70. (Final)

Heal me (Married to brother-in-law)
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(Please read the long A/N at the end of the chapter since it's the very last one :'))




"So… you're really getting married today, huh?" Munhee spoke to the girl standing before her on the other side of the mirror, after being done applying some lip balm on her chapped lips.

She heaved the upteenth number of sigh as her mundane reflection stared back at her, she looked restless even though her face was neutral. How couldn't she be? It was almost time, time to step into a whole new world with someone familiar but at the same time not-so-familiar, Baekhyun. Sure, she knew him for years, but she knew him as a brother-in-law, she didn't know him as a partner, as a husband - as her husband. But that will change from today, because it looked like her and Baekhyun were really getting married. It wasn't any stupid unrealistic dream - or nightmare, it was real, it was all happening. 

She didn't even know what and how to feel anything at this moment. 

Marriage, wedding, these words had always carried thousands of dreams into her life, at least ever since she'd been a teenager. Those dreams were all about a marriage full of love and happiness, a wedding full of colors and brightness. But she was here today, adorning a plain white gown that her supposed groom's mother had gifted to her; with close to no makeup on her face, her hair tied in a lifeless low pony. She was supposed to look like a bride on her wedding day, then why wasn't she looking anything near that? She highly doubted she would even pass as a wedding guest, let alone a bride. Moreover, she wasn't a tad bit excited or happy like a bride was supposed to feel. 

The only thing she could feel right now, was nervousness, the fear of an uncertain future. She wanted nothing more than to just run away from there, because she didn't want it from the core of her heart.  "Don't be like this, Mun!" She lowly hissed at the girl in front of her,  "It's not the time to think selfishly! Think about your Unnie and her babies!" Whenever her will wavered, she reminded herself of this fact, that she was doing all these for her sister and her children, it kept her in place instead of letting her listen to her raw wish to just leave everything and rush away. 

A subtle knock resonated from the door and her mother had emerged. The older lady walked closer to the supposed bride of the day, a small and almost sad smile adorned her face as she looked at her daughter,  "You look nice, my baby." She murmured, cupping her daughter's face to look at her properly. 

Munhee couldn't give a shy smile and reply back with gratitude like a normal bride would. She knew for a fact that her marriage was anything but normal. Even her groom had already told her that they weren't going to be like a normal married couple - which she completely agreed with, because she was also in it just for the sake of the kids; nothing else, nothing more. So she silently let her mother give her a hug, she took the chance to gain mental and physical energy from that hug, she was going to need a lot of them for whatever was going to happen soon.

"Are you nervous?" The older lady asked after breaking the hug, she must've felt Munhee's erratic heartbeats during the hug, then shook her head,  "Why am I even asking! Of course, you'd be nervous. But my child, it's normal for every bride to feel nervous. Things will get easy, soon."  She tried to comfort the girl.

"I'm…. not a normal bride, Mom. Am I?" Munhee didn't want to, but she ended up sounding a bit bitter. She couldn't help it, her emotions were everywhere at this moment, scattered and tattered.

Her mother had been holding back all this time, but she now broke into soundless tears.  "Oh my baby, how much I wish that things weren't like this! How much I wish that I could marry you off like how I have dreamed of!" 

Munhee hugged her mother for another few short moments, blinking her eyes so that she wouldn't get any tears there, she was honestly tired of crying these days, crying didn't solve any of her problems, crying didn't bring her sister back, and crying would definitely not stop this arrangement of a marriage either.  "Mom, let's not talk about what could've happened." She merely told her mother after pulling herself back from the warm embrace. 

"Right." Wiping her sudden tears, the mother nodded and again tried to smile at her daughter, "I came here to call you. Come, let's go. It's almost time. Baekhyun must be waiting for you."

Even though Munhee knew it was inevitable, that the marriage was going to happen, she still couldn't stop the sudden waves of newfound weariness in her whole existence after hearing her mother. But she returned a small nod nonetheless. Holding onto her mother's hand, she took shaky steps forward, towards a future that honestly looked just blurred to her right at this moment; the only thing she could see clearly were the smiling faces of Miseo and Sarang, and that was the core source of motivation for her to push herself to take more and more steps ahead. 

When they reached the living room, where her supposed groom was supposed to be waiting for her, she only found his parents. He was nowhere to be seen. And that fact only added more in the tons of tangled emotions inside her.

Baekhyun's mother came to her to envelope her in a motherly hug,  "You look lovely, Sweetheart."  The older lady complimented her,  "Baekhyun is outside with the kids." She also hurriedly explained the absence of the groom, giving Munhee almost an apologetic smile.  

Without wasting any time, the elders along with the bride went outside, they were going to go to the court for the legal procedures. 

When they were out, Munhee braved herself in taking a glance at the man with whom she was going to tie the knots of marriage. Baekhyun, just like her, didn't look like someone who was supposed to get married today; he didn't look like a groom, at all. Just a single glance at his features, and it was visible that his face was screaming unwillingness. He had donned a plain white dress shirt, with equally mundane black slacks; his hair barely combed and kept into place - it seemed like a clumsy hand work, perhaps his mother was the one to fix his hair for him?, there was no brightness in his bagged eyes, no smile in his dry lips. He didn't even acknowledge her presence for a mere second.

Even when the elders had made her and Baekhyun ride the same car all alone together, he didn't utter a single word to her. It was more like he was avoiding her existence. She didn't want to, but she still ended up feeling a bit disheartened at this. They were in this together, right? They both had the same purpose behind this arrangement, so the least he could do was to acknowledge her? But he didn't, of course.

With every passing second throughout the journey, Munhee felt even more restless and just plainly sick of the thick choking silence formed between them. With the silence, came the opportunity for her to mull over all the negative thoughts and saddening feelings. The man beside her didn't even notice how she was inhaling and exhaling more than usual air, he neither noticed the b moist in her eyes that were threatening to slip down any moment. But it was okay, she preferred it that way; because if he had asked her what was wrong, she didn't trust herself in stopping her from wailing out like a kid and expressing her inner turmoil in a sob story. And it would've been utterly selfish of her.

So when they reached their dreadful destination, Munhee had hastily opened the car for herself and stepped out of the suffocating space, hoping that the fresh air outside would help her feel less out of breath. But was she wrong. Seeing the establishment where she was going to get married with the man behind her, it only made it worse for her. She had to stop in her tracks momentarily, to get herself together and give herself the ultimate push to go forward. She watched with weary gaze how her supposed groom didn't even bat an eyelash at her and walked past her in his own lifeless way. 

Without letting herself drown in more of her pathetic thoughts, she willed herself to follow behind the male. And if everything wasn't enough, she just had to trip on nothing but small abandoned stones at that very moment. 

Munhee was fast enough to clutch on Baekhyun's shirt's sleeve, otherwise, she was definitely going to be a bride who'd kiss the ground on her wedding day instead of kissing her groom - well, for a fact she knew, she wasn't going to kiss her groom either. 

Baekhyun only stared down at her embarrassing self holding onto his shirt for dear life with an obvious hint of annoyance in his emotionless face. 

"S-Sorry, I uhhh tripped on-"

"Whatever. Let's go in, they are waiting for us." The male didn't even let her finish explaining and again started walking. 

Munhee heaved a painful sigh. If things weren't so tangled between them, if he was the old Baekhyun, he would've definitely held her and asked her if she was alright or not. But she shoved all those thoughts away and continued taking wobbly steps forward. 

Moments went like a blur to Munhee after reaching inside the court, the rest of the process of her supposed marriage also went in a huge blur. She didn't hear what legal s those men were spewing, she didn't hear what her mother had whispered into her ears, she didn't even feel her fingers while signing those blurry papers; all she could hear was her loud heartbeats and the sound of her sniffles. Yes, despite promising herself to not cry anymore and to stay strong, she couldn't make it till the end. Because when she was signing those papers, all she could see was all of her dreams crumbling down like a tower of sand, and moreover the man whom she was supposed to wait for, Sehun.

 It didn't look weird to others present in that place that she was shedding tears like that, because usually brides did cry at their wedding, but what they didn't know was that her tears weren't of happiness. 

She had again braved herself in pushing away all the heartbreaking thoughts, and took another glance at her on-the-process-husband signing the same papers as her. His face was just void of any emotion like earlier. Only his clenched jaw was what she could notice in him. 

And just like that, her wedding was done. She had gotten married to her brother-in-law. She was tied into a loveless marriage with him. 






Munhee stepped out from her memory lane, for a few minutes she had gone to walk on the memories of her previous wedding day. It had always been a painful memory for her, but not anymore. At present, it was only a reminder of how far her and Baekhyun had made it together. Because right now, she was again in front of a mirror, and she was again staring back at her reflection. But the difference was, this time, a pair of hopeful eyes stared back at her. This time, the girl in the reflection had the biggest smile on her face. And oh, she looked beautiful in her wedding gown. 

"Noona, I am not going to repeat myself for the third time! You look absolutely gorgeous!" 

Munhee again heard the voice that had initially brought her out of her thoughts. Jongin. "Thanks, Jongin." She let out a shy laugh at the hyper male, who by the way looked way too handsome in his sleek all-black suit with a black dress shirt underneath, he even had a white rose tucked in his suit's pocket, his hair was as sleek as his outfit.  "You're looking very handsome today."  She complimented back. This guy was definitely going to get crushed on - or in his language, get drooled over - by many of the female population from the guests today.

"Even though I am always handsome, but yeah, I did put quite an effort to look this handsome today. After all, it's my special day as well!" He grinned and winked at the bride, the male just looked genuinely thrilled.  "I think I'd look the most handsome out there today, no? Not even Hyung would stand a chance!" He wiggled his eyes while flaunting his suit jacket.

To Munhee, he was way too cute than being handsome. But she did playfully roll her eyes at him,  "Excuse me, not when my man will be standing out there. No way. Baekhyun is the most handsome man ever! And he'd be in a suit, he said it's quite fitting! Oh my god, he-" She didn't forget to emphasize her point, though she was stopped before she could continue more with her lovestruck blabbers.

Jongin faked a gag, "Yeah, yeah, I get it! Of course, you'd say so! What else do I even expect from this greasy couple!" 

"Don't pretend like you aren't the biggest fanboy of this greasy couple! I had seen you cry like a proud mommy when Baekhyun had proposed to Munhee!" Jisoo entered just in the moment to provide Jongin her own sassy reply, earning a cute accusatory pout from the very male. "And oh my ing god, Mun! You are….you are one of the most shining brides I've ever seen in my life!" Then the girl squealed loudly after she saw the bride sitting just in front of the dresser. 

"Huh? Shining? That's a weird compliment! But now that I think of it, she does look like she is... glowing!" Jongin also inserted his comment on it. He peered down at the girl in the question, "Hey, Noona, do you have like… hidden LED lights somewhere in your dress?" 

Munhee blinked at her reflection in the mirror, nearly freaking out after hearing her friends. She did have some shiny highlighter on her face, but did she really look like a glowing bulb? Was her makeup overdone? How weird she would look if she'd glow like a ing bulb? That even at her own wedding ceremony? What the hell!

"Girl, relax!" Jisoo shoved Jongin away and took his place to stand by the chair that the bride was occupying. "You are shining because your happiness is pouring off your skin!" She smiled and ensured the suddenly tensed looking girl. 

"Oh my god! I got so scared for a moment!" Munhee huffed in relief, but returned another bright smile to the elder girl as well. Well, no one could deny that she was happy today. How couldn't she be? She was marrying the love of her life, the man who owned her heart and soul altogether, Byun Baekhyun. Nothing could stop her from being happy today. So she'd be glowing in her brightest form today.

"Hello, excuse me! Can I get the lovely bride to myself for a few minutes? I need to give her some finishing touch-ups, it's almost time!" Munhee's makeup artist for the day, Stella, had returned back into the room Munhee was occupying. 

They were currently at the wedding venue, a naturally beautiful town just outside the city, Baekhyun and Munhee had selected this place from the suggestions Lucas had gathered for them. They had been here from early morning, with all of their family and close friends. Everything was going as planned. Decorations were ready - Munhee was already in love with the actual wedding venue was adorned with silky white curtains and gorgeous Lavenders, guests were ready, food was delicious - Munhee had heard Kyungsoo and Jongin praising the food after doing the tasting, and she trusted their taste in food. Now the main event was left to be done. And now having Stella here was the actual reminder for Munhee that the long wait was really going to end. 

"I should leave and go check up on Hyung. God knows what he might be doing in my absence! Handling your groom is such a pain in the ! I was this close to resign from being his best man!" Jongin muttered while giving space to Stella for her to start her work. 

The bride's ears perked up hearing her groom being mentioned,  "What did he do?"  She asked with a held breath. 

"Oh don't even ask me! He is freaking the out! He is even peeing every ten minutes since the morning, and I have to give him constant assurances that you two are really getting married, that this is not any of his dreams! Oh I have also been ensuring him that everything will go just fine, he is panicking way too much." Jongin groaned while explaining, he surely had a hard time handling the older male. 

Munhee's heart melted hearing those. How much she could relate to Baekhyun, because she was the same even though she wasn't showing it to anyone. She was barely managing to sit still with all the butterflies creating a tornado of giddiness and anticipation along with nervousness inside her tummy - eventually her whole body.  "He is-"  She couldn't find any words to describe her feelings for the male, so she let out an embarrassed laugh. She was so swooned for him, it was beyond any description.  "He is so adorable!"  She managed to let out.

"Adorable my , ugh!" The younger male continued to groan and whine. "I am so gonna get my revenge when it will be my turn to be the groom!" 

"Oh you want to get married?" Jisoo asked, looking a bit surprised, because it was natural for her or anyone to think so. Jongin didn't seem like the one to be willing to settle down judging by the number of changing females that he dated or simply slept with. 

"Well…" The younger male stopped, and cleared his throat, "I should really leave now. Who knows Baekhyun Hyung might even sneak out of his room to get a glimpse of Noona!" He murmured, successfully dodging the answer, and left the place in a dash.

Jisoo shook her head at the leaving male, "Well, I should also go and check up on the guests. But before that, I have to check up on my boys. I swear if Jun still hasn't finished dressing Jino up, he's going to have to attend the wedding with a sore !" She filled in and the three of them present there laughed. And then the elder girl was gone as well.

Having no one to entertain her, Munhee got the chance to think about her groom, the man she was getting ready for. Her heart bubbled up just by thinking about him and his weird but lovable antics. To think that she ended up being one lucky woman to be loved by a man this endearingly, that man being someone with whom she once could never even imagine anything near love or romance. Though she got a little worried for him as well. 'Should I give him a call? Just to check up on him!' She was having an inner debate.

And as if Baekhyun had been reading her mind, she got a call from him within the next few seconds. Munhee looked up at Stella with hopeful puppy eyes, "Mm hey, can I take this call?"

Stella gave her a teasing smile,  "Judging by your smile, I am assuming it's your groom?"  She asked and got an excited nod from the bride.  "Go on, answer it, who am I to separate two love birds! And don't worry, I am almost done here, so there won't be any problem!" 

Receiving the green signal, Munhee took a deep breath to suppress the overwhelming emotions that came just by the thought of talking to him at this time, she then received the call, "Baek?"

There was a few seconds of pin-drop silence from the other line, and then a huge exhale, "Mun…" Another long exhale. "Are you busy? I hope I didn't disturb! I just wanted to hear your voice…"

"Here you go. All set for your big day!" Stella declared proudly, providing two proud thumbs ups to the bride. 

Munhee mouthed the other girl a grateful 'Thank you' and then Stella was gone.  "I am not busy anymore." She then went back to replying to the awaiting male.

"Was that your makeup artist?" The male asked from the other line.

 Now that Munhee's flaring emotions were calming down just a bit, she could actually hear how Baekhyun's voice reflected a little, as if he was-  "Wait, are you inside a washroom or what?" The bride asked out, unable to decipher how to react to this piece of discovery. 

"Uhhh y-yeah, umm I… Sweetheart, can we talk about you?" The way he had cleared his throat and the way embarrassment was dripping from his voice alone, Munhee already knew her guess was correct. She even felt bad for him that he was still that much nervous to be in the washroom. 

"Fine. Yeah, Stella has just left after giving me some final touch-ups." She rendered in changing the topic like he wanted to, and sort of answered his previous question. 

There was a few seconds of silence from the other line, but she could hear him exhaling quite clearly. "So, how is my bride looking?" The previous embarrassment was gone and there was only sweetness and hopefulness filled in his tone, coaxing thousands of butterflies into the bride's already messy tummy. "Do you think I will... survive after watching you today?" 

If it was any other day or any other time, Munhee would've playfully reprimanded him for being cheesy and for overreacting like this. But today, something was so different and so so special in the air of their lives, she couldn't do it today. She only took a look at her own self in the mirror yet again, the girl in the mirror was already adorning a shy smile,  "You have to find it out for yourself." She breathed. Even though she could see that she did look really pretty, a pretty bride, but she was just too shy to admit it aloud. So she only hoped that she would surpass her groom's expectations. 

"Do you think we can Facetime…. just for a minute? Or even for a few seconds?" The male also breathed and proposed.  "I haven't seen you since yesterday. I am going nuts, Baby!"

"No, Baekhyun. Our moms will kill us if they find out!" Munhee immediately swatted the idea away. Well, for a record, the couple had been banned from seeing each other since yesterday. They were only allowed to talk through voice calls, because the moms were strict when it came to following this particular tradition. 

Baekhyun groaned impatiently, "Okay, then can you send me a picture of you? You know, Love, I just want to uhh... prepare myself in advance. Because it would be a huge chaos if the groom faints after seeing his bride, no?" 

"You are just being clever! So no, you're not getting anything from me. We will meet at the altar." Munhee laughed shyly at his remarks but poured down cold water on his genuine proposal anyway. 

A frustrated sigh left past the male's mouth,  "Why is the clock so slow today? I want to see you so badly, Love." 

Munhee could clearly understand his frustration, because inwardly, she was feeling the same as him. The time was surely being stingy today, moving forward in a sluggish manner and making the both of them more impatient and nervous by the tick of every second. "We will get through it, Baek. Just a few more minutes." She tried to coax him, but as if every reminder of the upcoming special event was making her whole body fizzled up with all sorts of emotions.

"Yeah, I just-"

"Hyung! You can come out now. I have unlocked the door! Yah, Hyung! Are you hearing me? Are you done peeing your guts out?" Interrupting whatever Baekhyun was going to say, the both could hear Jongin's yelling. 

"I'm coming, Jongin! Give me a minute, will you?" Baekhyun also yelled back. 

"Baekhyun? Why...why did Jongin lock you inside the washroom?" Munhee couldn't hold back her curiosity and maybe horror even, and demanded an answer.

"Do you really want to know?"

"Yes?" Munhee replied in a 'duh' manner. She had to know, otherwise she would be even more restless.

"You're going to be a nosy wife!" He protested, she could hear his loving smile even from there.

"But you'd still love me!" She sassed.

"That I can't deny." He accepted. "Uhh so Jongin might or might not have catched me sneaking towards your room?" Baekhyun nervously chuckled and replied to her previous query. "I was so close, Sweetheart. Only if Jongin didn't have such sharp eyes and hadn't noticed me hiding behind that pillar outside of your room, I could've watched you!" He dreamily sighed.

Munhee was speechless hearing her groom. He really did what Jongin was fearing. She was honestly torn between laughing at Baekhyun's misery and feeling flattered at his antics like usual.  

"Hyung, are you again freaking out inside there? Come out now, you have a ing wedding in ten minutes! You have to be there before Noona!" Again, the younger male's yells were heard along with the loud knocks. 

"Baekhyun, go now. Everything will be alright." Munhee insisted to the male, she could only feel sorry for Jongin who had to handle her groom. 

"Alright. So…. I will see you outside?" He finally gave in and sighed.


"I love you." The male lastly murmured.

"I love you more." The girl beamed, and had almost unwillingly ended the call. She really did love him so very much. And she was all ready to be his and his only.








Not more than ten minutes later, Munhee herself was surrounded by her female friends, who were there to provide her the last minute moral support. Right now, the bride was unable to stay seated anymore, so she was standing with her friends, and almost visibly freaking out by every passing second. It was really almost time, she would be summoned at any moment, and she was already forgetting whatever heck she had learned during their small wedding practices in the previous few days. 

"Listen, girl, you will feel like this until you go out there. But once you'll see your man standing there for you, trust me, you'll forget everything. Things will just go smoothly from there!" Liana, the most recent bride in their circle - who actually had just returned from her long honeymoon just to attend this wedding - was giving her experienced advice to the bride. Even Mina, the next on the line of being a bride, was listening to Liana and Jisoo's advice very carefully. 

"Girls, it's time!" Munhee's mother entered the already crowded room and declared in her usual dramatic manner.

There was a second of pin-drop silence and then all the girls squealed, and hastily bid the bride while uttering best wishes and giving the girl tight hugs. In the next minute, they were all gone. 

Munhee's mother came to stand in front of her, the older woman had been quite busy throughout the time, so she couldn't check up on her daughter's bride-ing up process. But now that she had finally gotten to see Munhee as a bride, her eyes filled up with tears of joy immediately. She had never said it aloud, but there had always been a regret in her heart after marrying Munhee off in that situation, the regret was that she could never see her daughter in the form of an actual bride. But all the regrets and everything had washed away at this moment. "My little Mun is a bride today, huh?" She chuckled and sniffled altogether.

"Mom! Stop crying, you are trying to ruin my makeup!" Munhee protested, but in reality, she had already shed some tears along with her mother. It was a special moment for them, because throughout her journey of marriage, her mother had always been there for her, listened to her like a best friend, supported her.

"Omo! No no, don't cry!" Instantly, her mother wiped her own tears and also softly wiped her daughter's cheeks off of tears. "You just look so so beautiful, my baby!" 

Munhee was about to thank her mother for the compliment, but there was another entry in the room, it was her father. The older male silently gave her a hug, his face was glimmering with happiness. "You are the most beautiful bride." Her dad proudly told her. 

"Even more beautiful bride than Mom?" Munhee grinned but father, wanting to light up the previous mood. 

"Hmm, maybe?" Her father also laughed and replied.

"Hey!" Her mother pouted, but even she couldn't stop herself from smiling. "Since you are telling the truth, I won't be mad at you." She sassily told her husband. "Okay, I think we should bring her out. All the guests are waiting. And Baekhyun is also waiting." Her mother wiggled her brows playfully at the mention of the groom. Munhee's stupid heart fastened their pace at the mention of the male as per it's routine.

"Yeah, we should." Munhee's father agreed. That was the cue for her heart to work even harder. "But where's your brother?" Her father then asked.

"I don't know." Munhee was swimming in the endless sea of butterflies currently, so she didn't know what else to say. But then it hit her that she did need her brother to conquer the rest of the journey towards the aisle, her journey to Baekhyun. "Where's he? Why is he being late?" She then started to panic.

"I'll go look for him!" Munhee's mother quipped a solution.

"Give him a call, it will be faster!" The father gave a better alternative.

"Right. I'm calling him." Munhee's mother hurriedly fished out her handphone and dialed the familiar number.

A ringtone resonated from somewhere near, and within the next second the owner of the ringing phone had already entered the bride's room.  "Sorry, I am a little late!"  He nervously laughed and patted his a bit messy hair to make them perfect again. After being satisfied with the outcome, he then walked towards the bride and offered her his arm,  "Shall we go to your groom, ehh?" 

Munhee bit down her quivering lips and gave the younger male a shaky nod, then she looked at another offered arm - her father's arm; taking a huge breath she slipped both of her hands into the two males' arms, holding onto them tightly for both physical and mental support. 

The three of them were about to step ahead when they all stopped, upon hearing Munhee's mother's screech, "Wait! Bouquet! Mun, where's your bouquet!" 

Munhee's eyes also enlarged, remembering the important element. How could she forget to take her wedding bouquet! What kind of an idiot bride she was? "Oh my god, where is it!" She again panicked. Leaving the two males alone, she rushed back to the dresser, the last time she had definitely seen her bouquet somewhere beside the dresser. Thankfully, she found the beautifully wrapped Gardenias and Baby's breaths just where she remembered seeing them - Baekhyun was the one choosing the flowers for her bouquet, saying that these flowers held meanings that he cherished. Munhee had surfed through the internet to know the meaning of these chosen flowers, and she instantly knew why he was insisting on these particular flowers. Taking her bouquet into her hands, she stared at herself through the mirror for one last time. 

She had chosen a long flowy gown for herself, and it fitted her upper body nicely, while the skirt of the dress spread vastly in it's beauty. The neckline and long sleeves of her dress was made of prettily designed transparent fabric, giving a nice contrast. She had to go through a huge hardship to finally fix her mind on her wedding gown, but all of that was now worth it as she couldn't imagine herself wearing anything else. And she dearly hoped that Baekhyun would find it as pretty as her. 

The top portion of her hair was nicely tucked in loose braids, the same pretty white Baby's breaths were placed on her hair since she didn't want any ornaments there. They looked really fresh and endearing on her. The rest of her hair was carefully and loosely curled, making her look elegant. As for jewelry, she adorned small diamonds as she didn't like anything too flashy or heavy.

Taking the last glance and still finding herself pretty, Munhee gave herself a final smile before turning back towards the awaiting people. She saw bright smiles on everyone's faces, her happiness seemed to rub off on them as well. 

"Shall we go?" Her father smiled and gestured his arm from afar. Jongin, whom she had proposed to play the role of an actual brother on her wedding - since he was closest to the spot of a brother she never had - also grinned while following the older male and preparing his arm for the bride. 

Munhee nodded and calmly walked to them, settling herself and her bouquet in their holds. Her mother had already gone out by then, but she didn't complain, because she knew why her mother had left like that. 

When they were already in the hallway, they again found Munhee's mother, but this time, with two little angels. 

"My babies!" Munhee cooed seeing them. They were also in their white gowns, because they wanted to match with their mother, and they looked too adorable for Munhee's poor heart to handle. 

"Mama! Wow!"

"Mama is a bride!" 

"So pretty!"

"So soooo pretty!"

Her babies gasped seeing her, they couldn't take their tiny eyes off her. 

"Come here, give Mama a hug!" Munhee untangled herself from the males and bent down to hug her babies. One of the biggest parts of her happiness was that now she will be reunited with her babies forever as well, and she couldn't wait to restart their old life. She knew her daughters were as eager as her, undoubtedly. 

The kids stole small pecks from the bride's cheeks and Munhee was too greedy to not steal her share of sweet kisses from her babies' soft cheeks. 

"Mama, Daddy is also really handsome today!" Miseo decided that it was a good time to let her mother know. 

"Oh, really?" Munhee faked surprise, trying to hide her blush from all the eyes there, they would definitely for blushing like this just by hearing about her groom.


"Mama and Daddy will get married?" Sarang asked excitedly, perhaps the little one also couldn't believe it that her parents were getting married and they will all be finally together.

"Yes, Love. We will get married!" The bride let her awaiting babies know with full determination. 

"Yeyyy!" Lastly, the kids cheered cutely, and then waved and ran outside, because they wanted to witness their parent's wedding from start to end. And this small meetup was also their demand, because they wanted to see their Mama as a bride before their Daddy would get to. 

Now that Munhee had met her babies, her heart was lighter and bubblier, momentarily forgetting all other worries and all. So she could walk ahead with her father and Jongin with less nervousness. 

However, the moment she stepped on the flower-filled path outside, a soft but pretty music started playing - indicating the official start of the wedding, her feelings rampaged. Her destination was still a bit far away, so she couldn't get to see whom she was trying to find - her groom. But she knew he was on the altar, and he also knew that the music was the cue of he

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OMFG look at that "Completed" sign!! :")
Thanks to all for this wonderful journey!
Please give this story a lotta love even tho it has ended! ♥️♥️♥️


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35 streak #1
It's still and will always be my favorite story ❤️
njhjcw_lovejinam 11 streak #2
Chapter 1: I am here again to reread this beautiful story 🥰❤️
I’m back for round 3 I’ll never get over this feeling this fic gives😮‍💨
Chapter 78: im so saddd that this story has come to an end 😭😭😭😭 thankyou for this amazing and beautiful story thankyou and thankyou!!! both baekhyun and munhee growth so much they deserve so much happiness in their life after so much they have been through
Chapter 75: im not ready for the end.. 😭
Chapter 74: finally aaaaa
Chapter 68: new beginning for baekhyun and munhee!! im rooting for them!!
Chapter 67: CUTEE cant stop giggling
Chapter 64: yes baek go get munhee!!
Chapter 62: baek…. :///