the night before the Wedding

Culture shock

Summer tapped her finger on the table, waited, huffed and then began to tap two fingers upon the table. Within seconds she began the process again, waited, huffed, and then tapped three, then four and then finally because she simply could not wait any longer reached forward and with all the might of an angry Asian woman slapped not one, but both of her younger brothers on the head. 


When she realized that did not make her feel better she took off both of her sneakers and began to beat her whining, complaining, whimpering brothers until they yelled mercy. Then for added effect she ignored their pleas for mercy and beat them some more. When she felt satisfied she ran out of the kitchen, down the hall, into her mother’s bedroom and grabbed the fly swatter that rested on the tv stand. 


Siwon simply said, “”, before the third round of his corporal punishment began. Minho, ever the brave one attempted to run before he was, (shockingly) yanked by his (Versace might he add) red polo collar and clothesline onto the kitchen floor. Where does she get this strength from! The fly swatter seemed to target the exact places he wasn’t covered. Which was unfair. He had sensitive skin. 


“Yah! Noona! I was the Korean Gerber baby, you can’t do this to me!” Minho shrieked, maybe if he wished hard enough Taemin would sense his distress and come help him. 


“When I’m done with you you’re gonna look like a lobster!” Summer yelled, coming down hard with the fly swatter before executing a perfect transition and slapping her other brother right across the right cheek with the swatter as he attempted to stand up again. 


Like a beacon of hope or maybe like a light at the end of the tunnel Taemin did in fact seem to sense his lover's distress. Oh thank god! Minho thought, “Sooyoung? What are you doing?” Taemin asked, taking hesitant steps forward. 


“Baby help me!”


The wind sang as the fly swatter swung in the air, the whistle quickly halting Taemin in his steps. “Not one more step manbun!” Summer seethed. “I’m teaching these two a goddamn lesson.” 


Taemin swallowed and then winced at the savage display in front of him, “w-what lesson?” His shoulder hitched at the wail that left Siwon. 


Taking a deep breath to calm herself, Summer hauled both her brothers up by their now wrinkled collars and unceremoniously tossed them onto Siwon's six thousand dollar Gucci mink reclining L sofa. “Give me a second to find my zen. I haven’t dispatched an asswhooping like that since 1995. Woo-wee! I think I got a stitch.” 


Minho turned to his older brother and let his head fall onto the man’s shoulder. “I can’t feel and yet feel everything.” He moaned. 


“You should be thanking me.” Summer said before pulling up a chair and sitting her long limbs upon it. 


“For abuse?”


“I actually helped you, I raised the blood vessels up and helped with your circulation. You’re welcome.” Crossing her left leg over her right knee, Summer shimmied in her seat until she was content and comfortable and began the vocal portion of her lesson. “I told you five months ago that we had a sister. Five months ago I brought you both a ticket to New York. Five months and neither of you have done anything with those tickets or the information I gave you.”


Siwon dusted his shirt. Something both Minho and Summer found very annoying seeing as he was a germaphobe and most definitely did not have dust on his clothing. He cleared his throat, clenched his butthole and attempted bravery. “Look, Minho and I understand what you’re saying. We understood five months ago too. But, she’s not our sister Sooyoung. She’s your sister.”


Summer’s left eye twitched and Taemin very quickly kicked the fly swatter away before any further damage could befall his lover. “Really manbun?” 


“What?” Taemin shrugged, “I love him”. 


Rolling her eyes, Summer looked back to her brothers. “How is she my sister and not yours? We have the same father.”


“Yeah, sure. But you’re the only one that ever felt you needed to keep up with a dead baby. So what if that dead baby is alive and dads an ? We’ve always known this.”


“So you’re willing to just forget about this ‘dead baby’?”


“Yeah”, Siwon said. “I am. My only concern has only ever been about one sister. You. You are the only sister I ever had and do have. If you want to attach yourself to this chick then by all means. But she probably isn’t even dad's kid. She latched onto you for your last name. She probably only wants money.”


“She’s a paramedic Siwon. She didn’t latch onto me. She was called.”


“And then what? She stuck around? Sounds fishy.” Minho interjected. “They show up. They help. They leave.”


Summer sighed, “that’s not how it is. She went above and beyond during that call.”


“Yeah. She called your father for help. That’s weird.”


“He's your father too. And it isn’t weird. Paramedics do that all the time for more information before they do anything. What if I was allergic to something they wanted to give me?”


“Sunny was there wasn’t she? Why didn’t she ask her?” 


“I don’t know. I didn’t ask.”


“See. She knew who you were and wanted money. She probably doesn’t make good money as a paramedic. Besides she lives in the Bronx you said? So the ghetto? She’s probably poor, living on government money and just trying to make a break. You should do a test, see if you’re even related.”


“She looks like us.”


“No. She looks similar. If she is related to us then it’s only through dad. That’s not enough relation”, Siwon said before pointing to his brother and sister. “You’re my family through both mom and dad. You’re my family. I don’t know this chick.”


Summer shook her head exasperated. “You both talk about how much you hate dad. And yet, neither of you are any different than him. You are cold, calloused and obsessed with work Siwon. You can’t look past your own self importance to even look in someone else’s direction.” She turned to Minho and shook her head at him too. “And you. You’re married to a loving, faithful man who has been blessed with the patience of the Buddha himself because I’d have divorced you years ago. You’re not home long enough to ask him how his day was, you’re not around enough for me to even ask you what you’re working on. And you’re both so obsessed with money and your own goddamn last name that you can’t get your heads out of your own asses to see that we have a sister. And she’s amazing. 


-you may not want to get to know her. But she’s sweet and loving and loyal. Unlike the both of you. I for one am happy to have her in my life. She is the only thing not tainted by greed in this family.” Standing from her seat, Summer reached into her wallet and yanked out a small square. “That’s your sister.” She said through gritted teeth before flicking the photo at the two men. “And if either of you can grow up. She’s getting married in two days. She’s also pregnant with your niece or nephew. It would mean a lot to me if you two could grow up and meet her and her new wife.” 


She hadn’t guilt tripped them in a while, Minho thought. Taemin winced as his sister in law stomped past him. I've always wanted to go to Thailand , he thought. 


“Safe travels”, Siwon called, watching his sister throw up the bird and walk out his front door. “I think she’s mad”, he said, once she’d gone. 


“No ”, Minho deadpanned. “She’ll get over it. She always does.” 


“What do you mean?” Taemin said, sitting opposite his husband and brother in law. 


“When she doesn’t get her way I mean. She always gets over it. She’ll silent treatment us for a month and move on.”


“So, you let her down often?”


“We don’t let her down. She just doesn’t get her way.”


“When was the last time she didn’t get her way?”


Minho turned to Siwon, “what was it last time?” He snapped a finger in thought. “Ah! That ceremony. Her school was throwing a ceremony for all the honor roll kids. She wanted us to go but you know babe, I had work to do.”


“And I had that meeting, I couldn’t postpone it.” Siwon informed, leaning back on the sofa. 


“So, neither of you went to celebrate her accomplishment because of work?”


“Well if she wanted us around more often she should have gone to school in the country. Not go gallivanting off in the states. It’s her fault.” Taemin’s mouth fell at the words, how can you be so heartless?


“So what you’re telling me is work is more important than your sister? You’re not poor, you could have made the trip.”


“Babe. Look. This is my family. Not yours. We know our sister. It’s none of your concern. Now get ready, I’ll drop you off at home. I have some last minute paperwork I want to finish up.” Effectively ending the conversation, Minho stood, shook his brother’s hand and sauntered out. Still stunned, Taemin stood still in the living room.  “Hello!” Minho clapped, “let’s go.”


“Yeah, coming”, Taemin said through gritted teeth, remembering the divorce papers he still had in a bag at home. Maybe it was time to give up. If he couldn’t give his own sister the time, how could he give me the time?




Katy slapped her cheeks, flicked her forehead and continued her weird actions all while Eric watched thoroughly confused. “Babe?”




“What’re you doin?”


“Tightening my skin.”


“By slapping yourself?” Turning to her boyfriend, Katy nodded. 


“Wanna try?”


“Uh”, before he could come up with something intelligible Katy power walked over like a white woman spotting a deal and slapped him clean on the forehead. “Ow”, he whined. 


“No pain no gain handsome. Come on, don’t cover up. Just a couple more and the blood will start flowing.”


“Please no”, Eric whined before a one two slap got him clean across the forehead. “That hurt more than before”, he laughed. 


“Duh! Because I’m opening up the synapses and stuff”.


“You don’t sound like you know what you’re talking about.” Eric said, hugging Katy to avoid any more skin treatment. 


“Listen you, even when I’m wrong. I’m right.”


“Ah, I see”, Eric mumbled against her argan oil scented hair. “Happy wife, happy life?” For only a second, Katy stiffened, her whole body pausing at his words before every excuse in the book hit her brain and she forced herself to relax. “You okay?”


“Perfect”, she mumbled, sinking more into his arms. “Yeah, when I’m happy. You’re happy”, Katy said, none of her bravado actually coming through. 


“Can I ask you something?” 




“Why is it, whenever I bring up, or even allude to us taking steps further in our relationship, do you freeze up like an alien just asked to probe you? Does it make you that uncomfortable to imagine a future with me?” Katy sighed, leaned back in the strong arms and patted the pretty soft cheeks in front of her. 


“It’s not the idea of a future with you that scares me. It’s the idea of you that scares me. I’m, I’m. I’m, I am nothing. I cannot give you anything. One minute I’m happy and then I’m sad. I have the mouth of a sailor. My own mother abandoned me. It’s just hard to see you sticking around when I’m a mess on two very toned legs. “ Katy said, never breaking eye contact. 


Eric frowned and then with steroids in his fingers, flicked Katy’s right between the brow. “Ow!” She screeched, attempting to get out of his arms. “Hold still you”, he said, before picking her up like a five pound dumbbell and walking them over to the bed. “Ask me what I feel everytime I see you.”




“Ask me!”


“What do you feel every time you see me?”


“Like Joy.”




“Everytime my eyes find you, I feel like Joy everytime she sees Wendy. Whenever you so much as flicker into my line of sight my eyes light up the exact same way that Joy's does every time she spots Wendy.” Eric said, pacing in front of Katy. “Ask me how I look everytime you smile at me.”


“Eric, let’s not do this.”


“Just do it Katy”.


“This is weird.”


“Please Katy, for me.”


“Fine. How do you look every time I smile?” 


“Like Seulgi does whenever she touches Irene.”


“I don't get it.”


“Everytime Seulgi touches Irene she looks relieved. She looks like everything in the world is in its proper place, because for her, It is. When Irene is close, within touch, Seulgi knows she’s safe. She’s where she belongs and everything will be okay. When you smile I feel like everything will be okay. Like the sun will shine and the moon will rise. I feel my heart beat again and the blood rush through my veins. Everything feels like it’s in its proper place.”


Going down on his knees, he rested both palms on Katy’s thighs and smiled up at the most beautiful woman his eyes had ever seen. “Can I tell you a secret?”


Katy gulped, what’s next? He’s gonna say the sight of my gives him life? “What?”


“Your friend, Saeron. When she was around I was so scared. Every day I was scared you’d leave me for her.”


“You knew?” Katy whispered.


“Yeah. It’s impossible for me not to. She looks at you like you put the stars in the sky. Like you, all by yourself power the entire universe. She’s a marine with a history with you. How could I not be scared? But all I kept thinking was, if being with her makes my Katy happy then I’ll gladly admit defeat and leave because your happiness brings me the deepest joy I’ve ever felt. Everyday I want to be with you. I want a life with you and I figured that if I couldn’t have it but you could even if it wasn’t with me. I’d be willing to sacrifice. 


You are never nothing, you’re everything. You’re not worthless, you’re priceless. Your mother left and I hope she suffers those consequences every day because she missed out on the opportunity of a goddamn lifetime. I will never leave, this I promise you. I will never leave, unless you tell me to. Or I die. Those are the only two ways I ever give up. You never have to worry about me leaving you Katy. I’d be lost without you. 


I know it scares you. But I want to buy a house with you and a dog. I want to have kids with you. I want to come home and cook with you and our daughter. I want a baby that looks just like you and me. I want her to be as tiny as you and as wild as you and I want her to laugh like she doesn’t have a care in the world. I want her to sing like her mother. I want to watch you teach her how to drive a motorcycle and then let me teach her how to drive a car. I want to teach you both how to make a real s’more, not that weird you make in the microwave. I want a future with you. All of it. I know this is a lot to take in. I get that. But I-“


“Shut up.” Katy said, “you mean that? All of that?”


“Every ing bit.” Katy swallowed. 


“You want a baby with me?”


“Yeah. I want a daughter.”


“I can't instantly make a girl.”


“Then we keep trying till we get one.”


“My best friend is getting married 24 hours.”


“I know.”


“I can’t be exhausted tomorrow. I’m her best man.”


“I know.”


“One round.”




“. We can only have one round”. 




“Honey”, Irene called, stepping onto the balcony of their hotel. “Whatcha up to?”


sometimes, I wonder how lonely I’d be without you.” Seulgi said, the Korean rolling off her tongue and drifting through the air. 


“We’re 15 hours away from a wedding and this is what you’re thinking about?”


“I’m just really happy.” Irene frowned before wrapping her arms gently around Seulgi’s shoulder. 


“Baby that makes no sense. How are you happy but thinking about something sad?” Seulgi chuckled, held the soft hands hanging over her chest and thought about her recent conversation with her in-laws. 


“Because thinking about what could have been makes me happy now. A lot of people think about what could have been and get sad because it would have been better over there you know? But thinking about what could've made me happy because I’d be so lonely.” Seulgi said, sounding just as good in English as in Korean. 


“You’re so smart”, Irene breathed against her neck. 


Seulgi smirked, her libido waking up from its slumber, getting dressed and ready for Its day! I’m gettin laid babehhh! “I’m thinking of picking up a fourth language too.” Seulgi said, peak greasy. All those lessons from Moonbyul are finally payin up! 


“Another one?”


“Mhm” Seulgi said, spinning out the chair to hold Irene’s hips. 


“Keep talking like that and I think we’ll end up with twins.” Irene whispered, y sultry coming together to make one hot mamacita as Katy loves to say. 


What was expected to happen next was some sweet love making. It was not in the cards for our couple because honestly, when has luck ever been a fair ? 


Down the hall from their hotel suite one of our soon to be brides sprinted out of the hotel room and down the hall to slam herself bodily into their door. Jumping up, Seulgi frowned. “Stay here. I’ll go look.” Seulgi said, closing the balcony door on Irene, who swore she’d kick her for that. “Yes?” Joy pressed herself to the door like the weirdo everyone always knew she was and whispered for help. “Joy?” Seulgi questioned, pulling the door open. 


“Oh thank god. I need your help.”


“My help?”


“Well not just yours, I need you both.” Irene slapped the glass balcony door. “Did you lock Irene on the balcony?”


“I didn't know who was at the door”, Seulgi defended, finally letting Irene out. “Ow!” She whined, grabbing at her assaulted arm. “You hit me!”


“You locked me out!”


“I was protecting you!”


“From what? The closest thing to us is a zoo!” Sighing, Irene turned to cousin. “Hello Joy.”


“Hey, I need your guys help.”


“Oh god. Are you getting cold feet? Look, you’re Korean Joy. We only believe in commitment. We don’t get cold feet.” 


“This is true. Just put your feet in warm water. Should I start the bath?” 


“Please do”, Irene said, eyeing Joy. 


“What in the?” Shaking her head, Joy sighed and plopped down on one of the overstuffed chairs in the room. “It’s my vows”, 


“You haven’t finished them yet!”


“No, it’s not that. It’s just. I don’t think it’s good enough.”


“Well, read them to me.”


“What? No I can’t.”


“Why not?”


“Because! It’s personal.”


“You’re going to read it out loud, Joy.”


“Yeah but, I don’t know.”


Irene groaned, this was going to be a long night. 




Seo-joon sipped from his whiskey and sighed, he the Polaroid in his hand. Someone sat beside him, he turned to them to tell them he wanted to be alone when he was stopped in his tracks. “Cristopher”, he mumbled. 


“Hello Seo Joon.”


“What are you doing here?” Cristobal heaved a deep breath and downed the rest of Seojoon’s whiskey because he’s a boss. “Um. That was mine”, Seo-joon pointed out. 


“Yes. I want you to experience on a small scale how you make me feel. What you being here does to me.”


“Like someone else drinking your 50 dollar ounce of whiskey?”


“That was fifty dollars? Que idiota (what an idiot). Anyway, no. For someone to take something that belongs to you.”


“I’m not understanding.”


“Of course you’re not. Understand something. Joy is my daughter. Wendy is also my daughter. Hell, even Katy is my daughter. And if Miss Sooyoung continues to bless my daughter's life then she also is my daughter. I want you to understand that just because Joy is allowing you around, you hold no claim. That is my baby. That is my grandchild. This is my family. You are a guest. An uncle.” 


Seo-joon smiled sadly, tapped a finger against the counter and grinned. “Joy asked me to be here.”


“And that’s fine. I understand why my daughter would want you here. But I just want you to know your place.”


“While you may not like to face it, Joy, rather Sooyoung. Is my daughter. Park Sooyoung is my daughter, both Sooyoung’s are my daughters. I have, and have always had four children.”, Seo-joon held a hand up to stop Cristobal's interruption. “I let you speak. Let me finish. I have four kids. My ex wife passed giving birth to my first child, if not for that I’d have never given my first born up. But my wife didn’t make it, and I let my daughter go. 


I understand what you’re trying to do. You’re trying to secure your spot. You’re trying to make sure I don’t try to take your place. You’re trying to prove you’re a better father than me. I can’t say I wouldn’t be doing the same if I were in your position. But you don’t have to”, he finished, motioning for the bartender to pour him another drink. 


Cristobal watched the tender pour before pulling out another boss move from his pocket full of them and drank that too. “You’re wrong”, he winced. “I didn't come here because I was scared you’d replace me. I came here to tell you, if you hurt what’s mine I’d kill you. I raised Sooyoung, rather, Joy. I raised her. I held her. I held her on my shoulders, picked her up when she fell, kissed her cuts and played with her. 


I’m here to say, you’ve been given a second chance. Do not waste it. Do not hurt any of my children, Sooyoung, the one you didn’t give away. She’s under my care, you hurt her, I hurt you. She told us how you treated her. How you raised all your children. I notice your sons aren’t here. Must be something you did huh? 


I could never feel insecure about you Seo-joon. I could never look at you and be scared. But every time you hurt one of my kids, it feels like someone is taking something from me and breaking it. Like someone drinking my whiskey. When my grand baby is born, I expect you to be present. You promised my baby girl that. I expect you to pick up every phone call. Respond to every letter. I will always be there. Hell, I’ll be there before my family ever needs me. So I expect you to learn to do the same. I expect you to be the father you should have been.”


With that, Cristobal stood up, glanced at the photo on the table, tapped it and smiled. “She is a beautiful woman, I’m sure she would have loved my daughter.” Seo-joon nodded, eyes trained on his dead wife. 


“She would have been perfect”, he mumbled as Cristobal walked away. “Cristopher”, he called. 




“The greatest thing I could have done as her father was give her away.” Cristobal scoffed, pointed an accusing finger and shook his head.


“Being a father means you fight for your children. It means being uncomfortable so they can be comfortable.”


“She would have had a hard life”.


“But she would have had her family.”


“She has a family”.


“She does. Which means you now have to fall in line. The back of the line. Don’t hurt my kids Seo-joon. None of them.”




Summer knocked lightly on the door in front of her. Wendy looked like the definition of ‘cool as a cucumber’ as she opened her hotel door, face caked in avocado paste. “Hey Summer!” 


“Uh, hey. Wendy, what’s on your face?”


“Oh this?” Wendy waved to her face before turning on her heels and waltzing into the room. “It’s an avocado cleanse, I was getting ready to soak in the bath. Did you need something?”


Closing the door behind her, Summer sat on one of the chairs. “Yeah, I just wanted to see you before you walked down the aisle.”


“Oh, that’s sweet. Wanted to see if I'd get cold feet?” Wendy wondered aloud, before taking a seat herself. 


Summer chuckled, “it’s hard to take you seriously with all that on your face, but I’m going to try. I just wanted to tell you that I love you, that’s all. I was lying in bed, Sunny absolutely knocked out next to me and I felt this huge warmth take over my chest and I was trying to figure out what it was y’know? And I realized I couldn't stop thinking about you and Joy and all the dumb we did last time we were here. I kept thinking of movie nights and dinners. I just, I love you. I somehow got two sisters for the price of one”, Summer laughed, blinking away tears.


“Oh sweetie!” Wendy gushed, “if I didn't have all this on my face I’d be crying ugly tears and pulling you into the tightest hug I could. C’mere, give me your hand.” walking over and doing as asked, Wendy squeezed her hand tight. “I feel like everyone around me is so good with words, you know? I feel like I'm basic. But I will say this, I love you too. Very, very much. In 12 hours, I'll be married and you’ll be so much more than just one of my best friends or my fiance's sister. You’ll be mine too, and with that comes certain privileges. If you ever need me, even if its something dumb. I will always be just a phone call away, this I promise.



Maya closed her bible because she had done enough of her god fearing duties for the morning, her daughter would be married in four hours. In four hours she’d had two daughters, not just one. Cristobal looks very handsome in his suit, Maya thought before standing up to press a kiss to his dark skin. “Que guapo se ve” (how handsome you look).


“Yo? mírate, eres hermosa” (me? Look at you, you’re beautiful). Cristobal said, hugging his wife before they both jumped when the lights in the room suddenly shut off. “¿Qué fue eso?” (what was that?)


Suddenly, like a horror movie the remote flew across the room before landing on the sofa in the corner. “Ay dios”, (oh god). Maya whimpered. The TV snapped on and a newscaster spoke, “tell her I love her. Tell her I'm proud of her. Tell her mommy is always watching and is right here.” Maya gasped, whipping around to stare at the sofa in the corner. “Cristobal”.


Shushing his wife, Cristobal nodded at the sofa. “Thank you for giving us our baby”.


The TV shut off, the lights and sitting on the sofa, sat a lone bracelet. 


Maya gasped, lifted the gold bracelet and turned to her husband. “I think our baby has another eye on her”, Cristobal said before helping his wife across the room to continue getting ready.


Across the hall, Suzy napped before getting ready for the wedding. She dreamed of setting suns and crashing waves, she dreamed of a long lost sister. “Juhyun!” she yelled, running through the waves to her sister who stood smiling on shore. “Oh my god Juhyun!” Suzy cried, crashing into her sister’s arms. 


“You look beautiful, Unnie”, Juhyun grinned, holding her sister's shoulders. “How are you?”


“I miss you so much.” 


“I know, I miss you too. But I don't want to see you for a while longer. Come, we don't have much time.”


Taking her sister’s hand they walked, “Juhyun am I dreaming?”




“So when I wake up you’ll still be gone?”


Juhyun smiled sadly before pulling her sister down onto the sand, “I always looked up to you, did you know that? Every time I struggled I wondered, ‘what would Unnie do?’ and then i’d do it and it would all work out. The one time I didn't listen, I ended up with Seo-joon.”


“And look what that did, what that rat bastard did to this family. My baby sister is gone! You never got to meet your baby girl, I wish you’d never met him.” sighing, juhyun grinned at her sister before pulling her into a hug and lying back on the sand.


“He wasn't all bad, he was perfect. He used to read to my belly when I was pregnant, I used to wake up to him teaching Sooyoung different words.” 


“And then he gave your daughter up.”


“Yes, yes he did.”


“She was all alone.”


“No, never. She was never alone. That’s what I wanted to tell you. My baby girl never left me, I’ve always been right here. Watching over her, she has the family I always wanted her to have. Isn't it such a coincidence, she was sent a world over and yet. When you wake up, you’ll see her get married. Good things may not be instant. But they will always happen. Forgive him.”


“Forgive who? That bastard Seo-joon?”


“Yes, for me Unnie. Forgive him. He didn't know what to do, he is not a bad man. He is not perfect, but he is not evil. Forgive him please, I see it when I see him. He’s so guilty, he’s jealous, he’s hurt and so angry. Forgive him and then kiss him for me, let him know that I forgive him. Tell him that we made a beautiful strong young woman. Forgive him and then tell him to never leave our baby again. Tell him, it’s okay.”


“Why don't you tell him! I hate him! No, let him rot Juhyun.” 


Juhyun smiled, “he takes sleeping medication, so I can never visit him and tell him it’s going to be okay. Don't hate him Unnie, you’re too beautiful for hatred.” Suzy grumbled and sat up before looking over and noticing the ocean was beginning to disappear. 


“What’s happening!”


“You’re waking up silly.” Juhyun laughed, a sound that Suzy had not heard in so long she choked on a sob she hadn't seen coming. 


“I don't want to”, Suzy cried. “I miss you so much, why can’t I stay here?”


“Because it’s too soon.” Juhyun smiled, holding Suzy’s hand. “I think, tonight. When everyone sleeps, maybe I'll visit my daughter.” was the last thing Juhyun said and her smile was the last Suzy saw before she was startled awake by a knock. 




Taemin stepped out of the cab and waved at Sunny, “hey!” he shouted before hugging his friend. 


“Oh! Did you cut your hair? It looks so good!” Sunny gushed.


“You think so? I wanted to make a change y’know? Minho didn't even notice, so it’s like, what was even the point. But then, I thought it. I’m done.”


“And here you are”.


“Here I am, how long till the wedding?”


“Two hours, so we gotta run”, Sunny laughed before pulling her friend along and to her and Summer’s rental. After a short ride and some more ing, because that’s what friends are for. The duo arrive at the venue to find Summer pacing. 


“Oh thank god you made it!” Summer watched the two step out, eyes roaming about to see if anyone else was with them. A hand fisted around her heart when she realized she’d been once again let down. “Taemin, hey”.


“Hey sweety, I'm sorry it’s just me. I really tried.” shrugging, what could she do? Summer hugged the blonde. “Your hair is really nice. 


“Thanks love. So, I know I'm not who you wanted. But can I be your brother for a day and meet my other sister?” chuckling, Summer nodded. 


“You absolutely can.” Together the trio made their way upstairs to Joy’s hotel room and entered to find Joy absolutely losing her mind.


“Joy?” Summer asked, quickly dodging a pillow. “What are you doing?”


Wide feral eyes the trio, “I am so ing excited!” Joy roared before hurling another pillow in a random direction. Taemin turned to Summer, “I take it back, I don't want to be your brother.”


“Too late! Joy, I would like you to meet someone.” Taemin gulps when Joy power walks over, her heels stacking her even higher in the air. “This is Lee Taemin, my brother’s husband.”


Joy extends her hand, it’s almost like she ninja sliced the air but everyone chooses to ignore it. “Hello Taemin! I’m Joy Maribel Ruiz Garcia and I’m getting married today.” 


“Move out the way she’s losing her mind!” two people came barreling into the room. “Hey there beanstalk” Katy said, pushing Joy back to sit on the bed. 


“Hey Summer”, Junito grinned, wearing sunglasses indoors like a tool. “We’re here to give Joy some tea. She accidentally drank some of my soda, but I crushed my energy pills in it so she's on a massive adrenaline high.”


Junito informed before turning fully to Taemin, “if this is rude my bad, but damn. I’m not into dudes, but I could most deffy be into you.”


“Oh”, Taemin blushed before rubbing his neck and turning to Summer. “Are they all like this?” he whispered.


“Latin confidence.” Summer shrugged.


“I’m Junito by the way”, a tattooed hand extended to Taemin. 


“Oh hi, I'm Taemin. I like your tattoos.”




“Hey! If you could stop exploring your newfound uality and ing help me i’d love it!” Katy yelled, wrestling Joy down.


“I just want to dance!” Joy wailed.


“I guess it’s all hands on deck”, Sunny laughed before joining into the mess to get Joy dressed and ready to be hitched.


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Chapter 61: Asvafsfdhk!!! Omg !!!i thought i was free from this Fic but now i need to know what happened to erik
Shhhh I'm not complaining I really love your Work
Chapter 1: I love how latin this is, it makes me feel at home 🥺
Chapter 11: I appreciate the exposure to the Puerto Rican culture here. Makes me want a Joy Maribel Ruiz Garcia for myself. <3

-your loyal supporter
Chapter 4: I'm enjoying this story so much. What a delight. The style of writing is absolute perfection.

-your loyal supporter
Chapter 62: Ohh this is such a treat!! Idk why I only just find it now but my gosh author nim! I gobbled up everything and I just can’t stop xD everyone’s a crackhead here I’m starting to turn into one hahaha I’m sooooo excited to jump to blended now!!! Hnghhh seasonn 2 here we comeeee ohh and thankyou so much for sharing your amazing workk!!💕💕💕
StDekki #6
Chapter 1: JAJAJAJAJA No puedo dejar de reírme.
Chapter 62: Lol!!!!
Chapter 62: The chaos they would bring... Wendy 💚💚💚💙💙💙
1198 streak #9
Chapter 62: Oh your such a tease for this!
Outtie11 #10
Chapter 62: Lol!