Long Island beauty

Culture shock

OHHH ITS ABOUT TO GO DOWN!! italicization is in Korean. Normal font is English. Three point of view here. Wendy. Third person. And Joy. 


Wendy always knew she was destined for greatness, she just didn’t know what that greatness would be. But as she looked down to the sleeping woman in her bed she knew, loving Joy would be that greatness. Their first date with friends had been a chaotic one to say the least. Irene had gotten into a fist fight. Seulgi lost her shrimp. They almost got kicked out of the seafood place. Woowee what a doozy. But god was Joy beautiful. 


She was supposed to go home three hours ago but Wendy had convinced her to stay and watch Mulan. Joy had agreed, how could she say no to such a beautiful woman? Impossible. The monster who could had no heart. She fell asleep 40 minutes into the movie and from that moment on Wendy stared, she watched Joy’s nose twitch, everything about this woman was perfect. And cute. And y. And mostly just freaking perfect. But also very y. She leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss to Joy’s bow shaped lips. 


She hadn’t expected Joy to respond. She didn’t mind when she did. “Hi. I thought you were asleep?”


“I was. Pretty nice dream too. But then I remembered how much better my reality is.”


Wendy swooned. If Joy kept this up Wendy would be a puddle. “Are all Puerto Rican’s as smooth. Or Just you?”


Joy shrugged, “only those of us with the last name Ruiz Garcia.”  She giggled and tucked her head into Joy’s neck. She could get used to this. This easy going feeling between them. She hoped it would always be like this. “What time is it?”


Wendy glanced at the bedside clock. “10:55”.


“Oh, I should head home.” Joy whispered, running her hands up and down Wendy’s back. 


“Do you have to?”


“Not if you don’t want me to.”


“Do you want to stay?”


“If you’ll have me.”




“Then I’ll stay.”


Wendy slept like a queen that night, nestled against the women who would turn into her wife. The next morning was just as perfect as their night. She woke up before Joy who was sprawled out on her bed, hair in disarray and her shirt riding up. She had one leg draped over Wendy’s an arm hanging off the side and another tucked into her own pants. Wendy tried not to let the sight stir her. 


She rolled out of bed and went to brush her teeth but halfway to the door she caved and ran back to kiss Joy. She hoped she’d get to do that forever. Irene smirked  knowingly at her on her way to the bathroom, Wendy blushed and nearly sprinted to the bathroom. She wanted to get back to Joy as soon as possible. Maybe they could cuddle. Or watch another movie. Or eat. Or really they could do anything and Wendy would be perfect content. She just wanted Joy there while she did it. Seulgi was brushing her teeth when she entered. “Hey Seul.”


“Hey Wannie. What’s up?” She asked with a mouth full of foam. Some of it somehow on her eyebrow. Wendy chose not to comment. Seulgi was an odd one. 


“Not much. Can I ask you a question?” Seulgi rinsed and nodded. “When did you know you’d fallen in love with Irene?” 


Seulgi grinned wide, memories flooding in. Oh she’d known right away. Not a question about it. She placed one look at the jet black haired beauty and she had known. “Right away. The heart knows you know? I just saw her and my heart was like her! She’s the one. And years later. It turns out my heart was right. Why?”


“When I look at Joy sometimes I feel like I might be falling in love. She’s so, so. I don’t even know how to explain it. But everything about her makes me want to curl up and cry in happiness and thank god for blessing me with her.”


“The accent probably helps”, Seulgi joked. 


“Oh yes. It’s like she’s doing the tango with her tongue I feel like I’m going to die.” Unbeknownst to her, Joy stood outside the bathroom; grinning madly as she listened to the woman talk. Her heart was doing somersaults, thank god Wendy felt the same. 


One look from Wendy and Joy felt like she might pass out from sheer happiness. She must have been some kind of hero in a past life to be blessed so graciously in this life. Joy finally entered the bathroom, pretending she hadn’t heard a thing. 


Wendy’s whole face lit up when she spotted Joy, Seulgi snickered at the display of young love in front of her. Amateurs. She left to give them space to spread their blossoming love. “Hola amorsita”.


I don’t know what that means but she can say it forever, Wendy thought. “Hiya cutie”.


This strange Canadian way of flirting is doing something for me! Joy thought. 


“Want to go out for breakfast? I don’t have work till 6 tonight”, Joy asked, stepping forward to wrap Wendy in her arms. 


“Yeah. That sounds perfect. Oh. You don’t Have a tooth brush do you? I think I have a spare one lying around here somewhere. Maybe we could buy you some today. Just in case you know?”


That day, they had breakfast. And then, Wendy told herself she was only doing it for emergencies. But she brought Joy toiletries to leave at her house. Just in case. Maybe. Joy might stay over in the future. She had no idea the things she brought would be used plenty of times in the future. She was clueless to the knowledge that she would buy even more toothbrushes and face washes in the future because Joy would stay over so much she would need to replenish. She was clueless. But she always knew she was destined for greatness, clearly loving Joy was that greatness. Because no matter what, she seemed to get it right where Joy was concerned. 




Last night was too much. I love all my friends don’t get me wrong, I adore each and everyone one of them. But Joy is my soulmate. My everything. My future wife. She was so broken and sad and for what? The night could have gone beautifully, slow and steady but Irene and Seulgi decided it was there time to shine. I’ve never wanted to punch someone so bad in my life. That’s my wife you’re hurting! 


Joy’s still asleep, she’s suffocating me per usual but I think after her night that’s alright. I should go back—-no! Joy groans at the sound of the doorbell. “Make it stop,'' she mumbled into my back. I decided to do just that. Joy whines when I roll her onto her back, and throws a tantrum when I have to extricate myself from her. “No don't go.”


“Baby then who will open the door?”


She opens one eye at me and I grin at her, she’s gonna say something dumb, I can feel it in my loins. “God?”


“Yeah? He’s gonna float on down and open our front door?”


“Maybe?” I shake my head and kiss my wonderfully sleepy fiancé on her puckered lips.


“Go back to sleep hon. I’ll be quick.” Joy mumbles something on my way out. I open the door and my jaw slacks. “Daddy?”


Before I can say anything or do anything my dad is rushing in and talking a mile a minute. “Bigmistakesosorrycaniseeherwhollyunacceptableandithinkimaxxedoutyourcard”. 




“Daddy, slow down”.


With a deep breath and a wiggle of his body my dad spoke again. “I came to say sorry. I made a big mistake. And being drunk does not give me the right or excuse my behavior, what I said was very mean and hurtful. And I came to apologize. And also to tell you I think I maxed out your card and for that I’m sorry too. Wholly unacceptable.”



I smiled at my dad before pulling him into a tight hug. “Thank you for that daddy. You’re right what you said was really mean, so you should apologize to Joy head on. And we definitely need to talk about how you maxed out a debit card. But I really, really appreciate you actually showing up and saying sorry. I needed my dad.”


I sigh as my dad squeezes me tighter and kisses my forehead, thank god he’s here. He’s annoying but every girl needs her father. “Aaron?” My dad turned to Joy before doing the weirdest thing I have ever seen him do in my entire life. 


He took two long strides to Joy and pulled her into a nice hug. Joy blinked rapidly, eyeing me as my dad said something. She awkwardly patted his back and head. “I am. Very truly sorry for what I said Joy. It was so very wrong of me and I didn’t mean it but that doesn’t matter. Being intoxicated does not excuse my behavior. I’m much too old to be acting this way. You are marrying my beautiful daughter and that makes you family. I cannot promise a change over night. But I promise to do my best to be better. I’m sorry. And your father has a hell of a left hook.”




Katy rolled onto her side, slapping the screaming alarm off. She groaned and her arm flopped off to the side of the bed, I need to get up. Joy is meeting her aunt, I need to be there for her. Does she even want me there? Heaving a big sigh Katy threw her legs off the side of the bed and stood up, she threw on a t shirt she had lying on the floor and walked to her living room. 


Eric’s blonde head popped up from the couch, he threw Katy a lazy smile. God is he always happy? Katy gave him a smile and a wave before pointing at the kitchen. “Want something to eat?” 


“You don’t have to. I can get us something delivered.”


“Why? We can just make pancakes, and some eggs. No need to spend money.”


“Okay, cool.” Eric smiled again and stood up from the couch. He stretched, arms high up as he twisted and turned his body to relieve all the aches and pains. Katy winced hearing all the pops. 


“You know, you could have slept on the bed with me.”


“What! No!” Eric looked down at the couch he endured over night. “This couch is, muah! Chefs kiss.”


Katy leaned against the wall with crossed arms and a raised brow. “Yeah? Nice and comfy?”


“Yeah, it was really, really comfortable”, it wasn’t. “What is it? A tempurpedic or something?”


Katy shook her head, “no. Joy’s mom got it on sale at a flea market for 70 bucks.” 


Eric grinned, eyeing the couch. He walked around the couch and that was when he noticed Katy stood in front of him in all her beautiful glory. Bare legged, in and a flimsy white t shirt. Oh god, she’s not wearing a bra. 


Katy chuckled at Eric’s blatant ogling. “Eyes up here stud”. 


“Huh? What?”


With a roll of her eyes, Katy pulled the man along. Eric looked down at the hand around his arm and that was when he realized he was in nothing but his Superman briefs. “Nice underwear by the way”. Katy chuckled. 


“Um my mom got them”.




“So you’re going to meet your blood aunt?” Aaron asked, looking at me from over his cup of tea. I nodded my head, tapping my fingers nervously against my YooHoo carton. “Do you speak any Korean?” I shook my head and sighed. 


“Not even a bit. I can’t even pronounce my Korean name.”


“Well, don’t worry. Wendy speaks Korean.” I turned to Wendy impressed. 


“You do?”


“Mhm, mom and dad taught all of us.” I whistled and pressed a kiss to Wendy’s temple.


“Before any of this though. I need to call Katy. I can’t meet my aunt without her and we can’t roll in there at odds with each other. So I need to call her and we need to talk this through and apologize to each other.”


“You wanna go to her house?”


I shook my head, “no. The park.”


“Babe, maybe we should just stick to words.”


“No. We need the park.”


Aaron looked at us confused, “the park?”


Wendy held a hand up, “don’t. I don’t wanna talk about it.”


“I’m gonna call her now. I’ll be right back.” I walked determinedly to the bedroom and grabbed the house phone. I dialed in Katy’s number and waited. 




“Where are you?”


“Joy. Let me explain-“


“Shut up. Where are you?”


“You called my house phone, obviously I’m home.”


“Don’t sass me Katy Kim. The park. In an hour.”


“The park?”


“Yes. The park.”


“Can’t we talk this over on the phone? Or my house?”


“No. The park. Now you have 59 minutes.” Katy sighed and I glared at my wall. 






We paused. 


“I love you”


“I love you” 


We echoed at the same time. I hung up. 




Eric pulled his jacket collar higher up on his neck and regarded the two standing off in front of him. Wendy stood beside him, also watching. 


“You slept with my dad and cousin Katy.”


“I didn't know Joy.”


“But you knew he was important to me.”


“I did. And for that I apologize. But you can’t get mad at me for sleeping with your father like I had any idea. And you can’t get mad about the Irene thing at all, nobody knew. And she and Seulgi came onto me first well maybe not Seulgi, I definitely did that first. But Irene was first.”


Joy took a deep breath. “You hurt my feelings. Why didn’t you talk to me. You obviously knew before it came out.”


“Because. I didn’t wanna make you mad. Besides. I knew you’d freak out.” 


“I would not have freaked out. I do not freak.”


“You so freak. It might as well be your middle name. Everything to you is some kind of freak out session.” Joy gasped and flicked Katy’s forehead. “Hey! You flicked me! You filthy flicker!”


“Yeah! I did flick you!”


Katy’s eyes bulged before she shoved Joy. “Hey! Did you just shove me!”


“Yeah! I did! Whatcha gonna do about it?” 


To this Joy lunged forward and together the two toppled over, Eric flinched taking a step forward before Wendy held out a hand in front of him. “Don’t.”


Eric shot her a confused look, “but. They’re fighting?”


“It’s how they get over things. They come to the same park. And it always starts the same. Last time Katy brought a step stool to be at Joy’s height and slapped her right across the face.” Wendy informed bored as a loud “eat my fart!” Echoed into the cold November air. 


“Oh. Katy and her friends are odd, `` Eric pointed out watching as Katy rubbed dirt on Joy’s face. 


“Were definitely not a walk in the park. I’ll tell you that much. By the way, nice jacket. Where’d you get it?”




“Oh this old thing?” Eric looked over his jacket, “got it two years back at Burlington.”


“Oh I love Burlington!” Wendy gushed. 




“Me too! They have such good deals.”


Wendy nodded her head excitedly, “they totally do! Sometimes I feel like they keep the original price tag so you can see how much they brought it down.”




“I actually never thought about that. But it makes total sense now. It’s how the rope is in” Eric tapped his chin thinking back to all the times he’d gone to Burlington and finding that Wendy was in fact right. He looked up as Joy jumped into the air and landed elbow first into Katy’s rear end. 


“It looks like it’s gonna rain”, Wendy pointed out. 


Eric looked up, “I'M SORRY!”


“Yeah it does look like it’s gonna rain”. 


“I think they’re done,'' Wendy said. Eric looked ahead, Joy had Katy in a tired headlock that seemed to be turning into a hug. 


“How can you tell?”


“Because, they’ve both already given each other wedgies. That’s usually the last attack they have before getting tired.” Eric lifted a bushy brow. 


“Truly odd”.




I took a deep breath, my lungs burning. “I really am sorry Joy”. 


I rolled my head to look at Katy who lie next to me on the dirt. “You’re so beautiful Katy.”


“W-what?” Katy stuttered, now looking at me. 


“You’re beautiful. I wish you saw yourself the way I see you. You’re so much more than just this girl from Long Island that sleeps with everyone. Why do you do it? Don’t you know how precious you are?”


Katy gulped audibly and stared up at the cloudy sky, I caught the tear that rolled down her pale cheek on my fingertip. “I just want to be first. Nobody ever wants me.” She whispered. I felt my heart break. 


With a voice cracking at my best friends pain I offered her what I had. “That isn’t true. Eric wants you. I want you. I don’t know Eric all that well, but after last night he’s still around. That tells me he might be a whole lot more than just a one night bed warmer. Stop wasting your time on these people that can’t help you shine and focus on one person. Because to me Katy, you’re a beautiful woman. You’re strong and fierce and independent and reliable and I would die if I ever lost you. You are the axis that my world revolves around. I want to see you flourish like the beautiful ing flower that you are. 


I want you to be with someone that sees how beautiful you are and convinces you to see how beautiful you are too. I don’t know what happened between you and Seulgi and Irene. But what I do know is that they could never love you the way you need to be loved. As your best friend, I want you to know that I will always be here. And I will always love you. But I also want you to be better, because you can be.”


“What if I’m not strong enough?” I bit my lip and pulled Katy onto my body and held her right as she cried. 


“Then I’ll be the strong one for both of us. Maybe even Eric can help”.


“He is pretty great isn’t he?” I chuckled. 


“He seems awesome. I like his hair.”


Katy gasped and sat up, “girl! Me too. Can I ask you a question.”


“Go ahead.”


“If I’m the axis your world revolves around. What is Wendy?”


“My everything”.




Suzy sighed as she leaned back in the plush sofa, she smiled as Seulgi rounded the corner with cheese and crackers. “Want some?”


She nodded, ushering Seulgi over. “Come sit. Has my daughter been treating you well?”


Seulgi nodded brightly, flashing Suzy a gummy smile. “She’s perfect. How was the flight?”


Eh the usual. Tiring. I wish my daughter could have explained this whole thing over the phone though. Tell me seulgom-ah what’s all this about”


Um well. It’s better if Joohyun explains. She’s so much better at it than I am”


“Yes. But you’re honest about it.”


Seulgi gulped and looked around nervously for Irene, damn Suzy Bae for being so sneaky. Irene stood a couple feet away making tea for everyone as her father Joon-ki regaled some tale to her. 


It’s better if Joohyun explains. I might leave something out”.


“Or you might leave something in”


Suzy's eyes narrowed at the nervous woman in front of her, if she just pushed a little bit harder she could probably get to the bottom of this. 


Irene rounded the corner with her father still talking, she set the tray down with everyone’s tea and nodded periodically at her father. Seulgi chuckled, she isn’t listening to a word he’s saying. When everyone was settled Irene glanced at Seulgi who in turn walked over to her and sat down with on the loveseat. “Have you called Joy to find out how close she is?”


“Yeah. She said she’s 5 minutes away.”


“Which means she’s more like fifteen minutes away because she’s always late.” Seulgi nodded and placed an affectionate kiss on the corner of Irene’s lips. “Welp! I’ve gotta tell her sometime. You ready?”


“Are you?” Seulgi countered.


Irene nodded, took a deep breath and faced her parents. “I called you both here because I need to tell you something serious. I wanted to tell you face to face and have you with me in case something happened.”


Oh my god. Joohyun are you sick?” Suzy asked, worry laced in her tone. Joon-ki sat forward on the sofa, holding his wife’s hand. 


Joohyun. What is going on?” her father demanded. 


Irene took a deep breath and squeezed Seulgi’s hand tightly to ground herself. “Mom. Look, I need to explain to you something that happened years ago with auntie Juhyun”


Irene’s front door flew open and Joy and Katy came tripping in. Wendy was already apologizing, explaining Katy had to pee so she quickly opened the door with her key. It was all happening much too fast for Irene, of course this would be the one time Joy was on time. Irene’s mother gasped and jumped to her feet at first glance of Joy. Her father stared simply wide eyed like he was looking at a ghost. 


Suzy was up and rushing at Joy before Joy could even process what was going on. The small women cupped her cheeks with surprising strength and stared with trembling lips. “Juhyunnie? My dear Juhyun is that you?


Joy’s eyes darted around trying to find Wendy for some comfort. She had no idea what this woman was saying. “I’m sorry. I don’t understand”. 


Joy rest her hands on the ones holding her face, the woman in front of her looked like she might pass out. Suzy turned to her daughter, still holding tightly to Joy. “Joohyun! Sooyoung. Is this baby Sooyoung?” Suzy cried, realization slowly dawning on her. Irene nodded, she bit her lip to stop the tears. “Oh my sooyoungie! I thought you dead! Oh who kept my baby from me!” the woman wailed, hugging Joy in her arms. 


Joy found Wendy’s eyes, she wondered what to do as the small women holding her wailed and said things she didn’t understand. Wendy smiled gently before walking over, she placed a hand on Joy’s arm before hugging Suzy. “Hi auntie. Let’s sit down. It’ll be easier when we explain everything.”


Suzy nodded shakily at Wendy, but never let go of Joy as they walked to the sofa. Katy watched on, just as confused as Joy. Whatever the woman was saying she knew one thing, there would be hell to pay by the end of the night for mr. Seo-Joon. 


Joy was adopted as a little girl mom. She was raised by a family in Puerto Rico. She found out who her father was just recently and found her sister also, who told her who I was. We went through all her adoption paper work, baby Sooyoung grew up to be Joy Garcia.”


Suzy shook her head, holding tightly to Joy’s hand. “Seo-joon said the baby died”


Irene shook her head sadly, “he lied mommy”.


Joon-ki stared shell shocked, her in front of him sat a spitting image on his late sister in law. “How did he never notice? She looks just like her mother!” The man yelled. 


Irene shrugged, unsure how to answer the question. Suzy stared at the tan hand in hers and then back up to the woman. She kept pulling Joy closer, kissing her hands, rubbing her arms. This was baby Sooyoung. Oh god she looked so much like Juhyun. My dear Juhyun. “Where is he?”


“Who mom?”


Seo-joon. I want to see him. He kept my niece from me. Look at her! She doesn’t know who I am. She doesn’t even understand me! You tell that bastard to come here right now."

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Chapter 61: Asvafsfdhk!!! Omg !!!i thought i was free from this Fic but now i need to know what happened to erik
Shhhh I'm not complaining I really love your Work
Chapter 1: I love how latin this is, it makes me feel at home 🥺
Chapter 11: I appreciate the exposure to the Puerto Rican culture here. Makes me want a Joy Maribel Ruiz Garcia for myself. <3

-your loyal supporter
Chapter 4: I'm enjoying this story so much. What a delight. The style of writing is absolute perfection.

-your loyal supporter
Chapter 62: Ohh this is such a treat!! Idk why I only just find it now but my gosh author nim! I gobbled up everything and I just can’t stop xD everyone’s a crackhead here I’m starting to turn into one hahaha I’m sooooo excited to jump to blended now!!! Hnghhh seasonn 2 here we comeeee ohh and thankyou so much for sharing your amazing workk!!💕💕💕
StDekki #6
Chapter 1: JAJAJAJAJA No puedo dejar de reírme.
Chapter 62: Lol!!!!
Chapter 62: The chaos they would bring... Wendy 💚💚💚💙💙💙
1198 streak #9
Chapter 62: Oh your such a tease for this!
Outtie11 #10
Chapter 62: Lol!