
Heal me (Married to brother-in-law)
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Almost one year later......




      "What do you mean that you haven't confessed to Baekhyun yet!" Munhee's mother yelled at her, causing the girl to wince before pouting at the older woman. "No! Your pouts wouldn't help you, Missy."  She then rolled her eyes at Munhee before speaking with seriousness in her features, "Mun, for how long do you plan to hide your feelings from your own husband?" 

Munhee fidgeted the small legs of the stuff toy which was resting on her lap. She should've known visiting her parent's place would result in this conversation as usual. It had been a few months that Munhee couldn't keep shut in front of her mother and spilled the tea about her growing feelings for Baekhyun. It didn't even need to be asked how her mother had went to dance on cloud nine after hearing the revelation from her. With that, also came her mother's weekly inquiry on the progress of her confession that the older lady had suggested intently. 

"Mom, you know why I can't confess to him. Unnie-" Munhee started but was cut off by her mother.

"My little baby, I know very well about your constant dilemma. I know you still haven't gotten rid of it. Or maybe you already have but you just don't want to accept it. You're just being a coward." Her mother pointed out, making Munhee bit her inner cheeks as she might be right.

The girl only sighed, throwing the plushy aside she laid down on her mother's lap, to which the older woman smiled, despite being sort of frustrated at her daughter. "I accept that you're right, Mom. I am a huge coward. I am just afraid that it might be unfair to Unnie that I want to have her husband... uh romantically. And I... I am also afraid that my confession would go in vain." She revealed her buried thoughts, feeling a little lighter whether due to letting her inner thoughts out or because of her mother's fingers which were combing her hair soothingly, she had no idea. 

"Silly girl, why would your confession go in vain? Are you saying that because you think Baekhyun wouldn't reciprocate or maybe just reject your feelings?" The older lady asked, leaving Munhee to wince again at the accuracy. What's with the people around her and their uncanny ability to hit the bull's eye every single time, or was it her face that would give out obvious answers, she couldn't decipher.

"Y-Yes." Munhee breathed.  "And he already loves Unnie so much. How can we expect him to love again?" At this point, she didn't even want to think about Baekhyun and what he might feel towards her. She was confused as hell in this regard since one time it would feel like he definitely had something for her which was more than his claimed friendship and the other time it would feel like he still saw her as his wife just out of responsibility.

In this past year, things had gone surprisingly smoothly between the two of them. If she was to list out the visible improvement between them, the first thing that would always come to her mind, and render her astonished every time, would be the first thing she noticed every morning. Ever since her accident with the staircase, the infamous boundary pillow had permanently lost it's role on their bed. And somehow during these passing months, she started to find herself waking up on her husband's comfortable chest, or just in any other sort of embrace from him. There would be times when he would just cradle her into his arms to sleep if one of them would be having a bad day. None of them ever mentioned anything verbally about this changed ritual between them. 

Although, Munhee could still feel the self restrictions in him, she could also see the visible changes in his attitude towards her. The way he would randomly smile at her, give random but heart flattering compliments to her, or he would just stare at her with his eyes speaking thousand times more than what his mouth did, the way he would speak freely about his day or about his worries or past memories and future plans to her and making her realize that he had actually accepted her as a part of his life, the way his touches would sometimes linger longer than what people would assume as an accidental one, the way he would go all panicked seeing even a small scratch on her, the way he would be following her around like a kicked puppy if they end up having any argument resulting her to be angry or upset with him, everything, every single thing he did with her and for her would give her a pointer that he did see her as someone more than just his friend or his wife's sister. Sometimes it was too hard to ignore and pretend that she couldn't see the affection and fondness, and maybe love, dripping off of him for her. Yet she couldn't bring herself to trust on her own instincts since she concluded her heart probably was just being greedy and selfish to make her see things on her own way.

Feeling a few taps on her cheek, Munhee broke out from the cage of her weaving thoughts. "Mun, I think it's time for you to know something." Her mother told her after she gained Munhee's attention back. Munhee gulped, seeing a certain seriousness in her mother's face which was very rare to witness.  

"What is it?" Munhee immediately sat up, seeing her mother sighing more than once. 

"Look, it's not odd to fall in love more than once in our lives. I used to think that Myung's father was and would be my one and only love for the rest of my life. But my belief was proven wrong by your father." Her mother said, a solemn smile leaving past her lips.

"M-Mom...w-what do you mean! W-Why are you talking as if me and Unnie has d-different fathers?" Munhee stared at her mom with questioning gaze, eager for answer.  

"Baby, just calm down and let me explain everything without any interruption, will you?" Munhee's mother patted her cheek to calm her down before continuing. "Yes, it is true that Myunghee isn't your father's daughter. I had her from my first marriage. Before your father, I got married with my boyfriend from high school after we both had graduated from uni. But things weren't as fancy as fairytales where prince and princess lives happily forever after getting married. Soon we both realized that we might have married out of love, but only the mutual attraction wasn't enough to spend the whole life together. But since we were already married and sincerely wanted our marriage to work, we concluded that having a child might help us understanding each other more, that's how Myunghee was brought to the world. Even after having her, we couldn't work things between us. Lastly, both of us accepted the bitter fact that we weren't compatible for each other and ended our marriage without any hard feelings." The older lady sighed, smiling sadly.

Munhee felt her head was spinning at the unprecedented information about her mother's life. "W-Where's he now? Does he know about U-Unnie's..."  

"He had actually passed away a year before Myung's a-accident. Only then I let Myunghee know about her true identity. She had gone to see her real father for the last time with me. She is probably living t-there with her father now, filling up the lost years with him."  Munhee's mother's eyes turned glassy as she looked outside at the sky while talking about two important parts of her life. 

Munhee's own eyes turned watery, but she held in, "What about dad?" She asked in her small voice.

"Oh I almost forgot why I had started this conversation in the first place!" Her mom chuckled while slapping her own temple for loosing her track. "Your father, we met when I moved back here with Myung, he was actually my neighbor. He wasn't that sweet at all and we used to have arguments quite often. But soon enough things turned out differently, we both started to get closer. And what drawn me to him more was the way he genuinely loved Myung as his own daughter. Even after our marriage, he didn't want anymore child saying that he didn't want Myung to feel that her share of love would be divided into half. It took me years to convince him that it's okay for us to have at least another child. That's why you and Myung have such a huge . And he was the one made me promise that I won't let any of you know that you weren't sisters by blood."  

Munhee listened to the story intently, feeling happy for both her parents that they had found their true love with each other and managed to live happily together for all these years. And as for Myunghee and her, she definitely felt a little sad that they weren't born from the same father, but it did nothing but amaze her how genuinely close they were in the first place, and finding the truth actually didn't change anything in her heart for her sister.   "But having the same blood isn't required to love someone as your sibling. To me, Unnie was my sister and would always remain my elder sister."  She told her mother firmly.

"Of course, Sweetheart. I haven't revealed this truth to you so that you could become guiltless and confess your love to Baekhyun. My real purpose was to make you understand that love has different forms and aspects. And it's not wrong if someone fall in love more than once. So it wouldn't be impossible for Baekhyun to grow such feelings for you, and neither it would be wrong of you to expect such reciprocation from him." Her mother further explained. "Okay, but don't you dare to tell your father or anyone else that you know about this. He would be upset at me!"

Munhee nodded, understanding. "Okay, mom. I won't tell anyone. Thank you for letting me know. I'm so happy for you that you've found your love for the second time."

"I also want to be happy for you, my baby. For that, you would need to confess. Let's say, he haven't started seeing you as a woman yet, though I am wholly certain that he loves you a lot, but maybe after your confession he'd start to notice you under a different light?" The older lady asked hopefully, trying to convince Munhee. 

Munhee didn't know why did she even agree with her mother, but she found herself nodding. Maybe it was time that she stopped fearing for outcomes and take a brave step. Perhaps her confession might really change the dynamics between them. "Okay, I'll do it." She sighed heavily, her heart already thumping loudly at the simple thought of trying to expose her feelings for her husband that she'd been hiding for all this time. 

"Really? That's my girl! Do it as soon as possible!" Her mother chirped happily, regaining back her bubbly personality. "Maybe do it tonight? Don't think much, just simply say it without any exaggeration."

"Not t-tonight!" Munhee gasped, she did agree to confess but that didn't mean she would just do it immediately. She still needed time to think how to start this topic, or how to let him know about her feelings without looking like a sore coward. Her mother opened widely, attempting a longer lecture on this topic, but Munhee beat her to it, "I am just saying not tonight! Maybe...I can...uhh okay, I'll tell him after the party next week." She lastly decided after much thought.

"Hmm, confessing after your birthday party wouldn't be that bad. Okay, do it then. I hope you wouldn't back away from your words this time, okay?" The older lady asked her in a strict voice.

Munhee nodded. Next weekend, there was supposed to be a lavish party to celebrate her birthday and to launch the clothing brand that Baekhyun had named after her. "Moonlight" was the finalized name for the brand. Since the short version of her name sounded similar to the English word 'Moon', and 'light' was probably used just as a name to make it sound pretty. Baekhyun had recently let her know that she would be the one to make major decisions about the company along with him since she was the one to express her idea about this organization. Munhee felt privileged to have the opportunity to help needy women through this arrangement, as mostly helpless women would be employed both in the factory and also in the administration level, and given fair amount of salary so that they could support themselves. Also, the profit they'd make through this business would all go to various orphanages so that those lonely kids would also have an opportunity to live their lives under a better condition. 

Baekhyun had assured her that he would make sure to work this project successfully as it would be getting help from Byun Corp in case of marketing, after all Byun Corp. was one of the leading advertising companies here. He had even hired highly paid models from abroad so that this organization would get more attention. So all in all, it would be a huge day for them since both of them were anticipating the launching of this project after months of planning and working behind it. So maybe this day would be a happy one for them as well, and also being her birthday, she dearly hoped that Baekhyun would at least stay calm when she would let him know about what kind of feelings she'd been brewing for him. And even if he would reject her feelings, which was most likely of him to do, he would be at least gentle with his rejection so that it wouldn't be too much for her rejected self.

Her thoughts were again cut off by a certain tone from her phone that indicated an incoming video call.  "Must be Baekhyun.." She mumbled to her giddy mother and stepped down from the bed to retrieve her phone from the tea table. And she was right. It was indeed her husband's call.

Munhee settled herself on the space before the large window so that the lighting would be sufficient as it was already late afternoon. Hastily rechecking and fixing her face and hair's condition she accepted the call. There she found a cutely fidgeting Baekhyun who seemed like he was lying on their bed with Senior Mr. Byun in his arms.

"Hii..." He greeted her, while his eyes constantly moving past hers, which was a little odd and gave Munhee a feeling that something might be wrong. She mumbled a soft 'Hi' at him and waited for him to end his staring contest at anywhere but her eyes and let her know why he had called her. "Uhh so you're still there? When would you be back? Or are you staying for the night?" He finally managed to ask, giving her a nervous smile.

Munhee gave his face a scrutinized stare through the screen, "I'll leave in a few minutes. Why? Is there anything wrong?" She asked while looking at the male suspiciously.

"No! Haha what would be wrong? Drive safely! We'll be waiting for you." He grinned, still looking suspicious. "See you later?"

"Okay wait! Don't end the call!" She stopped him before he could press the end button. "Are the babies okay?" She nervously asked.

"Of course! They're fine. Don't worry, Mun. You have to drive safely, remember? Don't keep any stress in your head while driving." He told her with serious eyes. Even though Munhee had finally managed to induce Baekhyun in letting her drive, she could still see a lingering worry in his irises whenever she'd take the car to drive somewhere alone.  

"I'll be careful, don't worry. And don't even think of doing anything stupid until I reach home. Okay?" She told him in a  reprimanding tone, making the male grimace, probably remembering the one time Munhee had gone out and he thought it was a good idea to bake some cakes, well that ended up having their microwave blast since he forgot about the cake in it while playing with the kids.

"Yes, boss!" He faked a salute at her and Munhee couldn't help but giggle at his childish tactics, resulting him to chuckle back. Then they ended

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OMFG look at that "Completed" sign!! :")
Thanks to all for this wonderful journey!
Please give this story a lotta love even tho it has ended! ♥️♥️♥️


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35 streak #1
It's still and will always be my favorite story ❤️
njhjcw_lovejinam 11 streak #2
Chapter 1: I am here again to reread this beautiful story 🥰❤️
I’m back for round 3 I’ll never get over this feeling this fic gives😮‍💨
Chapter 78: im so saddd that this story has come to an end 😭😭😭😭 thankyou for this amazing and beautiful story thankyou and thankyou!!! both baekhyun and munhee growth so much they deserve so much happiness in their life after so much they have been through
Chapter 75: im not ready for the end.. 😭
Chapter 74: finally aaaaa
Chapter 68: new beginning for baekhyun and munhee!! im rooting for them!!
Chapter 67: CUTEE cant stop giggling
Chapter 64: yes baek go get munhee!!
Chapter 62: baek…. :///