For You Now

The days had passed one by one. November came very soon, and I continued with my trainings.

I tried my best to do it normally, but I couldn't completely focus, because of Chanyeol's presence. Kyungsoo and Jongin didn't give me peace, after I had told them about my relationship, and they were non stop giving me ideas how to act around Chanyeol, how would be the best way for me to literally seduce him, made me think about him and more. It seemed like they didn't really take my relationship seriously, however, they still supported me, even thought I didn't want to hear anything about it from them. They told Minseok about it and I was glad that at least him reacted on a bit more peaceful way. Every time I had seen Chanyeol at our trainings or literally anywhere in the campus, I thought about the things Kyungsoo told me and I didn't like it, because it wasn't how I would normally act. 

Chanyeol, however, was very professional, our relationship didn't change the trainings at all for him. I sometimes wished he wouldn't be so rough and strict while training, but that was the major Park Chanyeol I always knew. The one who would train me until I passed out because of exhaustion.

"Don't stop yet!" He ordered me as I was working out. "I will make you do twenty more push-up if you do!" 

"I will die here!" I complained. 

"I will come visit you in hell, love," He smiled. "NOW DO TEN MORE!" 

"I've already done them!" I complained, stopped doing push-ups and lied down to the floor to take some rest. I was breathing deeply. Chanyeol really wanted me to die from doing that, probably because he still didn't get over that first day. Maybe he was also a bit angry because I shot him at the camping, but that had happened a while ago. 

"Do you want to the dust from the floor?" He asked and leaned down to me. "You can do it, but I was walking literally everywhere with that shoes, I don't know about you, and you can never know what are that nasty students doing here!" 

I pushed myself up a bit and looked at him madly. "I would rather that floor than train on!" 

"I'm waiting, wait can I take my camera and record it? It would be humiliating!" He laughed and then got serious again. "Also don't expect me kissing you for a whole week straight if you do it!" 

" this!" I pushed myself from the floor. 

"Ah, we will continue the training?" he asked. "Did me not kissing you got you into this? Wah, I didn't know you liked it so much!" 

"I came to a conclusion, that I really don't want to taste that floor." 

"That is understandable," He nodded. "Well, I guess we can try out some fighting methods... You are probably fed up with push-ups." 

"You were just watching me all the time!" 

"No I was quietly cheering for you while telling you to work more, that requires a lot of energy. Now focus and show me what you remember from last time we tried out some moves for self defense." 

I thought about it for a moment, but then he suddenly attacked, and I had to react quickly. He used his fists fo fight me and I moved to the side while grabbing his hand in reaction. I pulled him down and hit his chest with my knee. 

"Sh*t, did you really have to hit for real?!" He complained and backed a bit away. "I didn't even try to do anything much and you return me like that." 

"You asked for it, that is my self defense. You learned me that by the way." 

"And you are trying it out on me. I should find you someone to practice on. Maybe Junmyeon. I would enjoy seeing you beat him well, especially if he annoyed me at that time."

"I like doing it on you," I said and put my hands in a fighting position, showing him that I was ready for his another attack. 

He strikes, but this time he didn't hold back. I did my best to defend myself and return the attack, but he was bigger, stronger and faster. He grabbed my hand, as I tried to defend myself, but he warped his arms around me so I couldn't move.

I completely froze by the contact with him like that. His body was pressing against mine and I could feel his fast breathing and heartbeat. 

I clenched my hands around him too and looked at him, wanting him to hold me like that next to him forever. He didn't seemed to be bothered or distracted by the contact with me, instead he just continued his attack. 

He pushed me a bit away and then pulled me over his back, making me fall over him and hit the ground. He placed himself over me and held my hands tightly, so I couldn't move at all anymore. 

"What was that?" he asked as he was holding me down. "You didn't even try!" 

"I did try," I complained, but didn't do anything to get Chanyeol off me. 

"You didn't and you aren't trying it now!" he said seriously. 

"I- I got a bit distracted...." I said and I literally felt how I was blushing. 

Chanyeol moved away from me and stood up. "Baekhyun, we can't train like that if you don't stay focused," He said seriously, taking his way to the chair where he had left his jacked before we had started the training. "Here take that. It will give you some energy." he said and walked back to me with a chocolate bar. 

"Why that?" I asked. 

"It will help you to stay focused," he said. 

I looked at the chocolate. "I don't think this will help me."

"What exactly got you distracted?" 

"I- you did..." I said and

He pressed his lips together and nodded. "Because I was holding you?" he asked and sat down. 

"I am sorry. I am trying my best, but from time to time my mind just floats away—"

"—You will have to stop floating while we have our trainings, Baekhyun!" he said seriously. "This is a serious training and we both have to take it for real if you want to improve. I didn't come here to hold you in my hands."

"I know..." I said and looked down. 

He nodded and looked at me, giving me a small smile. "What exactly on me took so much attention from you to literally leave me knock you down without any effort?" 

"Everything..." I answered and ate a piece of the chocolate. "My friends talked to me a lot after I had told them about our relationship... And it got me thinking."

He smirked at me and sat up straight. "I want to guess what you have in your mind, but I can't think of anything. Tell me." 

"Oh, come on! I know, that you know, from the way you are looking at me right now." I said and took another bite of the chocolate Chanyeol had given to me. "You really do know it!" 

He stood up and slowly approached me and placed his hands on both sides of me to keep me captured. "I can imagine," he smiled and leaned to me.

I closed my eyes as he leaned towards me. I could feel his breath on my cheek and for some time we just waited there, until he kissed me gently, making me gasp quietly. His lips moved, to part mine, letting him enter my mouth, taste me more. I moved my lips on him, making place for him to me from inside. 

I felt how his tongue on mine and then I could feel how Chanyeol the reminding piece of chocolate that I ate not long ago. Everything was mixed with my saliva and now mixed with Chanyeol's too. I slid with my hands from Chanyeol's shoulders, down to his chest and felt his muscles under my hands. 

Chanyeol  the last of the chocolate from my mouth before pulling away. 

Just as he did it, I realised how very out of breath I was, like I had just done more push-ups than ever before. I gasped for air, a bit disappointed as he pulled away, but still ahppy that this happened. 

"You are sweet today," he said, moving a bit away from me. "Like a chocolate."

"It was supposed to be my chocolate," I said to and laughed at it a bit.

"Who gave it to you?" 

"You did." 

"So I guess I can take it back, now let's get to the serious part. I don't think we can train like that, if you keep getting distracted." 

"You just kissed me. I thought you weren't really bothered by it..." 

"I am not.... I am actually glad to know that you want me. But at the same time I am bothered. A lot. I am doing my best to stay professional here. I don't think we can train like that, if you won't keep it up normally. I can just tell Junmyeon that it was enough and we will continue the trainings like we had them from the start. You with your unit and me as the main trainer. I am sure Junmyeon would understand it."

I thought about it, but I didn't really like the idea of going back now. I wanted to be more with my unit, especially Jongin, but at the same time I was afraid, because if I was there I would have trainings with Woosuk every week, which I skipped when I was with Chanyeol. 

"I don't know," I said. 

"I am not training you because you are mine, but because I am supposed to be someone who could help you to improve and get to the same level as your fellow mates." 

"You are doing that, I am getting better every day and even you saw my progress." 

"I have," he answered. "And I think it would be possible to get back to normal trainings. It won't change anything between us, it would probably be even better, since it seems like you really can't focus when we are alone like that." 

"I do train with my unit enough. I just don't want to do it all the time, especially not now..." 


"I don't want martial arts trainings," I told him the truth. I had more reasons for it. The first one was definitely Woosuk. When major Huang had had trainings I had been able to somehow bare it, but I really wasn't comfortable around him. Not even after he had told me that he hadn't come to hurt me. The other reason was, that I still wasn't the best at fighting. I improved a lot, but still wasn't enough good. 

"You are pretty good already," Chanyeol told me. 

"It is not just about my skills..." 

"What you don't like the new trainer. I thought you would get along with that Byun. I usually get along with Parks" he said and laughed silently. 

I didn't say anything. Chanyeol didn't know that he Woosuk was somehow my brother. It probably didn't really matter when he got the job. General Kim probably just wanted quickly get someone to replace major Huang. 

"I don't really like him." 

"Me neither," Chanyeol said and leaned to the wall. "I tried talking to him, but he somehow seems very closed in himself, he doesn't really talk to me or to other trainers here. Maybe he needs time to blend in, however, I don't like him. He is one of those I would fight for no particular reason. Just to show him who is the boss."

"Can we not talk about this?" I looked at him, carefully trying to change the topic. I didn't want to talk about it. I didn't want Chanyeol to know about it and my problems.

"Okay," he rised his hands in he air. "I know that you never liked martial arts and that you aren't in good terms with trainers here."

"I am in good terms with you..." 

"Pft," he crossed his arms and rolled with his eyes. "I think you were more or less terrified of me when you first saw me. I was giving that dangerous aura. I am still, but it seems like you got used on it." 

I smiled. "I hated you so much from the first day." 

"There is already two of us, now I think we can end this for today. We will continue training like this, if you promise, you will focus from now on. No thinking about me, because you can save that for later."

"So I can go now?" 

"I didn't say you are dismissed yet!" he told me, looking at me seriously. 

"But you said we can end this for—" 

"Byun, my love, there are rules here," He said keeping his serious expression and tune. "One of them is that you mustn't leave until I actually dismiss you. That means that you wait here as long as I have something to tell you. I said that I will keep that professional like I am supposed to."

"Yes," I nodded and looked to the ground. 

"You also should call me sir here," he said. "Get used on it. You call me sir when we train and Chanyeol when we are together in free time. Now, Byun, you are dismissed!"

"Yes, sir," I nodded and walked away. 

"Give me the rest of the chocolate. I didn't know it tasted so good. I gave it to you, because I thought it was another cheap kind of chocolate Sehun gave me." 

I looked to the chocolate in my hands. "No, it is mine," I said and walked out of the training room without saying anything else. 

"I WILL GET YOU!" Chanyeol said, but I was already running away, hiding from him to keep the chocolate. 

I ran down the hallways, trying to avoid students who had also ended with their trainings. I was looking around to find a place where I could hide. I wasn't really sure if Chanyeol was still following me, but I really didn't want to get caught. 

", Baekhyun, what do you think you are doing?" I heard Kyungsoo’s voice behind me. 

"Quickly follow me!" I said and ran to our room. "We aren't safe here." 

"What is with you?" Kyungsoo asked. 

"I am running from Chanyeol," I said. 

"Park? What did you do this time?" 

"Me?" I widened my eyes. "He wants to take my chocolate. I am not letting him do that, because it is actually good."

Kyungsoo narrowed his eyes. "What chocolate?" 

"This," I brought out the chocolate out of my pocket. 

Kyungsoo took it out of my hands and looked at the packaging. "I have never seen this brand... How does it taste?" 


"Ssh, don't tell me," he put his finger on my lips to silence me. "I am a professional!" 

"A professional? Don't you dare to eat—" I was too late. Kyungsoo already bit a part of the chocolate and tasted it. He kept it in his mouth for some time before taking another bite of it. "What the hell, Soo, that is mine!" I tried to take chocolate out of his hands, but he didn't let me. 

"You know, Baekhyun, this really tastes good. You can trust me, because I am a professional in tasting, especially when it comes to Jongin. I hope you know what I mean, but this chocolate.... Where did you buy it? I can understand why Park wants it." 

"I didn't buy it, Chanyeol gave it to me, because I couldn't focus while training." 

"Oh, this makes even more sense. You know that Park actually has some taste," he said and bit in my chocolate again. 

"Would you stop eating it!?" I tried to get to it again. 

"No," my roommate said and pushed me away. "I actually don't think this chocolate is all that Park wants." 

"Shut up, I told you than none of us—" 

"You said that two weeks ago when we were still camping and you want me to believe you that you still didn't do anything more interesting than kissing?" 

"Kyungsoo I've been sleeping here all the time! You are the one who disappears every second night!" 

"Baekhyun, you are getting older every day. He is already old—" 

"—He is not even 25."

"I don't care how old he is." Kyungsoo said. 

The doors of the room suddenly opened and Jongin carefully stepped inside. "You are loud here," He said. "Oh, chocolate! Right on time, Soo," He said and took it from my best friends hands. "I am so exhausted. We had racing today and Minho was really going for real this time. I won anyway, but I just want to die right now." He said eating and enjoying the chocolate. "This sh*t is good!" 

"It is mine!" I complained. 

"Is it?" he looked at it and then took another bite. "Well I guess you don't mind."

I rolled with my eyes and sighed. I was really annoyed. 

"Look, Baekhyun," Kyungsoo spoke again. "I am sure he will push into you sooner or later." 

"Oh, we are talking about Park?" Jongin asked. "What happened?" 

"Nothing!" I said. "You know what I am leaving this place. You two don't ever try thinking about following me, because I will kill you both!" 

I walked away. 

"Just say you are afraid!" Kyungsoo called after me as I was on the hallway. "You know we are right!" 

I pressed my lips together and carefully looked around. Not many students were there. It was free time and most were probably hanging out together in their drooms or they simply went to the city. 

I didn't really know where to go. Maybe it would be the best if I just found Minseok, since he actually knew how to talk about other stuff which wasn't connected to my love life. 

"Baekhyun!" I heard a voice that sent shivers all over my body. 

I turned around and my eyes met with Woosuk's. 

"Long time no see," he said. "You are hiding really well here on this campus. It has been weeks since you went on that camping, but yet I didn't get a chance to talk to you properly until now." 

"You won't talk to me now either," I said. 

"Ah, Baekhyun, I thought we made a deal. I told you that it is okay for you to be around me without getting hurt. I just wonder what are you doing all that time when you don't have classes and trainings."

"I have friends!" I said. "I have a good friends. Don't think that I am the same as I used to be!" 

"I don't think that," he confessed. "But I actually didn't believe you could change that much in just a year. They really worked well in that psychia—" 

"Don't you dare to say it!" I pushed him away. "Not a single word about it!" 

"Fine," Woosuk looked at his uniform to see if I ripped anything off it. "You got violent!" 

"That is a good thing for me," I sighed. "I train well here. I didn't know this university would be so helpful in terms of my strength. I really had luck."

"I heard that you didn't get accepted anywhere else," He said. "What a pity." 

"It is your fault anyway!" 

"Oh, Baek, I let's forget that. It is also your fault, so don't speak against me." 

"I can say just anything as long as—" I stopped talking because I heard someone coming closer. 

I turned around and recognised Chanyeol right away. "Ch- major Park," I said, shoked a bit. "What are you doing here?" I asked as he came to me and Woosuk. 

"I just came by," He answered. 


Oka, my Readers! One more chapter uploaded. Hope the next one will be done soon, wait for it! 

Comment your thoughts and opinions. What do you think about the whole story? Anyone got any ideas about Bakehyun's and Chanyeol's past?

Love you! Karmenll & Half.alive.exol!

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I changed the cover of this fanfiction... I was just in a good mood for editing and I really didn't like that old cover after making the cover for the continuation of this story....


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Beau1996 1378 streak #1
Chapter 56: Isolation is in draft status🤔
shreechinnu #2
Kim jongdae as a doctor 😍😍 😍 😍
agsk98 #3
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
LovelyYS #4
Chapter 55: Awesome, I can't wait for new story.
TaigaB #5
Chapter 54: I actually liked this quite a lot - thank you :)
Aishafatma0909 #6
Chapter 54: That was really good story. I liked the whole plot very much however u made chanyeol's character very bad almost through out the whole of the story. I liked his character but didn't like how others treated him. But that's not that relevant I guess so nvm. Gd job waiting for the continuation
LovelyYS #7
Chapter 54: Thank you for wonderful story and happy for both of them to live together.
sneakypot_ #8
Love it! ♡
Rb2012 #9
Chapter 54: Awwwww congratulations on completing the story.
Am happy for chanbaek.
Chapter 54: Woah, I can't believe this story is ending... And OMG part two sounds amazing!! I will for sure check it out when you post it!!

I really loved reading this fanfiction, the plot is fun and the relationship between Baekhyun and Chanyeol as a major Park was just amazing from the beginning. Making them slowly fall in love with each other and then combining this with their back stories, Kaisoo and other characters great!!

Thank you so much for writing this! I will for sure read some parts again to remember things that happened in the story (there is so much lmao<3 ... Didn't expect it from the beginning)

Good luck for the future author-nim!!!