For You Now

Next 5 days were torturing me. I hated waking up early in the morning, Junmyeon had no mercy over me and all soliders threw jokes and comments into me everyime they saw me. I could say I was bullied!

In this whole time I didn't see a bit of Baekhyun. He wasn't coming to trainings, classes, even meals. It was like he had died, which wouldn't have been that bad. I was actually glad that he wasn't around, because I would have to train him in person, once he came back. He annoyed me most of the time and I still hated him more than anyone else here. I was still wondering what exactly was wrong with him. Last time I had seen him he'd actually looked like a death. Well... he actually looked like that most of the time....

Yesterday had been Sunday and I got free day, but on Monday my work started again. 

I didn't complain much in the morning, when I went to the kitchen and helped Sunhee, but I just wanted to end soon and leave. As always morning training was a pain in the neck for me.

"Good morning, Chanyeol!" Junmyeon greeted when I stepped next to him on one of the training fields.

"Mhmmm..." I didn't want to reply.

"You could at least wish me a good morning... Thank you very much!" he crossed his arms and looked a bit upset.

"What if I don't want to?" I asked him. "Maybe the morning just isn't good."

"I thought you are a better friend!"

"Says the one that punished his friend 3 times for no ing reason! Think about it!" I complained.

Junmyeon just rolled his eyes. He was annoyed and he probably didn't like that I used bad words around him. "You are lucky that I didn't fire you... I am actually a very good friend. Sehun and Yixing say that a lot of times!" he said and sounded proud.

"They just don't want to be rude with you. You are actually annoying them a lot and they always gossip you behind your back. Believe me I am always around and I hear things. You are living a lie Jun," I joked, but he obviously took it seriously.

"You are lying! They would never!" he rised his voice a bit.

"I'm just being honest. Ask them..." I said. "I don't think it will  be hard for them to explain how they actually see you."

"Oh yes, I will! And I will prove you wrong!" he said.

I wanted to speak on, to make Junmyeon a bit more upset, but soliders were gathering in front of us, waiting for Junmyeon to start with the training.

Junmyeon cleared his throat before starting with his usual speech for soliders. He was always long, boring and everyone almost fell asleep while he was talking. 

"Alright, soliders! Before I start I will just check if you all are present- Ohh, Baekhyun?!" he said and I got shocked of how suddenly this name came up.

I looked around the group of soliders and in the very back found small, skinny and pale body. He changed a lot in this 5 days. He was skinnier for sure and his skin got much paler, like he would have been in the darkness away from the sun for years. His look in the eyes was frightened, like it was on the first day when I had met him. On sight of him I could say, he was sad, cold, glum... His white hair were a bit messy and some fell down on his eyes, but he obviously wasn't bothered by that. 

Junmyeon glared at me for a moment, but then turned back to others. 

"Well... At last you came! I hope you are alright now," Junmyeon smiled at Bakehyun, who slowly stepped forward and answered with weak "Yes, sir, I'm fine"

Junmyeon hesitated before talking on and looked a bit nervous.

"I think you still don't know about it, but I gave major Park a task to personally train you. Your rank is low and I thought it might help you. I hope you are okay with it?" Junmyeon told him directly.

Baekhyun's eyes widened when he said that and he looked at me, like I was some kind of a monster there. He looked back at Junmyeon and took a few seconds to think about what he had been told.

Before answering he quickly checked me again and after that I noticed that he calmed down a bit. "I don't think, that I need any extra training, sir. There are many more with lower ranks," he tried to change Junmyeon's decision about trainings.

"I know and I don't want to say that you are the worst here. In some skills you are under average. The only thing you are actually among better ones is using weapon. You were also absent for 5 days and you missed a lot in that time. You might also find it difficult to catch up with others now after that break. After all mjaor Park is the one responsible for your absence and he has too much time now. He can at least help you with something like your trainings and help you improve!" Junmyeon didn't look like he was about to change his mind.

"I don't think he can help me, sir."

"Park is one of the best ones here and for sure he could help you!" Junmyeon insisted.

I clenched my teeth and spoke. "That is actually true," I said and saw Baekhyun's angry look on me.

"I will work harder and I won't make problems." he said. "I can do it! Please let me be with my unit,"  

I found it a bit rude because he actually tried to push me away and said that I can't help him, which is a lie. I can be more than usefull when it comes to helping!

Junyeon sighed and continued. "I insist with what I said before. Major Park will be the one training you. You will still have some trainings with your group and you will competite together. It will be like that for 2 months, until major Park's punishment ends. Byun I expect you well trained after that," 

"Yes, sir," he looked at the ground and gave up on trying.

Junmyeon turned to me, walked closer and crossed his arms." Chanyeol, please don't kill him?" he whispered. "Or anything else that would push him down. Help him and make sure he improves. If anything goes wrong, you probably won't get just punished. That time you will have to quit, I hope you know that. I trust you and I belive in you. You two can probably go to one of the training rooms inside and practice... Okay?" he told me and I just nodded.

I wasn't sure about it, but I obviously didn't have other chances. I checked Baekhyun, who was still looking at the ground. I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck. "Well... Byun, let's go!" was the only thing I said.

I walked off the field, with Baekhyun behind me. He didn't dare look up and we were walking in awkward silence. Once we were in a training room, I closed the door and turned to check on him. He was looking at me with a serious look. It was hard for me to read his feelings, but he for sure wasn't happy to be here with me. Did he learn how to hide his thoughts? I was usually able to see what he was thinking... Well, I usually just knew he was thinking about how much he hated me.

"What? It's not my fault that I got to train you," I complained and ended the deadly silence.

"Oh really. Then who is responsible for this? Me? General Kim?" he galared at me with his dark eyes.

"It's mostly your and general's fault, so don't blame me!" I crossed my arms. "Do you think I am enjoying this? No! I am not! But I might after some time."

"Nothing of this would have happened, if you hadn't done that with-" he didn't end the sentence, but just looked away to avoid my look. He obviously didn't want to talk about it, but it was my chance to get the answers.

"Byun, can you explain why you acted that way on the last training? You for sure have a reason for it, don't you?" I asked and glared at him.

"I-" he didn't say anything, but just stepped away and stayed quiet.

"Is it that hard to tell?" I got impatient, but other way I didn't want to push him too much. Junmyeon said I will be in troube if anything bad happens to Baekhyun and this might happen in any moment.

"I don't want to talk about it- please," he quietly said without looking at me. I sighed and nodded, even though I wasn't satisfyed with his answer. 

"As you say," I decided it was the best if I didn't ask more about it. "Then... What exactly did general mean when he said, that you were under averge? I trained you most of the time and you were doing just fine."

Baekhyun took a few moments before answering. "He ment my fighting skills... I guess," he explained. "I am not good at that. Martial arts with major Huang are killing me..."

"Fighting skills? I thought you were a good fighter," I passed my hand trough my hair.

"Sir, what makes you think so?" he looked at me confused.

"You don't know what I'm talking about?" I got shocked of his question.

"No, sir, I don't."

I stepped closer to him and lowered my body to look directly at his eyes. "You beated me twice, Byun," I whispered.  "Once I ended up with destroyed face and second time my body felt like someone ran over me. You forgot already?!" I stared at Bakehyun's dark and frightened eyes.

He looked away as I told him my point and I noticed his deep breathing. "You actually never hit back or try to protect yourself, maybe you are even worser fighter than me," he said directly.

"You dare say that!" I rised my voice.

"Yeah, I do..."

"I am one of the best ones here. You would be dead by now if I used all my power I have," After what I had told him, he didn't say a word more. He just stepped a bit more back and glared at the floor. I cleared my throat to end the silence and continued. "Whatever, I am unfortunately not allowed to kill you... So... I am here to improve your fighting skills, which literally , as much as I know from what you told me!"

"I didn't say they ..."

"But I am sure they actually do," I smirked at him. "Why are we just standing then?" I said with confident and serious tune in my voice, even though this all was just awkward and silly.

"How exactly are you thinking to train me?" he was unsure.

"We will fight, what else?" I told him the point and later leaded him to the middle of the room, to get more place. "I don't know where are your weaknesses and I also don't know what are your strong points... Of course if you even have a strong point..."

"That wasn't nice at all," he glared at me.

"I am giving you a reason to hit me!" I said. Once we were on our places, we both just awakwardly glared at each other. "Well... Attack, Byun! Show me what you got!" I gave him serious, but playful look.

At first Baekhyun hesitated, but after a few moments he decided to hit from the front. I caught his skinny arm by his wrist and pushed him to the side, so he missed and almost tripped over his own feet. He turned around to face me again. I could see that he was embarrassed of how fast I prevented his hit. It didn't even look like he was trying to hit me... It looked more like he just tripped, while trying to walk closer to me.

"Is that all?" I asked because he didn't do any other moves, but the answer came before I expected. He moved closer and from nowhere I got hit into my stomach, he was weak and it almost didn't cause any problems to me. Again I prevented Baekhyun's next hit and that time I pulled his hand up. I was almost carrying him in mid of the air and he had to step on his toes.

"You really are a bad fighter!" I told him.

He tried to get out of my hold, but I was much stronger and it was impossible for him to open my hand.

"Do you even have muscles, Byun? Last time I got hit by you it actually hurt, but right now I barely felt anything," I glared at him.

I was still holding his hand high in the air and he was still strugling to get free, but not for long. He noticed that he couldn't suceed that way. Instead of that he used legs. He jumped and kicked into me with a quite great force. We both fell on the floor. I tried to catch my breath. Baekhyun also had some trouble with standing up after that. 

I coughed because Baekhyun's kick took all my air. "That's something, you should do that more often!" I quickly said, but couldn't continue because he was already on his legs and took his way towards me, while I was still on the ground. He almost punched me, but I rolled away and then quickly stood up before he could do another move. 

He ran towards me and tried to hit again, but I once again prevented his attack. I took his hand and turned him around so he was showing me his back. I got the chance to act now. I quickly put my left arm around his neck and with right hand hold it in the place, so he couldn't push it away. I slowly hugged his tiny neck and he yelped. His small and cold hands tried to free himself, but I didn't let go. My builded arm fitted around his neck perfectly. I made sure I didn't really choke him, but he still had trouble with breathing. 

"Do you know what you have to do when someone holds you like that?" I asked, but got no answer. "There are some moves with which you could save yourself from that situation!"

For some time I kept him in place and watched how he would try to save his neck. From time to time I would tighten my arms a bit more, which made Baekhyun yelp a few more times. I enjoyed the sight and almost laughed at how weak he looked, but of course this didn't last for a long time.

"Chanyeol?!" I heard Junmyeon's voice from the entrence of my room. "What do you think you are doing?!" 

I noticed that I was in trouble and quickly moved my arms away, but regret it right after.

Baekhyun colapsed on the floor, while coughing for air and breathing deeply.

Junmyeon was all shocked of how bad Baekhyun looked on the ground and it was strange that he wasn't freaking out yet. For a few moments he just stared at me with his eyes wide open from shock. I didn't know he was actually choking that much! I thought he was just overreacting!

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?! YOU ALMOST KILLED HIM?!" he ran towards Baekhyun, who was lying on the ground right next to me and was still trying to breathe normaly.

I knew I wasn't going to be lucky that time. I swallowed, because Junmyeon was probably already completely ready to throw me from here and everything would be over. I just stood there numb and couldn't think of any good reason for choking Baekhyun. I was just trying to teach him, while enjoying my time there a bit. 

This was actually training, but other way I wasn't supposed to hurt Bakehyun, which for sure included a rule: No choking! I felt foolish for doing it and my fists tightened on the thought of what I did. 

"Ohh, my god Chanyeol. What the heck is wrong with you?! I told you to train him and you end up killing him?! Do you even know what you are doing and after all what consequences could have been, if it had gotten worse?! YOU ARE IN SUCH A TROUBLE RIGHT NOW, AND I WILL MAKE SURE YOU WILL WISH THIS WOULD HAVE NEVER HAPPENED!!!" Junmyeon was shouting at me with such an angry tune, it made me step a bit away from him. I looked at the ground and didn't answer.

I knew what Junmyeon was about to do. He would fire me. I actually felt like the campus wasn't my home anymore.

"I didn't know he was actually-"

"Don't say it!" he ordered me, but I wasn't about to give up just like that. I actually liked that job and I wouldn't be able to hang out with my friends including him, if he just fired me like that.

"Junmyeon, I really didn't mean it—"

"—Don't call me like that!" 

"General Kim, I am so—" 

"—Oh, you think I will believe anything after everything you have done!"


"I am sorry! You know too well. You can't stay here anymore!" Junmyeon went directly and I got even more tense on that. I expected it, but it was hard to deal with it.

"General," Baekhyun's hand slowly rised. He coughed once again and then slowly got to sit on the floor. Me and Junmyeon both glared at him and waited for him to speak. "It- It was just training-" came Baekhyun's weak voice, whick sounded a bit sore.

"What do you mean?" Junmyeon got confused.

"It was a training," he said again and I was shocked, because he actually stepped on my side. "He wasn't really about to choke me and I'm sure this wasn't what he expected to happen. Don't blame him- it's not a big deal actually."

"Baekhyun, he actually choked you! That's not how you train someone and especially not you," Junmyeon rised his voice again and looked mad at what Baekhyun had said.

Baekhyun just shrugged and then glared at me. He gave me that 'you're welcome!' look and then looked back at Junmyeon. "No, he didn't." he said. "He didn't mean to hurt me. I know that. You missed the point, sir. We were training as you told us! I guess major just thinks everyone is as strong as he is... He will learn that this isn't true!" he was speaking with lots of confidence and I almost couldn't believe that was actually him.

Junmyeon checked me with a mad look and then did the same with Baekhyun. He stood up and left Baekhyun alone on the ground. "Very well. I will forgive you this time Chanyeol! But just this time! You are just lucky!" he turned to face Baekhyun, who was still on the floor. "Think about it. Do you really stand by your words?"

"I do, sir!" he insisted.

"I am not sure what would have happened to you, if I hadn't come. If you ever want to change your mind, you know where to find me," he told him, but Baekhyun didn't reply. 

Afer that Junmyeon offered him his hand and Baekhyun accepted it. He got on his feet and thanked him for help.

"You should go to your room Baekhyun. Everyone left already and I want to talk with Chanyeol in person," Junmyeon told him and he nodded. He slowly took his way to the exit of the training room. Before he left, he glared at me for a moment and then closed the door behind me.

"What do you think you are? Can you please explain me what came to your mind to do that?! And did you bully that boy into saying all that bull?" Junmyeon asked still mad at my actions.

"I don't think it was bull..." I said. "I really didn't know that he was really choking..."

"It is still weird!" he told me.

"Didn't Byun explain you everything?" I went directly.

"Yes, but do I look like I belive him? Do I look like I will ever believe that lies? You obviously didn't do that because of training," Junmyeon ran his hand trough his hair and took a deep breath.

"Then how do you expect me to train him? You can't just make long and boring speeches in front of soliders, Jun. They will never learn from your talking. I actually did the real training," I crossed my arms. "Common Myeon! Leave it. You told me to tarin Baekhyun well and I'm doing it! I am sure he now knows that it isn't good when someone warps hand around his neck. I was telling him to find a way to get out of my arms... What else did you expect?!" 

"I-" he couldn't find the right words. "Just don't kill him please," he ended and I nodded.

"I will think about it." I smiled.

"I am serious!" he said in disappointment.

"Come, lets go. We can talk about it later," I put my arm around Junmyeon's shoulders and we left. "Relax, it will make you feel better. Look you didn't need to fire your best trainer!"

"Yixing is the best," he looked at me.

"You are saying that, because I made you angry now, but over all, I am the best major here!"

"Your ego is annoying!"

"Just like you are, Jun!"

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I changed the cover of this fanfiction... I was just in a good mood for editing and I really didn't like that old cover after making the cover for the continuation of this story....


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Beau1996 1370 streak #1
Chapter 56: Isolation is in draft status🤔
shreechinnu #2
Kim jongdae as a doctor 😍😍 😍 😍
agsk98 #3
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
LovelyYS #4
Chapter 55: Awesome, I can't wait for new story.
TaigaB #5
Chapter 54: I actually liked this quite a lot - thank you :)
Aishafatma0909 #6
Chapter 54: That was really good story. I liked the whole plot very much however u made chanyeol's character very bad almost through out the whole of the story. I liked his character but didn't like how others treated him. But that's not that relevant I guess so nvm. Gd job waiting for the continuation
LovelyYS #7
Chapter 54: Thank you for wonderful story and happy for both of them to live together.
sneakypot_ #8
Love it! ♡
Rb2012 #9
Chapter 54: Awwwww congratulations on completing the story.
Am happy for chanbaek.
Chapter 54: Woah, I can't believe this story is ending... And OMG part two sounds amazing!! I will for sure check it out when you post it!!

I really loved reading this fanfiction, the plot is fun and the relationship between Baekhyun and Chanyeol as a major Park was just amazing from the beginning. Making them slowly fall in love with each other and then combining this with their back stories, Kaisoo and other characters great!!

Thank you so much for writing this! I will for sure read some parts again to remember things that happened in the story (there is so much lmao<3 ... Didn't expect it from the beginning)

Good luck for the future author-nim!!!