
Heal me (Married to brother-in-law)
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(BEFORE READING THIS CHAPTER, YALL BETTER GO THROUGH THIS  'Heal me blog' to clear some MAJOR CONFUSION regarding the time span of this story!!!)


Also you can check the A/N because there's something fun (hope so)!!







Baekhyun thought of going out for a jog as it's been a long time he'd gone to one. As Munhee told him the other day, he's not getting any younger. So he should keep his physics on check. 


He woke up earlier than he usually does on weekends. After dressing in one of his tracksuits, he went for his morning jog.


After one hour of running, he went back towards his house. On his way back, he saw his neighbor slash friend Junmyeon, who seemed like he's also going out for some exercise. Both friends greeted each other as they met after a week or two.

"You're late for your usual exercise time." Baekhyun commented his friend.

"Yeah. Jisoo wasn't in good state in the early morning. So I had to stay with her." Junmyeon said with a hint of concern.

"Is she sick or something?" Baekhyun asked.

"Dude, sorry I almost forgot to tell you." Junmyeon rubbed his nape sheepishly.  "We're expecting." He said with a brightening grin.

Baekhyun's eyes widen for a bit, then his features contoured into a happy one as his friend has been telling him that he wanted his own children, that he envies him for having two blessings in his life.  "Congrats, man. I'm so happy for you." Baekhyun dived in for a congratulatory bro hug. And out of nowhere he's reminded of the time when he broke the news of Myunghee's pregnancy to Junmyeon. It was a pleasant memory but it leaves a pang in his heart.

"Thanks, man. But you stink." Junmyeon teased earning a harsh slap on his back from Baekhyun.

"I ran for one whole hour. What do you expect me to smell like? Flowers?" 

After breaking the hug Junmyeon laughed,  "It's okay, dude. Everyone can't smell like flowers after running and sweating if they aren't Kim Junmyeon." He gave him a proud but teasing smirk.

Baekhyun rolled his eyes, "Fine. Go then. I'm going home, gotta take a shower asap. And oh, if you need any advices from someone expert, I'm here." Baekhyun said pointing at himself proudly, an expert father of twins.


"Wait!! Hang in there just a minute, I'll be back!" Junmyeon stopped Baekhyun from leaving the territory of Junmyeon's house.

A few minutes later Junmyeon marched out of his house with a paper bag in his hands.

"What are these? More gifts from Japan?" Baekhyun joked.

"Not from Japan. But might be super useful for you and your wife. Jisoo wanted to give them last night, but she wasn't feeling good. So I promised her to deliver it myself." Junmyeon raised a brow at him while handing him the bag.

Baekhyun accepted it with a curious face and fumbled inside the bag. But his face fell the moment he viewed the items inside the bag. Pregnancy kits from five different companies. 

"Jun, if this is some kind of joke, then it's not funny." Baekhyun muttered, his eyes hardening.   

"No it's not a joke. Honestly, during the dinner in my house, I thought at some points that you were faking it with Munhee. But now, I'm taking back my wrong guess. I'm so happy for you." Junmyeon said before giving Baekhyun another hug. 

Baekhyun couldn't reciprocate the hug as his head was whirling way too much to put on some act. He stood there with his arms falling on his both sides, his face filled with shock and surprise. Thousands of questions running inside his head.

Junmyeon retreated and noticed Baekhyun's state,  "Oh! You have no idea about this yet? , did I spoil some huge surprise?" Junmyeon slapped his forehead. ", Munhee might be so eager to surprise you with the news! Dude, can you just pretend that you haven't even met me today?" Junmyeon scratched his head confusedly, "But Jisoo told me to deliver these kits to Munhee. Should I go and deliver it myself so that Munhee wouldn't know about you knowing this?" 

"No." Baekhyun spoke to stop Junmyeon even though his throat felt like it was closing up.  "Did Munhee told Jisoo that she wants to surprise me? And asked for these?" 

"Umm, well, as much as I could pick up from what Jisoo said, Munhee isn't sure herself. Jisoo was the one to suggest her to do this test." Junmyeon explained. 

"I...I'll talk to you later. I need to see Munhee, now."  Baekhyun muttered before walking towards his mansion's gate without bidding his friend a proper bye, the paper bag on the verge of crumbling in his tight fist. 

"Let me know if it's confirmed! Then we can go for a double celebration!"  Junmyeon called after him.






Munhee was restless the whole night. After the talk with Jisoo, she was somewhat more nervous. What if I'm really pregnant? 

She decided that she'd have to muster up her coward and go have a serious talk with Baekhyun. 

She knew it was kind of stupid to assume she was pregnant, but she shouldn't and couldn't be stay ignorant towards the symptoms. 

She couldn't talk to Baekhyun about this topic the previous night when he returned from office. Out of nervousness, she settled on only discussing the school names she'd selected for her babies. 

She also thought of holding it till she confirmed her doubts. She waited for Jisoo to bring her the pregnancy test kits she suggested her. But for some reason Jisoo didn't come back with the kits.

And now, it's killing Munhee to just do heck with it and go straight to talk with Baekhyun.  Munhee decided that she should end with this as soon as possible, especially when the kids are asleep because she didn't want to create a havoc in front of the kids anymore and she was certain that this discussion was going to be a disastrous havoc.

So she headed towards Baekhyun's bedroom the moment she woke up, but when does luck side with her? Never. So she found his room empty. But the laptop on the tabletop, his keys on the vanity table indicated that he hadn't gone somewhere far or for work purpose. 

She reckoned it would be best for her to do some laundry while waiting for Baekhyun. But he wasn't back when she was finished with the laundry work.  It was still early, as in nearly eight in the morning. Means it wasn't time to prepare breakfast because their weekends' breakfast time is usually later than workdays.

Munhee returned into Baekhyun's room and waited for him there. While sitting there inside the room she couldn't help but to remember that morning when she woke up on his bed, not to forget in half clothed state. 

Even though Baekhyun told her that nothing happened between them the previous night of that day, she'd been having doubt over him from the moment she realized she's been late in her menstrual cycle. After all she was too drunk to remember a thing from that night. 

If she's really pregnant, then she wouldn't know what to feel. Sure, pregnancy is the most anticipated phase in every female's life, but her life wasn't equitable with most of the married female's life in general. She can't just be happy if she ended up being pregnant by the man who loathes her, the man who is the love of her sister, the man who is the father of her nieces. Probably, she wouldn't even be able to look at her child without feeling guilty towards Myung

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OMFG look at that "Completed" sign!! :")
Thanks to all for this wonderful journey!
Please give this story a lotta love even tho it has ended! ♥️♥️♥️


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36 streak #1
It's still and will always be my favorite story ❤️
njhjcw_lovejinam 12 streak #2
Chapter 1: I am here again to reread this beautiful story 🥰❤️
I’m back for round 3 I’ll never get over this feeling this fic gives😮‍💨
Chapter 78: im so saddd that this story has come to an end 😭😭😭😭 thankyou for this amazing and beautiful story thankyou and thankyou!!! both baekhyun and munhee growth so much they deserve so much happiness in their life after so much they have been through
Chapter 75: im not ready for the end.. 😭
Chapter 74: finally aaaaa
Chapter 68: new beginning for baekhyun and munhee!! im rooting for them!!
Chapter 67: CUTEE cant stop giggling
Chapter 64: yes baek go get munhee!!
Chapter 62: baek…. :///