For You Now

"Chanyeol?" Yixing surprised me as I was sitting under a tree alone. I was watching students hanging out with each other. Well... I was actually just looking at Baekhyun having fun with his friends.

"Huh?" I responded looking at my friend.

"Are you okay?" he asked a bit worried.

I didn't answer right away. I was quite okay. I was a little annoyed by soldiers, who obviously weren't enough capable of doing things right on their own. I was a bit tired after a long day, which was luckily coming to an end. I was bothered by the fact that I hadn't gotten a chance to spend more time with Baekhyun. He was obviously still angry because I had driven to here (which literally wasn't that big deal) and he spent most of his free time with his friends — which I completely understood! ​​​​​​"I'm okay..." I shortly answered on Yixing's question.

"You don't should okay, and you also don't look okay!" He said sitting next to me. "I actually came because Sehun wanted to see us both.... Would we go or do you want to stay here a bit longer? Maybe tell me what is bothering you? I am sure the problem are students... Did they not obey you again?"

We had had training not a long time ago, bit it wasn't the main reason why I was in a bad mood. I had been training just well, but I wished, I could have had training just with Baekhyun.

"No," I answered. "I really don't want to talk right now... Let's just go to Sehun. I am sure he won't be annoying me with questions about whether I am okay or not."

"I am not annoying!" Yixing protested, standing up from the ground just like I had. "I am caring!"

"And it annoys me," I gave him a smile and walked away.

"I bet Sehun will notice you aren't completely okay as well!"

"Pft, don't expect something like that from Sehun," I rolled with my eyes.

We soon came to the other side of the camp where Sehun. 

"Damn, I already thought you two wouldn't come," Sehun said and approached us. "I've been thinking about the schedule for tomorrow."

"Oh, you have been thinking?" I asked to tease Sehun. 

He narrowed his eyes and crossed his hands. "You know that I can give you a very annoying punishment as general here! I have more authority now, since Junmyeon isn't around! I don't think you want to make me angry right now, and yes! I am using my brains and thinking when I need to act responsible. That is how I came to my position, which will be hard for you, if you keep on speaking too much!"

"Wow, Sehun, let's keep that in a bit less harsh way!" Yixing stopped him. "Well would you tell us what came on your mind."

Sehun first just seriously looked at Yixing and then decided to speak. "It is about the war games tomorrow—"

"—What you don't want them? This is the best part, watching students how they shoot at each other, like they are actually in a war! I also got very tired of carrying that guns out of my car!" 

"Didn't that Byun do it for you?" Yixing looked at me. 

"It was his punishment!" 

"I don't know why you are making drama here, because I didn't have cancelling the games in my mind," Sehun stopped us. 

"Then what?" 

"It is good to watch, but I guess you also want to be among those who actually fight on the field..." 

"You, you want us to play?" Yixing pointed out. 

I thought about it amused. I hadn't been able to actually play war games for a while and I really wanted to actually try it out again. Show all of my skills and maybe make a few soldiers, who annoy me, shut up.

"Are you serious?" I asked. 

"At first I just wanted you two playing, but now when you offended me, I want to play as well!" Sehun said. "There will be three groups anyway. Two units in each, so each one of us can take one group! The rules stay the same. Each group fights twice, to get ranking from the first to the last place."

"Does that mean we are leading our groups?" Yixing asked. 

"Damn, Yixing, you also don't know how to think. Will you let captains from groups you trained to give you instructions or will you take the control?" 

"I will." 

"Then this answers your question," I said. 

"Chanyeol, I swear I will make sure your groups loses!" Sehun commented. "Get ready for defeat!" 

"Pft, no!" I said. 

"I know you don't like losing," he didn't stop. "Let this also be competition between us. We will be able to tell Junmyeon who is the best at leading a group in war games." 

"Deal!" I said. "I get my two main units!" I wanted that mostly just to be in the same group as Baekhyun and at the same time I was more comfortable to be in lead of students who I knew at least a little, even though they annoyed me from time to time (especially Kim Jongin in that case, I didn't really like that guy since the day one). 

"Deal," Yixing said. "I get mine!" 

"Fine, I don't even know which units you have in your mind, but I guess it will be okay!"

"Shall we bet?" Sehun asked. 

Both me and Yixing looked at each other. "What do you have in mind?" 

"The loser will pay every time we go out together," Sehun smiled. 

"We have Junmyeon for that," I said. "And when he isn't there you never end up paying anyway!" 

"I just forget my wallet!" 

"You often forget things on purpose!" 

"Whatever!" Sehun gave up. 

"And what about the winner?" I asked. 

"The winner...." Sehun thought about it. 

"—Look," Yixing spoke before Sehun could've finished his sentence. "Next time we go out, the winner will be allowed to buy anything without a budget and the loser will pay!" 

"Deal!" I agreed confidentiality. 

"Fine," Sehun said. "I will end you both! You two are dead!! DEAD!!!" 

"Who is dead?" Jongdae suddenly came closer. 

"Nobody is dead," I rolled with my eyes. "Sehun is trying to embarrass himself for the future!" 

"Well call me if anybody is really dying.... Why would he embarrass himself?" 

"We are going to play on tomorrow's war games. With students." 

"Sh*t, I probably should get ready for a few very serious injuries..."

"What do you mean?" I crossed my hands and looked at Jongdae seriously. 

"I can never know how seriously you want to play..."

"That is true. It will be fair, that is important," Yixing added.

"I think we should go now..." Sehun said. "Students aren't the only ones who should stick to the schedule!" 

"Is Junmyeon telling you what to say through a small communication device in your ear?" I asked. "You seriously sound like him, Sehun!" 

"Shut up!" Sehun ordered me. "I will fire you! From now you call me 'sir' or 'general Oh'! Have some respect for important persons like me!" 

"Annoying persons like you and Junmyeon! You are turning into him!" I said almost screaming it out. 

"I will end you tomorrow!" 

I didn't reply, because we came to students, when we're already waiting gathered around the campfire. We stepped to an empty place in front of them and Sehun had his speech about the schedule for the next day. He was short. Luckily. At least he didn't take way of giving speechless from Junmyeon. After he finished we had our dinner. I didn't eat much, because I wasn't really hungry. I was just sitting quietly next to Sehun and Yixing as they were talking about how Sehun's grandma wouldn't let him eat everything he wanted when he had been younger. 

I was mostly focused on Baekhyun. We hadn't spoke since I told him to work instead of me after he had told me I was old. It really had pissed me off! I wasn't old at all! Twenty four was nothing! I also hadn't talked to him when we had had training some time ago. I just hadn't think it was good to bother him in that moment. Right now he was with his friends like always and I also didn't want to steal him from his company. I really didn't like his friends, like they didn't like me, but I was okay with them as long as they were good company for Baekhyun. 

The time had passed and more and more students were leaving the place to go in their tents. There were many tents set. Two for each unit, so in each tent there was around five students. Me, Sehun, Yixing and Jongdae had one together. 

It was getting dark and the main source of light was now fire, which was throwing shades of orange light on everyone that was still gathered around the fire. 

After an hour or two almost everyone had gone away. I also went to check what were soldiers foing. Most of them were sticking to the rules, but some didn't. 

"Where do you two thing you are going?" I stopped two students. I knew they were Kyungsoo and Jongin, Baekhyun's best friends, and that was the main reason why I decided to stop them. 

"Sir, don't worry everything is completely normal!" Kyungsoo answered, standing up straight and holding his hands behind his back. 

"What are you two still doing outside?" I asked.

"This is our punishment, sir," Jongin answered this time. 

"Ah, you two were the ones who deserved that for getting into a fight on the way... Major Zhang told me," I said keeping my serious vibe.

"Not just us..." Kyungsoo said.

"Who else?" I asked. 

"Well it is not Byun!" he said and I knew he wanted to be disrespectful with that. He knew that I wanted Baekhyun to be part of that punishment, but it was obvious he wasn't. 

"I don't care about him," I lied. "Whatever, why are you walking around like two lost kids? I don't think this is part of your work...." 

"We- we—" 

"We- we don't know what to say, because we did something we shouldn't!" I said, while looking at them both seriously. "What is behind your back?" 

Baekhyun's roommate turned his head to the side. "I see dark woods.... Actually I don't see anything, because it is so dark," He said. 

"Put your hands up!" I said. 

"What if I am holding menstrual pads? It would be embarrassing to show that.... Do you know how hard it is for girls when somebody asks them what they are holding and it happens to be that?" 

"Are you a girl?" I asked. 

"No, but what if it is something like that?" 

"Well tell me, what would be embarrassing to show?" I insisted. 

"What if I am holding condoms?" 

"You need protection here?" I rised my eyebrows. "So is Kim Jongin a girl?" 

"Hey I am the top in this relationship!" Jongin protested. 

I laughed and passed through my hair. "So you two are dating?" I pointed at them confused. 

"Something you will never experience, if you continue living like that, asking students to show their hands when you shouldn't!" 

"Yeah, about that... You have no ideas about my private love life, so shut up about it!" I said. I wasn't going to mention anything about my relationship with Baekhyun. Not even a bit of it until he was enough comfortable to share it with his friends by himself. I was surprised Baekhyun had never really mentioned that his best friends were actually together, but I actually wasn't so surprised. "Now, you will show me what you are holding, or I will come to your hands by myself!" 

He sighed and moved his hands to the air. " this!" he cursed. 

"Well that is nice!" I said as I recognised bottle's of beer in his hands. "Kim, do you have anything there?" 

"I have, sir!" he revealed two more. "So there is no problem with it? Can we go?" 

"OF COURSE THERE IS A PROBLEM!" I said seriously furious now. "There are rules here. And one of them is no alcohol! NO ALCOHOL!" 

"Sh*t," Kyungsoo cursed again and then started speaking quietly to himself. "​​​​​​Does he really have to exist?" 

"I heard that!" 

"Maybe it was meant for you to hear it!" Kyungsoo said. 

"Give me that!" I said and they handed me drinks. "You two will go to general Oh and tell him what happened here! I wonder how you brought these with you... I guess that is why your backpacks were heavier to the point where you had to be the loudest! Major Zhang told me a lot about your way here!" 

"What do we have to do?" Kyungsoo sighed. 

"Just tell general about your valiation of rules and he will find some work for you. I currently am not in mood for giving more punishments and I am quite busy. I also thing Oh is busy so he will find something! Remember, I will know whether you came to your punishment or not!"

"I have never been so highly annoyed!" Kyungsoo cried. 

"Same!" I made a step away. 

"Let's just go Soo," Jongin said and pulled his friend away. 

I was holding my laugh as they went away. I actually wasn't surprised students brought something with them. It was normal and I was glad I came to them in a right moment. I put two bottles in my tent and then walked to the campfire. 

I opened the first bottle and leaned to the tree. I smelled the scent of beer coming from the bottle. I made a first sip and then noticed a person sitting there. 

I could've recognised him anywhere. Baekhyun was sitting and looking at the fire completely alone in silence. 

I went to him. It was my time to finally get a chance to talk to him. I was doing quiet steps to surprise him, but my big, long and clumsy legs didn't make that possible. 

"Who?" he turned around and smiled as he noticed it was me. 

"Hi, love," I said quietly and sat next to him. 

"We are not alone here," he reminded me. 

"Believe me there is nobody so close to be able to hear what I whisper to you," I smiled. 

"Where did you get that?" he asked and pointed to my hands. 

"Guess," I told him before taking another sip from the bottle. 

"Kyungsoo and Jongin..." Baekhyun passed through his hair and sighed. "You got them?" 

"You know about it?" I widened my eyes and choked on the liquid. "Oh, they were here before, told you they have something good to drink hidden in their backpacks and went to get it. So that is why you are alone?" 

"Kind of..." he said. 

"You are a bad boy!" I said. "Wanting to get drunk here, even though there are rules. I didn't expect that from you, Byun!" 

"I didn't want to get drunk," I said. 

"But you wanted to drink," I smirked and drank more of now my beer. "This tastes pretty good you know..." 

"You took this from my friends, probably telling them how immature they are, giving them lots of punishments and now you are drinking this here?" 

"I am the major!​​​​​​" 

"Yes I know you are old," He mentioned my age again. 

"Don't say that!" I told thim. "You will piss me off. Here have some of this!" I gave him my bottle and he stared at it for some time. 

"Where are Kyungsoo and—" 

"And Kim?" I asked. "They will be okay. Right now they are probably trying to explain Sehun what happened and he isn't taking them serious for sure. Or maybe he is.... Last days he is acting like Junmyeon a lot."

"You are impossible!" he complained. 

"You never told me they were together," I said. 

"Is it important?" he asked. 

"No, but they said that I would never be able to date if I kept being like I am. It hurt me a lot! I have you, but I can't say it..." 

"Just ignore it, I will tell them some day..." 

"It is killing me!" I said. "Now drink that! You wanted it so much! Maybe you will be able to speak up after getting a little drink!" I took the bottle back to my hand and pressed it to his lips, giving him a big smile.

He narrowed his eyes and took the bottle back, taking a long sip from it, like he wanted to get drunk right away. 

"Wow, leave some for me!" I said, pulling it away from him. "I don't have lots of it! There are still two days and nothing much will stay, if Sehun finds it!" 

"I'm sorry," he said. 

"Stop apologising, love," I said. 

"You called me like that again," He looked away and I knew he was blushing. 

"Come on," I said and leaned closer to him. "I would really like to pull you closer to myself and kiss you forever if I could..." I whispered. 

"Stop it!" he said and I moved away. 

"You wouldn't like it?" 

"I would," he said right away. "I just can't let you touch me here..." 

"I didn't even touch you," I said. 

"You were close..." 

"But, I didn't do anything," I smirked and drank more. "I should go. I think your friends will come in any moment and I really don't want them around. I had enough before!" 

"They are my—" 

"—I know and I really don't care! Here," I handed him the bottle. "You can have this."

"But they will—" 

"—I don't give a sh*t about what they will think when they find out I drank. I bet they have more of it hidden somewhere!" 

"That is probably true..." 

"It definitely is. Well see you tomorrow, Baekhyun. We will play war games together!" 


"I will be playing as well," I said, slowly walking backwards away from him. "You will see me in my best possible form!" 

"Wait will you play against or with me?" 

I laughed at his question. "Are you afraid?" I looked at him. "You will be in my group. I should really go now! Good night!" 

"Good night," He replied and I left him alone again. 



"Okay!" Sehun shouted next day The soldiers were gathered at the place where we were about to have war games. "It is time for the fun part of this training! WAR GAMES! There will be three groups. Unit A1 and A3 will be with major Zhang. Unit A2 and A4 with major Park and the other two units with me!—" 

"—Sir, will you—" 

"—Yes, soldier, we will be playing with you as well! You know the rules! Each group gets to fight two times. First battle will be between mine and Park's! Take your weapon, protections and get to your positions!"

I walked to my group and got ready for the game. The protection looked good on my uniform. Well it looked good on me, because I was tall strong and good looking. It really suited me well. I had two guns. One smaller than the other, and I also had more charges with me. 

I went to the other side of the field with my two units. There were lots of trees around and the terrain wasn't completely flat. 

"Okay, kids!" I spoke. "I need us to win today!" 

"Sir, will you lead the attack?" Jongin asked me and I looked at him seriously. 

"Well, I won't let an unexperienced captain to take a lead of me, so yes.... I am the boss right now, but I will make sure you will get to lead a few soldiers." 

"Yes, sir," Jongin looked to the ground. 

"You just listen and do as I say. There is about twenty five of us, so I need you to form five groups. We should attack from different sides, and there must be more of you together to be able to protect each other. Don't expose yourself too much to the enemy! Try hiding behind the trees or crawling! It is much easier to stay unharmed like that! Any questions?"

"Sir, how well can you play this?" one of the students asked me. 

I loaded my gun and put it on my shoulder. "You will see what it means to be in a real action while playing this!" I said. "All I want is to show Oh who is really the best. Now form five groups, I don't care who is with who." 

I looked to Baekhyun and saw that Jongin approached him and asked him something while holding his shoulder. "Byun, will be with me!" I said right away. 

"Why?" Jongin protested. 

"Because I sad so!" 

"But you said you didn't care who is with who, sir!" Jongin didn't give up. 

"I won't be in one of these smaller groups, but I stil want somebody to cover my back," I said. "And as Baekhyun's trainer I think this is the best way I could see if he improved in these weeks." 

"Take somebody like Choi!" 

"I am not going with him!" Minho said. 

"Just leave it, Jongin," Baekhyun said and I was glad he finally spoke. "I am going with Ch- major."

"Fine!" Jongin crossed his hands. 

"Great!" I said and looked to my hand watch. "There is about five minutes more, before we start. Get ready!" 

Baekhyun stepped next to me and we made an eye contact. "You look cool," I whispered. 

"Shut up," Baekhyun narrowed his eyes and then looked at me from the top to the bottom. 

"Yeah, I know. I look cool as well," I made a big smile and showed him all of my teeth. 

"Stop it, the game will start!" He said and it was completely true. I heard a gun shot. Announcing that the game had started. 

"Follow me!" I told Baekhyun and walked into the woods. I was walking fast and he was almost jogging behind me as we were going through the woods. 

I did my best to be quiet. I was looking around carefully, while holding my gun ready. "Come here, love," I told Baekhyun and he came to me. 

"Don't call me that here," he told me, but I ignored him. 

"Shh," I put my finger on his lips to silence him. "Be quiet and when you see somebody from another group aim and end them all. I will be close so you don't need to worry." 

I was very confident. I had always been the best at the games like that. I was fast and skilled. I knew that Baekhyun was good at shooting, which was also one of the reasons why I wanted to have him by myself. 

"Okay," Baekhyun nodded and I focused on the game again. 

I went further into the woods. With every step I was getting closer to the other group. 

I finally heard something and hid beind the tree, giving Baekhyun a sign to do the same. I carefully looked who was there and I saw four soldiers from Sehun's unit. All ready to shoot in any moment. 

I smiled and got my gun ready. 

I moved my weapon and aimed for the first one. I knew that I was safe hidden as long as I didn't trigger. 

I took a deep breath and made my first shot. The first soldier fell to the ground in screams. I moved from my hiding spot and aimed for the second one. Before they even understood what had just happened I pressed on the trigger again and the second one fell. 

"It is Park!" one shouted and started his attack back. He shot three times, but missed every time.

"Come on, he is big is it so hard to—" I shot him before and the fourth one fell by Baekhyun's bullet. 

I looked at Baekhyun and smiled. I ran to check them and he followed me. I shot them again, just to make sure they wouldn't stand up again. And I somehow enjoyed seeing them suffer in great pain. 

I heard shots of guns. It wasn't far away. "Let's go there, lo—" 

"Don't say it!" Baekhyun protested before I could say it. 

"Nah, love! I will call you however I want and you will follow me right now!" I ran to the place where the battle was taking a place. 

I could see soldiers from both units. Trying to defeat one another. Baekhyun hesitied to join the fight at first and I didn't want to force him in it. "Aim from far and watch how to do this!" I said and ran further away from Baekhyun. 

There was a soldier. He was crouching and aiming for the soldiers of my unit. 

"Hello!" I surprised him and used my fists to hit and surprise him. He fell to the ground and backed away from me, cursing as he saw me approaching him like that. He tried to use his smaller gun, but I kicked him and stepped on his hand, making him scream and drop his gun. I smiled and aimed at him. I first shot in his leg and then the side of his body which wasn't protected. 

He cursed again, while trying to move away from me. I stepped off his hand and took his weapon which he had dropped.

In the next moment I was already aiming for other enemies. They all fell one after another. I never missed. I didn't only use my weapon, but combined it with my strength and fighting skills, surprising the enemies with coming closer to them and using my fists. 

"Let's go on!" I ordered my group as there was nobody else from the other unit standing. 

I ran to Baekhyun. He was staring at me shocked. "I think you broke that one's hand...." he said. 

"I didn't feel any bones breaking as I stepped on him!" I said while running further. 

"Ugh," Baekhyun responded obviously bothered by the way I played this war game. 

"Why do you think Jongdae is here? He obviously didn't come to hug you when you—" 

Somebody shot in my direction and I recognised the person aiming for me in a second. It was Sehun. He was fully armed and completely unharmed. I knew that all he wanted was to get me to the ground, but I wasn't going to let him do that. 

I moved down. Hiding behind the rock and Baekhyun did the same. "All he wants is me," I whispered to Baekhyun. "Take your way around this place and try to get to his back. I will stay here anddistract him!" 

"What?" he asked confused. 

"Just go! I trust you, love!" 

Baekhyun pressed his lips tightly together and nodded while carefully taking his way around. 

I looked to Sehun's direction and aimed at him. He was hiding like I was, ready to attack when I showed up. 

I moved to the side, crawling to get a better position. 

I heard shots again. Sehun was trying to get me again. 

" you!" I screamed. 

"Get out of your cover you coward!" he shauted back. 

"I will end you!" 

"Then stop hiding!" 

"You are hiding as well!" 

"But I wasn't the first one to do that." 

"!" I curdled again and triggerd my gun, shooting in the air for no other reason except my anger. 

"Are you killing birds?!" Sehun asked. "What did they do to you?" 

I was getting seriously mad. I climbed from my cover and ran to Sehun's direction. He was in lying position not far away from me. I noticed his surprised look as he actually saw me taking my attack. I jumped to the side and triggered,before I hit the ground again and his behind a big tree there. 

"What was that, Park!?" Sehun asked. "You missed me!" 

I moved around the tree and shot again, but he rolled to avoid my bullets. "You are getting old!" 

"And you think we are alone!" I said right before Baekhyun behind Sehun triggerd. Sehun cursed as he had been shot and I cheered for Baekhyun loudly. 

"I told you you could do it!" I shauted and walked to Sehun. "Sehun, I think you are one step closer to paying for the first time!" 

"This is cheating!" 

"Team work," I smiled and used my gun to shoot him for the second time. 




I hope you weren't waiting too long. The updates will be slow for some time, please be patient! 

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Love from Karmenll and Half.alive.exol!

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I changed the cover of this fanfiction... I was just in a good mood for editing and I really didn't like that old cover after making the cover for the continuation of this story....


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Beau1996 1371 streak #1
Chapter 56: Isolation is in draft status🤔
shreechinnu #2
Kim jongdae as a doctor 😍😍 😍 😍
agsk98 #3
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
LovelyYS #4
Chapter 55: Awesome, I can't wait for new story.
TaigaB #5
Chapter 54: I actually liked this quite a lot - thank you :)
Aishafatma0909 #6
Chapter 54: That was really good story. I liked the whole plot very much however u made chanyeol's character very bad almost through out the whole of the story. I liked his character but didn't like how others treated him. But that's not that relevant I guess so nvm. Gd job waiting for the continuation
LovelyYS #7
Chapter 54: Thank you for wonderful story and happy for both of them to live together.
sneakypot_ #8
Love it! ♡
Rb2012 #9
Chapter 54: Awwwww congratulations on completing the story.
Am happy for chanbaek.
Chapter 54: Woah, I can't believe this story is ending... And OMG part two sounds amazing!! I will for sure check it out when you post it!!

I really loved reading this fanfiction, the plot is fun and the relationship between Baekhyun and Chanyeol as a major Park was just amazing from the beginning. Making them slowly fall in love with each other and then combining this with their back stories, Kaisoo and other characters great!!

Thank you so much for writing this! I will for sure read some parts again to remember things that happened in the story (there is so much lmao<3 ... Didn't expect it from the beginning)

Good luck for the future author-nim!!!