Forgotten and Remembered

Two Doors Down

It was three days into Yoongi's stay in the orphanage, and honestly, he liked it. A lot. Even if he barely spoke (besides the time the boys argued over who was a stronger Pokemon), he managed to make a couple of friends there. His bunk mate - Byun Baekhyun, he learned - was pretty much a hyperactive puppy on a constant sugar rush, but they somehow managed to create proper conversations together. Well, if you could call Yoongi kicking the top bunk to shut up Baekhyun's loud snores and waking up to shaving cream heaped on his face "normal".

He was somehow friends with the two angels of the orphanage - Jisoo and Jeonghan, and a mouse-like boy named Seungcheol who had the constant need to smack someone whenever the boys got too loud. There was also a kid who seemed to pounce on Yoongi all the time with giant claps on the back and loud laughing next to his ear, some cheeky kid named Minho or whatever.

Yoongi was currently skimming a book and lounging in his bunk while Baekhyun was trying to poke his face a with a feather.

"Baekhyun, can you please um, can you stop I'm trying to-"

"Stop what, hmm?" He hung over the edge of his bed and continued to poke the boy.

"Can you uh, stop poki-"

"Uh, I can't hear you. Speak a little louder!" It was clear that he was only teasing Yoongi, since there was a clear smirk present on his face.

"Can you stop-"

"What? You're so quiet, you know? If you go around speaking so quietly you're gonna end up being beat up or something, Yoongs. Ya hear me? Okay? Do you need me to repeat that-"


Baekhyun smiled and patted him. "Good job, my child."

Suddenly a boy looking out the window yelped. "HEY EVERYONE! THERE ARE POLICE CARS OUTSIDE!"

The boys clamored around the window, and for some reason, Yoongi felt his stomach tie into a knot. 
"Hey, Sanha, they finally came to arrest you." A boy joked.
"Daehyun, what did you do now." Another one chimed.

Yoongi didn't laugh when the others did. What if they came for him? No, that was ridiculous. He didn't do anything wrong. Maybe they were getting a new kid?

"Min Yoongi," The boys stopped clamoring around once the short secretary poked her head in the room. She called again. "Min Yoongi?"

Yoongi felt eyes on him as he shakily raised his hand and answered. "Yes?"

"The officers downstairs would like to meet with you."

The boys began to ramble at once, Baekhyun placing a hand on Yoongi's shoulder and muttering something about "staying calm".

"Min Yoongi, we don't have all day."

Yoongi took a breath and nodded to the other guys, brushing off the hand on his shoulder and followed the secretary down the stairwell. Were the police going to interrogate him? Did his father blame something on him and he was going to be punished? What was going to happen to his family?

What surprised Yoongi was that Changmin and two other officers were rambling in a heated discussion, oblivious to the tacky headmistress offering them tea with shaky hands. They were arguing over each other with exasperation over what sounded like the case on the Min family, with wild hand gestures and loud yells echoing around the walls.

There was a flash of light as a strike of lightning thundered outside. Yoongi could hear heavy rainfall thrumming the ground.

"You came to see me?" he called with a tentative voice.

Immediately, the officers stopped and looked at him, Changmin looking sentimental while the other two looked grouchy. The headmistress sighed and placed the tea tray on the front desk.

"And here's the boy. Young man," A stern looking officer leaned down to Yoongi. "We have many things to discuss. Shall we go?"

Yoongi didn't know what the officer was intending, but nodded his head anyway and followed them outside to the police car. He buckled up in the backseat with Changmin while watching the bluish clouds rain down through the barred windows.

"We have someone to visit, I guess you could say. A consultant before we make our final decision."

"Stop beating around the Bush and tell the boy. He's not a toddler," the second officer said.

"He's still young, Siwon." He took a gruff breath as he drove through a usually busy street, which was quiet for the day. He glanced at Yoongi through the mirror. "We need to be positive of the case to determine what will happen to your father. We're going to interrogate you both in different rooms, and if both of your stories match up, then a decision is made."

"What. . . .what will happen to my father if they match up?"

The man grimly hummed. "He will be put in jail for the assault and murder of his wife. And don't try to change your explanation, kid. We have that recording you did with Changmin that day."

Yoongi didn't know if he was sad or happy that his father was about to leave him alone. It meant that both of his parents would be gone and forgotten from the world and smeared from his story. Even if he honestly could tell himself that he hated his parents, there was always a small light in him that desired to be embraced in his parents' arms, even if it were only once. Yoongi stared out the window, feeling more pained, confused, and blank than ever.


Yoongi was led by the third police officer - Donghae, he found out - into an empty room and was seated at the lone table placed in the center. The Police Station was eerily quiet - the only sounds being those coming from the squeaky ceiling fan and the clunky footsteps outside. Yoongi slumped into his arms on the table and closed his eyes.

"Kid, look at me. Be respectful and look up."Donghae sat on the other side of the table, looking at the young boy with utter seriousness.

Yoongi looked up with sleepy eyes and straightened his posture with discomfort. He shivered in the thin blue shirt he was wearing and tiredly hung his arms by his sides.

"Listen, i'm gonna ask you a couple of questions, okay? These are going to sound familiar, but it will be over quickly. Lying will get you nowhere." He cleared his throat and shuffled with some papers and a pen.

"What time did you reach home?"

"Um," Yoongi cleared his throat and tried to speak clearly. "Maybe three hours after school ended, so. . . .6 o'clock? About."

"Hmm." Donghae grunted an jotted something down. "Was there anyone around your house when you reached there?"


"Do you have an idea for why your father performed an assault?"

The questions went on and on, and Yoongi blatantly answered with cloudy thoughts and a dullness tinted in his voice. He was led outside once they were done, and waited for about an hour in the waiting room until Donghae and Changmin called him.

"Your father wasn't cooperating so we used a certain, uh, medicine to prevent him from spewing lies. Well, kid, guess what? Your responses matched up. Not perfectly, but it gave us enough proof for our decision."

"W-what's going to happen to him?"

Changmin's eyes softened. "He will be submitted for a jail sentence of twenty years. He actually requested for you to speak with him before he is jailed. . . .come this way."


Yoongi was brought to a room where there was a sheet of plexiglass separating two people, where his father sat on the other side. He looked very angry.

"Stupid kid, look at how you're walking in. You're pathetic, you know?" He grouched.

"I'll leave the two of you alone." Changmin closed the barred door where a guard stood with his back turned against it.


He heaved a sigh before lowering his voice. "I can't deal with a kid like you when I return. I don't want ANY of my money falling in your hands, you hear, punk? I decided to file a document to disown you. I'm disowning you, you got that? You're not my son anymore. Take your gay bull somewhere else where I can't find it."


"I said, YOU ARE NOT MY SON ANYMORE. GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!" His fist banged against the glass as his face reddened with anger.

Yoongi felt hot tears blurring his vision, then remembered Baekhyun's words of keeping calm and tough. He rose from his seat and tried with all of his might to keep his voice steady. "I-I'll leave now. Goodbye."

He opened the creaky door, taking one last glance of his father's unshaven face glaring back at him before leaving the room.

Yoongi felt his head throb as he was led outside to the car, while multiple thoughts ran through his head. "Disowned. . .disowned. . .Appa. . .Eomma. . .how could you both just leave me. . ."

A blinding flash of lightning clapped nearby as rain poured down his head and his shirt was soaked through.

Yoongi felt tears make its way down his face and let out a choked sob, his headache getting worse by the minute. Another flash of lightning speckled his sight as thunder boomed against the ground in a threatening notion; the rain not showing any signs of slowing down.

It was when the officer beckoned for him to sit in the police car to bring him back, when Yoongi saw the world spin and felt something hard colliding with his body. His vision went black.



Oh look he fainted SO CLICHE OH MY  ARRGHH

that's okay tho. I think I'm gonna have the next chapter be the last of Yoongi's past flashback

Going to the beach tomorrow yayy

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K-PopLover1001 #1
Chapter 28: What's with that Author's Note? lolz Anyway Author-nim I really enjoy this story and I'm glad you updated after a long while (I literally thought you forgot about it ASHBXWJBSJBA TYPOS) Lol I'm talking to much
Your Fellow Reader
WTF is this even?
Does that sentence make sense?
Lolz bye
Bananana_ #2
Chapter 27: I soooooooo love this! Looking forward to the next chapter!
Aimz19 #4
Chapter 27: damn
you really gotta end at that sentence?
Chapter 26: Yes i love yes thank you :D ♡♡ fabuuuulous
ezinexx #6
Chapter 26: I love this story so far
Chapter 23: i freaking need an update.. update soon i really love your story
saiminxiumon #8
Chapter 23: Please update soon!! Isn't Baekhyun the one that bullied Yoongi as a kid or was that someone else? Anyway what relationship between the two?
Chapter 22: You you you you you! How did you even write this? So much emotions ♡.♡
I would've given you a bigggg hug if you were here right now. This is beautiful <3