
Heal me (Married to brother-in-law)
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Munhee decided to stay in the kids' room until she woke them up for breakfast. The little angels' cute smile and sweet morning greetings along with their adorable antics made Munhee feel better instantly. They were like her doze of happiness, her happy pills. 

While walking towards the stairs with the twins at breakfast time,  Munhee peeked inside her bedroom, only to find it vacant. Thinking that Baekhyun must be still downstairs with Liana, and she would have to up the presence of the leery girl, she took the kids downstairs. At least she wouldn't have to watch the the girl clinging to Baekhyun when she'd have her babies to distract her from the disturbing view. 

Her heart skipped a hollow beat when she found no one in the living room, they weren't in the dining area as well. 'Don't tell me they are in her room!' Munhee was horrified at the idea whereas she didn't even know why she was getting her head so worked up for Baekhyun and Liana's closeness, or she didn't just want to admit what she knew she was feeling.

Why it was so disturbing for her? Why it felt like someone had tied some heavy weights with her heart and thus it's becoming so hard for her to carry those heavy weights? She kept asking herself, trying to cover the popping answer of her every question by her dumb self queries. 'Of course, I'd be disturbed. If someone saw Liana clinging to Baekhyun like this, they would think he's cheating behind my back or whatsoever.' Munhee rationalized her knotted feelings under the excuse of 'What others would say!'. 


"Mama, where's Daddy?" Miseo asked as they settled on their chairs.

"Daddy don't say good morning!!" Sarang pouted. No matter how busy Baekhyun would be, he would always find the time to greet the kids every morning. And today being a weekend, they definitely didn't expect the absence of their father. 

"Baekhyun and Miss Liana went out around ten minutes ago." Miss Lonn let the three know as they all seemed like they were looking for Baekhyun.  "He said they'll have their breakfast outside."  The older lady added. No matter how much Munhee tried to cover up her emotions, by the pitiful look in Miss Lonn's gaze, it told Munhee that her face must've betrayed her and portrayed the hurt she felt inside pretty clearly.

"Liana is bad. She take daddy away!" Sarang huffed. She particularly never showed any liking towards the girl, just like Munhee.

"She doesn't let daddy play with us." Miseo added, looking sad. Munhee's heart shattered even more seeing her babies in such doleful state. Suddenly she had the urge to strangle Baekhyun again like she had done almost one year ago, so that he would at least notice how that girl was desisting him from spending time with his children.

"Daddy will come back soon. Then he will play with you all day. Don't be upset, hmm? Come, let Mama feed her little baby chicks.." She cooed at the sulking babies, making them smile a little. 


After their lonely breakfast, they again had to had lunch without Baekhyun. Munhee's hands were itching to give him a call and ask where the hell he'd gone with his lovely friend that he didn't even return for lunch. But she restrained herself in the last moment everytime she was about to dial his number.  

Munhee took the kids to her room and let them watch the TV while she herself sulked at the thought of the worst birthday she'd ever have. Only her mother and her friends had wished her. Sure, she wasn't a kid, but she did have some need such as recognition and maybe affection? She felt her eyes stinging like a kid throwing tantrums. 'Maybe it's because my period is nearing.'  She justified her sensitivity, blaming on her period which was actually still quite far away. Thankfully, her babies were too engrossed in the cartoon show to notice her sudden silent breakdown.  


Munhee hid her face behind the kids to wipe her face dry off tears as soon as she heard footsteps resonating from outside. Within a few seconds, Baekhyun entered their bedroom, his hands full with various shopping bags. Munhee darted her eyes away from her husband and kept her eyes glued at the TV screen. She could see in her peripheral vision that he kept the bags on the empty side of the bed before diving in to give the giddy kids rounds of kisses, looking like he as well, missed the kids as much as they've been missing him.

"Daddy, where were you?" Miseo inquired, crossing her tiny arms over her chest, trying to look intimidating, which Munhee highly doubted the little devil was trying to copy her, but ended up looking nothing but adorable. 

"Daddy went to buy gifts for Mama. It's her birthday today." Baekhyun casually let the kids know, making all three girls gape at him in surprise, though Munhee did it discreetly.

'So he does remember it?'  One side of her head muttered inwardly. 'And he still chastised you!' Another side butted in, not letting her forget that she should stay upset with him.

Munhee gritted her teeth to appear unaffected as she saw him walking towards her side of bed, with a box in his hands. Before he could say anything, Munhee was attacked with double hugs and loud cheery 'Happy birthday's from her babies. Her facade broke for a short moment, plastering a soft smile on her face just for her babies. She'd been showered with probably highest amount of kisses on her face she'd ever gotten.

Baekhyun settled himself in front of Munhee, his face unreadable. He opened the box, revealing a cute cake and held it in front of her face. "I forgot its your birthday today. If not for your mom, I wouldn't have known. You should've told me earlier.."  He said to her, eyes scanning her features.

Munhee kept aside the urge to yell at her mother for not keeping her promise, and took a huge breath to keep her voice as emotionless as his.  "What would happen if I had told you earlier? Would you have lectured me with lesser impertinence?" Munhee gritted softly, not wanting the kids to hear any of their bickering. 

Baekhyun kept the cake which he was holding until now on the bedside tabletop. Then he stretched his hands to grab the shopping bags without answering Munhee's questions. 

"When will Mama cut the cake?" Miseo chirped, not having any idea of the tension in the air.

"Sarang will feed Mama! Sarang help Mama cut the cake!" Sarang aslo joined in naturally.

"First, we will see Mama's presents, then she will cut the cake. Okay?" Baekhyun told the hyper girls, his eyes little softer when he talked with the kids. Then he proceeded to show the gifts he had brought for her one by one. He had spent a lot on the gifts, Munhee could tell, judging by the shiny diamonds of the necklace sets, to the fine leather of the pairs of hangbag, the pile of high quality dresses. 

And that irked Munhee even more. 'Does he really think I want all these monetary valued gifts?'  She thought, her hands balled in angry fists. "I don't need any of this." She lightly swatted away the diamond set that he was offering her, even though she just wanted to throw everything on the floor, but she couldn't since the kids were there.

"Do you not like them? I can bring more for you?" He had the audacity to press on this matter despite seeing how she was clenching her jaw in visible displeasure. He hadn't even wished her, neither he looked sorry at all, not that she wanted him to beg her pardon everytime they'd have an argument, but it was kind of rare to see him in a non-apologetic state whereas any other time he'd at least look guilty even if the argument wasn't something serious. She wasn't used to this Baekhyun. The Baekhyun whom she had made friends with, would be muttering apologies and would be affectionate towards her even if she'd be throwing any sort of tantrums. "Oh, I forgot another thing!" He then fished out a small paper bag, revealing a simple looking star shaped pendant. Without waiting for her approval, he gently wore it around her neck.  

"Baekhyun.." Munhee sighed loudly, her sensitive eyes again stinging for some uncontrollable reason. "I said I don't need any of these. These branded costly gifts don't make me happy! So take them back. Maybe you could give them to Liana? She'd be happy getting unexpected gifts from her friend."  She said sarcastically, hiding the hurt she had to go through while uttering those words. "You didn't have to do all these for me. I think you should know that we aren't in the state of celebrating my birthday."  She lastly added before reaching her hands to unhook the chain from her neck.

"Don't.." Baekhyun stopped her, his previous unreadable eyes wavering for a bit as he brought her hands down. "It's not from any branded place. I bought it from a small boy who was selling these on the road?" He insisted. For the first time ever since he'd enter their bedroom, his eyes were sincere and pleading, making Munhee abandon the idea of rejecting this gift as well. "Shall we cut the cake now?" He urged, looking at the kids who were busy checking out the abandoned gifts.

"I would like to celebrate my birthday only with my babies. You can go and provide comfort to your friend for all I care." Munhee stated firmly. She was always hesitant in saying something that could possibly hurt someone, no matter whoever they were, but she forced herself to ignore her inner protests and spoke rudely with him.  "That means, you can go from here."  Munhee added when Baekhyun kept staring at her like an idiot.

"Oh!" Baekhyun nodded, finally understanding, retracting his hands from hers, lowering his face so that Munhee couldn't decipher his facial features at that moment. "You guys enjoy, Daddy has to go somewhere."  Baekhyun directed at the kids and silently walked out of the room. 

Munhee bit her trembling lips, she felt horrible for being so rude to the man. Undoubtedly, she had grown a soft spot for him, so she couldn't bear any harsh treatment towards him, be it done by her own self. Somewhere in a corner of her heart, she dreaded that she already knew it might not be just out of sympathy or friendly gesture, it was something more. But as always, she just buried those thoughts away as deeper as she could.

"Mama, the cake..?" Sarang pointed at the lonely looking cake on the table. Munhee swallowed the bitter lump before nodding, secretly cleaning her face off of tears and bringing the cake on her lap.

"No candle?" Miseo quipped. 

"We don't need candle, baby. Mama have her little sunshines with her." Munhee shortly explained and let the kids cut the cake with her. Their cute way of singing the birthday song managed to bring a small smile on her face, despite the wrecked condition of her heart.






Later that day, Munhee found no trace of Baekhyun and Liana until the evening. She had a feeling that Liana hadn't returned with Baekhyun in the first place since she would've definitely tailed behind him when he visited their bedroom in the late afternoon. 

She even went to the outhouse of their mansion, where Jongin stayed, to find the said male. In these few months, Jongin had become one of her good friends. His carefree nature was something she really needed at this moment. But much to her dismay, Jongin wasn't there. Munhee sighed in boredom and sadness. Walking back inside the house, she made her way towards the kitchen.

Munhee opted to prepare some light snacks for the kids, and herself since snacks could help lifting her sullen mood, she could do at least this much for herself on her birthday. She was thankful of Miss Lonn that she stayed here today, despite it being a weekend. Otherwise, she had no idea how she would've prepared food for the kids while being in her sulky state.

"What are you doing? Let me help?" Miss Lonn came into the kitchen sensing Munhee's presence there. 

"I'm just thinking of baking some choco chip cookies. I can handle it on my own, you can take rest." She told the older lady.

Miss Lonn was probably going to protest, but before she could, the bell of the house ringed. "Go check the door! Might be Baekhyun.." Miss Lonn urged Munhee. It felt a little weird to Munhee, because the older lady would always volunteer to check the door. Probably she could also sense by Munhee's dull mood that she had an argument with her husband. 

"I don't want to.." Munhee softly whined, pretty much reluctant to face Baekhyun after practically shooing him out this afternoon.

"I don't wanna meddle in couple fight."  Miss Lonn defended. Another round of ringing bells interrupted them. "It might also be someone else? And if it's Baekhyun, then try to talk out your differences, hmm? Go!" Miss Lonn patted Munhee's cheek before give her a slight push.

If only Miss Lonn knew that talking out things might not be the solution this time. She thought while rushing towards the door. Half of her wished it would be Baekhyun, half of her wished it would be someone else. But much to her surprise, when she opened the door, there was no one. She was about to retreat thinking someone had just pranked her, when her eyes caught the shiny materials of gift wrapped in golden wrapper, kept on the railing of their porch.  Squinting her eyes under the yellow light, she could assume it was a box shaped gift. 'Did someone leave it here by mistake?' She thought, not knowing what to do. 

Curiosity took the best of her and she walked towards the gift. Reaching close, she noticed a folded note on top of it. 'The name of owner of this gift must be written here.' She thought and unfolded the white note to look for any clue there. 

'Gotcha' It read. Before Munhee could decipher what it meant, her body stilled when she felt someone's presence just behind her. And before she could turn around or do anything else, much to her horror, strong hands wrapped around her so that her hands would be immobile.  

"Who are yo-mmmmm" Munhee's eyes widened in fright, she tried to scream but she felt the gloves covered hand on , stopping her from making any noise. She was scared to the roots. Thousands of horrific possibilities running through her mind. She saw a man, dressed in all black and a maroon mask hiding his face, appear before her, indicating that the attacker wasn't alone, narrowing her chance to save herself from zero to negative. 

The masked man grabbed her hands, while the man holding her retreated one of his hands from . Taking the opportunity, Munhee decided to try her luck before it's too late,  "Help! Someone please help! Baekhyun!" She screamed with all the energy she had in herself. "Baek--" She couldn't complete calling the only person her mind was asking help for at this moment as the man holding her from her behind clasped a white handkerchief onto her nose. 

Unfortunately, before she could make out that she had seen such scenes too many times, in movies and dramas, and conclude the fact that she was being kidnapped, she had already taken a huge breath of the essence from the handkerchief while panting and now she could already feel her vision darkening.

 Last thing, she remembered of pulling out a last attempt of protecting herself, she bit the hand, which was clasping the cloth in her nose, of the holder with as much strength as she could conjure while being on the verge of losing her sense, and a loud grunt from the man behind her as an impact of her bite, and then her vision surrounded with deep endless darkness.








The struggling girl's body finally loosened, indicating that she was unconscious, her head fell back on the chest of the holder, who had covered his face with a black mask. "!" He grunted, hissing at the pain of sharp bite from the girl in his arms. 

The man standing in front of the girl, who was wearing a maroon mask, snickered at the other guy, earning a glare. 

The black-mask guy bent down to carry the now unconscious girl into his arms. "I swear if she doesn't wake up within next thirty minutes, I'm gonna skin you all." He threatened the other man.

"She will!" The maroon-mask guy stated confidently.

", why did I even agree on this? I should just take her to the doctor.." Black-mask man grumbled, concern visible through his masked face as he stared at the face of the unconscious girl he was carrying. 

"C'mom hyung! Jun hyung is a doctor himself! He said she'd be fine. She'd just pass out for half an hour. Stop being so fussy like old grandpas." The maroon-mask man whined.

"She might be terrified! Ugh god! Why do I listen to fools like you?" The man carrying Munhee grumbled again, seemingly regretting the plan .

"Hey! We at least had some ideas, unlike you who sat there like a sore dumb!" The other guy defended immediately.

"Yeah whatever. What's done is done. I can't change it. Now I can only pray that she would accept this ridiculous surprise." The black-mask man said worriedly. 

Ripping the stuffy maroon mask away from his face, Jongin shoved it in his pocket as they already reached in front of the huge metal gate of Kim mansion. He helped Baekhyun by removing his black mask as his hands were occupied for having to carry the unconscious Munhee.  "Don't worry hyung. Noona would love it. Though, I won't be surprised if she doesn't. I can't believe you fought with her on her birthday?"

"I didn't know it was her birthday!"  Baekhyun huffed.

"That doesn't mean you can lash out on her on other days." Jongin pointed out rather seriously. 

"I know. I just... I have been so stressed and confused over everything these days. You know, after the drug incident with her back in Jeju, I just can't help but sympathize with victims of nasty men. It kinda made me angry when Munhee sounded like she doesn't care about the seriousness of this crime, despite knowing that she isn't such person, I was shocked. I tried to pry on her, but she didn't give any other explanation and that was sort of disappointing."  Baekhyun mumbled. He could still remember clearly, how much scared he was for Munhee's safety and how much it terrified the said girl, thus that incident took a huge toll on him and it had become a really sensitive topic for him. He would just loose it whenever he would witness something of this sort happening to any girl.  He still remembered how a few weeks ago, he almost broke the limbs of one of his company's employees when he witnessed the said guy forcing himself on one of the female interns. 

"To be honest, Hyung, even I myself have gotten much more sympathetic towards such victims after that incident with Noona. But, I don't know why, I can't really sympathize with Liana. Especially after seeing how she doesn't let you go anywhere without her."  Jongin truthfully let out what he has been feeling after having to see Liana with Baekhyun time to time whenever he'd go inside their house or whenever the said duo would walk out of the house. 

Baekhyun could understand what Jongin was trying to say, even he felt something was definitely not right with Liana, though his mind would constantly remind him that she was a victim, no one knew how terrible she was feeling, and that made him reluctant to trying to find the lines in between.   "Liana is like a younger sister to me. I have been really worried for her. Something about her feels really off ever since she's been living with us. She's...she's being a little too touchy than I remember. I'm guessing it might be because she's traumatized and she wanted to confirm the presence of someone she trusts in every few minutes, that's why she's trying to be with me all the time. I just want to help her recovering from trauma, I...I don't want anyone to face any sort of mental hazard, it's really d-destructive for us. I even suggested her to go see Minseok or any other doctor so that it could be confirm whether all her frights of staying alone or just wanting someone trustable's presence is the impact of the trauma or not. But she is very adamant of not seeing any doctor."  Baekhyun shared what was bugging his mind all this time.  

"She might be just faking it.. That's why she doesn't want to see any doctor!"  Jongin rolled his eyes. He was expecting a scold from Baekhyun, but the man seemed to be in deep thoughts. 

"I...I don't know."  Baekhyun sighed, the feeling of stress enveloping his body again. He had his own share of sruggles during these past few days. He wasn't someone to doubt on a person without any solid reason. Yet, there was a constant small nagging in a distant part of his mind, that something was off with Liana. But then again, his mind would tell him that the poor girl was suffering judging by the fear in her eyes, or the way she seemed to be in such vulnerable state. 

"I still think you could've just shared your thoughts with Noona. I'm sure she'd understand. Actually, she's been understanding without you having to say anything. If there was some other girl in place of Noona, they would definitely be throwing fits at you. I mean, who can tolerate being interfered in every steps in their own house! You're lucky that she hasn't lashed out on you yet."  Jongin grumbled. He was being a little too matured than his usual playful demeanor. 

Baekhyun looked down towards the girl in his arms. Guilt was the first thought that came across his mind. He used to think of himself as a calm and collected person, but whenever it included her in any situation, he'd be go all out overreacting and not to forget, hurting her on the process. For the first time ever, he would have to agree with Jongin's thoughts, that, Munhee was definitely the most understanding person he'd ever met. Well, this did nothing but increasing the load of guilt inside his chest. He felt like a jerk because he chided this girl despite knowing how her true nature was. He knew she wasn't someone to talk bad behind someone's back, she wasn't someone to dislike anyone without any reason. Yet, he reprimanded her when she didn't want to reveal the actual reason of her disliking towards the other girl. His confusion, her vague answer only managed to stir some unreasonable rage, disappointment inside him, that led him on to hurt her, not to mention on her own special day.  Could someone be any lesser of jerk?  He couldn't help but ask himself, while plastering a forced smile on his face as a sort of greeting as they entered Junmyeon's house and met the invited ones on their way.

He also had his own theory regarding Munhee's disliking towards Liana. He thought Munhee must be annoyed at Liana since due to her presence, he couldn't spend proper time with the kids. He knew that Munhee was always sensitive in anything regarding the kids, he still hadn't forgotten, probably would never forget about that day when Munhee had showed her ninja girl side for the first time and shoved some sense into him regarding giving his attention to the kid,  and this time was no exception. He himself was a little annoyed that whenever he'd be making some time for the kids, or trying to just talk with them, Liana would be meddling in with her own stories. Out of courtesy, he couldn't even tell her to shut  so that he could give his attention to his babies. Inwardly, he was eagerly waiting for the day when he could send Liana off to the safest place. He did see the patience thinning in Munhee's eyes at every passing day, he could only pray that the days of waiting would be over before Munhee snapped. But unfortunately, that didn't happen.

"I know, Jongin. I always screw up and she's always there to clean up the mess I have caused. She....She's always there. That's why I wanted to apologize immediately after realizing my fault."  He sighed and concentr

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Thanks to all for this wonderful journey!
Please give this story a lotta love even tho it has ended! ♥️♥️♥️


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35 streak #1
It's still and will always be my favorite story ❤️
njhjcw_lovejinam 11 streak #2
Chapter 1: I am here again to reread this beautiful story 🥰❤️
I’m back for round 3 I’ll never get over this feeling this fic gives😮‍💨
Chapter 78: im so saddd that this story has come to an end 😭😭😭😭 thankyou for this amazing and beautiful story thankyou and thankyou!!! both baekhyun and munhee growth so much they deserve so much happiness in their life after so much they have been through
Chapter 75: im not ready for the end.. 😭
Chapter 74: finally aaaaa
Chapter 68: new beginning for baekhyun and munhee!! im rooting for them!!
Chapter 67: CUTEE cant stop giggling
Chapter 64: yes baek go get munhee!!
Chapter 62: baek…. :///