
Heal me (Married to brother-in-law)
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(Important A/N at the end)





After they were done with the dancing session and a sort of early dinner, all of them settled themselves on the couches with desserts in their hands. When Munhee was done distributing the dessert, she took her own portion of bread pudding and made her way to sit with everyone.  

She stopped, pondering on where to sit as the elders, along with the kids occupied two couches. While Junmyeon sat at one, but she couldn't possibly sit there as Jisoo was supposed totake that space, the latter had just gone to feed little Jino since he started crying hard, indication that the little one was either sleepy or hungry. 

The other, or more like only, option that had been left for her, was the one where Baekhyun and Jongin were seated. The two guys were glued to hip, the younger male was showing something on his phone to the elder one with utter enthusiasm while they both devoured their sweet food. Baekhyun noticed her first, he then lightly elbowed Jongin. The latter grinned at Munhee, excitedly patting the empty space on his left for her to take. Though Jongin's grin reduced in size when he casted his eyes at Baekhyun, who didn't seem pleased at all. Jongin rolled his eyes and then scooted away, making space for Munhee in between him and Baekhyun.

When they all were seated, and Jongin now chose Munhee to show her the bike he had his eyes set at, telling her about features of it, about which Munhee had no idea. Munhee peeked at her right, in between nodding to Jongin's blabbers and eating her pudding, saw Baekhyun was glaring at a random spot of Junmyeon-Jisoo's house, his arms crossed over his chest while he had a small, almost invisible pout in his lips, looking exactly as if he was sulking about something. 

Everyone's attention went to Jisoo, precisely on Jino, when the elder girl came back to join them. "He won't sleep!" Jisoo sighed, letting everyone know while handing the little one to her husband. It was inevitable to say, that when there's a child present anywhere, they'd be the core source of attention for everyone. 

Miseo and Sarang weren't any exception from little Jino's magic. Ever since they first saw Jino, the day he was born, they were all over him. It was a little difficult to make them understand that they couldn't carry around him and play with him like their dolls, that he was a tiny and vulnerable being. Within these few weeks, they had learned to play with Jino, while not jumping over him out of excitement. 

All of them would always have so much fun, watching the twins acting like big sisters while they were as well nothing more than babies. It was always really heartwarming for Munhee to see her babies acting matured, or at least trying to, adoring someone when they themselves were this adorable. 

So seeing Jino was awake, Miseo and Sarang rushed towards Junmyeon and started cooing at the baby, making adorably funny faces to get his attention like always. "They're so cute!" Mrs. Byun eyed the three babies' exchange with starry eyes. The other three elders didn't look any different. 

Suddenly, Jino started crying, Junmyeon grimaced. The huge drak circles around his eyes were the visible proof that he hadn't been having much of sleep during nighttimes,  probably doing the daddy duties. Jisoo also groaned. Munhee felt bad for them that they had to stay awake night after night, taking care of their son and now they even had to host a party for her. 'They must be so tired.'  She thought.

"Here, give him to me." Munhee kept her unfinished food on the nearest table before carefully taking Jino in her arms. She adored him. Somehow, seeing his tiny form reminded her of the time when Miseo and Sarang were of his size. She still remembered, how cautious she was when she attempted to carry them in her arms for the first time. They were just as tiny and vulnerable, as Jino. Miseo and Sarang were the first and last pair of babies whom she had carried in her arms, or played with or even changed dirty nappies of. But now she realized, she wasn't anymore awkward with other babies, it was just her insecurity an all until now. 

Smiling at the tiny being, she cradled him closely into her chest, gently swaying him, softly cooing at the baby to make his cries subdue. Within a few moments, she managed to stop Jino's cries. "Such a good boy you are, hmm?" Munhee spoke in child tone with Jino, her face more expressive as she talked with the baby, just like when she talked with her babies. 

She felt Baekhyun scooting closer to her side. He swung his one arm behind her, on the backrest of the couch, while his other hand played with Jino. "Hey, little champ.." He softly talked, getting Jino's attention within seconds. He reached his forefinger near Jino's mini fist and the baby clasped his fingers around Baekhyun's long one. Baekhyun proudly showed off their connected hand to Munhee with a childish pride and a gorgeous smile in his features before diving down a little more to plant a soft peck on Jino's little fingers wrapped around his. "Grow up already! We're gonna have lots of boys' fun! Hmm?" Baekhyun cooed at the baby, softly tickling his tummy with his free fingers, making the tiny being giggle heartwarmingly. If it was any other situation, Munhee would've been hyper aware of the close proximity they had, but right now, she concentrated on how cute giggling baby and her husband looked together.

Now that Jino was with Munhee and Baekhyun, the twins now rushed towards her direction. "Mama and Daddy always make Jino happy!" Miseo said, clapping her hands cheerily. 

"Jino is cute. Sarang want Jino at our home!" Sarang demanded, Miseo nodded in agreement. It wasn't an uncommon occurance of such demands from the kids. They'd been occasionally throwing up their open wishes about taking Jino to their home, or just bring another baby as tiny and cute as Jino.  

"Right? But what to do? This is Jino's house. You're gonna have to tell your Mama and Daddy to get one baby brother or sister for you two!" Jisoo told them, smiling cheekily.  



"We want baby!"

"We want to play with the baby!"

"We want little sister!"

"No, we want little brother. Like Jino!"


Sarang and Miseo immediately started their pouting attack as usual, making everyone else other than Munhee and Baekhyun laugh at their cute demands. If only the kids knew that getting a younger sibling for them wasn't as easy as to go and buy a candy from any shop. 

Munhee composed herself, as it didn't seem like Baekhyun would say something, he suddenly found his nails more interesting than the whining of his babies, though Munhee wouldn't deny that his hands were prettier than hers.

'Jerk!' Munhee gave him a side glare for being a coward before readying herself for another round of bull excuses she was going to provide her babies, "We really want to get a tiny baby for you two..." Munhee started in a convincing sad tone. She felt the fidgeting Baekhyun immediately stiffened on his seat.  "But what to do? God is on vacation, so he's closed the shop from where we can buy small babies!" Munhee dramatically pouted, inwardly cringing at her lame excuse.

"How long is God's vacation?" Miseo asked, her tiny eyes widened, anticipating for an answer so that she could wait patiently until the said God would be back to work and let them bring a baby in their house.

"He's gone to a longer vacation this time. We don't know when he will be back!" Munhee delivered.

"Then we buy baby from other shop?" Sarang suggested wisely. 

"There's only one shop for buying babies. Don't be sad, we'll get one when God will reopen his shop, hmm?" Munhee gave them a reassuring smile, though feeling guilty for having to tell blunt lies to them.

Munhee casted her eyes at the elders, they were all smiling, at the same time, they looked like they wanted to suggest her and Baekhyun about the same topic. But they held themselves back, Munhee couldn't be more grateful to them for not pressing on the matter. Soon, the topic changed from babies, and now they all were playing some random word games. 

"He's asleep?" Baekhyun asked softly, stretching his face near Munhee to peek down at the little baby in her arms. 

Munhee soundlessly nodded. 

"It's getting late. We should wrap up here. And we'd have to get going if we don't wanna miss...uh the nice place." He told her in a low voice, so that only she would hear him.

Munhee gave him a shrug. Not really using words to answer him. 


Within next few minutes, they all were good to return to Byun's house. Munhee and her whole family thanked Junmyeon and Jisoo for lending their place for Munhee's surprise birthday celebration. Baekhyun had already called the extra helpers, so that the other couple wouldn't have to go through much hassle in cleaning up the mess as handling Jino was already more than enough of work for them. 

Munhee finally thought that her birthday wasn't spent as badly as she had earlier assumed it to be. But she cursed her ill luck as her living nightmare Liana walked inside Kim mansion out of nowhere. Munhee was a little relieved that the elders went off first, or they would have to witness the annoying pout Liana had plastered onto her face the moment she stood near Baekhyun.  

"Liana, why are you here?"  Baekhyun asked the girl. Surprisingly enough, Munhee could see the glint of annoyance in Baekhyun's features upon seeing the said girl. If she hadn't been being too busy ogling at Liana's stupid behaviors everytime for the past week, would she have been able to trace the same hint of annoyance in her husband's face like now?

"You didn't even call me for once!" Liana complained without bothering to answer Baekhyun's question. The girl shamelessly attempted to hold onto Baekhyun's arm, but Baekhyun shrugged off her hold as courteously as possible. Now that Munhee focused more on Baekhyun, rather than Liana whenever these two would be together in front of her, realization dawned upon her that Baekhyun had always been respectful about maintaining a decent distance. Except for the few times he had to lend his shoulder for Liana to cry, he would always gently cut off Liana's attempts of getting physically close to him. 

"I was busy." Baekhyun gave his friend a short reply. 

"Busy? For what? Arranging this party for her?" Liana asked in an irritated tone, and the way she uttered the word 'her',  it was clear that she was degrading his wife. Munhee had had enough of Liana and her enervating naggings for today. So she rolled her eyes and started walking away from the scene. Already knowing that now that Liana was here, Baekhyun wouldn't probably get the time to take her wherever he wanted to take her. 'I better just go home and sleep all these crappy thoughts away.' Munhee thought as she moved forward. 

"Wait, Munhee!" Baekhyun stopped her by grabbing her hand from behind. "Yeah, I was busy preparing the surprise for her. Is there any issue in me planning surprise for my wife's birthday?" Baekhyun asked his friend after he had stepped forward to stand next to Munhee, his hands rounded around her shoulder. He had put extra emphasize on the words  'My wife'  as if to remind Liana about this obvious fact. His tone sounded a little rude, but it didn't look like he minded it, as his patience seemed was way too thinned at that moment.  "You're not going anywhere. Don't forget you've promised me earlier!" Baekhyun reminded Munhee in a gentler tone, tightening his hold around her. 

"You two are going somewhere?" Liana who was a little stunned at Baekhyun's rash comeback, started digging for information as soon as she heard what Baekhyun said to Munhee.

"Yes." Baekhyun gave her a curt reply while shrugging nonchalantly.

"Yeah, Hyung's taking Noona on a date." Jongin muttered in a bored tone as he eyed Liana warily. Munhee would've denied it in any other situation, but she wasn't in the mood to talk at this moment, seeing the way Liana would try to show that she had more rights on Baekhyun than her, it would always cause her feel nauseous. Although, she did expect Baekhyun to deny the claim of Jongin, but for some reasons he didn't protest at all. 

"By the way, I heard that you also had a date with Minseok. How was that?" Junmyeon joined in, wiggling his brows at Liana, just to annoy the girl. 

"No way! That wasn't a date. I just had to stuck with him for the whole day!" Liana glared at Junmyeon, also Jongin as he snickered with Junmyeon.

Munhee was a little surprised, hearing that Liana was with Minseok. And a date? Well, it did sound really weird even to her, as she couldn't picture the calm Minseok with someone as bold as Liana. Judging by the girl's reaction, it was obvious that she didn't like the idea of going on dates with Minseok either. 

"We should get going." Baekhyun spoke loudly, for everyone to hear. 

"Baekhyun, don't go! I'm scared! I wanna stay with you. I won't feel safe without you! Please don't go with her!" Liana delivered her typical dialogues, her trump card. She knew Baekhyun was way too kind hearted to leave her here and go with his wife after she'd announce her fright. Being his personal secretary, and one of his trusted friends, she knew that Baekhyun had been in a stage where he had to see Minseok almost regularly for his unsound psychological condition. She knew he would sympathize with her if she played her friend-in-grave-trauma act in front of him. 

"Jongin, Liana to our house." Baekhyun ordered the younger male. "Let's go?" Then he asked Munhee, before holding her hands and taking her with him without listening to Liana's rants.

"Baekhyun! How can you leave your friend here? How can you do this to me? Me? I'm really scared, Baekhyun. I need you!" Liana rushed behind the couple while yelling. Jongin managed to stop her and almost dragged her towards Byun mansion. 

Munhee couldn't help but to cast wary look to her behind as she heard Liana screeching so loudly. Then her attention again went to her and Baekhyun's enclasped hand as he led her towards his car. 

The moon was bright outside, illuminating their surrounding by it's soothing light. It felt nice to be walking outside at this time of night. Munhee rarely got the opportunity to go out at nighttime, she would've inwardly felt a little giddy , expectant to explore night life in Seoul, if not for the sudden entrance of Liana. 

Before they could even cross the Kim mansion's huge gates, Baekhyun abruptly stopped. Munhee gave him a confused look. Baekhyun didn't say anything, he only scanned her from head to toe, looking like he was contemplating about something. Then he checked the time on his rolex. Within the next few seconds he had shrugged off his white coat, leaving himself in his white dress shirt and white vest along with the baby blue tie. Munhee tried her best to not keep staring at him, no matter how many times she had seen him in formals, he always looked good, especially the times when he would take off his coat. 

Munhee's gibberish thoughts left her head when she felt warmth surrounding her figure. Apparently, Baekhyun had drapped his coat over her shoulders. Then he took her hand again and started walking. Reaching in front of their car, Baekhyun opened the door for Munhee as usual. After settling Munhee and her long gown inside the car properly, Baekhyun rushed towards the driver's seat. The male rolled up his shirt's sleeves til his elbow, revealing his veiny forearms. Munhee had to constantly remind herself that she shouldn't stare at him more than she'd already done. Once they both had fastened their safety belts, Baekhyun gave her a small, heartflattering, smile before starting the car.








During the whole journey of what Munhee assumed of half an hour, both of them were silent. She chose to fix her eyes out of the car's window, so that she could focus on the night life of the ever so busy city instead of concentrating on her illogical thoughts.   

She didn't want to think what she was feeling at that moment. She didn't know whether she should be glad that Liana didn't show up during her birthday party and she was able to enjoy it with her whole family, or she should feel annoyed that she had to see Liana's face just a while ago. But she was sure of one fact that her mood had dampened after that, so much, that she didn't even feel the prior anticipation and nervousness about this not-so-date outing with her husband at all.   

"We're here."  Baekhyun l

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OMFG look at that "Completed" sign!! :")
Thanks to all for this wonderful journey!
Please give this story a lotta love even tho it has ended! ♥️♥️♥️


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36 streak #1
It's still and will always be my favorite story ❤️
njhjcw_lovejinam 12 streak #2
Chapter 1: I am here again to reread this beautiful story 🥰❤️
I’m back for round 3 I’ll never get over this feeling this fic gives😮‍💨
Chapter 78: im so saddd that this story has come to an end 😭😭😭😭 thankyou for this amazing and beautiful story thankyou and thankyou!!! both baekhyun and munhee growth so much they deserve so much happiness in their life after so much they have been through
Chapter 75: im not ready for the end.. 😭
Chapter 74: finally aaaaa
Chapter 68: new beginning for baekhyun and munhee!! im rooting for them!!
Chapter 67: CUTEE cant stop giggling
Chapter 64: yes baek go get munhee!!
Chapter 62: baek…. :///