For You Now

I enjoyed the sight of drunk Baekhyun. He made me laugh a lot and his acting was amusing. I had never imagined he would have acted like that. He tripped a few times and I loved to see that. He said silly things and it made me laugh even more. I was actually laughing. 

Since I knew he didn't want any of this, I decided to take care of him after he ended up completly drunk, maybe unconscious? I didn't know if it was 8th glass that he drank now. 9th? Or more maybe... 

He got wasted very fast. It is obvious that he isn't used on that much alcohol, so the effect came even earlier. We soon ended with playing the game with others and I just focused on making him drunk. I kept giving him more to drink and he drank it all. Not a bit was left from him.

"Good job, Byun!" I prised him everytime he did a sip. He would just moan and mutter a reply and make me laugh even more. 

He threw up once, but I still didn't think about stopping. He had to get more than drunk once in his life! After he threw up, he also drank more slowly and tried to stop. He obviously didn't enjoy drinking anymore and probably he felt a bit sick, but I didn't give up. I handed him more alcohol and made him drink it all.

I was about to get his next glass of alcohol. I tried to give him different tastes and kinds of drinks.

I found a bottle of alcohol next to Jongin. He was also drunk, but comparing to Baekhyun wild and playful. Baekhyun was almost sleeping and dreaming on the table, while Jongin was screaming around, moved in all mossible ways and continued with dares. 

I filled Bakehyun's glass and handed it to him, but he didn't take it. 

"Common, be a good boy and drink it," I told him, but then noticed something else. Baekhyun had that scared look in his eyes. He was filled with horror and stared at something behind me. I looked around, but couldn't understand what scared him that much. People around were just drinking and laughing with each other. 

Baekhyun muttered something, but I couldn't undersand a thing. For some moments he sat there numb and gazed, but once he got back to his senses (that weren't drunk...), he stood up. Well... He tried to stand up.... 

He tripped over his own legs and fell on the floor, but didn't stop there. He crawled on the floor and tried to escape. 

"Wow, where do you think you are going?" I went to him and tried to get him back on the seat, but he fought. He slapped my hands away and crawled on.

"I have to go," he muttered and panicked.

"Where? Why?" I asked, but didn't expect a reply from him. He preobably didn't even remember his name, so why would he know the reason to leave... 

I moved my hands to Baekhyun's body on the floor and held him around his chest, so he would get on his legs. I lifted him up and tried to make him stand, but his legs didn't work. He tripped and almost fell, but I caught him. 

In next moment I noticed that Baekhyun was hugging me. His hands sized under my arms, around my body and he crossed them behind my back. His head leaned on my chest and stayed there. I was still holding him up, because his legs still didn't want to walk by themselves. His hands were surprisingly strong in the moment and he tightly embraced my chest.

"What- Byun, you are making me uncomfortable... get of me!" I tried to push him away, but he hugged me tighter.

"N-No," he protested with weak voice. "I need to hide!" he lowered his head a bit and closed his eyes.

"Hide? Byun, I know you are a bit drunk, but this doesn't make any sense!" 

"I like it here!" 

"Oh, believe me everyone would like it," I smirked, but in the next moment realised that it was stupid to do so. "Will you sleep here? Like that?" I got confused. I placed my hads under Baekhyun's arms and held him so he wouldn't fall if he lost his stranght.

"I could," he replied jokingly.

"No you won't," I said and on that took both of Baekhyun's arms and pulled them appart. I didn't let him go, but just turned him around and he fully fell on my arms. His back was lying on my right arm and his legs were hanging of my left arm. He didn't complain, but just leaned his head down on my chest again.

"Why that?" he sleepily asked.

"Don't you like it? Do you want to stay and sleep here?" I asked and rolled with my eyes. 

He slightly shook his head.

"Well, then don't complaing. You are going back to campus," I decided and after that Baekhyun didn't say anything more. I carried him out of the place in my hands like he was a baby (let's not mention like my bride...). Nobody minded us and soon we were outside on a fresh night air.

"It's cold," Baekhyun suddenly complained and moved closer to my body. "You are warm." 

"Sure I am," I laughed a bit. He really was drunk and acted on his own way, so I decided to ignore most of his silly actions and comments about me. 

"I am drunk?" he suddenly asked and pushed himself a bit away, so he almost fell of my arms.

"Yes, you are."

"I shouldn't be," he complained. "He will find me—" he continued and made me confused.


"Mhmmmm... I can't tell you!" he said with mad tune, like it was wrong to ask this question. 

"I think you should drink more. You are still the same as before... A drunk person usually speaks more, but you still keep a lot for yourself. Maybe you are too drunk or just weird." I got a bit annoyed. I kept carrying him in my hands. He was skinny and wasn't heavy at all, so I didn't complain about it, even though I got tired after some time. 

"No! No more. I don't feel well. I ed up enough already."

"Yes, you ed up," I agreed with him. 

"It's your fault too! You made me drink, I will get my revenge later!" a moment of silence came.. "I saw him," he sighed.

"What the heck are you talking about?!" 

"I saw Woo," he quietly said. Obviously he forgot, that he had said he wouldn't tell me about him, but I didn't think about mentioning that now. I knew now....

"Woo? Woo... who?" I was even more confused.

"Shhhhh. Don't call him aloud!" he complained and smacked my left shoulder. 

"What is he the one who shall not be named?" I rolled with my eyes. "I think I didn't even make you drunk a bit. How come you still talk so casually?" I asked and he just shrugged with his shoulders. 

"You know, he saw me too. He looked at me. We stared at each other—" he continued with the topic, but I interputed him 

"I have no ideas who that Woo is and why you stared at each other," I complained. I didn't like the conversations. I was all confused and lost. I had a feeling like he was hallucinating, but at the same time I had a feeling like the nonsense he spoke was true.

Baekhyun looked unbothered by my words and didn't want to explain a thing. "He is mad," he spoke on, making me even more confused.

"I don't care."

"He is very mad. Even more mad than the last time I saw him. So mad!" he kept talking.

"Well he can't be more mad than me," I tried to follow the conversation.

"No, you are sweet comparing to him. I won't deny that you are very serious, maybe mad from time to time, but he is much more," he said and laughed a bit on it. Why he was laughing?

I didn't know why, but I was offended by his words. "Sweet?! You call me sweet?" I growled and shot him a ferious look.

"Yea, he is very mad," he said and rised his hands, like it was obvious.

"Why is he mad?" I quickly asked and hoped to get the answer.

"Because of- hmmm... Me? I made him mad," he hesitated a bit.

"You make everyone mad, Byun," I rolled with my eyes.

"You are mad? Mad at me?" he asked with sad tune in his voice. 

"No... Not now, but I am annoyed and tired," I said.

"Liar," he smached me with his right hand, which was lying on his body not long ago.

"Yah! Don't you hit me! I don't lie. Also appreciate that I am actually carrying you back to campus! I could leave you there all alone! I wonder what would have happened to you there," I complained, but kept carrying him. 

"What would have happened to me?" he said and I noticed that he fell in his own thoughts. Far away from me, like something was bothering him. Like he had had bad experiences with this all. 

We were on the middle of the way, the road was narrowing and city lights were weaker. It was about 2 am, but I wasn't sleepy. I walked slowly and made sure Baekhyun was safely in my hands. 

"I don't want to be alone," he kept talking. "It's lonely this way. It's bad to be lonely. I was for too long!" I thought about his words. I didn't know if he was being hones or just said nonsense.

"Same, Byun. I don't like to be lonely too," I replied. 

"Mhmmmm... We- are- together-" his voice was cracking, but he managed to say it.

I sighed, but didn't reply. 

I felt heartwarmed as he said it, but sad at the same time. I felt how Baekhyun clenched in my hands and burried his face into my hoody. I didn't react and just let him make himself comfortable. 

"You smell good," he suddenly said.

"I know and you stink," I complained.

"Y-Yea. I think my breath is horrible," he said and laughed.

"I belive you. You just drank a lot. It would be strange otherway..." 

"I don't like it. You smell better," he deeply inhaled the air from my hoody.

"Stop sniffing me. It's awkward," I tried to snap his head away from my hoody, but he protested.

"N-No! I am not sniffing. Just breathing," he laughed a bit, but kept his face burried.

"Just breathing?" i repeated his words.

"Yea. I need it to live," he kept laughing.

"At least you know how to live. Surprisingly!" I rolled my eyes. Baekhyun peeked out of my hoody and stared at the sky.

"It will rain," he squeaked.

"No, it won't. I see clear stars, you are drunk," I reminded him.

"I shouldn't be," he repeated the sentence from before.

"You can't help it now," I disappointed him.

"He will find me, you know. He knows where I am!" 

"Are you talking about your Woo?" I groaned. 

"How do you know about him?" 

"You told me about him like 10 minutes ago!" 


"Your wasted brains are completely washed by alcohol!" I complained and started walking more roughly to express my anger. 

"I am tired," he complained after some time.

"You can sleep while I walk! After all we are near, you will be able to go to sleep in your bed soon," I told him. Baekhyun didn't reply. He shocked me, when he suddenly started to climb up my body and he took a glance over my shoulder.

"The campus is in the other way...." I told him. He kept glaring on the road behind us. 

"Someone is—" he started, but didn't end. He panicked and fell back to my hands and burried his head into my hoody again. He was alarmed and tensed.

"Wh-?!" I got confused, but Baekhyun interputed me before I could ask. 

"Ch- Chanyeol," he called my name again. His voice was quiet and filled with fear. "H-He is f-following," he choked out, but I barely heard him.

"Who?!" I tried to turn around.

"No!" he warned with still quiet voice. "Just walk on. Faster. Don't look back," he clenched closer to me. I didn't like how he talked and decided to look, even if he warned me to not do so. It was dark behind me and only a few road lights were making the way brighter. I didn't see anybody. The road was empty and quiet.

"Byun, nobody is following us," I whispered.

"Walk on! Don't stop!" he cried and made me even more worried. "He is here. He is following! He is!" 

"It's nobody here. You are just effected by the alcohol, Byun, maybe you are just hallucinating!" I told him.

"I know what I am seeing!" he kicked around and almost fell off my hands.

"Stop. You will fall!" I warned and then took a deep breath to calm down. 

"It's because I am drunk! He found me!" he kept crying and on that I stopped walking. I was mad over Baekhyun's acting and it annoyed me.

"For gods sake! That Woo or whoever you are talking about didn't find you just because you are drunk! Nobody is here, so stop panicking!" I rised my voice. I hated Baekhyun's silly acting and wanted him to stop. I knew he was drunk and he probably acted this way because of the alcohol, but he shouldn't have cried over a few hallucinations. 

Baekhyun just tensed up more, but didn't say more and quietly sobbed into my hoody, holding his tears inside. 

"Baekhyun, you are with me! You are safe!" I said at last and felt the sudden change. Baekhyun relaxed. 

"You sure? Will you protect me?" he quietly asked.

"Yes, I will," I sighed.


"Yes, but just now! After that I will train you to the point where you will protect yourself alone! I don't care! I don't want to listen to you like that!" I said what I had in mind and sighed once again. 

Baekhyun didn't speak more. He relaxed on my hands and his head leaned on my chest again. He kept his face in my hoody and slowly breathed into it. 

I soon entred the campus and walked towards the dorms. 

I remembered where his room was. He had told me about it before, when I had took him back to his room after watching stars through the window. 

I walked on the hallway and soon found his room. On the wooden door I found a number 27. I tried to open the door, while holding Baekhyun in my hands, but got disappointed. The room was locked and I hit with Bakehyn's body into the door.

"Sh*t, sorry!" I said and moved away from the door.

"Do you wanna kill me?" he groaned.

I hesitated. "Ummm... Do you have keys for your room?" I asked at last.

He thought about it. "I don't know," he said. Probably he just forgot or he just got to drunk to know. 

I slowly placed him on his legs and he stood while holding a doorframe. 

"Will you check or do I have to?" I asked once Baekhyun just stared at me. He didn't reply but sterted to stuff his hands into his pockets. He didn't hurry, but took his time and slowly checked each pocked. His head suddenly popped up and he looked at me with his wide open eyes.

"I know!" he said excited about it. "Kyunsoo has them!"

"Seriously?!" I sighed. "How do we enter now?!"

He just shrugged with his shoulders. "I don't remember," he said and gave me a weak smile. Okay, he is still drunk...

"You don't have to remeber that. It's obvious that we can't enter!" I rised my voice.

"A-Are you mad?" he suddenly sounded sad and disappointed.

"What?! No! I am annoyed," I sighed. Baekhyun lowered his head and looked hurt because of my words.

"Liar," he muttered.

"Stop before I actually get mad!" I crossed my arms. I thought about the solution with locked door. I could just break in and make Baekhyun sleep, but this would mean I would have to pay for the damage... I thought on. Maybe....

"Well, we can't get into your room...." I started and got Baekhyun's attention. "Ummm... What about- my room?" I slowly asked, but got no response from the smaller one.

You can't let him sleep in your room! Crazy, Chanyeol! My mind screamed, but I pushed it away. 

I decided my room was the right solution and took Bakehyun's hand.

"Follow me," I said and pulled him behind me, but he collapsed behind me. His legs still didn't want to support him and he just fell, once he lost his balance. 

I sighed when I noticed him on the ground and slowly came closer him. I pulled him up and he was lying on my arms again. I carried him up to second floor and then walked to my room. He didn't say a word and silence fell between us.

When I came to my room, I slowly leaned on the latch and opened the door. Inside I only one smaller light and then placed Baekhyun on my bed. I pulled my blanket over him and he hugged it.

"That's not my bed, right?" he asked once he was on it. He forgot things so fast and it made me laugh a bit.

"No, it's mine," I rolled my eyes.

"Where will you sleep?" he asked and i just shrugged with my shoulders. 

Not in my bed... We are not sleeping in the same bed again.... Not again.

"I will find something. You just sleep. Don't mind me," I said and then walked around my room. 

"Don't leave—" he panicked once he saw I was backing away. "—Stay here!" I hesitated for a moment, but then sighed and walked back. I pulled my work chair closer to the bed and then sat on it.

"Is this alright?" I asked, tired from Baekhyun's acting.

"Yea," he nodded and then burried his face into my pillow. 

For some time silence fell, but then Baekhyun spoke again.

"Mmmmmmmm... Smells nice!" he said excited.

"You really have to sniff everything that smells like me?!" I sighed, but still smiled on his acting.

"Yes, it smells like you!" he sniffed on.

"Alright. I brought you here to sleep not to sniff my pillow!" I reminded him.

Baekhyun thought about it for a moment. "You are annoying!" He said, but then nodded and covered his face with my blanket. For some time he just stayed there, but soon came out to get fresh air, making me laugh as he gasped for it.

He fell asleep fast and soon I could hear his light snoring. I kept smiling on sight of him.

I turned off the one light that was on and then the only source of light was moonlight. I could see Baekhyun well in it and it made me relaxed. My eyes were soon getting heavy, but I didn't want to fall asleep yet. I wanted to have a look of the smaller one for a bit longer. 

I had to find something to distract me. I did the first that came to my mind. I quietly sang the song, I loved the most. 

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I changed the cover of this fanfiction... I was just in a good mood for editing and I really didn't like that old cover after making the cover for the continuation of this story....


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Beau1996 1378 streak #1
Chapter 56: Isolation is in draft status🤔
shreechinnu #2
Kim jongdae as a doctor 😍😍 😍 😍
agsk98 #3
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
LovelyYS #4
Chapter 55: Awesome, I can't wait for new story.
TaigaB #5
Chapter 54: I actually liked this quite a lot - thank you :)
Aishafatma0909 #6
Chapter 54: That was really good story. I liked the whole plot very much however u made chanyeol's character very bad almost through out the whole of the story. I liked his character but didn't like how others treated him. But that's not that relevant I guess so nvm. Gd job waiting for the continuation
LovelyYS #7
Chapter 54: Thank you for wonderful story and happy for both of them to live together.
sneakypot_ #8
Love it! ♡
Rb2012 #9
Chapter 54: Awwwww congratulations on completing the story.
Am happy for chanbaek.
Chapter 54: Woah, I can't believe this story is ending... And OMG part two sounds amazing!! I will for sure check it out when you post it!!

I really loved reading this fanfiction, the plot is fun and the relationship between Baekhyun and Chanyeol as a major Park was just amazing from the beginning. Making them slowly fall in love with each other and then combining this with their back stories, Kaisoo and other characters great!!

Thank you so much for writing this! I will for sure read some parts again to remember things that happened in the story (there is so much lmao<3 ... Didn't expect it from the beginning)

Good luck for the future author-nim!!!