For You Now

Chanyeol acted fast. Much faster than I thought it would be possible. I wasn't surprised to see him in his uniform, I liked it, because he looked good in it, but I hadn't been expecting weapon. I wasn't sure what it was. It obviously was a gun — a student on military training should know that — but I wasn't sure about the chargers. It didn't look like the ones that were used for trainings, it looked too real. There were chances Chanyeol had just decided to get a real one and kill Woosuk, who had hurt me in past and tried to do the same in that very moment. But everything still seemed too unreal. 

I could just see how he pulled out his gun and in the next moment it was pointed towards me — well actually Woosuk. 

My brother had been right next to me before Chanyeol pulled out the gun. He took me in his hands, before Chanyeol could do anything, pulled me up and in just a few moments I was tightly pressed onto his body. Woosuk's left arm was around my neck and held me in place, while the other one was on my forearm, holding me tightly. He used me as a shield. Even though I was tiny and small, I covered him and there was no way Chanyeol would shot him this way.

I put my hands on Woosuk's arm that was around my neck and tried to pull it away, but it was pointless. My body didn't want to act the way I wanted it. Chanyeol had taught me how to save myself in that case at trainings, but the effect of drugs was still too strong. I barely stood on my legs, but at the same time I felt my strenght coming back. I could just stand there and wait for Chanyeol to decide what to do. I feared he might trigger and shoot me instead, but he noticed me soon enough to stop himself. His eyes went wider as he tensed a bit. He didn't lower the gun, but kept it pointed at me — actually Woosuk, but I was the one who would get hit by a bullet first, if Chanyeol actually triggered. 

I had been happy to see Chanyeol, when he had come to me, but right after he had gotten hit by a chair twice, making him hurt to the point he had collapsed over me and to the ground, I hadn't wanted him around. I didn't want him to get hurt because of me and my stupid actions. Chanyeol was good at fighting, but Woosuk wasn't any different. He was more of an expert, however, Chanyeol was still stronger and very trained. 

"What are you hiding now?!" Chanyeol asked furiously, but I could sense fear in the way he spoke. 

"What do you think? I am not stupid. I will hide, if you are about to shoot me!" Woosuk hissed behind me.

"Coward," Chanyeol puffed.

"Me a coward? I think you are the one afraid right now..." He said and moved his head, showing that he was talking about at Chanyeol's hands, which were literally shaking. "You will miss the target, if you keep shaking like that. I thought this is one of the things you learn at military trainings. Nothing good will happen, if you don't keep your hands calm, which seems impossible for you in this moment. I don't think that would be good for Baekhyun!" Woosuk laughed loudly. 

"He can shoot perfectly!" I said furiously. My voice vas trembling, but I made sure Woosuk felt my anger.

"Prove it!" Woosuk said confidently. Chanyeol backed a bit away, but his gun was still pointed at me. "You can shoot me, if you are that good! If you are really so confident about your skills!" 

"Chanyeol..." I said, giving him a sign that it was okay. I hoped he would aim for Woosuk's hands or legs. I was sure he wasn't going to miss. "You can do it..." 

"I can't do it, if you are right there!" Chanyeol growled and his hands fell down and swung by his body. He wasn't ready to trigger. He wasn't able to do it as long as there were chances of him missing a bit. 

"You are afraid you might shoot him? A hero wants to save your dear boyfriend, but he unfortunately came with zero skills to do it," he laughed again.

"I can do more than you think!" Chanyeol said furiously.

"You showed me what you can do already," Woosuk said.

Chanyeol was obviously disappointed and offended by his words. He was angry. More angry than ever before and I had seen him very very angry. He was keeping the anger inside at that moment, but it was obvious he was about to burst out soon. I couldn't imagine how bad he was feeling at that moment. He was Chanyeol. The major Park Chanyeol. The one who was confident about himself to the highest point possible. The one who could do literally anything. His dark eyes seemed like there was a fire of anger in them, his breathing was heavy and he was holding the gun so tightly. "I will beat you to death," Chanyeol said, but his words were tense and insecure.

"Chanyeol, calm down," I said. I didn't want him to be insecure about saving me or anything else. He was always sure and ready to do anything. 

"Ahh, you trying to comfort him? You two are so ing sweet, but it's just disgusting. You, Baek, always belonged to me and you always will!" Woosuk said, tightening his hold around my neck, so I struggled to get the air I needed.

" off, Woosuk." Chanyeol siad madly. "You can't take him like he was a thing! You can't just decide that he is yours! It's Baekhyun's choice!"

"And you think he picked you?" Woosuk asked like it was a joke.

"YES!" I said breathlesly.

He got mad at my words. "Really? Maybe you think you picked him, but I can prove you that you didn't trust yourself to Park."

I suddenly got worried. 

"What do you mean?" Chanyeol got confused as well.

I didn't understand what he was saying, but I kept my mout shut.

"Tell me. What do you know about Baekhyun?" my brother spoke. 

"Like this will make any difference?" Chanyeol rolled with his eyes. 

"Let's start with... Hmm... Hobies? You should know something about this?" my brother asked.

"Am I a joke to you?" the other one got mad. "What will this prove!" 

"So you don't know?" 

" off!" he cursed and then took a moment to think of my hobies. "Reading..." he took a moment "...astronomy..." he added. "...and making me mad," he said, grining at me a bit.

"Was it that hard to answer, huh?" Woosuk asked. "Well... What else do you know about him?" he asked. "Like some more private information," Woosuk smiled a bit. 

"Private information?" Chanyeol got confused again. "Weren't hobbies enough private information?"

"What are you already shaking? Even more than before?" 

"You know, before I started dating Baekhyun, speaking about private stuff wasn't really considered as something we should talk about for me! I was avoiding it as a major and his trainer, so it really doesn't matter!" 

"You are just looking for excuses. Also I think it would be better for everyone, if you just stood away from Baekhyun since the beginning and kept that student and trainer relationship! It really doesn't stand well for me that you two are dating..." 

" of, Woosuk!" I cursed and tried to get myself away again, but his hands were to strong for me. "Chanyeol, don't ing listen to him!" 

"You won't be speaking now, Baekhyunee!" Woosuk ordered me. "Well, Park. I want to hear more. Maybe... His past. What did he do as I child, teenager, before you two met?" Woosuk pointed out.

Chanyeol thought about it a bit and then I noticed that his face got a bit disgusted as he thought about something. "He ate..." his whole body shook as he thought about it again. "...Toast with egg and peanut butter." 

"Damn, I almost forgot this exists. I need to make this for myself again. You got no ideas how very good this is!" Woosuk said.

I just stared at him with disgust, like he just said the most stupid thing ever. Chanyeol didn't seem any less disgusted by it. I used to eat this with Woosuk when we had been younger, but later when I had tried it with Chanyeol, it had literally tasted bad. 

"You aren't serious, are you?" Chanyeol looked at him shocked. He pointed at him with the gun, but he wasn't holding it tightly like before.

"Yes, man. You must try it!" Woosuk said excited.

"I already did, but threw everything away...!" He whined. It almost seemed like he was talking to the other one like they were old friends, but the situation was completely different. 

"Well... I knew something was very wrong with you from the beggining," Woosuk said. 

"I could say the same for you," Chanyeol looked at the other one disgusted. 

"Me too!" I agreed with Chanyeol. 

"Shut up, Baek!" Woosuk tightened his hands more, making me gasp a bit. "You don't have a right to speak as long as I am pulling everything out of your stupid boyfriend!" 

"I am smart, strong, tall, handsome, y, quite rich, experienced, talented, well trained and I can also assure you that I am nothing close to stupid!" Chanyeol said and he was right. He was literally the best at everything, but in that moment he was in a situation that was causing him problems and I was one of the reasons for that. 

"You somehow remind me of myself..." Woosuk said. 

"Except that I am better from every point of the view and that I am not a creep or like you!" Chanyeol said. 

"Uh, rough! , huh? We could talk about that..." Woosuk said completely unbothered by his words. "Whatever," he said impatiently. "Lets focus on you first! Do you know anything else? Maybe Baekhyun's family?" 

I got worried on that. I had never told Chanyeol a bit about my family. I didn't even have the real one...

Chanyeol hesiteted, but then sighed and shook is head. I sighed at the same time.

"I knew it would end at some point," Woosuk smirked. 

"His family doesn't affect our relationship. I don't need to know who his parents are. They won't decided how we will go together, it's Baekhyun who will chose," Chanyeol said. 

I got some nagative feelings on that. I looked away from Chanyeol for a moment and fell into my own thoughts. I didn't know my family at all. My only family was Woosuk's, but they somehow disowned me. Woosuk still believed he was my brother, even I had a feeling like he actually is, even though we weren't related at all and I literally hated him for everything. 

"Are you sure that his family isn't affecting your relationship?" he said, still smirking at Chanyeol. I tensed on this and for a moment I just wanted to fight him. I moved a bit, but just gained a strong push towards Woosuk's body again. "I think it is happening now. Like right now. And something happened before you met your lover." 

"What do you mean?" the taller one asked, checking me a bit. He noticed the change in me, but obviously didn't understand a thing.

"I see Bakehyun is hiding some things from you," Woosuk said. "Do you know where he was before he came to the university?" 

Chanyeol's lips trembled a bit, but he hesitated. 

"I see—" Woosuk started, but got interrupted. 

"—Psychiatric world..." Chanyeol sarted bitterly. He looked away from me to the ground. "...for mental health treatment," he ended.

My eyes went wider than ever. I felt my heart beating faster every second and I just wanted to die in that moment. "How—?" My voice cracked. "I never told you about that!" I had never talked with Chanyeol about my past. I hadn't told him anything about, maybe a word from time to time, but I had been sure he had known nothing about it. I had always been afraid that things could have changed between us, if I had told him everything. I hadn't been able to trust him, because I feared he would have thought I was bad for it. For being weak. 

Chanyeol hesitated with answering on my question. He kept his eyes down, while pointing his gun at Woosuk, who was still holding me and hiding behind me. 

"You never talked about it? How do you know then?" Woosuk wanted to know too.

"Yes, we never talked about it, but it doesn't matter. I found the information from the doctor at the campus. I didn't really have the permission to do it, even as a major, but I once got a chance and I wanted to know the reason behind all that fears and hallucinations."

"Chanyeol?" I breathed out. "How could you?" 

"Well that is interesting," Woosuk laughed. 

"I don't care what Baekhyun did in the past. Even if he did bad things. Who even would care? We weren't even together at that time. I love him like he is now," he said confidently.

I could feel tears in my eyes, but I didn't know why they were there. I was shocked that Chanyeol knew so much, and it was making me worried, even though he said it didn't bother him. 

"Chan- I never did a bad—" I said weakly, but Woosuk tightened the hold around my neck and made me gasp.

"—Of course you did!" Woosuk said roughly. "This is not the time for your lies. Well, Park, what else do you know. Do you know why he was there?" Woosuk asked.

Chanyeol hesitated again. "Depression, hallucinations, anxiety... Some more," he said slowly. 

"," I cursed stronger, but Woosuk stopped me again. "Chanyeol, I swear—" 

"No, wait! Tell more. What else? Why did he go there?" Woosuk asked on.

Chanyeol backed a bit away. "It doesn't matter why! It won't change anything!" he said. He tightened the hold on the gun again and tensed up. 

"It's not hard to answer. Common, speak up!" 

"Drugs- He used drugs and..." he cracked and hesitated.

"And?" the other one got impatient.

"Attempted murder," he said bitterly. 

"I didn't do it! I NEVER MURDERED!" I fought. I felt my heart racing faster with every word Chanyeol said. 

"Shut up!!" Woosuk shut me quiet. "Yes, you didn't murder, but were close to it," he spoke to my ear.

I had tears in my eyes and my body was trembling. I didn't like to think of me past and the fact that Chanyeol knew all this made me feel worse. I was afraid he took it on a wrong way. But if he had, then he would have left me already.

Woosuk took a glance at Chanyeol again. "Do you know the whole story of it?" he asked. "The murdering thing? You know what exactly ahppened?" 

Chanyeol shook his head and lookd up at me. Our eyes met and I could feel pain in his. I felt warm tears slide down my cheek this time. I couldn't stand it anymore and let the tears go.

"Do you want to know it?" 

"I don't care about it! You will end up dead right now, so it's no point!" Chanyeol growled. 

"No, I won't. You can do nothing. After all I am sure you want some answers," Woosuk pointed out. "I am sure you always wanted your answers. Who wouldn't? Even if you say you don't care, you actually do care deep down, but you don't want to confess it., because you are worried you might not like the truth. You knew a lot, yet not enough to get the whole picture of it!" 

That all was making me mad. I was furious over everything. Woosuk was right and I hated it. Now I understood why Chanyeol had wanted me to speak up so much. He had parts of my story, but couldn't connect anything by himself. He had wanted to make me drunk and get the answers to answer on all that. I had got mad at him, even though he had just wanted to make sure everything was alright. He was trying his best to get the story out of me on a nice way, then tried in on different one, and I disappointed him every time. 

Chanyeol tightened the hold on his gun again and looked more furious by second. "You think you got time to tell me stories?" he asked. 

"We can make it fast," Woosuk said, smiling a bit.

"Don't waste my time," Chanyeol sighed.

"Well... Let's see," Woosuk looked at me. "He knows why you were in the mental hospital, but not the whole story. I want him to know everything!" I could feel his breath on my cheek, but he didn't really touch it. It made me shiver a bit. I was still shirtless, but it didn't look like it bothered anyone. "Baekhyun, would you start. Tell him, that what you should have on the first day you two met. Hmmm... Would you start with how we know each other?" 

I wanted to fight, but the look in Chanyeol's eyes made me answer. Obviously Chanyeol wanted to know the answer, so I decided not to fight.

"Y-You were my brother," I said weakly. 

"I AM your brother!" he said madly.

"No, your parents adopted me and then disowned me. I am an adult and can do anything by myself! You got no right to say you are my brother!" I said furiously.

"Sad then..." Woosuk pouted acting like he pitied me. "...a young boy without a family!"

"Like this tells anything about me!" I shauted and tried to get out of Woosuk's hands, but he grabbed me even tighter. 

Chanyeol was looking away for a moment, sorting things out in his mind. In some moments our eyes met again. "It doesn't change anything," he said after some moments. 

"Whatever! You two are disgusting again," Woosuk rolled with his eyes. "Let's get to the interesting part, shall we? There is a reason why he doesn't have a family anymore. Tell him why you started using drugs! Why did you attempt a murder? Who was the victim of it?" 

"I DIDN'T MURDER—!" I got mad.

"—Ssh!" He interrupted me. "Don't lie! You wanted it all. You were a teenager, trying out different kinds of things. Tell that to your boyfriend! Or are you afraid of losing him?" 

"Baekhyun?" Chanyeol asked and I could sense his worries. 

"Chanyeol, that is not true!" I said as calmly as I could. "He was the one who forced me into it! He manipulated me, used me like I had no soul! Forced me into drugs and into doing things I didn't want! He and hurt me—" I cracked. I was looking at Chanyeol all the time, but now it was too hard to do it. He obviously wasn't sure what to think about that all.

Woosuk was trying to convince him into otherwise and I was feeling like I was slowly losing him. "—Why didn't you tell him right away, if it really wasn't your fault?" Woosuk asked. "You were hiding everything from him, which you wouldn't, if it was really my fault. Tell him! You wanted it all. Alcohol, drugs, , having fun! You wanted it all and I gave it to you! Everything! And on the end you used so much drugs, got so drunk that you decided to kill me!" 

I closed my eyes and took a few breaths before speaking on to tell the truth. "Chanyeol," I spoke to him, like Woosuk wasn't here at all. Like we were the only ones in the room. Getting to know each other. "I stabbed Woosuk. I did it to protect myself. I would never do it without a good reason. I was in pain and desperate to be free again. I was tired of the life I was living. I was tired of the life Woosuk was making me live. I just wanted to leave. Never come back to my hometown again, but he came faster. I did it to defend myself, but everything turned against me in that moment. I really was forced into it. Damn, Chanyeol, trust me!" tears fell down on my cheeks. I didn't dare look up at Chanyeol and I didn't hear him say anything as well. 

"This is just funny!" Woosuk laughed. "You believe this? You are an adult. Love isn't something you should trust. It will destroy you sooner or later!" 

I clenched my teeth and looked at Chanyeol who was very unsure about everything. "Chanyeol?" I whispered to get his attention. "Please. Say something."

I was afraid that Chanyeol might have believed Woosuk, like my parents had, like the police and all the doctors had believed and trusted Woosuk. He was good with words and giving fake proves, I wasn't good at it. I wasn't even able to make a person I was dating to completely trust and believe me. 

"Baekhyun," he spoke. The look in his eyes was serious, but kind and warm at the same time. There was understanding in them and I could feel my body getting warmer. "I trust you," he said seriously, but even that made me feel warm and loved again. 

I came back to reality just as Woosuk tightened his hold around my neck, making me choke. "You really can't think with your mind straight. Think you are saying that, just because you think you can trust Baekhyun! Believe me it is nothing like that!"

"You really should learn how to shut the up," Chanyeol said. "Can't you realise that I am not letting you touch my Baekhyun anymore!" 

"Well... I am the one holding him now, not you!" 

"Why don't you let him go? You might sit in the prison a year or two less if you do it. You are choking him..." Chanyeol pointed at me. 

I really was choking a bit, because of Woosuk, but I was able to breathe. "Woosuk let me go!" I said. 

"As you say," he agreed, shaking his head a bit. "I will do it, but I am sorry... Nobody is leaving this place today!"

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I changed the cover of this fanfiction... I was just in a good mood for editing and I really didn't like that old cover after making the cover for the continuation of this story....


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Beau1996 1378 streak #1
Chapter 56: Isolation is in draft status🤔
shreechinnu #2
Kim jongdae as a doctor 😍😍 😍 😍
agsk98 #3
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
LovelyYS #4
Chapter 55: Awesome, I can't wait for new story.
TaigaB #5
Chapter 54: I actually liked this quite a lot - thank you :)
Aishafatma0909 #6
Chapter 54: That was really good story. I liked the whole plot very much however u made chanyeol's character very bad almost through out the whole of the story. I liked his character but didn't like how others treated him. But that's not that relevant I guess so nvm. Gd job waiting for the continuation
LovelyYS #7
Chapter 54: Thank you for wonderful story and happy for both of them to live together.
sneakypot_ #8
Love it! ♡
Rb2012 #9
Chapter 54: Awwwww congratulations on completing the story.
Am happy for chanbaek.
Chapter 54: Woah, I can't believe this story is ending... And OMG part two sounds amazing!! I will for sure check it out when you post it!!

I really loved reading this fanfiction, the plot is fun and the relationship between Baekhyun and Chanyeol as a major Park was just amazing from the beginning. Making them slowly fall in love with each other and then combining this with their back stories, Kaisoo and other characters great!!

Thank you so much for writing this! I will for sure read some parts again to remember things that happened in the story (there is so much lmao<3 ... Didn't expect it from the beginning)

Good luck for the future author-nim!!!