For You Now

It was the last day of the year and the new year was coming closer and closer every minute. Me and Baekhyun just arrived to the cafetaria where we diecided to meet with others. Junmyeon, Yixing, Sehun, Minseok, Jongin and Kyungsoo were there already and sat outside behind one table. We somehow agreed to spend the last day of the year together, because it just seemed to be good surrounded by more people who were close to us both. I also got much closer with Baekhyun's friends when he was in coma, so I really didn't mind and my buddies were also okay with it. Sehun was actually very excited to have a younger company of students, who weren't as reserved as Junmyeon and Yixing most of the time.

"Chanyeol, Baekhyun! Finally! You two are taking it so long!" Kyungsoo noticed us comming. 

I rolled with my eyes and pulled Baekhyun closer to myself as we approached them. "Let me remind you who was taking it long when Baekhyun was dying in my hands!" I shot him a mad look, but didn't mean to be really mad at him. It was a joke. We all were okay now so it didn't matter. 

"Common, just sit and take a drink," he waved it off and offered me a can of Soju.

I shook my head immedately. "You are drinking that for a new year? You are cheap! No, I won't be drinking tonight, maybe I will get myself some mulled wine, but definetly not soju. I want to stay at my mind tonight," I said.

"That is really cheap," Junmyeon said. "I got a champange for us all."

"You see, that is how you have to live a new year!" I pointed at Junmyeon and took a sit next to him. "Well done! I feel bad for quiting a job... But at least you aren't my boss anymore."

"I think I will even have to skip the champange part," Baekhyun said and sat on a chair between me and Jongin.

"What?" Kyungsoo widened his eyes. "Baekhyun, my friend, are you sick?"

"Well actually, yes, I am. I was in coma for a month and I can't just start drinking alcohol like that," he explained. He was right about it. Too much alcohol would be bad for his health and I didn't want him to risk anything. Maybe a little would be okay, but I wasn't letting him to get drunk now. Not as long as I was around.

"Well... More for me!" Sehun shrugged with his shoulders and leaned back a little.

"You could drink a little to celebrate," Jongin said. "It won't kill you. Just enjoy this night."

"A little, but I just want hot chocolate now. I have a feeling like I'm going to freeze soon if I don't get something warm." 

We both odered our drinks. There were people around the cafetaria where we were, but it was still comfortable for us all to be here. Music was palying and making time go faster on. There were some fireworks in the sky already, but I knew there would be more at the very midnight. We were talking a lot while waiting for the time to pass. Kyungsoo was talking a lot like always, he really was a great mood maker and everyone else was able to get along with him very well. 

"Guys let's go around and find something to do. I don't want to be here until midnight." Kyungsoo commented after some time.

I looked at him seriously. "Then what do you want to do?" 

"Well... Let's go around? We will find something... For sure... There is a lot happening right now and we still have time before midnight," he explained.

I pressed my lips together and stared at him for a moment. I wasn't really sure what he had in mind, so I didn't say anything. Baekhyun also didn't respond like he usually had when his best friend had something to say or do.

"Wouldn't you relax a bit more? You have a whole night to run around," Junmyeon cmmented to break the silence.

"You can stay, old man," Kyungsoo rolled with his eyes and this made me laugh with him.

"Stop laughing!" he shot me a mad look. "Let me remind you that you are pushing thirty as well!"

"Oh, no. You didn't!" I stoood up madly.

"Great, Park!" Kyungsoo stood up as well. "So you are coming?"

"I am," I said and looked at Baekhyun, asking him to come with me as well. He didn't say anything, but just stood up and straightened himself up to show that he was ready to go anywhere. Jongin also agreed, which was expectable, since he was there mostly for Kyungsoo and his energy.

"Wait for me! I don't want to be with these two!" Sehun joined us. "Junmyeon, you can pay. I forgot my wallet again and I don't think Yixing wants to do it. You are paying us anyway so it is fair."

Junmyeon passed through his hair in disappointment. "Get away from here, before I kill you with my bare hands!" he said and Sehun did as he said.

"This is the only wise this you ever did Sehun!" I joked and hit his shoulder as we all left the cafe.

We went further away, through the crowd, which was dancing and having fun before the new year. Kyungsoo led us to a place with less people and leaned to the wall proudly looking at everyone else with a smile on his face.

Baekhyun leaned closer to me. "He is planning on something," he whispered.

"I see," I answered. "This is scarrying me."

"Soo, you got anything with you?" Jongin now asked and Kyungsoo nodded, making his smile even bigger.

"Of course he has. Why am I not surprised?" I sighed.

Kyungsoo now sized into his pockets and brought out packets of different kinds of firecrackers. I could see that some were stronger than others, one were some safer than others, but all dangerous. 

"You want to stay without fingrs right?" I said as I saw what he had with him.

"Shut up, you want to do it too, don't you?" he narrowed his eyes. "And I am sure you used them when you were younger!"

He was right. With both statements. "Well... Yes," I shrugged and Kyungsoo handed me the crackers he had. "You will see how a professional does this."

"You better watch out for others, you don't want to get in trouble today," Jongin commented. 

"Completely safe!" I said. "Sehun, come here. Let's show these kids how adults do that." I looked at the crackers he gave me better. "Wait! Are this the same ones that were in my room when you destroyed my Marvel collection?!" I looked at Baekhyun and showed him the crackers in my hand.

He looked at them and his eyes went from confused, to surprised. He looked at Kyungsoo and quietly asked. "You still got them?! I thought you got rid of them years ago!" he said.

"No, I saved them so I would make Park explode once again," Kyungsoo said. "I found a great dealer. A great guy I met at one of the parties. He could give you anything you asked for."

I narrowed my eyes. He was for sure talking about drugs, but that wasn't something I was supposed to worry about at that moment. I focused on the fact that he was the one who had the firecrackers. "You helped?!" I got mad over Kyungsoo now. 

"Yes... I thought you knew. I couldn't say no to this. It was very satisfying to place the crackers into your room and know how very well it would explode!" he spoke with shining eyes.

"You ! You will pay it!" I got mad, but Baekyhun made me quiet.

"Chanyeol, he can pay later, okay?" Baekhyun said and took a hold of my hand. "It was completely my idea anyway!"

I hesitated, but couldn't do much, because Jongin already threw the first cracker and ran a bit away to get as much away as possible. 

"Yesss. They are awesome!" Kyungsoo screamed.

I looked at Sehun, gave him most of the firecrackers and asked him to give me his lighter, because I didn't have one myself. I had had no plans on playing with explosive stuff that night before. But now I lighted up the first one, but instead of throwing it somewhere away from everyone I threw it in Jongin's direction.

"Ya, Kim. You should watch out," I said and poited down to his legs, where now lied my firecracker. Jongin got alarmed immediately and ran away.

"PARK!!! I WILL KILL YOU FOR THIS!" He screamed as he ran away from the cracker that exploded just behind him.

"You dare attack my boyfriend!" Kyungsoo now went into attack and therw still not lighted cracker in my direction, which made me and Baekhyun, who was by my side, jump away.  The cracker luckily didn't explode since Kyungsoo didn't light it up. We knew how very dangerous it was to throw them around like that. He instead ran to me and attacked with his bare hands. I kept him away, because I didn't want to fight in that moment and Kyungsoo looked quite serious about beating me up.

Baekhyun didn't enjoy it that much too. He kept screaming and running around like it was life or death situation. He also didn't enjoy the explosions from firecrackers that much and kept his ears shut most of the time, afraid that any cracker might explode near him and make too much noise.

Only once we ran out of firecrackers he got time to relax.

I took him in my hands and ruffled his hair. "You alight?" I asked and got a quick shook, but then he quickly changed into a nod.

"No, but I shouldn't be a cry baby..." He said, laughing a bit.

"It's obvious that I trained you," I said proudly. "Next year you will be throwing them under Kim's legs."

"That is dangerous."

"It is also dangerous to set explosive into somebody's room and destroy lots of precious stuff!" I joked. "Don't worry, everything will be okay!"

It was getting near midnight and we decided to start preparing for new year. We found a good spot to stay at and Junmyeon, Minseok and Yixing, who just chilled in the cafetaria came too. I got to buy some sparkle sticks and handed a few to everyone. Soon everyone had their sticks in gold sparkles and waved around with them. 

"Count!" I shouted as it was now only seconds until midnight.

"TEN, NINE, EIGHT, SEVEN, SIX, FIVE, THREE, TWO ONE, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!" we all counted, rising our sparkles and fireworks shot into the air, making everything bright and magical. 

As everyone was bussy wishing a happy new year I got to get Baekhyun's attention. Our eyes met, but I didn't wait long. I bent down, took a hold on his back and pulled him closer into a kiss. He too stepped on his toes to reach me better and got me into a hug. I kissed his warm lips which made me warm in that cold weather as well.

"HAPPY NEW YEAR, CHANYEOL!" he wished through the noisy fireworks and cheers.

"HAPPY NEW YEAR, BAEKHYUN!" I wished in reply. 

For the next half an hour fireworks were all around the sky and people celebrated the new year happily. We had a lot of fun and I liked it a lot.

In just some time Baekhyun pulled me to his side and quiety said. "Chanyeol, I am cold..." he complained.

"You are cold? Didn't you warm yourself up?" I asked.

"I did, but its still freezing," he pouted. 

I leaned down and kissed him. "Better?"

"Well, my lips are warm and I am blushing, but I think I don't feel my toes..."

"This explains why you look so pale, Love. Shall we go somewhere where is a bit more warm?" I asked.

"I want to go home," he offered.

"Then you probably won't get a chance to celebrate with others," I told him. "We can go in a restaurant."

"Let's just stay here with others for a bit more and then go because I will realy freeze to death soon and I'm actually a bit sleepy..." he said and looked at me seriously. 

"Come here," I said and pulled him closer to myself. "I will keep you warm here."

We stayed with others for about an hour and then we decided to go and say goodbye to othres. I managed to end very fast and mostly without explaining, why we were leaving, which would take us a lot of time and I didn't want Baekhyun to wait any longer. Later I took a hold around his wrists and pressed him to my side, so he was walking with me. "You will have to walk alright?" I said.

"You could carry me, like you did that time at the party, when I got drunk. It was fun," Baekhyun said. I remembered how I made him drunk for the first time in a while. He wasn't able to stand by himself that night and I let him be in my hands. Later he also slept in my room for the first time and made everything smell of alcohol. 

"I am not sure if I want to, and I can see you walking well right now," I said and right in that moment Baekhyun tried to trip and fall, but I caught him. He did it only to make me carry him, but I wasn't going to break so soon.

"Walk, Byun. I am not going to carry you anyway, I want to be carried as well and my hand still isn't in the shape for carrying you," I reminded that I was still on my way to recover after Woosuk had shot me.

Baekhyun complained and sighed, but kept walking without any other problems.

We came to my fathers house soon. After I had told Junmyeon that I didn't want to work as a trainer at the campus I also lost the right to have a room there, so I went to my father and asked him if I can move in for the time I would be training for a higher rank and until I find a better place. He was expecting me anyway and wanted me to meet him. He was in a contact with Junmyeon most of the time so he knew about the things that had happened to me and my relationship with Baekhyun. He wasn't angry when I had come, actually he was somehow proud of me. 

The place was nice and comfortable. Not too big, but just enough for us to have our own space. My father worked most of the time, because of which he wasn't home most of the time. I barely saw him because of that reasons, which actually didn't bother me too much.

"So this is where you will be most of the time?" Baekhyun asked me. "It is nice."

"It is my father's house," I said. 

"Is he home?" he asked.

"No, he had to go for his work again and he is probably celebrating there right now," I answered and led him to a living room with a fireplace. "You will get a chance to meet him soon. He will like you for sure, so don't worry about that. Even I don't often get a chance to talk to him."

"Does it bother you?" 

"Sometimes, but mostly not. I am used on it."

"I don't wan't you to be far away from me on that way," he said and sat on the sofa as I added some wood to make the fire stronger.

I walked to him and removed my coat. "I won't be away from you. I want to continue the trainings, but believe me, I won't let that pull us apart. I will quit again if this happens," I told him and put my coat over his shoulders to make him warm. "Are you still freezing?"

"It is a little better."

"I probably should take you back to the campus," I said and leaned back and knocked off my boots. "Tell me when you will want to. I have my car here."

"What?" Baekhyun asked alarmed. "No! I don't want to! Chanyeol, I am not letting you leave me tonight!"

I looked at him and did my best to keep my smile limited. "You want to stay here?"

"I am taking this place as your room at the campus from now on," he announced and took off his boots. "Yes, I want to stay here and there is no point in driving me back there now. Jongdae will fiind me and try to check how I recovered if I come there."

"Well, I think he really should," I said.

"Not tonight, Chanyeol!" he insisted and looked at me with begging eyes. "I really want to stay!"

I took some time to think about it. I actually wanted him to stay, but I looked his reactions as I was teasing him like that. I leaned over and kissed him gently. "Fine," I said and kissed him again. His lips were moving with mine and I could feel that he wanted more, but I kept myself back. I ended the kiss and stood up.

"Where are you going?" he asked confused.

I stretched my arms and smiled. "Upstairs," I said casually and walked away. "I'm tired and I remember you saying that you were as well." 

Baekhyun jumped up and followed me. I didn't wait for him, because I liked how was this making him frustrited. I came to my room and threw myself on my bed. It was soft and quite big. Bigger than the one I had had at the campus, which I liked a lot. Baekhyun came after me and I noticed that he got rid of both of the coats already. I closed my eyes and just waited for him to come closer. I kept myself serious as he came to me and warped his hands around my chest, gently and carefully. One of his hands was gently passing over my chest.

"Aren't you going to sleep?" I asked, still keeping my eyes shut.

I felt how he pushed himself a bit up. "Well... No... I was just thinking," he said and hesitated.

I opened my eyes and looked at him playfully and seriously at the same time. "About what?" 

"You know... I wanted to give you something for your birthday and it didn't really end—"

"—That was a month ago," I said and closed my eyes. "Forget about it."

"It is not that... There is something I wanted. Like... Wanted to do with you." he said and I could hear that he was struggling with saying that.

I did my best to keep my smile hidden. The way he was acting was way to cute to be true. I knew what was he talking about, but I wanted him to say it out loud. Without hesitation. "Tell me," I said, acting like I didn't really care.

"Ahhh, Chanyeol, you are so hard to break!" he complained and then leaned closer to me, took a hold behind my neck and pulled me into a kiss. I let him do what he wanted. I kissed him back, but he broke the kiss soon. "Chanyeol, aren't you going to do anything? I want to be all yours," he said and kept himself close to me. "You got me all. Have me all." 

"Baekhyun, you are mine already," I said and smiled a bit. I did my best to take a complete control over my mind and my body. I was going crazy over him, but I didn't want to release all that out yet. I wanted him to beg more. I had told him he wanted it and I liked how he was trying at that moment.

"Chanyeol I want to..." he hesitated.

"I think you just need to sleep," I told him and backed a bit away, but he pulled me back.

"No! I don't want to sleep! I want you, Chanyeol," he whined.

"You said you were tired before, now sleep! You also said you were cold and I don't think extra removing of clothes will help you..." I said and rolled to my side away from Baekhyun.

"Chanyeol! You are like a rock. How do I break you?! Understand me! I want YOU!" he pulled me back, but managed nothing with it.

"Good night, Love," I said and pretended to sleep.

Baekhyun grunted and sighed loudly as I didn't give him what he wanted. Yes, I wanted Baekhyun a lot too. I was dying for the day when he would let me lose control. He was cute struggling like that.

"Park Chanyeol! Why are you like that?" he complained loudly, now mad and furious. In the next moment he climbed on me and sat down, putting his weight on me. Before I could complain, he locked our lips and made me quiet. He kissed me and deepened each move he did. He leaned down on my chest with his own.

"Baekhyun," I broke the kiss again. "You are in no shape to do this now." 

"It won't kill me... I was just a little unconscious for a month... I feel just fine and ready to do anything with you. I don't want to wait anymore. We can go further than youst kisses or cuddles" he protested.

"Baekhyun, you don't know what you are asking for," I said. I felt sorry to do this. I wanted him so much, but I really wanted to make sure Baekhyun would feel well if he let me to do that. I was already sure I wasn't going to have control over myself and he was still on his way to recover. I didn't want to hurt him even more.

"I will make you want me then. I can break you!" he said and kissed me again. His lips went down over my skin to my ear and then neck. I didn't move as he did it. I didn't want to break so soon. Baekhyun's hands passed over my chest and I felt that he was working on my shirt, doing his best to me. I didn't fight, but let him do whatever he wanted. I wanted to have control over me, but he was making it impossible. My mind kept slipping away and I felt how I got hard just by him ing my shirt. 

Once he ended the last button, he pulled my shirt all the way down until he managed to throw it away. I was left exposed next to Baekhyun. Even though he had seen me shirtless before, be always stared at me like it was for the first time, which I loved on him. He ran his fingers down my chest and abs, not leaving a bit of skin untouched. I really liked when he did that. His fingers were long, thin and soft, which made the contact with my skin feel even better.

He leaned down again and kissed my chest. I almost lost my control by the sidden touch of his warm lips on my skin, but I kept it all inside. Keeping all the moans and groans in my mind. I was trying to breathe normally, but Baekhyun was really doing well and my heart was going crazy over him. He came up to my lips, but his hand traveled down over my body until he reached my pants. I was revealed his stopped when he came to my belt. I didn't want to show how very much I wanted him in the moment, and he could find out how hard I already was by going lower. I was waiting for him – I wanted him to try harder. 

Baekhyun boke the kiss and then sat up. He took an edge of his pullover and pulled it off. I opened my eyes as he he revealed himself to me and then leaned down to me again. He didn't change much. The only new thing on him was the little red mark from the bullet that got burried inside him a month ago.  Other way he was still beautiful as he always was. He rubbed his and my skin together, making me go crazy just by the contact of him. 

"Do you feel any warmer now when you got nothing on you?" I asked, smirking a bit. "You really aren't cold anymore," 

Baekhyun made me quiet and instead focused on other things. He teased me and rubbed his fingers at my lower body.

"Want me more?" Baekhyun now asked and looked at me. 

"Keep it up. You are doing good, Love," I smirked, controling myself as much as I could.

Baekhyun got mad again. "You are impossible to break."

"Try harder!" 

He took a hold of my black hair and held my head down to the pillow. "You will want me soon enough," he siad and kissed again, but this time I felt something else too. Baekhyun moved his hips towards mine, rubbing them together and making friction between them. I couldn't help, but moan at it. I didn't expect him to move like that and the feeling that it sent was too good to handle. 

I was sure he notticed I was hard already, but he didn't want to stop. "Are you going to give up now?" he whispered in my ear and kissed me gently.

"No," I said, but his next movement made me groan because of the pleasure.

His hand traveled down to my hips again and that was when I lost my patience. I quickly moved my hand and stopped him from going lover. I didn't want to wait anymore and he was only making it worse.

I pushed Baekhyun a bit up and then with one quick spin, changed our positions. Baekhyun now lied bellow me, pressed to the bed and I went over him, looking at him with my hungry eyes. "You, bad boy. You dare play with me like that."

"You asked for it," Baekhyun smiled satisfied. 

"I really like when you beg like that. I told you you will want me," I said and my lips before smirking. "You really made me hard and mad, I am not going to be gentle now."

"I never asked for you to be gentle," he said and bit his lips.

"You really don't know what are you asking for, Byun Baekhyun," I said and dived down to kiss him. I'd never done it so passionately before. I had no control over myself and I didn't want it. Baekhyun was all mine now and I wanted him more than ever before. 




That's all you will get from ChanBaek dirtiness~ Baekhyun is Chanyeol's now.

Happy new year! I wish it was the end of 2020!

Next chapter will be end chapter (probably). I actually want to continue the story, but I am running out of ideas and the fanfiction is hella long. 

There will be some more Woosuk! Poor guy had his new year in jail. Shall we kill him now?

I surely need to re-read this again, because I forgot what happened before.

Wait for more! Upvote and comment your oppinion, maybe ideas of what I could do next.

Thank you for support and love!

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Thank you!
I changed the cover of this fanfiction... I was just in a good mood for editing and I really didn't like that old cover after making the cover for the continuation of this story....


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Beau1996 1371 streak #1
Chapter 56: Isolation is in draft status🤔
shreechinnu #2
Kim jongdae as a doctor 😍😍 😍 😍
agsk98 #3
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
LovelyYS #4
Chapter 55: Awesome, I can't wait for new story.
TaigaB #5
Chapter 54: I actually liked this quite a lot - thank you :)
Aishafatma0909 #6
Chapter 54: That was really good story. I liked the whole plot very much however u made chanyeol's character very bad almost through out the whole of the story. I liked his character but didn't like how others treated him. But that's not that relevant I guess so nvm. Gd job waiting for the continuation
LovelyYS #7
Chapter 54: Thank you for wonderful story and happy for both of them to live together.
sneakypot_ #8
Love it! ♡
Rb2012 #9
Chapter 54: Awwwww congratulations on completing the story.
Am happy for chanbaek.
Chapter 54: Woah, I can't believe this story is ending... And OMG part two sounds amazing!! I will for sure check it out when you post it!!

I really loved reading this fanfiction, the plot is fun and the relationship between Baekhyun and Chanyeol as a major Park was just amazing from the beginning. Making them slowly fall in love with each other and then combining this with their back stories, Kaisoo and other characters great!!

Thank you so much for writing this! I will for sure read some parts again to remember things that happened in the story (there is so much lmao<3 ... Didn't expect it from the beginning)

Good luck for the future author-nim!!!