For You Now

I got woken up much earlier than I wanted to. It was Thursday morning and outside my bed cold air sent shivers all over my body. 

Someone was knocking on the door of my room and that person obviously didn't care about my right to get enough sleep everyday. That was a basic human right and I didn't have it.

I just sayed in my bed and pretended like I couldn't hear anything.

"Chanyeol..." I heard familiar voice calling my name from outside.

It was Junmyeon and in that moment I just wanted to disappear and never show up again. He knocked again, this time harder and louder. I covered my ears to prevent all the noise he was making and tried to fall asleep again.

"Chanyeol!" Junmyeon rised his voice and he sounded impatient. "I'm coming in... Okay?"

My eyes shut open because I didn't expect him entring without my permission. Junmyeon's head appeared first and then he fully entred the room. He noticed, that I was awake, which made him sigh in disappointment.

He didn't look tired at all, even though it was very early. He was already in his uniform, fully prepared to start the day.

"Why the heck are you here? How dare you step into my room without my permission? Can't you respect my sleep?" I said annoyed and rubbed my sleepy eyes. My whole body ached from the past day and after all I was extremly hungry because I had missed yesterday's dinner and only got an apple to eat before sleeping.

"Get used to it," Junmyeon said. "You will have to wake up like that for a month!" he said and I got confused. 


"You already forgot?"

"Forgot what?" I asked.

"You got a punishment. 1 month of work in the kitchen..." he told me and I groaned on it. It annoyed me that Junmyeon gave me 3 punishments, which I didn't deserve.

I pushed my face in my pillow and groaned in it again. "WHY!!" I complained, but knew I wouldn't be able to change anything with that.

"Don't worry, the main lady working in the kitchen, is very nice! However, don't leave her working alone. She is usually all alone in the morning, before others join her, so I think you will be able to help her a lot. Wake up, get ready and don't forget that you got training with me after you are done there. Morning training." 

"I'm still dreaming right?" I asked. He actually destroyed my day before I even started it. "I should just go back to sleep..." I continued and burried myself into my blanket.

"YAH! Wake up! You got work to do. Do you want to get another punishment or something? I'm your boss!" he sounded too serious and I feared I would actually get another punishment. 

I got up again and shot him an angry look. 

"I hate you!" came my words for Junmyeon and he just rolled his eyes.

"But you still like being my friend..." he replied. "Get ready. I want to see you in the kitchen in 15 minutes. Don't be late!" 

He didn't let me complain, but just gave me a strict look and then left the room. Finally! I thought and passed through my hair. I checked the time on my phone and gasped. It wasn't even 7am., so I woke up 1 hour earlier than usually. My usual waking up time was 7:45. Fifteen minutes after the students had to wake up. I could do that, because I had some authority and I was also able to get ready much faster than average person. I just liked sleeping a bit more in the morning. I was sure no studen't was able to notice that, since I always came to the training on time and looked completely awake there.

I wanted to go back to sleep, but I knew this would mean no good, if Junmyeon found out...

I slowly and lazily got up, but regret it because all my muscles ached. Never before had my body hurted that much and I knew the reason for it. That Byun did it for no good reason.

I thought how to get revenge for it. I won't let him beat me up like that again. I should be the one beating him! I didn't understand what had been wrong with me yesterday, I had been literally waiting there to get punched again and again. I should have at least returned him the favour. 

I forced my thoughts away and headed to my bathroom.

When I saw myself in the mirror, I was a complete mess. My hair were messed around and my skin was extremly white from the cold air around me. I changed my clothes. I picked usual black pants and a big white hoody over it. I also cleaned my teeth, washed my face and quickly combed my hair, before leaving my room.

Sun was still rising and on the hallway I could only hear higher ranks, snoring in their rooms. I envied them a lot. I wanted to be the one snoring and enjoy my time in my bed, but everything was the opposite.

I knew Junmyeon had his favourites. He would have never punished Yixing like that. Never! He for sure just didn't like me. 

It was my first time in the kitchen. I only saw a bit of it when everyone had meals, but I never bothered myself to check where and how we got food here. I only knew that it stood right next to dining room. 

I entred through a big white door and inside found a bigger place with a bunch of different desks, apparats for cooking and washing dishes, also a lot of funnels, shelfs and cupboards, full of plates, glasses, cups, plates and other things. Walls were all white, but on some spots white colour changed into brown, red, yellow, orange, black. I guessed it was because someone spilled sauces or accidentally threw something there. If I ignored that, everything seemed to be very clean and ordered. 

I walked around for a bit and suddenly saw someone. 

An older lady was standing right next to me. She had black hair with some grey strands in a ponytail. Her face was a bit wrinkled, but she was still very pretty. Her brown eyes were looking at me with kindness and her lips were in a wide smile. She was very short and was actaully lower than my shoulders. Comparing to me and my builded body, she was quite skinny. I suddenly felt like a giant. She wore bright white clothes and over everything she wore an apron.

"You must be Chanyeol!" the lady spoke with excitement. "Nice to meet you! General Kim told me you will come," she continued. I didn't know what exactly to say so I just awkwardly rubbed back of my neck and nodded. "I'm Lee Sunhee, but you can call me whatever you want!" 

I cleared my throat and tried to shake away all the awkward feelings. I forced a smile on my face and then replied with quick and unsure "Oww-" which made me even more awkward.

"General told me this is your punishment! What did you do to deserve this, boy?" she asked curiously.

It felt a little weird, when she called me boy. I was mostly being called as a 'sir', 'major' or at least 'Park' by the students. Other employees also didn't just call me boy, even though I was younger than most of them and I was a good friend with moajority. She called me like I was a little 7 years old boy, even though I was much taller and bigger than her. Maybe it was just her habit to do so...

"I pranked one of the soliders..." I answered her directly and she gave me an confused look.

"Pranked? You got punished for that?"


"It doesn't sound like a big deal, but you still shouldn't prank one of your mates like that..."

I opened my eyes widely. "Mates?" I asked. "More like students."

"Oh, so you are a trainer here?"

"Major," I quickly corected.

"I thought that was a same thing... My apology," she smiled and looked down a bit.

"Well it kinda is here..." I said. "I'm actually also not allowed to train alone for 2 months and I have to have extra lessons with the soldier I pranked! It's so unfair!" I complained. 

"I have never heard of such a punishment for one prank... And it's my first time to have a major here or any other higher ranks. Only students usually get punisment. Should I talk with general Kim. Maybe he changes his mind about this. It really is unfair to get that many punishments for one prank," Sunhee offered, but I suddenly panicked.

"Ohhhh, no! No need to do that! I deserved it-" I stopped talking. I actually didn't deserve it. It wasn't really my fault that Byun freaked out, but I knew Junmyeon wasn't going to change his mind, even if this kind lady tells him to. She doesn't even know that I pranked Byun with bloody pool, which lead him to the hospital wing. 

"You deserve it? Didn't you just say it was unfair?" she got confused.

"Yes- I mean- I shouldn't have done the prank and it- it was probably a bit to cruel-" I slowly spoke and tried to hide as much as possible from her.

I was afraid she might give me some extra work if she knew the whole truth about the prank and I decided would be better if she didn't know the whole truth. "Long story-" I ended.

"As you say. However, we shall start! There is a lot to do!" she said and pointed around the kitchen. I felt delighted that the conversation about the prank ended, but now here was my punishment. At first I didn't know what exactly she ment with 'a lot to do' and I just stared at her in confusion. "Would you clean and prepare the tables for breakfast later?" she asked.

I couldn't say no to her. She was too nice with me and it barely felt like this was a punishment. After all, she was working all alone. She for sure had help with cooking, so I just hoped I wouldn't have to help her cook, because I was sure my food would be more like a poison... Maybe I could poision Baekhyun like that and nobody wouldn't even notice...

She handed me a wet cloth with cleaner. "You know how to do that, don't you?" she asked unsure about it.

"Uhh yes, yes, I can do it! Don't worry ma'am!" I replied and then hurried out of the kitchen, to the dining room. 

In the dining room, all the tables looked clean already and at first I thought I'm just spending my precious time here. I hesitated, but after a few minutes still started to whipe all the tables, because I had told Sunhee that I would do it.

While I was cleaning the tables, I felt more and more tired and sleepy and after all my stomach wanted food, but it was more than a hour and half to breakfast and I still had training with Junmyeon before I could finally get something edible.

I cleaned each table well, but still ended very quickly. When I told Sunhee about it, she looked more than happy about it.

"Ohhh, my boy! You did so good. I hardly ever get time to clean all those tables, but you did it so fast and oh my god they are shining! Thank you so much!" she clapped and jumped on the sight of all the tables.

I raised my eyebrows and looked at the tables and then back to her. "I think they are just the same, ma'am. They were actually clean before too..." I told her, but her expression didn't change a bit.

"Don't be silly. I know when tables are dirty or clean. They are more than clean now!" her eyes shined with happiness. 

I was surprised of how this lady could be so joyful, while doing her work. I couldnt do it at all. My serious self, while having trainings, was already something normal for me. I was anxious and cold all the time, so I didn't know how could someone act like that all the time.

I waited for her to say something, because I didn't know how to continue the conversation. I usually knew how to talk to students and people I knew well. I was able to end and win every conversation with soldiers and also making them completely scared as they left. It was different with Sunhee.

"Well..." I said, but suddenly stomach started growling for food and I couldn't help it. I hoped she didn't hear it, but unfortunately she did and stared at me with eyes wide open.

"You are hungry! Why don't you say anything," she shook her head in worry.

"I- uhhh-" I couldn't say a word. I was actually blushing and I felt embarrassed of the sounds my stomach was making. The dinner I had skipped yesterday was actually leaving a big sign on my body, which asked for a food on its own.

"Come and tell me what you want. You deserve at least good breakfast after what you did," she took my hand, before I could complain and we hurried back to the kitchen, where she settled me behind one of the tables.

"Well... Is there anything special you want to eat, boy?" she asked and I felt like I was back in my childhood, where people would ask about my breakfast wishes. This lady was heartwarming and I was glad that I met her. Junmyeon should have sent me here before and I wouldn't even complain at all.

"I would eat anything right now..." I replied, because I had no ideas what exactly I wanted to eat. I wasn't really picky when it came to food. I just wanted to eat a lot and get enough energy for myself. 

"Alright," she just turned around and sterted cooking without telling me what she would do.

It didn't last long until whole kitchen smelled of delicious food and Sunhee placed a plate with food in front of me. On it I found perfectly cooked egg with bacon around it and a sausage next to everything. She also placed some sauces next to me.

"Hope you like it!" she wished me and I tasted the food. Everything on the plate was perfect. I stuffed all the food into me. I was happy to finally fill my empty stomach. It was obvious that she was a good cook, but the food which we normally got in the campus wasn't as good. Maybe because all cooks had to prepare it for a lot of people, or maybe others just weren't as good as she was.

"Ma'am, that was great! I have never eaten something that good!" I hugged her in my huge arms and she let out a surprised sound. I should feel awkward after that, but in that moment I just thought of how well I ate today and how very happy this lady made me feel.

I kept that weird smile on me until morning training came and I had to train with Junmyeon. 

"Chanyeol, are you alright? Why are you smiling like that?" he asked me and that was the time I realised, that I was actually smiling.

I forced the smile to fade away and got that seriously-mad expression back and I tried to look like I had never smiled before.

"I- uhhh I just liked that punishment in the kitchen. Are you sure this was a punishment?" I asked directly after a few moments of awkward silence.

"I told you the lady is kind... Don't worry you won't like the other ones," he told me and I got confused.

We came to the unit, which had morning training with us. They all were waiting peacefully as we approached. I could hear that some were quietly asking each other why is Junmyeon here with me and I wished they would never find out.

I noticed that it was Baekhyun's unit, but I didn't see him, which made me feel much better. A training without Byun felt like the world suddenly got even better. 

"Good morning," Junmyeon said kindly and smiled. 

The smile got me annoyed in second and I crossed my arms on my chest and rolled with my eyes as he continued. 

I already had a feeling like I would enjoy that day, but Junmyeon just couldn't keep it that way. 

"Because of recent events, I decided to join major Park with training for some weeks,"

"Recent events?" Kim Jongin asked. "Does this have conection with Baekhyun?"

I could feel the anger inside me raising, I never liked Jongin, because he dared to speak just too much and he could be the next in line right after I would get rid of Baekhyun. He really shouldn't get that Captain position. It was unfair that he got some rights to speak.

"Yes, this would be one of the reasons," Junmyeon said and looked at me seriously.

"I will call your names, tell me if you are here... I still don't know all of your names..."

He started calling the students and when Baekhyun's name came, a short silence followed, before Junmyeon continued.

"Look Park," Junmyeon looked at me "Your Byun didn't come today, so why don't you go and run with the units. Show them who is faster!"

I just got confused. I was glad I didn't have to deal with Byun again, but Junmyeon obviously had some more plans with me.

"What do you mean?" I asked and the students also looked confused.

"Everyone!" he got students' attention "You will be doing all the exercises with solider Park Chanyeol. Go! That's and order,"

"You called me what?" 

"Soldier Park Chanyeol!" Junmyeon smiled. 


"yes, I am the boss here and you will do what I tell you!" 

I never expected Junmyeon to do something like that to me. I had to do everythng that he ordered me and I ended up with soliders. Students and beginners. He literally made me one of them again.

I walked closer to others and stepped next to the group. I suddenly lost a feeling like I was the major, since I was standing like that next to them, waiting for Junmyeon to order me what to do.

"Okay! Ten sets around the field, NOW!"

Everyone started running. I stood on the place for some moments, until Junmyeon gave me serious look and I followed them. I soon caught up with everyone. They really weren't hard to beat, but everything still felt wrong.

"Eyyy, major got punishment, before he could say 'unfair'!" one of the sloiders joked of me while running.

He actually took my 'unfair' sentence!

"You dare joke out of me?!" I asked and shot the boy a deadly look. This time they didn't take me serious, but whole unit laughed at me and streted making coments over me. "Maybe less talking and more running," I ordered.

"What will you expel me? You don't have that power anymore!" the boy kept laughing at me.

"YOU! You better shut up your sorry mouth, because I will make sure you will suffer when I get my position and authority back!" I rised my voice, but regreted it right after.

"Chanyeol stop!" Junmyeon warned right when he noticed what I was doing.

I couldn't stand everyone poining at me like I was a clown there. When Junmyeon told me, that he would take my position, I never thought about him training me. He pushed me down on beginers' level and I was the target for jokes, which I hated the most.

My fists tightened and I was ready to beat everyone around me, including Junmyeon here in the place. I knew this would bring no good. I breathed deeply to calm down, but as usual my anger was too big. I was looking at everyone with angry look and my every muscle was ready to fight.

Until the end of the training the only thing I could do was ignore everyone's comments and do all the cruel orders from Junmyeon. I was glad that Junmyeon knew how to make everyone quiet, but the bad feeling was still there killing me completely.

On the end of the training I felt physically and mentally tired. Junmyeon noticed my bad mood and tried to talk with me, but I left before he could tell me a word. Of course he still cared about me just like all friends would, but in that moment I wasn't ready to talk with him.

I went back to the kitchen, where Sunhee was waiting for me to wash the dishes from breakfast. I didn't say a word to her, but just started with work. She did notice that I wasn't alright, but obviously she didn't dare say a word about it. 

I was washing the dishes all morning and when I was finally done, the only thing I wanted to do was lock myself into my room and take a nap. The students were having their classes at that moment, so I had some free time before trainings after the lunch. Maybe Junmyeon would make me like a student again and I just couldn't stand that humiliation.

I sat on my bed and laid down, as I returned in my room.

I felt pressure and I couldn't calm down. I was extremly tired, but my body just didn't want to relax and I kept thinking something. After some time I decided that this wouldn't work, so I pulled myself up and walked to the bathroom in my room. I opened the bathroom closet where I had my skin care and medicine. I took a small box. Inside there were pills Jongdae gave me against my anxiety. I opened it and looked inside. I hated this things! I turned the box and took one pill in my hand. It was small and white. I put the rest of the pills to the edge of the sink and stared at the one in my hand.

I had to take it. I trusted Jongdae even though I knew what these could do to me. I needed to calm down

I moved my hand closer and put the pill in my mouth. It disgusted me as soon as I tasted the pill. I closed my eyes and tried to relax, I needed to swallow it, but I couldn't. 

I opened my eyes and saw my reflection in the mirror. I pushed myself away and spit the pill out. I opened the water and cleaned my mouth with it, I didn't even want to think about using this medicine. I didn't need it! I took the box in my hand and threw it away. I respected Jongdae, but I wouldn't eat these just to end my anxiety, I could do it on my own! 



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I changed the cover of this fanfiction... I was just in a good mood for editing and I really didn't like that old cover after making the cover for the continuation of this story....


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Beau1996 1378 streak #1
Chapter 56: Isolation is in draft status🤔
shreechinnu #2
Kim jongdae as a doctor 😍😍 😍 😍
agsk98 #3
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
LovelyYS #4
Chapter 55: Awesome, I can't wait for new story.
TaigaB #5
Chapter 54: I actually liked this quite a lot - thank you :)
Aishafatma0909 #6
Chapter 54: That was really good story. I liked the whole plot very much however u made chanyeol's character very bad almost through out the whole of the story. I liked his character but didn't like how others treated him. But that's not that relevant I guess so nvm. Gd job waiting for the continuation
LovelyYS #7
Chapter 54: Thank you for wonderful story and happy for both of them to live together.
sneakypot_ #8
Love it! ♡
Rb2012 #9
Chapter 54: Awwwww congratulations on completing the story.
Am happy for chanbaek.
Chapter 54: Woah, I can't believe this story is ending... And OMG part two sounds amazing!! I will for sure check it out when you post it!!

I really loved reading this fanfiction, the plot is fun and the relationship between Baekhyun and Chanyeol as a major Park was just amazing from the beginning. Making them slowly fall in love with each other and then combining this with their back stories, Kaisoo and other characters great!!

Thank you so much for writing this! I will for sure read some parts again to remember things that happened in the story (there is so much lmao<3 ... Didn't expect it from the beginning)

Good luck for the future author-nim!!!