
Heal me (Married to brother-in-law)
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Throughout the journey back home, both Munhee and Baekhyun were silent, minus the few times when he had asked her whether she was okay or not. The kids being worn out for the day, they fell asleep during the ride. So, their first priority after returning home was to carefully change the kids' outfits into comfortable ones and tuck them in their bed. 

When they entered their bedroom, Baekhyun being Baekhyun, offered Munhee to use to washroom first. She gladly took the opportunity, she badly needed a hot shower to cool down the storm ruining her insides. Putting on a extra large hoodie and pajama shorts, Munhee emerged out of the washroom, only to find Baekhyun already changed in his home clothing, his slightly wet hair indicated that he had also taken a shower, he had probably used one of the guestroom's washroom. His eyes found her figure walking towards the vanity mirror, and Munhee could hope that he would say something because suddenly the silence between them felt tensed, which was quite unlikely. 

Munhee applied some moisturizer on her face, her eyes peeking at his seated form just behind her through the mirror. Despite taking a long shower, she didn't feel any better, she was still inside the torturous emotional tormenting phase. At this point, she didn't even know why was she even feeling that way? She had cleared out everything with Sehun. Now the only thing left for her to do was to let Baekhyun know Sehun's alternative identity, which was him being her ex boyfriend. It was as simple as that. Then why was the unsettling feelings eating her up from inside? Earlier, she had tried calming herself saying that perhaps Sehun's sudden entry in their lives was the core reason for all those heedful instincts she had been feeling in her guts. But why did the feelings remained even after talking everything out with Sehun? Why did it feel like even if she told Baekhyun everything, these unsettling feelings wouldn't be solved? 

Munhee was so lost in her messy notions that she didn't even realize when her husband had discarded the bed and came forward to stand behind her. Only when she felt him silently ruffling her hairs with her towel, then she came out of the cages of her circling thoughts. She eyed him through the reflection of the mirror, drying up painfully without any reason as she stared at his unreadable face which looked too focused in drying her hairs for her.  

"Did you perhaps...change your shampoo?" Munhee almost wanted to cry out in relief when he broke the clawing silence between them. 

"Uh yes. I was bored of using the same strawberry one for so long. So..I thought of using something different." She murmured, eyes carefully studying his face as he now concentrated on drying the long ends of her hair. "Why?" She again asked when he let out a short hum as a reply.

"I liked the strawberry one better. But grapefruit one is also good." He shrugged and went to throw both her and his used towels on the laundry basket.  

Munhee didn't know whether she should say anything in response as she couldn't find any response to his words in the first place, whereas she was certain that she would've been ecstatic to hear that he liked her shampoo's flavor in any other time. So she opted for silently going to the bed. She again racked her brain to think about something to say, but at that moment, she was just blank of anything creative. So she kept her eyes glued at her husband's movements, the male climbed onto the bed and sat himself down beside her without switching off the lights. "Are you not going to sleep?" Munhee asked with mild confusion. 

 Munhee unknowingly shuddered under his intense gaze as his eyes traced over her features longer than usual, "Don't you have anything to tell me?" He finally opened his mouth, only to give Munhee internal chills at the indication of his words.

'Has he somehow got to know about Sehun?' Her panicked inner self contemplated.  "H-Huh?" She blinked, stalling for time to gather herself together.

"You were saying before we left for the party that you have something important to tell me. What is it?" He elaborated his query and Munhee let out a breath having to realize that he didn't know about Sehun yet. It's not like she wanted to hide it from him forever or something. In fact, she knew some of her mental burdens would definitely be eased if she just let him know about it. She just didn't know how to explain the part where she had gone to Sehun's personal suite to talk things out with him without giving Baekhyun any wrong idea behind it. She just didn't want to cause any misunderstanding. 

"Baekhyun, can we...I mean, I do have something important to share, but...I am kind of exhausted at this moment. Can we talk about this tomorrow?" She proposed, lastly biting her lips out of flaring nerves as she felt herself being too small under his broad and scrutinizing stature sitting tall before her lying figure. 

"Of course, there's no hurry unless you yourself want to." He gave her an understanding nod and left the bed before joining her again with his laptop being added in the equation. 

"Are you going to work now?" She asked her husband, a little surprised that he still had the energy to start some work now. Also, she didn't want him to work at that moment. She was actually anticipating to be enveloped in his warm arms so that her worrisome thoughts could leave her for the night, but it seemed like Baekhyun had some other plans.

"Yeah, You can go to sleep." He told her before giving his full attention onto the screen of his laptop. 

Munhee inwardly sighed. Hugging herself with her own arms, she her side so that her back would be facing him. She knew sleep wouldn't visit her easily tonight, that's why she hid her face from him. He would definitely get worried and ask her why she wasn't sleeping if he'd notice her sleepless eyes. It wasn't even five whole minutes that she was trying and failing miserably to summon some sleep, and she was already missing Baekhyun and his tranquilizing embrace. Only now she realized, how heavily she let her emotional peace depend on her husband, her whole existence actually unknowingly gotten dependent on Baekhyun. 

Probably an hour had ticked away just like that, but Munhee was still fully awake, trying to seek comfort in the distant sound of typing on the keyboard from her husband. She immediately turned around when she noticed the sound gone silent and feeling Baekhyun leaving the bed. Her relieved self thought he was done with his work and was going to finally join her to sleep. Her heart soundlessly dropped when she saw him silently unlocking their door to probably go out. "Baekhyun!" Without thinking anymore about the outcome, she needily called for him while sitting up, stopping him from completely leaving their bedroom. 

He looked albeit surprised as he turned back, running his fingers through his now fully dried locks, "You're still awake?" He managed to ask. He looked confused at whether he wanted to walk closer to her or just keep standing where he was. "I'm sorry if I disturbed your sleep! I was going to the study anyways. You won't get disturbed now." He assured her with a small smile before turning once more to leave the room.

"Wait!" Munhee didn't waste any time in stopping him once again. She kicked off the duvet and hastily made her way towards him, stopping just before his awaiting figure. Munhee had not even a single idea from where did she gained so much courage to initiate some skin ship, but she did it anyway. She silently let her hands to reach and hold onto his free hand while resting her forehead on his shoulder, she nuzzled her face into the pleasant warmth radiating off his body, not to forget his scent that never failed in calming her down. "Don't go, please. Stay with me. I...I need you, Baekhyun. Please?" She murmured in a small voice, not even certain whether he actually heard her small pleas or not.  

She felt his tensing body taming down at her request, he gently walked themselves inside until he could reach somewhere to keep his laptop, then his now freed hand came in contact with her head, patting her there softly as if she was a literal baby or just a kitten. "Are you really sure that you don't want to talk about anything?" His low voice asked her almost in a whisper. 

Munhee bit her lips, shaking her head almost reluctantly she denied, "No. Not now. For now, just...sleep with me?" She pleaded softly. Though she immediately regretted her choice of words as it sounded kind of wrong, and in a way suggestive. 

She heard him sighing softly, "Fine. Come.." He then clasped his fingers with hers and took her to the bed. "Get in." He murmured, his voice void of any annoyance or anything particular. 

Munhee obliged obediently, a little giddy that he didn't protest or anything, she slipped her legs inside the duvet as she waited for her husband to join. Baekhyun laid himself down on his pillow before spreading his arm, silently inviting her to her source of comfort. 

Munhee happily, perhaps shyly even, settled herself in his embrace, letting her head rest on his chest where she could easily listen to the steady sound of his heartbeats, her arm rounding on his torso while his held her firmly. He even went to the extent of patting her back, or sometimes patting on her head or simply her hair, to help her fall asleep fastly. The girl had no prior idea that she was so exhausted after a long day, so she lost herself in dreamland within the next minute, or maybe she just needed the reassuring presence of   Baekhyun with her.

The next time Munhee woke up, she could only conclude in her groggy state that it was sometime in the middle of night. What had cleared her sleep-clogged mind even more was the emptiness that greeted her when she habitually searched for husband. The mattress of bed on Baekhyun's side was cold, indicating that it had been long time that he had left the bed. It was quite rare of him to leave the bed unless it's anything urgent.

The incremental feeling of uncertain dread that had been clawing her insides for the past few days was back after not finding Baekhyun near her. She sat up in a jiff, anxiously kicking off the duvet before stepping off of the bed, not even bothering to switch some lights on. Her first instinct was to check the balcony as the washroom had no sign of being occupied, but he wasn't there. Running her fingers through her messy hair she scrambled out of their bedroom, wanting to check the kids' bedroom first before going downstairs. However, before she stepped inside the kids' room, her now wide awake eyes saw a faint light coming from Baekhyun's study room.  

A sigh of relief left past her lips, 'He might be working.' she told herself, though it would still be weird of him to wake up in midnight just to do some office works. She unknowingly hesitated a little before deciding to just check inside for the sake of her mind's peace. So she opened the door as silently as possible and sneaked her head inside to take a peek. The slight relief that had greeted her was gone in instant when she found his sleeping figure on the couch there. His study table was void of any files or his laptop, clearly inferring that he didn't come here for work purpose. 'Then why is he here?'  

Munhee left the study with an even more nauseous heart, she did go back there in the next minute just to drape a blanket over his curled up form on the couch. She didn't have it in her to leave just after that, so she found herself kneeling down before the couch against all her better logics, silently observing his sleeping features, wanting to smooth the pad of her thumb over his tiny yet prettily scattered moles. Then her mind reminded her that she was being sort of creepy if she continued to watch him sleep like that, only then she forced herself to go back to their bedroom. Now that Baekhyun wasn't there when she tucked herself in the cold blanket over the even colder mattress of the bed, she involuntarily shivered at the emptiness in the room as well as her heart. For the rest of the night, she let herself drown in the darkness of her spiraling thoughts. 






Munhee closed her still awake eyes shut when somewhere in the early morning she heard Baekhyun entering their room, not wanting to get caught of being awake. True to her assumptions, she did stay awake for the rest of the night, not to mention by permitting all of the restlessness to envelope her mind. Her heart raced at a numb pace when the bed dipped behind her, she could tell her husband was trying to be as subtle as possible, perhaps not wanting to disturb her sleep, as he settled himself on the bed and scooted closer to her, his arms wrapped around her waist while he buried his nose in her nape. 

Munhee's tensed muscles immediately got the taste of relaxation after going back in his warm embrace. However, they got tensed again when the male behind her spoke up.

"You're awake." He concluded with certainty, his little rough voice almost made her shiver. "Thanks...for the blanket." He again spoke when Munhee didn't reply in any form, his warm breath fanning on the side of her neck, sending pleasant shivers down her spine as she liked being close to him like that.

Munhee refused the urge to turn back and demand answers from him about him sleeping in his study room, and only shrugged as a reply. When his fingers started drawing random patterns on her tummy over the thick material of her hoodie, it was almost his second nature to do so, she lightly slapped his fingers down and snuggled closer to him, "Let me sleep!" She mumbled, trying to showcase annoyance as if she was actually sleeping before he came in. 

"I...I had some work, I didn't want to disturb your sleep so I went to my study." He offered an explanation even though she didn't ask for any, while slipping his other arm under her head so that it would be easier to for them to snuggle closer like she wanted.

Munhee wanted to point out that he had no files, not even a single page of paper, no laptop, nothing with him back in his study room but she decided to let it be for this once and concentrate on his pretty fingers now presented in front of face due to their changed position. He still wore the bracelet she had given him, and he still wore his wedding ring which Myunghee had given him. It wasn't that she disliked the idea of him prioritizing his first wife after all these years, specifically two years, but sometimes the extremely selfish portion of Munhee dearly hoped that maybe one day he would start wearing the wedding ring she had given him. Although he did wear it around his neck with the help of the chain, but for her, the whole meaning of their relationship would change in a pleasant way if he just decided to wear it on his ring finger. Perhaps she knew that it would actually mean that he had finally moved on from his first wife, and wholeheartedly accepted her as his wife. 



Later that morning, when Munhee returned back to their bedroom after breakfast, she found an unknown text in her phone's notification. It read:


From: Unknown number

Meet me at Hell cafe in Bogwang-dong within eleven. Just for this once. I will be waiting for you.



Munhee had to read and reread the text more than five times before realizing that this was a real text. Other than the questioning thoughts about how Sehun had got his hand on her phone number, what worried her even more that it was a weekend day, and that meant Baekhyun would be staying at home, so it would be difficult for her to go and meet up with Sehun without having Baekhyun to notice it. She wanted to talk to Baekhyun at least about Sehun if not for including her confession with it, but it didn't seem like it was possible as she needed to reach there within eleven. Sehun's broken voice and his moist eyes were still haunting her to the core, perhaps it was better to give him the last meeting he wanted and then she would be able to focus on Baekhyun with all of her attention. 

Holding onto her intuition, she got changed into a rather simple pair of shirt and pants, not wanting to wearing anything fancy. She was pulling up her hairs in a high ponytail when Baekhyun strolled inside their bedroom as well. His eyes scanned her from up to down as he cane to stand next to her.  "Going somewhere?"  He casually asked while leaning his hips onto the dresser as he watched her applying some lip balm on her dried lips. 

Munhee tried her best to be discreet in avoiding any eye contact with him, so she busied herself in applying eyeliner, which she didn't even have any plans to apply in the first place. "Yes. Have to meet one friend." She answered the awaiting male after she was done with one wing of eyeliner at the corner of her eyes. "I will be back before lunch. Can you order lunch for the two of us? I'll make something for the kids once I'd be back." She let him know while doing the other wing.

"Okay. Who's the friend by the way? Is it Nayeon or Mina? Or some other friend?" He casually inquired,  "You can invite her to our house, it doesn't look good if one of your friends comes to visit Seoul and you don't invite them over!" 

Munhee hissed instead of replying as her second wing's shape got scruffy, actually inwardly thankful of the mess because she was panicking at the thought of answering him that it wasn't one those friends whom he was assuming. "Oh god! Why can't I ever have two perfect wings!" She whined.

Baekhyun let out a soft chuckle, "Let me see?" He offered and scooted closer to her so that he'd be standing face to face with her. He wordlessly took the pencil eyeliner from her grasp before gesturing her to close her eyes for him.  

"Umm what are you doing?" Munhee did close her eyes, but she didn't trust him to not pull off any prank and actually helping her with the eyeliner. Not to mention, the regular dose of familiar increased pace of heartbeats followed up at the close proximity with her husband. For that moment, every other thoughts left her mind and her heart, everything was exchanged with the familiar chants of Baekhyun's name from her foolish heart.

"I'll fix it. I swear, I can!"  He assured her, no trace of playfulness in his tone and that had relaxed her when he started dabbing the eyeliner on her eyes, his other palm gently held the side of her face so that she wouldn't move. "We just have to thicken the other wing to make them look the same." He explained a bit, sounding determined.  "There you go." He murmured before leaving her personal space. 

Munhee unsurely opened her eyes and checked herself in the mirror, she had to admit that he did a great job in cleaning her mess there. "Wow, it does look good. I didn't know you have that talent!" Munhee grinned at him, her pulse jumped when he gave her a sort of proud smirk.

"I used to help Myunghee with her makeup, mostly when she was pregnant." Then he told her solemnly. 

"I see. Thanks for it. I think I should leave now." Munhee gave him a soft smile, it always warmed her heart whenever he would casually share something about him and Myunghee with her, though it also would leave an empty spot in her heart because she could only hope for him to do such trivial but sweet things for her. It's not that she was unhappy with him, or he wasn't sweet enough with her, but it still lacked the gesture of love. And what frustrated her even more was the constant instincts she would get from her husband that he actually liked her if not loved her already, yet he was never vocal about it, not even a slip of tongue. She knew there's a moderate chance of her instincts being mercilessly wrong, but for now, she decided to believe on herself and her gut feelings, and wait for him to open his heart up to her without any restriction. 

"So...will you invite your friend over or just meet up with her wherever you both have planned?" Baekhyun's query dragged her out of her reverie.

Munhee gulped. 'Just this once, I will tell him everything after getting back from there.' She told herself firmly before replying him, "We will meet at a cafe."  

"Oh...do you need me to drive you there?" He asked as his eyes still followed her when she collected her purse and other necessary items to take with her. 

"No! It's okay! And you should stay with the kids anyway." She reasoned before giving him a forced smile and walked past him, or at least attempted to, because she was stopped when her wrist was held from behind.

Heart thumping till she looked back, and Munhee wanted to do nothing but hide  under the ground at the intense gaze he was giving her while scanning her features intently, he looked like he wanted to say or ask something but couldn't do it for some reason. "Drive safely." Was all he murmured when he was done with his staring contest, his hold on her wrist a little firmer than his usual gentle touches. "And don't worry if you get late. Just text me in advance and I'd order kids' food from outside as well." He assured her before letting her go.

Munhee could only nod and leave the bedroom, and eventually their house before heart her decided otherwise.






Reaching her destination, Munhee got even more confused. She rechecked the name and address of the cafe once more, it was the correct place but the cafe looked suspiciously vacant. She didn't want to give the benefit of doubt, so she called the unknown number which she hoped it was Sehun's, before fully entering the cafe. Her call was accepted within the first ring as if he had been waiting for it.

"Hello? Munhee? Have you reached here?" Asked the ever so familiar voice of Sehun.

Munhee let out an internal sigh of relief that it was actually Sehun, though she still needed to confirm about the cafe. "Yes, I'm here I guess. But the cafe looks vacant.."

"Oh it's because I have rented it for half of the day. Look up at the first floor!" Sehun interrupted Munhee and gave her a small explanation. "Come inside first, we can continue this here." 

Munhee looked up and found Sehun's waving figure visible through the glass windows. She gave him a nod and ended the call to enter the cafe. A waiter led her to the upper floor and left her alone with Sehun who had been occupying the window seat of the medium sized vacant place. The male gave her a smile while gesturing her to join him. He even held out her chair for her like a gentleman, she must say he seemed like he had matured up more than before. "What's this Sehun? Why did you rent the whole place?" She asked as the first thing after she was settled down in her seat.

Sehun gave her a look, "If you're forgetting it already, you and me, we both are public figures. If we meet in front of public, and somehow someone shares our pictures, it might not be helpful for our public images."  

Munhee finally understood his point, he was right though. The last thing she would want was another scandal, but this time with her ex boyfriend, while her husband didn't even know where she was off to. "I understand now. So...why did you want to meet?" She didn't want to stray away from the main context of their meet up, so she immediately asked whatever she needed to ask.

Sehun gave her a small chuckle, his fingers playing with the menu card placed on top of the table. "Relax! What's the hurry? You've just arrived here!" Then he handed her the menu card, "Here, let's order something first? Then we can talk?" 

Reluctantly enough, Munhee took the menu card and traced her eyes over the various coffees and desserts. She randomly chose one coffee she didn't even read the name of. Sehun had called for the waiter by then and also managed to persuade her for ordering her favorite ice cream as well. 

"So, how have you been?" Sehun was the one who started after he was done ordering for the both of them. 

Munhee fidgeted under his suddenly serious gaze. "I have been...fine. You know...life after being a mom? It could never get boring!" She answered, a genuine smile stretching her lips as she talked about her babies. "Have you seen them? They have grown up so much! It feels like they were born just yesterday! I feel so proud when I see them eating, studying, playing, even talking like good babies!"

"You seem to love them even more than before." Sehun smiled and murmured. 

"Of course! They have become my everything! They have bestowed me with the feelings of being a mother without even having to give birth. I will always be so grateful to them! It wouldn't be easier for me to become their mother if they weren't so accepting. They are just two balls of brightest sunshine in my life!" Munhee went on talking about her babies, merely forgetting the fact that this was Sehun, whom she had been keeping in dark both willingly and unwillingly. But he didn't seem to mind her blabbering as he kept nodding and smiling encouragingly.

"What about your brother-in-law...I mean your husband? You haven't mentioned him even for once." The male before her pointed out. 

The waiter returned with their coffees and ice creams along with a complementary dessert right at that time. Munhee took a few sips of her cold coffee to think her answer on this question critically.

"He...He was a little difficult in initial months. To be honest, it was really difficult for both of us as we both had lost someone dearest to us. But now, he treats me very well, I couldn't have expected more from him!" She tried to say it with a similar bright grin because she didn't want Sehun to have any wrong idea about the way Baekhyun treated her, but she doubted whether her smile was convincing enough as her mind again got filled with those frustrating thoughts about Baekhyun and his masked feelings. "How was life at America? Did you enjoy working there?" She tried to change the conversation's direction as it felt somehow awkward to talk about her husband with someone who was her ex lover and who had admitted just yesterday that he wanted her back.

"It was great! At first it was difficult to cope with the changed lifestyle, food habits and people, also I was worried for you after knowing about your sister and then for not getting any sort of contact from you. I also had to face a few racist comments here and there but with my progression in the projects I've worked, everyone started valuing me and of course, gave me proper respect." Sehun smiled confidently while explaining. Munhee felt lighter after knowing that he didn't have any highly bad experiences or something like that, however she couldn't brush off the guilt she felt at the mention of what he had to go through because of her.

"That's good to hear. I saw all of your photoshoot clips and ramp shows. You really did a great job there. I am so proud of you!" Munhee tried to point out the bright side first. "And I know I've already said it yesterday, but I want to say it again, I..I am really sorry for my immature way in handling the situation and being reluctant of letting you know about the situation here." Then she mumbled guiltily.

Sehun's hand reached for hers over the tabletop, he gently squeezed her hand in his large one. "You don't have to apologize anymore, Mun." He softly told her, making Munhee look up at his eyes, he looked sincere enough.

"H-Have you really forgiven me for it? That would be so kind of you, really!" Munhee smiled at him, grateful that he didn't hold any grudge towards her. "Also, I forgot to thank you for being professional at the party last night."

" I have forgiven you, perhaps. But I still haven't forgotten you, Munhee." He mumbled, his hold on her hand getting firmer by his every words. "Can't you give us a second chance?"

Munhee blinked in confusion, staring at him with questioning eyes even though she knew what he meant. "S-Sehun...I.. I have already told you last night that... it is not possible. I am already married!" 

"I know you are married, Munhee, you don't have to remind me of it everytime!" Sehun gritted, looking hurt and frustrated at the same time, his hand finally stopped suffocating hers. "There's a thing called divorce if you don't know about it already? It's almost been two long years! For how many days more you want to sacrifice your life for your sister's family? Hasn't it been enough?" 

"Sehun! What are you talking about? I have never even imagined of divorcing Baekhyun! Why would I? Yes, it's been two years, but why are you even considering the time here? When I married him, I had vowed to myself that I'd take care of his and Unnie's kids for the rest of my life. And honestly speaking, I see them as my own family now. I would never leave them, they need me!" Munhee raised her voice a little, she couldn't help it since the word 'divorce' had successfully directly triggered something in her. 

Sehun ran his fingers through his brown hairs, glancing outside the window, most probably to avoid looking at her for the time being before heaving a huge sigh. Then he looked back at her again, "I'm sorry. I just...I just think this is so unfair! What have I even done to deserve all these? Tell me Munhee, don't you think I also deserve to be happy? Don't I have the right to be wanting to spend my life with the person I love? Tell me exactly what was my fault in all these? Don't my feelings have even a little value in your heart? Why am I the only one that have been waiting for goddamned two years just to find out that all of my dreams of leading a happy life with you were just hollow dreams? Why am I the only one that waited to hear from you? You have no idea how much I needed you whenever I had to go through a long day back there! You have not even a single ing idea how many nights I've cried myself to sleep, because I was so lonely without you! All I needed was to hear your voice saying that everything would be alright, that I was doing great, that I will do even better in upcoming projects. But you weren't there when I needed you the most! Why is  it always your sister and now her family that matters more to you? Am I that worthless? Why don't you see that just like your nieces, I also need you in my life?" Sehun sighed heavily, a few tears dropped from his eyes and it soundlessly broke Munhee's heart to see him in such state.

Munhee herself wasn't any better, the rage that had raised inside her was gone the moment she noticed Sehun's glistening eyes. Wiping her tears with the back of his hands, she held onto his retrieved fist, taking a few seconds to let the two of them calm down from the sudden breakdown. "I'm so sorry for talking like a selfish, Sehun. You are not worthless, do you hear me? You are such a great guy, you deserve the best girl on earth. But unfortunately, that girl is not me. I am far from best after whatever I have done to you. I am not for you Sehun. Please accept this fact as soon as possible, it is for your own betterment, I swear. I don't deserve you at all, and neither I am able to go back to you now." 

"Why? Why can't you? Don't you love me at all?" Sehun weakly asked, his eyes staring down at the table or at the food presented there, Munhee didn't know.  

"I...Because I am in l-love with my husband. It's not possible for me to move on from him. I'm so s-sorry." Munhee finally let out what she didn't want to tell him. She didn't want to hurt him more than he already was, but now it seemed like the situation was getting out of control if she didn't state everything clearly. 

"I don't believe you! You must be saying this so that I could move on and you could keep being babysitter for your nieces. And I think you still love me, otherwise you wouldn't have come here to meet me today. Or you wouldn't have keep glancing at my way throughout the whole party yesterday!" Sehun spoke with determination, fully confident in his theories. 

Munhee let out a tired sigh. "No, Sehun. I am not lying. I..am really in love with Baekhyun. I don't love you anymore, like I used to. Perhaps I n-never even loved you back then, it could've been just...attraction! I'm really sorry that I had dragged you till here, had been unknowingly giving you and myself false hopes of a happy future when I didn't even know what love actually meant back then. You have to understand, Sehun. Please, for both of our sake! Please try to understand me." Munhee did her best to clarify everything to the male sitting in front of her. She felt even more restless when he didn't reply for a good few minutes, just staring at her in silence.

"Does he love you back?" Sehun asked after thick minutes of pregnant silence. And his question felt like a direct painful of thunder in her heart. 

Munhee couldn't be dishonest with the answer, but she didn't even know what to answer exactly. She herself had been struggling to know the answer of it. "I...don't know it yet." So she gave him the most accurate answer she could muster up at that moment.

"So he treats you well but doesn't love you, huh? Are you even happy with him? What if he doesn't love you at all? What if he's just being good to you because you're taking care of his kids? Oh and does he even know about me? He didn't seem like he knows me as in your boyfriend?" Sehun poured one after another thornful questions at her, successfully hitting exactly on the spot of her deepest insecurities. 

Munhee's throat closed up badly, yet she needed to clear everything up with Sehun, so she replied to him while trying not to let her insecurities get the best of her, "He knows I u-used to have a boyfriend, but he doesn't know that the person is you. And like I've already told you, I don't k-know what he feels towards me. I am going to confess him both about your identity and my feelings for him as soon as possible." She told him, but it was as if she was telling it to herself so that she would be determined on her previous firm decision that seemed to be falling weak with every passing second since yesterday.   

"And if he doesn't reciprocate, then what? Will you come back to me?" Sehun asked, he looked slightly hopeful and it hurt Munhee to admit that she wanted to smack that hopeful look off his face. She knew she was being the epitome of selfish, but the matter of hearts had always been selfish for the whole mankind.

"No, Sehun. Even if he doesn't reciprocate, I can't leave h-him or my babies for it. Love wasn't even present in the purpose behind our marriage. We just got married for the sake of the kids, so love is just a bonus factor here. " She murmured it like a well practiced speech. Then she checked the time on her handphone, noticing that she should leave if she wanted to reach home and cook something edible for the kids. "Sehun, I need to go." She mumbled half heartedly, knowing that this conversation was yet to cease.  

"Listen to me, Munhee, I am considering your request for now. But, if you even think that you can't live with a man who doesn't love you, please remember that I am still waiting for you. Don't hesitate to come back to me, okay? Until then, we can be friends like you had said yesterday?" Sehun calmly stated, gone were the previous agony and slight rage from his features. 

"O-Okay." Munhee muttered with much struggle. "I'll leave now. Thank you for understanding." Saying so, Munhee got up from her seat to leave the place.

"Munhee?" Sehun's voice stopped her in mid way.

As soon as she turned back, she was engulfed in a sudden hug from the male. She stood there a little dumbfounded, before raising her hands to slightly pat his back. Perhaps this was the way he wanted to end everything here? After all, they were definitely ending things in a friendly way, so Munhee deemed it was okay if they hugged. 

"Come, I'll walk you till your car." Sehun offered once he was satisfied with the hug and grabbed her palm with his to walk her through the cafe. Munhee didn't have any energy in her to retreat her hand back from his, so she let him hold onto her hand until they reached before her car. "We'll meet at work?" He lastly offered while bending down to level their faces as Munhee was seated in her car, ready to drive away. 

"Bye." Munhee bid him after giving him an affirmative nod along with a small friendly smile.






By the time Munhee reached home, it was near lunch time and she hoped her babies weren't hungry already as she would need at least half hour to prepare something for them. Instead of finding her babies or her husband lounging around the house like any usual weekend day, she soon registered that their house was actually empty. "Did they go somewhere without notifying me?" She mumbled to herself, worry stirring inside her as she was certain that Baekhyun would at least send her a text if they were to go out in absence of her. 

She retracted her phone from her purse and tried calling her husband, but much to her dismay, he wasn't picking up her calls. After third failed try, she dialed Jisoo's number in order to find out whether they'd gone to the kim mansion on not. Her shoulders slumped in more worry when Jisoo let her know that the team of father-daughters weren't there either. She decided that she wouldn't be in peace even for a second if she just sat in the house, so she took a U-turn and again went down stairs t

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Thanks to all for this wonderful journey!
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35 streak #1
It's still and will always be my favorite story ❤️
njhjcw_lovejinam 11 streak #2
Chapter 1: I am here again to reread this beautiful story 🥰❤️
I’m back for round 3 I’ll never get over this feeling this fic gives😮‍💨
Chapter 78: im so saddd that this story has come to an end 😭😭😭😭 thankyou for this amazing and beautiful story thankyou and thankyou!!! both baekhyun and munhee growth so much they deserve so much happiness in their life after so much they have been through
Chapter 75: im not ready for the end.. 😭
Chapter 74: finally aaaaa
Chapter 68: new beginning for baekhyun and munhee!! im rooting for them!!
Chapter 67: CUTEE cant stop giggling
Chapter 64: yes baek go get munhee!!
Chapter 62: baek…. :///