This is What weddings are made of

Culture shock

Someone once said -all good things were built in chao-, probably, who knows? You’re not here for some trashy quote! You know this, I know this, the good lord knows this! You’re here for the blood! The fights! ! 


Wrong part, where are we? Hmm, where, where, ah! Yes! The wedding! Oh the glorious wedding, the part you’ve all been waiting for. Ignore everything I said earlier, phew! I almost spoiled the whole friggin story, that would have right? Well, let's do this guy!




You have arrived at the finale, sit down, strap in and get those eyes ready.


Aaron stepped off his flight holding his wife’s hand, grip tight because she might get kidnapped. He looked left, right and then left again before someone rudely yelled, “Bro! ing move!” Aaron whipped around ready to swing his fanny back.


“My love, no.” Stephanie pleaded, they are in a foreign country, the last thing they need is to get jumped. “Come, we need to collect our luggage and meet with Seulgi and Irene.” Aaron shot the man one last look before turning around and strutting off with his wife. They aren't worth my time anyway, he thought before tripping on absolutely nothing and kissing the floor. 


Across the airport Irene sat in another stolen wheelchair and kicked lightly at Seulgi’s shins, “Baby that hurts”.


Irene huffed, “sorry, I just wanted to touch you. I want a pretzel.”


“Do you want me to try and find a stall?”


“No! Are you crazy?”


“Babe! You just said you want a pretzel.”


“Yeah, but it can wait. You can’t leave, what if I go into labor?”


“A month and a half early? I don't think you will baby but don’t worry. I won't go anywhere.” Seulgi smiled, a sweet innocent smile. The type of smile to warm your chest, and make you giggle. Irene blushed, gosh! My hormones are all over the place, she thought before kicking Seulgi’s shin again in retaliation. “Ow! Joohyun!”


“What! Don't smile like that! Sheesh! What are you trying to do? Induce labor! You want my to explode!”


Seulgi’s eyes widened, “Honey, you are screaming.”


Irene attempted to stand and give everyone a real show, if they wanted girls gone wild than ooowee! She was ing ready! Thankfully, Aaron and Stephanie walked out of the terminal and began to wave before Irene could truly scar anyone.


Oh thank god, Seulgi thought. 


Loading Aaron and his wife into the rental was rather difficult without asking why Aaron’s face was bleeding, what was the respectful amount of time to wait before simply asking, “what the happened to your face on the day of my best friends wedding? We are literal hours away from one of the biggest moments of my life as a ring bearer and this is the stunt you pull!” Seulgi did not ask this though, but right before climbing into the driver seat Irene showed what pregnancy does to Korean morals and tradition.


“Aaron, what on god's green earth has happened to your face?” Clearly, pregnancy destroys 



“Some scoundrel tripped me!” Aaron yelled, fist raised like an idiot.


“Honey, you tripped.” Stephanie piped up from beside her husband.


“He had it out for me the whole time!” Aaron continued to yell in the remarkably echoey rental.


“No, no he did not.” Stephanie once again said.


“I think he squirted olive oil on the floor Irene, I saw it on the news that they do that now.” 


“You can’t take anything on planes with more than three ounces”, Stephanie sighed.


“Kids these days, no patience.” Aaron huffed before clasping Stephanie’s smaller hands in his.


“You were blocking the pathway for three minutes”, Stephanie mumbled before kissing her old, and clearly going senile husband on the cheek. 


Across town, waiting for her Parents, Wheein paced back and forth.   Judging by the bite of her lip and the burning of the feet into the concrete, Wheein was stressed. Moonbyul, sitting on the bed in front of her not-lover , watched confusedly. “Wheein, are you going to tell me what’s going on?”


“Yes, eventually. I’m just, I’m really nervous.”




Wheein looked up, cute cheeks puffing in exasperation. “I want to talk to you about something. I was going to wait till after the wedding but everyday it gets harder and harder to ignore how I feel. I’m just, GAH!” Moonbyul jumped, clutched at her chest like a drama queen and stood up to embrace her little Wheenie. 


“C’mere. You’re wicked tense.” She said, rubbing her hands up and down Wheein’s tight back. “Just say whatever comes to mind, it doesn’t have to make sense. Just let it pour out and leave it to me to piece together.” 


Why was this woman so perfect! Wheein took a deep breath and nuzzled tightly into Moonbyul’s neck. “I want to stop this.” She mumbled, lips against smooth neck. “I just, I love you so much Byul. And I knew you never wanted a relationship and when we started sleeping together I also didn’t want a relationship. But somewhere along the way, I got all caught up in the attention. 


You became my focal point. I woke up excited to go to your room across from mine and when I’d go to see you you’d already be up, making your way to me. When I’m hungry you always ask me if I’m hungry right before I say something. Whenever I was sad it was like you just knew, you would just come up and hug me and I just felt so safe. 


Then you moved your pillow to my bed. Then you got in the shower with me. Then you started going on trips with me. Kisses goodbye and cuddles good morning. I got so caught up in it I didn’t even realize I was starting to get these feelings for you. Then we started sleeping together and we’d never talk about it. But then, I started realizing that maybe I was the only one feeling this way. Maybe you weren’t treating me like a queen because you were mine but because you’re just that sweet. 


And before I start getting even deeper, I want to take a step back. You’re my best friend and I can’t lose you. I know you’ve been talking to that model. And I just don’t want to get caught up in you and destroy our friendship, so I want to just take a step back from you and us. No more sleeping together kind of stuff.”


Byulyi sighed and pulled back to get a better look at her best friends, her cheeks warm in Byul’s hands. “Why didn't you tell me this earlier?” her breath tickles, Wheein notices. Her hands are extra soft today, she must have moisturized, she smells like cucumber. 


“I wanted you for as long as I could. But then, Wendy told me about Katy and Joy and I realized I never want that to be us.”


“I never noticed anything, did something happen to them?”


“Oh my goodness, it’s so much. Katy had feelings for Joy, completely broke her ex girlfriend's heart because she was so caught up in Joy. Then Joy met Wendy. They got into a fight about it recently, but what I meant is. I want us to always communicate, I don't want to stay hung up on you. I want to be your best friend, who sleeps with you because we fell asleep watching a movie not because we had and one of us was too tired to leave.”


Pulling her into another big hug Moonbyul says, “So you want some space?”




“So no more late night movies?”


“Not for right now.”


“What about breakfast in bed? I love making you breakfast.”


“You’re not making this easy Byul.”


“What about that road trip we have planned?”


“That’s another reason why I need to do this, I want to be over you by the time the trip comes up.”


“What if I don’t want you to get over me? What if I want you hung up on me? Tell me to leave Yongsun and I will.”


“What?” Wheein asked, pushing Moonbyul back and away.


“Tell me and I'll do it. She isn’t as important to me as you are, we have so much Wheenie. I don't need anything else, you’re all I need.”


“No, no, no, no”, Wheein waved her hands around before tackling Moonbyul down and onto the bed. “We aren't doing this, that's unhealthy. You love me, I know that. But you are not in love with me, you do not have the same feelings and I would never force you too. Besides, Yongsun is a model dude. That's wicked hot. I am just a glorified security guard.”


“It is not glorified, you drive an armored truck. That's dangerous. I just don't want to lose you, I love you!” 


“I know, so think about how perfect we’ll be as perfect friends. Besides, if you keep sleeping with me you’ll end up cheating on Yongsun. Now you can focus on her.”


“I’d rather focus on you.”


“You don't have those types of feelings for me Byul.”


“I could learn.” Wheein whined and allowed herself a kiss, just one. A small one, err, that wasn't small. “Okay, okay. No, no more.”


“C’mon! If this is going to be the last time then we have to do it right.”


Wheein stared into pleading eyes, she shouldn’t. This is only prolonging the inevitable, it’ll hurt more later.   Moonbyul huffed before pouting pretty cheeks. “Let’s end on a high note.”


“Was that a joke?”


“Yes, and one of my best, don't you think?”


“This is the last time, Byul. This weekend and we’re done with this. No more.”


“Deal, but if that’s what must happen then I need to save as much of this in my mind as I can okay?” Rolling them over, Moonbyul blinked rather aggressively. 


“What in the world are you doing!” Wheein laughed.


“Taking pictures in my mind.”


“Ma’am, if you don't speed this up we won't be able to do anything. I need to go help my sister in 45 minutes.”


“ really!”


“Yes! Did you forget this is a wedding?”


“Well , I kinda did. Alright, alright, we can’t do this. Wen-Wen first and then, Whee-Whee--wait.”


“I thought you said you were gay!”


“No, it came out wrong!”


“You have betrayed our Bestie Bed! How dare you!” Wheein shouted, rolling from underneath Moonbyul to grab a pillow and wail dramatically into it. “Wee-Wee!’ she said! In the Bestie Bed no less!”


“I’m Sorry! I never meant to hurt you!” Moonbyul yelled, before dropping dramatically onto the bed . “Will you ever be able to forgive me?” 


Wheein sighed, pressed a kiss to her cheek and grinned. “Carry me to my sister peasant and I shall forgive you!”


“Well then, hop on your trusty steed and we shall ride unto the dawn!”


Down a flight of steps down the hall and to the right we find Joy crashing from an adrenaline high. “She doesn't look so good”, Taemin said.


“Don't sugarcoat it!” Katy yelled, “she looks like she just got off a ten day bender and a line off a stripper named Kandy Kane’s !” Taemin swallowed, that was oddly specific. Katy huffed and threw one of Joy's arms over her shoulder, “c’mere and help me” Taemin nodded, wishing everyone hadn’t all left to get ice and water. Honestly, how many people do you even need for that? That is a two man Job at most! 


Crouching down because Joy is too goddamn tall, they both slid an arm around her when Katy suddenly got a very good look at the man in front of her. “Oh my god!” Katy yelled, dropping her side of Joy and nearly breaking Taemin’s back from the weight.


“My back!”


“Oh , sorry! Are you Lee Taemin?”


“Well, it’s Choi because I’m married but seeing as I'm really only married here stateside, actually, forget it. Yes, I'm Lee Taemin, do you know me?”


“Do I know you! Do I ever! I ing love you!”


“Oh really? You know my music?”


“I love your music”, Katy said before she and Taemin both grunted and plopped the tired Joy into the shower. “Ugh! I would love to keep talking to you and gushing but it’s my best friend’s birthday and she’s my you know? Like, her middle name is Joy Katy’s Ruiz Garcia.”


“That’s a mouthful.”


“It sure is, and so is my so I'm gonna need you to step out so I can bathe this sleepy .” Taemin stepped out of the bathroom more confused than he had ever been in his entire life, he settled down on a chair just as the shower and a loud string of expletives in another language echoed out the bathroom.


“Oye Puneta!” 


“Just shut up and suds up!” Katy yelled back.


His phone rang just as Taemin was retying his shiny blue oxfords, “Hello?”


“Taemin, where are you?”


Swallowing, Taemin stood up and walked over to the floor to wall mirror. “I’ve been gone for just about seven hours and you just now call me.”


“I was working.”


“What’s new?”


“What’s that supposed to mean?”


“It means you’re always busy Minho.”


“This again? Really?”


“Yes this again, are you serious right now? You’re always too busy to spend any time with me, what was the point in even getting married if this was what we were going to do!”


“Well, you certainly didn't feel that way when you were stuffed with my and spending my money. Didn't bother you when I bank rolled your whole career.” Taemin gasped, tears welling at the words. 


“Are you ing serious right now?” The door opened to reveal Summer and Sunny holding a case of gatorade each, overkill for sure. Junito smiled and waved as he walked in holding three bags of ice.


“Sorry we took so long, we couldn't read the signs.” Junito laughed before stopping in his tracks when he realized Taemin was crying. 


“Who’s there?” Minho asked, the sound of his chair creaking coming through the phone. 


“Hey!” Junito whispered, “what's wrong?” He asked, rubbing Taemin’s arms.


“Taemin! Who the hell is that!” Still crying, Junito glanced down at the phone in Taemin’s white handed grip.


“Did whoever that is make you cry?”


Taemin took a deep breath, “It’s my ex husband.”


“Ex husband?” Junito grinned, “who’s dumb enough to leave you?” Taemin laughed, wiping the tears from his face. “May I?” Junito gestured to the phone, handing the phone over, Taemin watched in curiosity as Junito lifted the phone to his ear. “Hello?”


“Who the are you?”


“Woo! You sound pissed Bruh. Look, calmate papi okay? Don’t you worry bout a thing, me and Taemin are doing just fine”, Junito winked and blew a kiss. “Look homie, we’ll call you when we done. We only half way through the Kama Sutra.” With that, Junito hung up and grinned at Taemin. “He sounds like an .”


“He wasn't always.”


Junito shrugged, “Hey look, I really gotta go take care of my baby cousin. But! When I’m done, we should keep talking and stuff. I wanna know your whole story, then we can grab a bite maybe watch a movie.”


“We’re at a wedding.”


“! I forgot, okay um. Let's sit together at the wedding.”


“I think I have to sit on whatever side my friend’s sit on.”


“That’s perfect, because they’ll be on the same side I'm on. You can sit next to me.”


“Wait, won’t you be standing?” Taemin wondered.


“! I forgot that too. Um, okay. During the reception, sit at the table with us.”


“I don’t think I can, that's for family only and the best man and bridesmaids.”


“You’re my plus one, it'll be fine.”


“Are you sure?” Junito grinned and nodded.




Junito pulled taemin into a hug and turned to walk away, “Wait.”




“Am I reading this wrong or are you hitting on me?”


“Oh for sure. I’ve never hit on a guy before though, so I'm using my girl moves. It working?”




“Perfect. Catch you later Taemin.” Junito called over his shoulder before pushing open the bathroom door and diving into the melee.”


Upstairs, Wendy is getting her hair curled by her sister while Moonbyul tells horrible jokes. “Sweetie, that wasn't funny.” Wendy laughed.


“Says the woman laughing, okay okay.  What do you call a fish wearing a bowtie?”


Groaning, Wheein looked up, “please stop.”


“C’mon! Tell me!” Moonbyul whined.


“What Byul. what are they called?” Wendy asked.




Wendy bit her lip and looked up at her sister through the mirror, “that was pretty good.”


“See!” Byul yelled.


“Please don't encourage her.”


“What did the ocean say to the beach? Nothing, it just waved.”


“Oh god”, Wendy moaned.


“Just a bit more and your hair will be all done. Byul can you her dress so we can do that as soon as i’m done here.”


“You betcha.” walking over to the hung up bag Byulyi ped it before gasping. “Holy , what a dress, eh? ing beautiful.”


“You think so?”


“Ah Wendy, you’re going to look like heaven on earth in this babe.” Moonbyul said, gently pulling the dress out of the bag and hanging it up again. 


“You think so?”


“Oh, I know so Pumpkin. This thing is beautiful, and when you’re in it it’ll look breathtaking.” 


Wendy grinned, “thanks Byul.”


“No, no. don't thank me, let me thank you for allowing me to witness this absolute blessing. Is Joy wearing a dress too?”


“After much debate, almost to the last minute she decided against it.”


“Oh so a suit?”


“Yeah, I told her she would be showing and she thought she would show more in a dress and decided on a suit.”


“Have you seen her in it?”


“No, but the way her mother was talking it’s probably perfect.” as if on cue, or like he could just sense when parents were being talked about Aaron strolled in. How? Nobody knows, he didn't have a key. Who did he threaten?


“Oh my babies! Wheein aren't you ready yet?”


“Because I'm finishing Wendy.” the sisters turned to their father before gasping, “Oh daddy! You look so handsome!” 


“Do I? Your mother dressed me.”


“Where is she?”


“She’s finishing up.”


“Speaking of, I am finished with your hair. Let's get you dressed.” Wheein smiled.


“Oh you are so beautiful”, Aaron cooed, kissing both his daughters on the cheek. “God truly blessed me with you two. Even you look pretty good Byulyi.”


Said woman looked down at her suit, “You think so?”


“I wish you were in a dress that matched the rest of the bridesmaids but I will stomach it.” Aaron rolled his eyes, and pointed at the dress standing. “Let's get you ready huh?”


Back downstairs, Maya and Cristobal have begun waving everyone out of Joy’s room. “Joy, what is this mess?”


“I’m so nervous, Mami.” Cristobal grinned and pulled his daughter to him.


“And you should be, when I married your mother I thought I was going to die. I was so nervous. And then when you came home I thought I was going to die. When beautiful things happen it’s okay to be nervous. It’s good to be nervous. It means you know how serious this is. Once you get married everything is WE, no ME. Right amor?” Maya nodded, plugging in a curling iron.


“You must always do for her, not just you. And she will do the same, that way, you both are always okay. You take care of each other, and always put 100 percent. Not fifty, fifty. Always, 100 and 100. You give everything, or nothing. Entiende? (understand?)”


“Si Mami.”


“Good. Now, come here. Let me get my beautiful baby even more beautiful.”


“Where are your clothes Mija?” Cristobal asked, walking around the room. 


“In the closet, Juni hung it up last night.”


“Good, good.”




I looked at myself in the mirror. Hair curled, make up applied, I really do look good. And these are about the most comfortable heels I have ever worn. Guy’s, I'm getting married. 


In five minutes I'm going to open that door, get in a car and be outside my wedding venue. Holy I am about to marry the girl of my dreams. By the end of the day I'll be a missus. And in seven months I'll be a mom. 


I need to sit. 


There’s a knock at my door, “coming?” My legs are shaky when I open the door. “Seo-joon?”


“Hey, can I, uh, come in?”


“Yes, of course. Come in.”


“What are you doing here, I thought you’d be at the venue already.”


“No, something came up actually”, immediately my heart stops. Something came up? Something more important than this? Don't cry, ooo, don't cry! Mami spent so much time doing your makeup. Do. not. Cry.




“I asked Cristobal, he said it would be okay.”


Wait, what? “Huh?”


Seo-joon laughs and sits down, “Come, sit. I know we don't have that much time. I have made many mistakes in my lifetime Joy. But you, marrying your mother, having you was never one. Sometimes, I hate myself for giving you up. I see what you’ve become and I think, how could you have given this angel up? How in the world could you have given this strong, sophisticated woman up? And then I realize, you learned all this without me. You were a blank slate and your mother and father turned you into this. You are everything I ever wanted you to be. But try as might, it is so hard for me to not look at you and think. ‘That’s my baby girl’. So I asked your father if I could, maybe, with you permission. Also walk you down the aisle. I’ve been standing out your door holding this, too scared to knock. But we don't have much time left and I just needed to do it.” 


I looked down at the photo in Seo-joon’s hands, “she looks like she was always smiling.” I said, catching a glimpse of Seo-joon and my mother in the photo. 


“Oh she was, even when she was upset she was smiling.”


“I’m trying really hard to not cry because my mom did my makeup and I cannot ruin it. She will murder me. So Papi said, if you asked me and I said yes you could both walk me down the aisle?”




“That’s very unconventional, but we are nothing if not weird. Once you're on tape, it’s permanent. My kids will see that, they'll wonder who you are.”


Seo-joon shook his head, “no they won't. Because they’ll already know who I am. I promised you, I'm here for the long haul. I’m not going anywhere. Those kids will look at this tape and wonder, mommy, why is grandpa crying so much?” 


“You promise?”


“I swear.”


“Then let's do this, grandpa. I’ve got a wedding for you to walk me down.”




“Daddy, please stop fidgeting.”


“I'm trying sweetheart, I'm trying.” I turn to my dad and laugh at the look on his face.


“Your smile looks so scary”.


“I’m so excited baby girl. I'm going to be a father in law and a grandfather.”


I shook my head and kissed my dad on the cheek. In 30 seconds I'm going to walk through this door and my wedding is going to begin. I think we might win an award for weird weddings. The music starts and my heart skips a beat, Joy’s mom must be so irritated. Why did we let Katy rap on the ‘here comes the bride’ track?


“You ready sweetie?”


“You betcha”, I grin and the doors open to the beginning of the rest of my life.


I don't think I’ve ever smiled so bright in my life, there's a giraffe trying to eat my aunt’s hat in the corner. A baby monkey just threw some confetti in the air when I heard it. 


The sound of a sunrise, of waves crashing. The sound of coming home, the sound of laughter and comfort. The sound of love. The sound of my love. 


Five rows away, also being walked down the aisle by not one but both of her fathers is the most gorgeous woman I have ever laid my brown eyes upon. 


And she’s mine. 


All mine.


I’m going to marry this woman so hard! 


This woman, giggling and brightening the whole goddamn sky is going to be my partner for life. She’s going to be the mother of my children. She is my greatest blessing and wonder. My dad kisses my cheek and I realize we’re both crying like absolute babies and I just can't find a care to stop. 


I’m getting married! 


I turn just in time to see Katy and Junito shoot me a thumbs up and Joy to be given a kiss on both cheeks before she walks up the small steps to me. “Sorry, a lot less space with three people”. She jokes.


“It’s okay, you’re here now.” 


“I’m trying so hard to not cry, I do not think this is waterproof makeup”, Joy laughs. “God, you are so beautiful. I could die right now and I could genuinely say I died happy.”


“I”, my throat closes before I can finish. I just nod like an idiot and hope Joy understands what I’m trying to say. 


“Alright, ladies and gentlemen”, we both turn to Eric who, would you guess is ordained! His hair has grown back too, it’s beautiful. “We are gathered here-Katy baby, please stop rapping.”


“Oh, sorry!” katy grins, handing the mic off. 


“Anyway, we are gathered here today to witness these two lovely women, Joy Maribel Ruiz Garcia Sooyoung, be wedded to Wendy Shon Seungwan in holy matrimony. But, as is custom. If anyone has any objections, please speak-”


“You better not!” Katy cuts off, mean mugging the gathering.


“Thank you Katy”. Eric chuckles, “or forever hold your peace.” Katy continues to glare and I look at Joy who just like me is smiling like an idiot. “Seeing no objections, let us begin. Why don't you two hold hands?” my hand shoots out like a bullet and I hold onto Joy’s sweaty hands with my own. “Four and a half years ago, Joy choked on a peanut and her mother called for help. And on that day, Wendy picked up and helped save the day. 


Unable to get the call out of her head, she, despite her best friend’s warnings, went to visit Joy in the hospital with her best friend Irene. Nobody would have guessed that that day would prove to be the one of the most important days of these two lives. Unable to forget about Joy, Wendy went to the hospital again. And then when Joy got out, they hung out, and then they did it again and again and again. And then one day, Joy said, “will you be my girlfriend?”  and Wendy said, “I'd love nothing more.” and thus began the beginning of a beautiful relationship. As Katy once said, a little Kimchi here, a little Adobo there and you get these two. But before we can truly begin, before we can tie this knot and send these two off. I have a couple questions for you. 


Joy, do you, take Wendy Shon here, to be your wife. To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?”


“I do”. Joy said, shaking our hands and biting her lip. Oh man, it’s my turn!


“And you! Miss, Wendy, do you take Joy Ruiz Garcia to be your wife?  To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?”


“I do”, I laughed. My feet are so sweaty! 


“Well, before we finish. I heard you guys have some vows to say.”


“I rewrote mine so much that in the end I decided to just say what I felt when I got up here. So here goes, Wendy, without you I feel like the sun won't rise. Sometimes I feel like I'm out of breath until I see you. This relationship has never been easy, it’s work. We work everyday to communicate better, to love better, to understand better. Everyday I wake up excited to put even more effort into this relationship, to help it blossom even more than it did the night before.


I never want this to be easy, I never want us to just coast. I want to continue to fight for us, I want to put my full hundred percent in with yours. I heard this song recently, and I realized it’s exactly how I feel. It goes like this: I'm not perfect, but I swear I'm perfect for you. And there's no guarantee that this will be easy, it's not a miracle you need, believe me. I’m no angel, I'm just me but I will love you endlessly. I’ve got what you need, you need me.


So I will do more than have and hold you, I will love you from this day forward so much more than better or worse, beyond richer or poorer, despite sickness and health. I will do more than just love and cherish you and I’ll do it beyond death, not till. I will make sure you only ever feel like the only girl in the world. One day, I woke up, tripped and fell in love with you and never looked back. I love you Wendy.”


Oh god, I'm ugly crying! I take a shaky breath as Eric starts speaking again and gestures to me for my vows. Oh man, I’m going to cry through this whole thing aren't I? 


“Phew!” I laughed. “Thank god this is waterproof mascara, thanks sis.” I laughed. “Joy”, I croaked. “Jeez, this is hard. Joy, if I had a penny for everytime you have made me happy I'd have enough money to buy an island. If I had a penny for everytime I felt so overwhelmingly loved, I'd buy a spaceship and fly us to the moon so you could see how much you resemble the sun to me. I do not know what I did to deserve you, but I thank the big guy upstairs for giving you to me.You are wacky and loud, and I don't understand how you attract all the craziness but you do and I want nothing more than to attract it with you. 


I want to have these kids and raise them with you, I want to embarrass them with you. I love you more than anything and everything and I can't wait to begin the rest of our lives together. I’m even more excited to argue with you about spare keys and your insane thing about mixing chemicals, they say not to and yet you and your family just do it anyway and it scares me but I adore you and can’t wait for you to teach our future kids about this so I can very quickly tell them not to. You are my first and last love. You are the face I want to wake up to and sleep to. And I Vow to you that you will always be my first and last thought. I love you Joy.”


Eric clapped his hands together and grinned like a madman, “with the vows said, and no objections voiced. I am excited to say that by the honor graced upon me by the good lord and the state of New York, that I can now pronounce you wife and wife and oh, didn't even let me say you kiss the bride. Welcome Everyone! And say hello to Mrs. and Mrs. Ruiz Garcia!”


Holy guys, I'm married. 




The very first thing that happened after I kissed my bride was a shrill scream, apparently the giraffe had gotten too close to Irene which set of a chain reaction, Irene screamed which made Seulgi jump and slap the offending giraffe which then reared its long head and neck back at Seulgi who ducked just in time to be missed but could not save Ron-Ron from getting knocked absolutely off his feet and into the crowd. 


Also, where the hell are my rings?


“Seul! Where are the rings!”


“Sorry! Sorry! I heard Irene scream and I panicked, one second.” my little ninja yelled before running to the back and carrying my little cousin Mateo who was holding a small pillow with rings. 


“Really Seul? This is the last time I give you privileges!” Katy yelled like she was talking to a dog. I shook my head at the crackheads and took the rings from my cousin still held in the air like a sacrifice.


I slid a ring onto Wendy’s finger and damn near tap danced. I'm so damn excited. Wendy giggled when she slid the ring onto my finger and then we almost tried to make a baby right there in front of everyone before we were shoved off the steps and then shoved some more and then into our limo to meet everyone at the reception. 


“We’re married Joy, like, full on married. Like, we share a last name babe.” 


“I know, god. I kinda wish we didn't have this reception to go to.”


“What? Why? I want to have with my wife”, I laughed. God it feels good to say that. “Maybe we could pull a Katy and do something in the car?”


“No, absolutely not Joy. We’ll scar the driver. Wanna take a detour to the hotel first?” Oh that is my baby alright!




And so that is how the story goes. We have followed the story of five people and their families. We’ve smiled when they’ve smiled, cried when cried, found Joy in their accomplishments and been disappointed when they let us down. While this may be the end of Culture Shock it is not the end of the story. 


We shall follow our favorite couple into married life and kids, meet our favorite children and see who they find to love. And much like here, we will smile and cry with them through the ups and downs. But that is for later, for now, I give you a sneak peak.


Saeron stepped off the plane and looked around, she quickly stopped herself though. Nobody knew she was back, she had planned this on purpose. She only had one thought in mind at this point, the less people who knew she was here the better. Saeron power walked to the exit, nodded at the people thanking her for her service and continued out of the airport. 


Flagging down a Taxi and airport is easy, it’s making the cabby shut up and stay shut that’s hard. Saeron has found an answer to this problem, she slides in, says her location and pops in her earbuds as a deterrent. The cabby arrives at their destination, she slides him a fifty which is beyond the actual price but she doesn't have time to wait. She knocks at the front door of the two family home and as if she had been holding her breath her entire tour, when the door opens she finds her breath again.


“You’re here.” the woman breathes, breath white in cold air.


“You called.”


“I wasn't sure you’d actually come though.”


“When have you not gotten your way where it concerns me?”


“A handful of times actually.” Saeron nods, this is true. She has won a couple times she remembers. 


“Can I come in, or uh, should I stand out here all night until eventually Joy finds me and the whole jig is up?”


“Shut up”, Katy mumbles before pulling the marine into the house. “Do you want something to drink?”


“Sure, got any whiskey? Is that what we're doing here? And where is your boyfriend, Eric right? That was his name?”


Katy swallows harshly, before grabbing the bottle of the top of the refrigerator. “I wonder if I’d have called you if Eric were here. Eric isn’t here because he didn't want to be, we’ll leave it at that.” Katy says, turning to hand Saeron the glass.


“Nothing for you?” Saeron asks, Katy unties her robe and lets it drop to the floor. “Holy ”, Saeron gasps, looking at the woman in front of her dressed in a tight tank top only made tighter by the protruding belly. “You’re ing pregnant!”


Katy rolls her eyes, “thanks, I hadn't noticed.”


“So, Eric knocked you up and then what? Skedaddled!”


“Eric was perfect, he would never have done that. He didn't have a choice okay? Jesus, stop bringing him up.”


“Forgive me, you call me up out of the blue. Present to me that you’re pregnant, no boyfriend in sight and what? I’m supposed to high five you? I’m ing confused Katy.” 


Taking a deep breath, Katy grabs Saeron’s hands and pulls her down onto the sofa. “I need your help.”




“I thought I could do this alone. That my family, and my friends would be enough but I realized I can’t. I can’t do this alone.”


“Then call Eric, he’s the father.”


“I can’t! Don't you get that, I ing can’t!”


“Why not Katy!”





Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed this wild ride. You guys are the absolute bomb! I know you wanted to read all about the pregnancy and after the wedding, don't fret. That will come, but for now, enjoy this. Re-read. Re-fresh. I don't know, have a wonderful day and



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Chapter 61: Asvafsfdhk!!! Omg !!!i thought i was free from this Fic but now i need to know what happened to erik
Shhhh I'm not complaining I really love your Work
Chapter 1: I love how latin this is, it makes me feel at home 🥺
Chapter 11: I appreciate the exposure to the Puerto Rican culture here. Makes me want a Joy Maribel Ruiz Garcia for myself. <3

-your loyal supporter
Chapter 4: I'm enjoying this story so much. What a delight. The style of writing is absolute perfection.

-your loyal supporter
Chapter 62: Ohh this is such a treat!! Idk why I only just find it now but my gosh author nim! I gobbled up everything and I just can’t stop xD everyone’s a crackhead here I’m starting to turn into one hahaha I’m sooooo excited to jump to blended now!!! Hnghhh seasonn 2 here we comeeee ohh and thankyou so much for sharing your amazing workk!!💕💕💕
StDekki #6
Chapter 1: JAJAJAJAJA No puedo dejar de reírme.
Chapter 62: Lol!!!!
Chapter 62: The chaos they would bring... Wendy 💚💚💚💙💙💙
1188 streak #9
Chapter 62: Oh your such a tease for this!
Outtie11 #10
Chapter 62: Lol!