For You Now

Junmyeon couldn't forget what I had done till the end of the day. Everytime he looked at me, I saw disappointment in his eyes. He really wasn't satisfied with my work, even though I knew how to train soldiers well and turn them into the best ones. I wasn't here to serve students and look through their fingers, when it was too much for them, like Yixing always did. If they weren't capable of dealing with hard trainings, then they didn't belong in that university. It wasn't just my fault that Byun just couldn't fit in that place.

I didn't really care about what Junmyeon thought about me. I knew that half of this university hated me, but Junmyeon couldn't. I was actually relieved that nothing bad had happened to me.

I was in Sehun's room. Yixing and Junmyeon were there as well and of course Sehun.

"Why is he shooting in me!" Sehun complained. "I am the general!"

I looked to him for a second. He was strugling with a game, tapping and sliding over his phone. I looked back to my screen and focused on the game as well.

We were playing Call of Duty together. A shooter mobil video game, which we sometimes played together, when we didn't have any other work. It was a warfare game, so it kinda suited this university's concept and purpose. 

We were in Sehun's room, because we could scatter and mess it as much as we wanted and he wouldn't care. Junmyeon usually got nervous when we played in his room, Yixing's was boring and looked like a grandma lived in it and I had a big collection of Marvel characters on my shelves, which had to stay protected no matter what. 

I looked to my right and then left. Both Yixing and Junmyeon were busy with the game.

I was moving throught the war field in the game. I was good at playing it, but I still didn't really like it, because I was better when I could use a gun in real life in a real war game, where I could actually show others how good my skills were. 

"We will lose!" Yixing said.

It was true, but I didn't know whose fault it was, because it for sure wasn't mine.

"Damn it!" Junmyeon threw his phone away as the game ended with "Defeat"

I turned my phone off and looked at him. He was completely done with the game, same was for Sehun. "What did you two give up on a simple game?" I asked.

"No," Junmyeon said. "I was playing just well!"

"We lost," Yixing told him.

"I was thinking about something," Junmyeon said and looked at us three with a serious look, almost like the one he had, whenever he was standing in front of the students like the general, who had used to torture and humilate me on the trainings. "I have a question for you two," he glared at Yixing and Sehun. "Not you Chan!"

I wasn't sure what he meant with that. Maybe he was just still very angry at me...

"Ask," Sehun told him.

"If I told you to rate me as a friend..." he started serious and then continued with a bit of hope in his voice. "...How good would I be?"

I laughed at the question. I didn't expect him to actually ask that. Sehun and Yixing exchanged looks and I could notice that they both were trying to keep their laugh inside as well. 

"Junmyeon, why are you asking that?" Sehun spoke. "The answer is clear. You are a horrible friend!" We all laughed, but Junmyeon just stared at us disappointed.

"I told you Jun," I hit his shoulder.

"Stop joking! I'm serious," he looked like he was about to cry.

"I can't lie to you, sorry," Sehun didn't stop with the joke and we both laughed even more. We laughed that much, my stomach started to hurt. It has been a while since I laughed that much, which was probably because I usually just wanted annoying people around me dead.

Yixing ended our fun and finally got the chance to speak. "Don't worry. You are best friend to me," he put his hand on Junmyeon's shoulder and tried to make him happier, but Junmyeon just stared at him.

I narrowed my eyes and stopped laughing. "Seriously?" I asked. "You are weak like your students who give up after a minute! No wonder you are Junmyeon fav!"

"They aren't weak!" Yixing complained. "I train them well, it is just that you shouldn't expect too much from them..."

"Yixing is right," Junmyeon agreed. "He trains our students well, and you almost kill them!"

"You are saying that, because I was laughing before..."

"Yes," he said. "Both, you and Sehun, are horrible," he pointed at us. "I can't belve I ran into you! And about your training I was serious!" Junmyeon crossed his arms.

I rolled my eyes, but Sehun just calmly took a bag of snacks and started to eat them, which annoyed Junmyeon a lot.

"I didn't kill anybody..." I said, but my voice cracked.

"Jun told me you almost killed that Byun..." Sehun spoke and ate more snacks completely unbothered by anything and now it annoyed me as well.

"But I didn't..." I said. 

"You should let your students breathe a little on the trainings," Yixing said. "They aren't your enemies!"

"Oh, they aren't?!" I didn't agree with his statement at all. I didn't like students and they also didn't like me. Fair for everyone. "Yixing you are always such a pure soul. Find a life! No wonder you are still single," I joked and started to laugh again.

"Chanyeol..." he looked at me a bit upset. "...You are single too!"

His comment suddenly hit me. A strange feeling got over my body and made me shiver, as he mentioned that. My relationships had always led me to depression and made me heartbroken. I couldn't think about it and I didn't want anything like that ever again. 

Everyone noticed the sudden change of the atmosphere.

"Okay this conversation is done!" Junmyeon said. "Let's leave it. It doesn't matter, but now I want you all doing your work, because I don't pay you for playing games!"

"You are playing them as well..." I said.

Junmyeon put finger on his lips and looked at me serious. "I am your boss. If I tell you to play mobile game with me, you play it! If I tell you to keep a student alive without choking him, you keep him alive! Understood?!"

"Yes..." I said, but he wasn't satisfied.

"Yes, sir!" he said and I replied it just like he wanted, even though I didn't want it.



The next day I had to train Baekhyun again. Junmyeon at first didn't want to let me train him, but at the end I still ended up with him in the training room.

Baekhyun decided to wear more casual clothes today. He didn't wear his usual training clothes, but Adidas trainers and black oversized T-shirt, which made him look smaller than he already was. 

"Byun," I started the conversation and he glared at me. "You know, yesterday you could've gotten rid of me... I guess you know that it was all your decision, no way back! However—"

"—I will be a little privileged here?" He interrupted me. 

"No!" I replied. "I won't babysit you here, just because you helped me to keep this job!" 

"Not even a little privilege?" 

"You are already privileged! You are afterall training here with me! I won't let you chill and relax, because this isn't my way of training someone and you know that," I told him the truth.

I almost got kicked out of the university and he was actually my saviour, but I still got a lot of plans on making him suffer like he deservesd to. 

"I know that, sir," he said like it was not a big deal. I couldn't understand his logic. He had actually beated me for pranking him, he ended up on extra trainings with me, we had hated each other from the first day. But even after everything that had happened, he still decided that he can have trainings with me, while he could've been with his unit and friends. 

"You are the first person that is okay with extra and private trainings with me. It annoys me, Byun,"

"It is your first time, isn't it?" he narrowed his eyes.

It was true. I was very new to that university. I had only started my work here one year ago after Junmyeon wanted me to train, because I was one of the best trained majors.

I crossed my arms and galred at him. "This doesn't matter at all. I will make sure you will change your opinion about my trainings, before breakfast!" I said with strict voice. He just shruged with his shoulders and reminded calm. His acting today was slowly ripping my nerves from inside. I couldn't stand him that chill because usually students feared me. 

"Try me, sir," he replied bravely. It sounded just the same as on the day we first met and I lost against him.

I stepped closer him and narrowed my eyes. I hated that sentence and I wasn't going to let him disrespect and humiliate me like that again. "I told you to be careful, Byun. Don't play games with me, because you aren't going to be that lucky all the time and you will probably end up in a pool filled with real blood this time!"

The look in his eyes suddenly changed and I knew, that I had made a mistake with mentioning that. I thought about the moment, when I had seen him to freak out, after he had noticed the red colour covering his clothes and hands. I would have enjoyed that moment, if it hadn't become so serious and if I hadn't gotten myself three punishments because of that.

"Byun..." I tried to rectify my mistake, but he interrupted me.

"Don't.... mention that again!" he said with a weak voice this time.

"Okay... I really shouldn't... Well lets just start," I put hand over my mouth to avoid uncomfortable conversation. "Byun, follow me," I said after a short moment of silence and walked towards the exit of the training room.

"Sir, where are we going?" Baekhyun tried to catch up with my steps.

"We will be training somewhere else. It is boring here and since you have privileged training we will do something different. Now don't ask more, everything at it's own time!" I told him.

He obviously wasn't satisfied with my answer, but still didn't ask more. 

I led him out and we crossed the yard of the campus. Then we passed some side buildings and ended up in the very back of the campus. Baekhyun had probably never seen that part before, but it was well-known for me. I took the keys from my pocket and unlocked the door that lead to one of the smaller buildings here. The door opened with a crack and I let Baekhyun enter first. He walked in and inside I could hear him gasp, as soon as he saw what was inside. 

We were now in the middle of a room with mirrors on each wall. Room was filled with gym equipment and machines for building body. A few shelves that stood randomly in the room were filled with dfferent sized dumbells. 

I spent a lot of time here and I actaully liked that place. Sometimes I would hang here with Junmyeon, Sehun and Yixing and we would challenge each other with lifting weights. I could've spend hours here and I wouldn't get bored. With that I don't just mean lifting weights or using any other equipment. It was also a good place to relax, just by just sitting down and chilling, while eating snacks from the vending machine, which I had gotten for myself, so I didn't even need to attend meals every time. 

"Well, Byun. Did your opinion about my trainings change already?" I asked once I saw him looking around with his mouth wide opened.

"I- Umm No- No, sir," he said and came back to reality. I couldn't belive that he was still fine about it. He really didn't seem like someone who would randomly enjoy gym.

"Ohh, really? Well then you can start right away," I pulled him to the side and settled him on one of the black seats in the middle of the room. "Warm yourself up a little, before we start for real! I don't want any of your tiny hands to break... Well that would be satisfying to watch, but would only get me in trouble." 

"I don't break so quickly..." he replied, but stopped talking as soon as I looked at him.

"Oh believe me, Byun, you do break quickly!"

He didn't say anything after that and did as I had told him.

I walked to the shelves and thought which weight should be the starting for Baekhyun. I checked him and then again looked at the dumbells on shelves. Baekhyun was tiny and he barely had any muscles. Yesterday when we fought he barely even hit me.

I decided to give him the dumbells with only 22 pounds. They were one of the smallest ones and I carried them like it was nothing. I almost laughed at the thought, that Baekhyun could have problems lifting them. 

"Here you go, Byun," I handed him the dumbells. He could carry them well, but he gave me a confused look.

"Sir... I- I have never done anything like that," he told me and I could see him a bit embarrassed. I laughed at it and sighed on what he said.

"You can't be serious! Did you live under a rock or something? You even got life?" I bent down a bit to meet his eyes. He looked away as soon as we made eye contact. His expression got sader and more serious. "What about at school? You for sure had dumbells there? At least gym? Did you even go to school?" 

"Y-Yes, I did! And yes, they had gym too."

"And did you even step in it?"

"I did..."

"Did you use it?"

"Not really..." he confessed.

"Why not?"

"I don't really care how strong I look, only the strongest boys used the gym in our high school," he spoke quietly. I sighed and passed trough my hair with my hand. 

"Explains a lot. However, it's not that hard to learn!" I said. I couldn't belive that I was actually training a pure begginer. "Look, you just have to lift them up, maybe a bit higher than your head and you aren't allowed to fully extend your arms, that's an order, Byun! You got it?" 

"I think so," Bakehyun replied and then slowly lifted the dumbells in his hands up to the air. Once they were through his head he just glared at me in confusion.

"What? Go down now. You don't have to hold them up forever," I told him and he lowered them. Again he wasn't sure what to do and I slowly started to feel annoyed.

"Byun, repeat it 20 times, not just once," I sighed and rolled my eyes. He nodded and then started to work. He didn't have a lot of problems with it, like I expected. While he was lifting dumbells I sat down on the nearest seat, that was identical to Baekhyun's and just watched and counted. 

This was just the start for him and after 20 I got bored. When he was done, I took the dumbells out of his hands and carried them to the shelves. He was a bit confused when I did it. I placed them back to where I got them and checked for the other ones. Baekhyun lifted those without bigger problems, so I thought 33 pounds might give him some suffering.

I took them and then handed them to Baekhyun. This time I could see worry in his eyes. Right after I let them fall into his hands he strugled to keep his hands in place. I could see that he did his best to keep them in place, but it was slowly getting harder for him.

"Well, lets see how well you do with this ones. 20 lifts again," I sat down again. Baekhyun tensed and got more nervous, which amused me. 

"Sir-" he spoke.

"What is it?" 

"I'm not sure if I can do it-" he looked at the ground. 

"Byun, you will never know if you don't try. I hate it how you give up and break so fast! You will do it until I tell you to stop, no matter if you can or not. I forebid you to do otherway and if you dare to stop before I allow you to, you will stay here doing lifts until you're unconscious," I rised my voice a bit and watched him with serious look.

His breathing got faster and he was obviously afraid, that he wouldn't be able to do it. 

"You, can start. Remeber, you are doing lifts until I tell you," I told him still with stronger tune. He slowly nodded and then lifted his hands up. I noticed that he got weaker this week. Maybe it was because he wasn't coming to the trainings and he probably also hadn't eaten like he should have. I remembered him a bit stronger than that. He was able to win against me, which didn't seem possible anymore.

He didn't have problems with first few lifts, but then he started to slow down and his hands started to shake a bit or lost balance every few moments. He  strugled to lift the dumbells to the height I told him is right.

"Byun, you aren't even lifting higher from your head... Go higher!" I told him, once I noticed that he changed the height of his lifts. He tried his best to lift them higher, but it still didn't satisfy me.

I stood up and stepped closer to his seat. I put my hands under his and helped him lift the dumbbels to the height where I liked it. His hands were cold and we repeated this a few more times. Soon I was just holding my hands under his without helping him. 

He was breathing deeply and sweat was trickling down his forehead to his cheeks. 

"Byun, you can stop now," I finally told him and his hands fell down. He left the bumbbels, lying on his thighs and then his hands fell down. For a few moments he was just trying to catch his breath and gain some energy, without doing other moves.

While he was resting I took the dumbbels from him and placed them on the shelf again.

He didn't do much on this training, but he was already half dead. I didn't want to stop with training yet. From the shelf I took dumbbels 35 pounds heavy. It was only 2 pounds heavier than before, but he would for sure feel the difference. I went back to him and handed him the dumbbels. At first he didn't want to take them and I shot him and mad look, which made him move and take the dumbbels.

"Byun, you will be doing the same as before. No giving up or complaining," I reminded him. He wasn't happy about it at all, but he still lifted the dumbbels into his hands. 

His arms got weak already on the beggining and I had to help him again. Soon he started to whine and squeak under the weights. 

"Common, Byun. No complaining and work," I wanted to really learn him a lesson and didn't give him a bit of mercy. His hands got heavier and they were trembling a lot, so I had problems keeping him still and on the right height. Baekhyun was still whining even though I told him to stop. He tried to get those last bits of energy out of him, but it was obvious that he wasn't going to last any longer. 

"Alright. You can stop now," I told him after 3 more lifts, when I was finally satisfied with his work. 

Baekhyun was so exhausted, that he threw the dumbbels on the floor of the room and ended up lying on the black seat, with his hands hanging down. The dumbbels did a lot of noise, as soon as they touched the floor from the fall.

I freaked out on that and gasped. "Are you serious?! They are freaking expensive! Don't just throw them whereever you want!" I almost shauted at him, but at the same time tried my best to keep myself calm. I didn't want to push him too much because it had been somehow my fault, that he had thrown them. I had made him do that many lifts and anyone would've been the same as him. However the dumbbels were really expensive and I didn't want to spend more money on them.

"Expensive? You bought them? I thought people that run that campus buy them. Doesn't it all come from the countries money?" Baekhyun got confused.

"YAH! Byun, The university's gym is useless. That one is officially mine and yes, I bought them. So careful with them!" I didn't lower my voice.

"How come you let me be in here?" he pointed at himself and then waited for an answer.

"Because Junmyeon won't find us here and I can torture you here as much as I want. Don't you think you will be here all the time. This is still only my place," I crossed my arms. I was actually stupid to let him be in my gym...

"Why would anyone want their own gym?" he continued with questions. 

"So I can choke you when you are annoying me, Byun. Now stop because I am highly annoyed and bothered by your stupid questions!" I replied seriously.

"Am I the only one that knows about it? Except you..." Baekhyun didn't take my warning seriously. I couldn't belive how much he dared. I rised my eyebrow.

"No, Byun. You aren't that special. However don't get used to it, because you aren't going to be here that much. Next time you will probably be in University's gym and not mine," I sighed.


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I changed the cover of this fanfiction... I was just in a good mood for editing and I really didn't like that old cover after making the cover for the continuation of this story....


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Beau1996 1378 streak #1
Chapter 56: Isolation is in draft status🤔
shreechinnu #2
Kim jongdae as a doctor 😍😍 😍 😍
agsk98 #3
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
LovelyYS #4
Chapter 55: Awesome, I can't wait for new story.
TaigaB #5
Chapter 54: I actually liked this quite a lot - thank you :)
Aishafatma0909 #6
Chapter 54: That was really good story. I liked the whole plot very much however u made chanyeol's character very bad almost through out the whole of the story. I liked his character but didn't like how others treated him. But that's not that relevant I guess so nvm. Gd job waiting for the continuation
LovelyYS #7
Chapter 54: Thank you for wonderful story and happy for both of them to live together.
sneakypot_ #8
Love it! ♡
Rb2012 #9
Chapter 54: Awwwww congratulations on completing the story.
Am happy for chanbaek.
Chapter 54: Woah, I can't believe this story is ending... And OMG part two sounds amazing!! I will for sure check it out when you post it!!

I really loved reading this fanfiction, the plot is fun and the relationship between Baekhyun and Chanyeol as a major Park was just amazing from the beginning. Making them slowly fall in love with each other and then combining this with their back stories, Kaisoo and other characters great!!

Thank you so much for writing this! I will for sure read some parts again to remember things that happened in the story (there is so much lmao<3 ... Didn't expect it from the beginning)

Good luck for the future author-nim!!!