
Heal me (Married to brother-in-law)
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( Chapter spoiler: Another long but important conversation in the second half, sorry!)





Munhee was certain that she was going to get caught, it was impossible to run out of the room or hide somewhere else when the washroom's door was already opening. 


This was why, currently Munhee had no idea how did she manage to shove herself under Baekhyun's bed? Did she somehow managed to stop the time? 'Stop being ridiculous, Mun.'  She immediately scolded herself at the obnoxious idea.  It might be adrenaline rush that she ended up under his bed before the door fully opened and revealed Baekhyun. 


Now that her first confusion was somewhat cleared aside, now she finally realized where has she gotten herself into. She didn't mean to stare at Baekhyun's bare pair of legs from under the bed, while he roamed into the room after he left the washroom.  Okay, he's not at least!   Inner Munhee rationalized like a shameless brat.  He did have a towel wrapped around his waist , which reached a little below his knees, but that didn't make the situation any better. 

Even though Munhee had seen his bare legs many times before, mostly while he wore shorts in summer, but seeing his legs while he has nothing else on, except for a single towel and not to forget while she's hiding under his bed like a third class ert, it's really not something to feel proud about.  

Munhee wanted to close her eyes, but she couldn't. Because she was hiding, and when a person is hiding from someone, they tend to constantly check whether they'd get caught or not. So, unwillingly enough, Munhee had to keep an eye on Baekhyun and his movements. 

With a pounding heart Munhee observed Baekhyun's legs standing in front of the vanity mirror,   probably he's applying some moisturiser. Munhee could actually see the whole of him if she'd duck down her head a little lower, but she'd rather not see him top , and it wasn't even necessary in the first place. She'd just have to hide under this bed until Baekhyun's done changing and goes out of this room.  Simple task to do, right? 

"Okay, let's see, what should I wear today.."   Munhee heard Baekhyun talking to himself when he moved his legs to the direction of his cupboard in the right side. Seeing him going near the cupboard increased Munhee's heartbeat's pace.  I didn't cause much mess with his clothes, did I?   Munhee was in rush when she searched the file in between his clothes and now she couldn't remember properly whether she'd put the clothes back in their places or not. If not, she'd be majorly doomed because Baekhyun would definitely get a whiff that something was wrong. 

Her heart pounded more loudly by each passing second while Baekhyun opened his cupboard and stood still before it for some painstaking seconds, or minutes? 

'God, why is he taking so much time in choosing a ing outfit?'   Munhee was a screaming mess inside her head. If she wasn't illegally  hiding under his bed, then she would've at least told him a word or two about not to waste his time like girls while choosing outfits.    'Or did he figure out that someone has messed with his clothes?'  Munhee gulped the fear that rose inside like a huge lump and waited patiently.  At least as patiently as a person hiding under someone else's bed could. 

Munhee finally noticed his legs move backwards after closing the cupboard's doors. Munhee felt something being kept on the bed, she guessed he kept his clothes there.  'Great, finally he'll get dressed and get the hell out of here. Phew.'  Munhee thought in relief, but the stupid relieved smile washed away from her face at the reminder of that he'll get dressed there. 

'He's going to wear his clothes here. In front of me.'   This thought kept ringing in her head. She cursed her luck and stupidity. Now that she's thinking, she'd rather get caught red handed than witness  his dress up show.  'How can I forget that he doesn't like to change in washrooms!!!!'   She cursed her ill luck with passion while lying flat under the bed. 

Munhee stared with wide eyes when Baekhyun's legs were stripped off of the towel. She thanked the stars that she could only see till his knees, or she would've freaked the hell outta here if she'd seen anything unnecessary. She would've died in guilt that she invaded his privacy if she'd seen something inappropriate, while being on her mission.  

'Wait, why am I even staring? Close your eyes Mun, stupid!'   Munhee decided that closing her eyes for a few seconds wouldn't cause any problem for her. She could give him at least this much privacy.

But when was she ever favored by her luck?  Never.  That's why Munhee's eyes turned into huge sausages when she saw a blue material discarded on the floor elegantly with a soft thud, just in front of Baekhyun's legs.  

", ugh."  Baekhyun cursed loudly with an annoyed tone and out of nowhere he kicked the blue piece of cloth with a huffing  "Go to hell.", and Munhee could only stare like a fool as the kicked cloth kept zooming into her vision. 



More Zoom.

And boom.  

Munhee didn't know how in the hell she managed to not shriek her lungs out when Baekhyun's underwear hit her square on the face almost flying.  What the !  Munhee wanted to scream out of frustration while she pilled the material off her face.  Who the hell kicks their clothes if they accidentally slipped off their hands?  No sane people did so, right? But Byun Baekhyun does.  

If it was a football instead of his underwear, and if it was the goal post in place of her face, then it would've considered as a fabulous goal. Scored more fabulously by Byun Baekhyun. A perfect shot. Munhee would've been the one to cheer for him then. But that wasn't the case at present. And Munhee wanted nothing but to strangle herself for such a stupid and failed detective mission. 

Munhee gritted her teeth and saw Baekhyun again taking something from the cupboard. Might be a fresh pair of boxer ,  she guessed while rolling her eyes. And then with horrifying eyes Munhee now saw his legs zooming into her vision. 'This is it. He saw me. I'm getting caught yall!'   Munhee grimaced while readying herself to get a whole round of scolding about manners and ethics from her husband. 

But that never came as she saw him rather sitting on the bed, his legs just in front of her face. If Munhee wanted, she could even count the number of hairs on his legs for pastime.  Biting her lips she patiently waited and saw him wearing his undies and then his pants. After that he sat there a few more moments. Munhee guessed he wore his shirt in that time. 

Munhee's breathing came into a normal pattern as she realized she's going to make through this time without getting caught. She'd just have to wait patiently till Baekhyun finishes his business here and goes out. 

Her prayers worked when she saw him finally standing up and  stepping away from the bed. Munhee heaved a long relieved sigh silently.  'Thank god, I'm saved this time. I'm never gonna pull up this detective ever again.'  Munhee thanked all the gods out there and a small smile took place into her face. But that smile didn't last longer, rather it replaced with a loud gasp as Munhee shrieked back by the sudden appearance of Baekhyun's face just in front of her, Munhee didn't even realize when did he bent down and voila, she's finally got caught red handed. 

Baekhyun emerged out of the shocking state earlier than Munhee, who was currently rubbing her head that had bumped into the surface of the bed as the impact of her unladylike shriek earlier.    "What the hell?"   Baekhyun asked out loudly, his face looked more confused and shocked than angry. 

"H-Hii."  Munhee had heard somewhere that some people tend to get stupidest while they are in some dangerous situation. Now it was proved that she was among those people, the stupidest. 

Baekhyun trailed his eyes all over her cramped figure under his bed and heaving a sigh he managed to smooth down the crease in his forehead and slowly he reached his hand under the bed. 

Munhee slightly flinched back seeing his hand approaching her. But when he kept his palm open, and by taking a look at his face Munhee understood that he had offered her his hand to help her out of her shameful hiding spot. 

Reluctantly and still slightly terrified of the man and his possible outburst, Munhee slowly gave him her hand. He held her firmly; with ease and comfort he gently pulled her out. He didn't leave her at that. He also helped her to stand on her own feet. Munhee didn't know why her legs felt wobbly, but those stupid pair decided to give up just at that moment. With another wave of sheer embarrassment, Munhee had to admit inwardly that if not for Baekhyun's fast reflexes, she would've kissed the ground already. 

"Are you alright?"   Baekhyun asked softly while steadying her by her shoulders. And only then Munhee noticed that he was still top . Alas, she thought her face couldn't grow any hotter just a second before realizing this fact.    "Okay, sit down first."   Baekhyun told her when he didn't get any sort of reply from her. 

"N-No, my dress has gotten dirts."   Munhee stood still when Baekhyun tried to make her sit behind her, on the bed. She didn't like dirt on beds, whether it's her bed or someone else's, so she'd rather keep standing with her wobbly legs than dirtying Baekhyun's bed.  She heard him letting out another sigh as he started dusting the dirts out from her arms.

Baekhyun stopped in midst of dusting her off and with a grimace in his face, he pointed at her fisted hand,   "Do you want to ...uh give that back?" He asked, suddenly his ears changed their natural color and looked more pink. Munhee absentmindedly looked where he pointed and she never wanted the ground to open up and swallow the whole existence of her this badly.

Her left hand was still unknowingly clutching Baekhyun's underwear.    'I should circle this day with biggest red dots on calendar, this is the most embarrassing day of my whole friggin life.'  she thought and gritted her teeth out of embarrassment and anger on herself.   "I d-don't need this. Here, take it. And please, don't kick around your clothes in future."  Munhee boldly gave her suggestion even though she knew she wasn't in any place to do so. Baekhyun gently snatched his undie from her hand and kept it on the floor beside his leg. 

Then he continued to dust off Munhee's other  arm. Munhee started to dust her with her free hand as she didn't want Baekhyun's help in cleaning this particular body part of her.  


 "There's still dirt here.."   Baekhyun murmured and dusted Munhee's lower back,  just the place which she wanted him to avoid,  which in fact felt like a light spank on her  bum.  'Mun, love, you should go check your head up to a doctor. You might've hurt  your head badly earlier, that's why you're thinking about such ridiculous thoughts.'  Munhee managed to calm her thoughts down by scolding herself inwardly.   "Your back is cleared, you can sit now."   Baekhyun said while he sat himself down without waiting for her. 

Munhee sat down timidly, she sat right at the edge of the bed from where she could slide down or fall easily, she hoped this day wouldn't get any embarrassing for her, but she would keep sitting on the edge just in case Baekhyun decided to strip off his gentle mask and start yelling at her after getting to know her initial motive of barging here, she'd just run away from his room.  Sounds like a plan, tsk.  

"Are you okay?"   Baekhyun asked again, his eyes scanning her from head to toe.  Munhee fidgeted on her seat and  gave him a silent nod.   "You hit your head on the bed earlier. Does it hurt?"  Baekhyun asked, his brown orbs flickering in what seemed like concern. 

"I don't know."   Munhee shrugged.  She had many other things to handle than concentrating on whether she hurt herself or not.  Munhee stared at Baekhyun with owl sized eyes as he scooted a little closer and his both hands zooming towards her face. Then she felt his hands diving inside  her hairs, slightly massaging her scalp overall her head to check whether she'd hurt her head badly or not.   

"Tell me if you feel anything."  He instructed her softly, and Munhee could only muster up a small nod as it was really a hard task for her to not shiver when Baekhyun's warm breath hit her on the face, and when she find it more difficult to form a single word or just a small gesture of her head while having him sitting in so little distance from her. Apparently, she didn't feel any severe pain anywhere, so she gestured him that her head is okay.  

"I guess I'm o-okay. I'll be going now. Bye..."   Munhee hurriedly mumbled and was about to get up and run away from there but was stopped by the man himself. 

Baekhyun held her shoulders and kept her glued to her place,   "If you are okay, then shouldn't you first explain me what were you doing here?"   He asked her, now his tone was suspicious, he definitely doubted that she was up to something.    "No, let me rephrase it again, what were you doing under my bed?"  He again asked and crossed his arms over his chest while waiting for the girl to speak up. 

Munhee gulped.  What do I do now? Should I tell him the truth and demand direct answers from him? But he sounded determined of not letting me know whatever he is hiding. Think something Munhee. Run the wheel of your brain!      Munhee was drowned in her inner thoughts that she didn't notice Baekhyun wasn't sitting in front of her anymore. He was instead searching something on his dressing table.  Maybe he isn't interested in this topic anymore!   Munhee thought and she deemed this would be an excellent opportunity for her to merch out from this investigation session. 

She silently stood up to make a run, then  Baekhyun turned with his hands on his hips,    "Don't.. even think of running without finishing what you started."   Baekhyun commanded her with slight glare, and like a timid little girl Munhee plopped back onto the bed, her lips formed into a pout without her knowledge. Baekhyun was back to sit with her, now he had a pack of wet tissue wipes with him. He pulled out one tissue and wordlessly started to clean of the dirt on her left cheek. It would be a lie if Munhee didn't admit this gesture of him made Munhee's heart jump like a fish out of water.   "I'm still waiting for your answer."   He reminded her. 

"I was uhh..I just..a-actually my earring fell under the bed when I came here. Yeah. That's it."  Munhee gave him a nervous laughter, shrugging as nonchalantly as she could. 

Munhee saw him observing her, his hand stopped cleaning her face, Munhee constantly prayed in her head that he would buy her lame of an excuse.   "Earring? Your both ears are empty though." He muttered.

"Did I say earring? Haha, I meant to say earrings. They were in my hand. I happened to slip onto the doormat and they rolled under the bed." Munhee blurted whatever nonsense came to her mind. 

"Okay. But why did you hide under there? It wasn't like you were stealing something." Baekhyun digged in for more. 

"I d-didn't hide. I went under the bed to search them. And then you came out of your washroom. I just waited for you to finish your business as I remember you don't like to change in washroom. So, I thought it was better to stay there than to ruin your p-privacy! I swear, I was going to come out after making sure you aren't !"  Munhee gave him another convincing smile but that certainly turned into a wince when she registered what her stupid mouth just said.  

" Y-You...." Baekhyun muttered, his ears now fully red, he huffed and ruffled his now half wet hairs,   "You certainly gave me much privacy by hiding under there and watching me get dressed."  Baekhyun mumbled, his voice held sarcasm. He wasn't taking her excuses in a good way. Well, they weren't even good excuses in the first place. 

"No! I swear, I didn't s-see anything! I just saw your legs!" Munhee almost screeched at his accusations.  

"Whatever! What's done is done."   Baekhyun finally told her after a few moments of thick pregnant silence.   " Did you find your earrings?"  He then asked and Munhee could feel her head could explode at any moment out of tension. 

"No. I'll search them any other time. Anyway, I think you should go downstairs and have your breakfast, or you're going to be late."  Munhee tried to change the topic, and what could be better than reminding him about his work? 

"I won't go to office today."   He let her know.  But I clearly heard yesterday that he's going to see that...doctor! 

"Then why are you wearing your formal pants?  And oh, can you  put on a shirt, please?"   Munhee narrowed her eyes at him. She didn't know how did she manage to sit with him for so long, knowing that he isn't wearing any shirt or undershirt. Where in any other normal day, she would've stabbed her eyes close so that she wouldn't have to witness the disturbing view of him sitting there without any trace of clothes on his upper torso.  

"Oh!"  Baekhyun mumbled, he seemed to be shocked at that fact that he forgot his half clothes.  Without wasting a second he reached for the undershirt he had picked out and kept on the bed earlier, and wore it down.  "I'm not going to office. But I have some urgent work in somewhere else. I'll be back before lunch."   He explained her after clearing his throat.

" Okay then. See you downstairs? I'll go wake the kids up first. And keep this wet towel away from bed!"   Munhee said, but waited for his answer before she could attempt to go again.

"You haven't told me yet, why did you come here in the first place?"   Baekhyun rather asked as he obediently took the used towel in his hands.  

"Do I need to have a reason to visit this room? Isn't this included in a wife's rights?"   Munhee solemnly asked, now was her chance to check whether he actually meant whatever he told her that night or not. 

"O-Of course. I just didn't expect you to come here without any reason. But yeah, as I already told you, you can even use this room. I don't mind."   He told her with honest eyes.  " Say, have you changed your mind about staying in this room?"   He then asked her, giving her a slight surprise through his question.  

Munhee unknowingly gulped again.  Why she couldn't realize how much thirsty she had gotten? She s

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OMFG look at that "Completed" sign!! :")
Thanks to all for this wonderful journey!
Please give this story a lotta love even tho it has ended! ♥️♥️♥️


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36 streak #1
It's still and will always be my favorite story ❤️
njhjcw_lovejinam 12 streak #2
Chapter 1: I am here again to reread this beautiful story 🥰❤️
I’m back for round 3 I’ll never get over this feeling this fic gives😮‍💨
Chapter 78: im so saddd that this story has come to an end 😭😭😭😭 thankyou for this amazing and beautiful story thankyou and thankyou!!! both baekhyun and munhee growth so much they deserve so much happiness in their life after so much they have been through
Chapter 75: im not ready for the end.. 😭
Chapter 74: finally aaaaa
Chapter 68: new beginning for baekhyun and munhee!! im rooting for them!!
Chapter 67: CUTEE cant stop giggling
Chapter 64: yes baek go get munhee!!
Chapter 62: baek…. :///