My Reckless thoughts

Twisted in love

A/N: hi guys, sorry for not updating it for a while, work got me busy these days. But I will try to make time for y'all.  I hope you guys like this update, even tho it was a bit confusing (again). And I'm sorry if the character is not what they seem to be. I'm trying to finish this chapter so that I can start on a new one, in which i had somewhere in my computer.  But, question, and kindly reply to it..who do you guys want to see on my next fanfic? any idols or actors/ actresses in mind?  Leave me a note down by the comment. I will accept any suggestion. thank you and god speed.  <3  M



Daehyun's POV

Youngjae's lips felt real, as he pushed me towards the wall of my manly room.  His lips taste like cherry strawberry, sweet yet a bit tart.  I can't explain the sensation that is going down my spine.  As the kissed got deeper, I let out a moan, and suddenly felt his hand moved behind the back of my neck.  I sense that we are running out of air, but I don't mind, with him just like this, makes everything worth the while.  I suddenly felt light headed, Youngjae broke the kiss at first that we both are patting for air.   And without any notice, he smirk at me and left me dumbfounded.  "What just happened?" I asked myself, "Am I dreaming? this must be a dream? right? yeah, Jung Daehyun, wake up you idiot?" I said as I slap myself continuesly.   And little did you know, I fell from my bed, it was just all a dream that seems real.  I pouted as I realized about it, like a tons of bricks fall out of the sky and burried my heart as it sunk into the ocean of despair.   As I try to recall it, I touch my lips. A smile was creeping as I remember the sweet taste that left my lips, even if it was just a dream.  "Get over yourself man" i said to myself, "Today is the day you have to make that promise come true, noona will be surpirsed on what me and Youngjae had in store for her" I said, trying to find some sort of motivation in a little time that I have woken up.  I look at the clock next to my bed and realized that I was late for a morning gathering, but i don't care at the moment whether I was late of not, I was enjoying the moment in my memory of what a sweet dream it was.  

As I was enjoying my little escape of reality, a knock interrupted me and bring me back into reality.  Who could this be? interrupting me . I thought.  I didn't asked who it was, as I was walking towards the door, i strattled to see who was behind it.  "Yo-Youngjae-ssi?" I said, strattled.  Youngjae knotted his brows, "What's wrong with you? You look like you seen a ghost or something" he said, his expression was cute, in a way that only someone who had a desire to kiss him would think.  And that happened to be me, my eyes was automatically went down and look at his plum lips.  It was red like cherry, like it was asking to be bitten, I felt my throat getting dry as I gulp, and then shake my thought out of it.  "Are you ok man? you look kind of pale?" Youngjae asked, he was about to place his palm on my forehead but I dodge into it.  He got caught off guard on my sudden action.  Not wanting another embarrashment, and speaking of embarrashment, I look to see if I had my cloths on and sigh relief when I had seen that I was wearing them.   Youngjae sigh heavy before he spoke once more, "Are you sure you are ok?" he asked concerned, making sure that I was myself, I nodded.  "Ok, better hurry, Yongguk hyung is waiting for us, you know how he gets when you are late." he then said, before he turn around and left me still standing behind my door.  

Later that day, as promise to Youngjae, I went to noona's room.  Knowing that she was there getting ready but what surprised me was that her door was open as I was about to knock on her door.  "Huh? the door is open?" I said to myself, shocked, afraid that something bad had happened to noona. I hurried inside and see an empty room with no sight of her anywhere.  I search for her to every corner of the room but failed, no sight of noona anywhere.  I panic even more, suddenly Jongup and Zelo forseen me as they are walking by.  They both stop by the door, "Hyung!" both the maknae said in unison. I look at them both strattled as I panic, "Good that you guys are here, Wait, you both are partolling the hallway today right?" I both asked them, they both nodded, "Yes, hyung, but why do you asked and why do you look like you lost something important?" Zelo asked me.  I thought for a second, "Ah, I was looking for Ailee noona, did you guys know where she is? and why is her room empty?" I asked as my heart was beating, scared of what might had happened to her.  "Ah, Ailee noona, yah, we seen her, in the other side of the building, i think it was the room next to Himchan hyungs" Jongup then said.   "H-Himchan hyungs? but why?" I asked, curious about all of this, without me knowing about it.  "So, you guys are saying that noona moved next to Himchan hyungs room?" I asked again. Both maknae nodded, confused as to why I keep asking them.  "Why you asked, Hyung?" Zelo question, I look at him, not knowing what to answer, but instead, I smile as I scratch the back of my head. "Ah, nothing...I just wondering, it got me scared a little, thought something happened to her, ya know."  Both maknae laugh, "Hyung, what could have possibly going to happend to her? she's safe here, and I'm sure Himchan hyung will take good care of her" Jongup answer, my sudden concern. "Your right, I think I might have thought recklessly, I'll go and see her then" I said as I left both of them still shaking their heads to me.  

As I was about on my way to see the new room of noona, Youngjae had caught me with a pouty face.   "Hey, did you tell her?" Youngjae asked, I didn't look at him, instead I continue walking and left him confused.  "What the heck is wrong with him?" Youngjae said outloud. "I heard that" I said in return but still continue to walk towards where Ailee noona is.   I reach her new room, I heard voices, but i didn't care. I knock on her door, "Who is it?" she asked, "Noona its me, Daehyun" I reply. Ailee noona open the door, but what I glimps is that Himchan hyung was there too, knowing that he sleep next door to her.  I feel a sudden pang on my chest, What the heck is this? Am I jealous of Hyung?, I thought.  Seeing them both together smiling made me realized that there is something missing in my life.  "Oh, Daehyun, what's up?" she asked, "Noona, you forget what today is, did you?" I asked, curious if she forget the agenda that we are having, instead of asking her why she moved next to Himchan hyungs room.  She knotted her brow, thinking I guess, then suddenly her expression became brighter, more like a shock.  "Omg! Daehyun, is that today?" She asked.  I nodded, "Yeah, me and Youngjae are both excited, but it seems that you are not, noona..." I said, pouting at her, her expression became softer after that.  Ailee noona suddenly hug me, with Himchan hyung behind her, who seems not to amused at her skin ship towards me, and as a joke, she lightly punch me on my arm.  "Silly, I was just kidding, of course I remember" she then said, giggling, she looks happy, her eyes was sparkling like the stars in the midnight sky.  I smile timidly, since I know that, that smile wasn't for me.  I was torn between my like for noona and Youngjae, heck, I don't even know if what I feel for Youngjae is admiration or lust. But anyways, Noona is different, since the day that I met her on that balcony at the company, I knew something was special about her.  But Himchan hyung kinda beat me to it, for knowing her first. Bummer. 

"Oh, there you both are, I was looking for you both everywhere" Youngjae said, as he suddenly appeared out of nowhere, yay, I'm save, but suddenly felt awkward as he place his arms around me.  I'm confused at the moment.  "Ya, Daehyun, you are in big trouble man, Yongguk hyung was looking at you at the meeting" he then continue, Oh ! the meeting, right, I totally forget about it.  "What meeting? how come I don't know about it" Himchan hyung suddenly said, arrousing from his spot.  "Oh, Himchan hyung, I didn't know you are here?" Youngjae suddenly strattled as he seen Himchan. "I-its nothing hyung, just a protocol about the..." Youngjae strattled as he continue, Himchan hyung glare at him with that stare that kills everyone.  "The what? Youngjae, how come I don't know about this?" he then asked.  Youngjae is now slightly hiding behind me, cringging "well, Yongguk hyung doesn't want you to be part of it..since you  got injured and you are involved with noona, so he thought that it would be better if you both are not part of the mission" Youngjae suddenly outburst, as he tells the truth.  Right. The mission, with all that had happened, the reason that we are gather here is to stop the master from doing his evil ways.  "I think what Yongguk hyung is trying to say is that both of you should go back to where it was used to be, you know when you both realized that you like each other" I said, as I think outloud, but didn't realized that I said it too loud, everyone is looking at me with a confuse look,  as soon that I look at them. "What?" is all I say, "Getting back to what we used to be? do you even know what you are saying, Daehyun? I can't go back to where I was before, If I could I would'nt have been here or not knowing what am I? I need to be alone, I don't think I can go with you guys anymore, I'm sorry but  today's event is cancelled" Ailee noona said, her face is about to burst with tears as she slam the door infront of us. I didn't mean it like that, but for some reason, i think I hurt her more not knowing her true feelings. Youngjae surprised me as he smack the back of my head, "Good job you idiot, now our plan is ruined" he then said as he walk further away from me, Himchan hyung shake his head, dissagreeing on what i said.  I was left out standing behind her close doors, I place the top of my forehead on her door, as guilt is rushing in my heart, as i whisper softly, "noona, I'm sorry" with tears slowly dripping upon my cheeks.





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yonggies_vip #1
Chapter 24: If you don't mind me asking, but what does "strattled" mean?
Chapter 1: What does Black Widow look like, Author-nim? Like in The Avengers? Haha, just kidding~ That Black Widow is pretty. And I think you should make the chapter into paragraphs. It's quite not easy to read through cellphone. I hope you wouldn't mind my advice. Have a nice day~ (^-^)/