For You Now

I went back to my room after my day with Chanyeol. I was glad I got a chance to spent a day like that with him. 

"Kyungsoo?" I called as I entered the room, but nobody was there. The room was empty. I guessed that he was perhaps with his other friends or he simply still didn't come to his senses after last night's party. 

I sat to my bed and took some rest. I was tired and I wanted to relax a bit. 

"Byun Baekhyun!" I suddenly heard Kyungsoo’s voice, waking me up. 

I pushed myself up and watched him as he approached me and sat to my bed. 

"What is it?" I asked and backed a bit away. 

"Guess who has just had the best day of his life!" he lied down to my bed and smiled to me. 

I looked at him confused. "You.... Why are you looking at me like that? It is creeping me out! What happened?" 



"—I am literally and for real dating Jongin!" He announced before I could make my first guess. 

I just stared at him as he said that. "What?" I asked. 

"It is true," he turned around on my bed and pulled me next to him. He warped his hands around my back and stared at my eyes. 

"Okay," I said. "I believe you. What happened?" 

"Well I am dating him from today's morning, but let's put that to the side and focus on more interesting stuff that had happened before that!" he smiled widely. 

I knew what was he about to say, but I really didn't want to know anything about his night. "I really don't—" 

"—Have you ever imagined the size of Jongin?" he suddenly interrupted me. 

"NO!" I said right away and widened my eyes, because his sudden question surprised me, even though I was expecting something like that. 

"Well I have many times—" 

"—Why am I not surprised," I interrupted him. 

"Don't jump in my words when I am talking about Jongin's size!" he told me a bit mad. "Well I've been trying to imagine it for a while, bit I never imagined that!!" 

"What is it small?" I sighed, because I wanted to end that conversation. 

"Oh, are you jealous?" Kyungsoo suddenly asked and moved closer to me. "Say you are jealous. There is no other way you would have said that Jongin has small one!"

"You are making me uncomfortable," I said. He had his hands warped around me and was lying much too close to me on my bed. 

"I know you are a really good friend with Jongin, but let me make this clear: You will never have the kind of relationship with him, like I do right now!​​​​​​" 

"Great," I quickly nodded. "I never wanted that. Have Jongin for yourself. I really don't care what is his size!" 

"You see my lips?" he suddenly changed the topic. 

"Of course I see them you are only a few inches away from me," I said. "Are you still drunk?" 

"I am not drunk," He replied. "Well, imagine these lips warped around Jongin's sweet and huge—" 

"YA, DON'T SAY IT!! I don't want to think about it!" I backed away from Kyungsoo. "You are just too open with this all." 

"I've been open about that since our first day, so I don't think there is problem with being open now. Jongin is wild and I like it." 

"Of course you like it—" 

"—Do you know that it was a bit hard to walk for me when I woke up next to him."

"Well, Jongin is strong," I said. 

"He'll yeah he is! When I messed up everything with Minho I thought it was over with me and I would forever stay in friend zone with Jongin, but no. Guess who made a first step?"

"Well I would guess it was you, but now when you mentioned it like that, I will say, that it was Jongin." 

"Yeah, it was him. I first thought I was hallucinating because of the alcohol, but it turned out I was more sober than I thought I was. I realised that only when he pushed me to the wall, he kissed my lips, jawline, neck. It was so real. I was so awake. He went down. every part of my body—"


"Well not literally, but yes! You will never be able to imagine that feeling." He said, while looking at my eyes completely lost in his thoughts. 

"I think I don't want to know—" 

"—Not my problem," He said. "Jongin's lips really are something. I think I don't even need to talk about how fast he went. I really like him riding me. It hurts at first, but the pleasure that follows. I think only Jongin can do something like that. I was screaming his name out, he didn't stop, but just went faster. I liked that a lot—"

"—Kyungsoo, you know that I stopped listening your love story as soon as you started with it. I really don't want to know how it feels when Jongin rides someone!"

"Not someone," Kyungsoo said. "ME!!" 

"Kyungsoo, he is the captain of my unit!" 

"Yeah, Baekhyun!!" he replied. "The captain of your unit ed me!" 

"You are my best friend, but I really can't imagine all that, like you want me to!" 

"I can go in details, so you will be able to. From the end to beginning. I know it all!" 

"You don't need to," I smiled and got myself off the bed to make distance between me and him. "I think I heard enough!" I rised my hands. 

Kyungsoo just didn't stop talking about it until the end of the day when we both went to sleep.

I didn't even get a chance to tell Kyungsoo about my day with Chanyeol. Well I was kinda happy that he didn't ask me where and how I spent my night and beginning of that day. He didn't really like Chanyeol and it would be a little weird if I told him that I really enjoyed my time with him. 

I was also glad I didn't see Jongin that day. It would have been so hard to talk to him, after Kyungsoo’s explanation of their previous night. I was also glad, that Kyungsoo stayed in our room, because it meant, I wouldn't need to listen another detailed description of his wild nights next day. 


I woke up a bit tired. I didn't sleep well because of my nightmares, but I did my best to hide that. 

I got ready and then left to my morning training. I wasn't in a mood for doing hard exercises, but since general Kim wanted to kick me out, I had to do my best to get better.

I waited for Chanyeol. There was also another unit of older soldiers at that field, but they trained completely unbothered by me. With Chanyeol I usually just picked a random training field, even if units had trainings there, because we were only two and didn't take much place.

After a few minutes of waiting, Chanyeol finally came. I noticed that he was all serious and almost furious. I didn't wan't to be in a bad mood on the trainings, but he for sure was and it bothered me a bit. 

"Good morning," I greeted and tried to stay confident and positive, but he didn't answer.

"Mhmmm..." he muttered something. Our eyes met and I felt how his negative feelings were dominating. He sighed and then started with the training. "You can go run, then start with exercises like always..." He said, but I just stood there numb. "That's an order!" he rolled his eyes and pointed to the field. 

I wanted to complain, but I just couldn't find any words that would've been good enough. I started with running. I thought about the reason for Chanyeol's bitterness. We had had just fine time together day before and he had been smiling and laughing a lot.

Did anything bad happen after I left? I didn't get the answer. 

After I was done with running, I started with exercises like he had told me to do. He usually worked with me, but that time he just sat and watched around. His attention wasn't even focused on me, but everything else around. I couldn't understand why he acted like that and I felt a bit upset because of it. 

Later Chanyeol ordered me to do exercises. All were hard, but I didn't dare to give up. His mood would've been even more destroyed and I hadn't done everything he had ordered me. I wanted him to be at least proud of me that day, since he was so negative and salty. I did everything, even though I felt tired from the past night. At the end of the traing I was covered in sweat and breathed deeply.

"Fine, you are done for today!" he said at last, still bitterly.

He turned around and walked away, without saying any other word.

"Chanyeol—" I got his attention.

He turned around and rised his eyebrow, as I called him. "—I am major Park for you," he said.

"But yesterday—" I tried to speak, but he interupted me.

"—Call me 'sir', like you always did," he looked at me with his serious eyes.

It was the first actual eye-contact and it sent shivers over my body. Fear was taking over me and I did a step away from him. "But—" I almost complained, but stopped because his words were clear. He was the usual major Park here. "S-Sorry, sir-, but is there a problem? You are bitter again," I got the strenght to ask.

"This is non of your business. You may go," he said. I didn't like his tune and the way he said that.

"You just decided to be in a bad mood again? Just like that? Did anything bad happen?" I dared to speak on and pused for an answer.

"I told you, it's non of your business! I am paid to train you here and that is enough for both of us, don't you think so?" he rised his voice. He was annoyed and pissed, but I didn't want to give up.

"But you just got happier and brighter! Why that change again?!" I protested. I felt anger inside me rising against Chanyeol's acting, but it didn't effect him a lot.

"Listen to me! You shouldn't care about how I feel and you don't chose how I will act through the day. If you don't like it, I don't care! You are just a solider here, I am the major, your trainer and you will obey me. You may not ask questions like that, unless they are really related to your work at the University. Stop being tiresome and act like a solider!" he was serious about it. His eyes were in fire and his fists clenched.

"Y-Yes, sir," I lowered my head.

"I've been trying to learn you that for a while and I think it is time for you to understand it!" He told me. 

"I understand, but I don't think you need to be annoying and mean to achieve that—" 

"—I can be mean, but I am definitely not the one annoying here," he replied. "I made a mistake yesterday. It wasn't professional at all. General Kim was right when he said I should take my work much more serious." 

"So it is general Kim's fault?" 

"It is my decision. I didn't even see general yesterday. I know what he wants from me. I know what he wanted from me when he gave me that job and I am going to prove him I can do well!" 

"You aren't doing well," I sighed and looked at him disappointed. 

"You may go, Byun!" he said without saying anything else to me. 

I left. Chanyeol was acting in a weird way. It was like those nice moments we did yesterday didn't exist, like he never took me out, never worked with me or smiled and laughed with me. It was all gone and erased. 


Chanyeol was like that all the time we were together. motionless, cold, serious and negative. I was more and more upset and sad about his behaviour. I wanted to change his acting again. I wouldn't let him be like this at my trainings. 

The same day in the evening I decided to fight for it.

We were outside on a training field and there was also an older unit, training with major Huang, my martial arts trainer. Nobody was bothered by us and we usually trained on the fields where others had trainings. 

Chanyeol kept being bitter and had this mad and annoyed look in his eyes. He ordered me to run again. Probably because he could sit and watch while I was working. I had to get better condition too and this was a part of it.

I started to run without complaining, but soon got mad over Chanyeol's behaviour. He sat all mad and serious, looking at me with anger. I didn't like how bitter he was and I wasn't going to stand him like this.

Once I was about to run past him, I stopped and turned in his direction.

"What do you think you are doing?" he was confused, annoyed of how I stopped and asked with his rough voice.

I crossed my arms and looked at him seriously. "You are bitter," I went directly, ignoring his orders and questions.

Chanyeol let out a sigh, showing how annoyed he was, but I wasn't bothered by it. "I thought it was enough obvious. I told you before, that it's nothing you should care about. Get back to work!" he shot me his mad look.

"No," I replied without hesitation. 

"No?" Chanyeol rised his eyebrow, clenched his left fist and covered it with his right hand, so it looked like he was about to beat me. "It's an order and you dare go against it?"

"Yes, sir," I said confidently and starightened myself. "I am not going to work and train until I get a good reason for your acting!"

On my words Chanyeol stood up and stepped closer to me, so he was looking down at me, because of his height. I feared a bit, but stayed confidednt and didn't move.

"Solider Byun Baekhyun! You can complain as much as you want. The only thing that you will get with that is a paper with your expulsion. Keep fighting and disobeying my orders and I will go directly to general Kim's office," he rised his voice over me. I shivered on his words. He was serious about it and I feared he was actually going to do it, but I didn't want to have that kind of trainings.

"Fine!" I nodded with my head. "Expel me. I am not going to have trainings like that," I said even though I feared he might actually expel me. I wasn't going to give up yet.

On my words Chanyeol sized me with his look and them backed away. He took a better look of me again and then turned around and walked away. He walked slowly, showing me how he was about to expel me. I watched his back and on the thought of getting expelled I just realised how very stupid thing I had just done. He was the one who kept me there and he was the one who actually could throw me out. 

It was my fault that Chanyeol was leaving now. I sighed, tired from what was happening and I collapsed on the ground. I sat down and looked at the ground, keeping the saddness inside me and fighting to stay strong no matter what happened. 

Chanyeol was distancing, not looking back to check for the second time. I knew, I screwed up and my hopes were fading away. 

Just in that moment I heard a yell from behind me. I quickly turned around to see what was happening, but the boys from the unit were in the way. Everyone was worried and wanted to take a look at what happened, so I stood up and hurried to see myself. Chanyeol heard the yell to and ran to the unit. He was fast there and gasped when he saw what happened.

Once I got a look, I saw major Huang on the ground, holding his left leg and groaning in pain. 

"What happened?!" Chanyeol bent down to major on the ground. Soliders around were confused and worried, but non of them looked like they were about to help. Some looked around and thought of what to do, but nobody really did anything. 

Chanyeol didn't wait for an answer. It was obvious that major Huang's leg was broken. Chanyeol placed his hands under major's arms, pulled him up and then held him over his shoulders. Major Huang groaned once he had to move and complained about the pain. Before Chanyeol did another move, he glanced at us with serious look and spoke.

"Everyone dismissed," he said and everyone answered with "Yes, sir," and so did I.

After that he slowly walked away, helping major Huang walk. He headed to the hospital wing and soon he and major Huang weren't seen anymore.

For some time soliders just stood there in silence until one of the boys spoke. "Who knows what happened?" he asked and checked around the boys, who just shook their heads and shrugged with their shoulders, giving him a sign that they knew nothing. 

"H-He- Major tripped and fell, while he helped me with some moves," a bit taller boy than me spoke, shaken from what had happened.

"Well, the majors aren't here anymore. Anyone wants to go to the town and have fun?" taller solider asked and most of the others agreed with him. I didn't think about going with them and slowly and quietly backed away, took my way away to the dorms, but they stopped me.

"You aren't going, boy?" a tall and muscular solider asked. Everyone here looked strong and trained well. I looked like a kid comparing to them. "I'm Siwon," he added.

I clumsily turned to face him.

"I'm Baekhyun and no, I am not going. I am not in a mood for town right now...." I said and tried to sound confident.

Siwon nodded and hummed in answer, but still didn't let me go. "You are Baekhyun. Weren't you the freshman who went against Park on the first day?" he suddenly asked. "I wouldn't dare to do that, if I was like you. Don't take that as a bad thing."

"It is okay," I said. "It was quite stupid to do it, but I somehow survived." 

"You train with him, don't you? Must be hard," he continued.

"Yes, his trainings are torturing. I am lucky that he got distracted by major Huang..." I said and on that others laughed.

"He looked a bit mad," Siwon told me. "What have you done? I haven't seen him in so bad mood for a while now." 

"I think he was about to go to general Kim and tell him to throw me out of here..." 

"Ohhh, don't worry! I was sent to general Kim's office too many times. Once I already had packed things and was about to say goodbye to the campus. That time I offered general kim a can of beer in the town. He accepted it!" he said and everyone laughed again. "After that I was still sent to his office, but we just drank together or talk about random stuff. A great man he is!" 

"Yeah, he is good, but unfortunately he wants to expel me too," I lowered my head. 

"Well... No offence, but you really don't look much like a solider, but I am sure you can improve! I can talk with general if you want," he offered. He was honest, but non of the boys really made fun of me. The unit was kind and heartwarming. They accepted me even though I was different.

"I swear I am trying to improver for weeks now..." I said, but continued right after. "Thank you a lot! I appreciate it. Well you could help me out a bit, but I think I can manage it," I said confidently and straightened myself. Everyone in the unit looked like they were about to adopt me there. I felt how well they accepted me and somehow I wanted to stay with them, but this wasn't going to happen. I still had my unit and great friends there. Jongin was my number one defender and Kyungsoo was my best friend. That was enough and I also had other friends like Minseok, even Minho was quite okay last days. At least he wasn't arguing with Jongin 24/7. I didn't want to leave my unit and I still loved my friends the most. 

"Alright. I want to go now. We don't have all day! See you next time Baekhyun," he said and after a few moment's of 'goodbyes' I left to the dorms. 

Once Kyungsoo came from his training, I told him everything that had happened. I told him how Chanyeol was about to expel me and about major Huang's incident. He was shocked about the news, more about major Huang and completely ignored the part of me almost being expelled again (it was not new for me to be near leaving the campus...) 

I didn't meet Chanyeol for the rest of the evening. Me and Kyungsoo prepared ourselves for bed and then went turned off the lights to sleep. That time I almost forgot that I was almost expelled today and fell asleep with clear mind. 



I knew what to expact.... Nightmares again. It was getting worse each second and I soon couldn't stand it anymore. 

I saw my brother. Standing in front of me. I was afraid, but I went for it. My hands were covered in blood again. 

I woke up in the middle of the night. For a momen't I tried to calm down in the darkness, but then decided to turn on the lights. I looked around to find the switch and then managed to make the room brighter. Kyungsoo wasn't bothered by the light and just snored on. I thought about waking him up, but got distracted. As I bliked to get used on the light, I saw a scene from my dreams. It was a flashback, but I was still present in the room and my mind. It was like my eyes didn't want to cooperate with my other self. I got scared and closed my eyes, but as I saw the same scene from before. My nightmares were repeating again, even though I was awake. I lost the ability to speak and barely felt air in my lungs. I tripped of my bed and fell on the cold floor. There I tried to calm down again, but just gained voices that were now whispering around me. I was getting more and more afraid and I was sure I was going insane. 

I experienced hallucinations before. But it had been a long time, since I had experienced them so real and intense.

 I looked for the latch of our room and left it. I ran on the hallway, just to get to the toilets. There I the water and splashed my face with water. I looked at myself in the mirror. I was there, but partly I saw only the flashback that was dominating in my mind. I rubbed my eyes, tried to shake the flashback and hallucinations away.

Once again I looked at the mirror. I didn't see myself this time. It was Woosuk. His cruel eyes looking directly at mine. I jumped away from the mirror and tripped over the floor. I fell and hit the ground with my head. I felt how everything around me was spinning and getting blurry.

I heard a sigh. Someone was here. I could see someone aproaching me, but my view was too blurry to recognise the person. 

"H-Help," I whispered.

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I changed the cover of this fanfiction... I was just in a good mood for editing and I really didn't like that old cover after making the cover for the continuation of this story....


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Beau1996 1371 streak #1
Chapter 56: Isolation is in draft status🤔
shreechinnu #2
Kim jongdae as a doctor 😍😍 😍 😍
agsk98 #3
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
LovelyYS #4
Chapter 55: Awesome, I can't wait for new story.
TaigaB #5
Chapter 54: I actually liked this quite a lot - thank you :)
Aishafatma0909 #6
Chapter 54: That was really good story. I liked the whole plot very much however u made chanyeol's character very bad almost through out the whole of the story. I liked his character but didn't like how others treated him. But that's not that relevant I guess so nvm. Gd job waiting for the continuation
LovelyYS #7
Chapter 54: Thank you for wonderful story and happy for both of them to live together.
sneakypot_ #8
Love it! ♡
Rb2012 #9
Chapter 54: Awwwww congratulations on completing the story.
Am happy for chanbaek.
Chapter 54: Woah, I can't believe this story is ending... And OMG part two sounds amazing!! I will for sure check it out when you post it!!

I really loved reading this fanfiction, the plot is fun and the relationship between Baekhyun and Chanyeol as a major Park was just amazing from the beginning. Making them slowly fall in love with each other and then combining this with their back stories, Kaisoo and other characters great!!

Thank you so much for writing this! I will for sure read some parts again to remember things that happened in the story (there is so much lmao<3 ... Didn't expect it from the beginning)

Good luck for the future author-nim!!!