Sweetest Memories

Twisted in love

I suddenly felt dizzy, while Himchan is kissing me.  We are away from everyone else, no soul in sight, the only thing that can be seen is the tiny light by the door way.  Inside, everyone is having a festive time, even Yuri.   But something is lurking in the dark, perhaps a human being or someone we both knew, maybe.... I felt shiver crawl down my spine, I felt his hand sliding down towards my waist as the kissed got deeper.   What? what is this....I felt something go inside my mouth... his tounge...the sweet taste of it and his lips, it's like a poison that is capturing my every being.   I suddenly felt the monster awakening inside me, No..no ,no ,no...not now...not when I'm with him.. I thought, trying to control the devil inside me, when suddenly Himchan screams, "AHHH" as he pulled himself away,  he was touching his lips.   "Omo! a-are you ok?" I asked, concerned,  Himchan just smiled a smirk, "Ailee, I didn't know you had that in you" he said, I look at him confused as to what he was saying.  "What? what do you mean..I had that..," I said, still confused as I look at him,  he smiled.  "You bit me, and I think my lips is bleeding a little...I didn't know that you are that wild" he then said, I look at him as I thought, but I didn't even bit him nor his lips....my mouth is fully closed and intact in his..then I realized that the other part of me might have done it.  My eyes widen, as I see the blood that was building in his lips, I took some paper wipes out of my purse and reach to wipe the blood in his lips.  "Omo, I didn't even realized that I was into the moment, sorry, Himchan..I didn't mean to bit you" I lied to hide the truth.  He smiled as he my head, "it's ok, I like this side of you anyways, exciting infact" he said as he was looking into my soul.  But I don't like this side of me, this is not me at all. 

Both me and Himchan suddenly stop as we heard a noise coming near by the doorway.  He stand up as he look closely, he look at me and say "stay here, don't moved...I'll be back..it must be just the boys snooping around" he said as he kissed my forehead, I nodded.  I look at him as he walk towards the door, a sudden breezed brushed thru my skin.  I took my eye away from him for a bit, as I look back, Himchan is gone and I was left alone.  The music is still playing inside, I can still hear people as they are singing, except that I was alone outside in the balcony.   I was scared, not knowing what to do, Should I go inside? Where could he go?  thoughts that got me stuck where I was sitting, then suddenly someone spoke out of the dark corner.  "Himchan-hyung" that voice...it's familiar, the voice keeps getting louder and louder until he reach where I was, "Oh, Ailee..right? Did you know where Himchan-hyung went to?" he asked.  I look at the person who is now standing beside me, I find relief to see who it was, "Oh, Daehyunnie..." i said.  Daehyun smiled widely at me, "What are you doing here? are'nt you supposed to be inside?"  I asked curiously.  He then shake his head to keep his hair away from blocking his eyes, right then I noticed that he had a mole in the corner of his eye.  It was pretty actually, very unique, it suits him.    "I was looking for Himchan- hyung, the nuna's are looking for him" he then said.  I nodded. "But he's not here tho, he went to check something earlier but when I look back, he was gone" I said truthfully,  he nodded.  Daehyun look at me, "wait here, I'll be back" he said, before I could speak he was already out of sight.  

I pouted, as I slouch my behind down into a bench, when suddenly I felt something soft cover's me.  As I look up, Daehyun came back with a blanket, and cover's me with it.  He smiled, "You look cold being here alone, so, I brought a blanket to keep you warm, is that ok?" he then said.  I smiled, "thank you, that was sweet of you, despite that you just met me a few hours ago" I felt my face shading a pink color but I hide it under neat the blanket before he sees it.  "It's ok, it's the least I could do, since Himchan-hyung suddenly disappear on you and left you here cold" Daehyun bluntly said, it's true, Himchan left without any words and didn't even come back.  "Do you mind if I stay here with you for a while, until Himchan-hyung came back?" he asked shyly.  I don't know why but i find it cute when he said those words to me.  I nodded, "sure, but are they not going to look for you?" I asked, concerned.  "No, not really, they are actually used at me by now, since they always know where to find me" he said, smiling.  "Um, ok. If you say so" I then said shyly.  Daehyun walk infront of me and pulls the other side of the blanket as he cover's himself with it.  "Ahh, this is nice" he then said, I chuckled at his cuteness, he then turn towards me. "Ailee...ah, I should call you nuna..since you are Himchan-hyung's girlfriend" he honestly said, I turn my head fast as I heard the word 'girlfriend'.  I look at Daehyun with a distinguishing eye, "Girlfriend? We haven't even date yet..." I said truthfully, Daehyun was taken aback at my response.  "Omo! I'm sorry if it offend you, but that was Sunhwa-nuna is saying earlier...as I heard it" he then said as he lowerd his sight down.  I suddenly felt bad for making him feel that way, I let out a loud chuckled, next thing you know, we are both laughing silly at what their Sunbae said. 

"What are you guys laughing about?" a sudden voice interrupted our sillyness, we both turn to look who it was, Himchan came back from somewhere.  "Himchan-hyung" Daehyun happily shouted as soon that he seen Himchan.  I look at him and automatically my eyes went down to his lips, that are now with patches.  He must have gone to the bathroom to stop the bleeding, i thought.  Himchan smiled at us, and patted Daehyun's shoulder, "sorry, it took long as I expected" he then said as he was looking straight at me.  I smiled timidly, "that's ok, Daehyun kept me company" I said honestly.  Himchan then saw the blanket that was hanging at the bench that we are both sitting in, immediately Daehyun spoke on my behalf. "I brought it hyung, I felt bad for her being cold out here, Ya, why did you left her here alone?, good thing I was looking for you earlier and found out that she was still here, so, I took it." he then said, smiling at Himchan.  Himchan smirk, "that's ok, Daehyunnie, thank you" he then said, timidly.  "Chingu-ya...odigaseyooo???" Yuri screamed with her face being stuck out at the door.  "YURI, I'm right here" I called for her, she immdiately swang the door open and run towards me.  Yuri is not wearing her jacket, as she run and slam her whole body closed to mine. "Yuri-nuna, your jacket!!" Zelo scream as he was running behind her.  Yuri seems drunk as I smelled alcohol coming out of , "Ewww, what happened to her?" I asked as soon that Zelo reach where we are, the maknea stop as he seen two of his hyung's. "Oh! Daehyun-hyung, Himchan-hyung...you guys are here? all this time?" he asked curiously as he look at both male.  Both nodded. "Um, i think it's better if we go inside, it's getting cold, we don't want them to caught a cold now, do we, Himchan-hyung?" Daehyun then said.  Himchan nodded, as he grab my waist and pull me closed to him, while Yuri was immediately pushed towards Daehyun.  A smirk was formed in Himchan's face, while seeing Zelo and Daehyun struggling to keep Yuri at her toes.  In which i never found out how the heck she got drunk all of a sudden.  But as soon that we got inside, the rest of BAP was laying down on the floor with the rest of their Sunbae's.  A sweet sight for a sweetest memories of the night.  



A/N: there you have it guys!! another update...YAY! but don't you notice something at Himchan? he seems jealous right? oh himchannie :D Daehyun finally made a long apperance..YAY! omo..the rest of BAP is drunk? lol i could imagine a few but not some of them..but anways..what will be happened on the next chapter is...well, I can't reveal that yet..but I'm sure that there will be some love blooming in...who could it be??? hmm...till next time..enjoy everyone ^^ <3 M


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yonggies_vip #1
Chapter 24: If you don't mind me asking, but what does "strattled" mean?
Chapter 1: What does Black Widow look like, Author-nim? Like in The Avengers? Haha, just kidding~ That Black Widow is pretty. And I think you should make the chapter into paragraphs. It's quite not easy to read through cellphone. I hope you wouldn't mind my advice. Have a nice day~ (^-^)/