For You Now

I woke up late in the morning. I was warped in a warm blanket and my head was leaning on Chanyeol's chest again, which was moving up and down slowly. One of my hands was under my chest and I had the other one warped around Chanyeol's body, keeping him close to myself, just like he was doing with his hands. I moved a bit to feel Chanyeol's soft skin under my hand and his builded body that warmed me up.

He reacted because of my sudden action and moved closer to me. His warm lips touched mine. At first just fo feel the warmth of mine, but then he moved them to feel and taste me more. I moved in a sync with him, feeling the sweetnes of his lips, getting deeper and deeper in the kiss until I was slowly gettiong out of my breath.

"You taste good in the morning," I heard Chanyeol's deep morning voice, which was even deeper and more hoarse than usually. 

I opened my eyes and noticed that he was looking at me. "Your voice sounds different," I pointed out. 

"You don't say?" he smiled and started caressing my back gently with tips of his fingers. "Let me look for the reasons... First of all... I really. Really! Had a great night. Great is not enough strong word to describe this... Absolutely amazing and exceptional! The best night ever if I am honest!" 

"How can I know you aren't joking?"

"Well, I guess you think the same..." he whispered and carried on with gently my back, giving me the warm pleasure which I liked so much.

"Hmm, this feels good," I whispered by the contact with Chanyeol.

"I know it does," he smirked. "You have been sleeping for a while. You should get up now." 

"I don't want to," I told him and closed my eyes, pulling myself even closer to him, not letting him to escape. 

"Why not?" 

"It is warm here. I feel perfect, better than anywhere else and I am happy here right next to you. I could stay here forever. And, yes, I am still tired." 

"Ahaha, I told you you should have slept right after we came here last night. Next time think of the consequences! You really and I really couldn't stop myself from making you mine," he said and then his hand travelled down my back and dangerously low. It sent shivers all over me, but the sensation felt good. Chanyeol went lover and I moved to get his hand away, but I regretted it right after that. I felt pain right after moving a bit. I groaned and clenched at Chanyeol. 

"Agh, Chan—" I cracked, burrying my nails into his soft skin, but he didn't react to it. I decided to open my eyes and looked at him.

He was smirking at me and obviously knew what was bothering me. "What is it?" He asked and acted like he didn't understand a thing. "Anything wrong?"  Instead of worry I heard laughter in his voice, which was somehow making me furious, since he was having fun like that and I was struggling.

I looked at him seriously, because I didn't like how he joked. 

He didn't give up, but waited patiently for me to explain. "I can't hear you, Byun!" he joked and moved over me, bringing back pain in my body. 

"I didn't say anything," I told him and clenched my teeth to keep myself quiet. 

"Maybe you should... Speak up! I can't know what's wrong if you don't tell me," Chanyeol said and leaned down to me, kissing my neck gently to make me more distracted. 

I breathed out because the contact of his warm lips made me think of the last night. He had made me feel better than ever before. I remembered his burning skin, covered with warm sweat, which had made his skin shine at night. The addictive feeling of pleasure was taking over me and I couldn't stop myself from thinking about him when he kissed me like that, but I knew I should focus on the present. 

"Will you tell me what is wrong," Chanyeol asked, keeping kis lips close to my skin.

"I–" I spoke out, but his lips touched my skin again, making me want to just keep myself quiet and enjoy the feeling of his lips. "Do you think I can focus like that?" I asked and he moved away by that words, which actually made me disappointed, because I wanted him. 

He smirked as he saw me struggle. "Tell me." 

"You know it," I spoke with my teeth clenched, fighting the pain that was building up inside me.

"I don't think so. You will have to tell it and I need to hear what is bothering you," he said and let out a laughter.

"I'm sure my back is broken, my muscles ache, my whole body is in pain..." I complained. 

"That is because you went through a lot this month," he said.

I sighed, threw my head back to the pillow and closed my eyes. "All I was doing last month was lying in a hospital bed. I was actually talking about how I feel after having that night with you."

"So you regret doing it huh?" he got serious now.

I shook my head immediately. "No, no way I would never regret this. I loved it and I love you, Chanyeol," I said confidently. "It didn't even hurt that much at night. It was actually the best feeling possible. I didn't expect it to hurt so much now," I said embarrassed.

This made Chanyeol laugh at it. He threw himself back to the bed and I noticed that he was wearing his pants, so I came to a conclusion that he had woken up much before me. His hand passed over my hand and went down to my back, leaving the blanket between my bare skin and his hand, so I didn't react and let him slide lower. 

"You can just say it straight, Baekhyun. Your hurts, huh?" he laughed and then smacked my , carefully, but it still hurt.

"Yah! Don't do that!" I complained and smached his chest in relpy, making him jump a bit. "I never gave you permission for that, and I probably never will! So don't you dare!" 

"You gave me permission yesterday," he told me. "Afterall, I should be the one who decides what you can do and what you can't! I'm the major!" 

"And?" I raised my eyebrow. "You don't have any power or authority over me since you resigned and decided to make your major ego into a general ego." 

"I am forgetting that I am not your trainer anymore," He closed his eyes and passed through his black hair. "We should take you to the campus." 

"Can't we just stay here? I'm not in a good state for going there. You broke me into pieces!" 

"I already told you, next time think before you make me excited. You knew you were in coma for a month, I was doing my best to be gentle. Let me take care of you now," he said and then moved on the bed. First he left me alone on it and stood up. I really liked to see him shirtless, even before we started dating I had liked to see his builded body through shirts he used for trainings. It was pure perfection and I couldn't believe he was mine and I was his. I stared at him for a moment, confused, because he left me alone, but in the very next moment he sized his hands towards me again. 

He took a hold behind my back with one hand and under my legs with the other one. I kept the blanket close to myself covering myself.

"You wanna stay here alone? Take a hold of me!" he ordered, but I didn't do it. Instead I shook my head and kept myself to the bed, under the blanket.

"Chanyeol- I- uhhh- I got nothing on," I said embarrassed while blushing hard. I had been too tired at night to do anything and immedately fell asleep, while Chanyeol took his time, dressed himself and he obviously didn't have the same intentions with me.

"I know. Now take a hold of me," he kept himself serious. 

"It's making me embarrassed! I don't want to," I protested.

"So you are embarrassed? Why? No, not why... HOW? After having a whole new level of with me? You don't want me to see you after I had a whole night to touch and feel every single inch of your body?" he smirked. 

"That was different—" I tried to stand for myself.

"What is different? You are mine after all and you are beautiful. Get used to it," he said.

I wanted to fight, but didn't find words to do it. I only hesitated before placing my hands around his shoulders and neck and helping him pull me up. I left the blanket and got in touch with cold air that was outside the bed. I shivered and got closer to Chanyeol to keep myself warm. 

"Yesterday you said you wouldn't be able to carry me..." I rolled with my eyes, trying not to think that I was in his hands. 

"I will deal with it, I need some training anyway and I think you need someone to take care of you right now. Because I am a good man, I will do my best to make you feel good," he said and gave me a quick kiss. 

"Let's make you clean and then dress you up," he now said. I really only wanted myself clean again. After the last night I felt pretty much dirty and a quick shower would be perfect. 

I nodded and then leaned my head on Chanyeol shoulder as he carried me to the bathroom.

In half an hour I was all clean and in my clothes. I was wearing a white hoody and black pants. I didn't pay much time to comb my hair, so they were still a bit messy. Chanyeol also put on a hoody, but much bigger than mine. 

After that we went down to the kitchen and Chanyeol prepared me a quick meal, because I was literally starving. He didn't eat, because he apparently had eaten before, which explained why he had been already half dressed when I had woken up.

"How do you feel now?" Chanyeol asked as I bit into the toast I had.

"Mmm... Still sore, but much better," I said and took another bite.

"Shall we go find others at the campus after you eat? I still have permission to go there and I think Junmyeon needs my help. He always needs my help." he told me. 

"Yeah I want to see my friends." 

"Ah, I would actually also like to talk to your buddies. Kyungsoo is a cool guy, but I still need some time to really get along with everyone. Especially Kim! He was my enemy since the day zero!" 

"Like me?" 

"Yes, but I somehow started to get along with you..."

"Well, whatever, it would be good to go there." I said and stood up, because I already finished my food, which actually tasted good even though Chanyeol had kept on complaining, that he could have done it better while he had been preparing it. 

We dressed up and went to Chanyeol's car. 

The campus didn't change at all. It was still full of students, even though most went away to celebrate new year with their other friends and family.

Chanyeol told me that he wanted to find Junmyeon, so we split our ways and I stayed alone, looking for Kyungsoo and Jongin. 

I came to my room and knocked. I waited to hear if anybody was inside — I didn't want any unpleasant surprises, because I could never know how and where Kyungsoo wanted to make out with Jongin after that night. I wasn't surprised when I saw that the room was empty. He was probably somewhere else — maybe in Jongin's room. Or they both stayed somewhere in the city. I hoped they were at the campus in that moment, because I really wanted to see them. 

I walked away from my room and went out to the yard. As I stepped out, I felt someone pull my hand with lots of force. "BAEKHYUN!" I heard Kyungsoo’s excited voice.

"Damn! You want me to die? I almost got heart attack!" I hit his shoulder and rolled with my eyes. 

Kyungsoo smiled and narrowed his eyes. "Different things can cause heart attack. And I don't think you will get one because of me scarring you!" 

"You never know," I explained. 

"I know very well, you didn't get heart attack when I lied to you about your Park's death, so I guess you can survive. When did you come?" 

"Some minutes ago... Why do you ask?" I narrowed my eyes. 

"Nothing... Jongin jumped of a bench and twisted his ankle. I wanted you to know as soon as possible."

"He jump off a bench?" 

"Yes, it was quite high..." 

"And he twisted his ankle just like that?" 

"Well he was a bit drunk and Sehun wanted to see a spin... He will be okay soon. Jongdae took care fo him well."

"Why didn't you call me?" 

"I did... But you aren't picking up calls... Do you have your phone on mute? What if I was in life and death situation and you would be the only one who could have saved me? You should be glad your pretty boyfriend knows how to react!" 

"You called me?" I looked at him confused. I tried to remember that and again came to mine and Chanyeol's night. I had heard my phone calling soon after I had successfully made Chanyeol excited. None of us had wanted to be bothered, so we ignored. Chanyeol hadn't stopped and I had liked how he had kept on kissing my skin and touching my body like our life depended of it. "

"This anything excludes long and wild nights with Park?" he asked. 

"What?" my eyes widened. "Nothing happened!" 

"And that is why Park is in such a good mood today?" He asked. 

"You saw him today?" I asked confused. 

"Yes, I met him on my way. He was going to find general Kim. We had a quick chat, nothing like that. He was really in a good mood and he said he had fun at night. I was sure he wasn't talking about hanging out with us and by the way I knew what was your intention when you left with him sooner. I'm not stupid. Also, you are walking slower than usually, in fact you look like someone kicked you really hard, I didn't even need to run to catch you after I saw where you were heading."

"Kyungsoo, I—" 

"—Ssh!" he put his finger on my lips to silence me. "Now you tell me how it was. In details!" he smiled. "It is nothing to be ashamed of." 

"Well, yeah you were right about me and Chan..." I said and looked up to avoid eye contact with him. 

"I already know that," he told me. "You were the one who started, weren't you?" 

"How do you know that?" I got worried. 

My friend sighed and rolled with his eyes. "Baekhyun, you were keeping yourself close to Park all the time. You were also looking at him a lot and I could tell from your eyes that you wanted it. You were needy. And I knew Park wasn't going to refuse something like that."

"Okay, that makes sense. I got a bit worried that you followed us..." I shook my head in horror. "It was actually harder to convince him into doing that than you think..." I told him. "I'm not sure if he was for real or was that just to tease me, but he was acting like he didn't want it and he is good at doing that... So..." 


"Well I decided to strip down..." I said. 

"WOOO! BAEKHYUN, YOU BAD BOY!" Kyungsoo screamed. "I didn't expect something like that from you. How needy were you actually?" 

"Can you shut the up? There are others around!" 

"Did you strip down to nothing?" He asked quietly that time. 

"No, I just needed to remove mine and his shirt, some whispers were needed and hip movements really make him excited. So he took over and we'll yeah..." 

"He took over and..." 

"Well, you know, when Chanyeol takes over he does everything perfectly..."

"I can't know, I had never let Park me so there is no way I could know anything about it. That is why I have you, my best friend, who can tell me. I am sure he can't be better than Jongin, but he can't be that bad either." 

"Kyungsoo, you are impossible," I complained. 

"I know. Now go in details!" 

"What details?" 

"Is he big?"

"Not your business," I answered immediately. 

"What is not his business?" I heard Chanyeol's voice that made me jump. 

"That also isn't your business!" I said quickly and tried to push him away from Kyungsoo, but he didn't even move as I tried. 

"Actually it is—" Kyungsoo said and I stopped him from saying anything more by giving him a serious look. 

Chanyeol crossed his hands and looked first at me and then at my best friend. "What was the topic of conversation here?" 

"Not your bus—" 

"—Your size." Kyungsoo interrupted me and spoke honestly to Chanyeol. 

"I'm big in any perspective," Chanyeol said. 

I rolled with my eyes. "Yeah, big like your ego!" I sighed. 

"Kyungsoo, I can tell you I am bigger than Jongin. Is it wrong that I am confident?" Chanyeol laughed. Kyungsoo looked mad after it, but only rolled with his eyes.

"Sometimes," I replied.. 

"I actually like Park's energy!" Kyungsoo pointed at my boyfriend and smiled widely. "He is doing really well in getting me to like him as my friends boyfriend. If he was my best friend and not you, Baekhyun, he would have told me everything... in details. Not just the bare essentials!"

"I wouldn't really agree to that..." Chanyeol shook his head in horror. "I can be confident about my size and keep the most private things for myself and Baekhyun. And since have topic about privacy... I need a moment and talk to Baek?" 

"Didn't you have enough private time already?" 

"Do I need to order that?" he narrowed his eyes seriously.

Kyungsoo sighed and kept his smile. "Major Park, you are forgetting that you lost some authority after quitting your job here at the campus."

"I am stil a higher rank!" Chanyeol reminded him.

"Oh, sorry to hurt your pride, sir! But I really don't care!"

I moved between my friend and boyfriend to stop them from arguing. "Soo, I also want some time with Chanyeol... Would you spare us all some time?" I was saying that mostly because I wanted to avoid Kyungsoo’s questions, which were already bothering me a bit. He was a great company when he didn't ask me questions about my relationship, which was unfortunately his favourite topic right after partying, drinking and having fun. He probably needed a few years to get over that all and I hoped Jongin could make him more serious. 

"Fine," Kyungsoo raised his hands and walked backwards further away from me and Chanyeol. "I am going to look how is Jongin with his leg, you two do your business. I am really going and I totally don't feel left out! Baekhyun! We will talk about how to be a loyal friend after that! You need a lesson, and Park! I was the one standing by Baekhyun's side since the day zero, not you... Remember that!"

After Kyungsoo left, Chanyeol leaned to the wall and looked at me confused. "He is very offended, isn't he?"

"He is, but he will get over it," I said and leaned to the wall next to Chanyeol. "He is overreacting on purpose."

"Obviously," he said and took some time to think. "What is with Jongin's leg?"

"That is what you wanted to talk about?"

"No, but he mentioned it and I want to know if Kim is suffering like he deserves to..."

I wasn't surprised by that, but I still looked at him with my eyes widely opened and my eyebrows rised. "Well, yeah, he is. He twisted his ankle... I guess the ankle isn't the main thing that bothers Jongin and makes him suffer. He will start the world war 3 if Minho gets his position as a captain for some time."

"Ah, that makes me think about my trainings, ubt let's focus on the main topic. You..." he looked at me, smiled, but somehow managed to keep a serious vibe. I couldn't understand how he did it and I wanted to learn it if that was necessarry for becoming a good soldier.

"Okay..." I waited.

"What are your plans now? I mean new year resolutions..." he shot up the random question.

"I didn't think of it much. Maybe some small changes for now, since I just got back to life like... 5 days ago. I would also like to make a new beggining, start again and hopefully live peacefully now," I said, grunting about it.

"I won't let anything bad happen again. You don't deserve this," he hummed.

"Yeah, the last bad thing that can happen to me is that I die here at the campus," I laughed nervously. 

"You better work hard there. I won't be around so often to check on you all the time. The campus won't kill you though," he said. My look fell down as I thought of what he said.

"I will miss you," I quietly said. 

"Will you cry now because of it?" he looked at me with a smirk. 

"I won't be crying anymore. That is for kids!" I protested. "At the end you will be the one missing me! I bet you will be dying over me after a week!" 

"Oh, Baekhyun became a real man! When did that happen?" he cheered. "However, you still need to get more independent. I want to keep you protected, but that can't be possible. I love you Baekhyun, but there are things that you can do only by yourself."

"I'm completely okay," I said confidently.

"Okay," he said and stepped in front of me. He took a hold of my hand and rubed the side of it with his thumb. "Let's go somewhere today then..."

"You mean date or something?" I smirked, but Chanyeol shook his head and my smile disappeared. Not that I was disappointed because I wasn't going on a date, but because I was confused. 

"Then what do you mean?"

"I can think of someone who still didn't get a new year wish," he said, but everything was still a mistery to me. I tried to think of anybody who was close to me. I pretty much thought of everyone. My friends and even students whith which I barely even talked to. Even generals and other trainers weren't left from my list.

"I guess you remember who is Woosuk," he spoke the name, which sent shivers through my body over and over again. I moved away from Chanyeol and let his hand from mine, looking at him with fear and horror.

"You mean meeting him...?" I looked at Chanyeol confused. "In jail?"


"No way I go there! I don't want it!" I protested right away without hesitation. I didn't want to be mad at Chanyeol right now, but the idea of meeting my brother again was stupid, literally awful. I didn't even want to think about it, but Chanyeol brought all that thoughts, horror, pain and fears back to me.

"Baekhyun, I'm sorry, please listen here! You said you are completely okay, yet you are still afraid of him to death. I want you to get over it and I can tell you that you won't manage anything just by avoiding it..." he tried to calm me down, but I didn't let him. I didn't want to be calm.

"No! I don't want to!" I rised my voice. "Chanyeol you are out of your mind! He abused me! He was following me around, trying to get me in his trap! He almost killed us both! He deserves to rot in that cell and I don't want to see him at all!"

Chanyeol put his hands on my shoulders to keep me in place. "Baekhyun my love, you should do something about it. I wish you could get over it, but I think the only way to do this is by getting comfortable around him again. Not that you two should get along, but you should get over that fear. You shouldn't be afraid of him anymore, not even his name or sight. He will be imprisioned for a while, so there is no need to worry about him attacking you again," he explained and took a step closer, but I moved again, trying to get away from him.

"Don't touch me!" I said after sucessfully escaping his hold. "Actually, don't even come closer right now! No, I am not afraid of him. I just don't want to mess with him anymore. He was in my life for long enough, he doesn't have to be anymore," I crossed my arms.

"Baekhyun can't you see? You are even afraid of thinking about him," he said and once again came closer to me. This time I hit the wall with my back and had no where to move as Chanyeol then placed his hands on my forearms, with his thumbs rubbing my skin with his. "You still have nightmares at night. I hate it to see you sleeping with nightmares or thoughts of your past. I want it to stop it. I may help a bit with nightmares, but I don't have control over this. You won't have me at night at the campus and I don't think your amazing best friend will sleep with you..." 

"I don't have nightmares anymore! I am fine!" I clenched my fists and looked at him furiously. I hated it how I acted over Chanyeol, but I was loosing my control and started acting on my own way. 

"You can't hold the knife without thinking of how you fought against Woosuk, can't drink glass of water without fearing anything might be in the water, what would happen to someone pointed a gun at you on the competinion? Getting a panick attack shouldn't be an option and you have that one..." Chanyeol counted and then palced his hands onto my shoulders, touching the skin on my neck too.

"Non of these is happening! You are making it up! I am not going to meet that again! No! I hate it and it makes me sick!" I snapped Chanyeol's hands off me and rushed away. I left Chanyeol behind me. I heard how Chanyeol cursing over himself and I felt bad for arguing and being stubborn like that. However, I hated how he wanted to get along with Woosuk.

It was in fact true that I still had that fear, fobia where my brother was acting a main role. I really had nightmares. How he first me, how he abused me, drugged me, how I had to starve and handle the pain he caused, how I later fell into depression, self harmed, how he found me at the party again and got to the campus, the day when he once again tried me, hurt Chanyeol and me and nearly killed us. Chanyeol was right that I was tense and nervous everytime I tried drinking water, afraid that there might be drug in it again. The fact that I wouldn't stand seeing someone pointing a gun at me was also true. On every competition and training I wouldn't be able to work propperly only because of that fear and I needed to do well — I wanted to do well! 

I stopped walking.

I took a deep breath and turned around. 

Chanyeol was still at the spot where we had been talking before.

"CHANYEOL!" I called to get the attention of the taller one. "Let's go..."

At first he was a bit confused by me changing my mind so quickly. Even I was surprised by my actions. It wasn't something I would have done everyday, but maybe that change was a good thing. I needed a makeover. I needed to become confident and strong. I had years of trainings in front of myself which could make me one of the best soldiers among the others. I knew I could do it, even though I had started as one of the weakest students. I was able to become like Chanyeol – a smaller version, but still very important and successful. 

We left right away, since we had nothing else to do. He drove out of the city and in no time we came to the prision, where Woosuk was kept. It was a big building with a safety fence and a wall that was also secured with barbed wire. 

At the etrence there were guards and Chanyeol told them why we came. He acted very casually around them and they also welcomed him like they had known each other for a while. One of them took us inside and led us to the place where meetings with prisioners were possible. Bafore we really got the chance to go inside, they checked us and romoved everything that they thought might be dangerous. There was a queue of tables with chairs, which were divided to smaller places for privacy. Through the middle of all tables went a clear bulletproof wall made of glass, separating the room on the half. One side for prisioners, the other for guests. There were some people already, talking to those who they wanted to meet, but they didn't pay much attention to us. 

Later when we got checked they let us sit down in front of one of the tables and then we waited.

I was very nervous at the moment, so tense that I thought this was harder than I thought it would be. I was bitting my lower lip and trying hard to focus, but my mind kept slipping to the past scenes that happened between me and Woosuk. 

"You alright?" Chanyeol asked and placed his hand on my shoulder. He sat next to me and turned a bit to face me.

"I'm not sure," I hummed, shivering a bit.

"We can still go..." he said, obviously getting worried as I was acting like I was going to stop breathing. I shook my head even though I wanted to leave very much. I didn't want him to think I was weak. I had been working hard for a long time to satisfy him and not act like a child around him. Giving up wasn't an potion for me anymore.

The door from the other side of the barrier opened and inside stepped a guard and behind him Woosuk. He was wearing orange clothes, the usual for prisioners and his hands were chained with handcufs. The guard showed him to sit down and so he did. I was breathing hard as I watched him come, trembling and seeing scenes from before. I had my hand in Chanyeol's now, holding it tightly and trying my best to not freak out.

Woosuk didn't look like I last saw him. He still had visible scars from injuries on his face, like on his forehead, jawline and cheeks. His nose still looked broken, but not bleeding anymore. He looked more tired after all and like he had lost all his energy that he had before.

"Look who came," he spoke first, bitterly and disgusted. His voice was only making me more and more afraid and I started to feel sick from it. "I have been hoping to hear about your death, but I guess that didn't really go well and I am still here," he crossed his arms and sat on his seat more comfortably, like he was at home.

"You aren't getting any death news. You can only dream of it now," Chanyeol replied with a rough voice.

"You can shut up. Tell me... How come you came?" he now looked in my direction, our eyes meeting for a moment, but I couldn't stand his look and looked away immediately. I felt his eyes on me, feeling nervous about it. 

I only managed to open my mouth, but no sound came from me, like air was from me. 

"To get over you," Chanyeol spoke instead.

"He isn't doing the best..." Woosuk pointed out.

"Baecause you gave him a hard time, you m****cker," Chanyeol cursed over him. 

"I will not talk, if you keep on acting like this to me!" Woosuk protested, rolling with his eyes.

"Whatever," Chanyeol waved it away.

"Happy new year, hopefully you two find out you don't fit together!" Woosuk smirked evily. 

"Yeah, off, cause this isn't happening. You aren't getting any of your wishes done," Chanyeol now said and caresed my hand. "You better hope none of your cellmates wakes at the night and cuts your neck!"

"Are you sure you brought him to get over me? He is kinda near to panick attack and you are the only one speaking. Maybe you aren't that good boyfriend as I thought you could be. You can't make him like that on a new year!" Woosuk pointed at me.

 I was really loosing my mind, Woosuk knew that really well, since he could read me all the time no matter what. But this wasn't what I came for. I took a deep breath and looked up at Woosuk, who looked back at me. 

He then smirked and got closer to the plastic wall, keeping his eyes on mine.

"You afraid of me?" He whispered. I couldn't help, but nod at his, gainng a sigh from Chanyeol, but I ignored it.

"I am afraid, but- I want to end this. I don't like it. Chanyeol was right about my fears and I don't want it. I will get rid of them all," I said as confidently as I can.

"You know you can't," Woosuk said and bent over the table, even closer to us. "You were afraid that I would come already the first day when you woke up from coma, didn't you? And I heard you got nightmares, don't you?" he said. I felt how shivers went over me again and I couldn't help, but look away again. Instead I looked at Chanyeol. 

"You told him my condition?" I asked quietly, but Woosuk heard anyway.

"Yes, he told me a lot!" Woosuk started complaining immediately "Gosh! He was here so many times that my mates thought we were best friends! That was embarrassing! I was just starting to get some allies here and then he came to make my life harder!" 

"You were coming here? Why?" I asked Chanyeol, but again Woosuk answered first.

"Uhh, I want to know it too! He just came to talk to me, to tell me how much I screwed up and how very much I destroyed innocent lives! He would even come just to judge me only with his eyes! I have been sitting in front of him for a long time, just because he wanted so! Crazy man! We once just had a staring competition, he came sat there in front of me and watched me motionlessly. I hate to admit that ,but his look can be intimidating and uncomfortable, I would count that as an abuse, but I don't really have a right to speak here!" he complained.

"Really? Why?" I peeked at Chanyeol.

"I was coming here to take off my anger. It was easy to do it with him next to me," he answered. 

I rolled with my eyes at this. "You can do so many stupid things, Chan. Why do I still love you?" I laughed nervously.

"Yes, you better stop being with him," Woosuk commented.

I looked at the other side of the table again and again my and Woosuk's eyes met. The atmosphere tensed again only in a minute.

"You are afraid I could take over you again, aren't you?" he quietly asked with a smirk, but evil voice. I looked down again and bit my lip. "Ahaha yes, you are afraid. You know I will come again." he said and on that I stood up. 

I looked at Woosuk madly and clenched my fists. Chanyeol too stood up with me, but from worry. I looked like I was about to run away, but I didn't want to.

"You are wrong! You had a lot of power," I was speaking slowly, carefully, calmly and seriously, trying to use the way Chanyeol spoke when he wanted to win the conversation. "You had the strenght to get me into your trap for the second time, but you won't have this in future. You will stay here for a while and until that I will already be on my way of getting high ranks in military! You aren't going to touch me again or abuse me, you won't even have the courage to step close to me. Who will you be? Big idiot who ed his life up for a teenager? And that teenager will be living the best life possible and will be respected by many! You don't have the control over me anymore. I know how to fight for myself! I will get better and better at it and besides I have Chanyeol and friends who can help me in tough moments. You don't. All you got are your so called allies who would cut your neck without hesitation, You really don't have what I have and what I will have. You don't have the love from parents anymore, you don't have friends and you will never know how it is to be loved! You will never get the love you want!" 

Woosuk too stood up and looked at me furiously, but in his eyes I could see pain. He only managed to open his mouth, but i interupted him.

"I hope you have a happy new year, Woosuk!" I said and then turned to look up at Chanyeol. "Let's go." 

I took his hand and left the table.

Woosuk didn't say anything.

I didn't even turn to look at him. I had enough of him for one day, so I left with Chanyeol by my side. 

When we came to an empty hallway, Chanyeol pushed me to the wall and held me still with his hands. "That was something," he smiled. "You are surprising me again and again today. You did well!" he leaned down and kissed me, making me want him to kiss me more.

"That actually wasn't a bad idea..." I said and smiled after he moved his lips a bit away from mine.

"I never make bad decisions!" he announced proudly full of confidence.

"Don't let me start about that!"

"Oh, I don't want to. Let me enjoy in my ego a bit longer," he warped his hand around my waist and led me away from that place.







After 5 months of writing, I finally ended the story! It turned out very well! I didn't expect it to be that good. You, my Readers accepted it very well and I am thankful for it! I made a lot of memories here with you all! 

It's fun how much the story changed through the time. First idea was that ChanBaek would be only students, bully and topper, now its completly different! There also a lot of things that weren't included in the story, were removed or corrected (a lot of embarrassing parts)~

Thank ou for being with me so long! I love every little thing that you, my Readers did for me! 


I think the most failed thing in this fanfiction is the title. If anyone has good ideas for it, please, comment down bellow.



I am writing the next fanfiction, which is based on this one!

Yes! It will be continued!

Let's see what will happen 3 years later! What will happen to ChanBaek?

Follow and keep up with my story updates for the next part!


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I changed the cover of this fanfiction... I was just in a good mood for editing and I really didn't like that old cover after making the cover for the continuation of this story....


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Beau1996 1378 streak #1
Chapter 56: Isolation is in draft status🤔
shreechinnu #2
Kim jongdae as a doctor 😍😍 😍 😍
agsk98 #3
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
LovelyYS #4
Chapter 55: Awesome, I can't wait for new story.
TaigaB #5
Chapter 54: I actually liked this quite a lot - thank you :)
Aishafatma0909 #6
Chapter 54: That was really good story. I liked the whole plot very much however u made chanyeol's character very bad almost through out the whole of the story. I liked his character but didn't like how others treated him. But that's not that relevant I guess so nvm. Gd job waiting for the continuation
LovelyYS #7
Chapter 54: Thank you for wonderful story and happy for both of them to live together.
sneakypot_ #8
Love it! ♡
Rb2012 #9
Chapter 54: Awwwww congratulations on completing the story.
Am happy for chanbaek.
Chapter 54: Woah, I can't believe this story is ending... And OMG part two sounds amazing!! I will for sure check it out when you post it!!

I really loved reading this fanfiction, the plot is fun and the relationship between Baekhyun and Chanyeol as a major Park was just amazing from the beginning. Making them slowly fall in love with each other and then combining this with their back stories, Kaisoo and other characters great!!

Thank you so much for writing this! I will for sure read some parts again to remember things that happened in the story (there is so much lmao<3 ... Didn't expect it from the beginning)

Good luck for the future author-nim!!!