BOV (Part: 02)

Heal me (Married to brother-in-law)
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(Warnings: cursing, slight violence)



Present time.....


A few days later.....


Baekhyun chuckled loudly to himself, as he was swiping through his gallery and watching the funny yet adorable pictures he had sneakily clicked of Munhee- some from while she was sleeping or some from while she was busy playing with kids or some from while she was busy cooking. Inwardly grateful that he was all alone in his big and lone house, otherwise anyone would've given him weird looks for laughing like an idiot while his puffy eyes shed those annoying salty waters uncontrollably. 

Ever since he had voluntarily let Munhee go away from his house- and his life, he had been losing a piece of himself every single day.  Munhee had grown onto his heart, his body, his soul, his life, his whole ing house in such a way, that it seemed to be getting impossible to get rid of her memories with every single breath he would take. He had tried to distract himself by work, his kids and of course by continuously trying to reminisce the memories of Myunghee;  but every ing time he would helplessly return back to the corridor of memories where Munhee resided. How did she do it? Was she any magician? He had no idea just like the other times. The only thing he knew, that forgetting her felt like someone was forcing thorn-filled poison down his throat, it was damn painful, but it wouldn't even let him die, it would only render him to suffer without any break.

Munhee- her name had been engraved inside him, and at this point he was unable to find any way out of it. Her small but heartwarming smiles, her silly giggles, her shining light-brown eyes, her stupid actions, her adorable stammering in her flustered state, her annoying yet caring naggings, even her scary but undeniably alluring glares- he yearned for them day and night. He yearned for her as if he was thrown into an endless desert and she was the only source of water. 

When everything would become way too much for him to even function like a human being, he would forcefully remind himself the things he had done to her, the way he had hurt her, the pains he had inflected on her, the lethal words he had fed her. He would see her utterly devastated and disappointed teary eyes looking back at her, he would try to imagine how much she must be hating him. And by all these, he would again remind his wailing heart that this was what he deserved for being a recked mess, for not being capable of providing her what she deserved. 


Baekhyun dragged his soulless body out of his room when he heard Jongin's voice calling for him from downstairs. The younger male's visit wasn't surprising as he himself had told him to bring the work files from office, since he didn't feel like stepping out of his house even for a second. Reaching downstairs, he found the younger male seated on one of the couches in his living room, while rummaging through some paper bags. Frowning, he walked closer to the seemingly busy male and noticed that he had actually brought food?  "I told you to bring files. Why did you bring food?" He asked, his voice gruff as an obvious proof of how impactful his cowardness had been on him. But he didn't care. Jongin had already seen him wetting his eyes quite a few times, ever since Munhee had returned to her hometown. Since everything had ended without leaving a single possibility of 'them' happening ever again, he had stopped caring about his nonchalant façade. Like Munhee had said, he was the one who had ultimately made them impossible. So he could care less about maintaining his image or working properly or looking okay before the world. 

Jongin didn't pay him any attention until he was done settling the food on top of the glass-table. "I've actually brought this for you." He picked up a plastic bag full of what seemed like alcohol and showed it to Baekhyun.  "I know you need this right now. But I also know you haven't been eating properly. That's why I've brought food, so that you could take in all these alcohol without having the fear of throwing up?" He grinned proudly after his explanation.

Baekhyun wanted to give Jongin lectures on trying to invade his privacy and trying to do things which he wasn't ordered to do. But he only sighed tiredly, he was tired of everything. He was exhausted till his roots, he had been wearing and bearing the heavy mask of nonchalance for so many days, that he knew some day it was going to be broken. He defeatedly dropped his body beside Jongin, looking up to peer at the younger male with weary eyes. "Hyung's sorry for hurting you, Jongin." He murmured with genuine eyes, while his palm weakly squeezed the younger male's shoulder.  "I was a jerk to you at that day, and afterwards as well. I... I am sorry. If it's possible, do forgive me." He added.  

Jongin's grin faded from his face, he gulped before looking away momentarily, then he again faced Baekhyun, "I will forgive you only at one condition." He bargained sassily. His sassy tone indicated that he had already forgiven Baekhyun, that even a long time ago. Since their bond was almost like real siblings, they knew each other well, and they didn't even need to exchange words to understand each other.

Baekhyun sighed, a small smile quirking his chapped lips. "And what is it?" He still asked. Maybe talking with Jongin would help the heavy weight suffocating him even for a little.

"You'll have to finish all these foods. Then you will have to get drunk with me while spilling every ing hidden tea inside you. Deal?" Jongin proposed. Sticking his pinky out like Miseo and Sarang, and Munhee.

"Isn't it like two conditions?" Baekhyun tried half-heartedly. But seeing the determination in the younger male's face, he sighed loudly before sealing the deal. "Deal. But I am not sure whether I can finish all these food! I don't feel like eating..." He murmured while eyeing the amount of food presented before him.  

 "You look like you will get through the pipes if you attempt to. You are literally trying to kill yourself or what? Noona won't come back if you starve yourself to death. You have driven her too far away." Jongin lectured the older male. His words were unfiltered, but truth anyway. "Now eat! Then we will talk."  

Thirty torturous minutes later, Baekhyun found himself chugging down a can of beer as if it was plain water, finding sudden peace in that liquor. Jongin also joined him in drinking, but he took smaller sips.  

"So now tell me, Hyung, why did you do this to Noona? Why did you push her away? I thought everything was going okay between you two? Honestly, you two looked so happy together. But what suddenly made you think that Noona still loves her ex boyfriend or whatever!" Jongin asked the questions bugging him for all these days. 

"Can I get another first?" Baekhyun twirled his emptied can while asking for a new one.

"You will get as many as you want. After all, we're here for a bro-drinking session." Jongin sadly chuckled and tossed the whole plastic bag in the space between them. 

"Thanks." Baekhyun mumbled and took another can of beer for himself. "So what did you want to know?" He distractedly mumbled after a long sip, "Oh! About Sehun, right? I might've learned his name recently, but he has been on my mind for a long time actually..." Baekhyun started from the point, he could feel alcoholic impact starting to make his body feel a little lighter, but nonetheless he was quite sober, and he could definitely remember every single details.


What he said about Sehun was absolutely true. Sehun, Munhee's mysterious ex boyfriend, he lived in Baekhyun's mind, clutching onto the long pillars of his insecurity for the longest time. Baekhyun still remembered how shocked he had been, when Munhee had revealed to him that she had a boyfriend. Initially, it was only a matter of concern and guilt for Baekhyun to know that- because of him and his family, Munhee's love life remained incomplete. But during the passage of time, with the growth of hidden but definitely changing feelings, and various incidents had turned his feelings towards that nameless and faceless being in his mind- from mere guilt to pool of insecurities and uncertainties. 

When Munhee had mentioned about her supposed ex-lover for the first time, the very first guess that had popped up into his mind was the boy he had seen back in the ice cream parlor, a few months prior to the revelation from Munhee. But he couldn't be certain of it, since he didn't know much about her personal life, so he couldn't just abruptly make a guess. But he still remained sort of curious to know the identity of this man whom Munhee seemed like she wanted to protect so badly. He couldn't understand, what was she scared of? Why didn't she want him to know about Sehun? They weren't even on the state to feel jealous or get into arguments like any usual married couple would've done at that point. Then why?

He even once had tried to corner her, and demand answers from her, but she managed to free herself after providing half and stealthy answers. Then at the day of her graduation ceremony, he found Munhee's behavior odd, when she tried her best to not reveal their relationship before her friends, she had looked downright scared and uptight. His instincts told him that his guess was right, that Nayeon must be definitely that friend of Munhee who knew her boyfriend. But he couldn't stretch it further, since Munhee looked too determined about not letting him know anything, and he had to respect her privacy and just wait for the day when she would fully trust him to reveal this information.

That one time during Liana's stay at their house, Baekhyun and Munhee had gone to grocery shopping, and he had left Munhee for a while before returning, only to find Munhee crying while looking at a magazine. He didn't pay much attention to the magazine, since his priority was to check up on her and calm her down. But later when Sehun had arrived at their life, he had gone through a detailed background search on him, and found the similarities with his vivid memory of that very magazine. So it was another indication that Sehun was still alove in Munhee's heart, he had so much impact on her that she would be crying in the middle of a a store. 

During the same time phase, the day Munhee had gone to somewhere only to return being drunk, and didn't spill anything about the place she visited, also avoided replying him with anything even though she looked quite worried and lost; Baekhyun had actually relied on  asking Jongin about her destination. When the younger male let him know that Munhee had gone to meet her friend Nayeon, it had again struck him that it must be related to her ex boyfriend, since Nayeon was supposedly the only one who knew about Munhee's boyfriend.

And very recently, at Munhee's second birthday party after their marriage, he had this inkling feeling at the back of his mind the moment, that he had seen the younger male somewhere. Also, he wasn't blind to not notice the tensed air and tight exchange of glances between Sehun and Munhee. Throughout the party, she had been vastly distracted. But when he asked her, she didn't give any accurate answer. And then she had excused herself by saying that she was going to the ladies room, but when he went to search for her, she had actually returned from other direction than the designated washrooms. Also, it was obvious that she had cried an awful amount, and he couldn't help but to think of that forming bruise on her shoulder as another pointer to his suspicion. But he didn't want to reach into any conclusion only based on his assumptions, so he waited for her to reveal what she was hiding from him. He waited and waited, even asked her a few times, but she kept stalling with different excuses. And when she had finally exposed her ever-so-protected secrets, it was already too late, he had already known everything from other sources. 

"Other sources?" Jongin queried. "Wasn't it only me whom you had asked to do a thorough background check on that model Oh Sehun?" 

"Yes, it was only you whom I had asked to dig information about him..." Baekhyun sighed, his gaze distant. "But there was another source, that came to me itself." 

Since Baekhyun was doubtful over that newcomer model from abroad, who had dared to kiss his wife's hand in front of him, and who had been keeping his eyes fixed on Munhee during the whole time, and then both of them left the party almost around same time, lastly Munhee returning back to him looking emotionally devastated; everything was too non-subtle red alarms for Baekhyun. And he wanted to know whether his instincts had any validity or he was just overthinking. So on that very night, he had instructed Jongin to gather as much personal information as he could, about this suspicious man. While he himself tried asking Munhee, and dearly hoped that she would trust him enough to finally let everything out. But she only postponed it to the next day. It was inevitable to say, that he did feel hurt since somehow his mind told him that she didn't trust him enough. And at the same time, the dreadful possibility of this man Oh Sehun actually being Munhee's boyfriend was eating him from inside. He wouldn't admit it of course, but he knew it was jealousy and immense insecurity along with worries- what had rendered him unable to be with Munhee that night. It was suffocating him badly, all the negative thoughts.  

He felt like his heart was sinking everytime he even thought about Munhee. But he held himself back to think things thoroughly, until Jongin came up with what he had asked for. Until then, he wanted to pretend that things were alright. When he had woken up after a messy nightmare around the dawn time, and noticed there was a blanket draped over him, he then knew Munhee would be wanting to know why he had left their bed to sleep on his study's couch. So he dragged himself back to their bedroom, calming his untamed heart and mind by having her in his embrace, taking in her soothing scent. He had felt slightly better after that. And told himself to not give other things too much thought until there's any solid proof. 

Jongin did manage to gather most crucial information, which was the name of high school Sehun had graduated from, Sehun's hometown, his age and all the information about his career. He remembered Munhee telling him that she and her boyfriend used to be classmates in high school. So it didn't take him long to connect the dots and conclude that Sehun actually was Munhee's boyfriend.

Baekhyun had felt his world crumble like a tower of sand at that instant. Numerous thoughts and questions rounded in circles around his mind. 'Does Munhee still love Sehun?' 'Does Sehun still want Munhee back?' 'What am I supposed to do if both of them still love each other and want to be together?' 'Am I capable of letting her go if she asks me to let her?' He kept asking himself unlimited questions. He was a mess. And he was thankful that Munhee had gone to meet her friend that day, because he knew she would get a whiff of his worries if she was present there at this moment. 

At one hand, he was inwardly dreaded that the time might've finally arrived when he would have to give Munhee her true happiness, if she asked for it. She had already done so much for him and his daughters, and got so little in return, so she deserved what would make her happy. He suddenly realized he had become so dependent on her, it was the same with the kids. If Munhee was to leave them someday, he would have to take care of his kids. He would have to live lonely. He didn't even know why was he thinking all these in advance, but he had a hunch that something like this was definitely going to happen, so he had better prepared himself in advance. And holding onto this stingful possibility, he started distancing himself from Munhee. It was really hard for him, but he kept telling himself that he mightn't be able to handle the blow if it would come out of blue, but he couldn't be broken when he had his kids to look after, so he forced himself to go through the painful process of avoiding Munhee, being cold and mean to her so that she wouldn't feel guilty about leaving him. 

It was so tough for him, especially when Munhee was trying so hard to decrease their distance as well. If she ever had any idea how much struggle it had costed him to resist the temptation of being with her, having her in his arms in the nights, teasing her to the limit to make her flustered or annoyed, simply talking with her about important and non-important things, spending time with her, having to witness her smiles and laughters. Since she was irresistible without even trying in the first place.  He had almost lost control over his every ing determination, when at one certain night, Munhee was being too stubborn and irresistible at the same time. If he could just show her how much of a chaotic storm he had been through when she had refused to sleep and waited for him to return from office, when she had ceased the decent distance among them and even started ing his shirt!  He almost lost all his self-control then and there. But then again, seeing Munhee so reluctant to be physically close to him like any other time, he could only assume the clear reason behind her resistance.

Despite going through such intense push and pull in his heart, he somehow managed to continue giving her his cold attitudes. 

During the passage of time, his determination to remember Myunghee and Myunghee only, had actually started to waver. So he was also thankful that Sehun's return had torn open that door to his old determination. Like a routined dose of medicine, he started intaking the self-lecture of 'loving only Myunghee' and regretted for having to forget feeling guilty towards her. He chanted it like a mantra every single day that he only loved Myunghee, and that he wouldn't do anything that would hurt her.  

At other hand, he was inwardly burning into ashes even seeing the smallest direct or indirect interaction between Munhee and Sehun. Sometimes, one selfish part of his heart wanted to forget about everyone else's feelings, and just steal Munhee away from the world, keep her hidden only to him, so that he wouldn't have to go through this much emotional havoc. But he was unable to do so, God had to make him a man with such tangled mind, that he was unable to do anything but waiting for the doom to arrive.

At other hand, everything around him kept indicating him that Munhee might be wanting to go back to Sehun. Ever since this younger male's return, Munhee had always seemed worried and sad even. She seemed to be not eating well as there was large dark circles forming under her eyes, and she looked thinner day by day. And later, one incident had proved his assumptions fairly, that Munhee did still love her ex-lover, and she was just trying to stay with him so that she could fulfill her duty as the kids' supposed mother.

So, the other source he was talking about, it came at that evening where he was supposed to get back home early as per Munhee's request. Even though he had felt nauseatingly afraid of what she wanted to talk about, specially after the way she had kissed him on the cheek with numerous unreadable worried in her eyes, he was still going to go back home in time. After all, she had requested him to do so. How could he deny her request?  But before he could leave his office, an unexpected guest had visited him.



*Flashback starts* 


"Mr. Oh? What brings you here?" Despite feeling the immediate blood boiling with anger, jealousy and insecurity just seeing the form of this younger man, Baekhyun tried remaining professional.

"I have something to discuss with you. About Munhee." Sehun calmly stated.

Baekhyun gave the male a strong glance, before softly sighing. "Okay. Have a seat. And go on."  

"Thank you. So, I won't waste too much of your time, I will directly go to the main point. I guess, you already know I am Munhee's boyfriend- ex boyfriend. Right?" He asked while propping his elbows on the desk. 

"Yes. She has told me already. What about it?" Baekhyun asked with a void tone. But inside him, there was a tornado going on. He somehow could tell in advance which way this conversation might go. He was honestly so scared that he didn't want to talk with this male, he felt so inferior before him.

"We used to love each other a lot. We still do. So don't you think it's better for us to go back together? You know, before I left for the states, we had actually promised each other to wait for each other, and to get married immediately after I'd return. But we all know what had happened after that. And now she is just stuck in your house. She wants to restart her new life with me. We both still want to get married, but your marriage and your kids are stopping her like a boundary. Does she not deserve to be happy after serving your family for all this times? Don't you think life has more aspects stored for her instead of being your kids' babysitter or replacement mother for the rest of her life?"  The male waited for any reaction or protest from Baekhyun, but the older male only sat in an almost frozen and lost state there.  "Looks like you also agree with me, huh? So I will request you to think about her happiness for once. You should let her go." Sehun finished talking and waited for Baekhyun to speak up.

"I will, undoubtedly. I won't even question her or stop her once, if she herself would come to me and ask to be freed." Baekhyun murmured through his biled throat after a few moments of stoning silence.  "Since I don't know you personally, I can't merely trust on your words and leave my.. wife. It's her choice to make. So if she makes her choice, and chooses you, then... I'd gladly let her go." He tried to give an 'Okay' smile, but he doubted whether that looked like a smile at all or not.

Despite forcing himself to think and assume that Munhee still loved her ex boyfriend, sometimes one portion of his shameless heart would put up a fight against all his logics, and would tell him that she might actually have grown to have feelings for him. Even though it was utterly selfish of him to hope that his unpopular instinct would prove to be true- that it was actually him who resided in her heart;  he still hoped unwillingly. But he also knew, he himself wasn't capable of giving her the love which she deserved, so he would always push those instincts away, telling himself that it was just his greedy heart's imagination, that she didn't have any feelings towards him. However, all in all, he couldn't take Sehun's request in full consideration until she herself would tell him that she loved Sehun.

Sehun scoffed and lowly chuckled. "Really? After spending almost two years with her, you really think that Munhee would ever be selfish enough to ask for a divorce herself? C'mon, Mr. Byun. You and me, both of us know that Munhee is too kind and soft-hearted to do something cruel like this. Besides, she loves her sister's daughters too much, so she won't utter a single word from even if she's dying inwardly." And he didn't stop at that. He fished out an envelope from his suit's inner pocket, and handed it to Baekhyun. "Take a look at these pictures. I know it's morally wrong to take hidden pictures without permission, but I had to do this since I know Munhee would never accept the truth  in front of you that she still loves me and she still wants to be with me." 

Sehun's words hit Baekhyun with realization that Sehun was right. Baekhyun knew and had been worried about Munhee's too kind nature. He remembered complaining to himself and his friends that as much as heartwarming her soft nature was, it was equally worrisome- since she would always consider her own wellbeing at the last. Wasn't it due to her kind nature that she had sacrificed her own happiness to get tied with him in this marriage? Wasn't it her kindness and unbreakable patience that she had tolerated his every rude and thoughtless deeds, and still had forgiven him? Also because she wanted to be the mother to Miseo and Sarang, she had somehow accepted that the kids were her responsibility after her sister. And now, even though she was this close to find her happiness and love back again, she wasn't going to demand her freedom in any way, because she would again prefer others' feelings and wellbeing before her own. So Baekhyun found Sehun's points extremely logical and believable.

 And when he had torn the envelope with almost shaky hands, his heart stopped beating for a few moments. There were pictures undoubtedly, but he had no idea that a bunch of papers held the ability to inflect so much pain through his whole body.

Munhee and Sehun sitting on a table of what seemed like a cafe, Munhee holding Sehun's hands while crying, Sehun holding Munhee's face or wiping her tears, both of them hugging, Sehun kissing Munhee's temple, Sehun holding Munhee's hand, and lastly Sehun kissing Munhee through her car's window, these were all that those pictures had to offer.   Judging by the outfit she wore in the pictures, it was the day when she had told him she was meeting a friend, and apparently she had later told him that she had met Sehun at that day. Even so she had already told him about meeting this male, she definitely

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Thanks to all for this wonderful journey!
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35 streak #1
It's still and will always be my favorite story ❤️
njhjcw_lovejinam 11 streak #2
Chapter 1: I am here again to reread this beautiful story 🥰❤️
I’m back for round 3 I’ll never get over this feeling this fic gives😮‍💨
Chapter 78: im so saddd that this story has come to an end 😭😭😭😭 thankyou for this amazing and beautiful story thankyou and thankyou!!! both baekhyun and munhee growth so much they deserve so much happiness in their life after so much they have been through
Chapter 75: im not ready for the end.. 😭
Chapter 74: finally aaaaa
Chapter 68: new beginning for baekhyun and munhee!! im rooting for them!!
Chapter 67: CUTEE cant stop giggling
Chapter 64: yes baek go get munhee!!
Chapter 62: baek…. :///