
Heal me (Married to brother-in-law)
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(Updating this chapter again since most of the readers couldn't read it. So, hey everyone! I am finally back again! Idk how many of you are waiting or even know that I was gone - I mean my stories were gone from this site. But if you're still here, thank you for waiting ❤ If anyone's curious or doesn't know about the reasons of my decision of not keeping any of my fics in public, you can find the answers in this Blog! I was supposed to be gone for longer, but life happened, and now I am back! Hope I will not regret my decision of returning this soon lol!  :")     Belated happy new year to everyone ❤)









Munhee woke up with the annoying noise of knocks at her room's door. She groaned while stretching her still sleepy limbs. She had to force herself to sit up as the knocks didn't cease. Her brows furrowed in confusion when she noticed it was still quite early in the morning, and she hadn't been woken up this early ever since she'd been staying here. "Coming!" She groaned again and stepped down of the bed. Honestly, she was quite irritated at the impatience of the person on the other side of the door.  

After opening the door, her still sleepy mind couldn't decipher whether what she was seeing was real or not. 'Flowers?' She blinked her eyes a few more time to have clear view, but she again saw the same set of whitish-and-yellowish flowers presented before her face. Before she could do something about this information, her present-headache tilted his head from behind so that he could be seen. Baekhyun. 

"Good morning, Sweetheart. Beautiful flowers for the most beautiful girl." He sang in his honey-dripping voice while offering her the seemingly handmade bouquet of fresh flowers, accompanied with one of his heart-fluttering smiles. His eyes crinkled beautifully, making Munhee feel like she was watching glimmering stars of night-sky at this early morning. 

Thankfully, she managed to come out of the trance soon, and even threw a scoff at his direction. She was anything but beautiful just after waking up. "At least lie about something that is plausible!" She murmured with an annoyed frown. And of course, she didn't accept the bouquet.

"What did I lie about? Are these flowers not beautiful?" The male blinked at her in confusion. He even looked slightly disappointed at the fact that Munhee didn't like the flowers he had brought for her.

"No. Not the flowers. They are beautiful!" She immediately corrected herself. "I was talking about myself." She mumbled nonchalantly.

Baekhyun only softly laughed, his laughter in the quietness of morning sounded like a soulful song to her. "Do you have any doubt that you're beautiful?" He asked her in a low but encouraging voice, his gaze at her suspiciously looking loving. 

"Yes, I have." Munhee gritted, not being able to maintain eye contact with him. She mightn't be as insecure of her looks as she used to be in the past. But she knew it well that her wild hair sticking at different direction, her puffy post-sleep eyes- when they existed, she could never look beautiful.  

"But I don't have any." Baekhyun stated intently. He took one or two steps closer, so that they would be standing inches away. His free hand made it's way to her warming cheek. "Only if you could see yourself with my eyes..." He exhaled, eyes lost as he drank in every little beautiful details of her face with them. "...then you would realize how beautiful you actually are." He told her sincerely. 

Munhee blinked and broke the eye-lock with him, since it was getting tougher for her to maintain her nonchalant face. With much internal struggle, she even swatted his hand away from her face, though she couldn't do it as roughly as she attempted to. "Yeah, yeah, I guess you like bird's nest and goldfishes." She added sarcastically.

Baekhyun smirked, she was just so adorable with her rosy cheeks and flabbergasted face. "Maybe I like them. But I like you the most!" He insisted, not forgetting to wink at her. Her reactions to his winks had been really entertaining, so he wouldn't leave any chance to give it to her. The way she sassily rolled her eyes at his confession, didn't dim his confident down. It rather left pleasant tingles inside his stomach.  

"You have ruined my sleep just to spew nonsensical words from your mouth? Jerk!" Munhee spat and tried to hide away from him as soon as possible. Spending time- even seconds with him was proving to be very dangerous for her heart. She even attempted to close her door on his face, but he had easily turned the table. "What are you doing?" She hissed, her eyes went wide like eggs when the male stopped the door before it could fully close, and slipped inside her room. If everything wasn't enough, he even closed the door behind him.

Munhee took a few steps away from Baekhyun, as he started walking closer to her. Though she stopped and gaped at him like a legit goldfish, when the male didn't invade her personal space. Instead, he hopped his way towards her bed and plopped his down there, swaying his legs like a happy kid. Munhee saw him taking a huge breath with his eyes being closed momentarily. When he opened his eyes, he was grinning contentedly. "Mmm this place smells like strawberries and you. I've missed it. I've... missed you, so much." His smile faltered a little at the end.

Munhee ignored, or tried to, the slight tremble in his voice. His sincere eyes weren't helping her either. "Baekhyun, what the hell! Get out of my room! You can't force yourself inside my personal room! You don't have any right to!" Munhee only yelled at him and went near him, to kick him out of her room voluntarily. 

Baekhyun didn't budge from his place. He only took the opportunity to gaze at the love of his life without having anyone else to interrupt him. It did hurt his heart when she said that last line. But he knew he deserved even more bitter words from her, he had been preparing himself for going through everything bitter, because maybe in the end, he would be blessed with the sweetest prize- that was Munhee herself.  "I won't go."  He only sang playfully, trying not to ruin the mood. 

"If you don't go, I will.. I will scream!" Baffled at his antics, Munhee threatened him. She even tried to tug onto his jacket's front, so that she could throw him away.

Munhee's heart raced stupidly, when he bit his lips while smiling confidently. How much she wanted to punch his smug face, so that he won't be attacking her with his stupidly inescapable handsomeness. The male then gave her form a lazy once over,  "If you scream when you have your husband with you behind a locked room..."  Then he had the audacity to give a dramatic break, and swept his tongue on his lower lips, "... they'll only think we are doing some morning exercise on the bed."  He let her know. 

It took Munhee a few seconds to realize what kind of exercise-on-bed he was talking about. agaped, eyes glaring at him, while heat reached till her neck. "You! You are so shameless!" She hissed, hoping that her flushed face wouldn't be that obvious. Wanting to speed up the process, she used force and tugged onto his arm, "Just get out!" she yelled.

What Munhee didn't expect was the unmanly hiss coming out from his mouth, when she pulled onto his elbow. She froze momentarily, his pained face easily indicated that he had somehow gotten hurt. She didn't even put much strength to cause him that much hurt. That only meant one thing.

Baekhyun immediately masked his pain away, it wasn't something serious, Munhee was more important to him, so his focus easily went to her. Finding her off-guard, he took the chance to keep the bouquet on the bed, and then he slipped his hands on her hips to bring her closer to him. Though her feet slipped and she ended up dramatically falling onto his laps. He could never complain about this unplanned outcome, in fact, he loved it more than the planned one. 

Munhee's heart skipped a few beats when she felt his hands snaking around her torso, bringing her back cladded to his warm chest. "I will leave, but at one condition." He almost whispered near her ears, causing her to involuntarily shiver as his hot breathing hit the sensitive skin of her neck. She could feel the rumbles in his chest as he spoke, finding it unwantedly pleasant. The slight squirming girl completely stilled when she felt the male caressing his fingers on her tummy, a natural trait of him that she was well aware of. Was it her fault if she was feeling like every single cell of her body was screaming that they missed him as well?

"What is it?" She tried snap at him, but she didn't know whether it came out like she wanted or not.

"You'd have to accept that you're beautiful, and you'd have to accept these flowers." He continued in his whispering voice, making her body feel warm for unpleasant reasons.

"That's not one condition though." She retorted slight breathlessly. She hated how she let him effect her this much. She hated her weakness, that was this man himself. 

Baekhyun chuckled breathily,  "The first one isn't even any condition though." He started while he basked into the feeling of having her this close after what felt like an eternity. "That's more like a universal truth for me. You are undoubtedly the most beautiful girl for me. Have you never noticed how I couldn't keep my eyes off of you when we used to live together?"  He breathed,  "You... you have no idea how hard it was for me to keep myself under control every... ing day and night - when you were always this close to me while looking this unfairly alluring, Sweetheart. You are always beautiful to me, be it in your best state or be it in your worst state. Never forget that from now on." He poured his heart to her. He had always noticed how insecure she was regarding her looks, and he wanted to do nothing but erase every single doubt from her mind regarding her beauty. Because to him, she was a goddamned goddess of beauty, both inside out. "Anyway, so you have to only accept the flowers. And as for the first condition, you just have to try reading my eyes. You will instantly know how whipped I am for your fine self, my love." He told her, his voice had turned a little gruff at this point. 

Munhee sighed audibly. He had said, and she had always known, that he wasn't good with words. Then why in the hell his words were rendering her so weak and powerless every time?  "Fine. I'll take the flowers. But, I also have another condition for this." She presented the deal in front of him. She deliberately ignored the other condition or whatever it was, because she wasn't willing to have any kind of conversation like this, she didn't have the internal energy to do so.  "First, you have to show me what happened to your arm." She told him her condition after he had hummed at her. 

Munhee felt the male froze, "Uhh it's.. nothing serious!" He nervously chuckled and started stretching his supposedly wounded arm, "See? I can even flex it!"

Munhee slightly turned around on his hold, to be able to glare at the male face to face. She had noticed the lack of distance between them, but her priority at that moment was his well-being, stupidly enough.  "Either show it to me, or get the out of my room, of course with your flowers." She threatened him seriously.

Baekhyun gulped.  'Oh ! Why is she so hot?'  His insides screamed. He just loved whenever she would flaunt her rights at him. He just loved whenever she would act sassy and bossy, when she would act like a wife, his wife. As much as it would cower him under her heated glares, it would give him splashes of thrills inside.  "Geez, okay! Just say that you want me to undress!" He muttered with a sly smile and took off his thick jacket within seconds.

Munhee avoided his wicked remarks and immediately checked his supposedly injured arm. Her chest clenched seeing that her doubt was right, he had indeed hurt himself on the elbow, there were few tiny cuts and scratches on there. Sighing, she attempted to stand up, wanting to bring the first-aid kit to tend his injury. Though the male didn't let her, his arms again wrapped around her firmly - like a clingy puppy, his eyes telling her to not leave him. Did she feel like melting then and there. Gritting her teeth, she not-so-roughly slapped on his wrists,  "Sit here and don't move."  She commanded him and this time he was obedient enough to pay heed to her orders. 

Baekhyun's heart jumped like a chicken attempting to fly- when he noticed that familiar worry-filled gaze Munhee had for him. He could frankly take in more injuries - if it meant that he would have her attention, though he had to brush off the idea as he didn't want to worry her in future by pulling off any stupid stunt. He stared at her in awe, as she gracefully took out her first-aid kit and sat next to him, and treated his cut with tenderness in her every move.  "Mun..."

"What?" Munhee asked, looking annoyed since she was disturbed in her work. 

"Are you for real?" He breathed.

"Huh?" Frowning, the girl asked him, her whole concentration still on his elbow.

"Are you sure you're not any angel? Even after everything I have done to you, you're still worried about this small injury on me?"  He asked in bafflement.

Munhee blinked at him. She didn't know whether he was complaining or praising her. She didn't want to think about anything at all.  "I would've done the same even if it was Kyungsoo! Or Tao or Chanyeol. You're no exception." She made up an excuse. Inwardly, she was reprimanding herself for still being effected if anything happened to him. She even buried the urge to ask how he had injured his elbow, since it would only prove his words were true, that she still cared. 

Baekhyun cleared his throat loudly, feeling uneasy at the mention of Kyungsoo or any other males. He didn't want to let those jealousy and insecurities impact him. At the very moment, Munhee was done tending his cut, so he softly thanked her and brought the flowers in front of her. "For you." He murmured with a small smile. 

Munhee rolled her eyes, but snatched the flowers from his hands anyway. 'Just so he can leave the room!' she insisted to herself. "Where did you even get them? As far as I know, there's no flower shop around here!" Out of general curiosity, she asked the male.

Munhee saw Baekhyun scratching the back of his nape sheepishly, while he fidgeted on his seat.  "Umm actually... on my way here, I had noticed a garden. So I just went to the owner today and bought them." He even laughed nervously at the end. "Do you like them? I know roses would've been more... romantic, but here in winter, daffodils and peonies are the only available flowers." He murmured, looking near to be embarrassed, but anticipated as well. 

Munhee didn't want to focus on the word 'Romantic', because she had forbidden herself from getting involved in anything related to 'Love' or 'Romance'.  "They're nice. Now get out." She gestured towards the door to her room.

Baekhyun softly sighed and stood up, collecting his jacket as well. When his hand was already on the knob of the door, he stopped and turned around.

"What now?" Munhee groaned seeing him stopping. She wanted him out as soon as possible.

"Do you have an extra Band-aid?" The male asked.

"Why? Did you hurt yourself somewhere else?" She asked back. Her hands already reached to the first-aid box to retrieve what he had asked for.

"Yes. I think I've hurt my legs when I fell for you just a while ago." He cheekily rendered, leaving Munhee speechless at his unpredictable antics. "Actually, I think I will need some long bandages, because I've been falling for you endlessly from a long time ago." He again added, a little more seriously than being playful.

"Get out before I smack your face with the pillows!"  Munhee chided with annoyance. 'He is too much! Ugh!' She groaned inwardly. 

Thankfully, the male only chuckled fondly at her,  "Okay, Baby. Going! See you at the breakfast." He cooed and finally left her room while still grinning ear to ear. 

Munhee heaved a huge sigh after he left, caressing the white petals of the flowers before taking in their scent. Though she couldn't enjoy it much longer, as thoughts of the very male who had brought her those flowers invaded her mind, making her heart bounce unstoppably. "Why is he being like this!" She groaned or whined, she didn't know, and buried her blazing face into her pillow out of frustration.






"We need to shop for some groceries and gifts for our next visit. Who is going to volunteer?" Kyungsoo asked after they were almost done with their breakfast. "I heard that the winter market will start in the town from today." The male added, since everyone looked reluctant to go. 

"Winter market? I will go! I heard there's so much unique food to try there!" Tao exclaimed enthusiastically.  

"Thanks, Tao. Now who will accompany him? At least two people should go." Kyungsoo then raked his eyes over everyone again. 

"Hey, Chanyeol! You will go with me, right?" Tao asked the taller guy. 

"It's so cold outside! I don't wanna go! And I have already volunteered to do some cleaning with Kyungsoo today!" Chanyeol turned down the excited male. 

Then Tao's eyes went to Baekhyun. "Hey, Baekhyun Hyung, you aren't assigned to any work in advance, right? Join me!" Tao poked on Baekhyun's shoulder to gain his attention.

Baekhyun threw Tao an annoyed look as the younger male had disturbed him while he was busy watching and admiring Munhee from the other side of the table.  "Nope. I will stay here. I won't leave my wife alone!" Baekhyun declared, giving Munhee a charming smile when she looked at him to throw a glare. 

"Your wife isn't running away somewhere! It will only take some hours!"  Tao stressed, trying to pout at the older male.

Baekhyun rolled his eyes at Tao,  "I said what I said!"  He sassed.

"Yah! Why is everyone being like this!" Tao whined loudly. 

"It's okay, Tao. I'll accompany you."  Munhee spoke up, giving the male a smile. She didn't have anything to do here, so she was free anyway. And also, she didn't want to engage with Baekhyun in any way, so going to the town market would definitely keep him away from her at least for half time of the day.

"Munhee, you're such an angel! Thank you!" Tao beamed at Munhee. Baekhyun watched with horrified eyes how Tao was watching Munhee with starry eyes. 

"Thanks you, Munhee. That's sweet of you." Kyungsoo also joined in, giving her a small smile. 

"Should we call her angel from today? Miss angel, can you also fulfill my wishes as well?" As if the two men weren't enough, Chanyeol also added, smiling cheekily at her.

As much as it was nice to have people praising her, Baekhyun still felt annoyed at those males. And the way Munhee looked shy at their comments, was making it harder for him to not feel the uncomfortable burns inside his chest. He wanted to be the only man who would make her feel flustered, he didn't want any other man to notice how adorable and beautiful she looked with her peachy cheeks and shy smile. Gosh, how much he wanted to just steal her and take her away where there wouldn't be any male but him to look at her like that.

"Why would you go with him?"  Baekhyun slightly whined at Munhee.

"I don't owe you any explanation."  She firmly muttered, shutting the male off.



After breakfast, Baekhyun followed behind Tao, as the male said he was going to get changed, then would meet Munhee outside. Even though he was fairly annoyed at Tao, but the very male was his only hope now. 

"Tao, what do you like?" Baekhyun entered to their shared room and asked.

"Why do you ask?" Tao sassily retorted. Looked like he was still sour with Baekhyun for rejecting his request.

"Because I will get you whatever you want, if you do me just one favor." Baekhyun offered cautiously.

"Why do I smell bribe here?" Tao raised a questioning brow.

Baekhyun chuckled albeit nervously. "I am just trying to be friendly! We can be friends, right?" He patted the male's shoulder and offered him a friendly handshake. 

Tao crossed his arms over his chest in reply, "What is your actual motive? You were being rude with me just a while ago!" He gave Baekhyun a scrutinized gaze. "If you don't have any explanation, then can you go out for a minute? I have to get changed." 

Baekhyun sighed and sat down at the edge of one of the two beds. "I just.... want to spend some time with her." He again sighed loudly. "You can see that the state of our relationship isn't in it's strongest form. I've had done things that has hurt her deeply. And it took me quite a long time to finally come after her, to be brave enough to mend my mistakes and mend our relationship. Everything's quite messy in between us... And I don't want to lose any opportunity to make it up to her." Baekhyun summarized his situation to the younger male. "So, let me go with her in your place? Please?" He lastly requested.

Tao blinked a few times, clearing his throat. "You shouldn't have been rude to me in the first place." He murmured.

"I was being mean with you because I... I feel jealous with you. She smiles and laughs with you, talks with you. And also with Kyungsoo and Chanyeol. I know I am being petty, I'm sorry, but I... it's just painful for me, since I am not the one being the center of her attention."  Baekhyun groaned, feeling stupid of himself since he was sounding like a teenage boy.  

"Buy me all types of noodles and meat dishes from the winter market."  Tao said after a few seconds of silence.

Baekhyun looked up at the male, Tao offered him a smile. "That's it? Thanks, man. I am indebted to you!" He stood up and hugged the taller male. 

"Does that sound less to you? , should I have asked something more?" Tao muttered sounding confused.

Baekhyun chuckled, "You have gotten yourself a friend today. Just tell me if you need anything, I'll have your back." He assured. 





Munhee had put on warmer clothing and light makeup, taking her purse and phone, she went outside where Tao had said would be waiting for her. She felt relieved as she didn't encounter a certain someone while going outside. 

Going out of the metal gates, her relief flew away when she noticed Baekhyun waiting by his car. And Tao or Kyungsoo's car was nowhere to be seen. Baekhyun waved at her when he noticed her and gestured her to go near his car.  

"Where's Tao?" Munhee asked when she reached near him, a frown already taking place in her face. 

"He isn't feeling well. So he requested me to accompany you." Baekhyun let her know. Of course, it was a lie. 'Everything is fair in love and love-war', he had said himself before telling the lie.  "Come, let's go."  He then opened the car's door for her. 

"But he looked fine just half an hour ago!"  She expressed, eyeing the male with inspecting gaze.

"Y-Yeah, he was fine just a while ago. But he started feeling unwell when he returned back to our shared room!"  Baekhyun gave false explanation.  "What? Do you want to check on him yourself?"  He asked, looking slight impatient.

"No. It's okay."  Munhee mumbled and gave him a doubtful look, but got in his car anyway. She was now regretting her decision of volunteering to go, badly.

"You look pretty, by the way." Baekhyun told her casually after he had settled down on driver's seat.  

"I didn't ask!" Munhee countered. 

Baekhyun started the car while smiling,  "I know you didn't ask for it. I just felt like saying, since you are looking nice, as always." He then replied, eyeing her with contented gaze. "C'mon, Sweetheart, be a little sweet to your date, will you? Or do we need to feed you some sweet treats to get some sweetness out of you?" He again asked coyly when he heard the girl scoffing loudly.

Munhee's face scrunched in more annoyance at the mention of 'Date'.  "Excuse me?" She asked in disbelief.

"Yes, Sweetheart?" He only asked back cheekily.

"For your information, we are going to the town for grocery shopping!" She pointed out.

 "I know." Baekhyun shrugged.

'This man!'  "So it's not a date!" She lastly reminded him.

"Why? Isn't two lovers or potential lovers going out for spending some time and doing things together what a 'Date' means?" He asked, looking legit confused. 

Munhee rolled her eyes,  "Now who told you we could be potential lovers or lovers?" She spat.

"Aren't we?" He asked, his voice hopeful, making Munhee turn her head to the window so she wouldn't have to look at his face. "I got it, our situation is kind of complicated, I mean utterly complicated."  He sighed.  "We are neither the couple who are still in the process of falling in love. We are nor the couple who has already become lovers. We're somewhere stuck in between. But I personally think there's no alternative of trying, and if I keep trying to solve this complication, I can do it one day. So I will keep trying. I will give my everything to have us back." He insisted with utmost sincerity.  "And this is a date!" He lastly added lightheartedly.

"No, this is not! We are out for work only." Munhee protested and kept her eyes glued at the whitish road and rows of trees they were crossing by. 

"Let's see, I hope you will change your mind by the time we will be returning back." Baekhyun murmured hopefully. 



Munhee was thankful of the fact that, the rest of their journey towards the town, Baekhyun didn't attempt to talk to her. The male only played her favorite songs and hummed along, while giving her charming smiles every now and then. 

Munhee suggested to be done with the shopping of warm clothes for the gifts first. So they went to the clothing stores and started picking up clothes according to their preferences. She only spoke with the male when needed, otherwise she ignored him like a plaque.  

"Sweetheart, can you come over here for a moment?" Munhee was busy picking up some warm clothes in kids' size, when she heard Baekhyun call for her. But she didn't respond since she didn't want to get habituated to all the meaningless endearment he was using on her. "Mun? Munhee?" He called her again.

Only then Munhee looked back towards the male. "What?"

Baekhyun lightly sighed and walked towards her on his own. He brought up two small sized pink beanies which also had bunny ears on them. "They're cute, no? Shall we get them for Miseo and Sarang?" He asked, looking lovingly at the cute beanies, perhaps picturing those adorable babies in them.

It would be a lie, if Munhee denied that looking at the kids' sized clothing, her heart didn't tell her to get some for her babies as well. But she had been constantly reminding herself that she didn't have any right to act like their mother. And now Baekhyun asking her opinion in something that regarded Miseo and Sarang had only made her sadder. "I don't know... They're your daughters, you can buy anything you want for them." She tried to appear unaffected and turned back to resume her work.

She heard him exhale from behind, and hoped that he would go back to do his own business. "Mun, look at me, please." He didn't. He only turned her back to face him and cupped her face, so that she would be looking at his profound eyes only.  "They are your daughters as well. They are our daughters. Surely, they aren't born from both of us, but we have been their parents, we have been there for them together in every thick and thins for all these time, you have been there for them when they needed you the most, and no one can deny this fact. I was an for telling you that they're not your daughters. I know you hate me for it and so many other things, but I also know how much you love them. So hate me all you want, but don't be like this to them, don't say it again." He requested her.

Munhee freed her face from his palms, "They're cute, the girls would love them." She told the male softly while pointing at the beanies. 

A small smile cracked on his face at her reply, and Munhee had a hard time to not smile along. "Thanks. Wait a minute!" He then rushed back to where the beanies were displayed and collected another pair of them. "And how about them? Don't you think they are made for us?" He asked her quite excitedly, while showing her the light grey pair he had picked up. 

The color and material seemed nice, but when Munhee noticed 'His' and 'Hers' printed at the center of them, they didn't seem nice anymore. 'Couple beanies!' She concluded

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OMFG look at that "Completed" sign!! :")
Thanks to all for this wonderful journey!
Please give this story a lotta love even tho it has ended! ♥️♥️♥️


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35 streak #1
It's still and will always be my favorite story ❤️
njhjcw_lovejinam 11 streak #2
Chapter 1: I am here again to reread this beautiful story 🥰❤️
I’m back for round 3 I’ll never get over this feeling this fic gives😮‍💨
Chapter 78: im so saddd that this story has come to an end 😭😭😭😭 thankyou for this amazing and beautiful story thankyou and thankyou!!! both baekhyun and munhee growth so much they deserve so much happiness in their life after so much they have been through
Chapter 75: im not ready for the end.. 😭
Chapter 74: finally aaaaa
Chapter 68: new beginning for baekhyun and munhee!! im rooting for them!!
Chapter 67: CUTEE cant stop giggling
Chapter 64: yes baek go get munhee!!
Chapter 62: baek…. :///