Familia is 가족

Culture shock

It was a sunny day when our two favorite protagonists first hung out. The birds were a sing’in, the wind was a’blowin and the skies were blue and there may have even been a rainbow up there. It had taken Joy a week to grow ballsy enough to invite Wendy out; after being discharged from the hospital. Wendy had never gotten a chance to say yes though, because like a lot of things in their lives, Wendy would balls up first. Wendy had, like every night, called Joy and stammered through a corny pick up line. 


“Hey!! Um so like. You’re cute. And I’m okay. And together we’re pretty okay. Wait. No I think I said that wrong. Let me try again.” While Wendy panicked through her second try Joy was soaring on cloud nine. Was Wendy trying to ask her out? Was Wendy saying she wanted to adopt thirty cats and dogs with her? Was Wendy trying to have her kids? “And I’m pretty cute. ! I said it wrong again” oh my god, is Wendy proposing? “And together we’re pretty cute! Get it. Cause you’re pretty and I’m cute?” It was silent. Wendy began to panic. 


Did Joy not like the line? Sure she messed it up a couple times but it was all good intentions! Did she not want to go on long walks on the beach? Build decks together? Maybe rent a uhaul and fall in love?


“Do you want to maybe get fro-yo?” Wendy tried, voice timid. 


Joy swallowed thickly and did what seemed the sanest thing to do. “Yes”, she agreed. 


Wendy fist pumped the air and Irene shot her a look as she fed Seulgi a strawberry. “Why is she so excited?” Seulgi asked, mouth full of strawberry. 


Irene tsked, “baby please. Don’t talk with your mouth full, you’ll dirty your brand new flannel.” 


Later on in the day, Joy picked Wendy up in front of the train station in her orange Mitsubishi Eclipse. Wendy stared, I don’t know if it’s the car or the women in the car. But hot damn this is y. Joy pulled down her sunglasses and grinned a grin only a Greek goddess could grin. She was right. Joy was a goddess. 


“Hey! Come in”. Wendy nearly sprinted to the passenger seat, her toes were tingling in glee. This is the greatest day of my life and oh my god! This car is the perfect height for me! Wendy climbed in and leaned over to hug Joy, Jesus she smells nice. And oh my god! Are these warmers? Well I’ll be damned. They are! A pretty girl and toasty buns. 


“How are you?” Wendy asked, willing her feet to stop shaking. Joy grinned, “I’m good, great actually. How are you?” Wendy giggled, “perfect”. Joy bit her lip in a shy grin, god these two were just the cutest. 


Joy drove to a low key cafe that sold Latin style ice cream flavors, she hoped Wendy would like it. They pulled up to a building that for the most part, seemed abandoned. Wendy winced, maybe she’s not in the mood for fro-yo? Maybe she wants to….Uh….renovate something? It didn’t matter what Joy wanted though, one flash of the pearly whites and Wendy was hooked. She followed Joy down a wet alleyway, there was chatter and quiet guitar riffs. 


Wendy gasped when she entered the cafe, it smelled like paradise and looked like everything a cafe should look like. “Wow, this is beautiful”. Wendy the string lights strung around the low ceiling. 


Joy nodded, not because she was listening but because the voices in her head were right. Wendy is breathtaking. Wendy’s smile was radiant and the way she brushed her fringe out of shining brown eyes made Joy’s knees go weak. Wendy grinned at the origami hanging from the corners. “Is this an Asian cafe?” Wendy asked, bowing her head with reddening cheeks when she caught sight of the way Joy was looking at her. 


“Oh um”, Joy snapped out of it. “It’s run by a woman named Clarissa. She went to school in Japan. She brought some stuff back with her. I Uh, wasn’t sure what you were into but I thought you might  find this place kind of cool”, Joy shrugged, looking at her feet. 


“It’s beautiful”, Wendy whispered. She threaded her arm through Joy’s. “Let’s order”.


Joy wanted to skip. No, she wanted to sing. Better yet, she wanted to drop to one knee and ask this woman for her hand in marriage. Hopefully New York would legalize same marriage soon, until then Joy would just count her lucky stars Wendy was here. “So what’s good here?” 


Joy smiled at the cashier and pointed at the menu above, “well the papaya with little bits of strawberry is good. Mama loves pineapple with coconut shavings. Mí mama le gusta la cafè con chocolate” (my moms likes the coffee with chocolate.) 


Wendy giggled softly, watching Joy’s eyes light up. “What?” Joy asked when she heard Wendy. 


“Nothing it’s just, you started speaking Spanish”. Embarrassed Joy rubbed the back of her head. 




“Don’t be, I think it’s cute.”


“You think it’s cute?”




The cashier cleared , Wendy and Joy looked up sheepishly. “Sorry” they chorused. The young girl waved them off, “don’t worry about it. First date?” 


Nobody can say for sure whose face turned red first, but the cashier grinned and nodded understanding. “Just two gal pals?” She joked. Wendy and Joy nodded mutely, hearts racing. 


“Um, get whatever you think I might like”. Wendy eventually said. A couple minutes later the two of them found a seat by a window, Wendy’s eye lit up at the first taste of her fro-yo. “Whoa! This is good!” Joy nodded and laughed. 


“It’s mango papaya, my favorite.”


Wendy did a little dance in her seat, “it’s so good”. 


“I’m glad you like it. So, how’s work been?” Wendy shrugged.


“It’s work, annoying, exciting, loving.”




Wendy nodded, “yeah. It’s a loving job, I feel like I’m the light under the bed when everyone is afraid of the monsters. It can be thankless, but I always feel loved.” Joy smiled softly as Wendy continued on, hands moving in expression. Wendy’s eyes narrowed and widened as she explained things, her cheeks puffed and hollowed as she did her best to express her feelings. 


She is gorgeous. 


“Sorry, am I rambling?” Joy shook her head rapidly. 


“Absolutely not. Keep going. I like hearing you talk about work.”


“Are you sure? I don’t wanna only talk about myself.”


“I want to hear it. Go ahead.”


“Okay, so um. I don’t know, I just feel like everyone’s older sister when I get a call.”


“Do you have any siblings?”


Wendy nodded, eyes widening again. “Mhm, an older sister. Her name is Wheein. She’s honestly my best friend. Last year she called me drunk and sang Stacey’s mom line for line.” Wendy laughed. 


“Stacy's mom?” Joy asked.


“It’s a song, by Fountains Of Wayne.”


“I’ve never heard it before, what’s it about?” Wendy laughed. 


“It’s about a teenage boy who has a crush on his girlfriend's mom. You’ve really never heard it before? It came out last year.”


Joy shook her head, “no. I’ve been listening to Whenever, Wherever a lot these days.”


“Who's That by?”




“I don’t know who that is.”


“She’s a Colombian singer, oh I also like the new Ricky Martin song I don’t care.”


“Oh! The vida Loca guy!” Wendy exclaimed, Joy laughed, nodding her head. “That’s a good song.”


The conversation flowed, slowing and speeding but never stopping. “I’m sorry. Am I rambling?” Wendy asked again. 


“Who told you what you had to say wasn’t interesting?” Joy asked, grasping Wendy’s free hand. 


“I. Um.” Joy smiled. 


“I think everything about you is interesting Wendy. From the most mundane, to the exciting. I don’t know if it’s too soon, but I think you’re exciting and fun and new. Nothing you could tell me could make me want you to shut up. You’re interesting and smart and beautiful and you could be describing a murder and I’d be completely taken by you.” Wendy’s face flamed and she grinned. 


“I really like your voice.” Wendy whispered. 




“It’s really y, and raspy and deep and the accent really just makes it sound like melting chocolate. But the Swiss kind. That’s the best kind.”


The original plan was to simply spend an hour or two together, that day they spent the entire day together and when Wendy finally made it home. Seulgi smiled brightly at Wendy, “You Look in love” she said. 


Wendy had blushed and ran away, she called Joy as soon as she made it to her room. She missed her voice. 




Joy grumbled next to me before rolling over and off of me, I chuckled and rolled onto my back. “Why is my baby so upset?”


“Two days. It’s been two days and she still hasn’t apologized.” 


I cooed at my tall baby and leaned up to kiss her pouty lips. “She’s called eight times.”


“Yeah, and every time it’s been excuses. I just want an apology. What she did was wrong. I just want an apology.” I nodded in understanding and pulled Joy’s sleeping shirt higher up to rest my hand on her warm belly. 


“I’m sure she is sorry.”


“I don’t want to guess. I don’t want to assume. I want her to say it and mean it.”


“I love you. You know that right?” Joy grinned. 


“You wouldn’t be marrying me if you didn’t right?” 


“I think I fell in love with you the minute I went to that cafe. I really thought you were taking me to knock down walls or something. I was like okay, weird. But we got this.” 


“Really?” Joy laughed. Damn if that’s not the sweetest sound. 


“Yeah! I was willing but a bit nervous.”


“I was thinking that I really wanted New York to legalize gay marriage quickly.” 


I smiled before resting my head on Joy’s chest, “we have to call around for venues today. I found four of them. And our passports should be arriving today, I asked them to expedite them. Had to put extra money down.”


“We didn’t need to speed them up”, I rolled my eyes and pat Joy’s chest. 


“Yes we did. You’re just cheap.”




Junito knocked on his aunt’s door, Irene stood next to him rambling about locations. Maya opened the door and smiled. “Bendicion Titi”, Junito greeted, leaning forward to hug and kiss Maya. Irene entered the house awkwardly. 


“Hi maya”, Irene greeted, waving awkwardly. 


Maya blinked before pulling the women in for a hug, “Irene, si?”


“Yeah, I’m Wendy’s friend.”


“And Mari’s cousin”, Junito informed and opened the fridge for a Pepsi. 


“Ah si. De los chinos.” (Ah yes. From the Asians.)


Junito snorted, “Titi!” He admonished, grin on his face. 


“Wha ju do here?” Maya asked, motioning for Irene to sit on the sofa. 


“I wanted to ask for your help Titi.”


“With what?”


“With Mari’s wedding shower.” Maya swallowed, eyes downcast. 


“Mari no want to see me.” She said sadly. 


Irene frowned, “why? She loves you.”


Maya smiled sadly, “I hurt her feelings.” Junito quirked a brow. 


“Well have you spoken to each other? You know she can be dramatic.”


“She no take Mís llamadas” (my calls)


“Por que?” (Why?)


Maya shrugged. “You know she wants to marry in some oder country. No church. Nada. I told her I don’t like it. And that Wendy is control her.” Junito grimaced. 


“Ay Titi, no. She wants to marry in another country because it’s fair to everyone. She doesn’t want to pick a side. You know titi Joy has always chosen your side. I wasn’t supposed to say, but you know Joy ask Wendy to marry her twice.” Irene slapped Junito’s thigh, shushing him. “Hey! Stop. My aunt needs to hear this. Mira titi, mami me dijo que yo proteje mi prima.” (Look auntie. Mommy told me to protect my cousin.) “that means from everything. Even you.”


“I never hurt Mari.”


“I know titi. But Wendy and Joy are in love. They are trying to understand and drive in a confusing world. They need everyone in their life to be helpful. You’re her mom, you have to be more understanding. You always get mad and go too far, Mari isn’t a baby anymore.”


“She’s my baby”. Maya argued. 


“And she always will be”, Irene said. “But it’s time to treat her like an adult too. You blame Wendy for everything, from getting to know me. To the Wedding. Even the way Joy eats. It isn’t fair. They’re a couple, it isn’t a one person decides all. They make their decisions together.” Irene said, thinking back to all the times she watched Wendy and Joy think through a plan. 


Junito watched as Irene spoke, defending his cousin. No, not his. Their. Their cousin. Our cousin. He bit his lip when tears suddenly hit him, no te preocupes Mami, hay alguien mas que va a ayudarme. (Don’t worry mommy. There’s someone else to help me.). Mari is in good hands Mami. Rest well. 


Junito smiled as Maya began to cry and Irene rushed over to her, “oh don’t cry. It’s going to be okay. Joy will always be here. You guys will talk it out.” 


We really are just one big family now huh? Mami, if you could see us you would be so proud. Mari is so strong Mami, and Wendy is brave to stand by her. These chinitos have spines of steel Mami. You would love them. 




I hung up the phone and leaned back in my chair, “alright. So! Flights are booked! And I set up the venue to check out our flight and booking is next month on the 8th!” I called, spinning in my chair. “What are you doing?” I asked, eyeing Joy furiously mopping. 


“Two days! Two damn days Wendy!”


“Ahh”, I said, standing to wrap my arms around Joy. “Why don’t you call her first babe?”


“Because! She messed up, not me. She needs to chase me!” I kissed her bare shoulder. 


“I like this tank.” I said, pulling at a strap. Joy looked down and smiled angrily. I didn’t even realize one could do that. 


“Thanks. My fiancé got it on discount”. I chuckled, kissed her shoulder again and pulled the strap up. 


“So, maybe too soon with all the drama going on with your mom. But I started looking up clinics and I wondered if you wanted to go to Irene’s or pick our own.” Joy sighed and pulled me with her to sit down. 


“I really don’t mind either. Either way, I get to start a family with you. We should set up an appointment to meet with the clinic.” I grinned and nodded. Oh man we’re gonna have a bunch of tiny Joy’s around. Oh I’m so excited. 


They’ll be loud. And cute. But definitely healthier they will not be drinking processed chocolate milk three times a day, that's basically an addiction. Nope. Nu uh. Not in my house. I refuse. 


My toes are numb. I'm so excited. “Do you Uh. Wanna call now?” I bit my lip, what if I’m going too fast? What if she wants to slow down? What if she’s tired and I’m upsetting her? Ahh! I’m a piece of smelly . 


“Can we call now? It’s the weekend.” I jumped up. 


“Woman does it matter! We’ll leave a message!”




Junito wasn’t sure how to assist the small woman in front of him, Irene was dangling from a hanging ceiling light yelling for help. This is tricky. Maya started hitting his back yelling for him to help, but how could he help! 


“Irene! Just put your feet on the ladder!”


“I can’t find the ladder you ! Help me I’m ing hanging here!”


“I can’t!”


“Why not!”


“Because I have to touch your and your girlfriend is like a G.I JOE!”


“Junito if you don’t ing help me by god I’m going to kill you myself!” Junito grimaced but stepped forward, braced his hand on Irene’s hips and tried to guide her to ladder without dying inside. When she finally found the ladder Irene sighed deeply and climbed down. 


Junito felt the world freeze over as Irene glared at him. “Please don’t hit me with the ladder.”


Irene rolled her eyes and shoulder checked Junito who whined, Jesus those bony shoulders pack a punch. The small woman rests her hands on her hips and looks up at her surroundings. It took them 14 hours. But they finally were able to finish setting up the cafe. “Joy said she was nervous the entire time but there was something about the way Wendy was fixated on the lights that settled her heart.” Irene smiled and a dangling origami. 


“They’re pretty cute.” Irene mumbled, smile still present. “So, here’s the plan. Tomorrow, you’re going to call Joy. And bring her and Wendy here, call me fifteen minutes before so I can get everyone ready.”


Junito nodded, “should I have Katy already here? She’s buying the cake.” Irene bit her lip, “or not?”


“Sorry”, Irene shook her head. “We’re having a rough patch.”


“You and Katy?”


“Well, Seulgi, Katy and I.”




“Does it matter?”


“I think it does. Aren’t we kind of like family now?”


“You literally attacked me with a water gun because you didn’t want to be family.”


“People change.”




“Crazier things have happened. We have a black guy running for president who might really win. The world is changing and seems like it’s for the good, why wouldn’t I change for the better too?” Irene shrugged, she messed up. Why would anyone care? “Come on little lady. Talk to me. I can be your big cousin too.” 


“I’m older than you.”


“Jesus Irene. Accept my love and affection!” Junito yelled before scooping up the teeny tiny women and holding her by her legs over his shoulder and spinning. Irene screeched as she was swung around, across the cafe talking to the cafe owner Maya watched her nephew and the women she felt was taking her daughter away. 


“Your son?” The owner asked. Maya shook her head. 


“No. My nephew”, Maya paused and took a deep breath, “and my niece.” 


“Really? She looks so different. That’s beautiful.”


“She’s from another family. But I don’t look at blood anymore. Family from blood or marriage is still family. My daughter is teaching me this.” The owner smiled and gave Maya a one armed hug. 


“Family is family.”


Outside Seulgi was climbing out of her Ford F-150, adjusting the belt on her hip she walked into the creepy alley. An urge to pull her gun hit her and she took a deep breath reminding herself that everything was fine. Irene was safe. Nobody was around to hurt anyone. She entered the cafe and heard Irene screech, once again she fought the twitch to grab her gun and protect Irene.  She swallowed thickly as Junito ran by, a dangling Irene on his back. 


Breath Seulgi. Everything is fine. They’re playing. Breathe. With another breath Seulgi walked up to the giggling duo, “what’re you two up to?” Seulgi asked, hoping her smile seemed genuine. Junito flung around, Irene screeched as she was aggressively swung, “hey G.I JOE! What’s up? We're just chillin, Irene did a lot today. I couldn’t have done it without her.”


With her chest pressed against Junito’s back, Irene replied “damn right”, nasally. 


Seulgi chuckled and squatted down eye level with Irene, “hey there beautiful.” Irene waved, face red. 


“Hiya y. Why are you in your uniform? Did you come straight here from work? Junito! Put me down! I feel like my intestines are in my eyeballs!”




I laid in bed with my head resting over Joy’s heart, she’s asleep. Today makes three days of the Cold War between her and her mom. I can’t help but feel like this is all my fault, maybe I shouldn’t have pushed. But at the same time. This needed to happen. 


I always felt like Joy was babied and was Afraid of her mom, but In actuality. Joy babies her parents. She gives them anything and everything regardless of her feelings or her beliefs. It’s wrong. Eventually you move on from the nest and you grow as a person that’s what growing up and maturing means. It’s hard, but family should always be there for each other despite feelings or beliefs. 


Maya will understand that. We’re going to get married. We called the clinic today, they said they would love to have us for a consultation. Said they’d love to talk about the beginning steps with us. Maya can’t miss that, she wouldn’t miss that. 


I know in my heart everything will be fine, but the unknown is always scary. Joy grumbles in her sleep and tightens her arm around my waist before turning and once again, suffocating me with her body. But it's fine. Right now it’s alright. 


We got a lot done today. A lot of important steps are moving forward. I just hope Joy and Maya figure things out quickly. I love them both too much for them to live in this kind of pain daily. 




“Hi Mrs. Garcia” Seulgi greeted, hugging the shorter woman and kissing her cheek. 


“Hi slugi, how are you?”


“It’s Seulgi. Like. Seal and then gi.”




Seulgi waved a hand, “never mind. How are you?”


“Ah, I’m okay. I dink today I will visit my daughter.” Seulgi eyed the watch on her wrist. 


“At ten at night?” Maya shrugged and then sighed, Seulgi smiled sadly at the deflated women. When Wendy had explained what had happened Irene had wanted to march right over and tell Joy everything would be alright. But Seulgi felt different. 


Seulgi understood. 


It was fear. Fear of man, of new people, of pain. Fear of change. Fear of pain coming to her child. It was a righteous, motherly fear that Seulgi understood now. 


Maya didn’t know these people. May didn’t understand why her daughter was changing. Maya grew up with customs and all of a sudden her beautiful child was telling her she didn’t want to follow tradition. She didn’t want to follow customs and regulations that had ruled every other member of the family before her. How could Maya protect Joy from something she had never faced before? Seulgi understood stood this. Everyday since the pregnancy confirmation Seulgi had wanted to lock Irene up, wrap her in bubble wrap and never leave her side. 


She couldn’t do that though, it was fair to Irene and what Maya was doing wasn’t fair to Joy. But it was hard and she understood that. “You know, my girlfriend Irene is pregnant. As a cop everything scares me, I am afraid of pain coming to the love of my life and or to my unborn child. I understand why you are so protective and hands on with Joy. She’s your little miracle, your baby.”


“My gift from god.” Maya cut off. Seulgi smiled gently and nodded. 


“Absolutely. My dad was a Marine, we moved a lot. He was so hell bent on safety I felt like I never truly got to live. He swore everyday that some foreign nation would come and blow up a park I was playing at. Or soldiers would come to my school. Or I’d be snatched up walking home. He was terrified and for a long time I couldn’t enjoy my childhood, I was moved around a lot I couldn’t make friends, and if we stayed somewhere for long he was too afraid to let me out of his sight. 


My mother is who made him relax, she soothes him and slowed him down. I hated my father. But now, as an adult who sees the horrors that this world has to offer I don’t blame my dad. But I remember how I felt. I remember how it felt to be afraid of your own father. I think what you do is what my father did to me. It is a form of protection, but it’s too much. You have to let Joy breathe and make her own decisions. You have to trust that you raised her well enough to know how to navigate in this world. 


As a friend of Joy’s, Maya I can promise you that you have done beautifully. Joy is strong. Capable. Beautiful and brave and loyal. Trust her.” Seulgi wiped the tears falling from the older woman’s  face and cradled her head against her chest. “Shh, don’t cry. Everything will be alright.”


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Chapter 61: Asvafsfdhk!!! Omg !!!i thought i was free from this Fic but now i need to know what happened to erik
Shhhh I'm not complaining I really love your Work
Chapter 1: I love how latin this is, it makes me feel at home 🥺
Chapter 11: I appreciate the exposure to the Puerto Rican culture here. Makes me want a Joy Maribel Ruiz Garcia for myself. <3

-your loyal supporter
Chapter 4: I'm enjoying this story so much. What a delight. The style of writing is absolute perfection.

-your loyal supporter
Chapter 62: Ohh this is such a treat!! Idk why I only just find it now but my gosh author nim! I gobbled up everything and I just can’t stop xD everyone’s a crackhead here I’m starting to turn into one hahaha I’m sooooo excited to jump to blended now!!! Hnghhh seasonn 2 here we comeeee ohh and thankyou so much for sharing your amazing workk!!💕💕💕
StDekki #6
Chapter 1: JAJAJAJAJA No puedo dejar de reírme.
Chapter 62: Lol!!!!
Chapter 62: The chaos they would bring... Wendy 💚💚💚💙💙💙
1197 streak #9
Chapter 62: Oh your such a tease for this!
Outtie11 #10
Chapter 62: Lol!