Practice Makes Perfect

Two Doors Down

The next morning, Yoongi blearily opened his eyes and mentally whined over the crick in his neck and his sour breath, wondering for a brief second where he was. At feeling a warm presence proving to be heavy and lanking over Yoongi's small form, the elder glanced to his side. 

  There was Jimin, dark locks and all, snoozing soundly and looking as soft as cotton. A spoon dangled from his mouth as a tub of half eaten chocolate ice cream was melting in his arms, and Yoongi remembered how they stayed up last night eating sweet stuff and watched Suicide Squad until 1 in the morning. He rubbed his eyes, then leaned over to check his phone for the time. 7:36.

Yoongi carefully pried himself off the couch and tip-toed across the living room to snatch his shoes, looking at Jimin every so often and inwardly smiling at his pouty lips and puffed cheeks. Even though he knew Jimin was incredibly strong and was in his 'maturing' age, Yoongi though Jimin was honestly cute both inside and out. He scribbled onto a piece of paper before placing it on a coffee table near his head.

Sorry I have to go, I have classes. I hope you slept okay. . . even though you were kinda crushing me   =^ ^=
Don't forget to eat a proper breakfast instead of something like that disgusting granola bar you were eating the other day.
See you later at practice!

    ~ Yoongi

The door opened after he made faces at Mimi, and he left.


"Yo, Chim!"

Jimin whipped his head around to see a now brown-haired Taehyung scurrying towards him from a sidewalk. He was just walking to uni after waking up and finding Yoongi's note, tinged with sadness since he couldn't wish his hyung good morning that day. His stomach hurt from all of that ice cream.

"cHIHM CHAHMMM-" Taehyung pounced onto Jimin's back and wrapped his legs around his waist in a bear-hug sort of thing, somehow able to run around and scream first thing in the morning. Jimin didn't know how he did it.

He also didn't know how to hold onto the big bear. "AaH!" Wobble, trip, fall, crash. Jimin could now taste grass in his mouth. "Yah, Kim Taehyunggg! What's with you this early in the morning-"

"I dyed my hair! Did you see! Kookie and I went to a salon down the street and we dyed our hair together and mine is brown but it looks a lot better than orange, don'tcha think? Kookie got this dark purple and it looks. . .really nice. I told him to get it. I never dyed my hair purple before, should I do that next? Ah, I don't know. But how's my hair?"

Jimin squinted when he saw Taehyung's radiant smile and patted his head. "Oh, it's nice! You don't look as stupid as you did before, that's a plus."

Taehyung pouted. "Heyyy, you gotta hang out with me more! What do you do these days, stay at home and stare at your ceiling? You're barely online anymore, either."

"So like, two days is 'never' for you?"

He nodded.

"Fine, I was with Yoongi hyung."

The other's eyes lit up in curiosity. "Yoongi hyung? Wait, so like, did you tell him yet? Does he know? Dang, Jimin, does he know yet?"

"Yeah, we caught up."

"Man, that's great! Ugh, finally. Now I won't have to suffer by watching the horrible tension between you two. Watching that was like watching two seals trying to tango without touching each other. Come on, let's go!"

The two sauntered up the wide steps of  a building while swatting each other, giggling like little girls when they spotted Namjoon and Jin in the courtyard from their spot on the third floor, deciding that a spy mission was to be in order.

"Hey, Tae, what do you think they're doing?"

"Being gay."

"Wow, okay."

"Here, watch this." Taehyung cupped his hands around his mouth a took a deep breath. "KIM SEOKJIN IS UGLY!"

Immediately, the two elders standing below snapped their heads up to see who the attacker was - pure rage etched into both of their faces.

  Taehyung cackled as Jimin quickly pulled him down so he wouldn't be caught. After a few seconds of guffawing, he leaned his head over the stone railing and propped his chin there. "KIM NAMJOON LOOKS LIKE A FLAMINGO!" At that, they could see the two glancing at each other before Seokjin laughed, while Namjoon looked offended as he continued to look around.

"Over here!" Taehyung and Jimin were now waving their hands and laughed when Namjoon used a finger to pretend to slit his throat, indicating that the younger two were probably going to be killed during their next dance practice.


Jimin sat on the polished wooden floor and beamed like the angel he was. Probably because Namjoon had Taehyung in a headlock, but instead of using his arm like everyone else, he had his meaty right leg lobbed around Taehyung's poor head.


"Uh, I think i'm stuck."

Taehyung screeched.

"So, uh, i'm not even going to ask what happened and I don't really care. Here," Yoongi sat next to Jimin and handed him a small bottle of fizzy lemonade, chugging his own down while frowning at the mess happening in front of him.

"Did you sleep well last night?"

"I woke up feeling like I slept on a hammer but it was okay. How about you? We didn't even brush our teeth after eating all of that, how'd you survive?"

"Strawberry yogurt works miracles."

"Ahh. Wait, wouldn't that just sweeten everything even more-"

"Whatcha talkin' about-"

Jimin opened his mouth to scream when a cheery looking boy smooshed his face between them.

"WELL," Hoseok wrapped his arms around the two and hauled them up. "THE DANCE IS NOT GONNA DO ITSELF, YA BUMS, COME ON. EVERYONE, HUSTLE HUSTLE HUSTLE!" He scampered over to the stereo to put on the music and dashed to his position.

Jimin couldn't remember the last time where he had the most fun dancing. He laughed every few seconds when Taehyung managed to kick Jungkook's rear end, or when Hoseok flapped his arms like a duck for no good reason, but especially when Yoongi would come from behind and slip a squeeze to his shoulder or honked when he would pass by to get to his position. An hour passed, then another, and another, when the seven finally collapsed upon one another and drained their water bottles while wiping down any sweat and panted like hyperventilating dogs. Jimin felt heat radiating from his sore arms as he coddled his water bottle, resting his head on Taehyung's knee where the boy leaned against the mirror.

He was just about to suggest that they go out for bubble tea when suddenly Jungkook jumped from his seat and ran outside.

"What is he doing?"

The youngest boy turned to face them through the glass doors and widely grinned. His arms were outstretched while snowflakes fell, small, soft specs of white dreamily floating down and landing on the tip of his nose. Jimin thought he looked like a scarecrow.

"Wah, it's snowing!" Taehyung grabbed his earmuffs and ran outside, the others glancing at each other before following. The cold bit their bare arms, breathing out cold puffs of air as some tried to catch snowflakes on their tongues.

He didn't realize that Yoongi gazed at him while he stuck his tongue out into the air; a distracted, speculating gaze trained over Jimin's rosy cheeks and soft grin. Although the blond was now shivering from the cold, he still felt something stir within him when Jimin glanced back at him and laughed when snowflakes were collecting on top of his hair. Jimin's hand reached up to brush away the flakes.

"You'll catch a cold if you're going to just stand there without a jacket, Hyung." He proceeded to wrap his scarf around Yoongi.

"What are you, my mom?"

Jimin only blushed. "What, I can't be worried for my hyungs?"




Days passed. Weeks. The seven practiced everyday for 2-3 hours, just enough for the perfection of three songs, working their muscles and vocal chords until they felt raw and worn out by the end of each day.

It was one week before the showcase that Namjoon had said something.

"You know, I always thought I would make a career as a solo rapper. Write some raps, record a bit, release a couple of albums. But I always thought that I could barely get anywhere if I was going to be a new, solo rapper. So I was thinking the other night," He glanced around at the others, who were intently listening for once and lay on the ground together in exhaustion. "How about. . . we form a band?"

"Huh? A band?"

"Yeah, us seven. We'd have a good balance of singers and rappers and dancers, and we don't look half bad, either. Isn't that our goal though, for the showcase? To be scouted by a company? Have a good future settled in for us, so we'd actually be going somewhere in life rather than being soloists in the dark? If I had to pursue something, I would do it with you guys in a heartbeat."

"That was deep." Seokjin muttered. He patted Namjoon's stomach and rolled over to rest his head by his shoulder.

Honestly, Yoongi thought, these two better not be smothering each other for the rest of my life.

"That's. . .that actually sounds pretty nice," Hoseok commented. He had his arms under the youngest two; Jungkook laying on his right arm while Taehyung was on his left. "Ohhh, a band! Guys, let's do it! That's probably going to work out a lot better for us, too. What do you think, kids?"

"I like it. Would we need stage names though?"

"I'M SUGA, I call Suga, yes, hello, Suga right here."

Jimin snorted.

"Nah, we can keep our original names if we want."


"Yeah sure, you can be that if you want. Whatever that is."

"Suga swag."

"Wait," Seokjin said, "does that mean I have to dance for the rest of my life as a career?"

"If you want to earn money, yes."

He groaned, causing the others to laugh. "Joonie and I need a lot of practice if we're going to match up to the kids' levels. You too, Yoongi."

"Shut up, I dance ten times better than you do."

"What would our band name be?" Jungkook asked.

"We can figure that out later if we need to. Are we done practicing for today?"

"Yeah," Hoseok yapped. "I'm tired. Hey, guys, ya wanna go to the arcade near the karaoke place?"

"Arcade?" Taehyung jumped up. "YesyesyesyesyesyesyesYESSS LET'S GO!"

"Why is it that whenever you speak it's always like 'let's go' or 'come on' or 'let's do this'?"

"Because you oldies have no motivation whatsoever. LET'S GO!" He pulled Jungkook to his feet with a tug and the two scrambled outside once grabbing their coats.

"Well, I guess we're going, then."


"And we're eating, too?"


"Please don't make me pay."


"But, you're like, an ace at that trash-"

"Hyung are you cold?" Jimin was walking side by side with Yoongi now, who had a thin black jacket on and chattered his teeth.

"No, i'm boiling to my toes with fire."

Jimin took off his fat coat and hooked it over the blond's shoulders. "Gotta keep the princess warm, right?"

"Who said I was a princess, we have Mr.Pinkie over there. I'm a goddess."

"Okay, your highness."

"But what about you? You'll freeze at this rate,"

Jimin ran a hand through his hair while walking in his black ripped jeans and striped shirt. "I won't freeze if I have a heater right next to me."

"You saying i'm hot?"

"No, i'm saying your hotheadedness just might save us all from the cold."

"Okay, you dork."


"Hyung, did you not hear me from before? Whichever er loses to me has to pay!"

"Yah, Kim Taehyung, if you were intending that you were calling your hyungs 'ers' i'm going to-"

"But I think Kookie would be a valuable opponent-"


"Hey," Yoongi nudged Taehyung's shoulder. "You and Kook can pay tonight, alright? You two never paid for anything before, so here you go."

"But Hyuuuuung,"

"Aha! Great idea, Yoongi! That will definitely discipline these kids-" Seokjin immediately shut up when he realized Namjoon was struggling with his coat zipper. "You goon, let me do that for you."

"oOOooOooOooOh, I smell looooooove," Hoseok crooned.

"But i'm broke," claimed Jungkook. He and Taehyung were pretending to shoot each other with finger guns on the sidewalk, and the others could already tell that no one would defeat the two youngsters if it meant saving their lives. "And isn't it mean to make the youngest pay?"

 "Youngest shmoungest, you could do everything as perfectly well as we can, alright?"

 "Oldiee,"  Jungkook made a bunny face at the eldest and then scampered off to find Taehyung, who was crouched behind a trash can.

  It took about twenty minutes for the guys to reach the arcade by foot, which only intensified their hunger for both games and pizza. But as the bright lights, sight of grabber games, and toasty smell of churros and soda came into view, it was like they were all ten years old again - all excited to their fingertips as they bounced around from one game to another and stuffed themselves with food.

 Even two hours later, when they were full to their stomachs and worn out after tireless play, they still managed to laugh over the stupidest things and crack jokes over something as simple as air. The stars above them glinted in amusement; all twinkling like fresh wishes ready to be taken.  And if Jimin could have one wish, it was that he could stay young forever.  



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K-PopLover1001 #1
Chapter 28: What's with that Author's Note? lolz Anyway Author-nim I really enjoy this story and I'm glad you updated after a long while (I literally thought you forgot about it ASHBXWJBSJBA TYPOS) Lol I'm talking to much
Your Fellow Reader
WTF is this even?
Does that sentence make sense?
Lolz bye
Bananana_ #2
Chapter 27: I soooooooo love this! Looking forward to the next chapter!
Aimz19 #4
Chapter 27: damn
you really gotta end at that sentence?
Chapter 26: Yes i love yes thank you :D ♡♡ fabuuuulous
ezinexx #6
Chapter 26: I love this story so far
Chapter 23: i freaking need an update.. update soon i really love your story
saiminxiumon #8
Chapter 23: Please update soon!! Isn't Baekhyun the one that bullied Yoongi as a kid or was that someone else? Anyway what relationship between the two?
Chapter 22: You you you you you! How did you even write this? So much emotions ♡.♡
I would've given you a bigggg hug if you were here right now. This is beautiful <3