Thoughts of Fate

Two Doors Down

"Min Yoongi, it's your turn. Once again, we're calling Min Yoongi to share something with the crowd." The guy with the round glasses cheerfully spoke into the podium, then slipped off again with a warm smile.

The boys expectantly turned to Yoongi, who's eyes were firmly glued on the stage. The narrowed eyes and slight smirk indicated that he was ready - almost eager - to shred the stage to bits with words of fire; but this was a poetry cafe, not a rap battle. 

"Don't let your rage out there, 'kay?" Hoseok pointed his drink at him. "Suga has to wait for later."

"What, did you think I was stupid? Of course I know that. I'm not gonna go all out in a coffee shop in broad daylight." He stood up and flashed a gummy smile. "Okay. Wish me luck."

"It would be nice if you broke a leg!"

"Tae, I don't think that's how you say it."

Taehyung only waved his hands at Yoongi and Jungkook yelled words of encouragement as the blond casually walked up the small stage. 

Jimin, on the other hand, sat idle in his seat and thought back to what Yoongi had said.  ". . . there was this one thing I wrote to a friend. . . . . .I only remember it 'cause I wrote it so many times. I never got to give it to him, either." 

A friend. Could it have been him? Jimin didn't remember Yoongi having many friends as a child, but maybe he began to socialize more once he left. Well, yeah, he was been getting better considering his more frequent smiles and attentiveness. Yoongi could have made other friends when Jimin was gone, right?

 Jimin only stared into empty space deep in thought as Yoongi walked up to the stage and tapped the mic.

"Uh, yes hello. I'm Min Yoongi and uh," Yoongi cleared his throat and wiped his hands on his ripped jeans. "this poem was to my childhood best friend before he moved. I uh, I never got to give it to him, if that clears anything up. Not that it really matters."

Jimin's stomach did a flip. It matters, he thought, it really does matter. . .

Seokjin laughed from the side. "Jimin, you look like you're going to puke! Are you okay? Don't worry about Yoongi; he always finds a way to make a performance great."

"Childhood friend. Yoongi hyung wrote to his childhood friend, that's so cute! Everyone shut up!"

"Jungkookie, that's not how to speak to your hyu-"


Suddenly Jimin stood up.

The coffee Jimin drank seemed to have taken the wrong turn and he excused himself, though there were protests from the guys shortly after.

 Once he was out of sight from the table, the brown-haired boy stood in a dark and shady corner behind the stage, so he was watching Yoongi from a closer but a less exposing position. 

Okay Jiminhe thought while rubbing his eyes, pay attention. He watched Yoongi step closer to the podium and some people in the cafe watch him with interest, since it was the first teenaged boy reciting a poem that day. A teenaged boy with bleached hair, a beanie, a snug black shirt, and ripped jeans. Poetry could be pretty hard-core at this age.

"YEAH YOONGI YOU CAN DO THIS! DON'T FAIL, MAN! WE GOTCHU!" Hoseok was screaming from the table while Seokjin was trying to pulling him down. "YO WE LOVE YOU, OKAY? YOU'LL DO GREAT!

Yoongi took a deep breath and stared off into nowhere with hooded eyes. "Here we go." 

He smirked.

"A shadow; pure, inky, and drained of heart

Backed into corners by demons of scars

Bleeding with youth, pierced clean by an aimed dart

Softly screaming for help under the stars." 

He paused for a moment to remember what came next, then continued with a shaky breath.


"But something had hammered cracks in the walls

And reached fearfully to pull the shadow

It was freed from the blank and endless halls

And the monsters with weapons that followed


It shielded the shadow from the deep dark

And strung a necklace of life for its soul

It shared warmth and light from its glowing heart

And tenderly bandaged the deadly hole


And I realized how special sunshine was

Since the sunshine was nobody but you."




A quiet moment passed as Yoongi looked down and took a breath. During this time, Jimin recovered from his shock and scurried back to the table - tripping on his way and stumbling in his chair without glancing at anyone.

"Whoah." Jungkook muttered. He clapped, and the rest followed, and Yoongi returned to his seat while looking at the floor. 

"Hyung, that was amazing. That was- wow that was really nice. You were. . . . how old were you when you wrote this? Twelve?"

Seokjin turned to Jimin. "Yah, Jimin! You missed the whole thing! You were gone the entire time Yoongi was there - oh my god, who takes this long in the bathroom?" He looked at him in concern. "Are you okay?"

Jimin only felt his cheeks redden as he looked down into his hands. 

"Yoongi you should write more poetry! No wait, you're technically doing that since you write songs. . . ad raps. . . .wait that's why you're here anyway, right? Ha, of course that's why you're here! I can't believe you could like, write poetry and-" Jungkook rambled on and nudged Taehyung the whole time, who was only intent on watching Jimin.

Jimin looked up when feeling eyes on him and saw Taehyung mouthing words in his direction. 

"You okay?"

He nodded and tried to pull his gaze away and look elsewhere. However, that "elsewhere" happened to be none other than Min Yoongi. He stared at him firmly, wondering how Yoongi could remember that poem so clearly if he could remember Jimin's face. He wasn't hiding it, was he? It was driving Jimin crazy.

The others gushed and babbled and cookies were being tossed back and forth, but didn't notice when Yoongi subconsciously looked up from his drink and softly gasped. His hands fell to his sides.

Something hit him hard when he saw Jimin's stare - something so blank but so full of emotion. He's seen that look before somewhere; someone looked at him the exact same way before.

 Yoongi looked back at him and searched his face; every soft curve, the plush red lips, those concentrated eyes. He panicked at a memory slipping into his mind. Park Jimin. Park Jimin

The poem he just presented was for a boy named Park Jimin from seven years ago.

Now, even after all of those years of separation and longing  and moving on, the same Park Jimin was looking back at him. 

It was then that Yoongi suddenly remembered something that his childhood friend asked him a while ago, when they were still kids with high hopes. . . . .



"Hey Yoongi. Yoongs. Yoongi. Hyunggie." Jimin continued to poke Yoongi's cheeks while sitting in the grass of his wide backyard. The clouds busily floated along, and the Sun was gleaming in Yoongi's eyes. 


"Do you believe in fate?"

"Jimin what dramas are you watching now-"

"I'm just ASKING,"


Jimin laughed and scooted closer to the elder. "Yoongi? Tell me. Do you believe in fate?"

Yoongi thought for two seconds and snorted. "No."

"You don't?"

"What the heck, Jimin, no I don't. Fate is stupid. It just blinds people into believing that something is meant to happen when they're really just a bunch of coincidences that occur every so often. It's a small world, ya know." He sighed before continuing, "People sing about love having to do with fate and blah when they're actually just infested with hormones and are looking for something or someone to spend time with them keep them busy. So no, Jimin, I don't believe in fate."

Jimin had only muttered a small "oh" before plucking small flowers and placing them to the side; looking slightly crestfallen. 



Yoongi didn't believe in fate then, but as he looked into Jimin's warm brown eyes carrying so many secrets and wishes, a sudden pang made him think otherwise for once.

"Hello?" Hoseok waved a hand in Yoongi's face. "Yo, man, are you having a staring contest with Jimin? Hey, hello? Yah. Excuse me, Hobi speaking here. Yah, Yoongi hyung. Hyung. MIN YOONGI!"

Yoongi suddenly snapped out of his daze and a pinkish hue tinted his cheeks. "Sorry," he mumbled.

And then Jimin said something which made everyone their heads.

"Hello, Min Yoongi."





It's summer and i wrote a sonnet /heuuu/



just putting dat out there

also. . . . .if you don't love DAY6 yet, go listen to their music u will nOT REGRET IT

im so excited for the next few chapters yaaaayy

to my readers, ily > . <


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K-PopLover1001 #1
Chapter 28: What's with that Author's Note? lolz Anyway Author-nim I really enjoy this story and I'm glad you updated after a long while (I literally thought you forgot about it ASHBXWJBSJBA TYPOS) Lol I'm talking to much
Your Fellow Reader
WTF is this even?
Does that sentence make sense?
Lolz bye
Bananana_ #2
Chapter 27: I soooooooo love this! Looking forward to the next chapter!
Aimz19 #4
Chapter 27: damn
you really gotta end at that sentence?
Chapter 26: Yes i love yes thank you :D ♡♡ fabuuuulous
ezinexx #6
Chapter 26: I love this story so far
Chapter 23: i freaking need an update.. update soon i really love your story
saiminxiumon #8
Chapter 23: Please update soon!! Isn't Baekhyun the one that bullied Yoongi as a kid or was that someone else? Anyway what relationship between the two?
Chapter 22: You you you you you! How did you even write this? So much emotions ♡.♡
I would've given you a bigggg hug if you were here right now. This is beautiful <3