Save me from me

Twisted in love

A/N: Hi guys! are you all still with me? I hope so, sorry for not updating..was busy with the holidays and stuff plus work got in the way. But don't worry, I will try to update as much as I can, since the new year is fast approching.  I hope you guys had a great holiday by the way with your loved ones and friends.  That you all got what you want. and then some ^_~ .  Anyways, hope you guys like this..and thank you for always reading them. have a nice new year. xoxo  M ^^



She's just like me. My mom is just like me. That keeps repeating in my head over and over as I went back with father .  The guest had finally left after me and my father bowed to them, being in that room seems to be an eternity as I recall knowing the truth about mom.   Daehyun keep looking at me as we are having our dinner that night.  My mind is still not present.  I barely eat nor notice that everyone is staring at me, untill suddenly someone spoke to break the silence that was deafying the room.  Father is sitting in the center of the table while me and Daehyun are in the opposite sides of it, facing each other, while the corner facing my dad is empty.  

"So, son" my father speak as he was looking at Daehyun, "Yes, appa?" he reply.  

"What do you think about your room? Do you like it?" he asked, in which I don't know why he was suddenly.

 Daehyun smile, "I can get used to it, sir" he politely said, that father chuckle with the response.  "

You don't have to be so modest, son, Appa is enough" father amusingly said.  

They both laugh, in which got my attention.  They both notice that I was looking at them confused, "finally, she is back" father teased.  

I don't know what was happening to me or what was going on but I suddenly felt sick into my stomach, as the image of that monster and mom in my head, combine.  The food infront of me suddenly does'nt seem too appetizing anymore.  Daehyun notice it, as I suddenly got up and excuse myself from dinner.  My dad had a worried face as he look at me,"What's the matter dear? you look kind of pale and you haven't even touch  your food? is this about what I showed you earlier?" he asked concerned. 

 I shake my head, "anio father, it's not that, I suddenly felt unwell, if it's ok, can I go to my room now? I need to rest" I said with a low tone.

 Father agreed as he let me go on my way to my room.  They both look at me as I saw them from the corner of my eyes, until they are not in sight anymore.  I reach my room and close the door as I inprison myself into the darkness.

Few minute's had passed  as everyone was fast asleep, even tho some of them seem's like they don't.  I toss and turn as I can't find my mind at ease.  I got up and decided to walk around this big old house of my father.  The alley was dark but I didn't care nor mind, I walk as if I have lived there for ages.  I reach the stairs and carefully walk my way down. There was a dim light in the kitchen and I decided to go there for a hunch that someone might be there.  As I open the door, there was nobody, I pouted, I feel suffocated suddenly and went headed at the corner of the kitchen.  Where there was a door that it can lead you to the back of the house.  It was cold, silly me didn't even think to get my jacket. I was standing there as I tried to get some air, when suddenly I felt someone put something behind me.

 "You'll get a cold if you stand in here too long" he said.

 I turn around to see who it was behind me and to my shock, my eyes widen. Himchan was standing behind me with a smile that I never seen in so long.

"I thought you left with the other's earlier? but why are you here?" I asked, curious.

 He smiled, "Nice to see you too, Ailee" he suddenly said, in which I don't know if it's a teased or a insult.  My face suddenly turn hot as our hand got in contact all of a sudden. I can see that he also feel the same I was feeling at the moment.  

"You didn't answer my question, Himchan" I said, as I was looking in the midnight sky.

 Himchan look at me, in which it gives me the same feeling at the time we were in the balcony of their company.  That night where he first kissed me. Is that moment going to happened again? I don't know but I wish it did, to washed all gilt and fear's I have inside my heart, I thought silently.  But suddenly I remember something, the time where Kevin transform into Himchan. I look at him sternly as I seriously examine him from head to toe.

 Himchan knotted his brows, "Why are you looking at me like that? Am I not that appealing to you anymore?" he teased. 

"Tch! as If!!!" I said jokingly.

 It got quiet all of a sudden that I can hear my heart beat.  Himchan was looking at me in a way that only a lover would. But we are not even together, yes, we kissed but that was it, to all the thought I had that night, things that I couldn't even explain, even to myself.  A sudden magic happened, Himchan kissed me out of the blue, and that feeling I had when he first kissed me came back.  The bliss that I had felt was just for a while when suddenly a voice break that moment.

 "Ailee???Daughter??what are you doing with this man?" my father had caught us, my eyes widen to see the sides of my father.

Furious with fury that he was ready to kill anyone who would stop him.  "A-appa, i-it's not what you think....he..he was just trying to..." I blank after that, not knowing what to say anymore.  My mouth shut as I see my father take Himchan out of my side.  

"Young man, you know the prophecy between a white guardian of the light and a black widow? don't you?" my father asked Himchan.

 "Yes sir, I'm much aware of it, but that will not stop me from liking your daughter" Himchan honestly said. It stunned me, knowing that Himchan liked me. 

And that he admitted towards my father, that he already know the truth about my being, in which I hide it from him from the very beginning.  

"Very well, since you are determine to sacrifice yourself for the sake of my daughter, I challenge you to fight me for her happiness" father had said that it got me off guard.  

Afraid that he might hurt Himchan, or even kill the man I have loved. Will Himchan accept father challenge? in that I don't know, but what's next got me really scared for his dear life.

 "I accept, your highness" Himchan had said as he bowed to my father.

"Himchan! NO! don't do'll die" I plead as I try to stop him for making the biggest mistake he made, to fight my father for me.

Himchan smiled at me, as he glowed as white as the snow on the top of the snowly mountain.  He cup my face, as the tears that I tried to stop from falling suddenly fall, as I no longer can hold on to them.  Himchan kissed my forehead and whisper "save me from me, are the only one who can" he said, as he left me standing with my father following him. What he said to me was a puzzle yet somehow, I knew what he meant word by word. 


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yonggies_vip #1
Chapter 24: If you don't mind me asking, but what does "strattled" mean?
Chapter 1: What does Black Widow look like, Author-nim? Like in The Avengers? Haha, just kidding~ That Black Widow is pretty. And I think you should make the chapter into paragraphs. It's quite not easy to read through cellphone. I hope you wouldn't mind my advice. Have a nice day~ (^-^)/