Is this love?

Twisted in love

Kevin's POV

"You know me too well..." as it flash back to me on the words i left as I look at Ailee.   Her face tells me that she wanted to know who master is, but I don't have the courage to tell her.  And her mother, how come she hasn't tell her about master?  Poor kid doesn't even know her true identity. I felt nothing but pity as I left her there, not answering her thoughts about her mother.  I didn't mean to tell her about that, I don't have the right to do so.  Master will kill me if he find out that I told her about her mother.  But I won't do that, my loyalty to this clan is far more stronger than just a little girl who doesn't know her true self.  My father couldn't do nothing but curse at her, I like her, but my father doesn't approved.  Hiding in secret's is something we are most good at.  Him being the professor at school, and me being one of the student's until one day I met her, all grown up.  While me seems to not age a bit.  "Ahhh, the perks of being a demon, you don't age and you can transform to any form" as I said atloud to myself.  As I went back to her, seeing her looking around for the guardian of the light.  They seem to left when they can't find what they are looking for. "Good, while everything is quiet, I'll transform to the person that she like the most, Himchan" I decided as I transform to the person she like.  My heart suddenly skip a beat as it flash back to me, seeing her being on top of him at that time.  

What is this? Something I never felt before, I thought demon are not supposed to feel something like this?...we are forbidden to love any human living in this world, as I thought.  I shake my head to erase the thought, " I need to focus" I said.  As the thick black smog fills out the whole part of me, and suddenly revieled the face that I despise, my rival, Kim Himchan.  As soon that the transformation is complete, I walk up to Ailee, reach for her shoulder and turn her around.  The look on her face is alluring, like it was inviting me, when suddenly my lips locks her's.  But why? I don't understand the force that is coming to me....this moment is magical, never thought her lips can be sweet and soft at the same time, it taste like vanilla. i thought, as our lips are locked together.  I suddenly felt Ailee getting weaker as the kiss deepen, I can feel her heartbeat, it's like music to my ear.  But her heart is not beating for me, but for Himchan.  Ailee must have thought that he was the one kissing her, this isn't right. I should'nt be lying to her at this moment but what the heck, I like what is happening right now.  I have long for her to be this close to me, but that jerk stole her away from me.  It's been years that I have yearn to be this close, this time it's mine.  I suddenly felt Ailee, losing the grip on her hand on my chest, and as I thought, she fainted from lock of air.   Ailee is unconcious in my arm, her beauty never faded.  

Even that my father had cursed her to be a black widow, she is the most beautiful creature I have ever seen.  I was in my moment when suddenly a bright light appear out of nowhere, as I look to where the light was coming from, I see the person that I despise, Himchan.  I suddenly look at Ailee who is still in my arms, not moving, still unconcious.  "I better get out of here, before he see's what had happened to her" I said to myself.  As I get up and lift her, I suddenly hear her say something, it was vivid, I look at Ailee who was still unconcious in my arm, is moving slowly.  She was mumbling something but I don't know what it was, I was mesmorized by her beauty, What could he had that I don't? Ailee, I have like you since that day we met at school, I don't know who you where back then, but now I do.  You are my master's daughter, the heir to his thrown.  But why don't you know your true indentity? Your mother tried to gave you a normal life, a life away from hatred, for being different.  But no matter what you do, the curse that my father had put upon you is too strong now.  I wanna cure you, Do you know that? i wanna be the one who can cure you. I'm in love with you.I thought.   "Agh! what am I even saying thru my head, you are the reason why until now, I still try to win your loved, Ailee.  Please loved me, I can cure you" I said as I look at her.  The black smog is filling us up, as I turn to look where Himchan was, his eye was on me and Ailee. I can see him running towards where we are, the last thing i seen, is his worried face as i gave him the biggest smile. 



A/N: YAY!  another update you guys!! ^^ thank you all for subscribing and for reading this fic, it was greatly appreciated.  You guys just had no idea how greatful I am for you to read this, and I hope that you don't get bored now that Himchan had seen Kevin with Ailee in his arms.  Will our hero save her from what evil thing's Kevin might do to her? Stay tuned for the next chapter. Till then, Enjoy. You guys are the best. <3 M 

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yonggies_vip #1
Chapter 24: If you don't mind me asking, but what does "strattled" mean?
Chapter 1: What does Black Widow look like, Author-nim? Like in The Avengers? Haha, just kidding~ That Black Widow is pretty. And I think you should make the chapter into paragraphs. It's quite not easy to read through cellphone. I hope you wouldn't mind my advice. Have a nice day~ (^-^)/