For You Now

I woke up with a strong headache. My body ached and I felt sleepy. 

I groaned and opened my eyes. My view was blurry, but I knew that this wasn't my room at all. 

I was lying on the rocky ground with my back leaning to a white wall. Cold air was hugging my whole body, which sent me shivers. I didn't know exactly where I was, but I knew I was still in the campus, so I didn't panick.

Soon I heard someone yawn on my shoulder. I was still slow at noticing things around me, but I could notice the person next to me. Next to me was Sehun and his head was leaning on my shoulder. I got disgusted of him, leaning on my shoulder, when I noticed his saliva driping on me. 

"Ewwww, man! Can't you sleep with your mouth closed!" I pushed him away and he fell down on the rocky ground. Sehun groaned and then slowly rised himself up to lean back to the wall.

"What..." he was confused and obviously couldn't rememeber a thing. I also couldn't rememer a lot. I only knew that I got drunk (that was obvious too because there were bottles of Soju around us...) and that's all. "...What- am I doing here?" Sehun asked and rubbed his head.

"Ahh can't you see! Use your ing brain! We slept here for a whole night," I rolled my eyes and then tried to stand up, but my body refused to help me. My legs were weak and my mind was spinning around. I sat down again and sighed.

"I am still tired," Sehun leaned back on my shoulder and closed his eyes.

I pushed him away again and shot him and angry look. "Seriously!?" I comained. "So you will dirty my clothes even more? No, thank you!" I got a bit annoyed.

"You are already dirty. Why not even more? And after all you don't really care about it, do you?" he said and I somehow agreed with it. I was already dirty anyway. I also smelled very bad. I could smell alcohol all over my body and I hadn't taken a shower, so everything was even worse.

I checked my pockets for my phone. Luckily it was still there and I checked the time. It was nearly 9 in the morning. I was shocked of how late it was. I still had trainings to do and Sunhee was probably working all alone. However I wasn't in a mood to do any moves. I just wanted to rest a bit more, because my everything ached.

"Sehun, we ed up. It's 9," I told Sehun, but he didn't care. He just shrugged with his shoulders and didn't look a bit alarmed about it.

"You care about it? Did you even get drunk?" he asked, but kept his eyes shut, while leaining to the wall.

"Somehow. I don't remember much, but I know you made me do it again!" I found this silly and laughed a bit.

"Just shut up and relax. We deserve it!" he said. I couldn't understand how we deserved more sleep, but I didn't think about complaining.  

For a few minutes we were just stitting there in silence. I whouldn't go back to sleep now when I was awake, so I just stared at the ground, like it's something normal to do...

Suddenly I heard my phone ringing. I pulled it out of my pocket and saw that Junmyeon was calling me. I didn't want to answer, but this way he would probably freak out. I swiped the green button on my phone and responsed. I pressed the phone to my ear, but regret it right away.

"CHANYEOL?! WHERE THE ING HE'LL ARE YOU?!" Junmyeon was actually screaming on his phone and sounded more than just worried.

"Wow, calm down, can you not scream?" I didn't want to tell him where I was.

"Chanyeol I swear I will kill you, when I find you! Where is Sehun? What were you two doing yesterday?!! Is he alright?" he lowered his voice at the end, but was still pretty loud.

I didn't like the fact that he cared about Sehun more than me, so I decided to play with him a bit. Sehun was obviously still too drunk to realise that I was talking to Junmyeon.

"I thought Sehun is with you... I haven't seen him since I left the party," I said.


"Why would I? He knows where the campus is and he is a grown-up just like you are. He can take care of himself," I replied and tried to keep the serious tune and pretended that Sehun actually isn't here.

"CHANYEOL! I'm gonna find you—" I ended the call before he could've finished, because he was slowly annoying me. 

"Sehun, I'm going..." I said, but he didn't listen. He just snored louder and that was all from him. I slowly and clumsily stood up and helped myself with the wall. Sehun just kept sleeping and leaning to the wall. He was here at the campus, so I didn't mind, because I knew it wouldn't be a problem if he woke up alone. He knew his way and work.

I slowly walked away in the first direction that came to my mind. My legs were slowly coming back to normal, but my mind still spinned and sometimes made me just walk in random ways.

I passed buildings and soon came to campus' yard. I didn't mind going to the breakfast or checking on Baekhyun, because I didn't come to train him. All this seemed useless to me in the moment. I just went to my room, where I took a long shower and got myself clean. Until the lunch time I was in my room and did random stuff that came to my mind.

I managed to hide from Junmyeon and ate my lunch without him noticing me. After the lunch I was supposed to have training with Baekhyun again. I missed the first one, so I had some plans on giving him a bit more work that day. 

I expected to see him at the gym, but he wasn't there yet. I waited, but soon good impatient and decided to check around and find him. It was strange, that he hadn't appeared. I thought he had just thought we won't have trainings because I didn't come in the morning, but he should've at least checked...

I was walking around and passed by soliders, while looking for his small body, trying to carch at least a peek of Baekhyun, but there was no sign of him. All the soliders were leaving for their tarinings and everything was getting quieter on the hallways and the yard. 

I was on the hallway of the first floor where soliders had their rooms and found a familiar boy. I remebered that he was Baekhyun's roommate. He looked like he was in a hurry, but I still decided to stop him.

"You- Solider, what's your name again?" I asked. He stopped and straightened himself before answering.

"Do Kyungsoo, why do you ask?" he asked and I somehow found it rude. Maybe he didn't rememebr that I was a major, because I didn't have trainings with his unit very often, or he just hated me for some reason. Maybe he didn't like me because Baekhyun talked sh*t behind my back, which was probably the closest to the truth.

I didn't want to make a problem out of his acting, so I left it being. "Byun, is late for his training," I said.

"Why are you telling me that?" He asked. 

"I thought you could know," I said and I knew it sounded a bit off, so I continued. "He shouldn't be absent on the trainings... Do you know where he is?" I hoped he will tell me

He just shrugged with his shoulders. "No, I haven't met him today yet," he said. Soliders usually called me "sir" but he just didn't want to, which really started to bother me.

I suighed and cleared my throat. "Aren't you his roommate?" I asked.

"Yes, we are somehow. He isn't in my room. Probably on the second floor," he told me and I got confused.

"Second floor? Why there?" I wondered.

"Look, I don't know where he is and Baekhyun isn't the only one late for his training. Don't mind me, but I will leave. Good luck with finding him," I could see that he wasn't serious with me. He walked away very fast and just left me without other information.

"HEY! How dare you! You can't just walk away!" I rised my voice, but the boy was gone. Before he left the hallway I could see that he was covering his mouth and probably tried to keep his laugh inside. I quietly cursed. The things I got to know: I hate Bakehyun's roommate, he hadn't seen Baekyhun yet and Bakehyun was somehow related to second floor. At first I thought he might be sleeping there again, but I was sure this morning nobody was there and especisaly not him.

The hallway was empty after that and I had nobody to give me more information. The smartest, but at the same time the stupidest thing to do now was to find Junmyeon and ask him. He knew everything and also had most of the informations about soliders. I slowly headed to his office and while walking thought of any other way to find Bakehyun.

As I came to Junmyeon's office I knocked and from the office came Junmyeon's voice.

"Come in!" he said that loud, so I could hear him through closed door. I opened the door and right when junmyeon saw me his look darkened. 

"YOU!" he rised his voice and stood up. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" he walked towards me with fire in his eyes. He took a hold on my shirt and even though he was much smaller and tinyer than me, he looked pretty scary.

"I was here in the campus all the time," I answered.

"Then where do you have Sehun?!" he was still worried about him.

"Seriously? You only care about him!"

"No I don't!" He protested. "Just tell me where he is. I need to take care of him as well, since he doesn't know where is his head sticking to his body just like Yixing!" 

"Fine," I sighed. "He is behind the dorms. Probably still sleeping. Now you answer my questions," I told him.

At first he looked like he was about to run to Sehun, but then he glared at me. "Your questions? What do you want?" 

"Do you have any ideas where is Byun?" I asked. It was awkward to see me looking for Baekhyun that long. I could just go to my room and live my life. Instead I was stupid and looked for him everywhere possible.

"Byun Baekhyun?" He asked me. 

"Yeah that..." I said. 

"It is him!" he narrowed his eyes a bit.

"It doesn't matter, I didn't even want to be disrespectful with that... Where is he?" 

"Didn't he come today?" Junmyeon looked confused. I shook my head. "You checked his room?" 

"I don't know which is his! That's the problem," I got impartient with finding him. Junmyeon started to work immediantely and sat down in front of his computer. He didn't need much time to find his room number. 

"First floor, number 27c" he said. I rolled with my eyes.

"His roommate said he wasn't there today. I don't know if he is joking or is being serious, but I guess he was telling the truth," I said and on that Junmyeon got confused again.

"He wasn't in his room? For a whole day?" he asked and I nodded. Junmyeon took a few moments to thing and the he got an idea. "Do you think Jongdae could know where he is? He is the one taking care of him last days..." 

"Could be," I said, but I found it strange that Jongdae was taking care of Baekhyun for that long time. He looked just okay on my trainings and he didn't show any signs, that he would need someone's help...

"Well, go and ask Jongdae. I will go find Sehun," he shot me and angry look, like it was a sin to leave Sehun outside and all alone.

I nodded and then we both went our own way. I headed to the hospital wing, where Jongdae spent most of the time, since he had to have most of the things happening there under control. Soon all the walls on the hallways turned into white and gave me more sick feelings. I walked down the hallway and while that read the labels on the doors to fing Jongdaes name. I didn't need long to find it. On one of the doors I found the label with Dr. Kim Jongdae on it and I slowly knocked on it. 

For a moment I didn't get the response and was about to knock again, but suddenly the door opened. Jongdae appeared in front of me and looked shocked to see me here. 

"OHHH, Chanyeol, what are you doing here? Need help?" he glared at me.

"Yes, can you tell me where I could find Byun?" I went directly and  didn't want to spend too much time here. 

"Why do you want to know that?" 

I sighed because I was tired of explaining people why I was looking for him, but this was the only thing I could do. "He didn't appear on the training today and even his friends haven't seen him today. I thought you could know," I explained.

"Of course," he looked a bit worried and confused at first, but then calmed down again. "I guess he could be in his room. His and his roommates or the one on the second floor..." Jungdae finally told me something that might help.

"He has a room on the second floor? How?" I was confused.

"He has some kind of a trauma, Chanyeol. I offered him one room on the second floor, where he can calm down and be alone when he doesn't want to be bothered, or in your case he can skip trainings," he started explaining.

"Trauma? Ehhh?" I still didn't understand everything and it bothered me.

"Yes, trauma. I can't tell you more about it, so that's all you got. I'm also not telling you where his room is."

"Why?" I asked. 

"I told you this room is for him where he can feel safe. Imagine you entring that room." he widened his eyes like something was very wrong with that. "this would have been a scandal!" 

"Then what am I supposed to do?!" I crossed my arms and glared at him.

"Just go and enjoy your free time. He will probably show up later. Well since you said that he didn't show up for that long, I will go and check him," he offered.

"You are telling me to just go after that long time? I have been looking for him for over an hour now!" I got furious.

Jongdae just shrugged with his shoulders. "Deal with it. This things often happen," 

Now he was taking his things from the table and was probabyl about to go directly to Baekhyun's room. I could just follow him and then drag him out of the room.

I felt stupid to think this way. I could really just go and mind my own bussiness. I even got more free time now what Baekhyun wasn't here and to be honest on those trainings with Baekhyun, I just spent my precious time. He didn't cange a bit and he was still weak and scared as he was on the first day. 

I left the hospital wing and headed back to my room. I didn't follow Jongdae and then focused on myself as much as possible, but I just couldn't.

I was wondering what Baekhyun's trauma could've been about. He obviously couldn't stand blood and the same was with hospitals and doctors as much as I knew about his unusual reaction, which I actually wanted to see. Baekhyun had never told me a lot about it because everytime I had asked, he had gone completely quiet and hadn't said a single word about it. He tried to avoid this conversations as much as possible and I gave up soon after several tries. 

I was getting bored and didn't have much work to do. There was nothing to do on my phone or computer, I was looking around my room to find anything that could satisfy me. I found my old notebooks and books, but I was in a no mood for them right now. I thought about reorganizing my Marvel collection, but this also didn't do much good.

I left my room, hoping to find something interesting, but hallways were empty and quiet. Everyone was out on their trainings or classes and I was the only one that had nothing to do at the moment. Only one except Byun.

I walked down to the first floor, which was also empty. I passed campus' yard at least 10 times and sometimes met soliders having their trainings. Nobody paid a bit attention to me. Last days soliders just had me for a random person there, since Junmyeon took my place and most of the soliders didn't have to worry about me anymore. 

I also passed the dining room, but didn't think about meeting Sunhee. I wasn't in a mood for doing the dishes left from the lunch. I waked slowly and was looking around me to find anything to do. 

 I went around all buildings in the campus, but I couldn't find anything that would interest me. It was getting darker and colder outside. I was walking around for a whole afternoon and did nothing. Today was actually a loss of time. 

Not one single sould decided to talk to me or at least say hello to me. 

I decided to leave inside again and end my already boring day in my room by doing nothing. 

I headed to the dorms and walked up the stairs. Second floor hallway was in bright orange colours because of the sunset. The fulllenght window was right where the sun was disappearing, which I found beautiful and nice. 

I didn't expect to find was a small boy sitting on the floor under the window and looking out. It was Baekhyun and he still didn't notice, that I had come. I cleared my throat and he turned around. He was shocked to see me, probably because he thought everyone would be in the dinning room and eating dinner. 

He quickly stood up and glared at me. I couldn't see him well, because of the sunset was making everything tricky. I stepped closer to get a better look at Baekhyun, but he backed away and I got the feeling like he feared me. I noticed how tense he was and his expression was sad and sorrowful. I had a strange feeling rising inside me.

I did a step more and this time Bakehyun hit the glass with his back. He had nowhere to go and he was cought between me and the glass. I wasn't ready on meeting him, but now I had him here.

"Byun..." I spoke, but nothing more came from me. Silence fell between us. 

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I changed the cover of this fanfiction... I was just in a good mood for editing and I really didn't like that old cover after making the cover for the continuation of this story....


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Beau1996 1378 streak #1
Chapter 56: Isolation is in draft status🤔
shreechinnu #2
Kim jongdae as a doctor 😍😍 😍 😍
agsk98 #3
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
LovelyYS #4
Chapter 55: Awesome, I can't wait for new story.
TaigaB #5
Chapter 54: I actually liked this quite a lot - thank you :)
Aishafatma0909 #6
Chapter 54: That was really good story. I liked the whole plot very much however u made chanyeol's character very bad almost through out the whole of the story. I liked his character but didn't like how others treated him. But that's not that relevant I guess so nvm. Gd job waiting for the continuation
LovelyYS #7
Chapter 54: Thank you for wonderful story and happy for both of them to live together.
sneakypot_ #8
Love it! ♡
Rb2012 #9
Chapter 54: Awwwww congratulations on completing the story.
Am happy for chanbaek.
Chapter 54: Woah, I can't believe this story is ending... And OMG part two sounds amazing!! I will for sure check it out when you post it!!

I really loved reading this fanfiction, the plot is fun and the relationship between Baekhyun and Chanyeol as a major Park was just amazing from the beginning. Making them slowly fall in love with each other and then combining this with their back stories, Kaisoo and other characters great!!

Thank you so much for writing this! I will for sure read some parts again to remember things that happened in the story (there is so much lmao<3 ... Didn't expect it from the beginning)

Good luck for the future author-nim!!!