Body and Soul

Twisted in love

The cold creeps in as I was standing there for..... how long was it? ah, I don't know.  My eyes are still glued to where my father and Himchan disappear to. I wanted to follow them but somehow, my feet don't feel like moving.  Like a magnet that was stuck in glue, I left out a long sigh and try to walk back inside the house.  When suddenly a pair of eyes was staring at me.  "Noona? What are you doing out in the cold?" Daehyun asked with curiosity in his eyes.  I look back and forth to where my father and Himchan was used to be, but I can't seem to say what I what to say.  There where no words coming out of me? why is that? Daehyun got confused at my reaction as I look somewhat flustered.  This isn't right, I should be where they are, stopping this nonsense from even happening, but no, I was stuck to where I was standing with my step-brother looking at me like I'm sort of a lunatic, with no excuse standing in the cold mid december.   "Ah-" is all I can say, damn it! why can't I seem to speak? I closed my eyes as I try to calm my nerves and try to speak again, as Daehyun was waiting for me to say something...anything for that matter. "Noona, are you alright? You seem's like you seen a ghost or something" he then said, suddenly, I find the words that I meant to say. "Oh, yeah, I'm alright but Himchan is not since he was about to get killed by father because father saw us kissing but I don't know if you call that kissing when he only see half of it, I don't even know if he see's it but he assumed that he did and he suddenly said something about the prophecy that a guardian of the light  and a black widow can't be together blah blah blah " I said without even stopping my words.  Daehyun eyes widen as he hears every word, damn,forget that he has that talent to catch every word even tho it was fast.  "WHAT! Noona, are you crazy?" is all he says to me.  

I look at him, "Don't tell me you know about the prophecy?" I asked him, while freezing myself to death while he was in a corner where it was warm.  Damn this kid won't even wait till I get myself warm, I thought.  I suddenly notice myself talking in a very unmmanner way, so infeminine of me. I shake my thougth trying to get all those bad words out of me, this isnt me.  Daehyun somehow got the clue, "Noona, come inside for now, you'll freezed yourself to death" he then said as he took my arm, like a true gentelman, and supported me as I get inside the house.   "Why don't you sit for a minute, noona, I'll make us some tea" he then said and turn himself towards the kitchen counter.  As i was watching him pour some hot water in a cup with the tea bags on it, I notice something about Daehyun.  He's not what he seem's to be, he was not the demon that you will hate or get scared of, he was actually nice and warm.  The kind of warmth that you feel with someone closed to your heart.  His hair is a silver like color and he has this aura that shines brighter than the sun, perhaps, he's not a bad demon but an angel for that matter.  I was occupied at admiring him that I didn't notice the tears that was falling quietly in my eyes.  Daehyun, notice it as he was about to returned to the table counter. "Noona, are you crying?" he asked sincerity can be heard in his tone.  I suddenly wipe my cheeks, embarrashed that he noticed it.  "Ah, no, I'm not" I lied, despite that Himchan might be dead by now with father's fury.  "Then, why are you looking down on the floor? You know, if you need someone to talk to, you know you can count on me, noona" he then said, whose now sitting next to me.  Daehyun place his arms around me as he comfort me,  his body was warm as it brushed towards mine.  That it sends a sensation, that even I can't explain.  What is this, I'm feeling? This isn't right? He was my step-brother but why do I feel this way? like my whole being is asking for his being? I thought.  As I look up to him, our eyes met and it stays like that for a few minute, hours, in which I don't really know how long we are staring at each other. Then suddenly he smiles, the kind of smiles that it makes you happy as well.

But something or someone had to interrupt that moment, "You two are quite getting cozy over here, and it's kind of dark too" the voice said behind us.  We both look to see Kevin entering behind the shadow towards the minimal light of the kitchen. Daehyun then let go of me as he moved to another chair not to far from where I was sitting,  "Kevin? what are you doing here? are you supposed to be guarding the door?" Daehyun said to him.  Kevin let out a smirks, "Sorry, your highness but I can't help it if I was thristy for some....tea" he then said as he was looking at the tea cup by the table.   Since the day I met him, I kinda knew that something is odd with him,  he was one of my father's minion but why do I get this feeling that he can betrayed him too as well.  I suddenly got up from sitting that Daehyun saw it but decided to ignored it, I can sense that he was too where annoyed at Kevin.  
"I suddenly felt sleepy, Daehyun, I'm leaving...goodnight" I said to him, he nodded.  Kevin look at me with confusion in his face, but that didn't stop him from saying something.  "Already? but we are just getting started" he blurt it, I look at him with much discusted, and headed for the stairs towards my room.  "Aww, that's too bad...I was just going to report that your father wanted to talk to you about....Himchan" he then said, and that stop me from setting one foot on the pavement of the stairs. "What did you say?" I said as I walk back to where he was standing.  Kevin greeted me with a smirk instead. "I guess we know who is the king in this house, your boyfriend is no match for the master, your highness..." he just said, with just that little detailed, my legs suddenly felt like jello, I crumbled down the floor but Daehyun somehow caught me before I could really hit the floor. "Noona?" he just said as he was looking at me.

Himchan's POV

Meanwhile, I turn my back on Ailee, there are thousand of things running in my mind.  What did I put myself into? We all know that only she can stop his father for ruining the clan.  But why did I challenged him for something that even I can't. Stupid! Stupid!, I thought.  As I was walking, with Ailee's father behind me, I suddenly remember something. The Prophecy.  "What does it mean to the master? why can't  a guardian of the light and  a black widow can't have? when the master's parents are that? are they perhaps cursed by the black widow's queen?" as I mumbled.  Little did I know that her father was already about to attack me, I suddenly felt a big blow in the back of my legs,  that got me fall hard down in the cold icy pavement. "WHAT THE-" I said as I look at him ready to attack again.  This time I dodge it, "You and my daughter can't happened, you hear me boy...." he said with a stern look in his face.  His fury is no joke, as he was about to attack again but this time, I block it with my hands as I place them in the middle, What is this? Blood? but why am I bleeding when I don't even fighting him hard.  My eyes widen as I then realized that my hand's was bleeding as I was stopping him to stab me with a sharp blade of knife.  I tried to illuminate my light but with the blow I felt earlier, somehow I can't seem to blinded him with my light.  "You call yourself a guardian of the light, and yet you can't even fight me....fight warrior....fight what you are made of" he demanded.  But what he meant by that...I'm not made to fight but made to bring peace between clans. It doesn't make sense, but a sudden urge came to me without any thought.  I kick his stomach that got him fall down in the pavement, "that's right fight..." he then said that it made him more excited. I prepare myself for the next attack, he charged with the knife in hand, I dodge it but part of my cloths got riped.  

He attack once again, I place my hand on his wrist as I turn him upside down and slam his body into the pavement. THUD!  he hit his head, success!.  He got up and smirk at me, "is that all you can do? huh? boy...I thought they teach you more than that" he said bluffing. "We are not made to fight sir but we are made to make peace" I said truthfully. "That's bull, I didn't asked for someone to guard my daughter as weak like you" he then said.  With that I just realized that guarding Ailee was his demands and not the master.  I stand tall, and faced him, ready for anything . "I'm sorry if you felt that way, your highness, but this isn't the right time to discuss this matter" I said honestly.  He got up, blood can be seen in his head, must be the hit he got whem I slam him into the pavement.  Without any thought, in which i didn't notice my whole surroundings since it was dark.  Ailee's  father suddenly attack me, head on to my stomach, we both fell into the cliff, with nothing but darkness and the unknown. 



A/N: Hi guys! {wave} how was everyone's holiday? I hope it was a blast.^^ Anyways, sorry for the late update. lately, my motivation to write is going awry. since I sometimes don't know what to write or there is just nothing come to mind. I'm sorry for the lack of action in this well, I'm not really a fan of violence and that is the one thing that i'm not good at...but I hope you all still supported me as I finish this fic in a about a few weeks or so...and then I probably going to rest for a and all.. =D..Hope you guys enjoy this..till then. <3 M


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yonggies_vip #1
Chapter 24: If you don't mind me asking, but what does "strattled" mean?
Chapter 1: What does Black Widow look like, Author-nim? Like in The Avengers? Haha, just kidding~ That Black Widow is pretty. And I think you should make the chapter into paragraphs. It's quite not easy to read through cellphone. I hope you wouldn't mind my advice. Have a nice day~ (^-^)/