For You Now

I woke up like usually, because I didn't need to help Sunhee with work. I wanted to stay in my bed and not move until next morning, but I knew, I had told Baekhyun to come on that day's training.

I decided to wear an oversized dark and blue T-shirt, my regular tracksuit and black trainers. I was just about to leave my room, when I heard something. 

It was a weak noise that just didn't stop screaming around my room. I tried to follow it to the source of the sound, but everything was confusing me. I checked my table, bed, closet, but the noise stayed. Finally I checked my marvel collection. In between my ironman statues I found something that wasn't there before.

It was a red piece of paper, which was nicely folded there. I opened it and ignored the sound.

'Good morning, sir. You deserve it, DEAL WITH IT :)' 

I read and got even more confused. I looked back at my marvel collection and suddenly found the source of the noise.

Crackers (not those for breakfast unfortunately) were on the shelves. All over them and about to explode. My eyes widened and I panicked, but I didn't do a move. I got numb and for a moment just stared at the firecrackers and the strings burning out from them. 

My mind screamed. I had to stop the firecrackers before they explided, but I knew there wasn't much time left.

DidIi have 10 seconds? Maybe 5? 4, 3, 2, 1- 

BOOOOM My room shook and I jumped away from the explosion. Things from my shelves fell around and I covered my head with my hands to stop them from hurting me. Firecrackers exploded one by one and made everything longer. Until the last one exploded, I stayed in the corner of my room, fully clenched. I was shaken and terrified, breathing deeply and with my eyes widely opened.

Once they all exploded, silence fell in the room. I could only hear ringing in my ears and my deep and fast breathing. I stood up and slowly looked around my room.

The crackers didn't do much, but my shelve with marvel figures was destroyed. All my life-heroes were lying on the floor of my room, with their bodyparts hanging of or even missing, with melted faces. They all were messed up and there was no way I could just put them back on the shelve again. 

I stepped closer to them and took a better look.

Suddenly someone knocked on my door. Of course others heard the explosion and I expected them to come. I thouht they would come faster, maybe break into my room because of it.... 

"Chanyeol, everything alright there?" It was Huang. "I heard a lot of noise all over the hallway," 

For a moment I didn't answer. I felt anger rising inside me and I wanted to end the person that did this to me.

I clenched my fists and just stared at everything that got damaged. Each figure more made me even more mad.

"Chanyeol?" Zitao slowly opened the door and gasped. He covered his mouth with his hand and watched in horror. "What happened?" he was now inside my room, stood next to my side and placed his hand in my shoulder.

"Can't you see?" I was mad and snapped his hand away. He didn't do anything wrong, but I still felt ander towards him and everyone else in the moment.

I read the note in my hand which I almost forgot existed. I thought about it and suddenly everything became clear. I was telling Baekhyun to deal with whatever tortured him.

"It was Byun," I said quietly. He probably thought this will hurt me a lot. It did, but it was different.

"Who?" Zitao asked and interputed my thoughts. I just shot him an angry look and then walked to the exit of my room. I pushed him off my way and he complained. I didn't mean to be that rough with him, mostly because I knew he was in fact much better in martial arts than I was, but I still couldn't help myself and calm down. 

I walked to the hallway where I remembered that Baekhyun had his room. My fists were clenched all the time and I was looking at everyone on the hallway with furious look. Once I was next to the door of Baekhyun's room, I actually banged on it with my fists. I was loud and the doors actually shook, I thought they will fall off.

"BYUN!" I called, but nothing came in reply. "Open this ing door or I will!" I called again, aner rising in me. He still didn't reply and I lost my patience. I stepped a bit away and was ready to kick into the door, to make my way to the room.

"Chanyeol!" I heard Junmyeon's voice and I stopped myself from opening the door. He aproached me and looked ferious, but also worried. "What do you think you are doing?!" his voice was strict and shocked. He blocked my way to Baekhyun's room and glared at me.

"Junmyeon, belive me he just fu*cked up my room!" I pointed at the door of Baekhyun's room through his shoulder. Junmyeon just sighed and rolled with his eyes.

"How could he? How do you think he did it?" he didn't belive it. Of course Baekhyun's pure soul would never do something like this. I never told Junmyeon about how I told Baekhyun to deal wth struggles. If I wanted him to belive me, I would have to explain everything that happened between us. Baekhyun did this to revenge for what I did. I decided to keep the details, but still fought with Junmyeon.

"Firecrackers! He used crackers!" I said and opened my arms, like this was obvious.

"He doesn't even leave his room and you think he could get firecrackers?" he made me even more angry. Junmyeon always stood on Baekhyun's side and never belived me. I wished I had more power to prove him Baekhyun's actons.

"Belive me! You don't belive your own friend, but you belive a random idiot here on this campus, that is mentaly sick and insane! Do I even know you!?" I rised my voice and shot him an angry look. I didn't mind, if Baekhyun heard what I said. So what if he is offended by my words? In that moment he deserves it more than anything. I would call him other things, but this wouldn't mean anything good for me....

"Don't call him like this. I am sure he didn't do this," he didn't change his mind. He rised his finger, pointed it at me and shot me a mad look.  

"Oh, shut up! I know just well who did that," I said and then walked back to my room. I left Junmyeon because I knew he wasn't going to belive me. I decided to not tell about Baekhyun anyone else. Nobody would belive me anyway... Others from the hallway came to ask what had happened, but I sent them away. Non of them stayed for a long time. They knew it was not good to be around when I was mad and in that moment I was more than mad.

My Marvel collection was still on the floor, but I didn't think about picking it up. I was sitting on my bed and furiously looked at the figures, messed around my room. What did Bakehyun even think when he decided to do it? And why the heck would he do this? How did he do it?!

Questions kept appearing and I got an answer to non of them. I got no ideas where he was hiding right now and if I found him, everyone around would be keeping him save. I didn't think about going to morning training today. I was too furious to do anything.

When it was breakfast time, I went around to look for him. I was still angry and couldn't even talk to others with calm tune. First I checked in the dining room and found just what I was looking for.

Baekhyun was in his group of friends walking and looking for a free table and carried his plate with food. I didn't expect him to be that happy today. I was literally willing to kill him right now, but he just laughed with others. He had his happy eyes and mouth in a smile, like it was thebest morning for him. Others around him were the same, happy and unbothered.

Did others help him? Did they know about the firecrackers? Why is he laughing like that? Questions started popping inside my mind again. 

I didn't wait, but walked towards Baekhyun and crossed his way. He stopped right in front of me and glared at my furious eyes. His expression didn't change much and he kept that playful face.

"Byun, you ed up, you know?" I said without anything else.

"What exactly are you thalking about, sir?" he asked, but I knew he was joking. I almost jumped at him and beat him up, but I held myself back.

"You know just well," I told him, crossed my arms and shot him a mad look.

"Maybe, but I think my plan didn't work out as I wanted..." he said, and now I was the one confused. Baekhyun's friends were around me, but I didn't mind them since thay were just watching and nobody dared to step closer to me. They were all a few steps away in a safe zone.

"What? You got other plans?" I asked.

"I thought it would wreck your face up, but you still look just the same. Bad luck, maybe I could do it again?" he made jokes about me. I just got even more mad and my fists clenched even more. I didn't expect him like that after the last night. We were just getting along, but he destroyed our relationsim once again.

"You dare do it?! What the heck is wrong with you? You ever used your brain?! What did you get with ing up my room? Are you happy now? I wasn't even unkind to you last day!" I was shouting, but others didn't pay us much attention. They just kept eating, taking and ignored us.

"Yes, now I know that you got no ideas how to deal with life. Common, sir. Deal with it if you can!" he kept the smiling at me.

"Byun, you took it wrong. I can deal with it, but for today, I can take my revenge. Deal with things that can't be erased and overlooked, but you just gave me a reason to kill you!" I was now shouting at him. The boys around us did a few steps away, but Baekhyun stayed where he was. He also didn't show a bit of fear and just kept himself calm. His acting made me feel even more ferious about everything. 

"I told you, I thought your face would be ripped by now. Can you overlook this?" he said. 

The anger inside me exploded and I couldn't stand him anymore. I stepped right next to it and bashed his plate away from him. It banged all over the dining room, causing a lot of noise. 

The whole dining room went quiet. 

I didn't wait more but tried to punch Baekhyun directly into his still smiling face. He moved and I just clumsily tripped away. I tried again, but he moved again. I was getting more and more annoyed and I couldn't stand him anymore. I caught Baekhyun's arm and pulled him closer. He was right next to me and now I got the chance to properly punch him. My fist flew in his direction and in the next moment Baekhyun was on his knees with his hand on his face. I felt how anger against him was rising inside me. I loved to see him in pain and the punch took of a bit of my madness.

I got pulled away before I could punch him once again. Jongin and someone else were holding me away. I couldn't do any sudden moves anymore, but I still fought just to get another chance with punching Baekhyun again.

Baekhyun stood up and his hands fell from his face. He actually looked like I had never punched him. He just had a little red mark on his cheek and that was all. He even still gave me a feeling like he was still happy and proud of himself. His look was a bit more serious and his lips weren't in a smile anymore.

"Let me go. Kim you will end up the same way if you don't let go!" I shouted at the boys holding me, but non of them stopped.

"Sir, don't you deserve it? Deal with your life, like you taught me!" Baekhyun screamed and then left. He went away with Kyungsoo and on their way they exchanged a bit worried looks, but still wery playful ones.

One they both were out of reach, they let me go too. There was no point in running behing Baekhyun and catching him, because they were for sure far away already. I was ready to beat up Jongin insted of Baekhyun, for holding me, but he backed away before I could do it.

Even though Baekhyun escaped, I still wanted a propper revenge. I wasn't going to give up like this.



We kept fighting for the next weak.

On a tuesday Bakehyun had match with his unit and once he was alone I pulled him aside and digged his whole head into a bunch of mud, so later he came to others like a mess and had to make up a story and explain how this happened. He never mentioned me and just said he actidantelly tripped over and fell into the mud. I laughed on it so hard and later made a bunch of comments about him to push him even lower.

The next day I found myself with my hair sticky and in bright green colour, which didn't want to go off. I had to wear a cap everytime I went out that day. I hated how Baekhyun kept entring my room while I was sleeping, but even locking myself didn't help. He would break in without any problems and do what he wanted. Later that day, I got to meet Baekhyun again. He laughed at me that much I couldn't stand him a bit more. I didn't fight him with fists, but decided to take a different kind of revenge. 

I pulled him all the way to toilets, he was fightng behind to get out of my hold, but failed. I pulled him all the way to one of the toilets, got a hold of his head and flushed his head in it. Then left him locked and alone for nearly half a day. Nobody noticed that he was missing. They just thought he was in his own room again and ignored it. Once I went to check the toilets, he was still there and all messed up. His hair were wet and sticking together, the water from the toilet also dripped down to his neck and soaked into his shirt. Even though he was there for a long time, he didn't get dry until then. I liked to see him this way and thought about flushing him there again, but he ran to his room before I could do it. 

I found it satisfying to dip Baekhyun's head into different dirty and sticky things. He was weak and I could do it easily and smooth. It was almost like he wasn't fighting against it. So I kept doing it for a long time and enjoyed the feeling.

Our hatefull pranks continued like this until the end of the week. I was slowly getting a feeling like we were just playing with each other and the pranks were getting weaker and didn't make me that angry anymore. 

Still there would be times when I went to beat Baekhyun's face and made him feel pain after what he did to me. He liked to take revenge too, but not with fighting since he was weaker and didn't have good fighting skills.



On monday night the next week, I woke up in my sleep. It was nearly 1 am and I felt sleepy, but for some reason I found myself awake.

I noticed that my room wasn't the same as before. There was a weird atmosphere that made me awkward and uncomfortable. Right in front of my face on my pillow I saw a white paper cup, filled with water. It wasn't just on my pillow. all over my room were this cups and they were standing over themselves, so if one fell, all the others did. I didn't move.

I knew it was just another trick from Baekhyun immediately, but I didn't want to have wet bed just yet. However I couldn't stay still for a long time. I accidantely moved my head a bit and the cup splashed water on my face. 

Once the cup was down all the others started to splash water all over my room. My bed, table, floor, shelves,... There was not a singe thing that didn't get wet. and I was soaked in cold water. I got annoyed and mad once again. I shot up on my bed and clenched my fists.

"Ahhh you, Byun!" I cursed to myself. I wanted to have revenge right now.

I jumped of my bed and kicked away the cups from the floor. I felt my clothes wet, but I didn't care about them. I walked to Baekhyun's room, with my finger clenching together. Once I was in front of his room, I didn't wait. I entred, without knocking and looked around the room. I found Baekhyun snoring in his bed and fully asleep. 

I wasn't about to beat him up. It's boring to fight him asleep. It wouldn't even be a plesure for my feeling. I took Baekhyun's blanket, pulled it up and climbed on the bed. I was about to sleep here...

"What the-?" Baekhyun woke up once I was already on his bed.

I threw the blanket over us both and lied down. I still had wet clothes, but I didn't care about it in the moment. I would get dry soon, so I ignored it. Baekhyun fought to get me away, but I kept him in place. My arms traveled around his body and  pressed him to my body. He was unable to move and just cursed. 

"Sir! What the heck are you doing here? And you are wet! Get away!" he kicked around, but couldn't hurt me.

"It's your fault. You are the one that got me wet, now would you let me sleep?" I asked and placed my head to his pillow. I locked my hands so Baekhyun wouldn't escape and closed my eyes.

"No! No way you sleep here!" he tried to get away from me again. He almost pulled himself up, but I hugged him tighter and pressed him lower.

"Shut up, okay? I am not here to hurt you. I am just traying to sleep. Oh, wait it's also my revenge," I laughed a bit. "It's your fault. Now deal with it. Goodnight," 

"Let me go," Bakehyun still fought in my arms, but I heard no more from him.

I fell asleep.

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I changed the cover of this fanfiction... I was just in a good mood for editing and I really didn't like that old cover after making the cover for the continuation of this story....


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Beau1996 1378 streak #1
Chapter 56: Isolation is in draft status🤔
shreechinnu #2
Kim jongdae as a doctor 😍😍 😍 😍
agsk98 #3
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
LovelyYS #4
Chapter 55: Awesome, I can't wait for new story.
TaigaB #5
Chapter 54: I actually liked this quite a lot - thank you :)
Aishafatma0909 #6
Chapter 54: That was really good story. I liked the whole plot very much however u made chanyeol's character very bad almost through out the whole of the story. I liked his character but didn't like how others treated him. But that's not that relevant I guess so nvm. Gd job waiting for the continuation
LovelyYS #7
Chapter 54: Thank you for wonderful story and happy for both of them to live together.
sneakypot_ #8
Love it! ♡
Rb2012 #9
Chapter 54: Awwwww congratulations on completing the story.
Am happy for chanbaek.
Chapter 54: Woah, I can't believe this story is ending... And OMG part two sounds amazing!! I will for sure check it out when you post it!!

I really loved reading this fanfiction, the plot is fun and the relationship between Baekhyun and Chanyeol as a major Park was just amazing from the beginning. Making them slowly fall in love with each other and then combining this with their back stories, Kaisoo and other characters great!!

Thank you so much for writing this! I will for sure read some parts again to remember things that happened in the story (there is so much lmao<3 ... Didn't expect it from the beginning)

Good luck for the future author-nim!!!