
Two Doors Down


  Jimin scooped up Mimi with one hand and pulled Yoongi out the door. The hallway buzzed with silence as Jimin entered his passcode and the door clicked open, guiding the elder inside while he smiled up at him. "Welcome, to my humble home."

 Despite his state, Yoongi scoffed. "What do you want me to do? Cry on your floor, or your couch, or something? I really don't want to be a burden for anyone, alright? I don't even know why I followed you here." He sniffed and rubbed his eyes.

Jimin pouted. "Hyunggie, you know me well enough to realize that I won't leave you alone." He pushed him to his room threw a blanket in his direction, wiggling his eyebrows before going to the kitchen. "Get comfy."


The younger sauntered off and tried to muffle his giggles by clamping a hand over his mouth. The cabinets flew open as he rummaged around for some vanilla green tea bags and hummed lightheartedly, trying to dispel his anxiousness . 



Meanwhile, Yoongi had wrapped the blanket around himself and was admiring Jimin's room, who apparently, was a hoarder.

  There were anime posters, books, and a bunch of movies thrown around the room. A lightsaber and sword hung on the wall, above the bed which was lazily made. An army of stuffed animals sat around a corner, as if they were having some sort of a party of gossiping behind Jimin's back. Hundreds of pictures of people covered one side of the wall, like some sort of wallpaper of pictures taken by a variety of cameras. 

  Yoongi paused to look at them, and gasped when he saw an entire portion filled with pictures of. . . . 


 They looked like subtle pictures; ones that the younger took without him realizing. In almost all of them , he looked morose, scared, or bored out of his mind, except for the single framed picture in the middle where he bared a gummy smile and had his arm wielding at the camera. 

Jimin's polaroid. 

 Sometimes when Yoongi would hang out with the boy, they would run off to someplace and Jimin would always have his Polaroid hanging around his neck. Snap! The ice cream parlor. Snap! The lake during summer. Snap! Jimin's backyard. He didn't realize how many pictures were taken of him, or how he always had that sad twinkle in his eye that never seemed to disappear. He'd always tried to prevent Jimin from snapping a shot of him.

"You kept every one of them," he heavily muttered, "and I threw them all away." 

 He glanced around once more; hyperaware of the bits and pieces scattered around that seemed so familiar. He wielded that lightsaber once when Jimin was teasing him about his legs. . . .and that Coney plush! Jimin would always hug that to sleep. . . .those mittens. . . . his first snapback. . .and the photo albums of his family. . . Yoongi paused to scan the books messily stacked on the wooden shelf, and paused when he came across a mint colored notebook. It was labeled, "Dear Yoongi".

Dear Yoongi? Was Jimin writing to him? He quickly snatched the book, worried what he would find among those pages. He flipped to the first page.



Dear Yoongi,

This is not a diary entry. I repeat, THIS IS NOT A DIARY ENTRY I AM NOT A LITTLE GIRL  :<

I moved in three days ago. I miss my old house, but I guess this place is cool, too. I hope you're okay. Don't miss me too much, ehhh? =DDDD

Yes, I am writing emojis. I like emojis. They're cute. Like yOUOUUUUuuuUUOU

I didn't tell you that.

I'm probably not going to send this, though. I'm sad. I wish you were here. Some people here think i'm annoying.  ._.

I'm not annoying, am I?

I miss you, hyung. I hope you're okay.

                         - Jiminnie


Yoongi quickly flipped the pages with a thumb. It looked like a diary - a bunch of little entries written to him. It warmed him to the heart, but it was also scary. Jimin, apparently, had been writing to him all of these years, and what had he done? Yoongi turned back to the beginning and read further into the entries.



 I hope I can see you again. I hope you don't forget me. Please don't forget me, Yoongi hyung. We made a promise, okay? I trust you. I want to trust you. 



but not as cute as you ^.^

I hope your parents aren't too harsh on you. . . .it would be nice if you could live peacefully

I hope we can meet again later

     - Chimichanga



My parents talk about you a lot. They think you were cute too '3'

oops that was a kissy face im sorry yoongi we're both guys forgive me

jk i'm not scratching that out   '33333'   

i miss you

im so bored.

   - Jiminy Cricket

(P.S. I wish we could watch more Disney movies together)



Remember how that mean guy at school called me fat?

I never believed it then, but I think i'm too chubby for my age. . . . 

Are we still young? I don't want to grow up. I want to eat chocolate everyday for the rest of my life. If I was there with you, then i'd be feeding you chocolate too, you thin little twig. EAT MORE FOOOOOD FOOD IS THE BESTEST THING THE WORLD HAS GIVEN US I LOVE FOOD 

but i think i'm fat.

- Chimchub




You know what i wanna do again? Play that sword game. But you kept poking me in the tummy and I kept rolling around

you're so mean, hyung  '^'

I'm waiting so I can poke you back. 


- Jimjam


12/ 10/09


but you're not going to read this anyway, so. . . 


Christmas is coming soon and I hope you have someone to celebrate with! I wish I could send you a present through the mail , though. Don't forget to wear gloves this year, remember to zip up your coat, and tell someone if you're feeling uncomfortable, okay?  And don't stand outside in the cold for so long that your nose gets runny and your ears burn. I know you hate that. I miss you.

 - Jiminim


Yoongi read through more entries; which were all blatant and mentioned stuff like getting stung by a bee, or breaking an arm, or getting the toilet clogged, until one caught his eye.




 I think i'm ugly. Sometimes I look in the mirror and I look too chubby, my nose looks squashed, and my eyes are too winky that I end up glaring at myself. People still think i'm annoying. One girl said I was cute, but she might have been lying. Am I annoying? Am I ugly? I started a diet, so I can't eat anything sugary or starchy. Eomma is worried, but it's okay. I'll be fine. I don't want her or Appa to know that i'm skipping lunch. Noona is away at college, and I feel lonely now. 

Sure, I have friends, but. . . .I don't know. . . we're not that close? I don't feel like I can tell them everything about me. I'm waiting for someone to come that I can trust. I wish it could be you. I miss you so much, hyung. I know, it's cheesy and everything and we're GUYS but I miss how we could tell each other every little thing and be okay, how we held each other when we were upset, how you'd closely pay attention to everything I said like I was older than I ever acted, and so many more things that keep me up at night wondering.

It's been four years, but I can't forget you. I think what we had was very different from what other kids have; I mean, how many times would someone get hurt like you did? Everything hurt you. And I felt so useless when I saw you with wounds on your skin; fresh ones that still caused you pain and old ones that chose to never fade away. I wish I could have done more to help you. 

You've been there with me practically our whole lives, and I could have done much more for you than hug you and pat your back. Don't tell me I did perfectly well, because I didn't. If I did, then why do I wake up in the middle of the night with images of you laying cold and lifeless on the ground; your skin paler than usual and flower petals fallen around you so peacefully? 

I'm so worried for you that it's eating me inside. Are you okay?  You're healthy, lively, and perfectly fine, right? It would kill me to know that you're struggling on your own, or worse than that. . . . please say strong. I don't want to lose you for good, hyung. I want to see you again. I want to make sure that you're okay. 

 - Jimin


Yoongi frowned at the letter, only remembering the other letter laying alone on his couch, sounding similar to the one he held in his hands. If this was in 2013, then he would have been. . . in high school. Studying hard along with friends from the orphanage, doing pretty well, actually. A strong sense of guilt crept over him as he read further entries, which reverted back to the simple "I got my arm stuck in a peanut butter jar and I think my life is doomed" style. 


Dear Yoongi hyung,


omg wait you're a turtle

ignore that please

I'm face palming at myself right now since i'm writing like you're reading this, again. I'm so excited. I made a friend at a concert, and he said that he's going to start the same college as me this year! His name is Kim Taehyung, and he has this adorable golden blond hair. I'm going to dye my hair orange. Like, a really nice orange. I hope my professors don't find it weird. I just hope i'm not alone or get lost around the place =/

soOOooooOOOo i'm studying vocals, so I can become a singer when i'm older. Remember how i'd sing for you when we were in our sleeping bags in my backyard, about to fall asleep? And then I would make you sing, and then I'd laugh because you sound horrible (yet your opera is on point how the heck does that work?????) 

I hope you're somewhere out there, about to start college, too. I hope you're just as nervous and excited as I am.

 - Chim chimney chim chimney chim chim che-roo


Yoongi laughed, because he knew that he was starting college that year, actually. And it was the same one that Jimin was going to. He clicked his tongue and carefully turned the page, but felt his smile wipe away and stomach clench when he began to read.

Dear Yoongi,

I saw you today.




I swear, with my very own eyes, that I saw you today. I'm not crazy. I saw you, you were there, you were at the same college I was going to! YOU.




You, Min Yoongi, with your dyed mint hair, standing near the fountain at the entrance with a some random people, was laughing and smiling. 

I don't know how long I stood there - just staring at you, trying to decipher whether it was really YOU or not, since it could have been someone else, but I knew better. That gummy smile didn't belong to just anyone. 

You look amazing. Breathtaking, even. You don't look as skinny as before, but you're thin enough that I wish I could hug you until you're completely covered. Your hair is. . .  the color is beautiful. Kinda weird, but it's really pretty. And you grew so well, I can't believe it. You look so cute, hyung. So cute. You changed a lot. 

Oh my god, Yoongi, I don't know what do to. Do I talk to you? Should I not talk to you? You looked kind of popular. I'm scared. What if you don't remember me? What if you forgot who I was? What if you remember, but you practically reject me to be with some of your other friends?  What if you don't like me anymore?

 I'm so confused, but i'm so relieved that you're OKAY, better than okay, even. I can finally breathe. But what about now? Do we meet up and drink coffee in cafes, like we promised? Will we become best friends again?  Or just friends? What if I never talk to you, and you never talk to me? Should I just let it go? No. I won't. 

We made a promise, remember? That we'll never forget each other, even if we grow old and have our own responsibilities and people to take care of. I don't know when I'll have the courage to talk to you, but I hope it's soon.

I hope you didn't forget me. I don't know what i'd do if you did.

 - Park Jimin

That was the last entry, Yoongi realized. Jimin had stopped writing in the book when he found him, even if it took them a year to actually speak to one another. Yoongi solemnly placed the book where he found it and sat on the bed while rubbing his face, trying to get his thoughts straight. He broke that promise. He broke the promise from the start, the very beginning of the tale of lost time between them. He tried to forget Jimin on purpose when Jimin seemed to try his best to remember everything about him and keep his memory alive. How. . . . .selfish.

For years, Yoongi roamed around while trying to burn every memory he shared with the younger. Every sleepover, ice cream cone, thunderstorm, star counted, photograph, lunch meal, hug, everything. He pushed everything away. But what about Jimin, who woke up from nightmares from thinking too much? He must have been frightened at the thought of Yoongi getting hurt and having no one to save him - and knowing Jimin, the boy must have been haunted by his thoughts which tended to sink too deep. 

 Yoongi's hair splayed out on the pillow as he heavily breathed, feeling a stinging feeling in his eyes once more when he curiously picked up the picture frame on the night stand and saw a young version of him and Jimin, with smiles as wide as an ocean, making a heart and laughing airily. His father was right. You couldn't run away from your past, no matter how hard you tried. His vision blurred again, and he mentally kicked himself for crying for the second time that night.




Thank you guys so much for the views and comments, they really mean a lot to me

gahhh i love you guys <3

oKAY SO IN CASE YALL DIDN'T KNOW WHERE THE "chim chimney chim chimney chim chim che-roo" thing came from, listen to Chim Chimney from Mary Poppins that ish is catchy as heck


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K-PopLover1001 #1
Chapter 28: What's with that Author's Note? lolz Anyway Author-nim I really enjoy this story and I'm glad you updated after a long while (I literally thought you forgot about it ASHBXWJBSJBA TYPOS) Lol I'm talking to much
Your Fellow Reader
WTF is this even?
Does that sentence make sense?
Lolz bye
Bananana_ #2
Chapter 27: I soooooooo love this! Looking forward to the next chapter!
Aimz19 #4
Chapter 27: damn
you really gotta end at that sentence?
Chapter 26: Yes i love yes thank you :D ♡♡ fabuuuulous
ezinexx #6
Chapter 26: I love this story so far
Chapter 23: i freaking need an update.. update soon i really love your story
saiminxiumon #8
Chapter 23: Please update soon!! Isn't Baekhyun the one that bullied Yoongi as a kid or was that someone else? Anyway what relationship between the two?
Chapter 22: You you you you you! How did you even write this? So much emotions ♡.♡
I would've given you a bigggg hug if you were here right now. This is beautiful <3