Byunny Hyunggy

Two Doors Down

"Byun Baekyhun is here?"

 Seokjin exasperatedly sighed. It wasn't his choice that the know-it-all, stubborn, immature kid of the third-years was hired as the cafe's dishwasher. The dishwasher that distressingly came with multiple settings: Loud, Annoying, Loud & Annoying, Loud & Annoying & Cranky & Careless, Loud & Annoying & Cranky & Careless & Useless, etc. Even if Seokjin was new, he was still looked up to by the other employees for his skills and apprehensiveness, but Byun Baekhyun just had no clue what he was supposed to be doing. And it bothered Seokjin. A lot. Especially since the apparently elder boy would invade Seokjin's space and make a clutter of everything; enough his *snow that was actually flour* matted within Seokjin's hair and his loud pot banging being enough to want to drop kick the blond into a mountain. "Yeah, the brat's been whipping a frying pan around like he's playing tennis with the sink and whining about his tests. If he aims for the drying rack instead of my head everyday, then maybe he'll actually get a dish or two done. My brain's gonna explode because of him. . . . but . . . . do you know him?"

Yoongi laughed, knowing all too well that this was definitely the Byun Baekhyun he knew from the orphanage. Of course his old Byunny-Hyung was burning down buildings with his dainty hands that he used to prank people - such as himself, even if it were something that he hadn't gotten to ever since the two rarely began to talk to one another.  Suddenly Yoongi paled. "He's gonna kill me."

"And why, may I ask?"

"Baek-Hyung is gonna skin me alive," He muttered out loud, ignoring the questioning glances the other two gave him. "I haven't talked to him in months and I've been avoiding him and he's the one who helped me get into uni too. . . oh i'm screwed when he sees me."

"Hyung, do you have a thing for blocking out the people who actually like you and then getting skewered by them when they find out?" Jimin asked. His eyes were wide with innocence, but the slight smirk on his face suggested teasing. Wow, that really punched Yoongi in the gut. 

"No. . .I just. . . okay so Baek-Hyung and I were like, good friends, right? But he'd have his group of friends and I would have mine, and we take different majors so we have no classes together. We began to talk less. And he would rarely be on his phone - except for the times he'd play games on it, stupid punk - because he actually works really hard in his studies. And then. . .there was that mega tall giraffe dude who's always giving me this wonky death glare that kinda chilled me to the bone whenever he'd catch me looking at Hyung. The kid's like a freaking tree with a build-in security system and huge- ears that act like radars to sense any innocent child glancing at his friend. But I heard he liked Hyung and stuff, so naturally I just kept my distance." He huffed. "And. . .it might sound weird. . .but I know that Hyung liked him too, so I began to keep my space."

 "So you just drifted apart?" Jimin asked. "He's the guy from the orphanage you told me about, right? The one that helped you a lot? Your bunk-mate, I think?" Jimin twiddled his fingers.

 "Oh. . .yeah. I guess he was the brother I never had." Yoongi awkwardly cleared his throat and sniffed. 

"Well, that's it. I'm gonna drag that maniac's out here and force him to serve people instead of raising a chocolate army in his crummy little "Baek's Corner". Brb."

"What-" Yoongi sat with a questioning look as Seokjin sauntered off. "Ah! No, hyung! Wai-wait, hyung! Hyung! No, aissh,"

"Well, we can have him sit with us and we can all talk, if you want." Jimin said. He was solemnly thumbing the table. "I guess I owe him for protecting you when I wasn't there."

 Yoongi looked up to see the brunette shifting uncomfortably in his seat, playing with a salt shapes and accidentally knocking it over to spill salt everywhere.

Suddenly he looked up to see Seokjin dragging a wildly protesting boy towards them with a haughty expression and forced smiles being sent to watching customers. 

 The boy had a petite figure, milky skin, and tufts of golden blond hair that stuck out wildly from under his employee hat - which added up to him looking like a thirteen year old boy. Was this kid really Yoongi's hyung? Come to think of it, he was Seokjin's hyung, too. Well, then.

"Jimin, hide me." Yoongi mumbled. But too sorry and too late, Jimin tried to muffle his laughter as the significantly smaller boy tore Seokjin's grip off his arm and stomped his feet. 

 "I don't want to serve people food! I might not be as awkward as yOU but I really don't feel like smiling like an idiot at people who slobber all over the tables I have to clean up!" He unconsciously glanced at the two people sitting at the table watching him, and took a double take when a friendly turtle face came in view. It was when Yoongi sent a panicked look to Jimin and tried to cover his head with his hood that Baekhyun stomped over with burning coals for eyes and clutched the younger's shoulder with a viciously tight grip, shaking him back and forth uncontrollably."MIN MOTHERTRUCKING YOONGI WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?"

  "U-uhhhh. . . ."


  "H-hyung, you're scaring everyone. Um, c-can you let go?"

 Yoongi missed the scrutinizing glare Jimin was giving Baekhyun's hands on his hyung's shoulders - as if he were trying to burn them to crisp ashes with his mind power. So far, it wasn't working. Get your hands off, he told you to get your hands offget your hands off, get it off get it off-

 Baekhyun let go only to cross his arms and glower with a pout. He pulled a chair from a neighboring empty table and waved away at Seokjin (who looked completely offended) and sat between the two, piercing eyes never leaving the pale blond. "YAH!"

 Yoongi flinched. 

 "You have a LOOOOT of explaining to do." He turned to Seokjin with a grouchy expression and snapped his fingers. "Hey, can you get us some strawberry smoothies?"

 "I actually wanted an iced caramel macchiato-" 

 "Fine, get me a strawberry smoothie, this kid an iced caramel macchiato, and the idiot one of the darkest drinks you have. Yoongi over here will be paying." 

 Seokjin was fuming and scoffed with disbelief - steam practically whistling out of his ears. "I'll be back in about ten minutes," He grumbled. With a haughty whip of his apron, he strutted away from the table with his notepad in hand and incoherent words being muttered under his breath. All Jimin caught was "needs to be disciplined" and he smiled to himself.

 "SO!" The curly blond-haired student looked between the two and  leaned back in his seat. His hat was sitting crookedly on his head, but he didn't care as his arms remained crossed and his eyes still burned holes through Yoongi's face. "'Splain yo-self, boy. Mama Byun expects nothin but the truth. One lie and you ain't gettin' no sleep for years."

 Usually, when Baekhyun made threats, he went through with it. Yoongi knew first-hand what the elder had stashed in his room - multiple contents of extreme toxins and dangerous chemicals made to mess your life up. Even if they were usually mixtures of stuff like ground up diarrhea-giving candy and extreme energy pills he swirled into your morning coffee when you weren't looking. (Yoongi's been there before and he couldn't even step inside the university for a week without throwing up on someone.) Of course, Baekhyun meant no harm and that happened only since Yoongi switched the CD the elder would show his teacher, from his very own composition to a bunch of ahjummas singing opera. It was worth it.

  "Well, uh, so I um. . . hey have you met Jimin yet?!" 

 "Min Yoongi,"

"Okay! Okay! I'm sorry, fine. It's just that you had your own friends and they're kinda popular and I didn't want to 'downgrade' you as a friend and I have my own friends and you're always in your stinking studio recording whatever and your stupid tree friend wouldn't stop gLARING at me-"

 "Tree. . .friend?" Baekhyun asked. "Does he have big ears?"

 "Yeah, that giraffe dude. The one who has the voice of a grandpa whale."

 Baekhyun laughed. "I'll talk to him, don't worry. Chanyeol doesn't even know how to control his face and he's as innocent as a bean, chill. Why do you keep forgetting his name? I used to talk about him to you for like, ever."

 "Well, I didn't really care, did I?" 

"Ahem," Jimin softly called out, almost glaring at the two, "should I leave you two to talk, or?"

"No, don't go!" Yoongi yelled. Baekhyun's eyebrows raised in question but he glanced at Jimin again; taking in the cute and soft-spoken boy in a blue coat that complimented his ruffled brown locks well. 

He gushed and clasped his hands. "And who are you, little child?"

 "Park Jimin, second year. Long-time friend of Yoongi's." If there was any menace laced in Jimin's voice, Baekhyun didn't catch any of it.

 "Well aren't you adorable-wait," He furrowed his brows. "Long-time friend? How. . .  long. . .exactly?"

 The brunette glanced at Yoongi before continuing. "I was Yoongi hyung's best friend since we were four. I don't know if he ever told you about me, but I moved when we were twelve and haven't seen him since college started. Crazy, huh?"

 "Wait," Baekhyun held his hands up in confusion. Something wasn't adding up. It couldn't have been. . .no, Yoongi said he didn't have any friends. . .unless. . ."Are you. . .that Jimin kid? As in, Park Jimin?" 

Jimin nodded. "Yeah. And you're his bunk mate from the orphanage, right? I heard a lot of stuff about you."

"Good or bad?"

"Well it's coming from Yoongi hyung, so what do you expect?"

Baekhyun laughed at that. It was a full, rectangular pearly-white laugh; a genuine twinkle of laughter that made Jimin relax his nerves somehow. His smile reminded him of Taehyung's. "Clearly, Yoongi owes us both so much that i'd pummel him with my guitar if he spoke bad about us."

 "Already mentally crushed him with my bare hands for not remembering me too many times to count."

 "He didn't remember who you were?" Baekhyun shifted his position to rest on his hand and face Jimin.

 "I avoided him during the first year since it's been a while, and he had new friends, and it was. . .weird. . .but I was still pretty mad that he couldn't recognize me. Wanna know how I first talked to him after seven years?"


 "My," He began to giggle, "my cat snuck into his apartment and I went inside to look for her and I broke one of his expensive glasses and then he came in with my cat and a bat in his hands-"

 "Yah, that was just a month ago! And why can't I have a say in any of this? You're talking about me and i'm literally right here."

 "Didn't you say you wanted to be a rock in your next life?" Baekhyun deadpanned, "Here's your chance, bubba. Shut up and sit there like a damn rock."

  Jimin snorted. "He said that?"

 "He also said that he should have been starred in a stop-motion video,  that he should own a strap in bed-suit, that he wishes his skin tasted like strawberries, he should have been born on Uranus so he could make 'I'm from Uranus' jokes, and other thoughts of stupidity that I can't put into words."

Jimin laughed.

"Man, you missed the golden era of his life. Everything he did was meme-worthy."

"If you're referring to my horrible emo, dark age I will personally strangle you with my shoelace."

The next thing he knew, a white mug was slammed in front of Yoongi sporting a steaming, black murky thing of a drink. A glass of something fizzy and thick was angrily placed in front of Baekhyun by a brooding Seokjin, yet a cold glass of sweet coffee was tenderly set in front of Jimin with a pat on his head.

"The only person I like here is Jimin. Drink up, you onions."

"But what did I do?!" Yoongi was answered with a shrug. "Fine. Don't expect any tips from me." He looked up to see Baekhyun and Jimin exchanging numbers and he gripped onto his mug handle tighter. He's too close to him, God, give him some air move . . .

"We should hang out so we can complain about Yoongi more!" Baekhyun was saying to a nodding Jimin.

Yoongi scoffed. Wasn't this supposed to be a day just for him and Jimin? And why did Baekhyun have to be such a social butterfly?

  Yet he found himself unconsciously smiling at the two people who brought him light and happiness when he needed it. They were there for him when he was falling, and the fact that they were laughing over something made him think that fixing Yoongi was their plan along - even if they had just met.

And Yoongi honestly felt sorry to both of them for being such a stupid of a friend. Maybe he'd have to make it up to them both. "Hey punks, you wanna hit the karaoke after this? I'm in the mood for some blues and jazz."

Baekhyun smiled at him happily.  "My shift ends soon, anyway, so yeah! Prepare yourself, though. I got mad skillz."

"Whoah ho ho~" Jimin grinned as Seokjin came with the bill.

"Why do you kids suddenly look so happy? If it's a story, I need a piece of it. I feel like a bag of stale Doritos." Indeed, the tallest looked extremely tired and grouchy - despite that he still looked flawless.

"We're going to the karaoke. Wanna come?"

"Well, my shift end in fifteen, so. . ." He smiled. "Karaoke? Really?"

Yoongi groaned. "Answer me before I regret it."

"Yeah! I'll come soon, just, yeah. Wait outside for me. And Baekhyun-"

The elder look up with his red sttraw dangling from his mouth.

"Tell Boss that you're gonna stay later tomorrow."




"I don't even know why they pay you."

Baekhyun awkwardly smiled before making a face at him, sticking his tongue out at him and dashing to the back to speak with his boss.

Yoongi placed his cash in the bill (secretly adding a kind tip) and glanced up to find Seokjin and Jimin laughing in pure spite.


I didn't even plan the whole Baekhyun thing it kinda just....happened

I'm writing 5 stories rn actually (3 unpublished) and I hope those are better and more fun

I think this story will be done in....10 chapters?

I think


Author out (:V) 

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K-PopLover1001 #1
Chapter 28: What's with that Author's Note? lolz Anyway Author-nim I really enjoy this story and I'm glad you updated after a long while (I literally thought you forgot about it ASHBXWJBSJBA TYPOS) Lol I'm talking to much
Your Fellow Reader
WTF is this even?
Does that sentence make sense?
Lolz bye
Bananana_ #2
Chapter 27: I soooooooo love this! Looking forward to the next chapter!
Aimz19 #4
Chapter 27: damn
you really gotta end at that sentence?
Chapter 26: Yes i love yes thank you :D ♡♡ fabuuuulous
ezinexx #6
Chapter 26: I love this story so far
Chapter 23: i freaking need an update.. update soon i really love your story
saiminxiumon #8
Chapter 23: Please update soon!! Isn't Baekhyun the one that bullied Yoongi as a kid or was that someone else? Anyway what relationship between the two?
Chapter 22: You you you you you! How did you even write this? So much emotions ♡.♡
I would've given you a bigggg hug if you were here right now. This is beautiful <3