
Heal me (Married to brother-in-law)
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(CHAPTER SPOILER: Emm... Soft hours?)Ψ(≧ω≦)Ψ

(Ps: Please read the author's note and bear with my nonsense ramblings! )





Byun family finally returned to their house in the evening after their one whole week's.....vacation? No, not vacation for Munhee. It was more of a torture for Munhee.  

Munhee was currently re-arranging her cupboard, which she had left almost half emptied while packing for her stay in her parent's house, after she arranged the kids' closet for them.  

'I never knew I would be able to miss this house.' Munhee thought to herself while folding her clothes. True, she never expected that the moment she'd step in Byun Mansion after a week of not being here, a wave of nostalgia would hit her.  It was as if she had already formed some connection with the walls here, it was as if she'd been taking care of this not so homey house for such a long time, whereas it's been only a few weeks.  She felt like she even missed this guest room which is her so called bedroom here.

Chuckling to her stupid thoughts she picked a fresh set of  rilakkuma printed tee and matching rilakkuma printed shorts to change from her current dress. 

After changing and gotten freshen up, she tied up her hair in a high pony, because housewife duties called for her to prepare dinner for her professional husband and her little angels, even though she was a bit tired from the journey. 

Munhee cringed at the sight of her reflection in the mirror after she had changed her clothes, she looked like a five year old child trapped in a twenty two years old body with the childish nightwear she was wearing. But she couldn't help it, it was her daughters' demand to wear the matching night wears they've bought from online, because they thought it would be super cute with all of them wearing same outfits. Undoubtedly, her babies looked super cute as expected when she changed them into their pieces after arranging their closet, but she was sure she looked nowhere near the word 'Cute'. 

Munhee's self loathing session got interrupted when she heard a few distant screeches mixed with Baekhyun's high pitched screams. Munhee's eyes widen at the obvious possibility of the kids having a fight or something along the way. 

Munhee was rushing through the stairs to reach near the source of the noises, which was the kids' bedroom. 

When she almost crossed all the stairs she heard Baekhyun's voice shouting out for her, "Munhee!"  

Munhee's heart pounded because it's not any usual occasion when Baekhyun calls her like that. The fight between the kids  must've been worse than any fights before. 

Munhee eyed the view inside the kids' room with horrified eyes as Baekhyun was struggling to keep both the girls stop from pulling each other's hairs who were on their daddy's arms, that gave them even better opportunity to attack at one another.

"Oh my god, babies!" Munhee screeched along. 

The kids looked like a mess. Their faces where tear strained and red with anger. Both of them had their hands gripping onto each other's hair. Boy, did Munhee regret keeping their hair long enough to do cute ponies which means their hair was long enough to be pulled. 

Hearing Munhee's voice the kids' eyes diverted towards her, but within the next second they again returned to whatever they were doing. 

Munhee wasted no time in freeing both of the girls' hair from each others' pull. She took the crying Sarang in her arms.  "Why are they fighting like this? Why did you even keep them closer? You should've separated them!" Munhee asked Baekhyun while she wiped Sarang's tears and Baekhyun did the same to Miseo after heaving a huge sigh. 


"I tried, okay? I don't know why they're fighting!. I heard their cries and when I came I saw them fighting like this. I tried to separate them but they won't stay still. And when I tried to separate them by keeping one of them in my arms, the other would start crying even more loudly!" Baekhyun blabbered, visibly frustrated after having to deal with his daughters' fight. His hand already rubbing his forehead, he might've gotten a headache just from handling the fight. 

"God!" Munhee sighed.  Munhee consoled the crying kid in her arms as she patted her back and hushed her by whispering sweet nothings into her tiny ears. Munhee noticed Baekhyun doing the same, as they both stood just in a few steps' distance.

 Eventually the kids' crying were tamed down. Munhee patted the tiny one's head for a last time before making the girl sit on the edge of their bed. She tugged Baekhyun's tee shirt's sleeve to gain his attention and gestured him to do the same. Thankfully, he followed along without much reluctance.


Now that both of the girls were sitting on the bed, with their red face, runny nose and sickeningly cute pouts, it's time to began the Mama's investigation.

Munhee kneeled down before them. She crossed her arms to come out a little strict. She can be loving an all, but when it came to the right upbringing of the babies, she'd have to be strict as well because she knew as much as love and affection the kids needed, they also needed to be disciplined. Even though she doubted whether she looked even a bit scary with the stupidly cute outfit she was wearing, but she had to give it a try. 


"Who started it?" Munhee looked up to the standing male from where she was sitting. 

Baekhyun shrugged, his face much more relaxed than earlier, "Told you I came after I heard them fighting." 

"Okay." She looked back at the girls, who were now fidgeting, guilt visible in their innocent faces.  "Girls, you're going to be honest and good babies and tell Mama who started it first and why?" 

The trouble makers were mum, didn't utter a word while deepening their pouts. 

Munhee tried again, "You won't tell Mama? Aren't you my good babies anymore? You know, I don't play with bad girls. I won't give chocolates or bake cookies and cakes for bad babies."    Munhee huffed dramatically, showing her distaste at the 'bad babies.'

Both of the girls' tiny eyes turned wide as they shook their head. " Sarang started it." Miseo was the first to speak up, as she pointed at her sister.

Munhee raised a suspicious brow at her elder baby among the two. Then she turned toward Sarang,  "Is your sister telling the truth? Did you start it?" She asked, when she saw the little one's lips quivered and she ducked her head even lower, Munhee softened immediately,  "Baby, look at me, look at your Mama." Munhee cupped her little chubby cheeks and made the kid look at her face. She smiled at the baby, to let her know that she isn't much angry anymore.  "Baby, you can tell me. I won't scold you. C'mon, tell me what did you do to your sister?"

"Sarang p-pull Miseo's hair f-first." Sarang admitted while stammering in her own cute way. But it wasn't time for cooing at the cute little being, it was time for solving the little ones' conflict.

"And why did you do that?" Munhee asked softly, trying hard not to scare the kid anymore.

"Miseo told Sarang that we sleep in Mama room. But Sarang want to sleep us daddy room." Sarang ended while pouting.  As the kid's speech wasn't much clear Munhee gave her a peck on her cheek as a gift of at least trying to say the truth. Then she turned to her other daughter. "Baby, can you now tell me what happened?" 

"Sarang and I decided to sleep with both Daddy and Mama because we miss you. But our bed is small. So I told her we will sleep on Mama's room because I like pink. But Sarang wants us to sleep in Daddy's room because she likes purple." Miseo explained. 

Firstly, Munhee was surprised that the kids were planning something like a family night or such sort as they don't sleep together, the all of them. She also wanted to laugh because the kids started fighting over a small matter like the color of bedsheets as the bedsheet of her bed was pink and Baekhyun's one was purple in color. 

"First of all, let's sort out things between you two." Munhee held both the girls' tiny hands as she talked while caressing their soft baby skins with her thumbs,  "Sarang, baby, fighting isn't good, you know that, right? And you even pulled your sister's hair! It's really bad thing to do. You hurt your sister. Do you want Miseo to be in pain?" She asked and Sarang shook her head viciously, messing her already messed up hair. Munhee couldn't help but to giggle at the box of cuteness sitting in front of her. 

"And, Miseo, baby, you are elder, right?" The asked girl nodded immediately.  "You should protect your younger sister at all cost. Not hurting her back if she hurts you. When Sarang pulled your hair, you should've told her off to Daddy or Mama. You are my big girl, you can take care of your younger sister. Right? So, from now on, if you guys start fighting, or one of you hurt the other. Don't fight back. Just come to Mama or Daddy. Both of you, understand?" 

Both of the girls nodded, Munhee smiled at them. Unbeknownst to her, Baekhyun, who was observing their interactions silently, had a tiny quirk at the corner of his lips. 

"Sorry Mama." Miseo apologized and Sarang followed.

"Don't say sorry to Mama. Say sorry to each other." Munhee made the both of her daughters shook their hands,  "And now that the fight has ceased, give a kiss to one another." Munhee watched with starry eyes as her babies kissed each other's cheeks.  "So, it's the new rule of our house from today. If you fight, you will end your fighting with kissies.

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OMFG look at that "Completed" sign!! :")
Thanks to all for this wonderful journey!
Please give this story a lotta love even tho it has ended! ♥️♥️♥️


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35 streak #1
It's still and will always be my favorite story ❤️
njhjcw_lovejinam 11 streak #2
Chapter 1: I am here again to reread this beautiful story 🥰❤️
I’m back for round 3 I’ll never get over this feeling this fic gives😮‍💨
Chapter 78: im so saddd that this story has come to an end 😭😭😭😭 thankyou for this amazing and beautiful story thankyou and thankyou!!! both baekhyun and munhee growth so much they deserve so much happiness in their life after so much they have been through
Chapter 75: im not ready for the end.. 😭
Chapter 74: finally aaaaa
Chapter 68: new beginning for baekhyun and munhee!! im rooting for them!!
Chapter 67: CUTEE cant stop giggling
Chapter 64: yes baek go get munhee!!
Chapter 62: baek…. :///