
Heal me (Married to brother-in-law)
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(Warning: angst) sorry!




"Okay, spill." Was the first thing Munhee's mother said as soon as they entered in a spare room.

Munhee had her heart thumping in during the whole journey till this room. Her messed up head tangled in more complicated thoughts just by thinking about having to face her mother's interrogation session. 

Munhee knew her mother too well, the older lady was persistent as hell when it came to make her daughters spilling their secrets out, she would never let her slide with any silly, on the spot made excuses.

"Mun, I'm talking to you. Why were you both arguing like this? At first I thought it's your childish arguments, but when I saw the tears in your eyes...." Her mother sighed as Munhee didn't seem like she was ready to open as the girl kept her head down the whole time.  "Mun, sweetie, you have to tell me, or I'm going to keep assuming things and end up interrogating Baekhyun."

Munhee's ducked head perked up at the mention of her mother's interrogating Baekhyun.  "Mom, stop threatening me. I'm not your little girl anymore. I'm a married woman. It's my personal issue now. I can handle everything on my own. Stop worrying over silly issues." Munhee shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly, trying to appear okay despite her breakdown just a minute ago.

"Married or not, you're my child. The only one left among my two children. I can't just stop worrying over you when I see you in this state!" Her mother protested softly. 

Munhee's eyes swelled at her mother's word. If she was in her mother's place, she'd definitely go nuts while worrying about her daughters if she ever found them crying and arguing with their husbands. Should I tell mom everything? But she'd be hurt. She'd be more than worried!

"Okay, you want to handle this on your own? Then do it. I won't interfere in your way of managing your personal life, I promise. Just share with me about what happened? Please Mun. I'm requesting you."  Her mother practically begged and Munhee couldn't take this anymore. No matter how strong she tried to appear, even the strongest object breaks after a certain time, so does she.


"Okay, fine." Munhee heaved a huge sigh, clearing her closed up throat,  "Baekhyun and I aren't on a good page." Munhee started, not knowing from where to start, how much to let out. "He holds me responsible for U-Unnie's death." Munhee's lips quivered at the mention of her sister's death, the wound of which is still raw and painful.  "So...the argument you overheard, these kind of arguments are pretty normal between us. It's either we don't talk at all, or we start arguing over anything. There's no in between. We're kind of in a hostile state."  

"Oh my god! I thought you two were doing well as it's been weeks!  I didn't expect Baekhyun to turn out like this. But I can't even say anything to him. That poor boy loved my Myung with his everything." Tears brimmed in her mother's eyes as she reminisced how lovely the pair of Baekhyun and Myunghee used to be.  "But, he needs to control his grief.  And he needs to know that death is something that can't be changed and can't be controlled. It was my poor child's fate to die at such a young age. You don't have anything to do with Myung's d-death." Munhee's mother hold her hands and let her know that she shouldn't be feeling guilty.

But from the very cursed day when Myunghee died, this thought has been killing Munhee inside that no matter how much she denied, she herself knew that she's the indirect reason behind her sister's death. She's the indirect culprit of ruining a beautiful family, she's the partly reason of the unrecoverable distance between Baekhyun and Myunghee. 

Munhee retreated her hands from her mother's hold to wipe her teary eyes so that she won't be disturbed while she discloses her deepest secret to her mother. 

"Mom, I know that death is one's fate. But everything happens through some reasons. And I can't disagree with Baekhyun o-oppa about this matter." Munhee tried to say calmly, when her mother was about to defend her again, she held her mother's hands and gave her a meaningful look so that she'd let her talk everything out.

"Mom, there's one t-thing you guys didn't know. I didn't have any extra classes that day..." Munhee collected as much oxygen as she could in between her words because she felt out of breath just by thinking about revealing her secrets. "I...my b-boyfriend..I had to go to airport.." Despite trying to be reserved and calm, Munhee's words came out as mere jumbles.

Her mother's face contoured in confusion to shock, "Airport? I don't understand why did...wait did you use the word your boyfriend?" the older lady's eyes turned bigger in shock.

Munhee again ducked her head low while nodding from there.  "Yes, mom. I'm s-sorry I've hidden this fact from you all. You remember my high school friend Sehun? H-He was my boyfriend. We liked each other a lot. We dated for more than one year. That day Sehun had a flight to America, he'd gotten a huge opportunity, so he had to go for two years. I had to see him off for the l-last time for two years. So, now you understand why I see myself under the shadow of guilt? If I hadn't make Unnie drive me all the way here, she might be with u-us right now." Munhee buried her head as she cried out all her pent up guilts and regrets. 

"Why didn't you tell us?" Her mother asked, her voice shaking but bold in the ears.


"When I asked you to get married to Baekhyun, why didn't you tell me that you had a boyfriend? By the look of your face it is clear that you didn't just liked him. It was more than a mere 'like', right?" Her mother digged deeper, eyes full of questions. 

Munhee broke, tears fell continuously from her eyes as her mother hit the bull's eye,  "I... It doesn't matter if I l-loved him or not. I'd still be here where I'm standing today. There's no way I would choose my selfish happiness over my sister's children, over her happiness. If I'm given a second chance or a third, I'd again and again marry Baekhyun oppa, because it's the best for the babies, for all of us. Some loves aren't meant to be fulfilled, mom. It doesn't m-matter if I love Sehun." 

"Munhee, god, what have I done! I lost my one daughter and I destroyed my other daughter's happiness!" Munhee's mother balled her eyes out while mumbling to herself, making Munhee instantly regret at her choice of telling her mom everything. But what's done, is done.  "You could've let us know. Why didn't I ask you anything that time! I failed as a mother."

"Mom, stop crying. It's okay, I'm fine. Stop talking nonsense about destroying my happiness. Do you really think I'd be contented being with Sehun where those little lives would be in hands of god knows what kind of woman? No mom. I would've died everyday of the rest of my life."  Munhee didn't know how she kept herself composed after her breakdown, but she realized she can be strong for her loved ones. Whenever they are in distress, her inside whirls with determination to wash away their distress. 

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OMFG look at that "Completed" sign!! :")
Thanks to all for this wonderful journey!
Please give this story a lotta love even tho it has ended! ♥️♥️♥️


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36 streak #1
It's still and will always be my favorite story ❤️
njhjcw_lovejinam 12 streak #2
Chapter 1: I am here again to reread this beautiful story 🥰❤️
I’m back for round 3 I’ll never get over this feeling this fic gives😮‍💨
Chapter 78: im so saddd that this story has come to an end 😭😭😭😭 thankyou for this amazing and beautiful story thankyou and thankyou!!! both baekhyun and munhee growth so much they deserve so much happiness in their life after so much they have been through
Chapter 75: im not ready for the end.. 😭
Chapter 74: finally aaaaa
Chapter 68: new beginning for baekhyun and munhee!! im rooting for them!!
Chapter 67: CUTEE cant stop giggling
Chapter 64: yes baek go get munhee!!
Chapter 62: baek…. :///