
Two Doors Down


ooOOooOOoh i wanna write the next chapt but i have to finish yoongi's incREDIBLY CLICHe backstory

im sorry. its so cliche arrgGGhhHhh *grumbles in some pirate language*

i found a picture of siwon and changmin as policemen hAAAAA here go

honestly as visualization i imagined them wearing the first pic's outfit without the gloves or hat

you guys can choose tho

happy reading >.<







Yoongi crumbled to the floor in shock, crawling towards his mother and shaking her shoulders. "Eomma. . . .E-Eomma please wake up. . . I don't want any more people to leave me. . . ."

His tears weren't falling, and rather made his vision blurry when he gasped from feeling the many wounds on his mother's skin.

"WHAT THE HELL!" his father shouted at Yoongi as he was being strained into handcuffs and led out the door. "BOY, DID YOU CALL THE COPS? HOW DARE YOU CALL THE COPS ON YOUR OWN FATHER? AIISH, YOU GODDAMN KID! I SWEAR I WILL KILL YOU WITH MY BARE HANDS ONE DAY, YOU HEAR ME? I WILL NEVER LET YOU SEE THE DAYL-" his voice was cut off when he was forced into the police car while Yoongi watched. 
  "Siwon, take him to the station. I'll handle the boy." An officer said.
  "Yeah, okay." Siwon turned to Yoongi and winked. "Don't worry kid, you're in good hands. Changmin will help you." He walked around the car and got inside before shutting the door, while Yoongi's father shouting meaningless aggravation to the air. The car sped away and Yoongi watched it disappear around the corner of the street, slumping to the ground as officials pulled up in front of the house and hustled inside, covering his mother's body with a white cloth after checking for statistics. 

Everyone was moving around him in a blur as Yoongi sat on the front steps and stared ahead.

He expected this. In the back of head somewhere, he knew that things would come down to something close to this, but the actual reality left him limp and blank from shock. After watching the countless times that his father grew impatient over his mother, he knew that there would be a breaking point someday where he would just explode. Yoongi wondered how long the tiring life would last - if the heavy air of suffering in his home would disband someday. 

He realized how a heavy weight of anxiety and fear had lifted in his chest; only to be replaced by emptiness and worry. What would he do now? His mother was gone. His father was gone. Jimin was gone. He didn't have other friends to call "close". And there was no way that he would stay at his freaky aunt's place.

Yoongi absentmindedly picked dandelions around him and plucked the petals, while hot tears flowed down his cheeks continuously. He never opened his mouth once - not a sob, a gasp, or a single sound had escaped his lips until Changmin crouched next to him and gave a reassuring smile.

"Hey. I know you're probably feeling hopeless and horrible right now, but don't worry. Everything will be okay." He patted his back. "Just remember that, okay? In the end, everything will be okay."

"Will there be a funeral?" Yoongi's voice came out deeper than usual.


"Will there be a funeral for my mother?"

"That's not up to me to decide."

Yoongi nodded while watching a few people loading the covered body into an ambulance. A hand coated in blood hung from the covering and disappeared when the door shut closed and the ambulance drove off after signaling to Changmin.

"Do you have any relatives to live with?"

There was no way that Yoongi would live with his aunt, who was the only other relative he knew. She was his father's sister, and was just as bad - if not worse - than him.  "No."

"We're probably going to have to bring you to an orphanage, then. Don't worry, there are lots of kids there your age. Plenty of friends to make. You'll to the same school too, so you don't have to worry about that. And-"

"How long will my father be in jail?"

Changmin looked at him with soft eyes. "It depends on the case, which people are classifying right now. Could be a year, or a lifetime. We'll have to see."

"This. . .this is a murder case, right?"

"Yes, yes it is." Changmin turned to him with a look of pity. "I'm sorry. Hey, why don't you tell me about yourself and what you saw? You don't have to if you don't want to, but you'll end up doing it sometime later any-"

"I can do it now."

"Are you sure?"

Yoongi hesitated before wiping his face and clearing his throat. "Y-yes. I'm afraid I'll forget later on."

"You're one tough kid. I'll be recording this, okay? I might have to send it to some people."


Changmin fiddled with his phone and nodded towards Yoongi, giving him a reassuring pat in the process. "What is your full name?"

"Min Yoongi."

"Are you related to the two people in the case?"

"Yes, Min Jaecheol and Min Yoorae. I'm their son."

"Do you promise, from here on, under the name of the law and moral, swear to speak only the truth?"


Changmin grimly hummed. "Do you know how this case began? Explain what happened, exactly."

Yoongi took a deep breath and clenched his fists before explaining the entire scene, from the moment he came home to when the police arrived.

"Did he hurt you too?" Changmin asked while noticing Yoongi's bruises and cuts.

"N-no. There were these people who jumped me before I came home."

Changmin clicked his tongue and stopped the recording. "Hey."

Yoongi looked up. "Do you want to grab a few things before we leave?"


"You can't stay home alone for the rest of your life, kid. Pack a few necessities and we'll be on our way." He cautiously ruffled Yoongi's hair. "You're handling everything surprisingly well. Let's stop by at a cafe then visit the orphanage, okay?"

Yoongi nodded and stood up, scurrying inside his home. He didn't spare a glance towards the stained spot in the living room and raced up the stairs, grabbing a small suitcase and shoving little items inside. A. couple of clothes, his toothbrush, MP3 player, photos of him and Jimin, and a Kumamon plush. He glanced on the mirror and was surprised to see his gaunt reflection glaring back at him.

His eyes were bloodshot and rimmed. Tear stains streaked his cheeks and a large bruise was sunken on his cheekbone, along with red scrapes and a cut along his nose. His skin resembled a corpse's since it was so pale, and his feathery black hair hung low over his eyes.

Yoongi forced himself to look away and bounded down the stairs and out the door, not looking back.


Changmin drove Yoongi to a small cafe, where he sipped a small hot chocolate and stared out the window.

It had cocoa brown walls and a strong smell of coffee lingering in the air, which made Yoongi's head spin even more than it already was. He sat next to Changmin at one of the tall stools at a counter and played with his fingers while Changmin began to speak.

"Look, I'm sorry that everything is piling onto you right now and you're probably feeling really horrible. If you need sometime alone or a pat on the back, just let me know, okay?"

Yoongi set down his hot chocolate, feeling queasy all of a sudden. "Do I have to stay at the orphanage tonight?" 

"Starting from today onward, yes. Who knows, maybe you can get adopted sometime soon, but that's only when you're comfortable enough." He wiped his mouth with a napkin and drummed his fingers on the table. "You're very calm for a kid in this sort of situation. Is something wrong?"

Yoongi looked away. "I uh, I was never really close with my parents. It's personal."

Changmin nodded and decided not to question anymore, and the two sat in silence until their cups were drained. Changmin thanked the barista and paid the bill while rising from his seat. "Shall we go?"

Yoongi hummed back in response and shivered in his tattered uniform. 

"Are you cold?"

"I'm fine."

"We'll be at the orphanage soon, okay? Don't worry."


When they reached the orphanage, a taut looking woman with vibrant purple lipstick greeted them at the entrance.

"Hello, officer. What may be the pleasure today?" She batted her eyelids and Yoongi gagged.

"This child," Changmin nudged him with a grin, "will be joining the lot starting from today."

"Oh," She noticed how beaten Yoongi looked and gasped. "Oh my, oh my, what happened to him?"

"A long story, ahjumma." Yoongi replied. He didn't like the tacky vibe he was getting from her.

"Goodness, is that blood?"

"My mother's blood." 

A sudden look of shock adorned the woman's face and Changmin awkwardly smiled. "We had a situation. . .let's explain the details inside, is that alright?"

"Yes . . .yes, come in." She squeaked when Yoongi brushed past her and and looked at her with blank eyes.

The entrance was large and wooden posts supported the high ceiling, revealing a staircase and doors on the second floor. Mounted paintings of children playing adorned the walls and two doors were wide open on both sides of the lobby, one leading to the kitchen and the other leading to a mess hall. Although no one else was in sight besides the secretary at the front counter, Yoongi could hear faint giggles and yells coming from inside.

"Come Yoongi, follow me." The secretary led him up the stairs and into one door, which was the same room that the other doors connected to, apparently. (Besides the bathrooms) It was one large room full of bunk beds and boys scrambling around. There were kids of all age, Yoongi realized - boys from about five to seventeen were scattered around the room attending to their own business. Only a few looked up and noticed Yoongi, some waving, some staring, and others frowning.

"As you can see, it's an all boys school. Over there -" she pointed to an empty bottom bunk against the wall, "is your bed. Have fun, settling in, okay? Let me know if the boys don't treat you well."

Yoongi murmured a thanks and walked over to the bed while setting his suitcase down as a few kids glanced over.

"You new?" a boy his age popped his head down from the top bunk and swung in front of Yoongi, who nodded after hissing.

"You look horrible. Go take a shower. Any door on the right." He swung back up to rest on his bed and went back to reading a manga.

Yoongi rubbed his eyes and sat down, looking at the kids around him.

 This was a new life. Min Yoongi was lucky enough to be given the chance to start over, and realized that he should make the best of this opportunity. Maybe he could actually make a couple of friends to keep close.

 Yoongi decided that he would try to forget everything that had happened to him until now; every fight he lost, every insult hurled towards him, even the sunshine that ended up leaving him one day. He wanted to start anew as a greater person. Maybe then he could make some friends, do well in school, and begin to live a good life and hold his dreams in victory. 

 As he unpacked his suitcase, he scanned for any items that would remind him of any hardships he had to face and broke a piece of him at one point. He rose from the bed while carrying a fresh set of clothes and a bundle of something else, and set on his journey to the bathroom for a nice shower.

Yoongi glanced at the stack of pictures of him and Jimin clutched in his hands before exiting the door. He shook his head then sighed, trying to burn memories of a certain boy from his mind. Yoongi tossed them in the trash without a second glance.













heuu that was long

here ya go again cuz why not:

here ya go again cuz why not:


i guess you can kinda see how yoongi didnt recognize jimin now he tried to erASE HIM FROM HIS MEMORY :D

i guess you can kinda see how yoongi didnt recognize jimin now he tried to erASE HIM FROM HIS MEMORY :D

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K-PopLover1001 #1
Chapter 28: What's with that Author's Note? lolz Anyway Author-nim I really enjoy this story and I'm glad you updated after a long while (I literally thought you forgot about it ASHBXWJBSJBA TYPOS) Lol I'm talking to much
Your Fellow Reader
WTF is this even?
Does that sentence make sense?
Lolz bye
Bananana_ #2
Chapter 27: I soooooooo love this! Looking forward to the next chapter!
Aimz19 #4
Chapter 27: damn
you really gotta end at that sentence?
Chapter 26: Yes i love yes thank you :D ♡♡ fabuuuulous
ezinexx #6
Chapter 26: I love this story so far
Chapter 23: i freaking need an update.. update soon i really love your story
saiminxiumon #8
Chapter 23: Please update soon!! Isn't Baekhyun the one that bullied Yoongi as a kid or was that someone else? Anyway what relationship between the two?
Chapter 22: You you you you you! How did you even write this? So much emotions ♡.♡
I would've given you a bigggg hug if you were here right now. This is beautiful <3