just steal my car?” 


“Oh, I'm going to kill that er.” 


“No, no don’t worry. I've got an idea.” 


Standing up, Lisa pulled out her phone and called the one person she knew would get her car back the quickest. “Hello?” 


“Hey, Dahyun. Do me a favor.” 




“Tell your mom you think Jisoo just stole a Pontiac Firebird, year 1997. Bright red. License plate, 299WA6.” 


“Isn’t that your car?” 


“Isn’t your mom a cop?” 



Lisa squinted her eyes against the sun, lifted her bat and swung harshly knocking the mailbox over. She held her hands up in triumph, that’ll teach Kai not to hit on her girl. “Let's go, speed up Dahyun.” the girl grunted, revved, and pulled away at a staggering speed. 


“I just don’t understand why you’re making me drive your car and not my sister.” Lisa shrugged. 


“Because you’re a better liar than your sister. At least if we get pulled over you can sell it, you’re kind of a sociopath you know?” Dahyun shrugged, she couldn’t deny the points. 


“I’m down to do anything as long as you keep your promise.” 


Lisa chuckled, “sure buddy. And remember, slow into turns, fast out.” 


“Are you like a street racer or something?” 


Lisa turned to the 13-year-old, “something like that.” 


“Can I ask you a question.” 




“Why don’t any of Jisoo’s friends talk to me but you?”  


Lisa blinked, “Uh. Well, older siblings tend to not spend time with the younger ones. They feel cooler I guess.” 


“So, you don’t think I'm cool?” 


“I think you’re friggin rad.”  


“Hmm, Jisoo thinks I'm not cool?” 


Lisa rustled Dahyun’s hair, “I think Jisoo is so caught up in her own drama she can’t see how cool you actually are. If I had siblings, I'd want them to be just like you buddy. Besides, how many thirteen year olds you know are driving V8’s in the middle of the night?” 




Three days. Three days since my mother disrespected my future wife and has not apologized. Three freaking days. The sun doesn’t shine like it should unless Wendy is right underneath. “It’s rained for three days”, I mumbled, dragging my hand down the window. Feeling my pain wash down on me with the clear tears of the dark sky. Do you feel my pain? Do you feel my heart breaking? 



“Babe it’s been sunny all week. Remember you were surprised it was so warm in the winter?” 



“Hush Wendy. You’re ruining my angst.” 



I can hear the eye roll; it is not appreciated. “What are you ten? Angst? Should I bust out my Sleeping with Sirens album?” 



I turned to my tiny lover who stood with her hands on her hips, if I wasn’t so insulted, I’d tongue her down right now. “Who is sleeping with a siren? They are tiny and hard. You make no sense.” 



“It’s a band. Remember I was playing them a couple days ago and you got scared and brought a bunch of Jesus candles.” I tapped my chin, ah yes. I do remember.  



“He was screaming I was afraid you were summoning demons.” 



“You’re ridiculous. You reacted the same way when I played escape the fate too!” 



“Well, why are they screaming!” 



“It’s called emotion!”  



“They probably all have sore throats. I bet they have to drink tea with honey right before they sing every time.” 



“Marc Anthony screams.” 



“No. He bellows.” 




Junito smiled and rolled out the paper onto the table, thoroughly impressed with himself he leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest and smiled smugly at Seulgi and Irene who were seated at the table.  



“Pretty dope huh?” Seulgi blinked and then looked up at the man in front of her, “what exactly are we looking at?” 



Junito sighed and gestured to the paper, “our game plan!” 



“It’s a wet napkin with running ink”, Irene noted.  



Grumbling Junito grabbed the paper, shaking it in the two women’s faces. How could they not see his genius?! “Look closer! See!” Junito pointed aggressively to a smudged number one.  



“It looks like hieroglyphics”. Seulgi mumbled, eyes flickering to Junito’s 



“What the is that?” Junito asked, “is that some kind of STD?”  



Irene shot him a disgusted look, “this is why China is ahead of you guys.” 



“Hey, I resent that. Anyway, it’s a step by step plan to get everyone here and how we’re going to get Joy and Wendy.” 



“Why don’t we just call everyone?” 



“Because, what if they get lost? It’s better we get them.” 



Irene rolled her eyes, “fine whatever. Who are we getting first?” 



“The first ones are Katy and her new boyfriend.” 



Irene swallowed hard, “didn’t I already tell you we aren’t buddy, buddy like before?” 



Junito nodded and smiled, “yeah you did, but I never got a why. So! If you won’t talk to me then off you go.”  



“I’ll go, you and Irene can go get the others. Just write all the addresses so I can actually get there.” Seulgi says, standing up and fixing her collar. Junito shrugs.  



“Fine by me! Let’s roll!”  







When Wendy cleans, she shakes her , I bet that booty could cause world peace. But it’s my booty so it is what it is. “And I said, no no no!” I’m not sure who's singing right now, but whoever it is has taken over my fiancé’s body and she is mopping with sass! “I ain’t got the time, and if my daddy thinks I’m fine!”  



How long do you think god took with her? I think he spent a couple days, she’s so perfect. “They tried to make me go to rehab, I say no no no”. I chuckle when Wendy shakes her hips with extra gusto. “I don’t ever wanna drink again, I just, oooo I just need a friend”. I’ll be your friend baby, your bestest friend ever.  



“It’s not just my pride! It’s just till these tears have dried. They tried to make me go to rehab, I say no no no!” Wendy does a weird twirl and I can’t hold it anymore. I must touch. I stand, and wrap my arms around Wendy’s middle as another beat comes in. I rest my head in the crook of her neck.  



“Hey there y.” Wendy’s out of breath, chest heaving. I’m willing to have on the wet kitchen floor.  



“Hey! Where have you been?” 






“The entire time?” 



“Mhm, I don’t know who this woman is. But she definitely fires these hips up”, I say gripping Wendy’s hips.  



“Amy Winehouse”.  



I was about to throw out a slick line, say something super freaking y. When the house phone rang. I hate everyone, I do, I really do.  



Wendy grins, kisses under my jaw and leaves to pick up the phone. I bet it’s not my mom, because she doesn’t love me anymore. She decided since she can no longer control me, I’m no longer worth it. Oh my god, she’s going to return me and get her money back.  



Can you do that? 



Am I gonna get deported? I don’t even speak Korean! ! 






Seulgi double checks her belt, taser, check. Gun, check. Both cuffs, check. Pepper spray, check. Baton, cracks. Light, check. She takes a deep breath and begins heading up the steps to Katy’s apartment on the third floor.  



In her apartment Katy is slapping at Eric’s back shrieking for him to let her down, the blonde man pays no mind and continues to run around the apartment. Seulgi finally arrives, hearing the screams she nearly kicks the door down but before she can lift her steel toe boot to the door, she decides maybe calling is better.  



Eric chuckled as he finally lets Katy down, she staggers to the left and then the right dizzy. “Oh, I’m gonna kill you!” Katy says, trying to locate the ringing house phone. “Hello?” She glares at Eric as he slips on his shirt and smirks at her.  



“It’s Seulgi, I’m here to get you.” Immediately Katy straightens up.  



“Um, we Uh. We can drive ourselves.” 



There’s a moment of silence, “on your bike?” 



“Eric has a car.” 



“Okay.” Seulgi hangs up. She rubs her chest and begins her trek back downstairs.  





Wendy laughs the kind of laugh that puts a bird's song to shape guys, she makes the world turn and the sun heat my skin. She’s on the phone with her sister and it’s okay that she’s not focused on me, she’s in my arms and that's all that matters. “Yeah! That’s kind of the point!” Wendy yells, grabbing my hand and biting my palm playfully.  


“Hey” I mumbled, kissing her cheek.  


“Give me a moment okay? We’re about to hang up.” Wendy bites my chin and returns to her phone call. Lies, she’ll stay on the phone for another hour and a half, but that’s okay. It’ll always be okay as long as she’s in my arm.  





“Alright so don’t embarrass me in there okay?” Irene’s brow raises at the audacity.  



“Me? Embarrass you?” 



Junito nods, pulling up to the duplex. “Yeah, I think if I really put in some elbow grease, I can get her to go on a date with me.” 



Irene blinks, is this man retarded? “Isn’t she the blonde one dating the model?” 



“Bro. It’s a bump in the road, nobody has ever not driven down a road because of a bump.” 



“Bro.” Irene mocks, “a significant other is not a bump in the road. They are a roadblock. Are you nuts?” 



“Roadblocks eventually get moved. It’s a momentary pause until construction ends.” 



“Are you saying this woman is in construction for you?” 



“You came up with the roadblock analogy not me.” 



“Well fine. Her girlfriend is a body of water that you cannot drive across.” 



“I can take a boat.”.  



“There’s snipers waiting to shoot.” 



“Riot gear.” 



“Sharks in the water.” 



“I have a gun.” 



“Acid rain.” 



“Steel reinforced boat.” 



“Ugh!” Irene throws her hands up and slams her head against the headrest. “You are ridiculous.” 



“I’m committed.” Irene rolls her eyes and steps out with Junito. Together they open the gate and walk up the steps leading to the red front door. Junito grins at Irene, “watch this skill.” 



Irene rolls her eyes and knocks, moments later the door opens to a porcelain skinned beauty. “Junito?” 



“Hey Jessi.” The blonde stares and then looks to Irene.  



“Um. What are you doing here?” 



Throwing on the charm, Junito slips his hands into his baggy jeans and shrugs. “Figured you’d need a ride to the cafe; you know I’m always here for you.” Jessica smiles tightly at him, “but I already told you my girlfriend was home and we’d be taking her car.” 



“Yeah but what if she doesn’t know the way?” Junito questions. Irene bites her lip to not laugh at the rejection.  



“Well I know the way to the cafe. And even if I didn’t, we printed out the Mapquest directions.” 



“Well I don’t see her.” Jessica narrows her eyes and points to the white Dodge Viper in the driveway. Irene snickers and looks back at Junito’s beat up Honda Civic. Before Junito can say anything else, a heavy accented voice calls from inside the house.  



“Babe!” Irene’s head shoots up and she glares at Junito, “her girlfriend is Irish! That’s this one! She’s going to gut you alive!” Junito waves her off as a tall brunette walk into view, oh wow Irene thinks.  



Tall, tan, and tasty. Jesus is that a six pack? Oh, my sweet Seulgi we need to put you on her work out routine holy . Now at the door with Jessica, Yuri looks at the two people on her doorstep.  



“Hi.” She says, eyes narrowed at Junito.  



“Hey, I’m Junito. I’m here to pick you guys up.” Junito grins.  



Yuri doesn’t seem amused. “I’ve got it. Thanks.” 



Junito looks like he’s about to say something more, but seeing the danger Irene pulls him away waving thanks and apologies. She just barely catches Yuri say, “a’lil gammy tha lil fella in’he?” 



Irene nearly threw the oversized child into the car, “I literally just saved your life.” 



“What? No. You ruined a perfect opportunity for a beautiful .” 



Irene stared, “there really is something wrong with you huh.”  



“I think we’ll have a boy.” Wendy says, tracing lines on my collarbone.  


I chuckle, kiss Wendy’s head; I think we’ll have a girl. “And what will you name him if we do have a boy?” 



“Hmm, Eric?”  


“That is such a white name baby, what about Orlando?” 


“After the city in Florida?” 


“Yeah, the land of the Hispanics”. I joke.  


“Orlando sounds like a Spanish man name. How about Matthew?” 


“Like my cousin? Mateo? Absolutely not, I will not allow my child to suffer the fate of that dummy.”  


Wendy laughs, turns her head into my neck and just giggles away. I feel like my heart is going to sing, or maybe burst. I'm not sure really, but it’s a nice feeling. “You’re so mean” Wendy snorts and climbs higher up on my chest.  


“Okay, then what about Antonio?” 


“What if we have a girl though?” I ask, I could see a tiny me or Wendy wobbling around, hair in two cute little pigtails. Maybe she would sing like Wendy does. Maybe she’ll giggle and laugh out loud like Wendy.  




 “Baby, we need something with some latin spice. Flavor. Like Selena.” 




“What? No! Selena, as in Selena Quintanilla. Bidi Bidi Bom Bom.” 


“Um, what about a Korean name?” 


“A Korean name? I need to be able to pronounce our baby’s name. One of my biggest fears was that Katy would date someone with a hard name like she did in college and I'd ruin it by always saying her name wrong.” 


Wendy frowns, “She dated anyone for longer than two months?” 


I nod, and hum an affirmative. “Absolutamente. Por cinco anos.” 




“For five years mi amor.”  


“Five year!” Wendy shot up; eyes wide. “Really? Who did she date for five years!” 


“It was during out med school and EMT training. Her name was Saeron Kim, man I thought they would be together forever. But Saeron wanted a lot, and I always felt like maybe Katy had feelings for someone else. Like, don’t get me wrong. She was devastated when they broke it off, but I feel like it was because it took her their whole relationship to finally develop proper feelings, so when Saeron was like I can’t wait anymore Katy just felt abandoned. I felt so bad.” 


“Wow, five years. It took her five years to develop proper feelings for someone. Why did she even stay if she wasn’t in love with her?” I shrug, how should I know? How would any of us know? Maybe it was easy? Maybe she was comfortable and it just worked? 


“I’m not sure amor, it all just felt like Saeron started out as a rebound for something. Then, she turned into the important one but it was too late. Five freaking years too late.” 


Wendy sighs and plops back onto my chest, “wow. That is loco baby. Really loco.” 


Seulgi sits and watches Junito, “So you didn’t get Katy?” Seulgi shakes her head. 


“She said she was going to take Eric’s car here, why didn’t you get your people?” 


“Because they already had a ride, he just wanted to hit on them.” Seugli grins. 


“What is with everyone trying to get with Joy’s friends and family?” Junito rolled his eyes, ready to explain that his cousin had awesome taste in ually appealing friends when loud voices came echoing into the café. 


Seulgi and Irene turned to find Katy and Jessica walking in laughing together and Eric and Yuri sharing a quiet conversation. “Well, that was quick. Is there anyone that actually needs to get picked up Junito?” with a big sigh Junito pulled out his damp napkin. 


“Tiffany said she needed a ride because Tae hates driving and my cousin Paola needs to get picked up, Summer and Sunny said they would call me if they needed a ride.” Irene nods. 


“okay so, how about Seul and I get the Tiffany girl and Tae. You get your cousin and whoever gets back first will just get Summer and Sunny if they need a ride. Does everyone else have a ride here?” Junito nods.  


“Awesome!” Irene clapped her hands together, “Let’s do this.”  


“Are you nervous?” 




“Yeah, are you nervous.” 


“Nervous about what baby?” 


“The hospital visit,” 


I sigh and pull Wendy closer, “hmm, a little. But my heart feels like it’s singing because it excited.” 


“It is excited.” 




“You said it excited, it’s, it is excited.” I smile and nod. 


“Yes, my heart it is excited. Wendy giggles. “What?” 


“You said it weird again. When you say it like that, you just say my heart is excited. You don’t need the it part.” 


I sigh, she isn’t cute anymore. “Anyway, my angel. I am nervous, but I am excited too. Better?” Wendy nods, okay, she’s cute again. “when is our appointment again?” 


“In two days.” 


“and what are they going to do?” 


“They’re just going to ask us questions honey, nothing physical yet.” 


“Yeah, but the first step is done baby. We're going to have a baby!” with a slight laugh Wendy sits up and eyes me. 


“You think we’ll be good parents?” 


I nod, “absolutely. Whatever our baby is, they’re going to loved and cherished. And not by just us either baby, but by everyone. Just like Irene and Seul’s baby is going to be absolutely spoiled, that baby is going to be so loved oh my goodness.” 


“Think Katy will ever have a baby?” I laughed at the image of Katy waddling around with a big belly, I shook my head still laughing. 


“No, never. She's too free spirited to have a kid. And as much as my best friend gets around, she is a big girl. One time I opened her closet and I saw three boxes of different types of condoms, I bet she’s subscribed to some kind of service for condoms.” 


“Why is Katy so extra in everything she does?” 


I shrug, “No clue. I wonder if its tiring being that explosive all the time.” Wendy sighs, kisses my cheek and lays back down on my chest. 


“What happened to the Saeron girl?” 


“What do you mean? They broke up.” 


“Yeah, I know. But I'm saying did you drop contact with her because of Katy?”  


“Well, she and I were never really like close. I don’t know why, it just felt like there was this invisible wall in front of us that prevented us from ever getting really close. But, she and Junito are still contact.” 


“Wait!” Wendy shot up from my chest, “Junito and Saeron were friends?” 


“Yeah, we all went to college together. I thought you knew that.” 


“No! You never specified that.” 


“Well, we did. Actually, Junito and Saeron were friends first, he introduced Saeron to the group. She pursued Katy who rejected her like ten times, it was crazy. Junito and I were so confused because it wasn’t and still isn’t like Katy to deny attractive people. But she just kept saying no and then finally Saeron was like fine I'll leave you alone. And then Saeron broke her arm and katy was all scared and ran to her in the hospital and when they left the hospital they were a couple.” 


Wendy watches me with wide eyes and slack jaw, “that is such a K drama moment holy . How did Saeron get hurt?” 


“She broke her arm in a training exercise.” 


“A training exercise?” 


“Mhm, she’s a marine. At the time she was in a training program and schooling, they were working on the physical stuff. I don’t know how to explain it. She actually broke up with Katy a day before she was sent to ia for some boot camp at base.” 


“Oh my god, someone almost made an honest woman out of Katy. That is wild.” 


I chuckle, it is kind of wild isn’t it. “Hey, Eric is doing a good job. Better late than never, I guess.” 



Seulgi knocked on the door and then looked behind her where Irene stood smiling, “You okay?” Irene asked, concern laced in her tone. 


“Perfect”, Seulgi said, turning back to the door when she heard someone start opening it.  


A pretty blonde looked back at them, “Oh hey! You guys must be Seulgi and Irene? Junito said you’d be picking us up.” Seulgi nodded and held her hand out. 


“I’m Seulgi, and this is Irene.” 


“Awesome! Let me just get Tae-Tae, she takes forever. I'm Tiffany.” Seulgi nodded and smiled as Tiffany walked back into the house. 


“All of Joy’s friends are rich”, irene noted. 


“why do you say that?” 


“We live in New York baby, her Jessica friend lives in like a high end duplex with a yard and driveway. And these people live in an actual house.” Seulgi grins and pull Irene against her.  


“maybe they’re just really good at budgeting. But, also, the irish woman, Yuri, is a model.” 


“A model?” 


“Yeah, she’s a model. I've seen her before.” 


“huh, that’s crazy. Joy is friends with a model.”  Tiffany walked out with a shorter blonde with her, she was very loud. Seulgi felt like she was looking at another Katy, goodness she is loud. 


“Hi, I'm Seulgi. This is my girlfriend Irene.” The short blonde smiled and stuck her hand out. 


“Nice to meet’cha. I'm Taeyeon, you can just call me Tae though. Wow, you smell fantastic. What perfume do you use?” Taeyeon asked, as they descended the steps.  


“I don’t use perfume, it’s my fabric softener.” 


“Oh! Downy?” 


Seulgi grinned as Irene’s eyes widened and she turned to Taeyeon. 


“Yeah! I hardly ever use Downy, I feel like the scent doesn’t really waft like it should. I usually use Gain, but Downy was on sale.” 


“Girl, I feel you. Gain is really good, I'm a big fan of the Bounce brand, I feel like it Irons well.” Seulgi smiled as she opened the back door of her truck for Taeyeon and Tiffany but Taeyeon and Irene slid in instead.  


Tiffany chuckled, “I’ll uh, just sit with you up front” Tiffany laughed and Seulgi nodded and opened the door for her. “I’ve never seen Tae so excited before” Tiffany joked. 


Seulgi buckled her seatbelt and glanced in the backseat where Irene was convincing Taeyeon to switch to a steam Iron. With a gentle smile Seulgi turned to the road, “They’re like long-lost sisters it’s kind of cute.” The ride was peaceful, the sounds of giggles and laundry talk flouting in the air. 


Seulgi pulled up to the café as Junito slammed to a stop ahead of her, she gripped the wheel trying to relax her breathing and not fly out of the car in a rage and beat the man in front of her. “What was that?” Irene asked, looking ahead at the civic. 


“I don’t know, he just randomly pulled out in front of me. Junito flew out of the car and Seulgi’s hand shot to her side where her gun lay buckled in, why is coming at us like that? Why is he being so aggressive? “Baby?” Irene’s voice sounded muffled as Seulgi’s hands trembled, the door opened and slammed shut and suddenly Tiffany was hugging Junito and Taeyeon was walking up to them.  


Seulgi heaved a deep breath, Irene shook her and she shot up. “Baby are you okay?” Seulgi was breathing heavy, a light sweat on her forehead. “Baby what’s wrong?”  


Seulgi shook her head, “N-nothing. Let’s uh, get inside.” 


“Leave your belt here.” 




“Your belt, you don’t need it. Leave the gun and badge, in the car.”  


“But my uniform will look weird.” Seulgi argued. 


“Then so be it, leave it here. You're not a cop right now. You don’t need to cuff anyone, you don’t need to shoot anyone, you aren't going to mace anyone in there. You don’t need anything on that belt, but I need the woman wearing it though. Leave it here.” Seulgi looked from Irene’s serious eyes, to her shaking hands. Irene heaved a sigh and climbed out of the backseat, Seulgi watched her as she came to the front, opened Seulgi’s door and pulled her out.  “When we get home, we’re going to have to talk.” Irene said, as she began undoing Seulgi’s utility belt. “Is the safety box in the bed of the truck?” Seulgi nodded and watched as Irene put her only means of safety in the safe, locked it and walked back to Seulgi, “Are you okay?” Irene asked again, cupping Seulgi’s cheeks. 


“I will be.” Junito walked over smiling, “hey guys, we don’t need to get Summer and Sunny. They're picking up Joy and Wendy.” 


Irene wrapped her arms around Seulgi, “is everyone here?” 


Junito nodded excited, “Yep! My uncle drove everyone over in his van. It's great!” 


I laughed as Wendy began squirming on the ground, “You call that dancing?” 


“I’m seducing you!” Wendy yelled, arching her back and flailing her arms. 


“You look like a squid” I laughed. 


Wendy gasped, “Rude!” 


“A y squid” I amended. 


Wendy smirked, “Much better.” 


I let out a bark of laughter as Wendy threw herself against the pillows. “why are you so cute?” 


“I was going for y but I'll take it” Wendy says before crawling into my lap. “I love you.”  


I grin, rub my nose against hers and kiss her before whispering, “I love you too.” I like to think we were about to take a one-way trip down to pound town. Really about to shimmy shimmy yah all up in them pants when my doorbell rang. “Who the ?” 


“Did you order Chinese food?” I shook my head. 


“No! Is your dad randomly stopping by again?” 


“No, he’s in Canada.” 


“Girl, that ain’t ever stopped Ron Ron before. I bet it is your father.” Grumbling Wendy and I walked to the front door just to find a bright smiling Summer. “Summer?” 


“Tis I, in the flesh.” 


“What are you doing here?” 


“I need you and Wendy to come with me.” I stared, we haven’t been sisters long enough for me to just followed her into the dark night. 


“Um, no.” 




“Yeah, no. Absolutely not. Where are we going? Who are we seeing? What are doing? This doesn’t sound safe, I refuse.” 


“Just come with me!” 


“No! Because now you’re yelling. I don’t trust it.” 


“Wendy please convince her.” Wendy looked up at me and smiled. No, I will not fall victim her feminine woes. 


“I mean what’s the worst that can happen babe.” 


“Oh, I don’t know. Kidnap. . Drugged and sold to a Mexican cartel. Slave labor. Drug smuggling. Lots of things Wendy!” 


“Oh, you are being too dramatic. Come in Summer. Let us just get dressed.” 




Junito jumped in place excited, he hopped over to Cristobal, grabbed his shoulders and jumped in place. “Aye tio estoy nervioso”. (aye uncle I'm nervous.) 


Cristobal grinned and pulled the young  man close, pressed a kiss to his cheek and hugged him tight. “Gracias por todo hijo”. (thank you for everything son.)  With a bright grin Junito lifted Cristobal and spun.  


“Aye mi corazon!” (oh, my heart!) 


Across the café Katy leaned against Eric’s broad chest, “Do you want to talk to them?” Eric asked, lips against Katy’s hair. The small redhead shook her head. “Are you sure? You’ve been eyeing them all night.” 


Katy sighed, turned in Eric’s arms and rested her cheek against his beating heart. “it’s going to be awkward. I'm scared.” 


Eric pressed a kiss to Katy’s forehead and rocked them back and forth, “There is no reason to be scared my love. They're your best friends. Your family.”  


“Katy Kim!” said woman jumped and turned to find an older man walking up to her. 


“Oh my god! Officer Manoban!” The small women grinned, and jumped into the tall man’s arms. “Oh my god Marco! How are you?” 


The man swung the women to and fro, “Eh the usual. My wife is pregnant.” 


“Oh my god! That is so exciting! I haven't seen you around the Bronx in awhile.” 


“Ah yes, haven’t seen any banana cars knocking over falafel trucks in awhile. I'm a detective now, I made the push. I see your Seulgi friend quite a bit, she and her team helped take down a meth lab.” Katy fought it, but her eyes still glanced over to where Seulgi and Irene stood.  


“Irene is pregnant too.” 


“Yes, I've heard. Her kid is gonna be three months younger. Probably tiny too from the looks of it, serves them right for knocking over my falafel.” 


“That was like three years ago.”  


Marco waved her off, “no matter. Still hurts.” 


“What are you going to name your kid?” 


“I am stuck between Pranpriya or Lalisa for a girl. And since I am certain I will be having a daughter because god is good, we have not thought about any male names.” Katy chuckled.   


“SHE’S CLOSE!” a voice boomed. 


Lisa grinned around guard, “Why do you look so scared?” 


“You’re my girlfriend, should I be excited to see you get punched or kicked in the face?” 


Lisa gasped and lifted a gloved hand to her chest, “bold of you to think she’ll land anything on me.” Jennie shook her head, god it was like she was going out there and not Lisa.  


“My little thai fighter. It's how the world works, remember when you said that?”  


“Ew! Look at all the smoochy smooch going on in this room.” a voice called.  


“Hey Chaeyoung”. 


“Sup doggies”. Chaeyoung skipped forward and threw an arm around Jennie’s shoulders. “Whatcha doing guys? Besides making babies?”  


“Well, I was wishing my girlfriend good luck and telling her how proud I am of her when your leprechaun walked in.” 


“Hey! You’re not much taller than me you jerk!” 


Lisa grinned, “Well, I'm taller than both of you sooo!” 


“Oh, hush you.”  


“Well, I came here to tell you that you’re up in fifteen and that I love you guys and that even if you end up with swollen shut eyes, and a broken nose, and slack jaw that Jennie will still love you. I will too of course, but don’t get too hurt you know Rosie cries a lot when you get hurt.” Lisa’s brow quirked as Chaeyoung rambled on, “And its super cute, but if rosie cried I have to watch Jisoo comfort her and I can’t handle that.” Jennie eyed Lisa and then turned back to Chaeyoung. 


“Youngie, why don’t you just ask her out?” Chaeyoung paused and with puffed cheeks fell into her friend's arms.  


“Ugh! Do I even have a chance? Jisoo has been all over her!”  


“That’s because you’re a ”. 


“Babe!” Lisa chastised; Jennie shrugged. 


“What! It’s true.” 


“Lisa! Five minutes!” Someone yelled into the locker room.  


Lisa took a deep breath and pulled her girlfriend and close friend in for a tight hug, “Look buddy. If I go out there and win this fight you ask Rosie posie out. Remember this Chae, if you don’t fight for first place in life, then life will push you into last place understand?”  


“Will you get the championship?” Chaeyoung asked.  


“Yeah, I will. And are you going to get Rosie?” 



I am so sorry for the long wait,  my goodness! This chapter is quite a bit of filler, bridging up to the fun stuff. Next chapter won’t take nearly as long. And the future Garcia- sons will finally arrive to the party for some shenanigans to ensue! 






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Chapter 61: Asvafsfdhk!!! Omg !!!i thought i was free from this Fic but now i need to know what happened to erik
Shhhh I'm not complaining I really love your Work
Chapter 1: I love how latin this is, it makes me feel at home 🥺
Chapter 11: I appreciate the exposure to the Puerto Rican culture here. Makes me want a Joy Maribel Ruiz Garcia for myself. <3

-your loyal supporter
Chapter 4: I'm enjoying this story so much. What a delight. The style of writing is absolute perfection.

-your loyal supporter
Chapter 62: Ohh this is such a treat!! Idk why I only just find it now but my gosh author nim! I gobbled up everything and I just can’t stop xD everyone’s a crackhead here I’m starting to turn into one hahaha I’m sooooo excited to jump to blended now!!! Hnghhh seasonn 2 here we comeeee ohh and thankyou so much for sharing your amazing workk!!💕💕💕
StDekki #6
Chapter 1: JAJAJAJAJA No puedo dejar de reírme.
Chapter 62: Lol!!!!
Chapter 62: The chaos they would bring... Wendy 💚💚💚💙💙💙
1188 streak #9
Chapter 62: Oh your such a tease for this!
Outtie11 #10
Chapter 62: Lol!