
Heal me (Married to brother-in-law)
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(Had updated approximately 5 days ago. Make sure to read the previous chapter as well if you've missed it!)





Reaching the Byun mansion at nearly one in the morning, Baekhyun and Munhee silently made their way towards the kids' playroom. They would have to sleep there for the night as other available rooms were filled up with guests. Kids were sleeping in their room, while Munhee's parents and Liana took the two guest rooms, Baekhyun's parents took the master bedroom. There were actually more bedrooms upstairs, but those rooms weren't even decorated as there was never the need of so many rooms at once. Since they couldn't possibly sleep in one of those vacant rooms, thus, playroom seemed as a better option to Baekhyun when his mother had called him on their way back, to know about the sleeping arrangements.

"You can use the washroom first."  Baekhyun told Munhee as soon as they entered the playroom. 

Munhee nodded and collected her nightwear, which was left here by her mother-in-law as per Baekhyun's instruction when they were deciding the sleeping arrangements. She was thankful to Baekhyun's sharp presence of mind about small things like these, otherwise, they'd have to either disturb Baekhyun's parent's sleep to get their clothes from their bedroom, or they'd have to sleep in these fancy clothes which would've been nothing but uncomfortable. 

Baekhyun was done with taking off his tie along with his vest. He sat himself on the edge of the floorbed while ing his dress shirt.  His eyes habitually went to the washroom's door when he heard the sound of it getting unlocked.   'That was fast.'   He commented inaudibly. Munhee didn't usually take a lot of time like girls usually did, but this time it was exceptionally fast as it hadn't been anything more than five minutes. 

He had to hold his curiosity and not to peek through the small space of the unlocked door when the girl didn't come out like every other person would do after having the door unlocked.  He immediately darted his head somewhere else and pretended to be staring at the ground as soon as he noticed the washroom's door being opened a bit wider than before,  as to other people it might look like he was trying to peek inside the washroom like a third class ert. 

"Baekhyun?"  Hearing Munhee's timid voice calling for him, his head whipped towards the source of the voice. 

She was only peeking her head out while holding the outer knob with one hand, she looked somewhat...flustered? He couldn't decipher clearly.  "Y-Yeah?"  He responded, a little nervous as he was dreading that she might have noticed his previous action and misinterpreted it. 

He saw her biting her lips as if she was the one being nervous or hesitant for some reason.  "Can you...uhh I need h-help..."  She let out uncertainly, darting her eyes here and there while telling him about her timid request.

Baekhyun was on his feet instantly, when he heard the word  'help'  coming out from .

Munhee was trying her best to avoid the eye contact as she was flustered thinking about the help she would be needing from her husband. Unceremoniously, her eyes decided to stare at his prominent abs as his shirt's buttons were undone.  "What help?"  Baekhyun's query helped her to tear her shameless gaze away from his body. 

Munhee gulped.  'C'mon, it isn't that bad. He has gone through worse in the past!'  Inner Munhee reassured her,  giving her an uncalled reminder of their Jeju trip, where Baekhyun had to change her dress the night she was drugged. Yes, she had come to realize that there was no way of having anyone else change her clothes that night as she later had a really disturbing flashback of stripping her dress while straddling the said male's lap. 

"Is everything alright?"  Baekhyun urged when Munhee was taking too much time in contemplation, walking closer so that they would be standing face to face.  

"Y-Yes."  Munhee squeaked, feeling chargined by the look of worry in the male's face.

"So?"  He raised a questioning brow at her, waiting for her to disclose what help she had been trying to ask of him.

"Umm actually...my gown's zipper got stuck. Can you uhh..help me with it?"  Munhee finally managed to lay her request before her husband, even though she had to go through a lots of inelegant stammering an all, her face was warm from embarrassment. She couldn't dare to look up at his eyes. Despite knowing his helpful nature, she dreaded the probability of cutting this beautiful gown with scissors if he denied to lend his help in this case. 

"Oh..of course!"  Much to her relief he agreed. Munhee gave him an awkward but thankful smile. They both stared at each other, but no one moving from there position or actually attempting to get the work done. when the awkward air was getting stuffier, Baekhyun cleared his throat,   "I think you have to either step out of there or just let me in if we're going to have to help you with your ..uh zipper?"  He rejoined gently while rubbing his nape. 

'Oh god! I'm such an idiot!'  Munhee reprimanded herself when she realized she was making a fool out of herself.  "Sorry!"  She squeaked out before taking timid yet brave steps to walk out from the washroom. She somehow managed to reach in front of him, which was actually just a four steps' distance.   'Okay, what next? Should I turn around or should I just keep standing like this?'  She started contemplating again.

Seeing the slight hesitation, Baekhyun decided to just get the heck with it. So he went to stand behind her.  "We need to shift your hairs from the back."  He let her know before scooping her now waist length hair delicately. 

Munhee nodded and bit her lips, trying not to jolt at the dinky touches of his fingers on her .  Letting her hairs fall on her front loosely, Baekhyun went for the zipper. After some agonizing slow seconds and some tugging & pulling from him, she finally felt the zipper successfully sliding downwards. Hastily, she crossed her arms over her chest so that the loosened dress wouldn't slip down and cause some more embarrassment to her. 

"There.."  He murmured.  "Do you need help with anything else?"  He then asked. Munhee wanted to smack her face for not being able to control her mind, which entertained itself by trying to find some scandalous nonexistent double meaning behind his friendly query. 

"No. Thanks. I'll be quick."  Twirling around, she let him know before discarding off the scene without wasting any more seconds. 




Munhee had already tucked herself under the blanket by the time Baekhyun was out of the washroom, looking like he had taken a quick shower as well, judging by his dripping locks and the few droplets of water on his bare upper torso. She averted her eyes away so that she wouldn't get caught in her shameless staring.

While Baekhyun wore his nightwear top, Munhee grabbed the biggest plushy available from the mountain of toys there and placed it in the middle so that it could work as a boundary. Even though it was a big plushy, but not better of an option than an actual pillow. She could only hope that it would be able to pull off it's actual purpose until the morning.

 Baekhyun groaned in satisfaction as soon as his back touched the mattress. Undoubtedly, it had been a long day for him. Muttering a casual 'goodnight', he fell asleep within seconds as if he was a doll and someone had pull out his battery. 

Munhee wasn't any better in this case. She also joined Baekhyun in the journey of dreamland within next few minutes. 












Munhee heard a few knocks before the sound of door being opened and closed. First, she registered it was probably already dawn, as soft morning light reached inside the room from the two small windows. Then she noticed in her groggy state that unfortunately, the plushy couldn't survive until it fully served it's purpose as she couldn't find the toy anywhere near them.

Instead, she found Baekhyun's body closer to her than she last saw back at night, just a few inches of distance between her face and his chest, his one arm had somehow managed to slip under her neck that served her as an extra pillow, his another arm held her form, loosely dangled over her waist. She couldn't contemplate which one of them had crossed the boundary first due to her head being still a little numb from the sleep. Then she remembered the noises she heard, so she casted her eyes towards the door and she lightly gasped seeing a dark figure standing in the shadowed part of the room.

When the figure walked closer to the floorbed they were occupying, light finally illuminated on her features, Munhee felt even worse, it was Liana. The playroom's door had no locks as it was designed for the kids and a lock in the door could be proved as dangerous if the kids by any chance managed to lock themselves inside. This explained how Liana was standing in the middle of the room instead of being outside like other times.

Liana glared at their seemingly lovey-dovey sleeping position before shifting her glary eyes directly at Munhee as if she had stolen the older girl's favorite toy. At that moment, out of nowhere, something stirred inside Munhee. She had no idea where it came from and why did she even think of doing such bold but idiotic deed, but she still did it.

She locked eyes with Liana and giving her a smirk, the exact sort of smirk which Liana had shown her the previous morning, though she wasn't sure how much of her sleepy face managed to conquer that supposed smirk, she sunggled closer to her husband, her body worked on it's own as she found her hand, which was resting in between the space of their bodies, now holding Baekhyun's waist, her nose burying into his warm chest, making her feel funny inside her tummy as she accidentally took in a huge amount of his musky natural scent.

Munhee could see Liana was fuming, and did she feel so good after seeing the look of utter annoyance in the girl's face. Munhee knew it was really childish, maybe even a cheap & lousy trick just like Liana did in the previous morning, but she told herself that it's okay to be bad sometimes. 

"Baekhyun!" Liana called Baekhyun from there after throwing a hateful glare at Munhee. "Baekhyun, wake up!"  Liana again tried, her voice a little louder than before.

Feeling Baekhyun stirring from his sleep, the little portion of confidence from before left Munhee's body instantly, she froze in her spot. But then she decided to stay glued to her current position and just act like she's sleeping.

Another annoyingly loud call of his name from the girl finally managed to wake him up.

 Baekhyun also seemed like his body got stiffened as the first thing he registered was the state they were sleeping in. And then his eyes went to the girl standing on his side. 

"Liana? Why are you here? At this time?" He groaned, sounding irritated for getting his sleep interrupted at this early hour. Munhee was a little bemused that he didn't retreat himself away from her. Then she told herself that he did it because Liana was here. 

"I can't sleep Baekhyun!" The girl whined. 

"I understand, but why are you inside this room? I don't think anyone opened it for you!" Baekhyun queried in his rough morning voice.

"It wasn't locked, so I.." 

"Doesn't mean you can walk inside just because it's not locked." Baekhyun told her strictly.

"I..I know. But I was so scared...You know how hard it's for me, right?" Liana explained in her small scared voice.

Munhee felt Baekhyun heaving a sigh. "There's nothing to be scared, Liana. This house is safe. And besides, it's already morning. We're really tired after yesterday, so can you please let us rest?" Baekhyun told his friend, his voice still hoarse from sleep, his chest vibrating as he talked. 

"Tired after yesterday?" Liana almost yelled at that. "But you two don't seem like you did something to be tired! You have your clothes on! Don't lie to me! Please Baekhyun, come with me, I am scared!" Liana again started her annoying chants.

"As you see, this room doesn't have lock. Anyone could walk in just like you did. So we couldn't risk staying without our clothes." Baekhyun grumbled, leading Liana on to make her assumptions more accurate. 

Munhee's face heated up involuntarily at her husband's words. She was glad that she decided to hide her face in his chest, otherwise her façade of being asleep would've been already ruined by her red tinted cheeks. 

"But Baekhyun..I.." Liana seemed to be stunned at Baekhyun's bold comeback as she stuttered while talking.

"I'm tired, Liana. Please go back to your room. Close this door carefully before you go." Baekhyun firmly ordered before getting back to their previous position, holding Munhee's waist firmly while resting his chin on her head. 

That was enough to stop Liana's blabbers and Munhee could literally hear how the other girl stomped out of the room. Having the girl out of the room, Baekhyun stayed like that for another few moments before finally retreating himself from Munhee. 

Munhee felt her arm being lifted off Baekhyun's abdomen, he held her hand like that for sometimes before slipping what felt like the big plushy, which was probably lying somewhere near their feet, into her arms. Then he turned his back on her before going to sleep again. She clutched the plushy closer to her while asking herself about her sanity. 'Why did I do that ugh!' Immediately regretting her choice of movements.  




Later that morning, when all of them were having their breakfast, which was prepared by Munhee with help of two moms as Miss Lonn had taken her weekend leave yesterday evening after ensuring Munhee was properly kidnapped by Baekhyun, Munhee could feel the sharp hidden glares Liana threw at her direction every now and then. She also noticed how extra sweet and caring the girl was trying to be with Baekhyun's parents.

After the heavy breakfast, both of their parents decided that it would be the perfect time for them to be leaving for their own houses. So after a short farewell among everyone, the elders left. 

The moment the elders were gone, Liana started her usual clingy behavior with Baekhyun. Munhee could now see how Baekhyun struggled to not snap at his friend as he tried to stay busy with the kids by helping them with their new drawing book. 

As it was really irking Munhee to the limits, she sent someone a quick text before walking towards the couch, in front of which Baekhyun and the kids were sitting, while Liana sat on the couch, just behind Baekhyun, and trying to talk with him like usual. 

With a look which almost look like relief, Baekhyun looked up to her standing form. His eyes asking for help. "Get up, you're coming with me." Munhee told Baekhyun without wasting any time.

"Where are you taking him?" Before Baekhyun could ask for his own self, Liana asked Munhee. 

"Why are you still sitting there? Have you already forgot your promise from last night?" Munhee urged her husband, indirectly reminding him of their childish deal. 

"No, I remember." Baekhyun muttered and stood up. "Can you tell me where we'd be going? So that I could change into appropriate clothing for the place?" Baekhyun asked as he gestured at his pjs. 

"Baekhyun, are you really going?" Liana again interrupted, standing up on her feet so that she could hold onto Baekhyun's arm.  

"Yeah." He shortly replied before turning his attention back to Munhee.

"Don't go! I will be alone here!" She whined annoyingly.

"Babies, Mama and Daddy are going out for a while. Uncle Jongin would be here any moment. Stay with him like good girls. Okay?" Munhee told the kids and was relieved when kids didn't protest as they were engrossed in their drawing books.  Turning back to Baekhyun and taking a huge intake of oxygen, she prepped herself for her next move. She wrapped her hands around Baekhyun's nape, letting her body's weight fall over him so that he'd have to hold onto her, and his arm would be freed from Liana's clasp in the process. 

Baekhyun's eyes slightly widened at Munhee's unprecedented action. He somehow managed to hold onto her waist while the surprise was dying down. He had to bite his lips to prevent any unwanted reaction when Munhee blinked at him what seemed like lovingly, reminding him of the high Munhee back in Jeju. Then she closed the distance between them, tiptoeing, her lips smoothly reached near his left ear.

"Let's go to that place where you promised me to take." She audibly whispered so that Liana would hear her words clearly, her eyes fixed on the said girl who was right in front of her from that position. She gave Liana a victorious smile, showing off her possessive hold on Baekhyun while she did so. Munhee inwardly cringed at her own sly attitude. What was she doing? Baekhyun wasn't any object which could be owned by someone. But by the way her and Liana were constantly trying to pull him towards each other, wanting to keep him with either of them, it made Munhee sick to stomach to be treating the male like that. 

  And why was she being so possessive over this man when he wasn't even hers to begin with. Just because they were married? Now thinking about this whole situation at present, it felt like she and Liana were on the same stage, silently getting back at each other for a man who was clearly in love with someone else. Munhee found herself to be the worst between the two of them, in fact. Since Liana wasn't related to Myunghee in any way. Whereas in Munhee's case, the person whom Baekhyun loved was her own elder sister, how worse she could get for having secret uncontrollable feelings towards the person whom her sister loved with her everything?

Munhee's constant degrading thoughts snapped away when Baekhyun made her lean back from his hold, he seemed like he got a hold of what Munhee was trying to do initially, so he played along. "Let's go then." He sweetly said.

Munhee closed her eyes shortly to gather herself again and then played her role as Baekhyun's savior and nodded at her husband, giving him a short smile. She could see Liana glaring at her from her peripheral view, but other than that, the girl didn't attempt to stop Baekhyun anymore. 

At that moment, a sleepy Jongin entered their house before they could go upstairs. His hairs were sticking up at every direction, his eyes half closed while he continuously rubbed them, his t-shirt hanging onto his bare shoulder. "Good morning, Noona. Hey, Hyung!" He greeted the couple in his sleepy voice.

"Yah! Wear your clothes properly before coming here!" Baekhyun lightly scolded the younger male who groaned but started wearing his t-shirt anyway. 

"Good morning, Jongin. Breakfast is kept on the kitchen. Heat it up in the oven before eating. Take care of the kids and...Liana. We'll be back within one or two hours." Munhee told the younger male before taking Baekhyun along with her.




"Are we really going somewhere?" Baekhyun asked when they reached their bedroom.

"Yes. Get rea

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OMFG look at that "Completed" sign!! :")
Thanks to all for this wonderful journey!
Please give this story a lotta love even tho it has ended! ♥️♥️♥️


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35 streak #1
It's still and will always be my favorite story ❤️
njhjcw_lovejinam 11 streak #2
Chapter 1: I am here again to reread this beautiful story 🥰❤️
I’m back for round 3 I’ll never get over this feeling this fic gives😮‍💨
Chapter 78: im so saddd that this story has come to an end 😭😭😭😭 thankyou for this amazing and beautiful story thankyou and thankyou!!! both baekhyun and munhee growth so much they deserve so much happiness in their life after so much they have been through
Chapter 75: im not ready for the end.. 😭
Chapter 74: finally aaaaa
Chapter 68: new beginning for baekhyun and munhee!! im rooting for them!!
Chapter 67: CUTEE cant stop giggling
Chapter 64: yes baek go get munhee!!
Chapter 62: baek…. :///