
Heal me (Married to brother-in-law)
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(sort of  DOUBLE UPDATE for some of y'all! Make sure to not miss the previous chapter because there's fluff? Lol :D)           The next day......



"I will go!" Munhee whined at her friend, Mina. 

"I just don't get what's wrong with you two! At one hand, you're insisting on going with us to the orphanage when you're looking this unwell. And at other hand, your husband was trying to escape today as well to bring flowers for you, despite getting hurt while plucking flowers from the wilderness yesterday! Why are you two not taking care of yourselves and doing stubborn things on your own!" Mina huffed after giving out her motherly-lecture, looking very stressed at the mentioned issues. 

Apparently, Munhee hadn't been feeling that well, and had thrown up after the breakfast. When Mina rushed after her to check up on her, the girl got even more concerned for Munhee's health when she got to know that this wasn't the first time, Munhee had woken up in the middle of night and threw up a good amount back then as well.  

Munhee's continuous whining ceased when she heard her friend talking about Baekhyun. "He... what? Mina, I think you've misheard something. He told me that he had gotten those flowers from a garden! He bought those flowers from the owner himself!" Munhee explained based on the piece of information she knew.

Mina rolled her eyes, "Don't be so stupid, Mun. There's only one person who owns a garden here in this town, and that man never sells his flowers! He grows them only because his wife loves flowers." She let Munhee know. "And for your information, last night, I overheard Baekhyun oppa gushing about how happy he was while showing the guys his treated elbow. He looked like a lovestruck guy, dreamily talking about how you still care for him and how you had personally treated his wound. And later, Chanyeol had told me that the wound was from the morning when he accidentally tripped while plucking out flowers for you."  

Munhee went mum for a moment, mixture of worry, annoyance and embarrassment engulfed her. "W-Why would he go to a place like that just for bringing me flowers!" She distractedly mumbled to herself. Now that she got to know this side of the story, she could connect the dots as to why he had looked so nervous while talking about the wound and flowers yesterday.

"From what I've heard, he had first approached the garden's owner. But after failing to persuade the man for selling some of the flowers to him, Baekhyun oppa didn't have any other choice but to go there." Mina rendered. 

"He's such an idiot. He even lied to me!" Munhee sighed. What annoyed her even more, was how her heart jumped at the thought of him and his antics. Not that it was something new, she had faced the struggles to endure the wild beats of her heart for this man for a long time already. But at this phase of life, the betrayal traits of her heart just wasn't acceptable to her.

"I think he didn't want you to feel bad about his wound? Or maybe he didn't want you to pity him?" Mina offered.

Munhee didn't admit it aloud, but knowing the male, she knew her friend's guesses might be correct. "Let him do whatever he wants. It's just a matter of time and he'd go back. He'd.... give up on me." She bitterly murmured. "Anyway, back to where we were at, I will go with you guys! Please! What will I do staying back here all alone? Even the elders have returned back to the city! I will get bored if I stay here!" She restarted her coaxing mission.

"Mun, why don't you just stay back with Baekhyun oppa here? I know I shouldn't speak in your personal matter, but I really think you two need to spend some time together and try to talk out your issues. He really looks like he wants you back and... it's quite obvious that he is head over heels for you. So stay back, take some rest and give each other some time. What if things get better between you two?" Mina tentatively offered, since she knew Munhee was still a bit sensitive about the said man. 

"I've come here to do what I like to do, so let me do it, please! And I don't want to talk to him. There's no possibility of things getting better in us. I am going to get changed now. Wait for me outside." Munhee uttered with a void face and got off her bed, already taking her clothes to enter the washroom. Leaving Mina with no choice but agree to bring her to the orphanage with them. 





Baekhyun impatiently paced from left to right, out of Munhee's room while waiting for Mina to come out. He had been waiting here from since Munhee had rushed away from the dining area, he wanted to be the one to directly check up on her, but Mina had insisted that she should go first. The sound of her throwing up in the washroom was wrenching his heart and mind with worry and something more. "How's she? Should we take her to the hospital? Did she say how she's feeling or why she has thrown up?" He bombarded Mina with questions after questions as soon as she left the room.

"She didn't say anything. But she has told me that she had also thrown up in the middle of last night? And now she's being persistent on going to the orphanage with us. She won't listen to me when I suggested her to stay back and rest." Mina sighed tiredly. "She is now getting changed. Maybe you should do it too if you don't wanna get late!" Lastly suggesting the male, she left to do the same. 

Talking with Mina wasn't helpful in taming his worries about Munhee at all, but he still dragged his feet to get dressed to go out. Maybe he could attempt talking to her on their way. 



Baekhyun's hopes of talking with Munhee on their way towards the orphanage went down the drain, since Munhee sat shotgun beside Kyungsoo, saying that she felt stuffy and still slight nauseous to sit at the backseats. He couldn't help but ponder over some of his tummy-churning thoughts and assumptions as to why she was feeling this way. 'Don't reach onto any conclusion unless you make sure of it!' He strictly told himself, not wanting to go overboard with his thoughts being everywhere. 

Reaching their destination, a small orphanage, all of them unloaded the car off of the gifts and necessary stuffs they'd brought with them, and got themselves introduced with the kids living there. Seeing Munhee's face contour in genuine happiness while meeting and talking with the kids - warmed Baekhyun's heart vastly. Momentarily, he let his worries stay calm and decided to not disturb her with anything while she was enjoying her time with those small innocent souls. 

But when Kyungsoo had declared that they were going to cook food for the kids, and Munhee volunteered to be his helping hand; Baekhyun couldn't help the waves of displeasure clashing through his heart. But he told himself that Kyungsoo seemed to be only friendly with Munhee, and the male was enough of a gentleman, so he shouldn't worry about Munhee. 

Yet, Baekhyun found himself sneaking off towards the kitchen before anyone noticed him. Since he was still worried about Munhee getting sicker than she already was. "Can I help?" He asked nervously, while eyeing Kyungsoo and Munhee with hope.  

"Of course!" Was Kyungsoo's response, much to Baekhyun's delight.  

"We already have one extra pair of hands to help us, Kyungsoo!" Munhee pointed out, directing at one caretaker from the orphanage who had volunteered to cook with them. "So we don't need him!" She added, pointing a defensive finger at Baekhyun, her eyes slightly glaring at him with annoyance.

"I think we need him. You already look quite tired. Mina has told me that you're not feeling well since last night. So just let him help instead of you?" Kyungsoo mumbled while stirring the curry.

Baekhyun was torn between agreeing with the male and scowling at him for sounding so caring and soft with Munhee. He was sure he had never seen Kyungsoo talking this sweetly with any of the guys. Keeping the disturbing thoughts away for a while, he walked towards Munhee, gently snatching the tray of vegetables from her hands. "He's right. Let me do the work. You should rest for a while, Sweetheart. We don't want you to get ill." He softly murmured. His lips curled a bit at the corner in a small smile, when Munhee visibly sulked but stayed rooted beside him while he started peeling the vegetables with the peeler. "And you can stay here, if you wanna enjoy watching me flex my chopping skills." He wiggled his brows playfully while twirling the peeler in his fingers.

Munhee scoffed, "Says the one who messes up the whole kitchen while making a single cup of coffee!" She muttered under her breath. 

"People changes, Sweetheart. Time and situation can change one's habits. So have I. I've been cooking on my own, ever since you've left." Baekhyun told her with a sad smile. The topic of her leaving their house always brought back those painful memories, memories that he hoped never existed, it simply reminded him of the wrong decisions he had taken back then, and the havoc he had brought upon their lives. 

"No wonder you look like you've lost half of your weight!" Munhee's eyes widened when she realized she had spoken out quite loudly. 'Why can't you keep your mouth in control, Mun? Now he will again think that you care for him, that you've noticed him!' Her inner self scolded herself roughly at the slip of tongue.

Baekhyun's eyes twinkled hearing her, "Sweetheart, does that mean you've-" though he couldn't continue because within the next two or three seconds, he saw Munhee's face suddenly scrunching in a different way, one of her hands flew up to cover while her eyes widened in horror, and then she was again rushing out of the kitchen without giving anyone any chance to ask her what was happening to her.

"! I'll go after her!" Baekhyun yelled to Kyungsoo, leaving the vegetables and everything else, he started chasing after her, not wanting her to stay alone as it seemed like she was going throw up once again. "I'm coming in!" He hastily mumbled from outside of the washroom Munhee had stumbled in, and entered inside. His heart sank witnessing her going through the struggle. So without wasting any time, he scooped her hairs for her , and soothingly patted her back in silence while she did her business. "You're okay?" He gently asked, while he helped her standing up and washing her face. 

After cleaning her face, Munhee tiredly swatted his hands away from her face and dragged her feet to the bed settled inside the room. Judging by the furniture and other surroundings, she guessed it was a bedroom for some of the kids. She was thankful that no one noticed her state, otherwise they would've been worried for her again. However, she didn't forget that one person did follow her till here. She did her best to ignore his existence, and put her whole concentration on herself, trying to reck her brain for a possible cause for her sudden upset stomach. 

"Baby, I think we should take you to the hospital." Baekhyun walked towards the single bed where Munhee was sitting tiredly, and suggested as calmly as he could. Inside him, one part of him was hell worried for her health, and another part of him was going through a storm of unbounded nervousness mixed with unexplainable anticipation. There was pages of calculations going inside his head within mere seconds. 'What if... what if, she's... actually p-pregnant? Oh god! OH MY GOD!' He was a screaming mess inside, his heart pounding like loudest drums, making him almost shake involuntarily. 'But you can't be certain if you don't confirm it first!' the intellectual part of his brain reminded him.

"No! I don't need to go to hospital! I'm okay! It's probably nothing serious!" Munhee protested at the offer almost immediately. She plucked out a candy from her leggin's pocket, inwardly patting her back for bringing a few candies, the sweet treat would help her recover from the bitter taste in after throwing up. Tossing the candy in , she tiredly huffed and fell back on the mattress of the bed, burying her face into her hands, "What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I feeling this weak!" She groaned to herself, she didn't even care whether Baekhyun heard her or not. She just didn't like being sick. 

Baekhyun plopped down beside the lying girl's figure. Naturally, his fingers went to comb her hairs to give her a bit of relaxation. His head was still busy contemplating the most probable conclusion regarding her condition. It's been more than enough time after that night for her to physically start showing signs of being pregnant if she actually was. He was also certain that she wasn't on her period, since he knew her body gestures and moods when she'd be having that time of monthly cycle. And the way she had blatantly told him yesterday that she didn't need sanitary pads then, also could be an indication. And last but not the least, morning sickness. 'F-!' He couldn't even curse properly, be it inwardly, without feeling trembles of exhilarated excitement along with edginess he was getting just at the thought of them having a child.   

"Sweetheart, I... I think I know what's wrong with you." He breathed, feeling his throat closing up as he was already getting overwhelmed with all types of emotions flaring inside him. "Actually, it might not be something wrong?" He tentatively offered when he gained the girl's attention. 

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Munhee blinked, now freeing her face from the cage of her palms fully. 'Why does he look like he is the one throwing up since last night, and he's going to faint anytime?' she internally thought, eyeing him suspiciously. 

"I said, I might know the answer to your question. But before I can give you an answer, I need to test a few things. Just to get an accurate assumption!" He offered nervously. His heart squirming like a squirrel, he found it almost impossible to sit still at this point. 'Think, Byun Baekhyun! What are the most significant signs of pregnancy excluding the morning sickness?' He raked his brain over and over, trying to remember from his experience with Myunghee when she was pregnant with Miseo and Sarang. 

"Test?"  Munhee gave him a doubtful look now, she even sat up straight to watch him carefully. 

"Yes, test. Try to answer accurately and don't hide anything, okay?" He urged. Inwardly, he huffed in exhaustion as he managed to pile up the most significant signs. 'Nausea, fatigue, mood swings, frequent urination, sore or sensitive s, etcetera.'  

"Okay..." Munhee dumbly nodded, she didn't even know why was she listening to his bullting. 

"Okay, good. So, first of all, you're not on your period, right?" Baekhyun started with the obvious and easiest one. "Baby, trust me, and just keep answering what I ask, hmm?" He had to add as the girl was giving him weird looks.

Munhee rolled her eyes but answered anyway. "No, I'm not on my period." For some reasons, she trusted him like he asked her to. She probably would've trusted him even if he didn't ask her to do so, but she wasn't going to be vocal about this anyway.  

"Hmm, figured so. Next, you're feeling nauseous and tired?" He then asked, his nervous yet anticipated eyes tracing her features while he waited for her answers.

Munhee didn't need to think much to answer this, as she was definitely feeling the both. And she might now know why she was feeling so. But she waited albeit curiously to know what Doctor Byun Baekhyun was trying to conjure up here. "Yes." she answered while nodding tiredly, a small pout graced on her lips unknowingly.

Baekhyun stopped for a moment, softly Awww-ing at her, of course, earning an irritated look from the girl. So he sighed and continued, "Are you going through extreme mood swings? That even, very suddenly?"  

"Umm, yes?" Munhee replied. Of course, she had been going through extreme case of mood swings ever since this very male had came here. She had never been through such intense inward push-and-pull of emotions before this phase of her life. Not even when she was struggling with her newfound feelings towards her husband and was feeling guilty towards her sister for loving the man who was once her husband. 

Baekhyun had to exhale shakily at this point, he could feel his palms sweating even in this cold weather, while his heart was probably this close to bounce out of his mouth. "Okay, how many times have you used the washroom today? I mean, for uhh.. peeing?" He laid down the next question.

"Excuse me?" Munhee was baffled at his query. Was he playing any prank with her? What kind of question was this? How could throwing up and using washroom for natural business even be related? 

"Mun, just... Please, just answer, okay? I swear, I'm not kidding with you!" Baekhyun defended himself without having her to say anything loudly. He was this close to beg her to answer him all the questions properly. "Please!" He even whined, the nervousness and anticipation inside him growing up more and more by the end of every question from him and every positive answer from her. 

"Why am I even talking to you!" She only huffed and pushed him on his chest without any particular reason before climbing off the bed. She found it really embarrassing to answer his stupid questions, even though he looked like his life depended on her answers. Though before she could take more than two steps towards the door to the room they were at, the male's hand was already on her wrist, stopping her from leaving.  

"Mun, p-please, don't be like this. It's really important for both of us to know! Please, Baby!" Baekhyun now relied on a pleading voice. Feeling her stop, he again exhaled roughly before gently turning her around so that she would be facing his seated form. When he noticed her slightly flushed face, along with the hint of annoyance, he did something reckless again. Reckless as in, wrapping his arms around her waist while he buried his face into her tummy. That had earned him a surprised gasp from the girl herself. "I know I am asking some weird- questions, but....this is the fastest way for now. I... I am going to hide my face here so that you won't have to see my face and feel awkward while answering them." He muffled from his hidden place. 

Munhee managed to shut her agaped mouth after many attempts, she was kind of frozen in her spot at the male's actions, she didn't even know where to rest her hands at - it was slightly tempting her to rest her fingers in depth of his healthy hair, but she didn't do it, of course. She let her hands wait in midair, awkwardly. That silly organ residing in her chest was getting too thrilled at the unique way of intimacy that was formed between them. She involuntarily shivered when Baekhyun spoke, she could feel the movements of his lips on her abdomen, and it would be a lie if she said that one hopeless part of her didn't like it.

She forced herself to break from the trance and finally attempted to push onto his shoulders, so that he would let her go. But the male was persistent, he merely buried his face into her tummy even more, if possible. "I just don't get it, what are you trying to do with such weird questions! Fine, if that makes you happy, I have used the washroom for three or four times since morning!" She lastly almost yelled in frustration, her face blazed with heat. "Now, let me go! Ugh!" Then she started hitting his shoulders, wanting to be freed from the warm cage of his arms, wanting to be away from his warm body so that she won't start feeling greedy for him again. 

Baekhyun winced and freed her abdomen, already missing her warmth and sweet fragrance. But he needed to finish his query too, so he concentrated on it. "Okay, stop! One last question! Are your... uhh s sore? Are they sensitive to touch or any pressure?" he threw the last question to her. 

Munhee's eyes almost bulged out from their sockets this time, "What the heck, Byun Baekhyun? Why would you ask such -"

"Wait! Before you conclude something else, I'd like to clear that it's not any ert question! So, if you could answer me without delaying?" Baekhyun interrupted her before she could accuse him of being a ert for the second time in span of twenty four hours. "Hurry up, B-Baby!" He even stood up from the bed, as it wasn't possible for him to stay seated anymore. If this answer would be positive as well, then it would take them just one step away from the conclusion. The mere thought was making him giddy as well as nervous.

"How would I know whether t-they are sensitive or not!" Munhee gulped and tried to answer without stuttering like a stupidly blushing teenager. Her eyes were everywhere on the room but him.

"Oh!" Baekhyun scratched his nape while thinking of a immediate solution to this issue. Clearing his throat two times, he then offered the best solution that had appeared into his mind on that instant, "Here, let me help you!" Saying so, he reached his both hands towards her chest, palms and fingers ready to touch her there. "Umm may I?" He stopped and asked for her permission while wiggling his fingers as they faced her chest. 

Munhee broke away from the shock of his proposal when he had asked for her permission, she was burning from head to toe at this rate. What made her even more flustered was the way he himself looked nervous yet so innocent, whereas his hands were ready to do something devilish. She immediately came to enough sense to protect her chest by crossing her arms over them. She didn't care if she was overreacting, and it's not even like that it would be the first time he'd be touching her there, it was just that every single physical contact with him was messing up with her resolve, so she had to make sure he wouldn't be touching her in any way. "I swear, I'll break your fingers if you dare to touch m-my...!" She whisper-yelled. "And what in the earth are you trying to even do?" She asked with the last bit of patience she had with left in her system.   

Baekhyun sighed and raised his palms up in a surrendering gesture. "Cool down, Baby. Okay, I'm not gonna touch you uhh there. I was just..." He contemplated for a moment, but seeing her questioning gaze, he decided to just go with it, "Fine, I am just asking you these questions, because I t-think... you might be.. pregnant!"  

"What?" Munhee snapped at him without missing a beat. "Why would you think so?" She asked without any calmness present in her tone. 

"Isn't this obvious? You have most of the signs indicating pregnancy!"  Baekhyun laid his point before her.

It then struck Munhee right at the spot, and she could add dots by dots.  'So he asked those questions because he thinks I'm...'  Munhee exhaled through er nose, suddenly feeling even more weak. But this time, she knew it was emotional weakness than physical.  Pregnancy. A meaningful word that's supposed to bring boundless happiness and dreams with it; but whenever this word had visited her life, it always carried disasters on its back along with it.  She took a step away from Baekhyun, her lips started trembling without any prior notice. She could feel the bile raising through the space inside , yet she attempted to talk, more like give him clarification.  "It's not possible." 

Baekhyun took a careful step near her, noticing the immediate change in her features at the mention of that word. It didn't take him more than a few moments to realize that this topic must've been a sensitive one for her, and he didn't have anyone else but himself to blame for it.  "Mun, look, I k-know how you might be feeling to talk about this topic with me after... everything. But if my assumption is indeed right, then we have to talk, right? Try to understand, Baby, we have to visit a doctor as soon as possible. We can't take this matter lightly. Your health is the most important right now."  He bravely held her face, drawing slow circles while his eyes searched for hers intently.  "Are you listening to me? Mun, Baby? Please say something?"  He urged the silent girl with everything he could.

"Do you really think I am this selfish?"  Munhee finally opened , daring herself to meet with his eager and anxious eyes.  Her next instinct was to remove his hands from her face, so that she could create the needed distance between them.  "I would've been selfish if I'd only think about proving myself right in front of you, and not take any needed step to stop a... probable pregnancy. But what about that innocent baby?  Why would I allow myself to bring a life into this world, if I wouldn't be able to provide it with something basic like a father's love? How could I just bring it in my life when I knew it's father is going to h-hate it? That it's father would be reminded of nothing but... a night full of regrets whenever he would think about that so called child of his? I couldn't be selfish, Baekhyun. I... couldn't."  Despite feeling her voice break, she didn't stop. She let out everything that came into her heart and apparently .  "I did take some... emergency pills later that day."

Baekhyun stood there almost in an immovable state, listening those words coming from felt like someone was constantly stabbing his heart with a rustled knife. And he knew it had hurt her and had been hurting her thousand times deeper than what he was feeling at this moment. All he could do was to shake his head vigorously in denial as she kept uttering her assumptions, feeling his eyes sting at t

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OMFG look at that "Completed" sign!! :")
Thanks to all for this wonderful journey!
Please give this story a lotta love even tho it has ended! ♥️♥️♥️


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36 streak #1
It's still and will always be my favorite story ❤️
njhjcw_lovejinam 12 streak #2
Chapter 1: I am here again to reread this beautiful story 🥰❤️
I’m back for round 3 I’ll never get over this feeling this fic gives😮‍💨
Chapter 78: im so saddd that this story has come to an end 😭😭😭😭 thankyou for this amazing and beautiful story thankyou and thankyou!!! both baekhyun and munhee growth so much they deserve so much happiness in their life after so much they have been through
Chapter 75: im not ready for the end.. 😭
Chapter 74: finally aaaaa
Chapter 68: new beginning for baekhyun and munhee!! im rooting for them!!
Chapter 67: CUTEE cant stop giggling
Chapter 64: yes baek go get munhee!!
Chapter 62: baek…. :///