
Heal me (Married to brother-in-law)
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(Warning: Cursing!) (Amount of comments in previous chapter was sort of disappointing, really hope yall take out little time to leave a comment as a gesture of appreciation. PS: Do restraint yourselves from leaving rude comments and do remember that authors are also human being with similar sense of feelings like you and your rude/mean words might be able to hurt & demotivate them vastly. 

I agree writers keep asking for your thoughts in form of comments, but do keep in mind that writers don't ask for your disrespectful words. There's a huge difference between smiply sharing your thoughts and trying to nitpick the works directly or indirectly.

I hate writing huge A/N's like this, but I think it's high time I pointed out these few details. Thank you and hope you all enjoy the chapter even though it's long & annoying.









Without wasting anymore time on her pondering thoughts, Munhee forced her feet to rush and locked the door of their bedroom before rummaging through the deepest corners of her closet, trying to search for her old cellphone.  

Her heart rose till the edge of her throat when she managed to retrieve the device and immediately plugged it with a charger. Heaving a huge sigh, she switched the older phone on. 

The next ten to fifteen minutes went in blur for the trembling girl as she waited for the sea of notifications from the device to die down. She had a hard time ignoring the number of text messages piled up on her chatroom. Reading them might make her falter from her determination, so she deliberately ignored them, not letting herself fall into the pit of weakness. She directly dialed on Sehun's supposedly new phone number that he had provided her before going. But much to her dismay, the only thing she got was a robotic voice saying that the number wasn't used anymore. Her head whirled, this was the only way to reach Sehun, but her luck had planned to play all sort of nasty trick with her.  What could she possibly do now?   'Think, Mun, think!'    

She sat herself down on the bed, eventually plopped her whole body down on the soft mattress, as if staring at the ceiling would provide her any better option. But apparently, it did provide one.  "Nayeon.."  She murmured with a gasp, shooting up from her slumped state. Nayeon had told her everytime they'd met that Sehun was in contact with her. So, maybe she could ask for Sehun's new contact number from her friend. So she dialed her friend's number immediately.

Munhee's all hopes of getting a hold of the only way to contact with Sehun were crushed when Nayeon seemed reluctant about sharing the needed information. Nayeon cut her off with a 'It's not that simple Munhee. If you want Sehun's number, I can give you. But before that we need a serious talk, face to face.'  And that's all. 


Pacing from one corner of her room to the other corner, Munhee could come up with only one solution. That was, she needed to meet up with Nayeon as soon as possible. It took her nearly one whole freaking  year to finally muster up her courage to be ready to speak with her supposedly ex lover. And she knew, she knew herself pretty well that she would definitely become the coward one again, once the adrenaline would wear off her. But she couldn't let this happen. The more late it would be, the more messes it would leave. 

    Fixing her mind firmly, Munhee dialed Jongin's number. "Get the car ready. I'm coming out in five minutes. We're going to my hometown."  She told the younger male without even letting him finish his general greeting. 

Her eyes caught the awful star printed pyjamas she was wearing and grimaced. She quickly grabbed the first pair of dress from her opened closet, and changed in it. Lastly she grabbed her purse, shoving the necessary items inside there, she made her way towards the kids' room in order to let Baekhyun know before leaving. She didn't want him to unnecessarily chase after her out of worry if she'd just be gone without telling him, which he was most likely to do. So better leave after informing him so that he won't tail after her, because she didn't want to drag him in her own created predicament. 

Munhee was about to enter the kids' bedroom, but her steps halted when she saw Liana trying to nag something at Baekhyun while pulling his arm. Height of annoyance and stress was visible in his features, and then he finally snapped, and harshly jerked his arms away from the whiny girl.

Well, that lead to worse. Munhee witnessed with half opened mouth and wide eyes as Liana shrieked and grabbed Baekhyun's hand for her dear life as she had lost her balance. That resulted in both of them tripping over and falling on the bed, Baekhyun on top of Liana. Lastly, she witnessed Liana giggling as if it was something funny. And that was it for Munhee and her patience, which was as thin as a wet tissue paper at that moment.

Munhee slammed opened the half ajar door of the room, resonating a loud sound, making the both of them jerk. Baekhyun, who was struggling to get up without crashing the girl underneath him, looked up at the source of the noise and momentarily froze. Miseo and Sarang, who were playing on the carpeted floor without any idea of the scene happening behind them, also looked up at the booming sound. And Liana just smirked back, as if saying with her looks that it was the payback for Munhee's stunt in the morning. 

Munhee was seething at this point. If she hadn't happened to come here before the fall, she would've definitely misunderstood the situation.

Although, despite knowing the real story behind the close proximity between Baekhyun and Liana at this moment, it still stung her straight through the heart. She couldn't help the burn she was feeling inside her chest, which could be nothing else but jealousy, she had gone to the stage of being shameless and insensitive to actually accept her feelings regarding Baekhyun to herself, so she'd just accept it inwardly as well that she was extremely jealous seeing the two with such lesser gap between them.

 Munhee could feel her eyes were stinging harshly, probably one or two angry tears already fell down without any prior notification, but she didn't care about them at this moment. With hands fisted into tight balls, she stormed inside, begrudgingly throwing her purse somewhere inside the room in the process, stopping just in front of the bed, her teary eyes shooting lasers. "Get up." She curtly snapped at Baekhyun who finally managed to distance himself from the girl underneath him after the shock of the moment had dissipated.  

Baekhyun immediately obliged, pushing himself up on his legs within seconds, his horrified eyes tracing over her features. "M-Munhee..."  He was about to say something, but Munhee beat him to it.

Her glary eyes went towards the girl who had propped herself on her elbow, gladly watching the show in front of her. "And you.."  Munhee pointed a finger directly at Liana's face,  "Get up as well."  She stated sternly. Munhee saw in her peripheral vision that Baekhyun went over towards the kids and probably told them to go somewhere else as they obediently went out of the room. 

"Munhee, it's...it's not what it looks like!" Came Baekhyun's pleading voice along with his hold on her forearm, trying to make her look at him. 

Munhee ignored Baekhyun's pleads and opted for glaring at the girl, for some reason she did listen to Munhee and got up on her feet. Letting out a huge sigh she started,  "Look, I need you to go out from this room, right now, because I need to talk to Baekhyun."  She gritted. Her head was already hurting from so much going on inside there. On one hand, there was the issue regarding Sehun and Nayeon, and on other hand there was this issue of Liana, also, not forget the issue of her feelings towards Baekhyun and Myunghee. She knew handling everything at once wasn't humanely possible. And at this moment, she was in way too raging state to hold a civil conversation with Liana. So she decided to stick to her initial determination and handle this Liana issue afterwards. She knew her decision of not handling this Liana issue right now was absolutely correct, when she heard a scoff from the said girl and Liana stood still on her spot as if she didn't just hear what Munhee had told her.

"Listen, if you love these pretty long hairs on your head and you don't want to witness them falling here on the ground, then you will go the hell away from this room."  Munhee again gritted to Liana. It was getting too hard to keep her cool at this girl and she just rolled her eyes at Munhee as the answer of her threat. As though the girl knew that Munhee wouldn't be able to do anything to her as long as Baekhyun was there. Munhee stomped towards the girl just to threat her again but she was stopped by the arms holding her back. Baekhyun had stopped her, perhaps knowing the fact that Munhee was more than capable of actually doing what she had threatened.

"Munhee, listen to me first. It's a huge misunderstanding." Baekhyun almost whispered into her ears, delivering in a calm tone to calm the raging girl down. 

"Let.. go off.. me, Baekhyun."  Munhee finally tore her eyes from Liana to glare at her husband, he hesitantly loosened his hold on her while raising his palms up in the air as a form of surrender.

"Okay. Fine, I let you off."  He said, backing one step away from his raging wife.  "But you need to hear me out before reaching any conclusion!"  He tried again. 

Munhee heaved through her nose, shutting her eyes for a moment, trying to ease down her flaring nerves.  "Look, I don't have time for this. I'm leaving to...somewhere.."   Before Munhee could finish, Baekhyun interrupted her while shaking his head vigorously at her.

"No, no, no. Please don't go. It's a ing misunderstanding, Munhee. You can't just leave the house without giving me a chance to explain!" He told her, more like yelled, his eyes rounded in panic. 

Munhee took a few seconds of time to just stare at him. 'He's assuming I'm leaving the house because I misunderstood the accident?' She concluded from her observation. "I'm not going out because of...this." She pointed at the bed to refer the fall of him and his friend. 

"Then why would you leave this house? Please, listen to me, it was just an accident! Nothing happened here! I swear!" Baekhyun seemed like he wanted to rip his own hairs out, out of sheer frustration, as he tried to clarify the situation. "Don't go! I...I won't let you go!" He lastly told her before grabbing her arms, looking like a kid who didn't want to let his mother go away. 

"Baek, let her go if she wants to!" Liana pounced on the opportunity, started giving her unwanted suggestions.

Baekhyun completely ignored Liana's remark and focused on talking with his wife, more like trying to persuade her to change her decision.  "I'm telling the truth! What will I have to do to make you believe my words?" He almost whined out of panic and frustration.

Munhee was already much fretful and Baekhyun wasn't even trying to make her feel better by understanding what she had said, or he simply just couldn't believe her words. Also, time was running out and if she wanted to make it back here within today, she'd have to leave for her destination as soon as possible. Everything vexed her too much. So Munhee  instinctively grabbed the collar of her husband's checkered pajama shirt, bringing his face closer,  just a good foot away from hers. "I'm saying it for the last time that I am not leaving this house for whatever happened here. I'm going for some personal purpose. So stop thinking that I'm making a huge deal out of this. That being said, I don't want you to come after me, I'll be back within today. And meanwhile I'm gone, you.."  She pulled him a little closer than before, her eyes still glaring back at his puppy eyes, "..you will stay the away from her. Do you understand?"  She asked with such authority that immediately made him nod dumbly, she didn't even wince while swearing so obnoxiously and loudly.  "Good. I trust you. Take care of the babies. I'll be going now." Finally, her glary eyes tamed down as she muttered the last few sentences in lesser aggressive tone. 

"Hey, at least tell me exactly where you're going?" Baekhyun again tried. "Are you sure you're not a-angry with me because of this?" Then he asked unsurely. 

"God, Baekhyun! How many times do I have to tell you that I am not going out because of this! Why would it even matter to me? Why are you even trying to explain so much? Why does it bother you if I misinterprete this situation?" Munhee snapped at Baekhyun. Throwing the simple but twisted questions at him, knowing pretty well that he might not have any answer to it.  Despite this knowledge, despite all the tangled feelings inside her, there was a tinge of hope that rose amongst everything. A hope that he would have the answers to her questions. The answers that would give her a bit of confirmation that she might have occupied a little space in his heart. Munhee knew it was plain stupid, since she herself wasn't sure whether she wanted it or not, but her stupid heart was no longer under her command, so that nonsense organ was doing everything on it's own. 

This time, like she expected, her questions did manage to shut him up as he loosened his hold from her. Getting no reply from the male, Munhee gave out a bitter smile particularly to no one, here went the baseless hope, good, good riddance for her. Then she her heels without a single word or glance, walking out of the room after picking up her thrown purse from the table. 

"Geez, she's such a drama queen! So much drama for a small accident?" Liana tsked. "Anyway, good riddance. What should we do? Shall we watch some movies?" Liana suggested Baekhyun while attempting to hold his arm.

That seemed to break Baekhyun from his train of lost thoughts.  Realization hit him like a running truck that Munhee's figure had disappeared from his vision. He just needed to make sure she wasn't going somewhere out of anger. He had to talk with her. And a certain someone was making his work much harder than it already was.  "Liana, just get the out from my way!"  He snapped at his friend and rushed out of there in hope of finding and stopping Munhee. 

But he was late. The moment he reached towards their large door downstairs, he could see Jongin driving Munhee's car away. Though he felt a tiny splash of relief seeing that she hadn't gone alone, but the turmoil inside his mind didn't go down just after this. Running his fingers through his already messy hairs, he heaved a huge sigh. The voice inside his head was constantly whispering to him that he should go after her, but he stayed firm on his spot. She told him that she'd be back. He would have to trust on her words rather than listening to his messed up head. He would just wait for her. 










It was already midnight. And Munhee still wasn't back. Even though Baekhyun had talked with Jongin over the phone just twenty minutes ago, he was still restless, he would be like that until he wouldn't see Munhee with his own eyes.

He had no idea for how many minutes, or might be hours, he could care less about the time, he had been going back and forth on the porch of their house, waiting for Munhee to arrive. The cold air of night might have managed to give him shivers, but it didn't, couldn't stop him from staying out and worrying over his wife. 

Probably thirty minutes later, Baekhyun noticed the arrival of Munhee's car from afar. His feet worked on their own as he found himself rushing towards the car when it entered through the metal gates of their house. Opening the back door, he let out a breath mix of relief and worry. There she was, Munhee, lying on the backseat, probably even sleeping as her eyes were closed. 

Baekhyun went inside the car, sitting himself by the space beside her bare legs, she had probably kicked away her pumps somewhere in the car, he carefully sat her up so that it would be convenient when he would carry her. Then he helped her put on the overcoat he'd been carrying with him since evening as he remembered she didn't take any warm clothes and the weather wasn't any friendly. 

Munhee whined and let out some slurry words of protest as Baekhyun disturbed her sleep in the process of bundling her up with the warm cloth. Baekhyun wasn't surprised, he had already heard from Jongin over the phone that Munhee was drunk.  "Thanks for taking care of her." He told Jongin, who was silently watching the pair from the driver's seat. "Go and rest up. We'll talk tomorrow." Baekhyun lastly said before going out of the car and carrying his drunk wife, and her purse and shoes, out from there as well. 

"Why am I flying, huh?" Munhee slurred when Baekhyun started walking while still carrying her in bridal style, squinting her eyes to take a good look at her pilot. She squinted some more to recognize him as it was quite dark outside and the distant street lights weren't much helpful for her drunk eyes. "You!" She jabbed a finger at his chin, her tone slurred but accusatory.   "I ing hate you!"  She added when her drunken head fully recognized the face.

Baekhyun pressed his lips into a thin line even though the jab was slightly hurtful on his jaw. He simply didn't know what to say. At this moment, he was relieved to hold her in his arms, to see her in front of his eyes. Despite the will to know her reasons for drinking like that, or the desperate eagerness to know where she had gone to, he was relieved. He said to himself that he could definitely ask her and apparently Jongin about all his queries later. For now, he'd stay contented to actually have her back at their house.

"You're an ." She kept mumbling. "Tell me, tell Munhee that you are an !" She drunkenly insisted, whining and giving out a failed glares.

Sighing, Baekhyun nodded while mumbling, "Yes, I am an ."  

Munhee giggled while lifting her limp hands to wrap them around his shoulders loosely. Then she again tried to glare at her husband, "Baek..hyooon is a . Say it!"   

Baekhyun rolled his eyes at this, despite the leftover worries and all, his lips twitched when he replied to her, "I don't know anyone named Baek-hyooon." 

Munhee glared at him, or at least she tried but ended up just blinking her eyes at him, and slapped his chest for not saying what she was telling him to say. Baekhyun winced at the clumsy but hard slap, looked like he was going to handle a violent drunk Munhee tonight.  

"!" Munhee spat at him. Okay, violent and potty mouthed Munhee.

"What's with you and your unfiltered mouth today?" Baekhyun rolled his eyes at her.  "Potty mouth!"  He teased, earning another light punch from his drunk wife.

"You're potty! Munhee is not!"  She protested cutely.

"Yeah, whatever.." Baekhyun rolled his eyes again, unbeknownst to him a small smile adorned his lips.

"Munhee is tired. Everything is sooo hard! W-why?" Out of nowhere, her fierce drunk state turned into a sad, depressed one. Her eyes turned watery, making Baekhyun confused instantly. 

"Every..one..is..bad! Very very baaad! Only Miseo and..and Sarang..and Munhee are good!" She hiccuped in between her words.  

Baekhyun cast a wary look at the girl in his arms, he didn't know whether he should even say anything to her or not. Reaching their bedroom, he gently laid her on her side of bed after randomly throwing her other belongings inside the room. He then covered her with the duvet, but she instantly kicked them off. Shaking his head he again pulled the duvet over her. 

"Ugh! Hot!" She protested while again kicking off the duvet for the second time.

Baekhyun suddenly remembered, she had a tendency to feel hot whenever she would get drunk. So he stripped her off of the overcoat before she could attempt to strip off more than necessary garments from her body. Their room's temperature wasn't as cold as outside anyway, so it wouldn't cause any problem if she wouldn't wear warm clothes.  

"Hmm, much better.." Munhee hummed with her eyes still closed. "This.." She pulled onto the material of her dress, "Get rid of this..too. It's itchy! It is annoying Munhee!" She whined in her slurred tone. 

"I can't do it." Baekhyun strictly told her, making the drunken girl whine some more.

"It's itching!!"  Munhee huffed, rolled onto her stomach and reaching her hand behind her to tug the zipper. She would've almost fall flat on the ground while rolling herself on the bed like a football if not for Baekhyun's figure standing at the side of her bed.

Baekhyun cursed under his breath as Munhee started to wail like a child and demanded to be freed from the suffocating dress, flapping her limbs like a cockroach. "Okay, fine. I'll do it! Stop flapping around, you're going to hurt yourself!" He hissed as he managed to push her in the middle of the bed so that she wouldn't roll over and fall off the bed when he'd be gone to retrieve some clothes for her. 

He hastily went to her closet, glancing back in every second to keep an eye on her so that he could prevent her from getting hurt in any way. He picked out a baggy t-shirt of her and walked back to the girl moving about on the bed, still pulling at her dress while blinking her eyes, lips formed into a silly pout.  

Kneeling on the bed, he sat Munhee up before reaching over her back to her dress. He focused on the innocent figures of Mr. Byun and Senior Mr. Byun lying on top of the pillowcases so that he wouldn't have to look at her half body.  "This too! Munhee want it off too!" Her voice had forced him to look back at her, his eyes doubled when he noticed she was innocently pulling onto the straps of her navy blue lacy undergarment, he wanted to smack his head for noting the unnecessary details of her undergarments. 

"Not this." He groaned and freed her claws from the poor garment's straps. Grimacing, he readjusted the almost slipping straps over her shoulders and hurriedly pulled the t-shirt over her head. He let out a relieved sigh when he successfully managed to cover up her with the tee. He made her lie on her pillow, not failed to notice the tiredness in her movements.

"Munhee will take it off! It's stuffy!" She slurred again, hands going to clutch on her brassiere from over her t-shirt and again trying to roll on the bed. The way it looked like, he couldn't leave her to be like that, at least until she passed out, he had to look over her. 

Cursing to no one at particular, he also laid down on the bed, then grabbed the squirming girl, captured her limbs with his as he hugged her arms with his arms, and trapped her legs with his legs, his chest snuggling to her side, completely restraining her body moves. 

"Let me go! It's hot!" Munhee protested again.

"Shut up. Just sleep!" Baekhyun groaned as Munhee tried to break-free from his cage. 

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OMFG look at that "Completed" sign!! :")
Thanks to all for this wonderful journey!
Please give this story a lotta love even tho it has ended! ♥️♥️♥️


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35 streak #1
It's still and will always be my favorite story ❤️
njhjcw_lovejinam 11 streak #2
Chapter 1: I am here again to reread this beautiful story 🥰❤️
I’m back for round 3 I’ll never get over this feeling this fic gives😮‍💨
Chapter 78: im so saddd that this story has come to an end 😭😭😭😭 thankyou for this amazing and beautiful story thankyou and thankyou!!! both baekhyun and munhee growth so much they deserve so much happiness in their life after so much they have been through
Chapter 75: im not ready for the end.. 😭
Chapter 74: finally aaaaa
Chapter 68: new beginning for baekhyun and munhee!! im rooting for them!!
Chapter 67: CUTEE cant stop giggling
Chapter 64: yes baek go get munhee!!
Chapter 62: baek…. :///