
Heal me (Married to brother-in-law)
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( Please read the A/N :))




Munhee had spent the rest of the day in utterly boredom as she had no works to pass her time like usual. The only time she enjoyed was the time she taught her babies and feed them lunch before she let them have their short afternoon nap. Miss Lonn had taken care of every other works, keeping Munhee empty handed for the rest of the day. 

Miss Lonn seemed to be a nice person, Munhee concluded. She was also a little chatty, which made Munhee a little uncomfortable. But above all, she worked diligently, and Munhee had found nothing to complain regarding her service. 


So Munhee spent the rest of the day talking with her mother over the phone, and making light evening snacks for her babies and then playing with them. At the end of the day, Munhee didn't feel as much bored as she was feeling at afternoon.

When the clock hit eleven at night, Munhee decided that she should put the kids in their bed, they shouldn't be staying awake and waiting for their daddy's return anymore. It's always been like these, the days where Baekhyun returned later than his regular schedule, Munhee made the kids sleep as it's not good for kids to stay awake till late night. 

Now that Munhee's alone again after making sure both of the girls are fast asleep, Munhee opted to wait in their living room, surfing through different channels in the television while doing so.   "Munhee, dinner is getting cold, won't you eat?"   Miss Lonn caught Munhee's attention away from the television. Miss Lonn was fast in accommodating as she was comfortably calling Munhee by her name. Munhee felt at ease, she couldn't just let someone of her mother's age call her like she owned something. 

"I'm waiting for..... Baekhyun."   It felt odd to call Baekhyun by his name. But a normal wife should call her husband by his name.  "Miss Lonn, you can go and take rest now. You've worked hard enough for today."   Munhee suggested the maid, indeed, the older lady worked pretty hard and Munhee felt bad for her. Baekhyun had already arranged a room for her, apparently there was a room behind their kitchen which Munhee had no idea of as they never used it before,  and Munhee thought it would be best for the older lady to take rest. Also, they were supposed to have some serious talk which should be done when everyone else in the house wouldn't be aware of it. 

"Okay. Do you have any special recommendation for tomorrow's breakfast? As tomorrow's a weekend, will the breakfast time be same as today or a little later?"   Miss Lonn lastly asked.

"We have breakfast on weekends around ten in the morning. And we have heavy breakfast on weekends. You can cook anything you like. Just don't add cucumbers. Baekhyun hates them."   Munhee explained and thanked her stars that she remembered the piece of information.

"Okay then. Good night."   Miss Lonn walked away towards the kitchen. 

Munhee returned to the show she was watching. When the clock hit twelve, Munhee started feeling worried. No matter how many days he'd been late, each day felt like a new one to Munhee. Munhee reached for her handphone to dial Baekhyun's number when the large door of their house opened, revealing a worned out Baekhyun. 

"You're late."   Munhee muttered out before she could stop . She readied herself for a scolding as she knew she wasn't someone from whom he'd like to hear such statements.

But that scolding never came. Baekhyun dragged his feet towards her and sat himself on the other corner of the sofa on which Munhee was sitting. He huffed as he leaned his head on the cushioned back of the sofa, closed his eyes to ease down the tiredness.   "Yeah. Had a long day. Were you waiting for me?"   Baekhyun asked, now tilting his head to have a better look at Munhee. 

"Um yes. Did you already have dinner?"   She asked. Mostly in days like these, Baekhyun ate his dinner outside. But she asked him out of habit nonetheless. 

"Yes. We had dinner meeting with the US clients. You haven't had your dinner yet?"  He asked, now sitting up straight. 

"No."  Munhee replied, feeling weird at their almost too normal conversation. But then his words caught her attention.   "US clients? The meeting you missed yesterday, is it them?"   She tried to dig in. She had been busking in a fair amount of guilt as she was the cause of Baekhyun losing a big shot in his business. But hearing them having a dinner meeting ignited new hopes inside her. 

Baekhyun stared at her for a few moments without answering her. Then,   "We can talk about this while you have your dinner."  he didn't ask, he stated. 

Munhee inwardly gaped at him. Did she hear it right? Was her ears working properly? Baekhyun, her husband wanted to sit with her while she'd be having dinner?  His words didn't go with the Baekhyun she knew. 

"N-No, it's alright. I'm not that hungry. You can continue."    Munhee managed out when she was able to control her jumbled thoughts.  He already looked much tired. A person looking this tired shouldn't be willing to sit down on the chairs and talk while she ate her dinner. Even though she wasn't on a friendly level with him, neither she have forgiven him for his rude deeds, he was still someone for whom she genuinely cared. 

"I'm going to change out of these clothes and when I come back downstairs, I should see you eating your food. Okay? Then we'll continue."   Baekhyun curtly said, but not in his usual curt tone. More of a gentler yet firm tone. 

Before Munhee could give any sort of reply or anything, he strided off to the stairs. Glaring and unknowingly pouting at his direction Munhee stomped towards the dining area and collected the amount of food she'll be eating in a plate.     What's with this new nice attitude of his?  Anyway, he orders around even though he's being nice. What a jerk!  Munhee mumbled under her breath and quickly re-heated the portion of food in the oven, and after that she settled on her chair to start eating. 

 Baekhyun didn't took much time to change in his comfortable home clothes which included a simple white tee and grey striped pyjama pants. He silently sat down on his chair, plopping his palm under his chin, and watched Munhee eating. 

Suddenly having a pair of eyes watching her eating made Munhee inelegantly choke on her food. Baekhyun calmly gave her a glass of water and patiently waited for her to recover from the coughs. 

"You okay now?"    He asked and Munhee nodded keeping her eyes glued at her plate and cursing herself inwardly.

 "So what was that you wanted to know? Ah, the clients."    He poured himself a glass of water and taking a few sips he started,    "They were actually pretty much pissed with me. They deemed me as a super irresponsible person. Then Liana somehow managed to persuade them for another meeting saying that I had some strong reasons to skip the meeting. And today we finally met. Today's dinner was more or less me explaining my reasons to them."    After that he stopped.

"So, are they still pissed off with you? Or you have changed their minds? If you don't mind I c-can talk and apologize to them."   Munhee proposed. If her apologies could make up for the loss Baekhyun had to go through for her, then she'd be more than glad to do so.

Baekhyun's brows ceased at her words. He shook his head firmly,    "No. You're not gonna apologize to anyone. There's no need for it. They've bought my explanation. Though they doubted me first..."     He gulped, dark shadow suddenly covering his face,    "..as they knew about  Myunghee,  and they didn't have any idea about... you.."   Munhee's heart squeezed at the mention of her elder sister  and seeing Baekhyun's face so vulnerable and sad at the same time did nothing but intensify the painful feelings inside her,    "..after that Liana took over and explained in more details. And they believed us. One of them is actually a korean, he's also married and his wife is currently pregnant. So he kinda liked me for prioritizing my family."   Now his face looked less darker. Just with the trace of remaining tiredness on his features.

"That's a relief. Now that this problem is solved, did you seal the deal?"   Munhee asked, both in curiosity and to end this topic soon, they have other things to talk she reckoned.   

  "Kind of. Actually..."   Baekhyun seemed nervous, he was scratching his head looking here and there.   "They are coming to our house for a dinner this tuesday."      

Munhee's eyes widened at the declaration.   "What? They? Your highly important clients? H-How could you agree to this? You know I can't c-cook decent food. You should've at least asked me once before inviting someone!"  Munhee snapped at him. She was panicking just by the thought of another embarrassing phase of people having to eat her good for nothing food. 

"You don't need to do anything. We have Miss Lonn now. She'll take care of the food. You just have to be there and attend the guests. And I didn't invite them in the first place. When Liana explained them, the korean one got excited to hear that I have twin kids, apparently his wife is also carrying twin children and he never saw twins as twins are kind of rare to find. So he invited himself to meet the girls and told that they'll seal the deal after the dinner in my house. His partner also looked pleased with the idea, so I couldn't deny their self-invitation."    Baekhyun calmly explained and Munhee finally calmed down from her first hand panicking.   Even though she felt

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Thanks to all for this wonderful journey!
Please give this story a lotta love even tho it has ended! ♥️♥️♥️


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36 streak #1
It's still and will always be my favorite story ❤️
njhjcw_lovejinam 12 streak #2
Chapter 1: I am here again to reread this beautiful story 🥰❤️
I’m back for round 3 I’ll never get over this feeling this fic gives😮‍💨
Chapter 78: im so saddd that this story has come to an end 😭😭😭😭 thankyou for this amazing and beautiful story thankyou and thankyou!!! both baekhyun and munhee growth so much they deserve so much happiness in their life after so much they have been through
Chapter 75: im not ready for the end.. 😭
Chapter 74: finally aaaaa
Chapter 68: new beginning for baekhyun and munhee!! im rooting for them!!
Chapter 67: CUTEE cant stop giggling
Chapter 64: yes baek go get munhee!!
Chapter 62: baek…. :///