I'm Here

Two Doors Down

 Jimin lightheartedly sang to himself as he arranged some vanilla tea and homemade cookies on a tray, while Mimi watched from her corner on the couch. He brewed the tea with some of the pumpkin spice he found in the back of his pantry and the aroma was  warm and friendly enough for him to want to stop, drop, and curl into a blanket burrito. Maybe he'd do that to Yoongi. He smirked at the thought.

Mimi leaped from her seat when Jimin clutched the tray in his hands, and strutted in front of him to entere the bedroom first - her fluffy tail swishing back and forth in a mesmerizing way. Her peppy attitude contrasted her usual gruffness."Well, someone seems to like our guest today," Jimin giggled, but yelped when Mimi turned and hissed. "Yoongi hyung, i'm coming just give me a sec!"

  He didn't know what the elder was doing, but he definitely didn't want to leave him stuck in his bedroom with nothing but anime posters, stuffed animals, and drawers of underwear. Who knew what he would find? Oh nu, Jimin thought as he picked up his pace and waltzed into the room.

"Hyung, i'm back~"

  Jimin froze when he saw Yoongi splayed on his bed with a hand covered his eyes, silently crying. His hair fanned out in multiple directions and his other hand loosely held a picture frame. A tired sob escaped his glistening lips when the brunet realized what he walked into. Jimin in a breath. This wasn't supposed to happen. Well, not again, at least.

In a second, his eyes raked over his bookshelf and saw that his diary was indeed slanted and upside-down; a clear sign of someone snooping around.

"Hyung," He set down the tray on the nightstand and climbed next to the blond. "Hyung, I brought tea."

Yoongi was quivering when he slowly rose himself and pulled at his hair in frustration. Everything was driving him crazy. He felt the boiling sensation slightly retreat whenever another hot tear seeped out of his eyes, and his aggression reside whenever Jimin's tentative touch rested on his shoulder. Maybe that's why he let himself be enveloped in Jimin's arms and cry into his chest while gasping from the pleasant relief it gave him. "J-jimin."

Jimin smiled into his hair, where he rested his chin. "Yes?"


"Yes, hyung?" His thumbs brushed away the tears clumped together under the elder's eyes, who hiccuped occasionally. He liked how Yoongi's nose was pink and his cheeks were stained, how his eyes were puffy and innocent, and how he looked so lost and raw with the dazed look he wore. He was beautiful.

"I-i'm sorry." He looked up and locked eyes with the brunet, who shifted uncomfortably at the gaze. He wasn't used to cradling crying grown men. Or men in general.

"I'm sorry." He was barely whispering now, and Jimin felt a tugging sensation when he saw how unbound he was. "I'm s-sorry for having you drag me here, for m-making tea and everything, and h-having to sit through my stupid crying."

Jimin raised his eyebrows in response. "You went through my stuff."

Uh oh. Yoongi froze and his eyes held fear; what was he going to say? Was Jimin mad? What else would he have to endure? He hadn't felt so lost or under spotlight since the day his parents left him, and he didn't like the sensation at all. Not one bit. Even when he had to make the hard decisions of what field to pursue, whether he should get a licence or not, which apartment to rent, and how the freak he should do his god darn taxes, Yoongi has always had some sort of help to guide him through his choices.

He was alone this time.

"You read the diary, didn't you?" Jimin looked nervous.

"Didn't you say it wasn't a diary?"


"Uh, y-yeah. I did."

"What did you read?"

Yoongi took a breath and pulled away to look at his eyes. "Everything." He winced when he felt the hand on his shoulder tighten.

"So. . . you know. You know, right? You must have realized by now."

"Jimin. . . I knew for some time."

"How long, hyung?" His grip only tightened more when his eyebrows knit together, and his usual soft voice held an exasperated edge to it. "What do you mean, you knew for some time? Sure didn't look like it when you barely recognized me the first time you saw me. At your place, hyung. When I got the glass pieces stuck in my hand. You didn't recognize me for months on months and I knew it, and it was bugging me for the longest time, I swear . . . . how could you just, Hyung, do you even know how I felt when-"

"I tried to forget you."

Yoongi searched for some sort of reaction in Jimin's eyes, but only found confusion.


"I tried to forget you. I tried to forget your face, your voice, every moment we spent, everything-"

"Why?" Jimin still had the elder wrapped in his arms, but he ignored the proximity and stared hard at Yoongi. He wasn't making any sense. Why would he go and try to forget, after everything they've been through? "Why?"

"It was so. . . so I didn't have to think back and feel pained." He took a deep breath. "Things. . . . changed when you left, Jimin. So much changed."

"Like what?"

Yoongi began to tell him what happened that day he was walking back from school, cringing at how vivid each detail was becoming once one memory slipped into his mind. Pathetic, really, how quickly Yoongi's work of erasing his memories went to waste as he told the story detail by detail.

  Jimin's hold on him continued to secure itself as Yoongi told him about having to stay at the orphanage, how skinny he was getting day by day, how much he missed Jimin so much that it hurt, that he had decided to erase everything that happened and start anew. His voice cracked every few seconds when he felt Jimin's gaze on him concentrate with an expression he couldn't decipher. "I wanted to start over. I was selfish and cowardly, and I only ran away from everything, and i'm so sorry for breaking our promise. I don't even. . . I didn't even know what to do, and I thought i'd never see you again, Jimin. I missed you."

So that was it, Jimin thought. How. . .how did Yoongi go through all of that? "Your mother passed away? A few days after I left?"


"Hyung," He sniffed when he felt a prickly sensation in his eyes and his vision blurred.

"Don't cry, I already did enough of that tonight."

"Hyung, I'm sorry."

"What the hell, Park, none of that was your fault. NOTHING was your fault, it was all mine. I could have fixed things. And not just between me and my parents, but also us. I guess I never realized that we would actually end up seeing each other again . . ."

"It's a small world, isn't it? Crazy how we met again by accident, with all of that social media shiz floating around."

"Shut up, I bet you've been keeping tabs on me."

"Or maybe it's fate." Jimin wiggled his eyebrows, causing the elder to laugh.

"Maybe. Oh my god, Park Jimin is sitting right in front of me."

"Well no duh, turtle."

"But like," Yoongi's fingers squished Jimin's cheeks and smirked when the elder pouted. "you grew so much! Your baby fat is almost all gone, oh my god, you were like a chubby gummy bear when you were little, what the heck happened?"

"Poobuhdee. Lut go, please,"

Yoongi laughed.

"But what about you, hyung? You're like, ten times cuter now!" He gasped when he clamped a hand over his mouth.

"You called me cute."

"No I didn't."

"Yes you did. Why would it be such a big deal when yOU're the cutest one here?"

"Really? You think I'm cute?"

"No, you're ugly. The pOINT IS-" He pondered for a moment. "I don't know, I kind of don't care. God, I'm tired. Do you have any tissues?"

"Yeah, I do. Let me just go get them."

  Before he could fully get up, Yoongi held onto his wrist. "Hey, Jiminnie,"


"Let's go to a cafe tomorrow. For coffee, like old people do."

Jimin smiled in rememberance of the words of their promise. "Yeah, like old people."

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K-PopLover1001 #1
Chapter 28: What's with that Author's Note? lolz Anyway Author-nim I really enjoy this story and I'm glad you updated after a long while (I literally thought you forgot about it ASHBXWJBSJBA TYPOS) Lol I'm talking to much
Your Fellow Reader
WTF is this even?
Does that sentence make sense?
Lolz bye
Bananana_ #2
Chapter 27: I soooooooo love this! Looking forward to the next chapter!
Aimz19 #4
Chapter 27: damn
you really gotta end at that sentence?
Chapter 26: Yes i love yes thank you :D ♡♡ fabuuuulous
ezinexx #6
Chapter 26: I love this story so far
Chapter 23: i freaking need an update.. update soon i really love your story
saiminxiumon #8
Chapter 23: Please update soon!! Isn't Baekhyun the one that bullied Yoongi as a kid or was that someone else? Anyway what relationship between the two?
Chapter 22: You you you you you! How did you even write this? So much emotions ♡.♡
I would've given you a bigggg hug if you were here right now. This is beautiful <3