For You Now

"You look nice in this uniform!"  Chanyeol said as soon as I entered the training room where he had told me to meet him. He was leaning to the wall, watching me completely focused as I approached.

I was already ready to go out with other first year units. Chanyeol really hadn't lied when he had told me about my schedule for that week. I was wearing an uniform in dark green and brown shades. I actually looked good in it, because the uniform made me look a bit stronger.

"You also don't look bad," I replied and leaned to the wall next to him. He was wearing an unifom as well, but it was a bit darker, showing that his higher rank and status. 

He turned to face me again. "I always look good," he said smirking at me.

"You don't," I replied, even though he was quite right. Chanyeol was tall, handsome and he had a nice body. I liked that a lot, but I had never told him. Last few day, since he had kissed me for the first time and confessed his feelings for me, I was often thinking what he liked on me. 

"Ah, you are lying again," he said and leaned closer to me, but I moved away before he could've touched me. "Come on, Baekhyun! I didn't mean to slap you!"

"Chanyeol, I came because you told me you needed to tell me something!" I reminded him. "I don't have a lot of time. I need to be outside in front of the campus with others in ten minutes!"

"I actually just wanted to see you before you go with others," he told me, placing his hands on the wall and getting me trapped between them. He was very close to me, but still didn't touch me.

"Aren't you going?" I asked.

"I still have some things to do here, I am a major and I have quite a lot of responsibilities. It is mostly stuff that needs to be done to make your training there outside a bit easier! Nothing much actually," he answered, giving me a small smile. "I will come a bit later. You will have your best friends there, so I think it is okay. You actually don't even spend a lot of time with me when they are around!"

It was true. I couldn't really hang out with Chanyeol when my friends were around. "You know that I can't-"

"-I will start seriously hating your friends for taking you away from me all the time!"

"You also take me from them a lot!" I said. 

"I don't!" he protested. "Only from time to time. You see, that is why I like trainings with you. It is almost the only time I can be with you."

"You are woth me now," I smiled.

"That is why I told you to come, but in five minutes you will have to go..."

"Not my fault," I said. "It also isn't my friends' fault. I am a student! You are kinda spending our time here..."

"Okay then!" he gave up. "Can I at least wish you good luck?"

"Good luck for what?"

"Byun, you won't be driving in my car this time and I guess they will put quite heavy luggage on your back! I also won't be there to carry it for you! Let me remind you, if Yixing comes to me and tells me you gave up at any point, I swear to God, I will train you three times harder, and you won't like it!"

"You are threatening me!" I narrowed my eyes. 

"Yes, I am!" he kept his laughter inside. "Good luck, love!"

"Now you suddenly want to call me love ten seconds after you told me how I will suffer in the future."

He looked a bit up to think about it. "Yes, that is exactly what I am doing," he said and then suddenly leaned down to me, leaving a short but warm kiss in the corner of my lips. 


He silenced me with another kiss. He pulled me closer, to the point where we were touching each other, making the feeling of him kissing me even better. He moved his hand to my neck and gently passed through my hair. He put more passion in the kiss, but still kept it short. His lips moved slowly, gently pressing to mine. I loved the warmth that he had left in my body. "You should go now," he whispered, while gently passing over my cheek with his hand and still holding me tightly next to him with his other hand.

"It would be easier if you released me..." I suggested and he rised his hands to the air, like he had just been arrested, backing away from me and giving me a free way to go.

"Better?" he asked.

"Yes," I smiled a bit, before taking my way out of the training room. "See you later!"

"Sure," he replied as I left the place.

I literally ran to join my unit on time. Almost everyone was already gathered as I came there and only a few students were still missing. Yixing called all our names, making sure everyone was present. After that everyone got a big and heavy backpack to carry. Chanyeol had been right, when he had told me it would've been heavy, and I really didn't want to give up. I wasn't really sure, if he had been serious, when he had told me about the training, but I still didn't want to risk it. I could never know what plans he really had for my trainings.

We went on our way and for first hour I was doing quite well. I wasn't so tired, but when more time passed, I got more and more exhausted. Everyone was getting worn out. I didn't remember the way to there being so long... It was probably because Chanyeol had drove me there last time, and the time just passed by when I was with him. Also he was driving quite fast — another reasonable exolanation how we had come there quite fast last time. 

"Why are they torturing us like that!?" Kyungsoo cried as we were walking down the road. 

I was tired. Literally exhausted and out of my breath, my back and legs hurt, but didn't want to complain, even though I was near collapsing. Kyungsoo, however, didn't stay quiet, even though we had been told to stay quiet and not to complain to keep the order and discipline.

"Kyungsoo, we aren't supposed to cry here!" I whispered. "Jongin do something!"

"Wait, Baekhyun!" Jongin told me, without even looking at me. "I am trying to focus on my imagination instead of the reality. My legs will fall off, if I don't escape this cruel world! I think... I think I am flying!" 

"Did he take drugs?" I asked, looking at Jongin who looked more or less completely unaware of things happening around him. 

"It looks like it..." Kyungsoo narrowed his eyes. "However, getting a little high right now wouldn't be a bad idea!"

"You two are awful!" I said.

"I have a right to complain!" Kyungsoo protested, looking at me seriously. "What is the purpose of all this!?"

"Kyungsoo, this is military training!" I said. "You can't cry here like a baby! There are rules, and everyone expect the best from us!"

"Soo, is that really Baekhyun who is talking?" Jongin suddenly asked, still partly closed in his world of imagination. "He sounds weird. Why isn't he complaining?"

"I think Park gave up on real Baekhyun and replaced him with that robot who acts and talks exactly like major..." Kyungsoo whispered to Jongin's ear, pretending like it was meant to prevent me from hearing it.

"I am also tired if you want to know!" I said. I really was tired. I was near collapsing, but really didn't want to give up. I knew there wasn't much to the camping place. We were already surrounded by woods. "My legs also feel like they are about to die in every moment!"

"I feel like I am walking barefoot on nails!" Kyungsoo said. "Baekhyun, seriously! What did that Park do with you?"

"He threatenred me before," I said and it was actually true. I was trying to do my best, even though Chanyeol wasn't even around. I didn't want to disappoint him and I also didn't want to have harder trainings. It was already too much for me.

"Guys," Jongin spoke and pouted because of annoyance. "I think somebody will have to amputate my legs after that!"

"IS KIM ABOUT TO GIVE UP!?" I heard a voice not far away from me. I looked back and saw Minho approaching us with his big backpack. 

"NOT QUITE YET, CHOI!" Jongin replied suddenly becoming more aware of things around him. "We made a deal! We won't have any competitions anymore. It is over! Now leave me in my world of imagination!" 

"Uh, you really aren't for walking on long distances," Minho didn't stop teasing Jongin. I could see that he was exhausted as well, but not to the same point as Jongin. "I still can brag around, when I am better than you Kim! Just admit it!" 

"SHUT UP, CHOI MINHO!!" Jongin dropped his backpack to the ground. He approached Minho ready to hit him hard. 

"Uh, Kim, I see that you still have some energy stored in your body. Is it coming from your ego?"

"Shut the up! That energy is stored so I can hit you when you talk too much!" Jongin grabbed Minho's uniform and hit him. Some boys around started cheering 'fight' 'fight' 'fight' 'fight'. Minho backed away and dropped his backpack as well. Jongin striked again. They both were very skilled and strong and they put all of their energy in as they fought, even though they were exhausted from walking for miles. 

"Hey, you moth*****ker!" Kyungsoo screamed as Minho got a chance to hit Jongin. "Don't touch my boyfriend like that ever again!" 

"Kyungsoo, NO!" I tried to stop him from getting involved, but he ignored me completely, joining the fight.

"SILENCE!!!" major Zhang came to the place of the fight, running. "STOP IT NOW!" he ordered. I had never heard major Zhang so loud. He usualy trained more or less calm, making students feel welcomed at his trainings. Now he literally used all of his vouice while pulling the boys apart, preventing any other violent contact between them.


All three were looking to the ground silently. "I hit first," Jongin confessed.

"You are the captain aren't you?" 

"Captain Kim Jongin. Unit A2!" he said, looking up to major. 

"Then act like one!" major Zhang ordered him. 

"Yes, sir!" Jongin said and took his backpack from the ground. 

"You all three are grounded! That means that you will be the ones, staying up at night, and keeping the campfire safe! All days! That is for not keeping the discipline. If you had the energy for fighting, you will also have the energy for staying awake a bit longer!"

None said anything. I felt a bit bad for them, but at the same time I was glad I didn't get involved in this. I thought about what would have happened if I had also gotten grounded like that and after Chanyeol would've found out about it. His reaction would've definetly be laughing at me first, feeling satisfied by me being grounded like that. After that he would've probably watched me from far, leaning to the tree, enjoying the sight of me being completely exhausted. That was Chanyeol. 

After that none really complained about being exhausted. Probably because everyone was afraid of getting punished. 

Half an hour after that we came to our destination. The place didn't change at all. Tall trees were surrounding the meadow where we were about to built our military camp. This trip was meant to be some kind of a short practice for same kind of trainings which would follow in future. 

"I survived!" Kyungsoo announced collapsing to the ground and throwing his backpack to the side. He leaned to the tree and closed his eyes, taking a rest. I did the same, sitting down next to him, leaning to the other side of the tree. "Baekhyun, you will stay awake with us, wont you?"

"Me?" I pointed to myself, looking at him confused. "You want me to suffer with you?"

"Me and Jongin," he said. "And Minho who messed this all up! We are best friends! We should tell each other everything, trust each other, have fun together, get drunk together and also suffer together! The last one is the most important!"

"No, it isn't!"

"It is for me!" he looked to me smiling. "Come on!"

", Kyungsoo... I really don't-" I didn't end the sentence, because I noticed a car passing by me and Kyungsoo. I could recognise it everywhere. It was Chanyeol's car — the one in which he had driven me here last time. It really wasn't hard to recognise his car.

"Was that Park?" Jongin stepped to me and Kyungsoo.

"Yeah, it is his car," I said.

Both Kyungsoo and Jongin looked at me confused. "How do you know?" Kyungsoo asked.

"I saw him enter it once...." I made an excuse. 

Chanyeol stopped his car and stepped out of it. He really looked cool as he walked out of his car like that in his uniform and hansome looks. I loved how he looked, but at the same time it annoyed me a little.

"Damn, this annoying bastard has a y car!" Kyungsoo said, looking at Chanyeol's car completely captivated by its look. "I want to steal it and try driving it! Imagine how it feels!"

I knew how it felt, but I didn't really think it was anything like that. I was never really interested in big, expensive and fancy cars. I was somehow afraid of that car and right now I hated it. Well I hated Chanyeol, who had just came here with it, instead of walking like all students.

"I also want it!" Jongin agreed. "Baekhyun?"

"What?" I asked.

"Do you also wanna try out Ch- major Park's y car?"

"No..." I said looking to Chanyeol as he walked to major Zhang and told him something. 

"Dont look at Park!" Kyungsoo said. "His car is the interesting part, not him!"

"What?" I asked again.

"Baekhyun, are you okay?" Jongin asked me. "You look a bit dreamy..."

"I... I am just a bit tired..." I lied and looked to them.

"Yeah, sure you are," my best friend commented. "Like you weren't the one complaining the least while walking... You lie awfully!"

"I am not lying," I said.

"BYUN HAVING PROBLEMS WITH LYING AGAIN?" I heard Chanyeol's voice right next to me. 

I turned around and saw him standing right next to me, leaning to the same tree as me and Kyungsoo with his shoulder.

"What is he doing here?" Kyungsoo muttered to himself, hoping Chanyeol wouldn't hear that. 

"I heard that... What is your name again?"

"Do Kyungsoo, sir!" my roommater rolled with his eyes. 

"I actually don't care and I knew it anyway..." he said and I laughed on it and Kyungsoo looked at me a bit upset. he obviously didn't like me siding up with Chanyeol in that case.... Well, actually he just didn't like Chanyeol. 

"Well, I see you all are exhausted!" he continued. "How was the journey? I hope you are enjoying this kind of training. Some students actually find this enjoyable, but most just hate it, especially the walking to here and building up the camp, which will be your task in half an hour I guess," he looked to his hand watch to check the time. "I just want to know one thing... Did anybody specific cry on the way? It often happens!" he looked at me.

"Not really," Kyungsoo lied, even though he was one of those who had been complaining the most while walking.

Chanyeol rised his eyebrow surprised and then glared at me. "It is true," I said, giving him a smile. 

"Whatever!" Chanyeol pushed himself away from the tree. "I have to work like you all will have to in some minutes! Work hard!"

"Yes, sir!" we all replied and he left us alone.

Kyungsoo was the first one to speak up after that. "Why is he always around us?" he asked looking at Jongin.

"Probably because he is training Baekhyun...." Jongin guessed and he wasn't wrong. Chanyeol was around us because of me. He wanted to be with me, but right now I was more or less just mad at him.

"You know what... I'll be right back," I said and stood up.

"Where are you going?" Jongin asked me.

"I need to ask him something..." I said.

"Who? Ch- I mean major Park?"

"Would you stop doing that?!" I complained. "I really don't know why are you making drama out of it!"

"I really don't know," he replied. "It is just funny!"

"You are bullying me!"

"And I enjoy in it! I guess I am starting to become like Park... Enjoying the sight of others suffer for no reason!"

"Shut up!" I said and walked away. "I will come back!"

"Unles Park kills you there!" 

I rolled with my eyes and went to Chanyeol. He was taking boxes out of his car and carrying them to a place not very far away.

"Hi," I said quietly, as I came to his car.

Hie eyes met mine and I could see that he was surprised to see me there. "Did you come to help me?" he asked and smiled smugly at me. "Here hold that!" he pushed the box on my hands without a propper warning.

"Damn, this is havy!" I complained.

"It really isn't," he said, taking another box out of his car. 

"So that is the work you had to do before leaving?" I asked. "What is inside the boxes?"

"In these mostly just guns for tomorrow's games," he explained. "The ones that cause quite annoying and painful feeling when you get shot!"

"Don't remind me!" I complained. I followed him as he walked away to put down his box. 

"I won't say that I am sorry because I really am not," he smiled. "And about your question before, yes, that was what I had to do before coming here. Junmyeon also wanted to talk to me a little and I also helped Sehun a bit before leaving. I am a busy man! I really want tomorrow to come quickly. War games are always the best part of the training here. Be glad that you get to know for everything in advance! That is a privilege!"

"No, privilege is you being able to drive to here!"

"Uh, somebody is mad and jealous!" he started teasing me, after putting the box to the ground and taking a good look at me. "You know you really look nice, wearing that uniform, while being so mad at me... I like it a lot. I should make you jealous more often..."

"I am mad, but I am not jealous!"

"But I am not jealous!" Chanyeol imitated the way I spoke, while taking a way back to his car. "Look at me, love!"

"Don't call me that here," I whispered, looking at him seriously.

"Whatever! Just look at me!" he pointed at himself and I did as he told me to. "I am major! The major Park Chanyeol! I have some authority, so I can come here with my car. Think about it on the other way. If I hadn't brought all that stuff with my car, you would have carried much more! We all are on better... And I think Sehun will also come soon as well and he is also driving!"

"Privileged!" I said.

"Also," he continued with his excuses for not walking. "I am already well trained soldier, so I don't need endurance training like that. I am more skilled and older—"

"—Yes you are old!" I said as soon as he mentioned the age.

"What did you just say?!"

"You heard me well," I looked at him seriously. "You are old!"

"I am closer to twenty that thirty!" 

"Not for a long..." I reminded him.

"Okay, I am done!" he protested. "Byun Baekhyun! You will carry this all out of my car and I will watch you! You deserve a punisment for talking with me like that!"

"Seriously, Cha—"

"—Sir!" he ordered me.

"Seriously, sir?" I rolled with my eyes.

"Yes!" he moved his hand a bit to a side, giving me a slight smile. 

"You want to kill me?" 

"Right now, after you said I am old? Yes, definetly! And I want you to undergo a great pain before passing away! It would be nice see you suffer in hell as well, but that is a bit too cruel even for me..." he said walking closer ot me. "Don't forget that I still love you," he whispered so quietly, so even I barely heard him, before going back to his serious major Park mood. "NOW GET TO THE WORK!"

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I changed the cover of this fanfiction... I was just in a good mood for editing and I really didn't like that old cover after making the cover for the continuation of this story....


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Beau1996 1378 streak #1
Chapter 56: Isolation is in draft status🤔
shreechinnu #2
Kim jongdae as a doctor 😍😍 😍 😍
agsk98 #3
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
LovelyYS #4
Chapter 55: Awesome, I can't wait for new story.
TaigaB #5
Chapter 54: I actually liked this quite a lot - thank you :)
Aishafatma0909 #6
Chapter 54: That was really good story. I liked the whole plot very much however u made chanyeol's character very bad almost through out the whole of the story. I liked his character but didn't like how others treated him. But that's not that relevant I guess so nvm. Gd job waiting for the continuation
LovelyYS #7
Chapter 54: Thank you for wonderful story and happy for both of them to live together.
sneakypot_ #8
Love it! ♡
Rb2012 #9
Chapter 54: Awwwww congratulations on completing the story.
Am happy for chanbaek.
Chapter 54: Woah, I can't believe this story is ending... And OMG part two sounds amazing!! I will for sure check it out when you post it!!

I really loved reading this fanfiction, the plot is fun and the relationship between Baekhyun and Chanyeol as a major Park was just amazing from the beginning. Making them slowly fall in love with each other and then combining this with their back stories, Kaisoo and other characters great!!

Thank you so much for writing this! I will for sure read some parts again to remember things that happened in the story (there is so much lmao<3 ... Didn't expect it from the beginning)

Good luck for the future author-nim!!!