Jamming to the Grave

Two Doors Down

Jimin shifted uncomfortably in his seat, feeling Seokjin's knee knock into his and Baekhyun's elbow jabbing into his side. Why he agreed to sit in the backseat between the two, he didn't know, but the view of Yoongi's head he got as he sat shotgun was swell indeed.

He wouldn't call it. . .staring exactly. . .but he definitely did observe how the elder's dark roots were beginning to show (probably suggesting a new dye job), he had a mole planted lovingly between his neck and collarbone on the left side, and small silver hoops dangled from his ears. They were cute, he thought. It was like he was trying to look "dangerous". Jimin stifled a laugh when he glanced at the blond's thick rimmed glasses he barely squinted out of.

 He heard a groan from his right, followed by dramatic shifting and a whine. "Ugggggh, how much longer?" Baekhyun sighed for the umpteenth time, causing Seokjin to send him a stink eye.

"Almost. . . .here." The taxi driver smiled at Baekhyun, who had his face smooshed against the glass window.

"Okay, let's go!"

The boys walked into the building after paying the driver, happily filing into the room Seokjin had booked before they left. Jimin twirled around to gape at the flashing colors chaotically dancing on the walls. "Oh my god, they have blingy lights."

"Blingy lights?"

"Yeah, the colorful ones that go 'bling bling.'" Jimin spun around, smiling at the room before flopping on the couch. He stretched before grabbing the remote sitting on a small table in front of him.

" 'Kay, how does this thing work. . ." Yoongi leaned in front of the screen and pushed random buttons. Suddenly, Re-Bye by Akdong Musician blared from the speakers, sending Yoongi flying onto his with a squeak.

Baekhyun sprang from his seat and shoved a mic into Jin's chest while taking one for himself. "Yes! I'll be Soohyun, you're Chanhyuk, okay?"

"You want me to rap?!"

"If you're saying you then I don't mind you being the girl-"

Seokjin snatched the mic and scoffed before Baekhyun could speak any further. "Boy, I rap so good, I rap like an angel!"

"Angels sing."

"Then i'm an angel. A badass angel." He snapped his fingers above the boy and took care of his part in the song, leaving Baekhyun to pout from the corner.

"Aissh. Whatever, the first song is always the awkwardest one, anyway." Baekhyun leisurely yawned, then suddenly smirked. "Hey guys, wanna order some beer?"

Yoongi scrunched his face from the couch, not taking his eyes off the screen as he flipped through songs, much to Seokjin's protest. "Are you even legal?"

"Of course I'm legal, what did you expect? Besides, I'll be fine since my uncle usually let's me drink whenever I go over. He believes that I'm a responsible adult."

"What a joke. I don't get why people like that stuff. It smells like a weird old liquidized bread and tastes horrible, unlike. . . strawberry yogurt! You see, now there's something that you can drink and be perfectly happy with even if you had to drink it during every single meal for a month-"

"Kay, I'm gonna get three beers and some food for you puppies. And yes, all three beers are mine~"

"Hyung, you won't get drunk, will you?" Jimin sat on the carpeted floor and watched the songs on the screen flip by. His pea coat was shed somewhere to reveal his beige sweater, which snugly hugged his shoulders and accented his warm brown locks. Yoongi secretly thought he looked like a teddy bear.

Baekhyun smiled with pure mischief. "What, did you think I was a weak drinker?"




He was a weak drinker. [A/N: oh that cliche transitioning thing ppl do oh km I just did it oh nu]

Fifteen songs later, the boys were a bumbling group of loose dumb dumbs wailing any song by Big Bang or Girl's Generation they could find. A few muddled attempts of Justin Bieber songs squeezed through, but some secrets should be kept as secrets.

For instance, drunk Baekhyun.

The blond giggled; leaning in with his hands squashing his cheeks together, which were flushed a deep pink. "I can't feel my face. . .yah, Puppy, is my nose still there? I. . .really l-like my nose." He hiccuped, and Jimin assured him that his nose was perfectly intact and doing great. Suddenly he slammed his head against the table. "Ugh I wish Channie was heeere, can I go call Channie? No. No, he can't see me wearing these ugly clothes. Yah, Pinky," He slurred with a hand extended in Seokjin's direction, who glanced at him with dagger eyes. "Gimme your jacket, I wanna wear it. I'll look pretty, right? Gimme some of your lip gloss, too, I never wore lip gloss before I wanna wear makeup gimme gimme-" His grabby hands were swatted down, making him whine and cross his arms. Seokjin inwardly laughed at how he resembled a golden retriever puppy. 

"But reeeaally, I wanna see Channie I'm not gonna leave until Channie's here I wanna tell him something I wanna. . .heY PINKY CAN YOU BRING CHANNIE HERE I WANNA TALK TO EM I NEED TO. . .I need to. . .oh, my face,  someone hold me-" He fell off the couch and slumped into Jimin's shoulder, where he groaned and fiercely clutched his head.

Yoongi glanced at his hyung with mild disgust. "It's only 7:30 and he's drunk? What is this kid, seriously. YAH BYUN BAEKHYUN!" He rolled his eyes when he didn't get a response from the elder, who was trying to focus on his fingers while Jimin awkwardly wriggled under his weight. "BAEKHYUN!"

"thaT'S HYUNG TO YOU, PUNK!" He squinted at Yoongi's super-judgy-bish-face. "what, whAT, WHAT?! What's that face. Are you. . .yah are you staring me down? This punk, who does he think he WHAT DO YOU WANT, KID, YOU WANNA GO? WELL LET'S GO, KID, FIGHT ME-"

"Do you want me to call Chanyeol for you?"

The elder gasped. "Chanyeol's here?" His eyes sparkled and he stupidly craned his neck around to look for the tall male.

"I'll call him for you. Give me your phone."


Yoongi hovered an open hand in front of him with exasperation. He honestly looked up to his hyung, but drunk Baekhyun was just as agitating as he remembered.  Jimin softly giggled when Baekhyun continued to his head. "Phone."

"Ph-phone? What phone? Why do you want my phone?"

"Ugh." Yoongi snatched his hyung's phone from his back pocket before he could swat him away, and scrolled through his contacts to hit call for 'Yoda <3'. He inwardly gagged. Immediately, a deep voice spoke through the phone.


"Yeah, is this Chanyeol? So I have Baekhyun here and he's drunk and he won't leave this place until he sees you so can you come pick him up?"

"I'm sorry, who is this? Baekhyun is drunk?"

"I'm that friend of his, you know, Min Yoongi? Probably heard of me. I heard loads about you, Mr.Chanyeol. Baekhyun tends to ramble." 

 Yoongi heard some shuffling before the other responded. "You didn't. . . do anything to him, did you?" Yoongi heard the edge in his voice loud and clear. Yikes. He mentally puked at the words, laughing into the receiver with an equal amount of horror.

"That's hilarious. We're at the karaoke place near the university. The one near the dance studio?"

"Um. Okay. I'll be there soon."

"Alright then. Bye." He ended the call and turned to his hyung. "Do we have to drag you outside, or. . .?"

  "Yoongi, don't worry, I got him. I have to leave, anyway." Seokjin stood to put on his jacket, tossing Baekhyun's to its owner. The owner who was currently carressing the TV screen and muttering things that the others would rather not hear. "I'm taking this, though." Seokjin snatched up the ddeokbokki that the blond ordered before and held it close to his side. "Baekhyun, let's go."

"But I don't wanna get uuuup and I can't feel my legs. . .omo I see stars, oh stars. . .stars. . .they're sparkly. . .sta-"

"Chanyeol's outside."

"Ch-chanyeol? Okay, I'm," Baekhyun forced himself upright, swayed in his spot, and trudged his way to Seokjin's side with Jimin's help. "C-coming. Let's go! Let's gO oh, wait. Wait, YOONGI!" He suddenly swiveled around, startling the others in the room. "YOU BETTER TEXT ME NOW, HUH, YOU LITTLE MAGGOT?! PUPPY, YOU TOO! OKAY? IF YOU NEED TO COMPLAIN ABOUT YOONG- ANYTIME JUST COME TO ME, OKAY? mAMA. . .whooH," he giggled as he clutched his head. "MAMA BYUN IS CHEERING YOU ON! G-GET EM, PUPPY! gET THAT YOONG- AND YOU SHOW HIM, Show him how we really. . .BYE EVERYONE, BYE OH, oh, my head, owwie. LET'S GO SEE CHANNIEEE!" His voice echoed in the hallway outside as Seojin dragged him out the door.

Yoongi coughed. He was alone in the karaoke room with three empty beer bottles, a ravaged tray that once held cheese sticks, a sock Baekhyun left behind, and a happy looking Jimin. The sock, he didn't care about. Jimin on the other hand. . .

"Hyung, do you want to sing one more song and then go? Pleeeease?"

 "You didn't think I'd let you leave before hearing you properly sing, did you?" He smiled as he tossed the remote to Jimin. "Your pick."

"We. . .are we doing the other plans today? Visiting your parents. . ."

"Oh." Yoongi nodded his head, then looked up with softened eyes. "If you're okay with going today, then yeah. They close late, anyway. We can go after this song."

 "Okay. . . .I picked."

  Yoongi watched as Jimin rose from his seat, switching his weight between his feet and smiling to himself when the beginning of 'If You' by Big Bang began to play.

 "Really? If You?"

 "Well. . ." Jimin scratched the back of his neck as the guitar in the began continued to strum. "This song came out right after I moved. We never got to listen to it together, did we?" He took a deep breath, and his tender voice pulled notes together to weave a soft blanket. "Geunyeoga tteonagayo," 

 Yoongi gingerly watched as he curled into himself.

"Naneun amugeosdo hal su eopseoyo," A sad smile. "Sarangi tteonagayo. . .Naneun babocheoreom meonghani seoissneyo."  He immediately handed another mic to Yoongi, who looked at him in panic before hastily trying to sing his part.

 "Uh. . .Meoreojineun geu dwismoseupmaneul baraboda," He cleared his throat, disliking the way that his voice sounded buzzy and monotone compared to Jimin's. "ageun jeomi doeeo. . . sarajinda-ah," He snorted when his voice cracked at the end. So much for trying to impress his audience. "Sigani jinamyeon tto mudyeojilkka, Yet saenggagi na, Ni saenggagi na. Yeah-hhh!" Jimin laughed from his side when the blond's face scrunched up and his gums showed.

 "If you," Both of the voices rang clearly while they swayed their hands. Yoongi felt butterflies in his stomach, ones he tried to choke down with desperation. "If you,"

 "Ajik neomu neujji anhassdamyeon, Uri dasi doragal suneun eopseulkka. . ." And that's where Yoongi stopped to watch Jimin, who gave him a concerned look but continued nonetheless, and didn't seem to notice a light blush creeping up his cheeks. His voice was really cute. Like strawberry yogurt, Yoongi thought. A little tart, a little zingy, but sweet and creamy enough to feel like a warm hug. Young. His voice resonated youth in thousands of different colors. 

 And that was when the words of the song began to sink into Yoongi's mind. It was the story of a breakup, a little dramatic for his taste, but the lyrics held words of regret and sorrow he hoped Jimin didn't relate to. 

 The song then ended with an abrupt disclosure, and Yoongi gazed at Jimin for a few more moments before speaking. "You didn't choose that song on purpose, did you?"

 Another sad smile. It was one that made Yoongi's stomach do a back flip. "I kinda did."

"It's not about me, is it? Don't get all mushy on me, come on."

"Well," Jimin paused the autoplay and ran a hand through his hair. "There are some things that I regret from my childhood. When I moved, Hyung, I began to think that I never protected you well enough. Sure, I was there whenever you called. . .but it didn't feel like it was ever enough. It never was enough. And it became this sinking feeling that always stayed with me, I guess. I wanted to do more for you, and I wanted to make sure that you could smile without my help, but I never got the chance after I moved. I. . .I would ask if you could give me that chance now, but. . .that's up to you."

"Give you another chance?"

Jimin nodded. "Give me another chance. I was gone for some time, but I'm back now. Let me try again, Let me start ov-"

"What are you saying?"

Jimin looked up to see Yoongi's searching his own and felt his heart skip a beat. What was he trying to say? I want to always be there with you. I don't want to leave you even for a second, so I know that you're always happy. I want to be someone special - someone who you always give your attention to, someone who you'd never, ever forget.

Jimin contemplated for a few more seconds before deciding that his thoughts were too selfish. He wanted to say all of those things but he couldn't pinpoint exactly why. Suddenly an idea raced to his head, but he fearfully shooed it away. He couldn't deal with that sort of thinking; he didn't want Yoongi to push him away.

"What do you mean, another chance? You helped me throughout the toughest part of my life. And look at me now, I made friends and I can smile perfectly well. Don't worry, okay?" Yoongi gazed at the younger some more before turning to grab his coat. "You wanna go now? It's getting late."

"Uh, yeah. Okay." That's not what I was trying to say, he thought. I don't even know what I'm thinking.

He followed Yoongi out the door and into the cold night, but was pulled back behind a bush when the blond spotted Seokjin and Baekhyun waiting a few meters away.

"Zip your coat," Seokjin was saying to a lolligaging Baekhyun.


"You're going to catch a cold, now zip your coat. I don't want to get sick when you sneeze all over me during work tomorrow. What will Boss say?"

"Ugh." The shorter male stomped his foot and swayed in his spot. "I don't need three moms! I already have Joonmyeonnie-Eomma-nim all up my back, okay?! He's always yelling at me here, and then complaining about me there, and blaming me whenever someone does something shady, and, wah." His rosy cheeks could be seen from a mile away, and the drunken smile he was giving Seokjin was endearingly terrifying. "You two should meet up and become ahjumma-buddies. Myeonnie-hyung can finally have a friend! I think it would be nice if you actually had a friend, too. Don't wanna die alone, now do we?"

Suddenly a tall male with blood red locks scampered down the sidewalk to halt in front of the two, bending on his knees and panting as if he ran five miles. "Baekhyun!"

"CHANYEOLLIEEEEE!!!!" Baekhyun swiveled around and swung his arms around Chanyeol's neck, snuggling his face into his shoulder. He was oblivious to the dark blush creeping up the taller male's face, and continued to giggle into the fabric. "Chanyeol, Chanyeol, Chanyeol let's go! I was in there, you see, that karaoke room, and I was singing and I really wanted you to be there why didn't you come I thought you'd come really quickly like 'yES, BAEKHYUN SSI' when I yelled your name, you know like a genie in those fairy tales? You're not a genie? Cause you're magical in my eyes, haha-"

"Who's this?" Chanyeol gestured to Seokjin, who bowed with a smile.

"I'm Kim Seokjin. I'm Baekhyun's work friend, at the cafe? He is one handful, this kid."

"Yeah, that sounds like him. Baekhyun,"

"No, it's pronounced 'Hyung'."


"No, say it with me. 'Hyung',"

"I told you, I'm not gonna call you that!"


"Aissh, come on. Get on my back. We have to hide you from Joonmyeon hyung, okay? He's gonna kill both of us if he sees you like this."

"Yaaaay!" The smaller hoisted himself over Chanyeol's back and wrapped his arms around his neck while his legs crossed at his abdomen. He leaned in to rest his head on his shoulder while facing his ear, slightly pulling on it and giggling. "I'm tired." He yawned and curled around the younger student more, if possible, and Chanyeol bowed to Seokjin.

"Thank you for taking care of him. Sorry."

"No, it's alright. I suffer by dealing with him at work anyway. But um. . .are you two dating?"

Jimin nudged Yoongi a bit over to hear more clearly. The bright blush following the shaky voice made Yoongi snort for being slightly intimidated by Chanyeol. Baekhyun was right when he called him a bean.

"N-no, we're not."

"Well, you should. Baekhyun needs someone to keep him in line. He's a cute kid, so keep him safe when you can. Well, goodnight then, Chanyeol-ssi."

"Oh, yeah, goodnight, Seokjin-ssi. I'll be on my way, then." Baekhyun murmured something inaudible which only Chanyeol seemed to hear, according to his reddening cheeks. With a final bow, the two strolled down the street before Seokjin caught a taxi and left.

Yoongi stretched beside Jimin. "Well, that was so disgustingly adorable that my eyes feel like they're melting. Are you ready for our trip?"

"Hmm?" Jimin looked at Yoongi with both concern and assurance, taking his thin, cold hand into his small, warm one. "Yeah. Let's go visit your parents."

Yoongi gave one final look to Jimin before they began to walk while shivering in the chilly air. "I'm glad you're coming with me. I don't think I would have been able to handle it on my own, to be honest."

"Of course, Hyung. I'll always be there when you need me. I promise. Sorry for the cheese, but I'm honest."

With a final squeeze of his hand, Yoongi tried to hide his smile and waved his arm for a taxi.



Wow okay


This was meant to be a short story but apparently my writing style is lengthy so this became an entire book hallelujah
I honestly didn't know how to continue this book and I still don't know how to end it since it wasn't planned whatsoever, so I'm seriously grateful to you guys who actually read my story and enjoy it

You guys are gosh dang terrific A plus I love you

I thoroughly planned out a Vkook story I'm gonna publish sometime, so please anticipate that!!! It's going to be better than this one since I have no idea what the heck I'm doing with this story

School is killing me
I'll probably have slow updates for now, but I'll try my best to publish as quick as I can!





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K-PopLover1001 #1
Chapter 28: What's with that Author's Note? lolz Anyway Author-nim I really enjoy this story and I'm glad you updated after a long while (I literally thought you forgot about it ASHBXWJBSJBA TYPOS) Lol I'm talking to much
Your Fellow Reader
WTF is this even?
Does that sentence make sense?
Lolz bye
Bananana_ #2
Chapter 27: I soooooooo love this! Looking forward to the next chapter!
Aimz19 #4
Chapter 27: damn
you really gotta end at that sentence?
Chapter 26: Yes i love yes thank you :D ♡♡ fabuuuulous
ezinexx #6
Chapter 26: I love this story so far
Chapter 23: i freaking need an update.. update soon i really love your story
saiminxiumon #8
Chapter 23: Please update soon!! Isn't Baekhyun the one that bullied Yoongi as a kid or was that someone else? Anyway what relationship between the two?
Chapter 22: You you you you you! How did you even write this? So much emotions ♡.♡
I would've given you a bigggg hug if you were here right now. This is beautiful <3