For You Now

I was mad. Very mad. I was sure I would have a perfect day with pranking Baekhyun, but everything went down in a moment. I was watching as he disappeared with Jongin and Kibum. I had thought that nothing could go wrong when I placed the pool with fake blood under the obstacle, but Baekhyun proved me wrong. 

All the other soliders were still waiting for me to to continue with the training again, but I didn't feel like continuing. My fists were tigtly clenched and I felt anger rising inside me. 

"Sir..." one of the soldiers dared to speak with me and I gave him an angry look. 

"No words!" I ordered. 

"What will-" another one tried to start again, but I interrupted him, before he could finish the sentence. 

"I SAID NO WORDS!" I looked at everyone. "This wasn't supposed to happen," I tried to sound like this didn't bother me, but it was hard to hide my bitterness.

I heard how some started whispering something to each other and I ended it with in a moment.

"We won't use the obstacles today!" I decided. 

"Why not?" one asked. 

I wasn't really sure what was his name. Jinki... Maybe... I looked at him. "I think one coward who can't stand the sight of a little red colour is enough!" I said. 

Nobody responded. I wasn't sure what to do. I was in no mood for training and none of the studens didn't seem to enjoy the training... Like they ever had.

"You all are dismissed!" I said with a strong tune in my voice. "Not a word about what happened, or I will expel you before you could say 'unfair'!" I could sense the fear in everyone, as I said that. Nobody dared to argue with me. They replied with "Yes, sir!" and in a few moments I was alone on the field. 

I looked at the pool with blood, but then refused to look at it again. I closed my eyes and repeated the scene with Baekhyun. I hated the fact, that this hadn't turned out as I had expected and wanted. I wasn't enjoying it at all.

It was my first year since I had become major here. It was also my first first time to try pranking someone with bloody pool. Baekhyun had looked like a perfect target for something like that, but his reaction made me feel uneasy. I was wondering what had made him act like that. He had looked like he had been about to die there, which would have been a nice view, if it hadn't turned out in something so serious. I couldn't get the memory of Baekhyun literely choking on a fresh air, trembling so much!

I passed through my hair and took a deep breath. I had a feeling like the anger inside me would explode in every second, but I kept it inside and tried to forget. I usually had problems with keeping my temper, but it wasn't a right time for this. 

I went off the field and without being noticed hurried to my room. It couldn't be that bad... A little fake blood shouldn't scare somebody that much... Especially not someone who is about to become a soldier... For a moment I just wanted to be alone and calm myself down. 

I threw myself on my king-sized bed and burried my face into the pillow. I didn't even know why I was feeling like my happiness was fading away with every breath I made. In my mind were still the scenes from before, but as soon as they appeared I forced them to leave. I didn't want to think about it. I just wanted to stay there and not come out of my room ever again. 

Of course my wish to be alone became an impossible dream as soon as someone knocked on the door of my room. I didn't say a word and waited, hoping that the person would go away and never come back.

The person knocked again and I felt utterly annoyed, but still managed to stay silent. 

"Chanyeol, would you come out?" Junmyeon's voice came after the next knock. 

"I'm not here!" I replied and felt annoyed.

"Ohhh, common!" he complained. "I clearly can hear you!"

"Can you leave me and come any other time? I am in no mood for being even more annoyed by you..."

"Oh, of course mr. always annoyed!" he said. "Seriously what are you doing there? You aren't crying, are you?" 

On that I jumped off my bed and opened the door for Jonmyeon. He was wearing his regular black uniform, in which he looked just perfect like always. I never understood how he managed to keep himself in order all the time, meanwhile I looked like a total mess most of the time, when I wasn't around students.

"Were you actually crying?" asked Junmyeon, shocked once he saw me. 

"NO!" I replied with strong voice "Why would I? And why are you here?"

"You know why I'm here..." he said and I looked at him confused. He often came to me like that, but in most cases he just wanted me to help him or he just invited me to hang out.

"You want to play Call of Duty with me, Sehun and Yixing again?" I asked.

"What?" He opened his eyes widely as I said that. "Not this time... I am not here as your friend, but your boss!"

"Oh, ," I cursed as he said that.

"Yeah, .... You've almost made solider Byun go insane!" he said directly.

I sighed and slid my hand through my hair. "Great, now I am in trouble?"

"You are absolutely right! Chanyeol, let's go to my office," he continued and made me even more annoyed. 

"No. I am not going anywhere," I tried to close the door and prevent more contact with Junmyeon, but he caught them and opened them wider than before. Junmyeon shot me a serious look.

"You will go with me. That's an order, Park!" he said and for a moment we were staring at each other with murderous looks. At last I sighed and gave up. I stepped out of the room. Junmyeon was on a higher rank than me and had more power and authority than everyone on this campus. Even though we were really good friends, I had to obey him no matter what.

"I hate you, you know," I said while we were walking to his office.

Junmyeon didn't say anything in reply, but just slightly nodded and walked on faster.

Once we reached the office, he settled me on one of the chairs. I sat with my arms crossed and was trying to look uninterested into what the other one was about to say. 

Junmyeon obviously spent a lot of time in his office, which was opposide to me. The office wasn't really big, but it had everything he needed. A big wooden table was covered in papers and I noticed cups for coffee or tea, which had Junmyeon obviously left here for weeks or longer. He also had a big desktop computer and next to it laptop was placed. There were shelves next to the walls and on them a bunch of different books and notebooks were stored by alphabet order.

Junmyeon sat on his chair, which looked much more comfortable than the one I was sitting on. 

"So... I hope you know, that what you did was very wrong," he sarted, but I didn't pay him a bit of attention. "What were you thinking when you placed that pool there? And after all filled with blood," 

"It wasn't blood," I said. "Red colour, fake blood!"

"Where did you get that?!"

I didn't answer on his question, and just kept staring at the ground of his office.

"Chanyeol, answer me!"

"It is not hard to make it and it is nothing like that anyway," I protested.

"Nothing like that?!" Junmyeon looked at me with a serious and mad look. "The boy is now at the hospital! You can't play with humans life like that. Prank or not, I don't care! Real blood or fake one, I don't give a ! You did a wrong step and you will get punishment for this!"

I raised my look, because of his last words. "Me? A punishment? You are joking right?" I asked with disgust.

"I'm serious Chanyeol. You deserve it and after that I expect you to be more of an adult. You are a major! That means that you have some responsibilities and you are here to learn students how to be like you! You can't just prank anyone while having trainings!" Junmyeon told me.

"I am responsible," I complained.

"Are you sure?" Junmyeon said with calm voice. "Responsible? You clearly aren't and you also don't have experiences. I know that you are still young, but I expected more from you!"

"You wouldnt-" I clenched my fists again to keep the anger inside me. 

"Oh, I would," Junmyeon said and it was finally too much for me to handle.

I stood up ready to punch Junmyeon, but then I stopped myself. I made a few deep breaths to calm down, but I felt anger rising inside me again. "Listen, Junmyeon," I said. "Or should I call you general Kim right now? Anyway, That little idiot is just a big coward, who likes to destroy all the fun in my life! He should be getting stronger and improve himself, but no! Just look at him! He broke after a second! Why? Because of red colour on his tiny hands!" I was almost shauting at Junmyeon. My hands were widely opened and my eyes and voice filled with anger.

"Don't you dare speak with me like that. Right now I'm general for you, Park! Behave!" Junmyeon was loosing his temper over me.

"Aishhh, I don't really care!" I sat on the chair again, tired of everything.

"You wont be allowed to train alone for 2 months!" Junmyeon said and I looked at him surprised, since that was afterall my job. "I will replace you and you will be the one helping me," 

"You- You can't do that," Chanyeol was shocked "2 months! You training while I just stand there and do whatever you want? Do I look like I killed that coward?!" 

"No, but you should learn your lesson," Junmyeon replied and then he looked around the room to think for a moment.

"Can you simply just kill me?"

"No, but I have another idea. Since you mentioned, that Byun Baekhyun should have become stronger and improve himself.... You will have extra trainings with him. You will train him while I train other units,"

"What private trainings with, Byun?" I asked. "Will I at least get paid for this torture?"

"No, I already pay you a lot!"

"Did you say a lot?" I asked. "I don't get half as much as you earn!"

"Yeah, but you are also on much lower position than me, I am older and more responsible and as much as I know students don't really enjoy when you train them..."

"I train them hard, that is why they complain," I said.

Junmyeon smiled. "I know, but you won't earn more with that. Rules are rules. I am your boss and when I give you extra work, you do it or I will have to fire you. I expect you to help Baekhyun as much as you can," he said at last and on that I tensed even more.

"Do I even know you?! THERE IS NO WAY I AM GONNA HAVE EXTRA TRAINING WITH THAT CRYING IDIOT!!!" this time my voice shook whole room.

"How can you be that rude?!" Junmyeon shot him a serious look. "He has a name like every other student here. Byun Baekhyun if you are not aware and don't you dare curse over him!"

I sighed and rolled my eyes away from Junmyeon.

"Also-" he started again, but stopped because I looked at him with mad look.

"You are giving me another punishment?!" I asked furiously.

"Yes, you will be working at the kitchen for a month," Junmyeon told me.

"I WILL ING KILL YOU!" I stood up again and hit Junmyeon's table with my fists, so even he jumped away from me.

I was ready to beat him up. He was just a general anyway, I can just beat Junmyeon and not general Kim. He will at least understand that I don't like what he had done to me at all. I was almost serious about it, but then something stopped me. More likely someone. Jongdae was behind me. He had probably entred the room a few moments ago and I could see that he was a bit shocked and confused. 

"What is happening here?" he asked and looked first at Junmyeon and then at me.

"Chanyeol is having problems with his temper again," Junmyeon told him, delighted that he had come. 

On that Jongdae made me sit down again and for a few moments just stared at me. I didn't dare to look up. "Chanyeol, I have been looking for you around the whole campus. I am glad that your voice is all over it, which literally lead me to here!" he said, but I kept looking at the ground. "I am not saying that I am happy to hear you like that! I told you to control yourself!"

I rolled with my eyes and kept avoiding the eye contact with him. I knew he was talking about my bad temper and the anger inside me. "I know what you told me," I said quietly to sound as calm as I could. 

He didn't say anything to me, which made me a bit more relaxed, but it soon got worse when he took a peek at Junmyeon and spoke. "Byun Baekhyun is awake" he said.

"How is he doing?" Junmyeon asked curiously. 

I just closed my eyes and tried to completely ignore the conversation like I wasn't even there.

"He will be fine," Jongdae explained. "He is still a bit shaken, but at least he isn't screaming and kicking anymore," 

I knew everything was okay. I definetly don't deserve all that punisments, it wasn't my fault at all that Baekhyun had problems with literally everything. "Why the is he even like that?" I bursted out. "Is he a psyco or something?!" 

"I can't answer on that question," Jongdae answered and looked at me completely serious.

"What, because I am right?" I returned him a serious look.

"No, Baekhyun is the only one who can tell you what exactly happened with him before. I know just a few basic informations, which don't tell much, so I can't help you with that," Jongdae replied.

I stood up again, because I was loosing my temper. I steped closer to Jongdae and he backed away, until he hit the wall behind him.

"Don't joke with me Jongdae," I said and roughly placed my hands on both sides to stop him from moving away. "I am sure, that you know what's with him. Don't be an and do something useful! You are the main doctor here and you should know what is with your pacients!" I threatened him.

"Chanyeol stop!" Junmyeon tried to end this, but this wasn't needed, because Jongdae didn't look like I scared him at all. He just narrowed his eyes and looked at me suspiciously.

"You..." he said. "You aren't taking your anxiety pills,"

I backed away. I didn't dare look at Jongdae anymore and I wished he wouldn't have came here. I wished that I wouldn't have gotten myself into this trouble with Junmyeon and now Jongdae caught me as well.

"How long?" he asked. "Chanyeol? For how long haven't you been taking them?" 

I hesitated before quietly answering "1 month-" Jongdae gasped on it.

"I knew it! Something was wrong with you already from the begining. Why aren't you taking them? I know that you don't like them and they disgust you, but there is no other way if you can't control your temper and anxiety on your own! You are ready to hurt your friend? And for what? I'm sure you noticed, that your behaviour is wrong!" Jongdae tried to stay calm with me.

"Yeah, I hate them and you know it! I am not myself that way! After all it's my decision if I take them or not!" I rised my voice again.

Jongdae sighed "Chanyeol, don't you see that you aren't okay? You can't stay calm, you look more sleepless everyday and you get nervous fast,"

I raised my eyebrows as he said that. "Nervous? When was I nervous?" I asked and Jongdae rolled his eyes. He took my hand and showed me my nails, which were all bitten, my finger tips were red from biting and some were almost bleeding. 

"You thought I won't notice?" he asked. I pulled my hand away from him and hid it behing my back. 

"I don't care," I said annoyed.

"But I do and you should as well!" Jongdae siad. "Junmyeon explain him!"

Junmyeon looked at me and spoke: "Chanyeol, we all know you aren't okay, but...."

"Just shut up!" I interrupted him.

"Chanyeol!" Jongdae tried to stop me, but I silenced him as well.

"If you would actually worry how I feel, you wouldn't give me so many punishments, even though I don't deserve any!" I protested.

I noticed that Jongdae looked at Junmyeon excited. "You punished him?" he quietly asked and ignored me, like I wasn't there at all. "Deserved!"

"No, I said not deserved!"

"More than deserved," Jongdae said again and clapped for Junmyeon.

"Why is everyone against me?" I protested. "It is not fair. You all just hate me!"

"Believe me," Jongdae said, "You don't want to know how that boy looked, when they brought him to me!"

"He looked crazy, just like he is! What can I do! It is not my fault!"

Jongdae made a hand movement, telling me to calm down and I did. "I guess a few simple punisments won't hurt you."

"They are already killing me!"

"Good," Jongdae smiled. "You will get used on it!"

"Can I just go? You all are destroying my day and I hate it," I glared at Jongdae and Junmyeon to get premission to go.

Junmyeon nodded. "Go and don't do anything stupid again. I am trying to keep an image of this university good. It wouldn't be good if everyone found out that there is a major, who almost made a student go insane. Please be respoinsible. Know your limits!"

"I know them," I said.

"Do you?" Jongdae asked and glared at me.

I didn't answer. They pushed me to a trap, from which even I couldn't escape. They were somehow right, but I didn't want to confess it. I was never going to tell Junmyeon that he was probably right. No. No way!

I made a step back and looked to the ground. I left the room without saying anything. I waited in front of the door for some time, to hear what was Jongdae about to tell Junmyeon. I really wanted to know what was with Baekhyun. Why did he react like that? It just wasn't normal.

After I noticed that he wasn't going to explain anything useful, I decided to hurry back to my room. I shut the door behind me as I entered. For a few moments I just stood there next to the door with my head leaning on a hard surface. 

I had messed up the whole day. I got 3 punishments and Jongdae foud out about my pills, I had hoped he would've never find out, which was the main reason why I was trying to avoid him all the time. 

I hit the door with my fists. I felt pain, as soon as I did it, but still hit for the second time and then third, forth... I thought the door would break after that many hits, but they reminded there, in one piece, without a single scratch. 

I walked away and groaned before collapsing on my bed. I didn't know how long I had spent there, but it was starting to get dark. I noticed that I didn't even go for the last training, but that wasn't my work anymore anyway. I guessed that the students didn't even complain about that.

I checked the time on my phone and found out it was nearly 9pm. It shocked me how fast time had passed. I looked through the messages I had gotten in that time. Junmyeon, Junmyeon, Junmyeon, Junmyeon.... Yixing. I opened Yixing's one, but saw that it was from Junmyeon again, asking me if I was still alive, telling me to come to the training and annoying me even more.

I threw the phone to the side and passed through my hair. I was hungry. Very hungry. I hadn't even done a move for half of the day, but I still felt completely empty, like I hadn't eaten for weeks. Probably it was just because of Junmyeon, who always all of the energy out of me. 

After a few moments I decided to leave my room and get some food for myself. I fliped my upper body from the bed and looked around. My room was messy and my clothes, pens, notes and other stuff were lying randomly on the floor. My laptop was opened on the desktable under a window. If that was what would be called messy, then I was a disaster. I was tired, even though I had spent a lof of time in my bed.

I slowly walked out of my room. It was almost completely quiet on the hallway and the last bits of light were making everything brighter through a full-sized window on the ain hallway. 

I was walking towards the staircase to get to the dining room, I didn't find much to eat, so I just ended up with one apple, which was quite big and I was satisfied with it. I bit into the apple. It was a little too sweet for my taste, but I still enjoyed as I ate something. I put the apple to my month again, but before I could made another bit, I hit into someone. 

It was Baekhyun.

I almost couldn't recognise him. First thing I noticed was how much paler he was. His deadly white skin was shining in red light of the sunset. His white hair were messy and some fell down on his pale forehead. Then I found Baekhyun's eyes which were looking directly at me. They were dark and sent me feeling of fear. I wasn't sure if he was afraid of me, or was I afraid of him. He however didn't send the same emotions as before. Now he was colder and sent shivers over my body. 

I bit in my apple and moved my hand down. 

For a moment we just gazed at each other. I was slowly chewing the piece of apple in my mouth as quietly as I could. When I came back to reality, I cleared my throat to end the silence between us.

Baekhyun flinched. His fists tightened and I noticed I should've reacted on it.

"Byun?" I asked and looked to the ground for a moment to avoid his serious look, but in the next moment I felt great pain on my left side of the face. 

I lowered a bit and covered my face. I knew that feeling. It was Baekhyun who had punched me. There was no one else around. No one else was so angry at me to punch me.

I caught myself from falling and tried to look up at Bakehyun again, but I got hit again. Stronger than before. I could hear that Baekhyun also wasn't okay after punching me. His fists were weak and sensitive, but he knew how to punch well. I fell down on my knees and covered my head with my hands to prevent more punches.

I expected to get hit again, but Baekhyun didn't move anymore.

I looked up and found Baekhyun on the edge of crying. I wasn't sure if he was really about to cry. He was just too angry to do that. 

"What the heck is wrong with you?!" I asked with my eyes widely opened. I didn't understand why I deserved that, nor why was he almost crying there in front of me. 

I noticed that he was about to punch me again and I cough his fist. I was holding it tightly between my fingers. 

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" I rised my voice and looked directly at Bakehyun's teary eyes.

He wasn't able to move his arms anymore, but that time he used his legs. He kicked at my stomach, which took all of my breath and I pushed him away. 

"I hate you!" were the only words Baekhyun told me.

I saw how Baekhyun ran away on the hallway and then disappearded behind the corner. 

I tried to breathe normaly after his kick, but everything hurt me.

I had a feeling like I had deserved it. All the punishments from Junmyeon and those punches from Baekhyun, I deserved them all.

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I changed the cover of this fanfiction... I was just in a good mood for editing and I really didn't like that old cover after making the cover for the continuation of this story....


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Beau1996 1378 streak #1
Chapter 56: Isolation is in draft status🤔
shreechinnu #2
Kim jongdae as a doctor 😍😍 😍 😍
agsk98 #3
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
LovelyYS #4
Chapter 55: Awesome, I can't wait for new story.
TaigaB #5
Chapter 54: I actually liked this quite a lot - thank you :)
Aishafatma0909 #6
Chapter 54: That was really good story. I liked the whole plot very much however u made chanyeol's character very bad almost through out the whole of the story. I liked his character but didn't like how others treated him. But that's not that relevant I guess so nvm. Gd job waiting for the continuation
LovelyYS #7
Chapter 54: Thank you for wonderful story and happy for both of them to live together.
sneakypot_ #8
Love it! ♡
Rb2012 #9
Chapter 54: Awwwww congratulations on completing the story.
Am happy for chanbaek.
Chapter 54: Woah, I can't believe this story is ending... And OMG part two sounds amazing!! I will for sure check it out when you post it!!

I really loved reading this fanfiction, the plot is fun and the relationship between Baekhyun and Chanyeol as a major Park was just amazing from the beginning. Making them slowly fall in love with each other and then combining this with their back stories, Kaisoo and other characters great!!

Thank you so much for writing this! I will for sure read some parts again to remember things that happened in the story (there is so much lmao<3 ... Didn't expect it from the beginning)

Good luck for the future author-nim!!!