For You Now

I slept quite well at night after I had left Jongdae's office and came back to my room. I had expected to have nightmares again, but it hadn't happened. 

Kyungsoo didn't have that luck. Right when he heard the loud alarm from outside, he started complaining.

" it! Let the person, that set this alarm, burn in hell! I swear I am going to destroy it today!" he literally screamed. 

"I agree with you," I said. "This alarm destroys most of my days here at the campus," I yawned and rubbed my eyes.

"Hell yeah! How am I supposed to live here if this thing s up everything!" he kept complaining.

I shrugged with my shoulders. I still felt pretty good after the sleep and I didn't want to be in a bad mood already at the begining of my day. 

"You can break into the system and change it...." I said and stood up from my bed.

"Wait.... Baek, your head is in bandages...." Kyungsoo noticed, and in that moment I remembered, I still had them on. I totaly forgot they were there and they didn't even bother me. I rubbed my head through them and esitated. 

"Y-Yea, I accidantely slipped in the bathroom at night...." I explained. 

"Really?!" he looked shocked. 

"Yeah, and there was some more stuff going around at night..." I added, hesitating to tell him everything.

"Wait, I think, I remember you leaving at night!" he shot up, proud to remember it.

"Yes, I did leave the room at night. I couldn't sleep...." I said. 

"Tell me more, Baek," he waited for me to continue with the story.

"Let's talk at the breakfast, okay?" I said.

"You are saying that just because you don't want to tell me and you are never gonna tell me."

"No...." I denied that, but it didn't convince him. 

"What a friend you are!?" he complained. "I tell you everything. I tell you details. I even told you everything about me and Jongin!" 

"Well I never asked for it!" I clenched my teeth and looked away to avoid eye contact with my friend. 

"See," he pointed at me. "That is what makes me even better. I tell you everything straight without a doubt! You don't even need to ask, if I am still in friend relationship with Jongin, or am I already ing him!" 

"Well as much as I know he is the one ing you​​​​​​!" 

"Wow wow wow wow, Baek. Well you are quite right, but since when are you talking like that?" he looked at me all surprised. 

"Just shut up," I told him and started to get ready for the training. "I spend too much time with you!" 

Kyungsoo shot me an evil smile and got ready as well.

I decided to remove the bandages and there was just a red mark left above my ear. We went appart once Kyungsoo found out where his training was. I left to one of the taraining rooms where I was supposed to have training with Chanyeol today. I was a bit early and I had to wait. Chanyeol always came on time. Once he came it was exactly 8am. I remembered he had said, he would've slept longer, because he had had to stay up longer, but he still came right in time. 

He had black tracksut and dark red T-shirt, which was oversized. I hated how he made himself look bigger than he already was. I looked small and tiny next to him.

Right when he saw me he sighed and rolled with his eyes. "You are still here, I see. Should I go and expel you right away or will you work as I say?" he went directly.

I hesitated with the answer and clumsily stepped a bit back. "I- uhh-" came from me before I could actually speak, but Chanyeol continued himself.

"Or do you have another note from Jongdae or something?" he rised his eyebrow.

"No. I don't and I also don't want to be expelled," I quickly said, beacuse I feared chanyeol might interupt me again.

"Fine then," he shrugged with his shoulders "I am done with gaining your muscles. We will leave the gym and start with serious work!" 

"What's wrong with work in the gym?" I got confused. He usually trained me at the gym or outside where I had to run and do other exercises for strength.

"You want to be there and suffer on?" he glared at me and I shook my head immediately. "Well, even after 2 weeks you didn't gain a bit of muscles, so I decided to move on," he said with strict tune.

"I got stronger..." 

"You didn't,"

I tried to complain, but he spoke before I could. "You still strugle with lifting weights and you get tired very fast. I think you actually lost that strength you had when you came here. I will not wait longer. You are here to learn martial arts. We will start with this,"

"But—" I tried to complain, but my words didn't appear.

"Well, we should start!" he announced and then walked to the middle of the tarining room.

I followed his moves and then placed myself in front of him. He was serious and had his usual mad and strict look. "Since last time we fought I almost choked you, I thought I could learn you how to get out of my hold?" he said.

I nodded. I wasn't ready to fight with him again, but he looked ready to beat me up. 

I remembered the time Chanyeol had held my neck in his arm. It hurt me a lot and I didn't want to experience it again. I placed my hand on my neck and rubbed it, like I was trying to remove the feeling when I was choking.

"I am not going to be that rough as last time," Chanyeol said when he noticed me caressing my neck. "I will maybe just enjoy the moment a bit..." he smirked. 

I just swallowed the feelings, that were building up inside me and nodded. I wanted to complain and fight for my safety, but he would've probably just ignored it.

"Hmmmm... Why don't you try protecting yourself before I grab your neck huh?" he smirked.

"You think I can't do it?!" I asked. I was furious because he took my fighting as a joke. "I can protect myself! Try me!" I shot him a mad look. 

"Pff- I want to see that," he said and then moved closer. 

He was the first one to attack. He almost hit my face, but I moved to the side and he missed. I was all shocked from the suddedn moves. I was breathing deeply, but Chanyeol didn't think about stopping. His hand wrapped around my wrist and then he pulled me up. For a moment he just glared at me, but then turned me around and his arm was around my neck.

"You said, you could protect yourself, huh?" he asked. 

"Yes I can!" I said and traied to pull his hand away, but it was locked on his other hand. He tightened and made me yelp.

"Just like the last time. You didn't change..." he said. Later he softened his hold and I could normaly breathe in his hold. "Byun, you disappointed me tonight," he changed the topic.

"Why?" I asked even though I knew.

"You cried and gave up fighting. I was sure you were getting stronger in all ways, but you proved me wrong. You broke again and decided to act like a kid again. I don't like it," he said.

"I- am sorry," I felt embarrassed of how I acted the last night.

"Sorry? Don't be. It makes me even more disappointed. Just get better and don't do that again," he tightened his hold around my neck.

I didn't say anything more.

For some time he just held me and I strugled to get free way to breathe. Chanyeol sighed. "The first thing to protect yourself in this situation is to push your chin down. It's the best, if you do that before your neck is traped, because later it's harder to push it down...." he said.

I hesitated for a moment, but then I lowered my head and did what he told me to do. "It's awkward..." I complained once I was in my position. 

"It won't be once you are choking for real..." he said. "After that you should use your hands... They are free and it's useless to pull the others hands away. You should try hitting into the thighs," he said. 

I didn't wait, but moved my right hand. I clenched my finegers into a fist. It travelled with incredible speed down to his leg. I hit very hard, because I felt how even my fist hurt after that.

"! NOT FOR REAL!" he cursed and moved away from me, letting me out of his hold and I was freed.

"I did ti!" I shauted once he was away. 

"No!" he pointed at me. "I was just telling you what to do! Don't really hit! Have respect!" he shouted at me. He was mad. He had his hands on his thigh and caressed it.

"But I got out of your hold!" I was proud of myself.

"Yes, you did, but this is different! I wasn't even choking you for real and you had a free way to do it! It won't be like this if someone tried to choke you for real!" he was furious and I could see fire in his eyes.

"You are destroying my moment of victory!" I crossed my arms. I was still proud of myself for getting out of his hold and hitting him that well. He literally cursed when I hit him. It wasn't the first time it had happened. I had hit him a lot and he had been furious every time it had happened. 

"Common, you got more to learn," he went closer me and I was locked in his arms again. This time he held me more carefully. I didn't complain, but just waited for him to continue. "Don't hit for real, because then I am going to kill you!" he warned and I tensed under his hands. 

I rolled with my eyes and nodded. After that he took a few moments to calm down and then started again.

"Last time I lifted you up. You are small and light, so anyone with a little muscles could do it. That time you should use your hands to keep yourself up on the arm and use your legs," he stopped for a moment. "The best to hit the thighs again..." he said and I could feel how he moved his legs away. 

"You are afraid," I smiled, but I could feel how he tightened around my neck as I said it.

"No, I just don't trust you," he said.

"It means you are afraid," I laughed. 

"Stop laughing!" he said seriously. "I had been a target of your unnecessary hits too many times. However, you can try saving yourself now," he said and on that he lifted me. I gasped as his arm hugged my neck and prevented me to breathe. I berely remembered what he told me to do while I was choking for air. I put my hands on the arm that was around my neck and tried to pull it away. 

My legs were kicking in all randon ways, but didn't hit Chanyeol's thighs. 

"You didn't listen to me? Do what I told you to do," he said with strict voice. 

I pulled myself up a bit to soften his hold and then focused on kicking him. I closed my eyes and felt him I hit my target and heard a groan from Chanyeol. He didn't let go, but I could stand on the floor again. I moved my hands up to his head and got a good hold of his hair. I pulled him to the side and he tripped away.

"YA! Don't do that!" he yelled as I pulled his hair.

I was out of his hands and felt proud again, but this time Chanyeol got too mad.

"You will die now!" he said and moved his hands to hit me. I moved away and got ready for his next attack. I kept moving away, but he was better. I could sense how he was about to hit me soon and I panicked. I ran away around the room and screamed. 

"Stop!" I screamed when he took his way behind me. "You told me to protect myself! Why are you mad now?!" he stopped and caught his breath after the long run behind me.

"I am okay with your kick, but pulling hair? My hair!? Where did you get that? I am sure I never told you to do that!" he complained breathlessly. 

"It was the first thing that came into my mind! Deal with it!" I complained. 

"MY HAIR!!" 

"What is up with your hair​​​​​​?" 

"Don't you see I have beautiful and precious hair? You can't pull them!" 

"You aren't choking me," I told him. 

He stared at me for a while. I knew I was right and he knew it as well, he just didn't want to confess it. "Arghh! Fine!" he gave up. "You did well, but I am not letting you fight for real anymore," he said and I got closer again.


"You will become one as soon as I show you how well I can fight!" 

"Well, can I see it now?" 

He looked at me with a smirk. "No, I don't think you want to spend another night with Jongdae." 

I didn't complain about his reply. I knew he was actually serious with it. He was a big and strong guy and I really shouldn't have asked for something like that. 

"Let's take that seriously," he suggested. "I will show you the moves and you will try them out and you will NOT touch my hair again!" 

"Okay," I agreed. 

Later Chanyeol showed me some moves that could help me while fighting and I tried to memorize all of them. I practiced with him and got better very fast. I still had a lot to learn but for the beggining I was doing really well. 

We were practicing until Chanyeol's phone rang. He had it placed on the chair  that was standing next to the wall of the training room.

"Wait a moment!" He hurried to get it and then answered the call.

I heard someone speak from the other side, but couldn't understand what it was saying or who it was. Chanyeol listened carefuly and every so said something back.

Once he ended the call, he looked at me. His look oin the eyes made me nervous, but I didn't know what to expect.

"You will have to train with your unit for some time," he told me directly and made me confused.

"Why that?" 

"Some units don't have their trainer, since Zitao isn't here anymore. Junmyeon said I will take his place until the new trainer comes," he explained.

"But I just started enjoying the training!" I complained, not even thinking how silly this sounded.

"Oh, you enjoy training with me?" he looked at me and smiled. 

"Well, you came here quite annoyed, but you aren't like that right now, so I like it," I told him. 

"Everything good needs to end at some point."

"That isn't encouraging at all," I narrowed my eyes. 

He laughed and rubbed his neck. "Well, I didn't mean it literally. It's obviously not forever! Just until someone else replaces Huang..." he hesitated a bit. "Well... I liked todays training too," he said and gave me a weak smile.

I loved how Chanyeol got nicer again. That was what I wanted from him, but now I had to end with his trainings for some trime. 

"What happened to major Huang anyway?" I decided to ask. 

"He broke his leg. He is at the hospital now and will be going home to rest until he gets better," he said. "You have no ideas how long I waited for him to decide where he will stay. I came back late just because of him and later Jongdae kept me at his office for no reason. You should be sorry," he got mad again.

"Sorry," I shrugged with my shoulders like it was not hard to do that.

"Don't be!" 

"You told me to—" 

"—You sometimes shouldn't listen to me, Baekhyun!" He smirked after using my name again. "Whatever. You got your next training with your unit and Junmyeon. I guess I can dismiss you now.. It really wasn't that bad with you today, if I forget about you pulling my hair..." he said, keeping his serious vibe, even though he was partly joking about it.

He wasn't so bothered by the fact that we won't have trainings together, but it did bother me. I knew, that I couldn't just say, that I wanted to continue my trainings with him, so I decided to deal with it. Like he had told me to. 



"Baekhyun! Finally I got you back in my unit. Thanks to major Huang you have trainings with us again!" Jongin annouced as soon as we met at the breakfast. Whole table heard him and looked all shocked to hear the news, but it was nothing new for me.

"He broke his leg..." I said. 


"You are thanking him for breaking a leg!" I said clearly so he could understand my point. 

"Well whatever, you are coming back to us!" 

"Yeah, I know..." I said and unconsciously rolled with my eyes.

"What is that? You don't like it?" Jongin wondered when he saw my reaction. I just realized how very bored I looked and didn't want others to misunderstand things.

"What?! No! I like it, and I really want to be with my unit and that... I especially miss you training with me, but other way... Well even Chanyeol's trainings aren't that bad...." I said and gave everyone a weak smile.

"Oh, so now you are even calling him by his real name? How cute!" Jongin giggled, and then in a second got completely serious. "Well... I only remember suffering from Park's trainings. He never liked me. I hope we stay with general forever. He spends half of the training just to motivate us. It actually helps! Right, Minho?"

"Definitely!" Minho just came by and hit Jongin's shoulder a bit. 

"Since when are you two buddies?" I asked. 

"Oh, believe me, we aren't" Jongin explained me as Minho went by to his group of friends. "We just decided to make a peace in our unit, so we don't compete anymore." 

"That is good to hear," I said. 

"But you are still on my side!" Jongin reminded me. "It was quite boring without you in our unit." 

"How long do you think will it take to get the new trainer?" I asked and ignored the fact that it sounded weird. 

"Oh, are you impatient already? You didn't have trainings with us for years!" Jongin rised his voice, but wasn't really mad. 

"It was a few weeks and we still had competitions together," I corrected.

"A few weeks too much!" Jongin protested., "Kyungsoo, honey, come here and tell him that he should be with us at trainings!" he called as Kyungsoo approached. 

"Yeah, Baek. Whatever Jongin says!" he stepped next to Jongin and hugged him from the side. 

"Oh, I can't watch this," I complained and looked away. I still couldn't get used on the fact that Jongin and Kyungsoo were actually together, even though I knew Kyungsoo had been trying to achieve that since he had seen him for the first time. 

"Just accept it, Baek!" Kyungsoo said. "What were you two talking about by the way?" 

"Baekhyun should train with the unit and not Park!" 

"Yes, who likes Park?" my friend spoke. "Baekhyun, you don't want to get rid of the trainings with major? I thought that was your main goal..." 

"It was, but I actually do like training with him," I said. 

"Baekhyun, you are sick," Kyungsoo put his hands on my shoulders and shook me a bit. "I am sure you will be okay in a day or two." 

"I spend just enough time with you both in our free time and after trainings," I said. "I just got used on it." 

Both Kyungsoo and Jongin just stared at me for a moment. "Fine!" Jongin said. "It is okay, I think we won't get new trainer for a while so it is okay! But I agree with Kyungsoo, because thinking Park is okay can't be healthy! The only time he was okay was at the party, but that is forgotten in the past!" 


The rest of the day looked like it was never about to end.

General Kim's trainings were boring and long. Jongin was right about him motivating the soliders with his speeches. Nobody dared to talk while he was talking, because if you did, general decided to punish you, so you could only wait until he ended.

However even if general only spoke most of the time, he also gave us a lot of hard practices and exercises to do. After that I felt like someone had thrown me into the sea of my sweat. I just noticed how very behind I was. I spent a lot of time just gaining muscles at the gym and only this morning I actually started to do the schools work. Everyone was already very experienced and good at trainings, while I trugled with most of the things.

We practiced on obstacles, on which I had only been once, and even then I had ended up at the hospital. 

On the end of the day I was breathing deeply and was about to go unconscious. 

I still went to meet Jongin with Kyungsoo before sleep (I actually just didn't want to let Kyungsoo go alone).

"So, Baekhyun, how do you feel with your unit again?" Jongin asked me after some time. 

"Okay, I guess..." I said unsure about it. 

"Pft. Okay, I guess,​​​​​​" Kyungsoo mimicked the way I had said that but in a bit mocking way. 

"What have you been doing on your private extra trainings with Park?" Jongin asked after that. "How can it be better than training with general Kim and friends who are there for you?" 

"I know that you have always been there to defend me, from the first day and I am glad, but I just got used on it and Ch- I mean major Park isn't that bad trainer..." 

"Ch- I mean major Park!" Kyungsoo repeated after me again and it slowly started to annoy me. 

"WILL YOU STOP IT!" I shauted to silence my best friend. "I don't speak like that!" 

"You do!" he pointed out. "Do you even hear yourself as you speak?" 

"I do..." 

"Well then at least use your brains as you speak. Park was the one responsible for your bad state and training with you is his punishment. I wouldn't like that in any case." Kyungsoo explained me, but I didn't agree with him. It was true that Chanyeol had brought back bits of my trauma, but he also made me stronger. I was confident that I could fight against anybody and anything. Kyungsoo couldn't really understand that, because he didn't know Chanyeol as I did. 

"So when a new trainer comes... Will you go back to your special trainings?" 

"I already said, that I would," I gave Jongin a small smile to cheer him up. 

Jongin looked to the ground. "What about when you get to the level where you could train—" 

"—Jongin, that is not the question you need to ask!" Kyungsoo interrupted his boyfriend. "The real question is, would he return to his regular trainings, if Park was the main trainer of the unit again!" 

I thought about the question and only now realised that I actually somehow wanted that. I just wanted to have Chanyeol for my trainer. 

"Can we not talk about—" 

"—See!" Kyungsoo pointed at me. "I told you! He doesn't want to answer, because I am right. Damn, Baek, are you really sure, if you are completely healthy? I would understand, if this was about Zhang, but Park really isn't a nice person!" 

"It really isn't about that..." I wanted to avoid that conversation. "Can we talk about other things? How is going your relationship?" 

Kyungsoo narrowed his eyes. "You know that I want to talk about it, don't you..." he said. "You really want to avoid that conversation about your 'Ch- I mean major Park'" 

"I really do!" I said. "Well...?" 

"Oh you want me to speak about our relationship?" Kyungsoo asked and pointed at himself, looking at Jongin a bit confused. "Well, I guess it would be much better if you weren't here right now—" 

"—Oh, Soo, you wanna go wild again?" Jongin gave him the biggest smile possible. 

"I'm sorry for disturbing you two, but I am not going to leave you two alone," I said. "It is just too risky!" 

"Come on, Baek," Kyungsoo whined. "I am dating Jongin. Jongin is dating me. We slept together before and I know you are just jealous—" 

"—Jealous?" Jongin asked and looked to me. 

"I am not—" 

"—You know what, Baekhyunee, I was thinking," Kyungsoo said before I could've said anything else to prove I wasn't jealous. "You came here with me to make sure both me and Jongin will be okay. Maybe you would like to join and go ?" 

"What?" I choked on my saliva as he had mentioned that. 

"You know in three. Me, Jongin and you, toget—" 

"—Okay, I am going away!" I stood up, giving up on both of them. 

"Come on! It would be fun, don't you think so Jongin?" 

"I prefer only having you next to me," Jongin said and then looked to me. "Don't get me wrong, Baek, you are awsome!" 

"I was joking," Kyungsoo said. "Unless Baekhyun really wants it..." 

"I am really done with that," I made my way out of the room. "I don't think I want to stay here any longer."

"Great then, see you tomorrow, Baek," Kyungsoo’s lips formed a heart shape as he smiled. 

I rolled with my eyes. "I don't want to hear anything about it tomorrow morning!" I warned my friend, because I already had too many details about their relationship. 

"If you stay here any longer, you will hear it—" 

"—Don't say it!" I opened the doors. "I really don't want that. Have a good time!" 

I left the room without actually saying goodbye. I didn't want to involve myself in their relationship and I guessed that both of them were quite serious about it. Especially Jongin and Kyungsoo was for sure about to calm down a bit as well. 

I headed to my room and immediately went to sleep, because I was tired and I didn't really expect Kyungsoo to come after me. 

I trained with general Kim and my unit for 3 days and slowly got used on his type of trainings. I didn't see Chanyeol so often as I had before that and I noticed, how the trainings had effected on the amount of time, I had spent with him. I still wished I could get back to Chanyeol's usual trainings. He didn't look too happy about training the other unit too. He was serious and mad all the time. I always saw him furious at the meals, and he looked like he was about to beat up someone. That kind of behaviour actually wasn't weird for major Park, I had met on the first day.

Just on the 4th day I went to my training with Kyungsoo by my side. He was explaining me about him and Jongin again and I just wanted to overhear everything. 

"Baek- I mean, Byu- whatever, Baekhyun!" I heard deep and familiar voice right behind me. 

Both me and Kyungsoo turned around. Chanyeol was approaching us in a hurry, and a bit tensed up, but on the sight of me he relaxed. 

"Yeah?" I asked. I hadn't talked to him for a while, and I also didn't expect him to come to me like that all of the sudden. "What is it?" 

"A new trainer came. We can have our usual trainings again," he said and I suddenly felt excitment building up inside me. 

"Really?!" I said, surprised.

"You can stay with general for this morning if you wish—" he told me. 

"No! I am okay. I got enough of him," I said and just realised how silly this sounded. I felt how I blushed and looked at the ground to avoid Chanyeol's look.

Chanyeol sloghtly laughed and nodded. "Fine, see you at the training room," he said and I nodded in reply. He walked away and I was left with Kyungsoo.

"Baek- I mean, Byu- whatever, Baekhyun,​​​​​​" Kyungsoo looked at me as Chanyeol had left. "What was that for."

"What?" I looked at him confused. 

"I thought major Park was calling you Byun..." He raised his eyebrows. "You okay?" Kyungsoo suddenly asked and glared at me with his big, round eyes.

"Me? Yes, I am. Why?" I looked back at him.

"You are like burnt tomato...." he said and laughed.

I threw my hands on my face and rubbed my cheeks to get the blush away. I hated it there. I hated, that I couldn't control my blushing, and with all the embarrassment around it was even harder.

"I can't help it!" I complained and covered myself from Kyungsoo's view. "It is normal for me!" I tried to find an excuse, but wasn't doing really well. 

"No it isn't. Park must like it! You should see how he looked at you when you blushed," he said and tried to mimic Chanyeol's expression of slightly smiling and smirking. 

"Stop it!" I hit Kyungsoo's shoulder and made him jump away.

"Aww, man. I am just joking.... or maybe not," he laughed away, but at the same time backed a bit away, so I wasn't able to hit again. 

"Well, go. You got morning training to do. Go!" I almost ordered him and later we both huried our ways for the training.



"Morning, Baekhyun!" Chanyeol greeted me as I entred our usual training room. He was leaning to the wall, ready for us to start with training.

"Morin'" I said and kept my look as much away from him as possible.

"Well, I hope, Junmyeon didn't torture you too much, because I am also not going to be nice here!" he joked, but it sounded more than real. He said it with his strict and serious tune mixed with his deep voice.

"Gosh, I swear he trains like trash! Who the heck spends half and hour just to motivate soliders!" I complained directly. 

"Only Junmyeon. Interesting is, that all the units, he ever trained, got the highest grades and scores, a lot of those he trained are now higher ranks around the country," he said, shocking me.

"Really?! How does he do it?" I asked, but just got a shrug from Chanyeol.

"I want to know it myself. I envy him a lot. Everyone prises him, congrats him for his hard work, even though he just talks on his trainings. I guess motivation is important. He has a good ways of making soldiers physically and mentally prepared for anything... I really don't get how exactly he does it..." Chanyeol crossed his arms and looked a bit annoyed.

"He probably just throws everyone who doesn't fit in in secret, to keep his good image..." I said, but Chanyoel shook his head.

"I tried already and it didn't help," he smirked at me. "However,  I still get rid of those that aren't capable to do a move here,"

"Like me?" I slowly asked.

Chanyeol rised his eyebrow and tought about it. "Yes, but I belive you can improve. I could say you fought well to stay on this University and deserve it," he said and gave me a weak smile.

"Thank you!" I said proudly. A moment of silence fell until I asked on. "Well.... Did you have any problems with the unit you trained," I asked carefuly, not to ask anything wrong. 

"Why do you ask that?" he smiled. 

"You looked pissed all that days," I decided to tell him that straight without hesitation. 

He laughed as I had mentioned it. "Was it so obvious?" he asked and continued right away. "Yes, everyone made jokes out of me and I was the same annoying major for everyone. I hate how people don't respect me," he said and I accidantely let out a slight laughter. He shot me a mad look and I covered my mout with one hand, carefully looking at what he was about to do now. He didn't move and just kept staring at me with his ferious eyes.

"S-Sorry. I didn't really mean to do it," I siad, backing a bit away. 

"Yes, you better not. You try to live like that. I like it when they at least fear me and apreciate my strenght, but now they joke around me even when I am on my high of anger," he continued. "I sent one to Junmyeon's office, but it didn't help. He is actually Junmyeon's pet! I could say they are friends!" he shook his head in disappointmant.

"S-Siwon? You mean him?" I remembered meeting him after Chanyeol had helped major Huang to the hospital. 

"Yes. How come you know him?" he wondered.

"Well, we talked once. He is actually a pretty good guy..." I said, but regret it as Chanyeol got mad again.

"No, he is that famous kid that dares to bully older and more experienced people than him. He should learn some manners!" he growled and tightened his fists.

"I can't really tell, but I found him nice when we talked. Maybe try finding something good in him, don't look at the bad?" I said and Chanyeol shot me another mad look. He looked like he was fighting to decide, if he should accept it, or just fight with Siwon on. 

"Whatever!" he waved with his hand after some moments. "Let's concentarte on our training, shall we?" he asked, but I got another question in my head.

"Who is the new trainer?" I asked. It was the question, every student would've asked once someone new came, so I didn't mind asking it.

"Well... I did meet him already," he let out a quiet sigh, looking up to remember his new co-worker. "I can't really remember his name. He looks strong and experienced. He is also quite tall which is cool."

"He is as tall as you?" 

"Pft, no!" Chanyeol laughed a bit. "I guess we could be good friends. Or I could just tell him to fight me, and we would be enimies right away," he laughed thinking about it.

"You would do that?!" I got shocked.

"Yes, if needed, but right now I want someone that would accept me, not make jokes out of me and fight me. I got enough of that from students!" he said. I was about to say some more, but Chanyeol interupted me. He clapped with his hands and ended the topic. "We should train...." he reminded and I agreed. 

Later he taught me some moves again and then we practiced them until the end of the morning training. I didn't have problems with catching up, because Chanyeol explained every move well and I slowly got it right. I was proud of my work today and left for the breakfast happily.



After breakfast I decided to spend my time with Kyungsoo and Minseok in Jongin's room again. They were already there, while I wanted to change my clothes before. I walked alone on the hallway to get to my room, but crossed roads with someone else.

"Look who is here," came hoarse voice from a man standing in front of me. There was nobody else expect us on the hallway. I looked at the man and right after that felt shivers all over my body, a sudden shock taking over me, making my eyes go wide open and my jaw fall down, taking all my air from my lungs and making me dizzy.

The man was taller than me, with muscular body and a bit tanned skin. As I looked at his face he had dark, hooded eyes and his lips created a smirk. I liked it when Chanyeolwwas smirking at me, but I didn't like that one. His hair were combed up and made him look taller, but with his height he didn't beat Chanyeol. If my face was round, his was more like a square, with sharp jaw. He wore a uniform, identical to all other higher ranks, but with no gold patches and medals like capitans, majors and generals had. He stood straight and looked down at me. 

There was nothing new on him, for me. I knew him too well. His look, face, body, even personality were too comon to me. 

"Woosuk," I choked out of me. Woosuk, my older brother was standing right next to me.

I didn't know how I was still there and didn't run away, maybe scream, pass away... That was what I would've done before coming to the campus. But now, I felt something telling me to stay strong and face my brother like a man I was, not a crying baby and old Baekhyun.

Woosuk laughed at my answer, even though I didn't see anything funny in it. "So you remember me! At least that," he said and made a step closer to me.

I tensed a bit more, but didn't move. I looked at Woosuk with that confidence I had left. "What- What are you doing here?" my voice trembled and I couldn't help it. No matter how much I tried, I was shaking all over my body, but didn't want to show it to Woosuk.

I feared Chanyeol, major Park, the first day at the campus. Maybe because his physical appearance reminded me of Woosuk a bit, but that was nothing compared to the fear I felt in that moment, standing in front of Woosuk. 

"Can't you see? I am the new trainer here," he said. Woosuk trained martial arts and was very good at it, so I didn't have to ask how he got that position. Major Huang was martial arts trainer so it was obvious how it had happened. 

"You came because of me, didn't you?" I surprised myself with my rough voice this time.

"Yes, you are right," he agreed.

"How did you know that I'm here?" I asked, but didn't end yet. "I thought it was clear when I said, I didn't want you to know any of my now private information, including the college where I will study," I added and on that Woosuk went seious.

His look darkened and his lips pressed together. "After you left the house I never heard a word about you. I did ask about you a lot, I wanted to find you and get you back, but parents didn't say a word. It was like they forgot you. They did to be honest!" Woosuk laughed and I went ferious.

I felt anger rising inside me and I wanted to revenge for my past.

My parents left me at a mental hospital, never knowing the whole truth for my weird acting. They weren't my actual parnts. I was adopted by Woosuk parents when I had been only a few months old, because his — my — mother didn't bare another pregnancy after having Woosuk. However, I loved them like my actual parents, but they still left me alone when I needed help the most. 

It was all Woosuks fault that I ended at that place. I wanted to forget those hard moments a lot and the fact that had ever happened. I didn't feel love towards my parents anymore. Now I just had them as a part of my past. Like I had Woosuk for my past. 

"It's better this way," I narrowed my eyes. "I don't care about them anyway and I don't want to see you!" 

"Oh it's pretty borring at home without you. I got nothoing to satisfy myself alone!" he said.

"Satisfy yourself?! You-" I felt more shivers going through my body, making me crack. I was getting sick, thinking about how he had hurt me in past. 

"Yes, Baekhyun. You got no ideas how very lonely I was. Lying in that hospital for so long, wanting someone by my side. I wanted you," he smirked again. He knew I was afraid, but I ignored it.

"I wish I cut and stabbed deeper with that knife," I said, but regret it.

Woosuk got mad  and in only a second I got pressed to the wall of the hallway, with Woosuks hands around my neck, holding me tightly and making me gasp.

"You are foolish. Didn't you cause enough problems already? Stop fighting and do something useful," he said, but before I could speak, he did first. "However, I healed. The wound you drew on me is almost erased. You missed all my important parts and kept me alive. I am thankful for that!" he said and then with his right hand seized for mine and forced me to move. He roughly pulled me and my hand touched his stomach. Even through his uniform I felt the healed wound. 

I closed my eyes and held my breath as I came to contact with it. I saw just clearly how the wound was there. I was the one that had stabbed Woosuk, but I didn't regeret it. I wished, I had been more rough that time. I wished, I hadn't been so weak and scared at that time.

"You are the same as before," Woosuk laughed.

On that I opened my eyes. They were teary, but I kept my tears inside. I didn't let a single fall down.

"You are wrong. I did change. I am not going to suffer under your hold anymore, Woo!" I said and on that I pulled my hand out of Woosuks. 

"Pfff- You got no power to do that—" he said, but after that let out a yell and coughed.

Right as he said it, I knew just what to do. Chanyeol had taught me just enough to protect myself, and I did it. I placed my hands on Woosuk's arms and pulled them down, then I kicked up with my knee and hit his stomach, taking his breath away and I felt how his held softened. I hit again and this time Woosuk backed away. I had a free way to go and I did. I ran all the way to my room, breathing deeply, without looking back I shut the door behind me. I took a moment to calm myself down and clear my mind.

Woosuk really was there. My brother, with whom I didn't have the best relationship. 

I felt the need to do something about it. I knew I wasn't able to stay there anymore. I had to get away from Woosuk. Hide from him. I knew just exactly what to do to get away from him. 

I left my room again. I was tensed up all the time, watching around me, making sure Woosuk wasn't anywhere around.

I went all the way to general Kim's office. 

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I changed the cover of this fanfiction... I was just in a good mood for editing and I really didn't like that old cover after making the cover for the continuation of this story....


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Beau1996 1378 streak #1
Chapter 56: Isolation is in draft status🤔
shreechinnu #2
Kim jongdae as a doctor 😍😍 😍 😍
agsk98 #3
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
LovelyYS #4
Chapter 55: Awesome, I can't wait for new story.
TaigaB #5
Chapter 54: I actually liked this quite a lot - thank you :)
Aishafatma0909 #6
Chapter 54: That was really good story. I liked the whole plot very much however u made chanyeol's character very bad almost through out the whole of the story. I liked his character but didn't like how others treated him. But that's not that relevant I guess so nvm. Gd job waiting for the continuation
LovelyYS #7
Chapter 54: Thank you for wonderful story and happy for both of them to live together.
sneakypot_ #8
Love it! ♡
Rb2012 #9
Chapter 54: Awwwww congratulations on completing the story.
Am happy for chanbaek.
Chapter 54: Woah, I can't believe this story is ending... And OMG part two sounds amazing!! I will for sure check it out when you post it!!

I really loved reading this fanfiction, the plot is fun and the relationship between Baekhyun and Chanyeol as a major Park was just amazing from the beginning. Making them slowly fall in love with each other and then combining this with their back stories, Kaisoo and other characters great!!

Thank you so much for writing this! I will for sure read some parts again to remember things that happened in the story (there is so much lmao<3 ... Didn't expect it from the beginning)

Good luck for the future author-nim!!!